Coquille herald. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1905-1917, July 20, 1915, Image 4

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    IB B
Mount Vernon, the
Home of Washington
E x p e r t A < a lvfc@ IF ® it ftlh®
A M to m ® H ®
© w n @ ir
Matters of
Importance to the Man W ho Runs a Car
Will slightly rotating the poppet
valves of a motor prevent the valves
from improperly seating and carbon
from forming on the valve seats?
Oscillating the valves will tend to
keep the seats clean and thus the
valves will he found to seat more uni­
formly. Naturally, this will also pre­
vent the accumulation o f carbon in
any quantity on the seats.
My motor skips when running slowly
or pulling hard on high gear if the
spark lever is advanced more than half
way on the quadrant. As soon as I re­
tard the spark below this point the en­
gine picks up and will pull as well as
it ever did. Why is this? It is not
the fault of the carbureter, as I have
tried all kinds of adjustments and have
operated it under every condition.
I f the magneto is correctly timed it
is probable (hnt the trouble is due to
weak magnets. When the spark lever
is advanced all the way the spark ac­
tually occurs when the armature is at
the edge o f the magnetic field Instead
of being In the position where the
strength of the field is greatest There­
fore If the magnets are weak the e f­
fect must first be felt at the weakest
point in the field, and that may be ei­
ther a position of great advance or re­
tard. depending on how the magneto
is linked up. Recharging the magnets
should remove the trouble.
I have a bent steering knuckle.
Should this be straightened when cold
or hot?
The knuckle should be straightened
when hot. It is better to put in a new
one, however, as It is difficult to
straighten it so that the wheels will
run true. If the bend is in the spindle
there Is no possibility of straightening
it satisfactorily, and even If only the
arm Is bent It will bo hard to true
it up.
Are the so called anti-rust prepara­
tions injurious to the cooling system?
We have no reports where any of
the preparations which are on the mar­
ket that are sold especially for auto­
mobile radiators have done any harm.
There are occasions, however, where
boiler compounds have been used
which contain corrosive substances
that have acted Injuriously on the ra
dlator and water connections.
this reason before using any prepara­
tion It should be known that it is in
tended particularly for radiators and
nothing else.
How far apart should the spark plug
points be, using a high tension mag­
The usual point clearance is one thir-
Can gas such as generated from car­
bide be used in an automobile engine?
Yes. Occasionally we hear of a mo­
torist driving home on acetylene gas
when Ids supply of gasoline is exhaust
ed. The objection to the use of this
gas Is that It is much more expensive
than gasoline.
The storage battery seems to charge
on my car so that it will furnish cur­
rent for the light» and start the motor;
then suddenly It will become dis­
charged. Where should I look for the
From the Information yon furnish It
would seem that the battery Is either
completely discharged or you have a
short circuit In the system
It would
soeru quite likeiy that It Is the former,
and If this Is the case a thorough re­
charge will remedy tin* difficulty un­
less the battery has been left In the
discharged condition for too great a
length of time.
If so, the battery
will probably require overhauling. The
symptom for this trouble is exactly
what you describe—the battery starts
the motor and also gives n very bright
light for a few moments and then ap^
pnrontl.v is dead.
signs, and against each and all persons
claiming by, through or under him; and
that said defendant, and his heirs and
assigns, and any and all other persons
In the Circuit Court of the State of Ore­ claiming by, through or under him, be
gon in and for the County of Coos
forever enjoined and restrained from
setting up any right or claim or interest
in or to the said real estate or any part
F red A. B ak e r ,
or parcel thereof: that plaintiff have
judgment against the said defendant
for his costs and disbursements in this
suit; for such other and further relief
H err man n ,
as to the Court may seem meet and
Defendant. J
To Rentnier Christian Herrmann, the equitable.
Service of this summons is made up-
above named defendant:
In the Name of the State o f Oregon; i on you by publication thereof in the
You are hereby notified that you are Coquille flerald. by order of the Honor­
required to appear and answer the able John S. Coke, Judge o f the Cir­
amended complaint filed against you in cuit Court o f the State o f Oregon in
the above entitled suit within eight and for the County of ( oos, and which
weeks from the date of the first publi­ order is dated the 19th day of June.
cation of this summons, towit: within 1915.
J. J. S t a n l e y ,
eight weeks from the 22nd day of June,
Attorney for Plaintiff,
1915; and if you fail so to appear or
Oregon. 6-22-9t
answer, on or before
‘ ‘
the 17th day
1915, the same
a me bmng
the date
th summons, !
o f the last publication n of this
Have you paid the printer.
the plaintiff
ff will app\
apply to the Court for
the relief demanded in his said com
plaint, a succinct statement of which is
Notice of Final Settlement
as follows: that the said defendant be
country, his self-sacrificing, his long en­
ty-second inch, but many find that
even a smaller clearance is better. I f during toil, and above all his exalted
the plug points are too far apart you patriotism, w ill ever make him the ex­
will soon be aware that something is emplar oi the nation. He is truthfully
wrong, as the motor will start to miss, portrayed by the author of this little
particularly when the car Is running book. It is a hook alf should read.
By J. E. Jones with thrity-three iilus-
trations, $1.00 net.
We would appreciate your telling us
Any bookseller will get this for you,
how to correct the oiling system in a
new car which has given trouble since or it will he sent postpatd by the pub­
it left the factory. The car has been lishers, upon receipt of one dollar.
driven 3,000 miles, so by this time
should be thoroughly “worn in.” The U. S. PRESS A SSO CIA TIO N
trouble Is that oil works up into the
Bond Building
first and fourth cylinders.
Washington, D. C.
Faulty piston rings seem to be the
only condition which would give the
oiling trouble you mention. It may be
that the Joints of the rings, which are The Thrice-aWeek Edition of
of the ordinary eccentric type, have
the New York Work
become aligned, leaving a passageway
for the oil to enter the combustion
space. Another possibility is that you Practically a Daily at the Price of a Weekly.
No other Newspaper in the world gives
have too much oil in the crank case,
so much at so low a price
which causes a greater supply than
necessary to be thrown up. It would
The years 1914-15 have been the most
seem that the best step to take would
extraordinary in the history o f modern
be to remove the pistons and examine times. They witnessed tne outbreak
the rings on the cylinders that give of the great Kuropean war, a struggle
the trouble. The pistons can be re­ so titanic that it makes all others lock
moved by taking off the lower half of small.
the crank case, removing the lower
You live in momentous times and you
connecting rod bearing cap and with­ should not miss any o f the tremendous
which are occurring. No other
drawing piston and connecting rod as­
sembly. A replacement of the rings newspaper will inform you with the
promptness and cheapness of the Thrice-
should eliminate the difficulty.
a-Week edition of the New York World.
'<> set up And ai !rp»* whatever
riebt, title, estate, interest or claim he
he has or claims in or to the real estate
in said amended complaint described,
towit: the southwest quarter of the
southeast quarter of section six in town­
ship twenty-eight south, range ten west
o f the Willamette meridian in the Coun­
ty o f Coos and State of Oregon, or any
part thereof, and submit the same to
this Court for judicial determination;
that the title o f plaintiff in and to said
real estate and every part and parcel
thereof be auieted against the said de­
fendant ana against his heirs ami as-
The sheep is a modest, shrink- o
vFroin the Washington Herald, April 17)
° lug animal, but If given half a °
The beauties of Mount Vernon, and a o chance It more tlmn pays Its o
short account of ita interesting history
§ W“ T-
are written about in an exceptionally o
Train your colts to understand o
delightful way in the above-named book o that they must have their legs §
of about fifty pages. The author shows o handled, clear down to the feet, o
himself to be thoroughly acquainted o
Hogs that ure kept clean, fed o
with the subject, and in an easy manner q clean food and have clean water ®
takes one from Washington to Mount o to drink never want any doctor- o
Vernon, there to depict in detail the o lue-
Dock the lamhs while young. °
well-marked points of the greatest object ®
of interest. Although the book is writ­ o Smear the wounds with a little o
ten from a litterary standpoint, as is § tar. Do not dock too short.
A sore on a horse caused by o
evidenced by a concise and graceful O
atyle, it would well act as a guide for § an 111 fitting harness Is a handl- §
o cap to his usefulness and effl- o
the pilgrim visiting Mount Vernon for
o eleney. This means 'oss.
the first time, and especially so for the
The pig pasture should bo well ®
visitor who has a deep regard for the
supplied with shade. o
traditions which clothe the nation's o
greatest shrine.
Each v’sitor will be the better and
wiser for the reading of this volume and
in laying it aside will surely be im­
pressed with great feelings of reverence
lor the founder of this republic. The
volume is not only valuable for its edu­
cational matter, and as a thoroughly
good guide, but also a9 an example of
Size, bone and muscle are three es­
line book making. The execution is
perfect ;the printers’ art was never better sentials o f a draft horse. These can
shown, and the illustlations are such as only be obtained by proper breeding
to command the admiration of all. It and feeding, writes a correspondent of
contains exceptionally well executed the Iowa Homestead. Generally the
half tones of the Mount Vernon Home, colt three weeks old will nibble outs
the Potomac, the grounds, as also of or bran. Encourage him to eat it.
George and Martha Washington.
In When the mare Is fed do not forget
the descriptions of the parts of the house the colt Get the colt used to eating
the out-buildinps, and the various uten­ early so when weauiug time comes It
sils, the manner of living at Mount will hardly notice I t Feed judicious­
Vernon 100 years ago is plainly painted, ly and liberally until maturity. Let
and the difficulties clearly set forth by him out for a run every day.
comparison with the unbounded re­
When twelve months old you will
sources of our own time.
have a 1.100 to 1,200 pound colt that is
The story of Washington never can well on its way toward making a draft
he told too often. His spirit ehould ever horse. When he is started on the
permeate the people of the land. The grass feed him three or four quarts
great work he did, stands asan example of oats twice a day, and when the tiles
for all time, and his devotion to his get bad add two quarts more each
Notice is hereby given that the under­
signed has filed in the County Court of
Coos County, Oregon, his final account
in the matter of the estate o f Alfred
M. West, deceased, and that said Court
has set Thursday. July 22nd, 191.%, as
the day. and the County Court room at
the County Court house in the City of
Coquille, Coos County, Oregon, as the
place for hearing objections to the said
final account, and the settlement o f said
J ohn H. W est .
Moreover, a year’s subscription to it
will take you far into our next Presi­
dential campaign.
regular subscription price is only $1.00
per year, and this pays for 15fi papers.
We offer this unequaled newspaper and
The Coquille Herald together for one
year for $2 00.
The regular subscription price o f the
two papers is $2.50.
T rade M arks
D esigns
- .» .
C o p y r i g h t s A c .
A n y o n e «*»»1(11111? a «ketch and description may
quickly ascertain onr opinion free whether an
invention la probably patentable. Communica­
tion« strictly conlldentlal. HANDBOOK on Patents
sent free. Oldest nuency fo r securing putents.
Patents taken through Munn A Co. receive
ipeciut notice, without c harge, in the
Scientific American.
A handsomely llliistrnfed weekly. J.nrjrost cir­
culation o f any sclentlflc Journal. Term s, fit a
year: four months, $L Sold by all newsdealers.
MUNN&Co.364 Broail*a>New York
Branch Ofllco, <‘>26 F St., W ashington, D. C.
Notice of Special Stockholders' Meeting
On general purpose farm s where
there is much heavy work to be
done heavy horses are best. They
can be raised with less risk than
lighter horses, are less high strung
and less apt to injure themselves.
They can be put to work at an ear--
lier age and require less training
and always command a good price.
In the last twelve years the price
of heavy horses has risen 33 per
cent. The stallion pictured Is a
pure bred Shire, which has won
several prizes in the ring.
feed In winter cut down on the onts,
add more corn and alfalfa.
plentifully, but not wastefully. The
alfalfa will balance the corn, and he
will do fine. Alfalfa meal mixed with
40 per cent molasses is the best appe­
tizer, conditioner, laxative and bone
and muscle builder. It is cheaper than
bran and far more valuable as horse
feed. Feed euch horse and colt as its
peculiar need demands, there being no
two animals that should be fed ex­
actly alike.
Farmers having their own feed
should tiuish their own colts instead
of turning them off to the city man to
fatten at the profit making age. I f the
city man can afford to buy high priced
feed to fatten him the farmer surely
can afford to do the same when he
raises most of his feed.
The last
pounds added to the mature colt are
what bring the money, so put on as
many of these last pounds as possible.
A scrub mare bred to a scrub stal­
lion and scrubbily fed will produce
the scrubbiest of scrub colts. The
scrub mare bred to a good stallion and
given proper care will produce a colt
that is a slight improvement over her­
self. I f a strictly first class mare is
bred to a splendid horse larger than
herself and if she is given proper feed
and care only a splendid foal will re-
suit. Breed a 1,800 pound mare to a
2,400 pound stallion as good as he is
large and the mare should beget a
colt that will with good care make a
2,100 pound horse. With extra care
and feed it may exceed that. This is
the only way that the farmer can ex­
pect to Increase the size of his draft
A H u n ter’s B lu ff
by the McClure
N e w s p a p e r Syndicate.
lu the spring of the year 1898 a pur-
ty of sporting hunters numbering thir­
ty entered the elbow of Texas between
| New Mexico and the Indian territory.
While the Comanche Indians were
bitterly hostile ut that time they had
been sadly reduced by smallpox and
driven to the north, and old frontiers­
men stilted their belief that the party
would not even see one.
1 had been invited to make one of
the party, but was detaiued for a cou­
ple of days. I then mounted my horse
and picked up the trull und followed
after, having no fear that I should run
any danger In thus riding.
It hail come noon of the second duy,
and I had met with no adventure. 1
had baited and watered my horse and
was ready to move on, when 1 heard a
“ Yl, yi, y i r on my right, and 1 turn
ed around to see five Comanche» com­
ing out of the timber on their ponies.
They were Just half a mile away and
had evidently discovered me.
When a man rides for his life the
greatest fear is In overdoing the mat­
ter. I had been five years on the
plains and had a pretty fair stock of
nerve, and 1 rode to favor my horse.
As the sun began to sink in the
west they sought to shorten the dis­
tance between us and bring me into
rifle shot, but a word to the mustang
checkmated this.
Had I been able to keep the trail aft­
er 3 o’clock I should have counted on
finding the party by sundown, ns we
were getting over the ground at a rap­
id pace, but at about that hour I came
to a rough, stony district, where the
passage of the horses had left no trail,
and I went aheuil at random, planning
to keep my distance from the river. It
was to be a starlight night, and as
soon as dusk came I urged my beast to
a faster pace and bore more to the
left. When I believed I had gained a
quarter of a mile I swerved sharply to
the right, rode for forty rods and then
dismounted and gave Custer the word
to lie down. We were both fiat on the
earth wheff the party of pursuers swept
by, aud the thud, thud, thud of their
ponies’ feet came very plainly to my
I had a cold bite In my haversack,
and after disposing of it stretched out
and went to sleep, hoping l had given
the red men the slip. I opened my
eyes the next morning in astonish
ment. Seated in a circle about me
were the five Comanehes, while their
ponies were feeding with my horse. 1
lay on my back with my hands clasp­
ed under my head, and such was my
astonishment that I could not move.
Fortunately for me they took this for
nerve. I looked from man to man.
aud finally said In Comanche:
“ Had 1 known you were Comanehes
I should not have run away. I thought
you were Chlekasaws on stolen horses
I shall be ready to go as soon as I
have eaten. I want to see the Co­
manche country—the vast plains—the
Canadian river— the mountains full of
caves and waterfalls—your chief.
Thunder Cloud."
One of them asked me if I belonged
to the party ahead, and I told him no.
He asked me how I dared start out
alone for the Comanche country, and
I told him that I had trapped the inoun
tain lion and cut out and eaten his
liver while still alive, and therefore
feared nothing living. I could see that
they were badly puzzled, and I in
creased their wonder by saying, as I
finished my breakfast:
“ Come. It is time to go. W e have
a long ride, and I am anxious to see
your country.”
When we set out two In front and
three behind, and no Indians were ever
more puzzled. In later years I met
one of them and he told me that their
plan was to torture me as soon as I
awoke. They were beat out of this by
my queer remarks, intended Just for
that purpose. Several times during the
day 1 expressed my impatience at our
slow pace and asked them to get on
faster, and when we went into camp 1
saw* that I had them off their guard
; After eating I sat apart from them to
i smoke and meditate and to give then,
! an opportunity to comimre notes. Just
! when the five got their heads together
! to discuss something they did not wish
j me to hear I arose and stepped back­
ward out of the light of the fire, and I
believe l was a hundred feet away
when they missed me.
I heard them scatter and beat about,
and while they were hunting for me
I crawled along and got my gun. I
crept away from the circle of the fire
and then got the shelter of a tree. Tho
Indians beat about for a good half
hour, and then all came in, chagrined
and disgusted. I lifted my gun and
took fair aim at the leader. He went
down as my rifle cracked and was fol­
lowed by a second and a third before
the surviving two could comprehend
what was going on. Neither stopped
for his gun.
I Rtood guard all night, and when
morning came was satisfied that the
two who had escaped had no idea of
returning. After a scanty breakfast I
caught up the six animals, packed up
everything of value, and then I headed
to the southeast for the river, and at 3
o’olock rode right into the camp of the
party, which had settled down for
sport and had given me no thought.
Next day a party of us rode over to
give the bodies a more careful Inspec­
tion, and we found on each one a sil
ver government medal, given themdur
ing IJneoln’s first term, ns “ good In
Notice is hereby given that by di­
rection of the president of the Coquilie-
Coos Coal Company, a corporation, or­
Hogging Down Corn.
ganized and existing under the laws of
The Iowa station bulletin 143 found
the State of Oregon, a special meeting the practice of hogging down corn
of the stockholders o f said corporation
is hereby called to be held at the prin­ profitable. Farmers to the number of
cipal office o f said corporation in the 158 reported an average saving of 0.89
City of Coquille, Coos County, Oregon, cents for every bushel hogged down.
in ihe Baxter Hotel in Room 15 there-, The Iowa station advises feeding some
o f in suid City, on the 21st day o f July, protein with the corn. This is provid­
1915, at Ten o’clock A. M.
ed by seeding rape In the corn or by
The objects o f said meeting are a s 1 feeding tankage or oil meal In troughs.
In 1911 gains at the Iown station cost
1. To p-ovide for settling and dis
charging the indebtedness of the cor­ to the hundredweight, on stauding
poration and tho disposal of all its prop­ corn only. $3.14; on standing corn and
soy beans, $2.S7; on standing corn and
2. To provide for the dissolution of tankage. $2.43.
said corporation and the winding up of
its affairs.
Keep the Colts Growing.
Dated this 6th day of July, 1915.
At least half a pound of grain for
B. L. E ddy
Secretary, Coquille-» oos Coal Co. each hundredweight of colt Is none
too much for the weanlings, yearlings
- -•*
and two-year-olds. The stunted colt
never recovers and grows out to the
Notice to Creditors
size It would i f it had l>een properly
Notice is hereby given that the under­ fed during the first year or two o f Its
signed has been duly appointed admin­ life.
istratrix of the estate of Charles R.
Phillips, deceased, and that all persons
having claims against said estate are
hereby notified that they are required
to present the same, duly verified with
T H E D IA M O M I» B R A M I.
the proper vouchers therefor, to the un­
dersigned. at the office of A. J. Sher­
wood, in Coquille, Coos County, Ore­
------ ---- --------- —
„ r ye
gon, within six months from the date
A Directory o f each C ity . Town and
m •*vt»t. A ik N C irM in :«.fm
D L I I O N D IIR % N I» r i l l -*, for » 5
Village, Riving descriptive sketch of
of this notice.
years known as Best. Safest, Always Reliai ie
place, location, population, tele­
Dated this 10th day o f May, 1915.
graph. shipping and banking point;
L aura J. H ansen ,
also Cloeeifled Directory, compiled by
Administratrix of the Es­
business and profession-
tate of Charles R. Phil­
lips, Deceased.
Have you paid the Printer?
» Business Directory
1*01 K
S r. .\ TT f,K ^
I T e l e p h o n e Se r v i ce to P o w e r s
E ARE pleased to announce to our patrons the extension
o f our long distance telephone service to Powers. A
long distance pay station has been established in the Busy
Corner Drug Store at Powers. For connection to Powers
call local long distance operator
Coos and C u rry Telephone Co.
L. H. HAZARD. Casia..
R. E. SHINE, V-Pits
0. C. SANFORD, Asst. Cashier
T r a n s a c t s a f i e n e n i l B a n k i n g Bu«ines-**
Board of Olreotora.
R. C. Dement, \. J. Sherwood, 1 National Bank of Commerce,New York City
L. Harlocker,
L. H. Hazard, | Crocker Woolworth N ’ l Bank, San Francisco
Isaiah Hacker.
R. E. Shine.
First Nutionall Bank of Portland, Portland
Is useless money.
I f you
have any cash that isn’ t work­
ing put it to work for you as
you worked for it
Open a
savings account with this bank
and your money will at once
begin earning interest for you
and will keep at the task 24
hours a day, 7 days a week
and 52 weeks in the year.
it today.
Merchants Bank
Rosebmg Myrtle Point Stage
Ami Auio Line
Leave MyrlU* Point on arrival of
1 rat Ir«mi Pandon. Auto to Rock
Creek and fre in Camas: onlv 14
miles of h-tMging. Arm es at Rose-
l-urg 7*30 p. m. connecting with
m«rtli hound train. Arrive Myrtle
Point 4 p. m.
Malte reservations in advance at Owl
Drug Store, Marshfield.
All Baggage Handled
Fare From Myrtle Point $7.00
J. L . L A I R D , P r o p r ie to r
Office at Laird’ s Stag' Barn. Myrtle Fl int, Both Phones
Sails from Coos Bay
Every Sunday at 8 a. ni.
From Portland 8 a. m.
Every Thursday at 8 a. m.
Tickets on sale at Portland City Ticket Office 6th &c Oak St.
Phone Main 181
Under New Management
Having leased this well-equipped hotel, I propose
to conduct it in such a manner as to merit pat­
ronage and give satisfaction to the traveling
M. M. YOUNG, Proprietor
If you are to hit what you aim at.
People should know what you have
to offer and we have the means of
= = = = = telling them. = = = = =
An Ad. from you in this paper wiil reach
buyers who buy, isn't that sufficient ?