The Coquille Herald PU BLISH ED E V ERY TUESDAY operation must be dissolved. Our X-ray has already been pul to woik, and revealed the fact that cliques aud organizations are in existence in Coos Bay who ate a detriment to the people’s weltire, we will print the truth ol these conditions just as soon as our circulation list permits us to. So if the people of Coos and Curry Counties want to know, “ who is who" in this dis­ trict also the methods used, their tools, power, and etc, also if the people want to know what the fu­ ture has in store for them aod their possibilities, for advancement if they want to keep a medium in the field that will be used to expose these tyrants who hold forth in Marshfield, North Bend, Coquille, and Bandon by the Sea. To do this work we need tbe assistance of the people, our policy is to fight with the truth to get justice lor the one’s who Toil. When we reflect that the Leader was founded tor tbe promotion of the rankest piece of wildcat real es­ tate faking ever pulled ofl in Ore­ gon it is gratifying to see t at it has reformed and is now willing to play the part of moral censor for tbe rest of us. H aw aiian Musicians Coming to the G rand Hogwdllow News l SW AT TH E FLY! The Grand has secured for Tues­ day evening of next week one of the best attractions that ever visited this citv, the Hawaiian Concert Company. Every one who has ever P. C. LEVAR, Lessee. heard Hawaiian music is enthusias­ tic in praise of its sweetness and Devoted to the material and social fascinating melody There ate seven i upbuilding of the Goquille Valley par­ ticularly and c f Coos County generally. performers in tbe company, and the Subscription, $1.50 per year in advance enlertaiumeut given is of two hours duration. Admission prices will be Phone Main 3S1. 50 cents for adults, 25 cents lor DUNK BOTTS, R egular Correspondent children under 12 years accoinpa-! (George Bingham) Oration at Cottonwood Crossing All Rights Reservd nied by pareuts or guardians. From many favorable press no­ (Ben H. Lampman, Gold Hill News) tices, the following from a Tellur- The store in th e Calf Bibs neigh­ After having read so much about Friends, fellow patriots and ide, Colo., paper is selected: borhood m nle hu assignment this bank robbers, tbe cashier of the neighbors all— tbe murmur of yon Friday night a t the Segerberg w eek. The a sse ts consist of four bank at Tickville plays safe bv tnk stream is Freedom’s call Upon this Peterson re than ihnt. call. It whispers, as it hurries A baseball learn is being organized perlormances Telluride has ever The Postmaster has installed a in Hcgwallow. Tobe-Moseley, who through the loam, of the good been given a chance to listen to. clock in bis store and set the alarm has full, bushy whiskers, will be ap­ brotherhood that binds us all. It There were eight people iu the to go off at noon and closing up pointed backstop. Tbe ball players speaks of borne. troupe— six men and two women, time. here have just recovered from their You’ ve draped a flag among the and they sing and play beautifully. defeat of several yeais ago, by the Miss Gondola Henstcp went to titan oaks. What does it mean to It bas been said that “ Music bath Tick villa Thursday to buy a hat like Tickville nine, when the score stood each of us, good folks? That flag charms to sootbe tbe savage breast” the one worn by Miss Flutie Bel- 28 to (54 iu favor of the visiting that waves o’er stream and forge and it a savage was there last night j cber. team. and corn? This here’s the day that aod was not soothed, if some one Lights O ut P R O F . SAP 8PR A U LEN there old flag was born. What does | Tbe water in Gander creek is get- will turn him over to the marshal It is with very doep pleasure that it mein to each of us, good folks, j ting so low it is feared that some I I A V ING bought the plant of the Co- For the first time in many moons he will put on the finishing touches. we write to our readers about Prof who know it over school and coun­ will have to be hauled theie from the Oregon Power Co. had a break­ Except ¡’one or two numbers of * * quille Mill and Mercantile Com­ Sap Spradliu, the Wild Onion try store? We never left our oxen j Gimlet creek, to allow the tisb down last Friday that put its pa­ instiumental pieces, all w e r e school teacher. Last summer, be­ pany, the undersigned is now prepared in the yokes— to meet no more enough to travel in trons to considerable inconvenience. played on string instruments, and fore departing for the teachers’ in­ to fill all orders for any kind of Fit Smith g o t after a sn a k e th e L ook—how the sweet b r e e z e A slide valve on tbe engine broke the music was so soft and sweet and stitute at lickville, he ale a lot ol blows it back a fold! Yonder's a early in tbs forenoon aud after hav­ so satisfying in composition that j other day, but could Dot ov ertak e grape nuts and other brain food, vision of the times of old! Behind ing it patched at a local machine encore followed encore and respon­ i t and then roached his hair straiglit it, on the meadow, stands revealed shop it was found not to be in a ses were so generously given that Yam Sims left for Tickville this up, so that prominence would Especial attention will be paid to the the litten memory of a glorious condition for safety. Then Manager the troupe made a most excellent j morning to enter his standing col­ be given his forehead when tin field. Yonder’s a vision of the times McKenna got busy with the phone impression. Miss DeFoliart put on lar in the steam laundry. local demand, and every effort will he teachers had their pictures made in of old. Beyond all latter day in- and found that the Dollar Co. had her uniaue version of Uncle Tom’s The Tin Peddler’s horse ran a group. He had himself placed on made to supply anything needed at the consequentals, stand ragged men a similar engine at Bandon, from Cabin in song. When she got thru j away with him just this side of Rye the program at institute, aud de!,v shortest possible notice. Your orders who laugh at war and cold— the which be could borrow the value. nailing little Eva to the moon and Straw the other day. He had on ered a talk on “The Effect the Brain are solicited. Continentals! Then he chased down there with an skidding the dogs over the wooden board a heavy load of feathers, at <1 Has on the Mind.” His argument Friends, they are real; as real as automobile, returning in time to ice, every one was convulsed with as the wind was blowing they be­ was that if a person hasn’t any yon and I. I tell you that tbe cra­ get the lights on again at 9 :30. The laughter. The show is about the came so scattered it took him some b ains be is a fool. His talk which ven only die! This here’s the flag greatest sufferer here was the pic- best in its line we have had in Tel­ time to get them all together again. extended over an hour, receiv I that valor brought to birth. This tue show, but McKenna has prom­ luride. and the press gang need not Tobe Moseley hitched up his much stomping when he finished picnic ground, they made it free­ ised to come to the show and bring be afraid to say that they are in a wagon Sunday and took his family and sat down with a great deal man’s earth. I tell you that tbe era his family until he makes up the class by themselves to preaching at Dog Hill. Tbe team satisfaction over himself For seve,- ven only die Dear God, we thank loss. had such a heavy load that Tobe had al seasons Prof Spradleu has by A uto A ccidents Thee that Thou cast these few - to assist them up the bills by grunt­ his shrewd political manipulations, 11422112 and gave us something to remem­ NOTES ON THE got himself elected unanimously as ing right loud. Friday morning Charlie Ashtons’ ber by. Friends— I am through teacher of the Wild Onion school. DC The teacher of the Wild Onion 30 E 3 BE O f Interest to Those W ho car was considerably damaged on ac­ school gives it ss his opinion that He renders great assistance in the 0 ' “A S ane F o u rth ” count ol a wheel giving way beneath | cause of education and besides was | Patronize the Movies it on a sharp torn in the road about i the moon is rot inhabited, because instrumental in having the school I The Fourth passed off very quiet­ two miles below this place. Mr. it is so round and slick nobody house turned around so that the T h e spectacle of “ America;” ly in Coquille, the only life being Ashton was coming up lrom Ban­ could stand up on it. map would hang north aud south furnished by the swarming automo­ shown in piclutes at the Grand last don with his family. He was going Yesterday the Depity Constable Prof. Spradlen is a firm believer, ol j night must have been a gran'll affair biles in which people were hurrying at a rather high rate of speed and was approached by a stranger who late years, in the theory that the I to the races at Myrtle Point and tbe when produced in the New York as he made a sharp turn one of the broke down and confessed and want­ world is round and teaches it daily j Hippodrome. When it came to celebration at Marshfield. The wheels smashed, causing the ma­ ed himself arrested for stealing a to his pupils. Wtiile lir. Spradhti making a picture of it, lull justice patriotic. entbuNiam of our citizenB chine to turn completely over and mule, but the Depity became suspi­ is not a candidate foi ary office at was visually demonstrated by the could not be done to the production. roll down a rather steep bank. No cious and refused to comply with the present time, he desires to 1 The impossibility of lighting the rustling folds of a flve-cent flag one was injured. his request. get his uncle elected trustee again immense stage brightly enough to hung from the Herald office. There YOU CAN GET THEM NOW OF TH E Lem Lambeth driving his big so that he can continue to hold th 1 make clear pictures, and the neces­ Sim Flinders, who is very fond of would nave been two of them, but Cadillac car smashed into a Band n job lit Wild Onion. some fellow got away with one Inst sity ol covering so large a space by d r on tbe Marshfield road Monday goose eggs, became the champion setting the camera at a distance Statistics show that more fuel egg taler the other day when he ale Fourth before we could get them in night. The Bandon car was damaged a e tting at one sitting. caused some ol the scenes to appear used in winter than in summer. again. On Second street Mrs. considerably but no one was injured. Wickham and the Bazaar had sever­ dark and the figures in others too Don Barker went to sleep while quille River Mf’ir Co. a corporation and Nevertheless, the picture al flags adorning the front of their small. East F ork Items driving on the Bandon road Satur­ Robert Dollar Trustee and all persons was well worth seeing and gave a places. It is reported that the claiming under them subsequent to the day night. He smashed into the Plaintiff’s Mortgage Lien in, of and to j good idea of the spectacle. court house also had a flag out. E. N. Harry is learning to drive j railing on a bridge which woke him said real and personal property, said his car. The Grand has made arrange­ Where the Price Before Has Been $3.50 On B Street a firecracker thrown mortgaged premises and property here­ up to the fact that be had had a inbefore mentioned are described in from Machon's billiard ball exploded ments to secure the services of the It cost Alva Harry only about 30 j R em em ber this Iron is guaranteed for 10 years; narrow escape, and served to keep said execution as follows, to-w it: Lot 5 in the street, and Mr. Machon later Paramount featute pictures, which bones to repair the bones In th e j him awake th e re st of tb e journey. - of “ c‘ io",17- *nd ,il,e ,r? n lin K and will save you no end of bother every week. is undoubtedly the best regular fea­ J 7 and abutting the sam e, and also begin*. broncho after the bucking spell contributed two plunks to the city Paul Ford, stage I ning on the section line between sec- treasury for the heinous offense. On ture service on the matket today. , . Last Friday , _ ¡tions 17 and 18 at a point 277.5 feet J. D Laird’s family celebrated j Sunday afternoon the lid was raised They are so good and in such de­ driver on the Coquille-Bandon line north of the southwest corner of lot 5 o f , th e “ Fourth” at Myrtle Point Sat­ Bec,ion 17: running thence north 74". long enough by the Marshall to let mand that it is necess ry to wind h a d a c o llisio n on th e B an d o n ro a d i ! west to the low water line of the left urday. Folsom unload bit supply of fire ^ | considerable red tape to get them, a lew m iles below to w n w h ic h j t>ank of the Coquille river, thence u p - strearo alona Io« water line to the line | Mf. Mullen, of tile Imperial val- crackers and these were set off in | and it is impossible to say just when sm a sh e d th e ra d ia to r of h is I-o rd to betw een sections 17 and 18, thence south ■3BG the first one will be shown. But su c h an extent that it could not be ¡on said line to place of beginning, also c o u ° , Ur' * colls' n of the L in tbe street, one at a time, relieving j 368* °< lot « in section 17 bertsons had his plumbing tools watch for further announcements, repaired He purchased another at i Have von paid the printer. tbe monotony for awhile. or parcel th ereof; th a t plaintiff have . I ami all tide lands fronting and abutting b u rie d u u d e r a b o u t a feet o f b ric k s for you will not waut to miss these judgm ent against the said defendant the bay but the accideut kept h im the same 368.5 feet, all in tow nship 28, On Sunday quite a number went for his costs and disbursem ents in this N o | south of range 14, west of the W iliam- H e and h is wife w e re o u t rid in g at off his run for nearly day. SU M M O N S on an excursion to Bandon beach, j splendid, high-class productions suit; for such other and fu rth e r relief | ette m eridian, in Coos County, Oregon, | t h e tim e of th e e a r th q u a k e a n d es as to the C ourt may seem m eet and one was injured. I and being the same premises which I . and many others went in various di- * DIED ! Grosman Timmons and wife conveyed | caped injury, In the Circuit Court of the State of Ore- equitable rections in their automobiles. Taken Service of this summons is m ade up­ to said J . S. Lyons an«l said C. Me. 0 . gon in and for the County of Coos Mrs Easton came home Friday on you bv publication th ere o f in the | Johnson, and being the premises on as a whole, the advocates of a sane Have you paid the Printer? U PD YKE— In this city, July 5, j Coquille Herald, by order of the Honor­ which is situated what i9 known as the night for a week's vacation. She F r e d A. R a k e r , Fourth must have been pleased with able John S. Coke, .fudge of the Cir­ —» .#»- - Plaintiff, i mill of Lyons-Johnson Lum ber Com- left the school house, three miles 1915, Chas, Updyke, aged about j S U IT cuit C ourt of the S ta te of Oregon in vs. | pany, near Prosper, Coos County, Ore- the day at Coquille. IN 50 years. and for tne County of Coos, and which Sheriff s Sale of Real Property on Foreclosure ' gon. Also the boom and boom privi- south of the South slough b rid g e , R e n t n i e r C h r i s t i a n E Q U IT Y order is dated the 19th day of June, H errm ann , j leges belonging to the first p a rt ies or The deceased had been living in j on the Marshfield car at three 1915. D efendant. Notlce is hereby given, T hat by vir­ either of them used in connection with L eader C hanges Name tbe northern part of town and work tue of ail execution duly issued out of said saw mill. J. J. S t a n l e y , o’clock, took a Slagle & Stone car To R entnier C hristian H errm ann, the A ttorney for Plaintiff, Also all the machinery consisting of, at Marshfield for Coquille, walked 1 in g at d iffe re n t jo b s, a n d w a s c o n -1 the C ircnit C ourt of th e State of Oregon, above named defendant: In the Name of the S tate of Oregon; Coquille, Coos County, Oregon. 6-22-9t The following announcement of sidered somewhat unsound mental­ 1 lor the Countv of Coos and to me direct- three boilers 66 x 16; two engines 16 x , out as far as the county hospital, ed on the 3rd day of July, 1915 upon 18, one Clark Mill 9 foot, 60 inch edger, was picked up by J. D Laird witn You are hereby notified th a t you are purpose appears at the head of the ly. He had been fasting for four­ judgem ent and decree «Inly rendered carriages, head blocks, live rolls, c an t­ required to appear and answ er the Notice of Final Settlement editorial column of the Coos Curry teen days, taking neither food nor entered of record and docketed in and ing gear, shafting, boxes, collars. his Ford, and was home at 9:30, amended complaint filed against you in by said Court on the 28th lay of Ju n e steam feed, pulleys, couplings, belting, distance traveled 56 miles. Tbe au­ the above entitled suit within eight Rostrum, successor to the Curry water, in an endeavor to improve 1915 in a certain suit : then in la id Court saws, fram es, buildings, all tools and Notice is hereby given th a t the under­ weeks from the date of the first publi­ to is a great time saver. County Leader, published at Lang­ defective hearing. It seems that he pending, wherein Adam Perstihaker logging tools and im plem ents, also any cation of i this tt __ _______ 1 _ , , 1 v au uii u i m a s summons, u m m u iis, tow it: within signed has filed in the County C ourt of was plaintiff and J . S. Lyons. Fannie and all other machinery. machinery, fittings, con Haying time been a busy e i^ h t w eeks from the 22nd (lay of June, ( ' 00 s County, Oregon, his final account lois Oregon: in the m a tte r of the e state of Alfred had fasted for about fortv days on K. Lyons, C. Me. C. Johnson ami Dei nections. pumps and any and all o th er tim e ; th e h a y h a s been put in the 1915; Johnson his wife, the Lyons-Johnson personal property used in or in connec- • day of M. W est, deceased, and th a t said Court The purpose ol establishing this a previous occasion, but that time answer, on or before the 1 b a rn s in good q u a lity . Lum ber Co. a corporation, A If red John- tion with said mill. Also any and all j August, 1915, the same being the date bas se t Thursday, July 22nd, 1915, as ------------- paper is to place in the field a me­ he took water, while this time he son L um ber Co., a corporation, Coquille other machinery tools, im plem ents and ; of the last publication of this summons, tilt* day, and the County Court room a t Notice of Special Stockholders’ Meeting \ the plaintiff will upply to the Court for County C ourt house in the C ity of dium that can be used by the people took neither lood nor water, the re­ River Mf’g Co., a corporation and Hob- personal property which shall be here- ert Dollar Trustee were defendants in a fte r purchased for use in connection j | the relief demanded in his sa il com- Coquille. l oos County, Oregon, as the in their behalf, to protect them sult being fatal He leaves a family favor of plaintiff an«l against said de- w ith said saw mill, be sold by the Sheriff plaint, a succinct statem ent of which s pl®ce f°r hearing objections to the said Notice is hereby given th a t by di- selves trom the cliques aud organi­ back East, and a telegram from a fendants by which execution I am com- of Coos County, subject to the lease of rection of the president of the Coquiffe- as follows: th a t th e said defendant h i final account, and the settlem ent of said rounded to sell the property in said exe- the Bandon Power Company, upon t ‘ a t Coos Coal Company, a corporation, t r required to se t up and allege w hatever e state. zations, whose rule has become ab­ son to Undertaker Ellingson this cution and herein after described to pay portion of said premises described th as J ohn H. W es t , ganized and e xisting under the laws 01 right, title, estate, in te rest or claim he wit:- he has or claims in or to the real e sta te 6-22-5t A dm inistrator, the S ta te of Oregon, a special meetii solute; also alter getting a general morning directed that the remains the sum due the plaintiff of Eight Thou­ follows, to wit:* sand Six Hundred E ighty nine and •int 394 fe e t north o f the stockholders of said corporatio “ Beginning at a poii :>rpor in said amended complaint described, ! ----------- ----------------- idea from the people to agitate for be buried here and that no expense 72-100 Dollars, with interest, thereon at and 72* east from tne e Meander corner, is hereby called to be held a t tne prin- tow it: the southw est «juarter of the Notice to Creditors conditions that will benefit the peo­ could be borne by the family. The the rate of eight per cent, per annum on the left bank of the Coquille R iver cipal office of said corporation in the southeast q u a rte r of section six in town- from the 28th dav of June 1915 until betw een sections 17 and 18, Township Notice is hereby given th a t the under­ City of Coquille, Coos County, Oregon, ship tw enty-eight o u th , range ten west ple of Coos and Curry Counties al­ funeral will take place tomorrow. paid together with the costs an«! dis­ 28 south, Range 14 w est of the W iliam- in the B axter Hotel in Room 15 there- of the W illam ette meridian 11 the Coun­ signed has been duly appointed adm in­ bursem ents of said suit, taxed a t $34 00, ette Meridian in Oregon and running of in said City, on the 21st day of July, ty of Coos and S ta te of Oregon, or anv istra trix of the e sti.t * of Charles R. so against any one or condition that and an attorney fee of $500 00 and cost.« thence north 858 15' east 250 feet; 1915. a t Ten o ’clock A M. p art thereof, and subm it the sam e to Phillips, deceased, and that all persons is a detriment to the masses. The and e x c u s e s of said execution. I will thence south 4’ 45 east 348.5 f e e t ; The objects of said m eeting are as this Court for judicial determ ination; having claims against said e state are P O L K ’ S ' on Saturday the 7th «lay of August 1915 follows: thence south 85° 15' w est 250 f e e t ; th a t the tk le of plaintiff in and to said hereby notified th a t they are required time is here when the people are pt the hour of 10 o'clock A. M. of said thence north 4* 45' west 348.5 fe et; to l. To provide for settling and di real e state and every p ir t and parcel to present the sam e, duly verified with compelled to act; and to act ignor­ O R E G O N a n d W A S H IN G T O N «lay at the front door of the Com tv the place of beginning containing two charging the indebtedness of the cor thereof be quieted against the said de­ the proper vouchers therefor, to the un­ Court House in Cooa County, Oregon, (2) acres more or less in the County of poration and th? disposal of all its prop- fendant ana against his heirs and as- dersigned at the office of A. J. S h e r­ antly would be disastrous We B u s in es s D ire c to ry sell s t public auction to the highest bid- Coos S ta te of Oregon ¿ rty . signs, and against each and all persons wood. in Coquille, Coos l ounty, O re­ have installed a large X-ray in cur A D ir e c to ry o f e a c h C ity . T o w n e n d der for cash in hand on the day of sal.*, Said Sale being made subject to re- 2. To provide for the dissolution of claiming bv, through or under him; and gon, within six m onths from tne date V illa g e , «riving d e s c r ip tiv e s k e tc h all the rig h t, title, interest and estate demption in the m anner provided by said corporation and the winding up of th a t said defendant, and his heirs and of this notice. plant, and the one’s who come be­ oh p la c e , lo c a tio n , p o p u la tio n , te le » which said defem lants J . S. Lyons, Fan- law. D ated this 10th day of May, 1915. its affairs. assigns, and any and all o th er persons g r a p h , s h ip p i n g a n d b a n k in g p o i n t; fore it and can not stand the ex ­ L aura J. H a nsen , nie K. Lyon«, C* Me. C. Johnson, an«! Dated this 6th day of July, 1915. D ated this 6th day of July. 1915. claiming by, through or under him, be icd D ire.-to rjr, c o m p ile d b y Del Johnson his wife, the Lyons Jo h n ­ A dm inistratrix of the Es­ b u s in e s s and p r o fe s s io n A lfred J ohnson J r ., B. L. E ddy forever enjoined and restrained from amination must suffer; also all con son Lumber Co., a corporation, Alfreii ta te of Charles R. Phil­ Sheriff of 1 00 s County, Oregon. I- P«-LK t CO.. 8BATTLE Secretary, Coquille-Coos Coal Co. sotting up any right or claim or interest ditions that are uncurable with co- Johnson Lum ber Co., a corporation, Co- lips, Deceased. 7-6-5t | 7-6-3t , in or to tn e said real e state or any p art E ntered as second class m atter May 8, 1005. a t the poet otlice a t Coquille, Oregon, u n d e rac t ol Congress of March 8, 187». With every purchase at our store we will give you a Swatter free Let Our Stock of Fly Preparations Help You Get Rid of Flies KNOWLTON’S DRUG STORE A n n o u n cem en t LUMBER E. E. JOHNSON % Hot Points J Cut Down OREGON PO W ER CO. for $3.00 C all On Us for T hem = ] E = = = ] El E = = = I I#