T he C oquille H erald VOL. 33, NO. 46 CITY DIRECTORY Fraterm i and Benevolent Order F. & A. M .— R e g u la r m e e tin g ol • (.’ini'I wick Lodur No. ft8 A. F. A A. M.. a t Masonic H all, every S a 'o n l a y n i g h t in each m o n t h on or helnre th<- full moon. L. A. L iu ju iv is t , W. M. K. H . M ast , S e c r - t a r y . A COQUILLE, COOS COUNTY, OREGON, TUESDAY, AUGSUT 3. 1915. FROM TSL NATIONAL CAPITAL Events of Interest Reported For The Herald (Bv J E Jones ) losing his individuality, as a cco rd­ ing to the Census only three-tenibs of oue per cent of the entile popula­ tion ol ihe country is composed of Indians. A n o l d rhyme runs; ‘ ‘ When Columbus discovered A m e r­ ica, and met the savage tribes; they were dressed in paint and feathets, and little else besides." But now tbete is a tendency for the habits of Indians, if not the races themselves, to disappear altogether, and in ten years there has been an increase in population of only seven per cent T h e ^Director of t lie Census says there is a decreasing vitality of lull blooded Indians, and increasing admixture of white blood, decreas­ ing illiteracy, and a big falling off of the ''reservation Indians,” and an increase in the number o f self- supporting Indians. There are 75,- 000 Indians in Oklahom a, or 28 per cent of the whole population. T h e count shows that in 1910 the number of Indians still living, e x ­ cluding A las k a and Itisular posses­ sions numbered 265 683. COOS COUNTY EXHIBIT FINE PER YEAR $1.50 “ ? T ' h V “.’ * * , ' S T A T E INDUSTRIAL REVIEW reserved lor the agricultural and horticultural pioducts aud the fruit 7 Attracting Much Attention at and vegetanles there are very tempt- Compiled by .- t a l e Bureau of the Exposition ing. Butter and cheese are not lest so, and the assortment of fish, sea crabs, clams, rock oysters and mus­ sels makes many mouths water. Curry county has a display ot pota­ toes that produce at the rate of 500 bushels per acre. And there are grains and grasses that show how it is that this region is strong on dairy and other stock. FREE PORTS Industries and Statistics Oregon Building, Panama Pacific Salem has built Dee swimming Exposition.—-When the Coos aud pool. Curry coun ty people cume to tbe K. S.—Kugu iar m eetin g of Beulah T h e United States lias beeu try­ Movement on at Cattby t o s t a i t • C h a p t e r No. 8 , aeoond am i fourth Oregon building, as many of them ing fot a q u a r e r of a century to in- cheese factory. F rid a y e v e n in g s of each m o n t h , in M a­ are coming these days, they find no sonic H all. tloduce American ships mlo our Oregon produced $143.556 worth j E mm * Lu-uanviaT, W. M. reason to he other thau proud of foreign commerce When former of coal in 1915. A nn a L awukncb S e c ., the showing that has been made for QONQRE&8 SHOULD GIVE THEM Senator Hanna of Otiio. proposed a Hood River will have a free mu- O. O. F .—Coquille Lodge No. 53, l. O. PREFERENCE IN APPRO­ their section. A s a matter of fact . O. F „ m e e t s ev ery S a t u n l a y night ship subsidy, the country respond­ nicipa' swimming pool. PRIATIONS. they find two excellent and thor­ n O d d F ello w s H all. ed with a c i v of alarm lest Wall In addition to all this lower floor H . B. M oork , N. G . Construction of jetties on the Si- oughly attractive booths in the cen­ Street or some one connected with J . 8. l.AWKKNCR, Sec. display, the southern coast region uslaw will begin this season. ter of the building devoted wholly it,might steal a few pints ol the salty By Peter Radford. can boast of having furnished ali a m i e r k b e k a H l o d g e . No. ao E u v e n e — Contract let lor Coast to the products of their region, an­ 1. O. O. F., m eets every second an d oceau. Perhaps it was a recollec­ the magnificent ferns with which This nation la now entering upon f o u r t h W ed n es d ay n ig h ts i n O d d bellows Fork Bridge across Willamette other glass enclosed bootli at tbe tion of tbe-e events that caused an era of marine development. Tba K ail. E l b a A sukrson . N. G, the entire building is so beautifully very entrance in which -he incom­ E ug en e Woolen Mill resumes op- wreckage of European commerce has A nnie L awrence , Sec. President Wilson to suggest g o v ­ decorated, and on the mezzenine . drifted to our ahores and the world parable myrtle wood is exploited a . . . . . , .. 1 , ■ , eration after shutdown for repairs T w o bun- S ' l O Q O I U . R F S U A M l ’MKNT, No. 25 ernment owned ships floor is an exhibit of wild birds and v war la making unprecedented de­ acd throughout the building are w 1. O. O. F., m eets I he i i r s t a n d th ird ] clred and eightv-tw o boards of trade game animals that makes the a ve r-i A ccording to reports trains will mands for the products of farm and T hurs day n i g h t s in Odd Fellows tfall. tables, chairs, desks, etc , made of In transportation facilities | and commercial organizations ol J . S. B art on , 0 . *. age sportsman take on a tremendous r" " n' Qf 5 *° Coos Bay by January factory. on land we lead the world but our port wonderfully grained and beautifully J . S . L awrence , See. the country have been polled, and longing to visit this wonderful sec­ next. facilities are Inadequate, aud our flag polished woods from these coast nights of pyth ia *.—Lycurgus eighty per cent of the votes cast are Wisconsin Sy ndicate pays $750,- la seldom seen in foreign ports. If tion. Many of them are heard to Lodge No. V2. m eets T uesday n ig h ts opposed to government o w n e d conuties. I f they will but stand say that they expect to spend their 000 for timber land in Lincoln our government would only divert the i n \V. O. W. Hall. energy we have displayed In conquer­ around a little bit with their eats ships. In one of the ballots 554 U. R. W atson . K K. S. next vacation there. It is said bv county. ing the railroads to mastering the O. A. M intonye . C. C. open they will hear more pleasing votes favored Government ship sub­ experts that this is one of the very O. A. C. sends loganberry juice commerce of the sea, a foreign bop expressions about these woods and i j Y T H I A N .SISTER S—J u s t u s T em p le sidy, while 189 were against. In best exhibits of its kind 011 the to the fair to give to visitors at O r­ tom would be unknown on tbe ocean's ANOTHER REPUBLICAN ORGANI­ 1 No. 35, m e e t s first a n d T h ir d M on­ other products to be found in the highways. another instance 713 voles were d ay n i g h t s in W. 0 . W. H al'. ZATION egon Building ThlB article will be confined to a Coos and Curry booths than they grounds. Mss. G b IKeiug improved notlli of Salem o f f i c i a l Republican organizations upon commerce. No movement Is so insure something being d o n e by big uraina *e cli'cb. heavily laden with results or will ' V K N I N G T I D E C I R C L E No. 214, which he believes spell only "stand- Meanwhile there ts no probability j m eets second an d f o u rth Mond ay pati-m,” and he has organized a Los Angeles purchases Eugene more widely and equally distribute n ig h ts in W. O. W. Hall. ol tbe United States attaining glory, Its benefits as that of a free port A nnie B urkholdek , G .N . Progressive Republican bureau. Brick Co. and will make high grade and none can be more easily and ef­ supremacy, or even substantial rep­ M ary A. P i e r c e , Clerk. T h is makes four Republican org ani­ fectively secured. building and fire brick resentation as a maratime power, A R M E R S U N I O N . — R eg u la r m e e t ­ zations in Washington T h e news In addition to regular traffic the ings second anil fourth S a tu r d a y s in since there are no " j a e k i e s ” in paper correspondents lake kindly S . P. C o . sent 30 extra trains ol inch m o n t h in W’. O. W. Hall. American finance; and the G o v e r n ­ F ran k B ubkiioluer , Pres. to anything Mr. Hart does, and Sbrm ers over the line in 27 hours. ment up to date has tailed to make O. A. M in t o n y e . Sec. therefore he will he able to cut (Jon tract has been let for erection any progress »RAT F, RN AI. A1D No. 398, m eets t h e quite a swath. H ow ever the judi­ and 40 carloads ot machine:/ for second a n d fo u rth T h u r s d a y s ea ch CARRYING T H E GOVERNMENT TO cations ate that Republican organi­ m o n th a t W. O. W . Hall. Ihe new K endall Bros, sawmill at M r s . C h a s . K vi . a n d , P r e s . T H E COUNTRY zations are considerably over organ­ By Peter Radford. Roseburg. M rs . L ora H ah ki nut on , S e c . T h e Federal T ra d e Commission ized; but the promoters of the varied There Is no escaping the market Henry Struckmeier, 33 years a problem and tbe highest development Educational Organisations and Clubs has started on a trip that will end branches successfully " k i d ” them­ resident in the Willamette V alley, j of agriculture will not be attained selves into the belief that they are at San Francisco, and en:oute will O M A N 'S s t u d y Club. —M eets 2:30 until It la solved, for a market says crops here this year are best he Is as necessary for the producer p. m. ni city libra ry every second hold hearings in the principal cities, doing a wonderful work in " s a v in g and f o u rth Mond ay. has ever seen. as land on which to grow bis crop. for the purpose of determining how the co un try .” H a r r ie t A. L on gs to n , P re s. Governmental and educational Insti­ F ran ces F.. E t r x n s o s , Sec. it can best serve the business inter­ A bow-facing oarlock has been tutions have spent $180,000,000 In the FICKLE FAME P h o to b y A m e ric a n P re s s A s s o c ia tio n Chairman D a ­ P O Q U I I, L E a 1) U C A T 1 0 H A L ests of the country. invented by F T. Livingstone of I United States during the past ten Leslie M. Sh aw of Iow a, was O L E A G U E — Meete m o n t h l y a t t h e t'e baha river bridge, China, destro yed by the Germ ans, In course of repairs vies declares that "business men of Salem which be says will revolu­ years for Improving soli production High sc h o o l Building d u r i n g t h e school once a famous Secretary of the and Improving seeds and plants, but tionize t o w i n g . year for t h e pu rp o se ol d i sc u ssin g e d u ­ today do not intentionally disobey very little attention and less money Treasury, but w h e n h e visitid cation al topics. the l a w , " and the avowed purpose has been given to tbe marketing side the people in the building at any 1 visited by as many as can be cared B i r d i e S k e e l s , 1‘ies. Kendall Bros, announce actual of agriculture. Washington a few days ago, he ol the tour is to arrive at a better E dna H arlocker , Sec. time T h e crowds first become en- j for to advantage. In J A . Ward, construction nn their $800,000 rail was so forcibly impressed by the The problem Is a monumental one understanding everywhere as to the thused over the woods of which the Coos and Cu rry have one the very i / O K E E L K L U B —A business rn en ’s road out of Roseburg will start on and ono which will never be solved way he was not observed, that he information booth in the center ol best representatives in the buildiug. i \ social o rg anization. Hall in i . a i r d ’s , best and most feasible methods that until It gets within tbe grasp ot a or before A u g . 15. related an experience of former Sen­ b u ild in g , Second street. gigantlo organization where master should be adopted in carrying on the building is constructed - myrtle A graduate of Ch icago University, L J . C ar y , Pres. ator Ingalls as illustrating bis own Hood River Manufacturing Co. minds can concentrate the combined the commerce of the nation Busi­ wood panels outside and black wal- later the head of a department at W . C . E ndicott , Se c. experience and wisdom of tbe age fall from favoritism at tbe hands of of Hood River has organized to upon It. It Is a problem which the nut panels inside, with Doug'.as fir Leander Clark college, Iowa, then O M M E R C I A L C L U B — L eo J . C ary ness and the Government have been fickle Miss Fame. Mr S h a w said P r e s i d e n t ; L. H . HAZARU.Secretary getting lo gtiher on a pretty good trimmings and Port Orford cedar* manager of a Baker mine, and now m inufaciure the Friday Electric farmers, merchants, bankers, editors a man slapped Ingalls on the back, and statesmen must unite In solving. understanding in recent years, since doors And then they make a dash President of the Millicoroa Develop- Cooker, the Hood River Orchard The Farmers’ Union stands for all Transportation Facilities and he turned to recognize a former Cultivator, and tlie Featherw eight the trusts wete convinced that they lor the Royal Arch set loaned by ment Co. he has Ihe education and there Is In farming from the moat colleague in the Senate " I ’m surely ' K A I N 8 —I-eave, Bouth b o und 8:10 a. sdentino methods of seed selection to were not the whole works; and the A t a g o Chapter No. 22. which is practical experience that makes Spray nozzle. . III. an d 2:40 p. in. N o rth b o u n d glad to see y o u ,’ ’ said the Kansan, tbe most systematic and profitable trip of the Commission is nothing placed near the central booth in the him an unusually effective man for 2 ft a. m . a n d 4;2ft p. ni. plane of marketing, but does not be­ “ for I ’ve been in W ashington for Another Gold Medal lieve In promoting one to the neglect j O A T S — Six boats p ly in g on t h e Co­ more than a method lor carrying two days aud not another soul has most prominent part of Ihe build- the position. Coes and Curry are qu ille riv er afford a m p l e acco m m o ­ ihe Government straight to the peo­ of the other. We consider the work ing T his looks so much like o n y x getting their full share of publicity spoken to me.” Shaw went over d a t i o n lo r car r y in g freigtit a n d paseen O regon’s exhibits continue to win of farm demonstrators valuable and ple ol the country. that many really refuse to believe and then some, g ers to Bandon an d way points. Boats to the T reasury, introduced himself prizes at the Panama Pacific E x p o ­ we ask that governmental and com­ eav e a t 7 :30, 8:30, 9:20 an d 9:10 a. m. j that it is wood; they want to thump — — mercial agencies seeking to help us, T H E WAR BUGS to one ot the assistants and the a n d a t 1 :00, 3 :30 a n d 4 :43 p. t r . sition. T h i s time it is the much continue to give us their assistance A N e w Jersey Congressman be- I ter showed him his own portrait; ' it to find out. These beauties arouse Panama Canal’s First Year coveted gold medal for the best and advice, but we believe that their TAGE—J . I.. Laird , p ro p rieto r. De­ p a r t s 5 : 3 0 p. m . for Roeehurg via came demented on the subject of j and standing before it the former a desire for information and when collective exhib it of mineral resour­ Influence should be extended to the M y rtle P o i n t , c a r r y i n g t h e U n ited Slates war; an I o n a enthusiast who spent an ever-present attendant directs marketing side of our farm problems Cabinet officer was reminded that T he Panama Canal started opera­ ces, six silver medals tor individual also. mail a n d pas en ger s. his own money in a newspaper Unlce Sam had actually given him the inquirers to Mr. W ard he has tion under the handicap inseparable exhibits and lour bronze medals. We cannot hope to develop manu­ i S T O F F I C E . — A. F . Lin cgar, p o st­ opportunity to interest them in the m a s te r. T h e m ails close as follows: peace pmpoganda opetated from a little place in a permanent niche. from new undertakings, but its Con«tdering the fact that Oregon facturing by over-production of the many attractions of bis extensive factory; we cannot build up mercan­ Myrtle P o i n t 7:40 a . m . 5:20, 2:35 p . m . Washington, was "suppressed” by- » , , , ... , . earnings in the first year, from July provided a fund of but $10,000 for tile enterprises by the merchants load­ SURVEYING T H E PUBLIC DOMAIN Marshl ield 9:00 a. in. a n d 4:15 p. in. A fire place built of coal * exhibit being moved to an asylum. T b e t e Ba n d o n , way poi nts, 8 :46 a m. Norw ay i, 1914 10 July 1, 1915, exceeded this work that as a matter o f neces ing their shelves with surplus goods There are 150 surveying parlies from Coos county, the inside lining a n d A ragol2:55 p .m . E a s t e r n mail 5:20 are other cases, etc., ad iufintum — and no more can we develop agricul­ sity the exhibit was installed so about $224,000, the by p. m. E a s t e r n mail a r riv e s 7:30 a. m . brick holds e x Pensls . . . . , , lurB Dy , the ne market with a and you may even have noticed Ihe establishing lines for Uncle Sam in o f which . . is . Coos , county . , e a r n i n g h a v i n g b e e n $ 4 , 424,306 a n d l a t e t h a t t h e o r i g i n a l j u r y ol a w a r d s ture by glutting * them awhile, and they never tire of * , . . I ^ . surplus of products. different parts of the United States. development of new eccentricities C ity and Countv O fficers the cost of operation and mainteo- had finished ils work, aud that no among some o f your own neighbors Secretary Lane has taken great discussing the beauties of tbe .sam­ ance $4,200.000 T his balance fails j winnings wete anticipated, this cap- M a y o r ................................. A. T. Morrison .. J . S. L aw re n ce • Meanwhile Ihe carnage proceeds, pride iu opening new portions of ples of Port Orlord cedar, the red lar short of paying interest on the ture of the grand prize comes al- DARIUS ........ It. II. M a rt whilst the Washington Administra­ the country to settlement, and all cedar, spruce, and hemlock, each cost,which at 3 per cent on $ 4 oo, J most in the nature of a miracle. t*. M. Hall-I¿pwifl I recotds were broken last year in the -howtt in six different finishes ,A. I*. Miller ! tion adds u s mite by shooting pa The neigh ot a horse made Darius 000,000 would be $12,000,000, but However when the exhibit had N ig h t M a rs h a l............... . Oscar W i c a h a m m aking ol surveys of public lands. There is wood pulp on display, ce­ traffic will doubtless increase this been set up in a nything bnt its per- King of Persia, the six contending W a t e r Su p erin te n d en t.. ... 8 , V’. E pperu on i per bullets at the Kaiser, and re­ powers for the throne agreeing among W. G. C h a se ! fuses to become excited over (he T h e total ol accepted and approved dar chests, gold heating quartz and F ire Ghie*...................... and when tbe war ends the fection o f today, the Exposition themselves that the one whose horse surveys aggregated 14.339.349 «c* black sand, samples of copper ore year^ criiici-ms of the nation's unprepar­ estimate of $10,500,000 a year made people were asked if they could not should neigh first should possess the C. 1. K im e, Ned ( '. K e lle y , W. H. Ly­ o n s, O. C. Sanford. R eg u la r m eetings edness to stage a performance like res, which was nearly double the that are very superior, and borax by Prof. Emery R Johnson lor the do something. This ancient method ot It being urged that kingdom firs t a n d th ird Mondays each m o n t h . settling disputes among politicians amount surveyed during the pre trom undeveloped properties certain that now going on in Europe. first year may be reached or e x - the awards had not been announced could be revived with profit today. ceeding year T b e apuroval ot to make someone rich one of these J u s t i c e of t h e P e a c e .......... .1. J . S ian ley WHEN IS A WEED? ceeded the officials agreed that they would If our partisan factions and petty pol­ C o n s t a b l e .............................Ned C. Kelley A manzanita stick is a the surveys opens the lands to set­ days ---------- ---------- send a sub Committee over to the itician« could only settle their dis­ One authority of the A gricultural .......J a m e s W ’alson C ounty Judge tlement and there has beeu a great choice bit that catches the attention putes by the neigh of a horse, the A Gem mining building ami size up the C o m m i s s i o n e r s —W, T, IJvm eh t, Geo. J. Department has made tbe “ original bark of a dog or the bray of a donkey, demand for this land, particularly and the splendid photographs ol A r m e ir mg situation T h is committee found it would be a great blessing and would discovery” that "a weed has been Rob*. Wat«on Clerk in the R o c k y Mountain and Pacific Coos and Curry scenes, the legging, such a complete and altogether sat­ give our citizens a better opportunity A.fn d J o h n - o n . J r . defined as a plant out of place.” Sheriff T h e following gem of poesy is ay. mountain, larm and city views Coast regions. T r e a s u r e r .................. ....... T. M. I h m m l i k isfactory collective exhibit that in to pursue the vocations of Industry T h e definition has not been co n ­ free from political atrlfe. T. J. T h rif t Acaes ,or ................ ....... add greatly to the beauty of these dug out of " T h e T ra n sit,” a publi- all fairness they could not ignore it, R a y m o n d E. Ba ker vincing, and a 1 Her bulletin from School Supt. Let thoee who pick political plums booths and the interest of visitors, cation put out bv the students iu The Fisherman i I . Mi Culloek the Department says that " i n reali j S urvivor and in the final test Oregon won by raising rows and who flash swords F. E. Wilson C o ro n er --------- j Men cannot live by wood alone, 'h e engineering depa.tment of the tbe big prize. That more individ­ dripping In the blood of industry un­ Dr. W a l t e r Colin ty a weed is a wild plant that lias H e a l t h Olii er derstand that they cannot turn the Cautious, at morn, he lies about j tl0r will money from copper and University ot K entuck y: ual prizes were not lauded was due public forum Into a political arena and the habit of intruding where not 3S the pool; ( borax profit him greatly except the There is a young man named Howe, wholly to the lack of time fur satis­ by a clash of personal aspiration* wanted;” perhaps resembling s> me- Societies will get the very best His rod and line a swish; ' gizzard be satisfied. A n d the Coos W h o ’s just like a darn sow; still the hammer and stop the plow factory preparation. what, some people. and that their quarrels must be settled I> R i N T I N O B o l d ! ', at eve, astride a tavern stool, and Curry exhibit leaves no doubt He eats at mv ,at>le ■ ■ »---------- IN D I A N S A R E B E IN G C I V I L I Z E D 1 G e t yo ur butter wrappers at the In the back alleys of civilization. He lies about his fish 1 but that the region can supply all A s long as he s able, at the office of Coquille Herald , i Herald office. - Harvard Lampoon, the gastronomic necessities for both Until he’s so full he ca n ’ t bow. T b e original American citizen is O I M K U . S. S H I P S ON T H E H I G H SKAS COMMERCE R M JAPANESE REPAIR KIAUCHAU BRIDGE. R W.' t F F W C S P THE VITAL PROBLEM AGRICULTURE