Coquille herald. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1905-1917, July 20, 1915, Image 1

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T he C oquille H erald
VOL. 33,
NO. 44
Fraternal and Benevolent Order
K. & A. M.—Regular meeting of
. Chadwick l.'«lge No. 68 A. F. A A.
M.. at Masonic Hall, e very Saturday
mailt in each month oil or helore tli<-
lull moon.
L. A. I. ii . ijkoviht , W. M.
K. H. M a s t , Secretary.
Department W ill Give Aid
to Communities
forraance ot all oilier cows, regard­
less of age, class or breed.
new crowned queeu in a 365-day
lest, supervised by the New Jeisey
Agricultural College, produced 28,.
403.7 lbs. ol milk (13211 quarts)
containing 117647 lbs of butterfat.
The best former record was held by
the Holstein-Friesian heiler, Fin-
derne Holingeu Fayne No. 144551,
who produced in a yearly test 24,
612 08 lbs.of milk containing 1116.-
05 lbs ol hutteifat. Fitiderue Pride
Johanna Rue freshened at the age of
five years, four months and four
days. She was bird by Bernhaid
Meyer of Kinderne, N. J , and is
owned by the Somerset Holstein
Breeders Company of Somerville,
N. J. Sbe was sired by Johanna
Rue 3d’» Lad No 26936 II F H B
and her dam was Jondine Pride No.
60247 H F H B.
raeetiug last Saturday. Two or
C. A. Smith Co. Receives
Hot Lunch is Practicable
Honors at Exposition
For the Rural School tnree players refuse to go on with
The fine exhibit oi Port Orford
Spokesman Review: Dietices and
white cedar and other lumber and foods form pupils for the general
planing mill products made by the i topic of a compilation by Professor
C A. Smith Company at the ex- Kreager ol the slate college, hot
position at San Francisco won a lunches (or schools the special
gold medal. The exhibit was a theme. The argument bases itself
splendid one and was a great adver­ upon the premise that a cold lunch
tisement for tbis wood, which is of such concentrates as beet, hard
found only in Southern Coos and boiled eggs or pork forms a hind­
Northern Cnrry Counties
The rance to the mental activity of the
company has received much praise child. The adult can endure it,
lor the beauty and completeness of the child not. As children consti­
the exhibit
tute a country’s asset, the proper
The American Lumberman, of feeding of children possesses pecu­
Chicago, in speaking ol the exhibit,
liar importance.
The state college two years ago
"The C. A Smith Lumber Com­
out toward solution of the prob­
pany, whose geneial offices are at
lem. Its Puyallup summer school
Oakland, California, and who make
a specialty of the manufacture ot organized a class to study the noon
Port Orlord cedar which is identi­ lunch, and for six weeks these men
and women prepared their own
Cougars Destructive
fied bv a unique trade mark, has
lunch. The requirements kept in
been awarded a gold medal for its
mind comprised proper preparation
Bill Harris, one of the leading exhibit of lumber and planing mill
and service of sufficient quantities
minets of Curry county was in town products made in Section 40 of the
of the right kinds of food, the min­
several days last week. He reports Palace of Agriculture at the Pana­
imum of cost in labor, money and
the mining business as very good ma Pacific Exposition at San Fran­
time and the maximum of educa­
on the Sixes River
He says some cisco The famous Port Orford ce­
tional value. A balanced daily ra­
fioe nuggets have been unearthed dar manufactured by this company
was considered to consist of
He tells many tales of pan-j is grown in Coos County, Oregon,
thers catching deer in the Sixes! where it is manufactured into lum 410 calories of protein, 930 of f.-t
Communities interested in the
improvement of roads are rerom
K. 8.— Kegmar meeting of lleulah mended by the department to apply
. Chapter No. 0. secoml ami fourth for a lecturer on the subject.
Friday evenings of each mouth, in Ma­
urers will lie sent at the Government
sonic flail.
E mma I. ilijbuvist , W. M.
expense wherever there is reason to
A nna L a wb kn cb hec..
believe that audiences will be large
0 . o . F.—Coquille Lodge No. 53,1. O.
to make the expenditure of
. O. F., meets every Saturday night
time and money worth while. When­
n Oild Fellows flail.
H. B. M oobk , N. Q.
ever possible it is. of com e, deslr
J. 8. l.AWHKNCK, 8ec.
able lor a number ol communities in
AM IK RF.BEK a H LOIKiK. N o . 20
I. O. O. F., meets every second and the same vicinity to make arrange
fourth Wednesday nights in Odd Fellows ments for lectures at the same time,
E lb a A ndekbon . N. U,
since in this way the traveling ex­
A nnik L a w r s n c b , Sec.
penses for each stop made by the
sO Q U ILl.E F.NCAMi’ M ENT, No. 25
1. O. O. F „ meets the lin t and third lecturer are materially reduced
M ■ Fellows
rimrsdav nights in ■ Odd
The number ol lecturers at the
J. S. IS ahton , C. '.
disposal of the department is limited
J . S. L a whence , Sec.
r r NIGHTS O f P Y T H IA * .— Lycurgut, and it is not always possible, there­
l\ . Lodge No. 72, meets Tuesday nights fore, to comply with every request.
in W. O. W. Hall.
When a lecturer can not be sent,
K. R. W atson , K R. 8.
O. A. M i n t o s y b , C. C.
however, the department will loan
TH1AN SISTERS— Justus Tempie a set of suitable lantern slides to any
responsible local association or in­
day nights in W. O. W. Hall.
Mts. G bokok D a v i s , M. E . C. dividual who will pay the express
Mas. F kkd L inboar , K. of R
charges The only requirement is
ED M E N —Coquille Tribe No, 46, 1. that the slides be made of active and
O. R. M., meets every Fridsy night practical use in the community and
I n tV O. W. Hall.
that they be returned in good con­
J. S. B arton , Sachem.
A. P. M iller . C. ol R.
dition in 90 days In addition, a
W. A- —Regular meeting* of Bea- briet outline ot a lecture to accom­
• ver Camp No. 10.550 in M. W. A.
Hall, Front stre«>, first and third Sat­ pany the slides will be forwarded
urdays in each month.
ou request.
H. B. T o z ik r . Consul.
in addition to ibis educational
F\ C. T ruk , Clerk.
y , A .— Regular meeting of Laurel work, ibe department is always
. amp No. 2972 at M. W. A . Hall, ready to respond to requests for
Front, street, second and fourth Tues­
practical assistance which may lake
day n glus in each month.
M a b y K kr n , Oracle.
the lorm of special advice and in­
L aura B randon , Rec.
spection, superintendence of county
.. W. —Myrtle Camp No. 107. roads, road surveys, experimental
meets every Wednesday at 7 :30
road work, bridge work, or the de
m. at W. 0. W. Hall.
Ia*e Currie, C. 0.
velopment of a model system of
J ohn L bnrvk , Sec.
highways for a county. To obtain
V E N IN G TID E C IR C LE No. 214, such assistance local authorities
meets second and fourth Monday
should secure a blank form from the
nights in \V. O. W. Hall.
A nnie B ur kh ol d e r , G . N .
Office ol Public Roads on which to
M ary A. P ikrck , Clerk.
make applications. Requests from
t* ings second ami fourth Saturdays in corporate villages or cities can not
each month in W. O. W. Hall.
be met, however.
F ra n k B u rkh old er , Pres.
Bridge work is one branch ol
O. A. M intonyk . Sec.
Photo by A m e r ic a n P r e s s A s s o c ia tio n .
road building in which the depart­
raternal a i d No. 31m, meets the
At a cost of *50,000 this, "the Intelligent whale,” was built In 1864 In New Jersey. It ts 22.8 feet long, has a
second and fourth Thursdays each ment may be of particular service to
depth of nine feet and had a speed of four knots, The crew consisted of thirteen. It was built In the New York
month at W. O. W. Hall.
local authorities Typical designs
navy yard and was condemned as useless.
M rs . C h a s . K vl a n d , Pres.
M rs . L or a H arkinuton , Sec. have been prepared and copies of
these can be furnished on request
and 1476 of carbohydrates. The
A few minor alterations would country. He says that the country | ber and it is dried and prepared for
Educational Organizations and Clubs
! the market at Bay Point, California, tools, in addition to ordinary kit
O M AN ’S Study Club. —Meets 2:30 probably make such a design suita­
cbei articles, included a fireless
p. m. at city library every second ble for special conditions, or an en­ every week deer fell prey to the Manager E- U. Wheelock has been
cooler, made by the class, from ex­
and fourtli Monday.
gineer may be assigned to inspect brutes. Recently one caught a deer
H arriet A. L onoston , Pres.
celsior, sheet asbestos and a stove-
F rances K. E pp er so n , Sec.
the site and offer suggestions. In
box at an expense of 70 cents.
p Q Q O l L L I E D U C A T I O M A L some cases designs b y bridge
Work was performed under the
L z LKAGUFi—Meets monthly at the companies have been reviewed by mint doos could have lots of sport the great exposition.” — Coos Bay
Higli School Building during the school
conditions of a rural school. A morn­
year for the purpose ol discussing edu­ the department for the benefit of lo­
----- a Sf» -
ing recess of fifteen minutes, the
cational topics.
one week a panther will average as
cal officials.
BihniK S kkels , Pies.
noon hour and whatever other odd
Possibly the most important way, many deer as a Hunter is allowed
E dna H aklockkk , Sec.
moments before or alter school were
however, in which the depat tment to kill during the open season. Mr.
(Polk Couuty Observer)
O K E E L K LU B —A business nien’ B
wanted made the working period.
social organization. Hall in Laird’ s
Within twenty days after gradu­ Two pupils were daily assigned to
building, Second street.
the betterment of their roads is in his place there are 8 or 9 skeletons
ation the June class of the Oregon preparing lunch the next day. Rec-
L .1. C ary , Pres.
laying out a model system of high­ of deer within a hundred feet o
W, C. E ndicott , Sec.
Normal school, comprising 12 3 ipies and instructions were recordtd
ways for a county which is about each other that have been destroyed
o m m e r c i a l c l u b — lko j . C ah >-
students, the largest in the institu­ upon the blackboard and explained.
President: L. H. H a z a r d , Secretary to expend a large sum of money on
The Herald will be favored with tion’s existence, has secured posi­ During lunch itself information was
roads. In such cases the depart­
from Mr, Harris from the tions lor 95 of its members in the given about balanced rations, costs
Transportation Facilities
ment assigns an engineer to make
public schools of the state. Com­ and value of foods and the princi­
■•RAINS—Leave, south bound 8:10 a. a thorough study of the district. Sixes country at intervals during
the summer.
mencing early in the second semes­ ples and practice of cooking. The
He ascertains where the best road
9 :20 a. in. and 4 :26 p. m.
ter frequent calls came to President course was divided into three fort­
Home From School
materials are, what roads are the
OATS—Six boats plying on tlie Co­
Ackerman f r o m Oregon school nightly periods, and a different
quille river afford ample most important and, therefore, to
asking f o r next year’s method pursued during each
dation lor carrying freight and pa’ ien be improved first, and provides tor (Ben Lampmau in Gold Hill News)
gers to Bandon and way points. Boats
teachers, and throughout the re­
The experiment was considered
eave at 7:30, 8:30,9:20 and 9:C0 a. m. the location of each toad so as to
mainder of the term contracts were altogether successful. A lew mem­
and at 1:00, 3:30 and 4 :43 p. m.
secure the best possible drainage
signed while the standaid normal bers of the class at first thought
TAGE—J. L. Laird, proprietor. De­ and grade, and indicates the most the fleet years flee— for the happy
course yet remained uncompleted. that their lunch was light but soon
parts 5:30 p. m. for I Case burg via
Myrtle Point,carrying the United S.aics suitable type and method of con­
Sherman county has engaged the dec,ded tha, in reality ,hey had
mail and pasengers.
struction, including drainage struc­
largest number as a result of a visit | been ealing ,00 m,Jch. The lrailled
OSTOFFICE.— A. F. Linegar, post­ tures, to meet the needs and means in the far countree. There are cups earlv in April by County Superin-1 tMcher mak„ the hot ,uncb prac.
master. Tlie mails close as follows: of the community.
Wnen his work the sirens oiler, brimming o’er, flow­ tendent Fagan, who returned with
Myrtle Point 7 :40 a.m. 5:20, 2:35 p.m.
tical in any school. It offers an
Marsh Held 9:06 a. m. and 4:15 p. in. is completed the county officials ing clear— all imv quaff of folly contracts signed for many rural
effective means of teaching domes­
Bandon, way potnts, 8:45 a m. Norway have at their disposal the results of though the price be dear; there are
Graduates’ salaries will tic science. It could be servicable
and tragoli:55 p.m. Eastern mail 5:20
p. m. Eastern mail arrives 7:30 a. m. an exhaustive study ol the whole roads the sages travel to the Dead range trim $70 to $125 a month
problem and should be able to car­ Sea shore, where the lair dreams and some rural schools are to pay to girls in department stores and
City and Count's O fficers
ry out the work with far more effi- ravel to enweave no more Let u.s $too a month for their teachers. factories. They can as well as not
have a good lunch tor five cents as
A. T. Morrison cjet)cy and economy than would drink the stars at evening, you and
The earning capacity of the entire a pie and pickle lunch for 15 cents.
J. 8. Lawrence
. ,
Recorder . .... ......
R. H. Mast otherw ise he possible
Treasurer ...............
- -m- *-
class, it is estimated, will total $75,
P. M. H r II-I a ’ w *
Road materials are also being fashioned, flowing free; let us hold
Base Ball Dope
000 during the coming year. A
........................ A. P. Miller
continually tested by the depart­ our dream awhile, just to walk a
Night Marshal .......... Oscar WicKham
fair percentage has had teaching,
Water Superintendent. S. V. Eppeieon ment and the information thus ob­ pleasant mile by God’s clean open
experience and already has fallen
The following base ball dope ap-
F'ire Cliie: ...
. W. C. Chase
Councilmen—Jesse Byers, C. T. Skeels tained is available for any commun­ meadow and the good, green tree. into line for a raise in salary .Thirty- pears on the sporting page ol the
Let us play awhile at living, you
. .
C. I. Kime, Ned C.Kelley, W. H. Ly­ ity in doubt as to the kind of road
,, ,
,. . „ , .
seven per cent of the positions taken Marshfield Record:
ons, O. C. Sanlord. Regular meetings they purpose to build
first and third Mondays each month.
are in rural schools, where the
I* appeared this morning that
tests can also be secured on dust lengthen by the tree— it is some-
graduates will seek to eliminate tbe Marshfield, which has twice as
Justice of the Peace
J. J. Stanley
..................Ned C. Kelley layers, such as road oils and tars,, thing jusi to keep to the last tbe
monotony of country instruction many ball players as any of the oth­
and the department will furnish to boon of sleep; it is something just
County Judge............... .James Watson
and create a desite among tbe pupils er teams in the league, will not be
Commissioners—W. T. Dement, Geo. J. anyone instructions as to selection to labor and be free. Let the cynic
to make their life work on the plaving on Sunday, when the Coon
and shipment of samples.
The and the scoff, doubting hope, railing
Bay league season opens and unless
Hob', Wat-on
tifi, u Joint-on. Jr. tests are made free of charge when fate, measure leagues of world to-
Shut iff.........
are made between
T. M. D'ltnnick they are desired in connection with j gether by the scale of hate- we will
T. J.
of the class are in a stage of con- now and tomorrow Sumner will
Asses K)*- ......
Raymond E. Baker public improvement«.
greet the April weather with^th. ,emplatjon The>. mu, t awai, the be without a competitor.
School Slip!..
( ’. F. MeCtil o,-k
--------- 1 * ’
wisdom of the fool, seek the ,----- ,
Jack Davis, who is trying to
F. E. Wilson
Co roner
The New Dairy Queen
ant path together— and come home decision of theteachers themselves,
Dr. Walter Cttlin
Health Offlm-i
All gather a team to represent Matsh-
from school Let us journey home said President Ackerman.
The Holstein-Friesian Cow, Fin- at evening you and me, by the trail wjn be located in a short time More field says he meets every sort of dis-
Societies will get the very best
derne Pride Johanna Rue No ,21- uotqss the meadow where the first calls are arriving and the question • couragement, principal of which is
c _ _ _ _ _
1»H 1 N T I N <J
at the office of Coquille Herald
PER Y E A R $1.50
the arrangements unless the others
post the forfeit aud Mt. Davis said
he was uot going to spend any
mote time. The demand tor for felt
comes from three teams, Marshfield,
Beaver Hill aud the Blue Ridge Ti­
gers, while the others, half ot the
league, are out anxious for such an
Some discouragement is found
here through the fact some of the
players signed up with other teams.
Among these are Thomas, Fisher
and Woods, who will be with the
Blue Ridge Tigers.
Charley Baxter, Coos couoty’s
baseball fan, don’t believe iu send­
ing a county team to go against the
best that Douglas county has unless
they have the best players in the
county, and has therelore taken up
the matter with Roseburg in view
oi taking a team out that will hand
Roseburg a beating Mr. Baxter’s
proposal is to play two games about
August first or eighth, one on Sat­
urday and the other Sunday. He
expects the Roseburg receipts will
pay ior the trip. Mr. Baxter’s
views are the same as many others
here, and when a baseball team
figures on representing the county
they should be picked by people
who know players.
No team has been picked as yet
for this proposed excursion to Rose­
burg to show the Douglas county
boys we have some hall players, hut
the following have betu named as
eligible, with olhets: Dement, of
Mynle Point; Burke, Briggs and
Woods, ol Marshfield; Kissaru and
Ttiomas, of North Beud; Oerding,
Howell and McDonald of the Co­
quille valley; Dooley of the Hatch­
ery; Jim Collier and Wilson, of
Beaver Hill.
W hy Buy at Home?
I buy at hume because my inter­
ests are here.
Because the community which is
good enough for me to live in is
good enough for me to buy in.
Because I believe in transacting
business with my friends.
Because I want to see the good*.
Because I want to get what I buy
at the time when I pay for it.
Because my home dealer carries
me when I run short.
Because every dollar I spend at
home works fot tbe community.
Because tbe man I buy from
stands back of bis goods.
Because I sell what I produce
here at home and here I buy.
Because the man I buy from
helps support my schools a n d
my church.
Because the man I buy from pays
his part of the town, county nnd
state tax.
Because everv dollar I spend at
home gives me another chance at
that dollar.
Because when ill luck, misfortune
or bereavement cornea, tbe man I
buy from is here with his kindly
greeting, his cheery words and his
pocketbook if need be.
Furthermore, if I should do all
my buying away from home, and
all my neighbors do the same, no
retail merchants would be needed,
nor could any such subsist, which
would mean no town and no prop­
er transportation facilities. Did you
ever stop to look at it in that light?
— Ex-
Capture Large Tuna
J. Morgan, while clam digging
on the beach Fiiday, discovered a
large fish stranded in shallow water
on tbe beach. He killed it with a
shovel, and not knowing what kind
it was, took it to the Gallier hotel.
There it was identified by the Ha-
waiians as a tuna, a native of island
In southern California
these fish are plentiful, in fact so
plentilul that they have a Tuna
club, members of which take their
guests out and let them catch a
hundred pounder or so any old
time, just for sport The one killed
here weighed about 80 pounds —
Bandon World
Compiled by State Bureau
Industries and Statistics
Pendleton to have a $25,000 Car­
negie library.
Bandon— Ice plant increases ca­
pacity to 6500 lbs. daily.
Pendleton — Pacific Telephone Co.
rebuilding its plant here.
Roseburg— Circuit court sustains
legality of $300,000 railroad bond
Marion county is laying about
20,000 yards of bard surface pave­
Work on Warrenton’s ngw $120,-
000 gravity water system has com­
Pailley National Bank increases
capital to $40,000.
Kendall Bros, will start work on
their 30-mile limber railroad out of
Roseburg soon.
$3000 will be spent surveying
Yaquina bar with view of obtaining
a 25-foot channel.
The latest thing to be regulated
in Portland is the poster tor tbe
moving picture shows.
On July 13 tbe first full wagon
load of hogs ever seen in Hood Riv­
er appeared cn the street.
140 men are busy laying track on
tbe Willamette Pacific irom tbe
bridge north on Coos Bay.
University of Oregon report
shows imports ot Chinese eggs have
reached noticeable proportions.
Sound of the ground to be occu­
pied by the proposed Federal Build­
ing at Roseburg has been started.
Portland iron manufacturers soon
may be engaged in tbe task of mak­
ing shrapnel for the European Arm­
Pottland— r8oo t o n s Colorado
marble will be used on the new
First National bank to cost $400,-
The Oregon Power Co. at Albany
is offering free electric fan including
fan service for the benefit of serious­
ly sick.
Tbe Supreme court has handed
down a decision absolving the O.
W. R. and N Co. from liability to
P. A. Frakes will dedicate a large
and expensive dairy barn on Sou-
vies Island with a housewarming,
dance .aud luncheon attended by
600 guests.
BIumauer-Frank Drug Co. of
Portland has staited move to estab­
lish drug farms for raising different
drug plants.
The Washington County News-
Times is one of the biggest papers
in Oregon aud one ol the most at­
tractively arranged. It thoroughly
covers its held.
United States immigration ser­
vice, Railway Exchange building
publishes list of applications for
help filed with them, in effort to
aid unemployed.
The citizens of Roseburg at •
mass meeting adopted resolutions
opposiug any move that may be
made in the direction of placing tbe
Oregon a n d California railroad
lands in a national or state reserve.
A law prohibiting walking and
trespassing on railroad right of way
in Oregon would be along the line
01 “ Safety First” and would save
the lives ol hundreds of thoughtless
people and would not take a new
commission to enforce it.
A great revival in the fruit can­
ning and preserving industry, so
far as the practice in the home ia
concerned, has followed the O.-W.
R. & N. Companies serits ot dem­
onstrations now being conducted in
Oregon, Washington and Idaho.
At the International Press Con­
gress in San Francisco, Edgar B.
i Piper of the Oregonian, Portland,
Otegon, took exceptions to the in­
creasing Federal control of publica­
tions. " I do not proclaim the right
ot a newspaper to print what it
pleases, when if pleases and where
it pleases, but I repudiate the im­
The F.astern mail arrived Thors plied assumption and exercise, by
Government, of the function of
day from Roseburg at 2:55 p. m
administration in detail.
------ «»» »
083 H F H B is the new Queen of go"*wBKlTtheVwVes^oding'son 1 ,0 •“ PP1* I d some way * ,air P '«’ <hat of * demand for Marshfield Tbis is record time. Never before
Get your butter wrappers at tha
tbe dairy world exceeding in yearly fl0, j actoss a rood ot clover in the |tion of <he demand for trained : players who would be playing, for ( has the mail arrived that oarly in
Herald office.
the $25 forfeit talked over at the the day.
butterfat production the best per- * tar countree