in planking. The Coquille Herald ed The Herald is inclined Coquille Automobile- Industrial Insurance At the Show The Baby’s Record to think Center of Coos County For Cross Family W ho says that the people of Co that the new scheme is on the right PUBLISHED EVERY TUESDAY lines. We would be glad to hear] The nub of the universe—that is, Salem, Ore., July Hi,—The State quille do not appreciate good pic­ Entered a* secoml clue» m utter May from any one who has valuable the automobile center of Coos coun­ Industrial Accident Commission to­ tures? It has been demonstrated 8, 1905. at the poet office at Coquille, ideas on the subject. Keep it W ith a ty is located right in front of the day approved the claim of the >'e- many times that they do, and forth Oregon, under act ol Congress ol March Herald office at the juuction of pende its of William H. Cross, who er demonstration is now uuder way S, 1879. “ H Y PH E N A T E D AM ER IC A N S" First aud B streets At certain was killed on June 18, 10)5, at the Three of the Param ount picture- Erauklyn knight Lane, Secretary limes ot the day it is the busiest logging camp of McDonald A have been shown at the G rand it P. C. LEVAR, Lessee. of the Interior in the W ilson ad place in Oregon, F. C. Stone, who Vaughn on Daniels Creek. To the last ten days, aud the fact that! Devoted to the m aterial and social ministration, was born in Charlotte . acts ss traiu dispatcher and passen­ provide a pension of $30 a month the people have instantly recognized upbuilding of the Coquille Valley par­ town, Prince Edward Island. Can­ ger ateerer, is the busiest man iu for the widow and $6 per month for the superior quality of the Para 1 ticularly and cf Coos County generally. Subscription, $1.50 per year in advance ada. William Beaucbap Wilson, the world. Besides his regular du- each of the two children uutil they mourns has been shown by ati in­ head of the Departm ent of Labor, tits be also acts as bouncer when reach the age of 16 years, the Com creasing attendance each Param ount was born in BlantyVe, Scotland the agents of other lines try to mission directed the State Treasurer night. This is ve.y encoutaging Phone Main 381. These two men occupy an anotnal board any of his cars. to •»* aside in the Segregated Acci­ to toe manager and creditable to ous position in a cabinet that is Fred Slagle is the magnate of the dent Fund the sum of $8,550 82. the taste of our people. There is N E W GOOD ROADS M OVE­ weighing questions so grave that business and he and bis affiliated This fuud is invested by the sluts no better special picture service M EN T the slightest event may precipitate lines do the bulk of the busiuess. treasurer in the olsss of securities shown anywhere 011 earth than the authorized for the investm ent by Param ount, and it is gratifying to The movement lor a bond issue the Americau people into the great­ They include lines to: est war in history. hanks of savings depisits under the be able to show these pictures in Marshfield, making six trips each for road improvement ts again un­ State law. This priucqial anil com­ Coquille A five reel p i c t u r e . der way, and petitions will probab­ It has been strongly intimated in way a day; pounded interest will provide pay­ “ False Colors," which is said to be ly be circulated soon lor the calling various ways as well in addresses Bandon, five trips; ments to these dependents amount­ very fine, is booked for tomorrow Bowers, two trips; by the President, that American of a special election to authorize night, W ednesday, aud on next t he issue of about $ 440,000 in county citizens of Germ au ancestry are giv­ Boseburg, one trip; also s line ing to about $16,000. en to “ a divided loyalty.” Iu oth­ from Marshfield to Koseburg by If the widow lives the exact time Saturday n i g h t Mary Picklord, bonds for road improvement. of her expectancy, 40 years aud cue "th e Sw eetheart ol A m erica," will It has been pretty conclusively er words, that they are not to be wav of this city, one trip; month, the entire sum of both prin­ be shown in "C iuderilla.” It is & - Myitle Point, nine trips. trusted to be loyal to the United ■ % dem onstrated that a bond issue for the construction of hard surface States in the event of a crisis, be­ Besides the Slagle lines, t h e cipal snd accrued interest will have safe to warn you that if you don’t roads can not be carried in this cause either they were born iu G er­ Llewellyn snd Panter line makes been exhausted in pay iug the month­ come early you will not get a seat pension allowed by the Citumis- until late. See the hooking lor two county, m ainly for the reason that many or their fathers or m o'bers eight trips to Myrtle Poiut and two ly weeks ahead in another column. all the money that could be raised were born there. Two American to Powers; Ray M artin runs a line eion citizens, Messrs. Recknagel and through here between Baudou and This fund s it aside, cauuot be would build comparatively few W edding Bells miles ot hard surface roads, and, Raines, were deprived of their pass­ Marshfield; a line from Bandon to used for any other purpose, and the sectional feeling prevents the voting ports by order ol the State D epart­ Roseburg passes through here, and widow’s pension is therefore as cer­ At eight-thirty on the eveuiog ot IJAVING bought the plant of the Co- of bonds for such a purpose. The ment because of criticisms expressed two other Roseburg lines head in tain as life, even tho the Cominis July 14th, in the presence uf rela­ siou itself was abolished, the mouev * * quille Mill and Mercantile Com­ “ good roads” advocates have there­ by them in a Dresden newspaper on here. About nine o’clock in the morn­ must be paid by the State direct to tives aud intim ate friends of both fore come to the conclusion that, the W i 1 s on administration, al pany, the undersigned is now prepared contracting parties, Iris A. El­ rather than cry for the moon, it though Mr. Recknagel is an Am er­ ing aud three iD the afternoon there the widow, aud is not subject to as- the to fill all orders for any kind of of North Bend, and Ruth E is better to carry out a practicable ican in the third generation and is a general clearing house at this signmeut, and cannot pass hy the rod W oodford of Coquille, were imiter any court. project that would be of benefit to Mr. Raines also was born iu this point for passengers from the boats process of --------- a <«» --------------- in marriage at the home of the bride, country. and trains, aud a man can take pas­ all parts of the county, even though Trot Out Your Prize by the Rev. William Horsfall, Vicar in the loug ruu it may not be so A short time ago it was reported sage for any point in the county. of Trinity parish, Coquille, a i l Especial attention will fie paid to the The “good roads" boosters can that the Department of Justice was economical. T here appears in the Coquille Arch-Deacon of the Dmcese of Orr- find here a good object lesson on local demand, and every effort will be looking up the law to see if any­ They will therefore ask for the Herald an article which boasts of gon. The impressive ring servie» the value of all- the-year-round roads thing could be found to warraot the made to supply anything needed at the bond issue for the purpose ot con­ the prowess of the county seat guns. of the Episcopal church was it ml, shortest possible notice. Your orders structing plank roads. It is esti­ suppression of certain newspapers for it is only during the summer The M arshfield shooting fans thiuk and the wedding was pronounced mated that the amouut that could who were criticizing 'be adtninis season that the facilities here out­ they can beat Coquille. Now this by all the prettiest affair of the sea­ are solicited. be taised would build about 200 tration for its note to Germ any on lined are available to the people. page has a sporting streak in it aud The Commercial Club cau also it thinks that, whenever there is a son. Miss Myrtle Lund was I rides miles of plank roads, covering prac­ the sinking of the Lusitania. maid, and the groom was attendee tically all the main roads of the But if American citizens of G er­ find proof and encouragement in dispute up, it is always best to have bv Mr. John Miller. The ceremony county. The life ol such a road, man ancestry are open to the sus­ the contention that Coquille is real­ it settled as quickly as possible, being completer!, the oornp.ny wa. according to how it is constructed, picion of sustainiug a divided loyal­ ly the central point of Coos county accordingly T he Record suggests entertaiued at supper by Mr and is given at from bve to ten years ty, bow is it possible for Secretary and the people here should wake that Fred Slagle and A. J.Sherwood Mrs. Fred Siagle, close friends ot and with proper construction and Lane and Secretary W ilson to be up and go after the benefits of that be good sports, waive all claim to the bride’s family, st their besutifu care it would probably reach the loyal Americans? They were both fact. the cup and have the shoot held! home adjoining, which had been latter period. It is stated that an born under the British crown. They here on the bay. If Mr. Slagle will decorated for the occasion. A com­ Dairy Meetings aunual tax of 2 % mills would pay assist in shaping the policy of this agree to this, T he Record will un ­ pany of twenty-oüe sat down to tin the interest on the bonds and fur­ government. That policy is pro­ dertake to see that all other arrange­ wedding supper. The place cardt - .........- i r E E E G E E = n r = —= i m i nish a sinking fund for their pay­ claimed by a l l Englishmen a s M. S. Schiock and G. H. Fullen- ments are perfected. The Record were band painted by the bride Hnd vvidcr of the Dairy A Food Com­ am ounting to an alliance with ling ment when due. wants to see the contention ab o u t 1 office have spent several the cup settled once and for good were much adm ired. Those pres Discarding altogether the idea of laud. Lord Northclifle recently de­ missioner’s days in Coos and Curry counties and, il it is not, The Record may ent at the supper were: Mr. and hard surface roads for the present clared it to be such. Sir Beerbohm and themselves as being get mad and offer a cup itself.— Mrs. Iiis A Elrod, Miss Myrtle time, there is much to be said in Tree proclaimed it from the stage highly express Lund, Mr. John W. Miller, Mr. and with the progress Record. favor of the planking project. It of the Drury Lane T heater in the that has pleased Mrs. Fred Slagle, Mrs. Elrod, been made. The Record is evidently misin­ mother of the groom; Mr. A. M would make “ good roads” aud all- presence of the Queen of E ngland. Tney believe, however, that some the-year-rouud roads of all the main A proper sense of fitness and a de­ improvements in methods should be formed about the Fred Gilbert cup. Woodford, father of the bride; Mr roads of the county, bringing the cent sense of self-respect should made and are here to point out T he cup is not a club trophy, but and Mrs. Frank Denning; Mr. aua benefit to all sections. The benefit prompt Mr. Lane and Mr. Wilson these improvements to our citizens. an individual one. It was given to Mrs. M. A. McLeod, Mr. and Mrs. the Coquille club to be shot for of such roads can not be given at a to resign. who has anything to do among its members, and as Mr. Frank Sacehi, M tb . Jane H Wil­ set figure, but there is no question We do not accuse them of disloy- Everyone Y O U C A N G E T T H E M N O W OF T H E dairyiug, or with the handling Slagle shot high gun he was aw ard­ liams, Mr. and Mrs J A. Lamb, that the saving in dollars and cents ty, but if it impossible for Am eri­ witL Mrs. Harry Slagle, Mrs William of milk, whether producer or con­ to all who must travel or conduct cans of German parentage to view sumer, should attend these meet­ ed the cup. So the cup belongs to Stratton, Mr. Owen Knowlton, an Mr. Slagle and not to the gun club. and Masters Irving Lam b aud traffic over the roads would be the political developments with per­ So you see, asking Mr. Slagle after Maurice Williams. many times over the cost of the fect impartiality it is no less im ­ ing«- Ths Dairy & Food Commissioner having won the cup, to put it up to improvement. In other words, the possible for Messrs Lane and W il­ cooperating with the Btate veterin­ be shot for, is just the same as ask- j • The local musical organization plauk roads would uot only pay ior son. Since this country is placed has recently inaugurated a ing him to put up a piece of furni I popularly known as the “Subma themselves, but would effect a sav­ squarely before an issue affecting arian rine” band serenaded during the ing duting their life that would go England and G erm any, they have campaign of tuberculin testing of ture out cf his house, or some other j supper with several selections op quite a ways toward furnishing a become impossible iu the cabinet. dairy cattle which the state does personal belonging. Here would propnate to the occasion. The Where the Price Before Has Been $3.50 fund lor the hard surfacing that They are Americans with a ‘ divid free of charge. Methods by which be a good idea to suggest that some whole affair from the beginning o: Coos and Curry county dairymen Rem em ber this Iron is guaranteed for 10 years; Marshfield sport put up his shot must come when the time is ripe. ed loyalty."—(The F .lberland ) march to the last “good night’ can avail themselves of this state gun to lie shot for between the clubs. the and will save you no end ot bother every week. The annual cost of maintenance To talk of "hyphenated Ameri­ aid passed off with perfect smoothness, will be discussed. It is the same proposition exactly and all preseut were royally ente - would be small, and if the road tax ­ cans” at this time is foolish when Following es were raised in such am ounts as the talk is directed against Am eri­ meetings: arc the dates for the as asking Mr. Slagle to put up the taiued, and departed for their homes cup. The Record, as stated above, about eleven P M. are now used the greater part of can citizens of G erm an birth and the money could go into permanent not against those born in the coun­ Marshfield, W ednesdav, July ‘2 1st, suggests that it is liable to get mad An echo from the foregoing event improvement in whatever form tries now at war with Germ any. 10 a . m. st Chamber of Commerce. and offer a cup itself to be shot for is heard to the effect that Mies Thursday, July 22, 8 Well the Coquille gunm en will just Myrtle Lund, who was bridesmaid, would be deemed more desirable It is undoubtedly true that the p. Lauglois, m. in the City hall. lay back on their laurels and oil and Mr. Owen Knowlton, who was by said Court on the 23th lay of June and all tide lands fronting and abutting There seems to be a growing mau born iu Germ any or in E ng­ Friday, July 23d, 1:30 p. m in their "shooting irons” aud wait for a guest, are to be married about the. ¡915 in a certain suit then in said Court, the same 368 5 feet, all in township 28, sentiment in favor of using either land or in France or in Italy and pending, wherein Adam I’ershbaker south of range 14, west of the W illam­ (he Record to Eet m ad,and when the first of September. was plaintiff and J. S. Lyons, Fannie ette m eridian, in Cons County, Oregon wood blocks or vitrified brick for now an American citizen, may at the Parkersburg school bouse. E. Lyons, C. Me. C. Johnson ami Dei ami being the same premise» which Record gets mad enough to put up the permanent suface, when the this time feel a sym pathy with ibc Coquille, Saturday, July 24tb, Johnson his wife, the Lyons-.Tohnson Crosnian Timmons and wife conveyed a cup, the Coquille club will certain 1:00 p. m. in the Woodman ball. Lumber Co. a corporation, Alfred John­ to said J. S. Lyons and said C. Me. 0 . time comes, and there are stroug country of his birth iu the part she Lum ber Co., a corporation, Coquille Johnson, ami being the premises on argum ents lor this. A writer in a plays in the European war. It is Gravelford, Monday, July 20th, ly be ready to shoot for it, and SIMPLEST WAY TO KILL son River Mf’g Co., a corporation and Rob­ which is situated what is known as the bring it home. So, Brothers on the ert Dollar Trustee were defendants in mill of Lyon s-Job neon Lumber Coin- recent issue of a Portland paper ex ­ natural r.nd hum an that it should 1:30 p. m. in the Creamery, ELY. favor of plaintiff ami against said de­ party, near Prosper, Coos County, Ore­ pressed great surprise that the peo­ be so. But what would you? This M yrtle Point, Tuesday, July 27th, Bay, greetings to you. Long may J fendants by which execution I am com­ gon. Also the boom and boom privi­ ple of such Oregon communities as country is supposed to be neutral cooperating with the Myrtle Point your club exist, and here’s hoping | manded to sell the property in said exe­ leges belonging to the first parties or IIE London Lancet, the leading cution herein after described to pay either of them used in connection with we smash cl»y birds together in the - medical journal of the world, the sum and this seemed desirous ol using any W hy is it any worse to sympathize G range in the G range ball, from due the plaintiff of Eight Thou­ Raid saw mill. says th at the best and simplest very near future. kind of paving material on earth with G erm any than with England? 10:30 s. m. to 3 p. m. Hundred Eighty nine arid all the machinery consisting of, ------------- i>» ■---- fly killer Is a weak solution of formal sand Six Dollars, with inteiest thereon at Also boilers 66 x 16; two engines 16 x ex ctpt such as they have in abund- So tar as loyalty to this country is Basket diuner. dehyde In w ater (two teaspoonfuls to 72-100 the rate of eight per cent, per annum three Shower Party 18, one Clark Mill 9 foot, 60 inch edger, the pint). Place in plates or saucers from the 23th dav of June 1915 until carriages, auce in their own territory. There concerned, the man would be worse Be there. head blocks, live rolls, can t­ throughout the house. Ten cents’ paid together with the costs and dis ing gear, shafting, boxes, collars, is a point here having a strong bear­ than rash who would assert that J. L. SM ITH Misses Mahle and Marion Schroe- worth of this liquid will last an ordi­ bursements of said suit taxed at $34.00, steam feed, pulleys, couplings, belting, ing on the situation and on the our cititizens of German birth or and an attorney fee of $500 00 an i cost“* County Agriculturist der gave a shower in honor of Miss nary family all summer. It has no of­ ami expenses of said execution. I will saws, fram es, buildings, all tools and fensive odor, is fatal to disease or on Saturday the 11th day of August 1915 logging tools and implements, also any project now proposed As Mayor ancestry have ever fallen short. If Alice Stanley last Friday afternoon ganisms all other machinery, fittings, con­ is practically nonpoison at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M. of said and we have a class of citizens itj any M orrison, one of our leading good nections, pumps and any and all other at their home on the farm. About ous except and to Insects. W hat She Had Sha’d Hold. day at the front door of the County property used in or in connec­ roads boosters, points out, in case way superior to those of German It w as tlie happiest moment of their thirty guests were present, includ House in Coos Count v. Oregon, personal tion with said mill. Also any and all He had Just proposed, and she ing the members of the N. T. C ; H at His Own Center of Population. Court the money was raised for the plank - 1 ancestry the class is so infinitely lives. sell at public auction to the highest bid­ other machinery tools, implements and gra l>—er—accepted him. der fo. cash in hand on the dav of sale, property which shall he here­ ot the roads, every cent of it except small in size that no one can poiut had Then he took a tiny leather case from club, snd the shower came near be- j Little George had a heavy and rather all the right, title, int« rest and estate a personal fte r purchased for use in connection what might be spent for nails would it out. W hile we speak the Eng his pocket and slipped a sparkling cir­ ing a Hood, the pits* nta being num­ intractable head of auburn hair which w hich said defendants J. N Lyons, Fan­ with said saw mill, he sold hy the Sheriff defied his m other’s efforts to make It nie E. Lyons, C. Me. C. Johnson, aud clet on her Huger, While she beamed of County, subject to the lease of be paid out here in Coos county for lish language, Germauy has neatly with pride. erous, expensive and bandsom^, as look well groomed. One day, after Del Johnson his wile, tin* Lyons John­ the Coos Bandon Rower Company, upon th at home material and labor. We would a s .m u c h claim on the title o “I’m afraid It’s rather loose, darling,” well as useful. son Lumber Co., a corporation, Alfred portion of said premises described as much brushing, she stop|>ed and said: Johnson Lumber C »., a cor|M»ration, Co- to wit:- come as near eating our owu cake "m other country” as England her­ he murmured. “Shall I take It back Little Raymond and Paul D rtlef “Oh. George, I cannot make your quille River Mf’g Co. a corporation and follows, a t a point :t94 feet north It made smaller?" go the right way. It is so thick!” Robert Dollar Trustee ami all persons and “ Beginning and keeping it, too, as can ever be self, And ot the mixed strains ol nnd The have 72 east from the Meander corner, damsel shook her head decid­ sen, repiesei-ting Cupids, brough' hair claiming under them suhsiquent to the George turned quickly and replied: on the l*'ft hank River E nglish, Scotch, Irish and Germ .11 accomplished in this vale of tears edly. in the presents (what they could “If you think my hair is thick you Plaintiff's Mortgage Lien in, of and to between sections of 17 the and Coquille 18. Township blood behind this typewriter, we "No, Rupert,” she said calmly. “An said real and personal property, said south. Range 14 west of the W illam­ carry of them ) in a huge clothes Mr. Morrison states that, person­ ought to see that boy’s across the mortgaged premises and property here­ 28 Meridian in Oregon and running not see but the last named engagement ring Is an engagement basket, which was also one of the Just ally, he would oppose the planking cau inbefore mentioned are described in ette street. He has the most thickly popu­ ring, even If I haTe to wear It around thence north 85 15' east 250 feet; warms as quickly at the sigfit of the as follows, to-wit: Lot 5 thence south my neck.”—London Telegraph. 4° 45' east 348 5 f e e t ; presents, and placed them before lated head you ever saw .”—Kansas of said sect execution of any road uutil it is on the right on 17, nnd al! tide lands fronting thence south 85" 15' w est 250 f e e t ; and stripes as do either of the City Star. the guest of honor. grade, and he would advocate de­ stars and abutting the same, ami also begin­ north 4° 45' w* st 348.5 feet; to Tho O th o r Way. ning on the section line between sec­ thence place of beginning containing two voting part of the money to such others. A compositor once set up the word The house was tastefully decorat­ Sheriff s Sale of Real Property on Foreclosure tions 17 and IS at a point 277.5 feet tho (2) acres or less in the County of grading; then the levying ot the “doughnut" so th at tt read “d o n u t” ed with dahlias and baby's breath. north of the southwest corner of lot 5 ot Coos S tate more of Oregon. CHICHESTER S PILLS section 17; running them e north 74 “Don't you know how to spell better Refreshments were served, and on Notice is hereby given, That bv vir west, to the low water line of the left Said Sale being made subject to re­ usual am ount of road tax for a W THF. IM A HOMI ItK W n . a than that?" asked the foreman of an execution duly issued out of hank of the Coquille river, thence up­ demption in the m anner provided by I ' h l - c h e a .f r r i D U tn u n d B i departing, the guests were lavish iu tue couple of yea r s would furnish 1*111* In |{ .-d An 1 « ¿ „ Id me the Circuit Court of the Mate of Or» g<»n. stream “Well,” said the compositor thought­ bo««. te*le.| with Bin« Rtf low water line to the line law. day of July, 1915. their expressions of good wishes for the Countv of Coos and to me- direct­ between along enough additional money to cover fully. “do you know it didn’t look Just T a k e bo other Hwr o f j sections 17 and 18, thence south Dated this Ai. 6th kf.vr« AM» iri-« |* ||. ir krkd J ohnson J r ., on the 3rd day of July, 1915 upon a on saiti line to place right to me. 1 had a ’w ' In there once for the future welf .ro nnd happiness ed IMAAT o NI» A Hit the cost ot grading and leave the of beginning, also Sheriff of t oos County, Oregon. judgement and decree duly rendered, yean known as Best, Safest. AI contem plated amount to be expend entered of record and docketed in and the west 368.5 feet of lot 6 in section 17 7 -6-fit SOLO BY DRlGûlSTS LVtKYWHLRE and took It o u t" —K ansas f’ity Star of this popular young lady. KNOWLTON'S DRUG STORE Announcement LUMBER E. E. JÎOHNSON 0 1 1 Hot Points Cut Down OREGON POWER CO. fo r $3.00 Call On Us for Them ^l. T ■ . mlK-at A s k y n n r l l r i t g . l , I#