T he C oquille H erald VOL. 33, NO. 42 COQUILLE, COOS COUNTY, OREGON, TUESDAY, JULY 6, 1915. PER YEAR $1.50 partners. The wound was not ser -1 ious and Lowe was able to walk to I the junction and catch the train for : Fraterna¡ and Benevolent Order , . | school exhibit is iu the Oregon Compiled by State Bureau o f What it Costs to Live in San building and is not in competition, j Former Governor Proposes Plan in Regard to the Disposal this place where his wounds were j K. & A. M.—Refillin' meeting ol Industries and Statistics dressed Later he swore out a Francisco Now j Here, practically the entire second | . Chadwick Lodge No. 88 A. F. & A, of the Land of the O. & C. Grant Want State M.. at Masonic Hall, every Saturday warrant foi Madden and the officers -------- | floor is given over to school work, j night in each month on or lielore the Arlington euters upon economy to Purchase Tract From Company took the train to Beaver Hill on 'he With a little care, Oregonians and it is conceded to be one of the full moon. L. A. I. iujeuvikt , W. M. p rogiam . K. il. M ast , Secretary. return trip and made the arrest going lo the Exposition will Bud il i finest exhibits on the grounds It he paid the railroad company could June 28, 1915, Sutherlin Everfresh plant drying about 6 o’clock the same evening K. 8.—Reguiar meeting of Beulah possible to make a slay there at no is also true that High School stu­ Editor the Coquille Herald, • Chapter No. tl, second and fourth in no event exceed $5,750,000 it Mr. Madden claims that he was so logan berries. excessive cost. Down in the city dents of Oregon made much of the Finlay evenings of each month, in Ma­ Coquille, Oregon. would mean a huge profit for the badly intoxicated that he was not good rooms at average hotels can attractive furniture in use in the Dear Sir: Baker White Pine Lumber Co. sonic Hall. E mma L i u i b u v i k t , W. M. State School Fund The company aware of his actions. He waived adds dry kiln. be had at $1 to $2 50 per night, and Oregon building. Many prominent Feeling that the proper disposi­ A nna L awrence bee., r o o m s iu boarding houses aud educational people make special tion of the O A C laud grant is ot has already disposed of near $5 000- preliminary hearing and his bond Yamhill will spend $5000 on 1 O. O. F .—Coquille Lodge No. 5 3 ,1 .0 . 000 worth of lands from the grant was set at $1000 which be later fur­ street improvement. 1 . O. F., meets every Saturday niglit homes at $5 to $10 per week. Res­ visits to see ihe Oregon exhibits iu the greatest importance to the State, n Odd Fellows Hall. taurant prices are not beyond the the Palace ot Education and iu the I have addressed a letter to Govern­ which after making due allowance nished. Salem—Jitneys to be regulated H . B. M oore , N. G. The trouble which resulted in the usual and at cafeterias good food state building and grow enthusias­ or Withycombe, copy of which is for taxes and administration expen­ J. S. L a wre nc e , Sec. and pnt under $5000 bond. ses paid would greatly reduce the shooting is said to have arisen some can be had at very reasounble prices. tic over it. Miss Stewart, of the enclosed, suggesting the purchase a m i e r k b e k a H l o d g e . N o . 2 d Coal shipments will soon be com­ amount to be paid the company ac­ time ago when Madden was dissat- I. O. O. F., meets every second and At the latter places, for everything famous Lux schools for girls, Sau and administration of the State. sfied with the accounting Scotty ing out of Lincoln county. count the lauds now held. fourth Wednesday nights in Odd Fellows except meat, five aud ten cents is Ftancisco,. said: “ You can quote I would be pleased to have your H al l. B l d a A noekson , N. G, Baker will use 2,000,000 gallons While it is idle to ask the federal gave ol some produce he bad dis­ the price for the average dish. There me as saying there is no exhibit of views on the proposed plan either A nnie L awrence . Sec. posed of from the farm The matter water per day ibis summer. government to both reimburse the is an i xcess of rooms aud eating sewing on the grounds to equal through the t o l w n s of your paper /-'O Q O IL L E ENCAMPMENT, No. 2d O. W R. ii. N Co. has put on railroad company and grant the was again b. ought up on the day 1. O. O. F., uieetB the lirstand third places, the crowds not yet having that of Oregon school children iu or by persqnal letter. Thursday nights in Odd Fellows Hall. lands to the State without cost, it of the shooting with the result that daily train service to Juntra. overflowed the city. For those who j the state building.“ The exhibits Very truly yours. J. S. B arton , 0 . ? . would not be unreasonable to ask Madden drew a gun and ordered J . S.I. awhence . Sec. Siletz— C o u n t y locating t w o feel the need of apartments, one were made under the direction of OSWALD WEST that the grant, or such part of it as Scotty to dance. Scotty, it is said, bridges and 1080 toot trestle. nights ok b y t h ia s .—Lycurgus arid two rooms with kitchenette and Assistant State Superintendent E declined and upon seeing that his Lodge No. 72, meets Tuesday nights private bath range from $ 22.50 to F. Carleton. June Ih e Twenty-Fifth, might be desired, be turned over to Mr G. R. Bonell, di­ Tillamook— Bridge planned over in W. O. W. flail. partner intended to use the gun, he the State on condition that it pro­ $ 50 , at thoroughly rmpectable and > 9 t 5 rector of manual training in the It. K. W atson , K R. S. Hoquarton slough to cost $5000. O. A. M intonye . C. C. vide the funds necessary to reim­ took to the timber but failed to up-to-date apaitment houses within Salem schools, has come to take Hon. James Withycombe, Portland theaters serve notice of reach cover before one of the sev­ Governor of Oregon, burse the railroad company for i j YTHIAN SISTERS—Justus Temple a short street car ride of the Fix- charge ol the exhibits for one eral shots it is claimed Madden dis­ discharging all union musicians. Salem, Oregon. 1 No. 35, meets first and Third Mon­ position or city. On the ExpoRjtion lands taken over. charged in his direction found a month. My dear Governor: day nights in W. O. W. Hal!. Coquille— County takes bids July lodging place in bis leg. Madden It such a plan should be followed grounds prices are a more strenuous Mss. G k i R ue D avis , M. E. C. Inasmuch as the recent decision 8 for bridge across Coquille river. Mas. F red I. inegar , K. of R will appear before the September in spots, but visitors meet this sit Americans No Longer | of the Supreme Court of the United the nou-timbered agricultural lands grand jury. Astoria— Street car service estab­ l_)E D MEN— Comiille Tribe No. 40, 1. uation pretty largely by briuging Love to Be Humbugged States, in the m tter of the O & C. should be thrown open to entry at IN. O. K. M., meets every Friday niglit lished Monday to Taylor’s addition. their luDcbes with tlum, aud the i n W Ü. W. Hall. -------- j R R. laud grant, makes it neces- ooce to bona fide settlers and at lit­ European Towns All J. S. B a r t on , S a ch et - Hubbard progressive forces un­ tle or no cost. The non-timbered very best people do uot scorn to do Univetsity of Oregon — The dol-j sary ior congress to taka early actlou Have Public Markets animous tor industrial development. A. P. M iller , C. of R. thie. The Y. W C. A. cafeteria oc­ lars and cents value ol truth in ad-j iu reference to its disposal, I am tracts unfit for settlement should be W. A. —Regular meetings of Bea- held with a view of reforestation. Marshfield— McDonald - Vaughn O r e g o n Agricultural College, . ver Camp No. 10,550 in M . W . A. cupies a building all its own and is vertisinv was hammered home to a taking the liberty of submitting the Hall, Front street, tirst anti third Sat­ the popular eating place within the ! The timber on the timbered lauds Corvallis— “ Practically every Eu­ logging camps opened with 80 men. State University audience by Mar- following suggestions for your con- urdays in each month. gates. Here one can pick out a shall N. Dana, of the stafi of the sideratiou. should be appraised, and in due ropean town has its public market,” Corvallis— S. P. Co. asking fran­ H. B. T o z ie r . Consul. F. U. T kue , Clerk. reasonably good meal for fifty cents Oregon Journal, Portland, in a lec- j If the lands should be taken over time, sold to the highest bidders says Dr. Hector Macpberson, of chise to operate electric trains over S, A.—Regular meeting of Laurel or less, and for light lunches it is ture on “ Advertising Ethics” that! b y the federal government its and on condition that it be removed the Oregon Agricultural College. loop. . amp No. 2972 at M. W. A . Hall, ideal. However, at the M J. B closed the advertising course at the | adopted policy would undoubtedly • within a certain period As fast as "Town and country meet in the Coquille— W. J. Longston would Front, street, second and fourth Tues Coffee Parlor,ham, e g g s , bread,butter day n gilts in each month. market square, where the city enlarge brick plant to 100,000 daily M ar y B e r n , Oracle. aud coffee are obtainable at forty dweller deals directly with the output. L aura B randon , Rec. oents. Waffh-H and coffee cost grower of his meats, fruits and veg­ Klamath county has a new pa­ O. W .—Myrtle Camp No. 197, etables. The market habit is born per, the Merill Times, by Geo. E. meets every Wednesday at 7 :30 twenty fiveceDts The Zone is filled with eating places, cabarets and res- | and bred in every inhabitant of Bradnack. p- m. at W. O. W. Hall. Lee Currie, C. C. taurants offering food at «11 prices, both town and country It is a J ohn L knevk , See. Benton county co-operative asso­ “ Hot dog" sandwiches and coffee ! habit with the force of generations U V E N IN G T ID B CIRCLE No. 214, ciation paid 5 pier cent dividends joints are every when1, and the com- I 1—rf meets second and fourth Monday behind it. since Jsn. 1. nights in W . O. W. Hall. bination can be hail for twenty “ But it is a habit which has nev­ A nnie B urkho ld kr , G.N. When too farmers co-operate to cents. In the Food Products Build­ M ar y A. F ierce , Clerk er been widely acquired in America sell products it’s a public market. ing it i- possible to g. t light lun­ Our rapid development, the early i 'A R M E U S UNION.— Regular meet- F ings second and fourth Saturdays in ches aud tea for about twenty-five rise of commercial agriculture, the When ten sawmills co-operate it’s a each month in W. O. W. Hall. cents, and tea houses scrv ng tea marvelously rapid growth of our trust. F ra n k BuRKiionnKR, Pres. Canyon City— Prairie City Light and rice cakes at fifteen cents are O. A. M intonye , Sec. cities, and the demand of our city populations tor a much greater var­ & Power Co. to extend line to sup­ RATERN AL AID No. 398, meets the everywhere. There is but one l otel I second and fourth Thursdays each on the grounds, “ 1 tde Inn.” iety uf .prjuducts than the surround­ ply power to gold dredgers on Can­ month at W. O. W , Hall. Rooms here without bath ran ie ing country could produce, have all yon creek M rs . G uam . K vi . a n d , Pres. M rs . L ora H arrington , Sec. from $3 per night upwards, accord­ A P' ol of fruit growers is horti­ conspired to make the building up ing to location; with hath, $5 and A grain, of a public market difficult. Our cultural co operation. Educational Organizations and Clubs upward. Breakfast is served at housewives, even in country towns, wool or monair pool is the height of OMAN'S Study Club. —Meets 2:30 75 cents straight, other meals a la practically draw on the whole world agricultural wisdom. p. m. st city library every second carte Patrons here must pay the for their food supply This gives and fourth Monday. More injury has been done to Pa­ H arr iet A. L onoston , Pres. GO cents admission to the grounds, the retail dealer his foothold. The cific Coast towns by hot-air meth­ F rances E. E pp erson , Sec. tint, unlike nil others who attend telephone system and the delivery ods of advertising than by any other O Q IJ I 1.1. E E H l C A T 1 O N A L wagon, wasteful as they are, en­ cause — Sntherlin Sun. O LEAGUE—Meets monthly at the the Fair, these have a permit to High School Building during the school leave and enter as they choose A« trench him in his position. Tax reduction this year $2,131,- year for the purpose Ol discussing edu­ a mutter of general information, “ Hence it is, that it has been al­ 000, and limit of six per cent per cational topics. B irdie 8 ke e l s , Pies. iu nv Oregonians will he glad to most impossible to maintain a pub­ year as largest possible increase E dna H akl ock kr , Sec. know that hotel, room, or apart­ lic market except in such ot the old­ means better business conditions. O KEEL KLUB—A business men’ s ment accommodations can be sec­ er American cities as early adopted social organization. Hall in t.aird*s Multnomah grange committee ured at the Ferry Building, and the European institution. Many of building, Sewond street. were “ shown” some good concrete L J. C a r y , Pres. street cirs leading to all parts of these older cities have the market­ W. C. E ndicott , Sec. highways. They did not inspect the city and to the Exposition fir ing habit as firmly fixed as the the defective one3 to be seen at Sa­ ■iOM VI ERGI AL CLUB— L eo J. C ary cle in front of it. From there to cities of the Old World. President; L. IL H a z a r d , Seen!ary lem. the Exposition, the "D" cur is the "That there are certain advan­ United States Supreme Court an­ Transportation fa cilities most popular. It is direct and lands tages in the public market no one nuls forfeiture proceedings in O. & RAINS—Leave, Boutli bound 8 ;10a. one at the main or Scott street 90 - would deny. It gives the individu­ , m. and 2:40 p. m. Nortli bound trance C. land grant. Holding title to 2,- At the Oregon building al farmer eveiy opportunity to build 20 a. m. ami 4:20 p. m. every possible information about up a reputation In such markets 300,000 acres rests with railroad un­ OATS—Six boats plying on the Co­ the grounds is available at the cen­ as those ol Baltimore, Boston, and til congress acts. quille river afford ample accommo­ be along the following lines: the timber on a tract was sold the New Orleans, are stands which dation lor carrying freight and passen tral booth, and special effort is University for this college year. Roseburg merchants have decid­ gers to Bandon and way points. Boats 1 . Reserve all timbered lands, land, i. suitable for agricultural pur­ "The ideal of today refutes the have been occupied by the same ed to abolish all trading stamps and eave at 7:30, 8:30, 9:20 and 9:o0 ft. m. made to render Oregonians every ami at 1 :00, 3 :30 and 4 :45 p. ir. needed service, as well as to make saying of Barnum that the Ameri­ aDd the non-timbered lands not poses, should be thrown opeu to Emilies for two generations. They other premium devices for buying suitable for agricultural purposes, settlemeut Lands from which the have their specialties, and have trade and will rely on legitimate PACE—J. L Laird, proprietor, ire- the visit of everyone to the building can public wants to be buncoed,” by making them a part of our fed­ parts 5:30 p. m. (or I; iseburg via as pleasant as possible. timber has been removed, found built up reputations which are assets, newspaper sdvertising. said Mr. Dana, “ The alert Amer­ Register Myrtle Point,carrving the United Slates eral forest system, and open to entry unfit (or settlement, should be held ican mind seeks that which stirs at the Oregon building’s central just as is the good-will of an old Public utilities commissions of mail and pisengers. _ the imagination and attracts the fan­ to actual settlers such non-timbered lor the purpose of reforestation. established business. Thus, a prem­ Idaho and Oregon have granted no i y )S TOEFICE.— A. K. i.inegar, i-ost- booth on your first visit and ask lands as may be adapted to settle­ The decision of the court makes ium is placed upon excellence, en­ reduction in power rates in the L master. The mails close as follow s: such questions as you may desire, cy, but it wants value received.” ment; or Myrtde Point 7 :40 a. in. 5:20, 2:35 p.in. also secure booklet detailing the it necessary for congress to take ergy and enterprise, which is much Snake River country—power com­ Mr. Dana, in addition to believ- Marshfield 9:00 a. in. and 4:15 p. in. .2 . Reserve only such timbered some action towards the disposal of to be desired. Moreover investiga­ panies lcsiog money now. Bandon, way points, 8 :45 a m. Norway fnets about Oregon exhibits in this ing in rigid accuracy in advertising, I s " ¡and non timbered lands as ate unfit ami Vragol2:55 p.m. Eastern mail 5:20 the grant at its coming session and tions of many of these old public is an ardent apostle of the value of building and in the main palaces. p. m. Eastern mail arrives 7:30 a. m . tor agricultural purposes, aud open County Road Master Yeon selects it becomes necessary, therefore, for markets have shown that, even al­ bitulithic for bulk of $1,250,000 advertising lor all commodities and ; the balance to entry— the non-tim­ the citizens of this State to formu­ lowing tor their time, many of the road construction in Multnomah City and Count's O fficers services. He thinks even the etbl- Oregon School Exhibits bered tracts at once and the tim- cal physician should not be above , . .. . . . _ late and present to congress, through stall holders are doing much better county, expect canyon road to be Mayor................................ A. T. .Morrison v ’ | bered tracts as soon as the timber laid in concrete with brick on all R ecorder...........................J. S. Lawrence their delegation, some definite plan advertising. than they could by selling their grades of 5 to 7 1-2 per cent. I could be disposed of and rfemoved. Treasurer .... R. H. Mast And now comes another gold for the taking over the grant which "The time will come when the | Engine«- P. M. Hall-Lewis either policy would result products to the local retailers. Marshal....................................A. P. Miller medal. Oregon has a very modest higher standard of truth in adver-1 in the settlement aud development will be in the public interest. Pleasing Passage “ Not only does the farmer get Night Marshal Oscar Wicaham playground exhibit in the Palace of I f t h e above suggested plan tising will destroy the so-called eth- | u, „ Urge aiea of idIe uon produc. Water Superintendent S. V . Epperson better prices for his products, but Fire Uliie:.......... W. C. Chase Education at the Exposition, but it ical position ot physicians iu respect tive land, it would also result on should be lavored it would present the city consumer gets the produce You remember Noah had to work Councilmen —Jesse Byers, C. T. Skeels is a beautitul showing and a per- a problem ol financing which our to publicity,” he said. “ For gen­ C. I. Kime, Ned C.Kelley, W. H. Ly­ the other hand in the removal of a legislature would have to meet, and fresh from the farm and at much a long time on that ark? It was up ons, O. C. Sanford. Regular meetings j fed presentation of the advanced erations the language ot medicine still greater area from our tax rolls, j believe its importance would fully more reasonable prices than he hill business, too, at best; building tirst and third Mondays each month. j work along this line now being has been unintelligible to the lay Unless the State is prepared to justify the calling of a special ses- could buy them from the retailer in a boat away out on dry land while J. J. Stanley dune for the children of Oregon. As Justice of the Peace intelligence. Aloofness from ex- offer some other definite plan we sion for that purpose tbe local anvil and hammer club ................Ned C. Kelley Constable..................... j a consequence the jury of awards planation of sanitary and curative | may eK|„:Ct the adoption of govern- With best wishes for the success the absence of a local market. “ The difference iu price to the sat around spitting tobacco juice County Judge ................ James Watson gave this playground exhibit the raetbods has been a cloak 10 prud- mental policies along the above 0< Vour ^ Commissioners -W . T. Dement, Geo. J. consumer Is best illustrated by the upon his lumber, whitlliug up his gold medal, and it must be remem­ erv and has fostered the quack, who ijne5i and fa view of this I respect- j Armstrong VJsW ALD WEST results attained through the estab­ pine boards with their jack-knives, Robt, Watson Clerk .............. bered that many states entered elab talked the language of the deceived, (ully submit for your consideration Alfred Johnson. Jr. lishment of markets as a result of snd telling him what a fool he was Sheriff . , T. M. Dimtnick ; orate and costly exhibits in compe­ yet used words to deceive. The tjje advisability ol acquiring and “Scotty” Wouldn’t Dance Treasurer........ the receut advance in the cost of for expecting rain in a country that T. J. Thrift tition. The Oregon school exhibit Assessor.......... value of the physician to the world disposing of the lands through the Raymond E. Baker living Many cities have attempted was too dry to raise alfalfa, But School Supt. Wednesday afternoon S h e r iff C. K. McCtdiock as a whole, which includes only has thereby been decreased. medium of the State. Surveyor.......... to relieve the situation by the es­ finally tbe flood came; every moth­ F. E. Wilson Industrial Club work, Standard covers Johnson und Deputy Sheriff Laird Coroner “ Fortunately, just as some adver-1 The grant in question Dr. Walter Culin Health Officer . , ; arrested At chic Madden, of Beaver tablishment of public markets on er’s son of t h e croakers w a s School plan for the rural schools, tisers and some publications have about 2,300,000 acres and carries , . , ... , . . . ’ ° ..... . Hill, charged with shooting John conditions especially attractive to drowned. This is the only instance and Playground work, was given a been brave enough to stand for about seventy billion teet 01 timber, ••gdony” L OW e in the leg between in advertising, so some the farmer, and under the pressure we know of in either sacred or pro­ j silver medal. This sort of an ex­ cleanliness physicians have been courageous which is worth at least 50 cents per ,he knee and the ankle. The sboot- of high prices are trying to cultivate fane history where a bunch of hibit was made at tfie request of nough to brave the displeasure of thonsand teet. This would give ing tong place WednesJay aftef- the Government, cost Oregon les- more conservative brethren sndstep tfie timber alone a value of over noon at the ranch near Beaver Hill a marketing habit among their j knockers got exactly what was coming to them.— Gold Hill News. than $1000 and was in competition idown snd mingle with the public.” $35,000,000 and as the amount to 1 on which Madden a m i Lowe were citizens.” CITY DIRECTORY EXPENSES A n X P O S I T I O N : ^ - ' " ^ ' “ : ^ ^ WEST SUGGESTS SOLUTION A O M K M R WAR’S DARK CLOUD OVER NEARLY ALL EUROPE W W K c r B S STATE INDUSTRIAL REVIEW