Coquille herald. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1905-1917, June 22, 1915, Image 1

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    T he C oquille H erald
VOL. 33,
Fratemai and Benevolent Order
F. & a . M.—Regular meeting of
. Chadwick l.odve N o . 68 A. F. & A.
M.. at MiiBonic Hall, every Saturday
night in each mouth on or i>efore th*
full moon.
L. A. Lii.uiqviBT, W . M.
K. 11. M ast , Secretary.
Events of Interest Reported
For The Herald
(By J. E. Jones )
Ob'K G R I E V A N C E A G A I N S T G E R M A N Y
8.— Keiiuiar meeting of Beulah
O K. . Chapter
No. 6, second and fourth
The strained relations between
Germany and the Uuited States con
tinuea to lunn the principal topic of
discussion i n official circles a I
T O. O. F.—Coquille Lodge No. 53,1. O. Washington. Some of the corres­
1. O. F., meet» every Saturday night pondents at the Capital have been
n Odd Fellow» Hall.
comparing notes among themselves,
H. B. M ookk , N. G.
J. 8. L awkknck , 8ec.
trying to figure out the hair-split­
a m i e u e b e k a H l o d g e , No. 20 ting processes of diplomatic e x ­
O. O. F., meet» every second changes,
whereby days and weeks
fourth Wednesday nights in Odd Fellows
are consumed in gettiug out a letter
E l iia A nukkson , N. G,
A nnik L-AWRaNCB. Sec.
of the length that a good newspaper
wiiter can put “ ou the wires" in a
j I. O. O. F., meet» I lie first and third
couple of hours.
Thursday nights in Odd Fellows Hall.
J. S. B arton , C. I*.
Washington is the "melting pot"
J. 8.L awrence , Sec.
for the nation’s opinions, and it has
r r NIGHTS OF 1 ’ Y T H I AS.—Lycurgus been brought home to the Capital
IS. I.odge No. 72, meets Tuesday nights
that the man in the street, the labor­
in W. O. W. Hall.
K. R. W atson , K R. S. er, the farmer at his plow, the bnsi
O. A. M intonyk . C. 0.
ness man and capitalist, revolts at
1 A Y T H IA N SISTER8— Justus Temple the suggestion of the ‘ ‘jingoes’’
1 No. 35, meets first and Third Mon­
who would pile American soldiers
day nights iu W. O. W. Hall.
Mi,s. G eoroe D avis , M. F,. C.
iuto the hungry trenches to imitate
M rs . F red L ineuar , K. of R
the performances of Europeans.
KI) M E N — Couuille Trilie No. 46, 1.
Germany’s first note fell pretty
O. R. M., meets every Friday night
I n W O. W. Hall.
flat when it reached Washington,
J. 8. B arton , Sachem.
and it evoked some uncompliment­
A. P. M ii - le R. C. of R.
ary remarks. But, outside ot the
W . A - - R e g u l a r .......t i n g s of Itea-
• ver Camp No. 10.550 in M. W . A. first few days following the de­
Hall, Front street, first and third Sat-
struction of the Lusitania, there has
urdavs in each month.
H. B. T ozikk . Consul.
been no war sentiment in Washing­
E. C. T rite , Clerk.
ton, or the country. In 1898 when
M \ Regular meeting of Laurel we had our little ‘ brush” with
. amp No. 2972 at M. W. A . Hall.
Fronti street, second and fourth Tues­ Spain there was a far different feel
day n ghts in each month.
itig from that which now prevails.
M ary K ern , Oracle.
I, aura B randon , Rec. It is certain that the American gov­
ernment will find an honorable way
O. W .— Myrtle Camp No. 197,
. meets every Wednesday at 7:30 of adjusting the present difficulties
p. m. at W. O. W. Hall.
without making a plunge into the
Lee Currie, C. C.
J ohn L bnkvb , Sec.
Friday evenings of each month, in Ma­
sonic Hall.
E mma L ilijkuvist , W. M.
A nna L awuknce hec.,
r 'V 1. E meets
secoml and fourth Momlay
nights in W. O. W. Hall.
A nnie B urkhoi . der , U.N.
M ary A. P ierce , Clerk.
F A R M E R S U N IO N .— Regular meet-
17 ings second and fourth Saturdays in
each month in W. O. W. Hall.
F rank B urkholder , Pres.
O. A. M intonyk . Sec.
r ? R ATE R NAL AID No. 398, meets the
U secoml and fourth Thursdays each
month at W. O. W . Hall.
M rs . C iiab . K vland , Pres.
M rs . I kira H arrington , Sec.
Educational Organizations and Ctubs
O M AN ’S Study Club.-M eets 2:30
p. m. st city library every second
and fourth Monday.
H arriet A. L ongston , Pres.
F rances E. E i - person , Sec.
LE AG U E —Meets monthly at the
High School Building during the school
year for the purpose OI discussing edu­
cational topics.
B irdie S keels , Pies.
E dna H aklockkr , Sec.
i r O K E E L K LU B —A business men's
social organization. Hall in Laird s
building, Second street.
L J. C aky , l’res-
W, C. E ndioott , Sec.
L g President; L. II. H azard ,Secretary
The Mexicans appear to have
united in a.demand to restore the
governmental policies of Madero,
and President Wilson has told the
bluffers to “ do it now,” intimating
that in case of delay, that he will
take a baud in affairs Heretofore
any pressure from Washington has'
provoked angry retorts— but this
time the Mexicans have all respond­
ed in sweet and lovely phrases
Just what President Wilson pro-
proses to do in Mexico is not clear,
but it is certain that he has worked
out a definite policy that will call
for drastic interference in the affairs
of the alleged Republic at our
southern border.
L. Laird, proprietor.
parts 5:30 p. in. for lijecburg
Myrtle Point,carrvlng the United Slates
mail and pasengere.
i yiS T O F F IC E .—A. F. Linegar, post-
1 master. The mails close as follows:
Myrtle Point 7:40 a.m. 5:20, 2:35
Marshfield 9:06 a. m. and 4:15 p. in.
Bandon, way points, 8:45 a m. Norway
and Aragol2:55 p.m. Eastern mail 5:20
p. m. Eastern mail arrives 7:30 a. m.
City and Countv Officers
Mayor................. .......... A. T. Morrison
Recorder.......................J. 8. Lawrence
Treasurer.............................R. H. Mast
P. M. Hall-Lewis
Marshal...............................A. P. Miller
Night Marshal
Oscar Wicaham
Water Superintendent 8. V. Epperson
Fire Chie:
W. C. Chase
Councilmen — Jesse Byers, C. T. Skeels
C. 1. Kime, Ned C.Kelley, W. H. Ly­
ons, O. C. Sanlord. Regular meetings
first and third Mondays each month.
Justice of the Peace........ .T. J. Stanley
Constable........................ Ned C. Kelley
Co«nty Judge
James Watson
Commissioners—W. T. Dement, Geo. J.
Clerk.............................. Robt, Watson
Sheriff ...................Alfred Johnson. Jr.
Treasurer.................... T. M. Dimmick
Assessor ............................ T. J. Thrift
School Supt. ........Raymond E. Raker
C. F. McCullock
Coroner .........
F. FI. Wilson
Health Officer..............Dr. Walter Cnlin
:ieties will get the very best
the office of Coquille Herald
A little item in the newspapers re­
cently told the story that the Cramp
Ship and Engine Building Company
plant at Philadelphia was working
only half time, and practically the
same condition existed at the Fore
River Ship Building Company’s
plant at Quincy. Massachusetts. If
the report that Charles M. Schwab
has bought these plants, is true,
the people dependent upon the ac­
tivities of -the institutions should
feel gratified.
Schwab controls a
lot of big enierprises, and he is
doubling and redoubling their ca-
watching the reports of the experi­
Portland Selects
Governm ent Expert
of Mr. Donk and others aud
Bitulithic Paving
A fte r C edar Samples
The committee appointed by the
(Bandon Recorder)
Portland Chamber of Commerce
M. 3 Donk, chemical engineer
several weeks ago to investigate the of the Bureau of Chemistry at
subject of pavement for county Washi igloo, D. C. detailed to the
roads has reported to President University of Idaho at Moscow to
While the report has not make tests of waste from the mills
been given out for publication, its Of the coast to determine their value
general purport has become known. as chemical producers, was in Ban­
In substance the committee expies- don Friday and Saturday gathering
ses a preference for the bitulithic •j samples of Port Orfurd cedar for
type under existing conditions, pro­ -expeiimental purposes, His
viding that it is obtained at a reas­ is a direct result of sending samples
onable figure.
¡of the cedar pitch to the University
1 he report is a very voluminous of Idaho by Colonel R. H. Rosa, an
one and is the result of an exten­ account of the results of which was
sive research, indicating that the published in the Recorder for the
committee has g ne into the subject .issue ol March 17th.
This test
very thoroughly.
showed the quautity of turpentine
The various types of pavment aud higher oils to be obtained from
laid on the streets of Portland have a cord of this cedar as 170 gallons
been examined and their cost and j whereas the usual amount is about
condition ascertained.
Numerous lone third ot that Quantity.
bearings have been given to paving
Mr. Donk thought the samples
experts and every phase of the submitted might be much belter
question has been studied.
than the ordinary run of the wood
The report also contains opinions aud came himself to take his own
from Jeading engineers.
samples with a view to making a
For grades and sharp curves the
final test of the value of the cedar
committee tecommeDds basalt blocks
for distillation purposes.
or vitrified brick with a preference
Col. Rosa happened to he away
for the former, owing to the fact
attending the meeting ot the port
that it is strictly a home product
As to concrete, it is the opinion commission at Coquille on Friday
of the committee that this should be wheu Mr. Donk arrived and the
used only for a base and never for latter had ample opportunity to
I take his own samples free from
a wearing surface.
The members of the committee guidance or suggestion.
People acquainted with the quali-
were ex-United States Senator Mul-
key, Rodney Glisan and Frak Me- [ ty of the cedar feel positive that the
| results will come up to the previous
Crowds on the Fun Zone at the
Panama-Pacific International Exposition
Transportation Facilities
OATS—Six boats plying on the Co­
quille river afford ample accorumo-
dation lor carrying freight and passen
gers to Bandon and way points. Boats
eave at 7 :30, 8 :30, 9 :20 and 9 :30 a. m.
and at 1:00, 3 :30 and 4 :45 p. nr .________
should study Chinese customs.
would suggest studying the lang­
uage loo, so you cau trade direct
with our merchants
At present
you have to use a sort ot middle­
man— comprador, we call him. He
is the go-between, and he makes
money both ways, from us aud
from you.”
Perhaps the Chinaman is not as
stupid as a citizen of the United
states might suppose Anyhow, he
has tipped off the principal reason
why Germany and England have
“ gobbled” the world’s foreign com
merer. We do not study our tor
eign customers. We take a chance
of their liking what we make rather
than make what they unquestion­
ably want. Instead of overcoming
our national diffidence and learning
to talk to them face to face, we let
professional exploiters take their
orders and place our goods—the
surest way to start misunderstand­
ing and lose business.
The resignation of Mr. Biyau
came to the country like a bolt out
of a clear sky. And Washington
itself was hardly prepared for what
happened, though for several days
the best informed public men con­
fided “ that they did not see how
Mr. Brvan could sign the Piesi-
dent’s note to Germany.”
luture of the Democratic party, now
facing new conditions, is of the ut­
most concern to thecoumry. With
Mr. Bryan on the outside the op­
position to President Wilson » ill no
longer seek to hide itself. Bryan is
a spectacular figure in the eyes of
the world today— and no man can
foretell how future events may-
shape, or revolve around h i s
star of destiny. His enemies hope
that he will be a “dead one,” bui
they know he never will be. From
a political standpoint the tejoicing
is 1 mong the Republicans As to
how Bryan’s resignation will affect
the nation and its affairs, only time
can decide.
RAINS — Leave, soutli bound 8:10 a.
in. and 2:40 p. m. North bound
9:26 a. m. and 4:26 p. m.
PER YEAR $1.50
NO. 40
AST crowds throng The Zone, the amusement and concessions section of the Pannrua-Paclfle International
Exposition at San Francisco. The Dayton Flood la abown on the left, the Chinese Village aud Toyland
Grown Up on the right The Exposition Is breaking all world’s attendance records.
pacity, all because he is thegteatest
little war supply manufacturer in
the world. He has sold so much
stuff, personally, to Europe, that
unless the fighting stops sooo,
Schwab will have the monarebs
picking the diamond settings out of
their crowns to pay him bills they
have contracted. But Schwab beat
the whole world to it in salesman­
ship, so why shouldn’t his institu­
tions have the benefits?
Minot Still A live
Tom Minot, formerly of Marsh­
field, lias broken into print again,
The Examiner says:
Attorney Thomas S Minot went
to the office of Attorney James P.
Sweeney in the Nevada Bank build-
iug yesterday, had his deposition
taken and lived to tell the tale.
A week ago Minot made an affi­
davit to the Superior Court in which
he declared he would not go to At­
The United States Public Health
torney Sweeny's office because it
Service has given wide distribution
As a result of the last election to a report covering “ The Spread was a''deadfall,” being located in
Governor Whitman became a “ Pres­ of Tuberculosis,” by Dr. H. G. ¡the attic of a building and that he
idential possibility.”
And now Lampson of the Minnesota State | might not come out of the office
Whitman has chased the bee so Department ot Health The report | alive.
Sweeney petitioned Judge Crolh-
bard that it has stung him. A New covers a large part of five counties
York politician concisely states the in Minnesota, and shows “ that 79 ers ye-terd ty to strike Ibis affidavit
per cent of the individuals fully ex­ out of the court records, on the
'We have a Governor unfitted posed .or a long period of time to ground that it was scandalous The
for his task and looking forward to open cases ot tuberculosis be:ame court ruled th t the affidavit should
infected. A smaller percentage, 28
another office instead ol giving all per cent, of those partially exposed be stricken out and Minot should
his ability to his present duties.”
or exposed for a short period of go to Sweeney’* office at 4 oclock
time became infected.” The report and give his affidavit.
Minot and Ray Rider, his attor­
The Chinese Ambassador has further states that the percentage of
infection itom causual exposure,
given the American people some "such as everyone encounters,’’ was ney, were on hand. They entered
good advice He remarks:
eight per cent The sutvev made the fearsome office, Minot's deposi-
"You may think we need a great by Dr. Lampson is like his other re­ position was taken and both left the
many pairs of shoes in China. We ports that have been put out by the j place in safet> at 5:30
Minot is suing Sweeoey as the
do, bat it you want to sell us those government— in language easily un­
derstandable by the ordinary lay­
shoes vou should offer us the kind man. It may be obtained at a cost trustee of an English syndicate to
of shoes we want and not the kind of five cents a copy from the Gov- recover $100,000 fees in connection
' with oil claims in Kern county.
you think we onght to want. You 1 eminent Printing Office.
will move where it seems to their
best interest to locate.
Mr. Donk is also investigating
the possibilities of hardwood on his
tiip to the coast. The by-products
of hardwood are recoge, charcoal,
wood alcohol and other useful arti­
cles of commerce.
"While the conversion of wood
waste into commercial products has
not yet been carried on to any great
extent” said Mr. Donk. “ but prob­
ably within ten years from now it
will be entirely different. The gov­
ernment is making great progress
in its experiments and they may re­
sult in complete success. The con­
version and utilizatira of wood in
the forest is the lar^fc and unsolved
problem of conservation and the
government is spending a great
deal upon it.’’
One of the possibilities of the
utilization of the cedar turpentine
is as a moth preventative. Cedar
wood is recognized as moth proof
and it is reasoned that if the interior
of closets was painted with the tur­
pentine once in a while it would
serve the same purpose as it the
closet were of cedar protecting the
goods inclosed therein.
Extraordinary Precaution* to
be Taken for Its Safety
The Southern Pacific Company
has handled many shipments of ex­
traordinary valuesince the last spike
was driven in its trancontinental
line in 1869, but none quite so v .1-
ttable as the Liberty Bell, which it
will bring into California and to
the Panama-Pacific International at
San Francisco next month. Conse­
quently the most elaborate precau­
tions are being taken to insure the
sale transportation of the priceless
The bell will be handled on a
special train It wilfDe u juer guard
every moment from the time it
leaves Philadelphia until it is re­
turned there. It will be carried on
a special gondola freight c a r .
equipped with all the safety appli­
ances necessary to enable it to be
moved in a passenger train.
gondola will occupy the same posi­
tion as an observation car, at the
end of the train,that the residents of
the cities and towns through which
it passes may view the bell. There
are six other cars— sleepers, diner
---- - < > » « ---------- --------
etc — these to be occupied by the
Motion Pictures and Peace
exposition dignitaries, Philadelphia
officials and others making up the
(Paramount Magazine)
After seven months of continuous escort committee of sixty or seventy
fighting on a scale never before
The bell will leave Philadelphia
known, the eight nations involved on July 7. Safety of transportation
apparently have accomplished little and the population of the country
more than the wholesale destruction traversed by the railroads deter­
ot life and property. At least, vic­ mined the routing
It will pass
tory for either side seems far in the through Chicago and Kansas City
and thence be transported to Omaha,
One result has been produced,
where it will be taken in charge by
however, by the first eight months
the Union Pacific. The latter road
of fighting, and it may well prove
will carry it through Denver aud
to be the greatest achievement ot
Salt Lake City to Ogden, where the
the whole war; people everywhere
Oregon Short Line will assume
throughout the world have been
charge and take it to Boise. From
taught the utter horror of modern
Boise, it will go to Portland; and
warfare, and they are beginning to
after being on exhibition six hours,
wonder seriously how its recurrence
the Southern Pacific will become
can he prevented.
With this awakened interest, it is its guardian. This will be on July
altogether probable that by the end 15. On that day, the Southern
of the war a vast majority of man­ Pacific will begin its transportation
kind will be quietly, if not outspok­ to San Francisco via the Shasta
enly, determined that something Route, the residents along which
must be done at once to obviate the will be given an opportunity to
possibility ol any future wars.Many view the historical reminder of the
The bell
plans will be suggested and doubt­ War ot Independence.
less one of them will be put into will leave Portland at noon, July
15. It will reach Salem at 2 p. m.
There is but one solution, how­ of the game day, be on exhibition
ever, but one means of doing away until 2:30, and will then be moved
with war tor all time, and that is to Eugene, arriving there at 5 p. m.
education. When a majority of the The people of Eugene will have 15
people of every nation arc made to minutes in which to view it. Ar­
understand not only what war really riving in Roseburg at 8:15 p. m , it
is, but to know and understand will be on display the same length
each other, war will permanently of time.
Ou Friday, July 16, the bell will
It will reach
Intimate understanding by each be in California.
people of the cbaiacters and dispo Marysvill at 12:15 and be on exhi­
sitions and ambitions and ideals of bition fifteen minutes At 2 p. m.
all other peoples will do more than it will be in Sacramento, where it
all the treaties and laws and agree­ will remain for one hour and then
ments can ever do to prevent war. be moved to Oakland and San
It is knowledge which the peoples Francisco. July 17 will be Liberty
of the earth need and must have Bell Day at the Exposition and
if they are to dwell together in people from every corner of the
State are expected to visit the fair
peace and harmony.
For this reason we believe that on that day.
Every precaution will be taken
motion pictures are potentially, and
are last becoming actually, a great by the Southern Pacific in trans­
human agency toward securing ferring the bell across the bay from
pe; ce.
The motion picture is Oakland to S a n Francisco. A
showing to millions of people special barge will deliver it to the
throughout the civilized w o r l d San Francisco freight slip, where a
every day not only the places of int­ special freight car and switch en­
erest aud beauty in other countries, gine will be waiting to take it to
but the most intimate details of the Third and Townsend streets. Here
every-day lives of every class of it will be placed on a truck and
people in every walk of life. The carried through the city to the fair
national conscious, the thoughts grounds
The total mileage covered by the
and ambitions of the people as a
Bell's westward journey is
whole, ot every nation are being
clearly revealed by motion pictures 5,234. The average ipeed per hour
will be 28 miles, the railroads hand­
to the people of every other nation,
the movement have decided
and this agency is automatically as
it were assisting to create a mutual that to haul it faster might endan­
ger its safety. The bell already has
understanding and sympathy be­
I one crack in it. The itinerary for
tween nations.
the return movement has not yet
decided upon.
Narrow Escape
test. The amount of turpentine in
the cedar is so great that it affects
the water of the lumber camps
where it grows and some can not
drink the water.
For a number ot years the gov­
ernment has teen experimenting to
determine the value ol wood waste
and has conducted experiments iu
a number of places with excellent
North Carolina is at present the
one great source of turpentine in
this country, the resinous pine of
that state being unusually rich in
turpentine, and allied products.
For three years the government
leased a distilling camp in that
state and conducted experiments
A carload of Douglas fir from Or­
egon was submitted to them for
distillation but did not yield good
results. The fir is not to be com­
pared with the North Carolina pine
for quantity of resinous products
Wm. Boggs aud a couple of youDg
and the experiments with it were
ladies had a very Darrow escape ou
not encouraging. Still the govern­
■Thursday night while retu-ning in
ment will continue to experiment
a car from Marshfield. In round-
and may vet find something ot
1 iog the same curve iu the road
value that may be obtained from
where the Schilling car left the mad
the waste fir.
at the time young Davenport was
It i* reported that in Pennsyl­
killed, Mr. Bogga in reaching back
vania there are five plants for the
j to abut the car door lost control of
distillation of wood which are run­ the car and it shot over the grade
ning out of material and which I several feet and Btopped right side
want to coma west.
They are up on a large log.
• - » ♦ • » --------
Breaks Cutter
The dredge Seattle which is now
at work on the Strang shoal about
three miles below this city bad quite
a serious breakdown Tuesday night
I when the c .tter was broken off and
lost in the bottom of the river. I t
wae recovered and the damage was
repaired, ready t>> begin work again
by Thursday evening They work
continuously day and night.