Coquille herald. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1905-1917, August 24, 1915, Image 2

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    • »
T h e C o q u ille H e r a ld
What Cures
Fire i» “Investigated"
By Insurance Company
An adjustor from the insttr-nc.-
Entered as Hecoii'i class matter May
8, 1905. at the poBt olhre at t'oquille, company ill which the Louvre res­
Oregon, underact o' CongreM of March taurant was inaurtd wuh lure b n 1
3, 1879.
week, adjusting the I-ss and, pie
W hen You Make Your Picture
W e have had so m any inquiries lately
1 regarding Eczem a and other skin dis­
ease*. that we are k ’ u *1 to muke our
] answ er public. A fte r ca re fu l luvesti a-
tion we have found that a sim ple w. h
| o f Oil o f W intei green, as com poum d
In 1). I). I). P rescrip tion, can be rel: <1
I upon.
We would not make this st.-re*
| ment to our patrons, frien d s and neigli-
i bors unless we w ere sure o f it— . id
! although there are m any so-ca lled i> -
; zema rem edies sold, we ou rselves un­
hesita tin gly recom m end I). i>
p ie .
i scription.
Drop into our store today, just to t:ilk
o ve r the m erits o f this w o n d e i/u l I\u-
, scriptiou.
P. C. LEVAR, Lessee.
sumublv, makiug an investigate n «e 1
Devoted to the material and social to the cause of the fire. He vU till
upbuilding o f the Ooquille Valley par­ the owner of the late Grand
ticularly and cf Coos County generally.
Subscription, $1.50 per year in advance early in hi* investigation, and ri w a
then very evident tb.t lie c o m .:
Phono Main 381.
ered the pievai ii g euapit-ion , 1 in
(Ben H Lampman,Gold Hill Ne*s)
Diulomacv, wheu a tea! issue is
involved, is dreadfully dishearten­
ing Witness the stilted retort of
England to our moderate request
that American vessel:, it) non con-
trabrand cargo not be witbeld from
neutral ports Twice before, in con­
troversies of somewhat similar sort,
we answered Albiou from the will­
ing guns of J. P Jones, O- H. Per­
ry, and other naval gentlemen who
pounded through the tough British
oak, clean into the histories.
Today we are neither prepared
nor inclined for this solution ol
vexing international dispute. Hav
ing from the first evidenced a right-
-eous desire to refrain from mixing
in the European strife, we have la­
ter been upheld in our judgment
by the appalling proof of war’s de­
structiveness of men and money
Should the sword be forced upon us
we would grip it with strong bands
and turn to the fight with hearti­
ness. But the popular wish is that
strife be avoided in every mauner
consistent with honor.
Granting, then, that it is not the
intention of America to offer a sacri­
fice of sons to the moloch, the solu­
tion of our difficulties must, per­
force, be a peaceable one.
Britain and her allies are the pre­
sent beneficiaries of o u r export
Would not a suggestion,
couched in terms plainer than those
of diplomatic usage, that America
must retaliate against the injustice
of vessel seizure, by a government­
al fiat forbidding all exports to the
Allies, be potent to cute the cause?
Germany i s iron girt against
American imports. Upon the trade
assistance of this nation rests the
success, if such be achieved, of the
Allies’ arm
We may well decry
the Teuton’s taunt, that we ate
“ pro-British,” but our protest will
fall flat and insincere it we do not
back it with decisive action in the
present crisis. To be neutral, a
nation must be impartial in deed as
in thought. There’s a bromide—
but it is one that wears well.
If such a course were taken, the
outraged manufacturers of our neut­
ral nation—the chaps who ate coin­
ing gross personal fortunes Irom ’ he
shipments of murderous hardware—
would cut loose a stentorian wail.
But, comrade, most of us would
prefer the bellowings of a pink and
pampered plute or so, to the gentler
grief ot women whose men pulled
on the khaki to fight their country’s
foe— in the name of Capital.
W rite it on the Film
ceudiarism as the product ot v. r>
vivid an I uiiedirectetl iuiagmu i-o.s,
and bin line of qiivationa nod re­
C . J. F U H R T V t K N , D O S T
Date and Title Your Negatives with the
marks indicate I .v- rv clear y that he
had taken the position of ‘ attorney
Try h Htral I went a«i for ut > •
tiling you want to !>uv <»r sell
for the ilefe: ae ’, and it was evi e l |
that his teport would l e fav ruble
Autographic Back
Let Us Show You How
to tbe insure I.
Notice of Hearing of Final Account
Mrn. Bledsoe, owner of the build­
Notice is hereby given that the final
ing and the heaviest log* r, has not
account o f John L). Goss, as idminis-
changed htr vn ws, that tbe fne win
trator o f the estate o f James Tracy,
deceased, has been fit« d in the County
of incendiary origin, and sho offers
Court o f Coos County, State o f Oregon,
$500 for evidence that will tin the
and that the 27th day o f September,
1915, at the hour o f 10 o ’clock a. m.,
responsibility for the destruction of
has been duly appointed by such Court
her properly
for the hearing o f objections to such
final account and the settlement there »f,
In such case* there is always a
at which time any person interested in
chance that a great injustice may
such estate may appear and file objec­
tions thereto in writing and contest the
be done by wild suspicions, but in
this instance there is certainly some
Administrator o f the estate o f James
excuse for tbe public sentiment. It
VIOLET MERSEREAU, appearing at the SCENIC tonight in pictures
is clear that the fire did not start
Notice of Final Settlement
around the restaurant range, but
IIA V 1 N G bought the plant of the Co-
Currants and Goose Berries
farther back in the building, where
Notice is heretiy given that the t n-
* quille Mill and Mercantile Com­
there was no occasion for a fire to
dersigned has filed in the Comity Co i t
the undersigned is now prepared
in and for Coos County, Oregon, lis
be, spreading to the kitcheu after it
O f Interest to Those W h o siuin sulphide iu the later sprayings. final account in the matter o f the estate
all orders for any kind of
had quite a start aud after tbe first
o f Mary L. Peterson, deceased, snd tl at
Patronize the Movies
The most common currant lun- the County Court has set Monday, the
spectators had reached the scene.
gus disease found it) Oregon is an- 20th day o f September, 1915, as the
Tbe matter may always remain a
and the County Court room at the
Coquille picture fans have some thracuose, which is widely distrib­ day
courthouse in Coquille, Oregon, as t ie
On the other hand, it
good things coming to them in the uted. It may grow upon practical­ place for hearing objections to said final
may not.
and the settlement o f said
Especial attention will be paid to the
near future, and tbe manager of tbe ly all parts of the plant above account
* «• » -
local demand, and every effort w.ill be
Stockton and Shasta
It causes small brovvu
Executor o f the estate of
treats that are in preparation for spots, more or less thickly scattered,
to supply anything needed at the
Mary L. Peterson, deceased.
The Stockton Division, tbe Shasta them.
shortest possible notice.
Your orders
on the leaves, which turn ¿ellow
Last week a contract was closed and fall as the disease becomes ad­
Division aud the Sacrement» Shops
Sheriff’ s Sale of Real Property on Foreclosure
are winners of tbe 1015 Bafety ban­ for the Win. Fox feature pictures, vanced.
Conspicuous black spots
Notice is hereby Riven, That by vir­
ners awarded annually by the which form a service than which slightly shrunken, are formed on
tue of an execution »Inly issued out. o!
Soutberu Pacific Company for the there is none better available. We j the stalks and leaf and fruit stems. the Circuit Court of the State o f Dreg» n,
greatest progress shown during the will not claim that they are better; Tiiese spots are from one-fourth to for the Countv of Coos anil to me direct­
ed on the 3rd day of July, 1915 upon a
fiscal year in tne furtherance of pictures thau the Paramount, but one-half inch ou the cane, but on judgement and decree duly render* d.
safety work on the Pacific System. we fully believe that they willpiove the fruit they resemble fly specks entered of record and docketed in ami
by said Court on the 23th day of June
Thus, tbe Stockton Division wins the more popular. Wm Fox has had Plants iu shade are not seriously 1915 in a certain suit then in said Court
wherein Adam Pershbaker
honors of the Southern District, the his ear to the ground for years, and attacked
The lungus exists in was plaintiff
and J. S. Lyons, Fannie
Shasta ranks highest on the North- he is undoubtedly more familar two stages, one on the canes,leaves, K. Lyons, C. Me. C. Johnson and Lei
cm, and tbe Sacramento Shops top with tbe public taste than auy other aud petioles, and the other on dead Johnson his wife, the Lyons-Johnson
Lumber Co. a corporation, Alfred Jol 1 -
tbe list in the general shops compe­ producer. The subjects are there­ leave« that drop in the fall.
U l= = ]B U
Con­ son Lumber Co., a corporal ion,*
fore selected with a more intimate trol is helped by plowing under the River Mf’g Co., a corporation and Rob­
ert Dollar Trustee were defendants in
This makes the second banner knowledge of what tbe people want, dead leaves early inspring before favor of plaintiff and against said de­
won by both tbe Stockton and and we believe that the Coquille the new leaves start, or by raking fendants by which execution 1 am com­
manded to sell the property in said exe­
Shasta divisions and tbe third by public will find this to be true when a n d burning t h e m
Sptaying cution and herein afttr described to pay
tbe sscremento General Shops. In they have seen a few of the pictures. should follow along toward spring the sum due the plaintiff of Eight Thou­
sand Six Hundred Eighty nine a id
1913 the Coast Division won the Some of the greatest names in the with a 5-5 50 Bordeaux mixture, 72-100 Dollars, with interest thereon at
Central District banner, and the picture world are found among the again when the leaves unfold, aud the rate of eight per cent, per annum LJ
from the 28th «lav of June 1915 m ril
Snu Joaquin the Southern District casts of the plays. Theda Bara, the at ten-day intervals until the fruit paid together with the costs and d s-
banner. Iu 1914 tbe Salt Lake F'rench actress who has made such is two-thirds grown, avoiding the bursements of said suit taxed at $34.00,
and an attorney fee of $500 00 and cost«
Division won the Northern District a name in "Vampire” parts, is blossoming period.
and expenses of saiil execution.I will n
Wednesday the 1st «lay of September 1915
among them; also Nance O ’ Niel,
at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M. of said
well known to the American public, (Bv A. L- Lovett. Insect Specialist day at the front door of the Comity rn
House in Coos County, Oregon,
Betty Nansen, the Swedish rival of
There are two insect pests of cur­ Court
sell at public auction to the highest bal­
Bernhardt, and others The sub­ rants and gooseberries which may der for cash in hand on the «lay ol sa>,
(From the Port Orford Tribune)
the right, title, interest and estate
At a special election held at the jects include some of the greatest do considerable injury where al­ all
which said defendants J. S. Lyons, Fan­
school house yesterday the propo- plays and stories ever writ'eu, and lowed to go unchecked One attacks nie E. Lyons, C. Me. C. Johnson, and
Del Johnson his wife, the Lyons John­
sition of levying a half mill tax to filmed in from four to six reels each ; the loliage and is known as the son
Lumber Co., a corporation, Alfred
install a heating plaut in the schuol
green currant worm
The .other Johnson Lumber Co., a corporation, Co­
bouse wss voted down 14 to 5, day, Sept. 2nd, and these features) attacks the fruit and is known as quille River Mf’g Co. a corporation ami
Robert Dollar Trustee ami all persons
while the putting of a gravity water will be shown every Thursday. In i the currant fruit fly or gooseberry claiming under them subsequent to tlie
Plaintiff’s Mortgage Lien in, of a«d to
W here the Price Before Lias Been $3 .5 0
system to the school carried 14 to 3. order to secure these pictures tor maggot.
said real and personal property. sai«l
our patrons it has been necessary to
Circuit Court, which convenes at
Remember this Iron is guaranteed for 10 years;
pa> a price that makes it necessary name implies is a soft velvety green in before mentioned are described in
Gold Beach next week, with Judge
said Execution as follows, to-wit: Lot I
and will save you no end ot bother every week.
to charge io and 20 cents admission, worm less than an inch long Often of sect on 17, and all title lands fronting
Colvig of Grants Pass presiding,
but they are of the class that brings the currant and gooseberry bushes and abutting the same, and also begin­
promises to be one of the longest
ning on the section line between sec­
the big prices in the cities and that are almost entirely stripped of foli­ tions 17 ami 18 at a point 277.5 feet
sessions that has been held in Cut-
To Road Supervisors
until recently were farmed out lobe age just as the fruit is nearly ma­ north of the southwest corner of lot 5 of
ry county for several years.
section 17; running thence north 74
shown in tbe smaller places at not ture. The adult of this worm is a west to the low water line of the left
To The Road Supervisors,
The lighthouse teuder Manzatiita
---^i m i - ^ - i r = n ei i.. =
= 1(2 /
less than 25 cents. It is only by wasp-like insect known as the sow- bank of the Coquille river, thence up­
.called at Port Orford last week and
stream along low water line to the lir e
signing up for a weekly service that fly. The female are present in the between sections 17 and 18. thence south
The County Court is in receipt of while in these parts she changed the
they can be secured at a price mak- j field at blossoming time aud deposit on said line to piace of beginning, also
communications from different sec­ buoy at Orford Reef. The old buoy
the west 308.5 feet of lot 6 in section 17
ing it possible to show them for i eggs in the surface of the leaf near and all tide lands fronting and abutting
tions of the Couuty, complaining of showed a white light for five seconds
less. We ask the Coquille public the margin. These eggs hatch in tlie same 368.5 feet, all in township 2«s,
the apparently dangerous condition and then is dark for the same period
south of range 14, west of the Willam­
to take this into consideration and | about ten days and the young ette meridian, in Coos County, Oregon,
of the County Bridges. Investiga­ while the one which replaces it will
and being the same premises which
to believe that the management ofj worms feed greedily.
They are Crosman
tion so far has shown that the Sup­ Hash white every three seconds, or
Timmons and wife conveyed
the Scenic will play fair in the mat-1 mature and their injury,becomes to sai«l J. S. Lyons and said C. Me. < .
ervisors are giving proper attention twenty flushes a minute, aud iB also
ami being the premises on
ter of prices of admission
A very really serious when the fruit is
The W orld ’s Greatest Artist
to their bridges, but many ot the equipped with a submarine bell.
which is situate«! what is known as tli •
good show can now be put on at about mature. There is a second mill of Lyons-Johnson Lumber Com­
smaller structures are old and in
T he Soul-Shaking Tragedienne
E. J, I.oney, the Port Orford ten cents, as has been demonstrated
pany, near Prosper, Coos County, Ore­
generation ot worms some three gon.
need of constant attention, and must banker, made a trip to Powers, the
Also the boom and boom privi­
here, but for the great pictures it is weeks later
leges belonging to the first parties « r
be watched and repaired promptly new Coos county town, recently
Spray just alter fruit has set with either of them uae«l in connection wit.i
¡necessary to "put up” till further
to meet all ordinary demands of looking over the situation there
( The Royal A ctress
lead arsenate one ounce to three said saw mill.
Also all the machinery consisting of,
Heavy machinery should with a view of establishing a bank.
gallons of water If-spraying is de­ three
Some excellent pictures have
layed until fruit is nearly mature 18, one Clark Mill 9 foot, 60 inch edger,
not be put over the ordinary Coun­ He has been given much ncourage-
j been shown io the Universal ser- j spray with white helleboie powder carriages, head blocks, live rolls, cant­
ty Bridge without first reinforcing ment to engage in the busines sat
j vice during the past two weeks, and j one ounce to three gallons of water ing gear, shafting, boxes, collars,
Presented by William Fox in Count Leo Tolstoi's
the structure. At this season of that place, and it is quite possible
steam feed, pulleys, couplings, belting,
i the Scenic manager is mti'-li pleased The earlier spray is recommended. saws, frames, buildings, all tools and
the year when all material is tbor that he will start a bank there this | with the pictures he is receiving The latter spray is colorless and
logging tools and implements, also any
ougbly dried out, and the older fall. However, should Mr. Loney ' The three-reel picture, “ The Faith practically n o n - poisonous, therefore and all other machinery, fittings,, con­
bridges become rickety, the impact go to Powers, be will continue in of Her Fathers,” in which Cleo preferable on nearly mature fruit
personal property used in or in connec­
The currant fruit fly is found as tion
and vibration of auto travel at high the tie business here and contem­ Madison was featured was deeid-
with said mill. Also any and all
other machinery tools, implements and
speed rapidly shakes timber struc­ plates making this place his head ; edly high-class aud deserves the
j highest praise. The two comedies, prematurely and drop to the ground, j personal property which shall be here­
tures to pieces, unless planked quarters.
‘ The Baby,” and “ The House of a The adult of this maggot is a small i after purchased for use in connection
with said saw mill, be sold by the Sheri(1*
lengthwise, and braced sidewise.
Thousand Relations.” i n which yellow two-winged fly This fly is o f Coos County, subject to the lease o f
Drama that stirred a controversial Cyclone on two continents
The purpose of this letter is to warn
the Bandon Power Company, upon that
(From the Gobi Reach Globe)
had the leading parts were great, is one-third grown. The female flies portion o f said premises described as
all Supervisors to keep close watch
The resignation of John Adams,
follows, to wit:-
of every bridge in their respective Deputy State Game Warden of Cur­ and the former was decidedly the deposit eggs underneath the skin 1 t
“ Beginning at a point 394 feet north
best two-reel comedy shown here in the forming fruit. The young mag-1 and 72" east fr«Ym tne Meander corner,
districts, in order to forestall acci­ ry county, Las been accepted by the a long time
When you see posteis gots on hatching tunnel to tile in on the left bank of the Coquille River
dent, and give the traveling public state Fish and Game department.
out for more of these productions tetior of the fruit where they feed between sections 17 and 18. Townshin
and grow. When mature they leave 28 south. Range 14 west o f the Willam­
a feeling of security while traveling
■ be sure to see them.
W i t h n e w t u t iM in e - * , b e t t e r e q u i p m e n t , e n - 1
ette Meridian in Oregon and running
Attorney Herbert S. Murphy ot
l a r g e d g r o u n d s . n n ,| ,n n n , A d d i t i o n * to it*
Next Monday the Scenic will the fruit and tunnel into the soil to thence north 85' 15 east 250 fee*
over the County Roads
Bear in i
f a c u l t y , t h e U n i v e r s i t y o f O r e g o n w i l l b e g i n it*
Marshfield is still in tbe city and start the great American company a depth of about two inches where thence south 4° 45' east 348.5 f e e t :
f o r t i e t h y ear. T u e s d a y . S e p t e m b e r 14. 1 9 1 5 .
mind that after this notice, a Super- j
S p e i ' l a l t r a i n i n g in t ' o i n m e r e e , J o u r n a l i s m .
will remain until after the August serial “ The Diamond From the they form a -null brown capsule-like thence south 85° 15' west 250 f e e t ;
A r c h i t e c t u r e , Law . M e d ic in e . T e a c h i n g , L ib r a - 1
visor is held responsible by the
ry W o r k . M u s i c , P h y s i c a l T r a i n i n g a n d F i n e
thence north 4' 45' west 348.5 feet; to
term of court, a guest of Attorney
Art*. L a r g e a n d s tr o n g d e p a r t m e n t * o f L ih e r - 1
the place o f beginning containing two
authorities in case of accident in­
a I E d ucation.
and running two reels to the in­ the following spring when they (2) acres more or less in the County o f
L ib r a r y o f m o r e than 5 5 . 0 0 0 v o lu m e * , tltir-
volving loss of life or injury to per-
stallment, except the first, which emerge again as flies.
teen buildinic* fu lly e q u ip p e d , t w o *plen did
Coos State o f Oregon
icy m n a s i urn*.
Stir the soil about the plants in
Said Sale being made subject to re­
son or property. I therefore urge
will have three reels, Be sure to
T u ition Free.
D orm itories fo r m en and for
w om en . E xpenses Lowest.
upon you close attention to these
see the opening of the story and late summer or fall and again in the demption in the manner provided by
4 1|»4'• « .fwiaty
«4 m u u ia rf S i t t a r t
W r ite f o r fr e e catalog*,addi-essinir R e g is tr a r
you will want to follow its weekly
Dated this 2nd day of August. 1915.
Hum M bays sa4 girls f * t* ' ■ t
Very truly yours,
U S » •.*>.«»•*• of hi,1 »»•■*. .r.
A Paramount Trav­ under to a considerable depth or
A l f r e d J o h n s o n J r .,
••r isMlo* apaekH. " t * t V<‘ roO -i.
F l fiK N E . O R E G O N
Sheriff o f i oos County, Oregon.
P . M H A L L - LEWIS,
g «ke s . i s , r <*
B jaaw el Picture will be showu on the exposing them to predacious birds
they are held in check.
County Roadmaster. M i n i s « A C C W A T C H C O M r M V , C H IC A G O , I L L I N O IS same evening.
7 6-9t
Announcem ent
( . U M B E R
Hot Points
Cut Down
for $3.00
C all On Us fo r T h em
Scenic Theatre
Thursday, September 2
w atch
bi o
acid chaim