r n KERS URGED TO GO-DPERATE WITH A Story of the By GEORGE V. EDSON CAN YO U SA Y I T h s Bank a Financial Pow er House to tho Community. B y Peter Radford. “ P A R A M O U N T ?” SURE YOU CAN. Don’t forget the word J L I T e le p h o n e S e rv ic e to P o w e r s I I I I i S I T E ARE pleased to announce to our patrons the extension o f our long distance telephone service to Powers. A long distance pay station has been established in the Busy Corner Drug Store at Powers. For connection to Powers call local long distance operator + + + + Coos and Curry Telephone Co. i I I ■ Are you looking for real bargains? In the Circuit Court o f the State o f O re­ gon fo r Coos C ounty Then read our our Want Ads. in the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Coos County W. J. C onrad Plaintiff I SUMMONS FOR W. J. C onrad , Plaintiff vs. SUMMONS FOR E. D. M c A rthur , R. PUBLICATION E. F alconer , R. 0. IN F alconer and U n - | FORECLOSURE known O w n e r s and OF H. G. H illiard and A . J. H a c k et t , • TAX LIEN E. B. P errin and all | PUBLICATION P e r s o n s U nknown ( IN Defendants. C laiming any R ight j FUBKCLOSUHB T itle oh I nterest in OK To R E. Falconer, R. C. Falconer, H. the H erein D kscriked TAX G. Hilliard, A. J. Hackett and Un­ I.1EN L am » known Owners the above named de­ Defendant fendants To E.B.Perrin and all persons unknown In the Name o f the State o f Oregon: You are hereby notified that W. J. claiming any right title or interest in the herein described land the Conrad the holder o f Certificate o f De­ linquency numbered 33 issued on the above named defendants 6th day o f January, 1909 by the Tax In the name of the State o f Oregon: You are hereby notified that W. J. Collector o f the County o f Coos, State Conrad the holder o f Certificate o f De­ of Oregon, for the amount of Three & linquency numbered 14 issued on the Both 52-100 Dollars, the same being the day o f Dec. 1914 by the Tax Collector amount then due and delinquent for tax­ o f the County o f Coos, State o f Oregon, es for the year 1907 together with pen­ for the amount o f Twenty-six and 87- alty, interest and costs thereon upon 100 Dollars, the same being the amount the real property assessed to you, o f then due and delinquent for taxes for which you are the owner as appears of the year 1911 together with penalty, in­ record, situated in said County and terests and costs thereon upon thé real State, and particularly bounded and property assessed to you, o f which you described as follows, to w it: I.ots 29- are the owner as appears o f record, sit­ 30-31-32-33 & 34 in Block 10; Dots 1-2- uated in said County and State, and 3 & 4 in Block 11; Lots 3-4-5-0-25-26-27 particularly bounded and described as & 28 in Block 21 in Portland Addition follows, to-wit: South West Quarter of to Handon, Coos County, Oregon. You are further notified that said W. the North East Quarter IS. w . q N. E. J-,) Section Two (2) Township J. Conrad has paid taxes on said prem­ Twenty-five (25) South, Range Eleven ises for prior or subsequent years with (11) West of the Willamette Meridian, the rate o f interest on said amounts as follows; Coos County, Oregon. Tax Rate You are further notified that said W R ec’ t of J. Conrad has paid taxes on said prem Year’ s Date Paid No. A m 't Int. ises for prior or subsequent years with Tax (4891) the rate of interest on said amounts as 1908 March 26, 1909 ^ 4892' $2 16 15 follows: |4893) Tax Rate “ 15, 1910 4373 $4 65 15 Y ear’ s Date R ec’ t of 1909 “ ” 1911 3270 $6 29 15 Tax Paid No. A m ’ t Int 1910 6405 $10 40 15 1912 Dec. 30, 1914 9746 $27 72 12 1911 April 1,1912 “ 7, 1913 6814 $12 96 15 1913 .................. 9252 $31 01 12 1912 1914 Mar. 10, 1915 1272 $24 35 12 1913 F e b y . 6, 1914 1914 $14 72 15 Said R. E. Falconer, R. C. Falconer, Said E. B. Perrin as the owner o f the la al title o f the above described prop­ H. G. Hilliard and A. J. Hackett as erty as the same appears o f record, and the owners o f the legal title o f the each o f the other persons above named above described property as the same are hereby further notified that W. J. appears o f record, and each o f the oth­ Conrad will apply to the Circuit Court er persons above named are hereby fur­ o f the County and State aforesaid for a ther notified that W . J. Conrad will ap­ decree foreclosing the lien against the ply to the Circuit Court o f the County property above described, and men­ and State aforesaid for a decree fore­ tioned in said certificate. And you are closing the lien against the property hereby summoned to appear within six­ above described, and mentioned in said ty days after the first publication o f ! certificate. And you are hereby sum­ tnis summons exclusive of the day o f moned to appear within sixty days a f­ said first publication, and defend this ter the first publication o f this sum­ action or pay the amount due as above mons exclusive o f the day o f said first shown together with costs and accrued j publication, and defend this action or interest and in case o f your failure to ' pay the amount due as above shown to­ do so, a decree will be rendered fore­ gether with costs and accrued interest closing the lien o f said taxes and costs and in case o f your failure to do so. a against the land and premises above decree will be rendered foreclosing the lien o f said t axes and costs against the named. This summons is published by order land and premises above named. This summons is published by order o f the Honorable John S Coke, Judge o f the Circuit Court of the State o f Or­ o f the Honorable John S. Coke. Judge egon for the County of Coos and said o f the Circuit Court o f the State of order was made and dated this 24 day Oregon for the County o f Coos, and o f May 1916 and the date o f the first said order was made and dated this 28th publication o f this summons is the 25th day o f April. 1915, and the date o f the first publication o f this summons is the d y o f May 1915. All process and papers in this pro- 11th day o f May, 1915. c eding may be served upon the undcr- j All process and papers in this pro­ s ;ned residing within the State o f Or- ceeding may lie served upon the under­ r on, at the address hereafter men- signed residing within the State o f Or- i egon, at the address hereafter men­ ti >ned. tioned. t J ohn C. K e n da ll At orney for the Plaintiff J ohn C. K endall Address 1st N at’ l. Bank Bldg Attorney for the Plaintiff 6-25-7t Marshfield, Oregon. Address, Marshfield, Oregon. 5-11 -7t One of the greatest opportunities tn the business life o f the nation lies In practical co-operation of the coun­ try banks with the farmer In building agriculture and the adventure Is laden with greater possibilities than any forward movement now before the American public. A few bankers have loaned money to farmers at a low rate of Interest, and ofttlmes without compensation, to buy blooded livestock, build s II ob , fertilize the land. Becure better seed, hold their products for a betetr mar­ ket price, etc. The banker fn con­ tributing toward Improving the grade of livestock; the quality of the seed and the fertility of the soil, plants In the agricultural life of the community a fountain o f profit, that, like Tenny­ son’s brook, runs on and on forever. Community Progress a Bank Asset. Bv J. E. Jones with thrity-three illus­ trations, $1.00 net. Any bookseller will get this for you, or it will lie sent postpatd by the pub­ lishers, upon receipt of one dollar. on the investment as these progres­ sive bankers, who made loans to uplift Industry. The bankers have always been liberal city builders, but they are now building agriculture. A Dcdar With a Soul. It Is refreshing In this strenuous commercial life to find so many dol­ lars with souls. When a dollar is ap­ proached to perform a task that does not directly yield the highest rate of Interest, we usually hear the rustle of the ea gles wings as It soars up- ward; when a dollar is requested to return at tho option of the borroMer, It usually appeals to the Goddess of Liberty for its contracturai rights; when a dollar Is asked to expand in volume to suit the requirements of industry, it usually talks solemnly of Its redeemer, but soul material has entered Into the vaults of our banks and rate, time and volume have a new basis o l reckoning in so far as the ability o f some o f the bankers permit them to co-operate in promot­ ing the business o f farming. God Almighty’s Noblemen. These bankers are God Almighty’s noblemen. Heaven lent earth the spirit of these men and the angels will help them roll In place the cornerstones o f empires. They are not philanthropists; they are wise bankers. The spirit of the builder has given them a new vision, and wisdom has visited upon them busi­ ness foresight. The cackle of the hen, the low of kine and the rustle of growing crops echo in every bank vault In the nation and the shrewd banker knows that he can more effectively increase his deposits by putting blue blood In the veins o f livestock; quality in the yield of the soil and value Into agricultural products, than by busi- ness handshakes, overdrafts an gaudy calendars. Taking the community . It is a sad day for Christianity w en the church bells call the communicants together for a political prayer ing. Such gatherings mark the high tide of religious political fanaticism, The Thrice-aW eek Edition of put bitterness into the lives of men; fan the flames of class hatred and de­ the New York W ork stroy Christian influence In the com­ munity. The spirit actuating such Practically ■ daily at the Price of a Weekly. . meetings - is anarchistic, un-Cbristllke . No other Newsoaper In the world gives j and dangerous to both church and so much at ao low a price state. ------------ I * " , , The success of the nation is In the The years 1914-15 have keen the most extraordinary in the history o f modern hands of the farmer. times. They witnessed the outbreak j o f the great European wTar, a struggle Work for the best and the best will U . S. PR ES S A S S O C I A T I O N Bond Building Washington, D. C. N A T IO N A L . B A N K IV a n sH c iB a G e n e ra l B a n k in g B u s in e «» Bond of 0 roctoro. Coiroipondanto | It nas the night that tho great bliz K O. Dement, A. J SherMrcx.J, National Bank o f Commerce,New York City znrd of 1888 came whirling down iron» L. ltarloeker, L. H. Hazard, Crocker W oolw orthN 'l Bunk, San Francisco the clouds. 1, a medical man, was ou Isaiah Hack r. It. K. Shine. First Nationall Bank o f Portland, Portland on the road driving borne In my bugg: (that was before Ibe day o f autorno biles) about 1 o'clock In the morning The snow grew deeper and deeper, am I began to get uneasy. My horse now and again would stop aud look abou him, apparently as one' ay as 1. Dumb animals, though they are more easily Is useless money. I f you frightened than men, sometimes maul ) have any cash that isn’t work­ test a strong Beuse o f danger under ing put it to work for you as what imfy appear ordinary cireurn stances. you worked for it Open a There was a large, square brick savings account with this bank house beside the road a few hundred and your money will at once feet ahead o f me. 1 could distinguish its (lark bulk, there being no lights begin earning interest for you within. and will keep at the task 24 Meanwhile 1 was becoming benumb hours a day, 7 days a week cil and drowsy. 1 remember reaching u point directly before the bouse, got and 52 weeks in the year. Do ting out o f the buggy and floundering it today. to the door. 1 hoped to secure assist ance to get my horse under cover This is the last 1 have ever been able to recall of being out In that terrible and blizzard. The next thing before me m b s the dom opening and a man. very pale and ex cited, saying: "Come in, doctor. We Mere fearful that you would not get here.” The house Mas lighted and servants | flbo'lt hurriedly Just as I had of leu seen them doing in houses And Auto Line m here some one uas very ill. The man who'admitted me led me upstairs Leave Myrtle Point on arrival of aud into a room where a girl uppur Ix-at from Handon. Auto to Rock Cre«k and from Camas; only 14 eutly ubout eighteen years old lay on milefe of ftBKUig- Arrives at Kose- « » f j . My conductor turned down the burg 7:30 p. m. connecting with bedclothing, spotted with blood, and mirth hound train. Arrive Myrtle revealed towels that were used to stop Point 4 p. m. hemorrhage. 1 cautiously removed Make reservations in advam e at O vn I them, but, seeing the red fluid paur Drug Store, Marshfield. out, l quickly replaced them. I D L E M O N E Y Farmers Merchants Bank Roseburg Myrtle Point Stage ; There were heavy curtains to the N'ii dows. Near a fireplace stood two pel sons, an old woman and a young man who were looking at me appealingly and 1 knew they were begging me t save-the girl’s life. I noticed that the) dress was old fashioned. They resen bled each other, aud I guessed the were mother and sou The mother arms were about her boy Casting a glance at the man stand in beside me, I saw that he was at mm the age of the woman with tier so j *'Ild JudKed tba, h). w.,s ,|U. huelmii , a|)d fathl>l._ Un „ lullh. (. „ sv i (|„ d tllere h|0od on the hla-.e. fol.UK,d a t.om.|lls|#,, „irpel.v froui II yOUIlir man's agonized appearnuce. th. he llad atabb,,d , ht. „ lrl , uo lnslnllm..,ts „Itb me. hut ' Ilwd(,(| m)m. fl>r , s.nv tbat , be ^ was dying To stanch that flow c bicod was beyond my skill l replace the bedclothing anti stood over the b valid, avoiding the appealing gaze < the others until it was plain that a i was over, then turned away Al'tt * leaving the room it seems to me now that I walked Into oblivion, for I wj i not conscious of anything till l fe t something hot passing down my thron I opened iny eyes and saw a man holt lug me, while another man was holt |ng a flask. j don’t suppose that my vision, dream or whatever it was could have last« 1 0Ver two or three minutes The h u m saw rm, drive by the house they wer in, a few hundred yards below, and. realizing that I was in danger, start« 1 after me. I had left my buggy ante bewildered by one of the whirlwinds ___ came without intermission. Inni that f„n en \u the snow, They put me back into my buggy Fare From Myrtle Point $7.00 Baggage Hand ed J. L. LAIRD, Proprietor Office at L a i r d ’s Stag? Barn, My n i e Poi nt , Both Phones ir-vÇS-Eï-c- 0-MxS4t»43-«S-£>teiS8'r<-01 -Li- 4b*-*- ' 0 1 .0 R ELIABLE— EQUIPPED WITH W IRELESS Û n STEAMER BREAKWATER j wns Sails from Coos Bay Every Sunday at 8 a. m. From Portland 8 a . m. Every Thursday at 8 a. m. Tickets o’t sale at Portland City Ticket Office 6th & Oak St. P. L. STL RUNG, Agent Phone Main 181 fH- '-Oj HOTEL Sr ii- , nnd the next day also It was sev st«>ry I had certainly not been In that house iH'fore. and yet I saw it Just sis I had seen It when admitted by the man who had led me to the bed of the ^ r| The pasture way was sarm, f|U, room was th«» same, and th«»re stood the great four poster bed- stead But the bed Mas made tip, and tllere was no one except myself pres- ent I Inquired tf any murder had lice i committed there, but no one remen bored any such occurrence At tin . . told . . that . . the hotc same time . 1 was ^ old—more than a hundred years—nnd much might have take i place there that would not he know i { < ............... . w nar.lt|ons What Is my theory? Well, I am * medical man and In my old age ip i t(eg1nn!ng to realize that there iu • so titanic that it makes all others look rise up and reward you. many things In the universe bryon 1 small. our ken I have no theory, but I d> You live in momentous times and you j Tenant farming le Just one thing not believe my vision wns a merj should not miss any o f the tremend - after another without a pay day. dream events which are occurring. No other 1 — i newspaper will inform you with the promptness and cheapness o f the Thriee- a-Week editionof the New York World. Moreover, a year’s subscription to it : O REG O N a n d W A S H IN G T O N I U R D I ( » ( ' M l I IH A X D . A will take you far into our next Presi­ U — . dential campaign. THE TH RICE-A-W EEK WORLD S 1 ke » « oth er B u y o f r o t ir __ * D irectory o f each City, T ow n *nd regular subscription price is only $1.00 i’ iBMfi«. A»kfi»rin.rrtr.*.Tr*i Village, (riving descrip tive sk etch o f ÎUÏWOND BRANI» 1*11.1.«.f r *5 per year, and this pays for 156 papers. ye u t known b i Best, S a fe «. Al «ty a R elii'oi« each place, loca tion , population, tele­ We offer this unequaled newspaper ami graph. sh ippin g and ban kin g p oin t; SOU BY DRIGGISTS LVtRYWHLRE The Coquille Herald together for one also Classified D irectory, co m p ile d by year for $2.00. business and profession- The regular subscription price o f the two papers is $2.50. Have you paid the Printer? C H IC H ES TER S P ILLS P O L K ’ S' Business Directory >) I BAXTER Under New Management Having eased this well-equipped hotel, 1 propose to conduct it in such a manner as to merit pat­ ronage and give satisfaction to the traveling public. M. M. Y O U N G , Proprietor SELL THAT OLD blazing, and after another hot dose I was put to bed. where 1 slept j 80llnd,y tiI, morning. All that day the gnow came down, whirling as it fell, I A LW A Y S ON TIME and mnnaged to got the team and me to tholr ,mllse where a cheerful fire into part- ( (,niv hours before the road became nership with the bank, opening #up a passab|e and [ Ku( „w ay ledger account with progress, making ; Before leaving I expressed n desire thrift and enterprise stockholders an . jnj 0 house before which I the prosperity of the country an hfl(1 |)wn rc,„( Ued The persons with asset to the bank, put behind it whom , had ,odged told me that stability far more desirable than a p was vacant and the key in posses letterhead hearing the names of all g|on of a man ni)d his wife living a the distinguished citizens of the com short distance up tin? road. I begged munity. The bank is the financial (h(,nl to l)orro„. „ for me, which they power house of the community and dj(, nnd , w#,nt to the hollse and en. blessed is the locality that has an tered it up-to-date banker. Now comes the singular part of my POLITICAI PRAYER MEETINGS R. E. SHIRE, V-Pics 0 . C. SANFORD, Asst. Cashier o p C O Q U IbL a, OREGON. on such a basis would severely test the sanity o f the banker; such trans­ actions would pain the directors like a blow In the face. A cashier who would dare to cast bread upon M aters that did not return buttered side up In time for annual dividends would have to give way to a more capable man. This does not necessarily mean that the bankers are getting any better or that the milk o f human klndnesss is being imbibed more freely by our finan­ While thinking what to do 1 glanced ciers. It indicates that the bankers are about the apartment. The furniture getting wiser, becoming more able fin­ was such as was used during the earl,. anciers and the banking industry more ! part of the nineteenth century, the bed competent. The vision of the builder is crow ding out the spirit of the pawn- I 011 '*»“ « ‘ broker. A light has been turned on ™ uoV, supported by four high pox. Mount Vernon, the H om e of Washington usurer ever received as large returns (From the Washington Herald, April 17) The beauties of Mount Vernon, and a short account of its interesting history are written about in an exceptionally delightful May in the above-named book of about fifty pages. The author shows himself to be thoroughly acquainted with the subject, and in an easy manner takes one from Washington to Mount Vernon, there to depict in detail the well-marked pointsof the greatest object of interest. Although the book is writ­ ten from a litterarv standpoint, as is evidenced bv a concise and graceful Btyle, it would well act as a guide for the pilgrim visiting Mount Vernon for the first time, and especially so for the visitor who has a deep regard for the traditions which clothe the nation's greatest shrine. Each v'sitor sill be the better «ml wiser for the reading of this volume and in laying it aside s ill surely be im­ pressed with great feelings of reverence for the founder of this republic. The volume is not only valuable for its edu­ cational matter, and as a thorough 1\ good guide, but also as an example of line book making. The execution is perfect ;the printers’ art was never better shown, and the illustiations are such as to command the admiration of all. It contains exceptionally s e ll executed half tones of the Mount Vernon Home, the Potomac, the grounds, as also of George and Martha Washington. In the descriptions of the parts of the house the out-buildings, and the various uten­ sils, the manner of living at Mount Vernon 100 years ago isplainly painted, and the difficulties clearly set forth by comparison with the unbounded re­ sources of our own time. The story of Washington never can he told too often. His spirit should ever permeate the people of the land. The great work he did, stands as an example for all time, and Ids devotion to Ids country, his self-sacrificing, his long en­ during toil, and above all his exalted patriotism, will ever make him the ex­ emplar of the nation. He is truthfully portrayed by the author of this little book. It is a book all should read. F IR S T Great Blizzard F, 8 0 U L M A T E R IA L HAS ENTERED T H E B A N K VAULTS OF T H E NATION. A. J. SHERWOOD, P k .3. L H. HAZAFD, C u i* . Automobile That old watch Photograph outlit of‘ which you are tired Your eat, dog or shoat That old wagon, horse or cow Churn, wheelbarrow, tools for which * you have v* no use The unused shed that ought to be torn down The lot that you don’t need Tht: Herald Want Ads. Will Do It For You!