MERELY MENTIONED NOTES ON THE PHOTOPLAYS 8 . E. Henderson, city engineer, Try a Herald want ad for an>- Satisfactory Bond Bid Chas. Collier Residence you want to buy or sell. a . . . leaves this afternoon for a week’s thing 1 Received and Accepted Burned to the Ground E. N. Smith, the real eatate man ______ visit to Eugene. Have you paid tbe printer. O f Interest to Those W ho The cou„ cj] held a special called Mrs. Marshall, of the Parisian of front Baudon.was in town Saturday The residence ot Chas Col ier on . I 1 'buue Fred Hlagle wbtu you are Patronize the Movies Marshfield, will be at the Wickham J. C. Watson has rented his fioe meeting last evening for the pur- bis place cast of town wns burned to going to Marshfield and a Cadillac Hotel Wednesday and Thursday ot dairy farm north of town to Wui. pose of receiving bids fur tbe $30,- j able wdl call for you. tbe ground yesterday afternoou by this week with a fine line of Ladies’ “ Neptune’s Diugblers," sliowu 00(1 funding bunds. a fire which started about 2:30, Italpb Fox wau up from Bandon Suits uud Coats The ladies of Co- Mehl. at the Grand last uiglit drew a full Men’s Dress Shoes, $3.50, Dress' All members of tbe council were The heu-e wan small and old, worth quille are invited to take advantage Saturday. W hat a nuisance they are. house, showing that the Coquille Shirts, $1.00 and $1.25 at Pursley’a, present including C. T. Skeels who of this opportunity of makiug selec­ perhaps $400 or $450, aud was not Barley $ 1.10 per ale. — Coquille A n d they are more than a nui­ tions from a large and up-tu-date Coquille Haberdashery. I qualified to fill the vacancy caused people will turu out to see a great iusured. No oue was at the place Feed Store. line. Esrl Willey who has been attend- by tbe iueligib lily of John iiickam, picture aud pay the a Ivunced price when tbe fire started, but Mr. Col­ sance— they are a menace Arthur Ellingsou bus purchased when necessary. This is encourag­ The KuKeel Klub will have an- : ¡eg the Corvallis Agricultural Col- to which be had been nppoiuted. lier was returning from town wbeu a new Ford car. ing (or the movie proprietors, and to health and life. They other of their enjoyable dancing legs returned home Friday. Tbe following bids were received be saw a small blaze on tbe roof. it enables them to briug in tbe Short* jit.45 per 80 lb. sk — Co­ parties Friday night are bred in filth and are Martin Alexson and family expect for the bunds; It is supposed that it caught from quille Feed Store. great pictures that could hot be Keeler Bn s , of Denver, $30,000 Inspector Hall, of tbe Coss and to leave tor California this week, tbe Smith Powers logging train said to be alive with shown bere at the ten cent price Judge J Watson was a Myrtle Curry Telephone Co., accompanied they having disposed of their real aDd “ premium of $05 which had passed a few minutes be­ The picture was very satisfactory. Point vis.tor Weducaduy. disease germs Lumbermen's Trtist Co , par and by his wife, wus a business visitor property at this place. fore. Mr. Collier reached the house N e x t Mooday evening “ T b e Joe Scbilliug, Jr was down front at this place Wednesday. io time to get out the greater part Baby Buggies and Runabouts. accrued interest aud a premium of FLY DESTRYORES Christian” will be shown This is Myrtle Point Wednesday. $331. All kiuds of Fruit Jars, Stone Jars, of its conteuts. He did not have Bran $1.00 per CO lb. *k.— Co­ Stone Churns, and 1 10 gal. Barrel Sweet, Causey, Foster Jk Co. of oue of the must powerful dramas much furniture in the bouee, as he Neva Harry, of Brewster, was at­ quille Feed Store. Churn, good as new. At Quick's Denver, pir aud uccrued interest ever filmed. It is taken from the are here in variety tending court here last week. was only baching there. There was Tbe steamer Bieakwater has Secoud Hand Store. famous novel of Had Came und the and a premium of $631. uo fire in the iuterior of the house Take your balky watches to W. changed bet hour of sailing from W e have all effective Never in the history of Coos H. Scbroedtr the jewele., be old Marshfield, uud will leave at 8 Tbe last bid was accepted and is picture is made by the Vitagrsph when he reached it, but there was kinds —Sticky Fly Paper Co. Karle Williams appears as John county has the feed on the stock considered very satisfactory. reliable. no apperutus available for putting o ’clock every Sunday morning, in­ Storm and Edith Storey as Glory ranges and dairy ranches been more ■-------------- ---------- Poison Fly Paper Dr. Harrison, tbe veteiiuary mm stead of at 9 o ’clock. out the blaze on the roof and the Quayle. It is said that Miss Storey plentiful at this season of the year from Myrtle Poiut was io town H e Came Down building was soon all ubluze. A Insect Powder H M. Shaw, Eye, Ear, Nose and does her best wotk iu this picture, Monday. small bouse close to the othei was Mr. and Mrs Laos Leueve went Throat Specialist, of Marshfield, will Fly Buttons Arthur Holt, the real estale man, aud everyone knows that Earle is also burned, but all tbe other farm Sweet’s high-grade chocolates be at Baxter Hotel, Coquillu, Thurs­ out yesterday to J. D. Laird’s place took an unpremeditated bath in the never anything else but great Tbe buildings were saved. day, June 17tlj. Olusses Fitted. Fly Ribbon and box candy at Folsom's Confec­ in Brewster valley, where they will Alarm was tionery only. north fork Sttuday. He was stand­ cast also includes Harry Nortbup, felt for the barn, which stands about Rev. John F. Leggett will preach rusticate fur ten days, while Lans Etc. George Moulton ami Frank Burk­ at Bridge, Sunday, June 20. Morn­ plays tbe part of expert and gives ing ou a riffle, fishing for trout, tbe ideal villian, Charles Kent, 200 feet from tbe house, with the holder apeut aevtral day* out in ing subject, ‘ Some Thinga to Think instructions iu the art of ruuning when a large salmon in the pool be­ Jsmes Morrison and other Yita- wind blowing directly toward it; Tbe picture is in low concluded that the sign was graph stirs. Brewater valley fishing, laat week. About.” Evening subject, “ Getting an automobile. but plenty of help soon reached the eight reels, uud it is oue of tbe right for making his way to the scene from town and water was Wanted— Cbitham Btrk 1015 Rid of tbe Old Muu." If “Cadillac” mt aus anything to greatest now before tbe public. It peel Call on or addreas. used on tbe barn roof to keep sparks When going to Bandon take Ford you, remember that is the kiud of pool above. He accordingly started The Rexall Store Geo. T. Moulton, A Barker’s auto line to Bandon. cars used on Slagle's line to Marsh­ across tbe riffle in the wholesouled can not be recommended too strong­ from igniting it. Coqutile, Otegou. ■vay that salmon have under such ly to the patrons of the Grand. New cars, careful drivets. Fare 75c; field. The fire bell was rung iu towu, Mrs. W. Cunlogue, of Marshfield, round trip $1 25. His course hap­ A week later will be shown “Tne aud tbe chemical engine was taken F. P. Norton, of Marsbficld, who circumstances. left heie Tbuisday fur Ashland, Deputy Sheriff Andrew Davis left was here Saturday evening, went out pened to lie between Mr. Holt’s Lure,” und on July 5th, America.” to the scene behind an automobile. Professional Cards where ahe will visit relatives for sev here Saturday for Portland where to Roseburg to bring iu a couple of legs and he wouldn’ t have turned both great pictures. “ The Jugger­ It performed its regular stunt of eral mouths. he will atteud the Grand Musonic haruess horses for tbe July races at out lor Woodrow Wilson or the naut,” another great Yitagraph fea­ capsizing, again demonstrating the Dr. C. W. ENDICOTT When he arrived, Mr. ture will be shown at a future date tact to which the attention of the Big comfortable, reliable Cadil­ Lodge a* a delegate from the Ma­ Myrtle Point. One is bis Harry Kaiser. D entist lacs urc used on the Slagle auto line sonic lodge of Marshfield. N , and tbe other is a horse belong­ Holt went into the air to preserve not yet fixed. couucil has bten often called— that Office over First National Bank to Marshfield, having Cuquille six Phone Main 431 Mrs. Bledsoe has also made ar­ the axle is too short, bringing the Cracked Corn $2.20 pi r 100 lbs.— ing to Geo. Swishuer, of Medford. a strict neutrality, and when he times a day. Fare 75 cauts. Coquille Feed Store. Clean milk and Clean cream, from came down alter the salmon had rangements with Robt. Marsden, Jr. wheels ou so Darrow a tread that it Mr. and Mrs. F. B. Phillips re­ E. D. SPERRY The principal part of the town ol a Clean dairy, for sale at the City gone his way, he came down at full to show two of the Paramount fea­ cau not be bandied at any speed turned yesterday from a business As one of Coaledo was deetroyed by fire Tues Bakery. Cream put up in non-rt- length in the water, which was not tures each week, on Wednesday and without turning over. A ttorney a n d trip to Cottage Grove, having beeu turnable Kleen cups tf C ounsellor at L aw only wet but cold. A. N. Gould, Suturday evenings, but this service tbe first requirements in case of fire day night. Three buildings were Office in Robinson Building gone two weeks. In the circuit court this moruing, who witnessed tbe stunt, is regret will not be inaugurated for a couple is to get tbe apparatus to tbe scene burned to tbe ground, one of thtm Wheat $2 35 per 100 lbs —Co- the largest building iu the town. T. J. Clark was awarded $1800 in ting that he did not have a motion of weeks. as quickly as possible, it would seem quille Feed Store. W. C. CHASE his suit against Coos county for in­ picture camera in operation at the On Saturday eveuing tbe Grand tbe part of wisdom for tbe council 1 Simplex Cream Separate!, 900 Mrs. Jack Davis, of Marshfield', lbs. capacity A ttornky at L aw 1 Little Giant Rus­ juries received at Brewster valley time. will have a film of decided local in­ to have the axle of the chemical accompanied by her children, Jack sian Steam Turbiue Separator, 400 while woiking on the roads, when a Office in Rlchniond-Barker Bldg terest, showing the Coos County lengthened so that it can be taken and Will, passed through here on lbs. capacity. 1 Remington Slides rock fell and struck him on the Stiff Fine track meet. Further particulars re­ around a corner or over an uneven her way to Eugene, Tbuiaday Typewriter No 11 iu good condi­ shoulder. garding tbis picture do not seem to pavement without a spill. C. R. BARROW tion. At Quick’s Second Hand Store. E. C. Smith was tried before Jus­ be obtainable at this writing, but it Mr. Montgomery, of the Coos & A ttorney and C ounsellor at L aw “Dad” Woodford left here Satur­ Curry Telephone Co., is in town to­ tice Stanley today on a complaint Office Phone 335 sbowB our local athletic event in mo­ Railroad Man Here day fur Poillaud. He wid visit day on one of his periodical visits. preferred by Game Wardeu Thomas, tion pictures und should be of tbe Residence Phone 340 there fur awhile and then go to J. H . Hornutg, of Manti, Utah, He informs the Herald that tbe charging him with killing deer out greatest interest bere. —» •........... San Francisco and take in tbe Fair J. J. STANLEY and agent of the Denver & Rio project of putting in tbe common of season. He was adjudged guilty, I Feel Like a Schoolboy! Portland—Bids opened June 9011 before returning home. He expects LAWYER Grande R. R. Co., was in town sev­ battery system here, fur which near­ And a fine of $100 and costs was im­ 73 miles bard surface highway. to be gone several weeks. Kichmond-Barker Building Justice Stanley was im­ eral days last week. He was look­ ly all their patrons signed a petition, posed. Coquille, Oregon VV. H. Schioeder is again showing is being held up awaiting tbe action pelled to make the fine a stiff one ing over the prospects here in the a Jiue line of Jewelry and Time­ interests of the company. He ex­ of tbe railroad commission, which by tbe fact that Mr. Smith's actions pieces. Don't forget. A. J. SHERWOOD had not been altogether shove sus­ press'd himself as satisfied with (he has announced its intention of hold­ A ttorney at L aw Miss Melviua Fox, of Marshfield, It seems country, aui ! says that it far sur­ ing a bearing here on the question picion in another case. First National Bank Building was a passeDger on the stage to passed his expectations. He was of a raise of rates, a similar ra se that another patty had been bunt­ Rooms 2-3-4 Roseburg, Thursday, enroutfc to if I FAIL to CURf any CANCER or TUMOR I treat having been asked fur by tbe Farm­ ing aud trapping without license iu b e fo re It P O I S O N S deep g la nds or attaches to bone delighted with the scenery in this Eugene for a vacation after being tbe saute vicinity, and when it came , '0 K N IF E . NO P A IN . section of the country. He stated ers line. L. J. LILJEQVIST P A Y U N T IL C U R E 0 engaged in teaching school at Catch­ to shipping his furs did not dure to 'to that on the outside he could get no W R IT T E N G U A R A N T E E A ttorney at L aw X - Ray other ing Inlet during the past year. do so, so Smith, who bud a license, swindle. Marriage Licenses information in regard to this part of ’ An lslund First National Bank Building makes the cures I am in the market for Cbitham attempted to ship them as the pro­ plant Oregon, and that in Portland, evin, Coquille, Oregon ANY TUMOR. LUMP OR SORE on the lip, face Bark,Butchers’ and Farmers’ Hides, Frank A. Graustrom and Ida A. ducts of his own bow aud spear. or he couldn’t learn any particulars body long Is CANCER Wool, Pelts and Furs. about Coos County, so be came to 120-PAGE BOOK Sent Free Nyman. However, it appearing that he bad Testimonials of 10,000 WALTER SINCLAIR G eo . T. M oulton ate for himself. He is taking back CURED. Write to some Roy Wyant and Lula AndersoD. no money with which to liquidate, A ttornky at L aw i good impression with him aud will A N Y L U M P in Peter Axe of Blidge has ordered Mike K ogo and Hanna Grande!. execution was Btuyed during good likely make a good teport to bis through J. A. Laird a motor truck Notary Public Coquille is Grover Allen Williamson aud Ed­ behavior, in I he hope that he may It always poisons deop glands and KILLS QUICKLY company to market his pruduce this fall. Mr. Poor cured at half price if cancer is yet small have learned his lesson. Ballasting O. W. R. & N. Hood Axe expects to have at least 40UÜ na McIntosh. »diu« Old Dr. & Mrs. Dr. Chamley & Go. River road to Tbe Dalles with If you want to kick your little boxes of tomatoes, besides bis other Jas. M. Porter and Laura Mot- 4 3 4 4 4 3 6 Valencia St., San Francisco, Cal. A Slight Accident crushed rock begun. troubles into next week read my produce. He also grows a fine tage. KINDLY MAIL THIS to someone with CANCER want ad. columns regularly. I’m quality of peaches. Raymond A Jt-ub and Bessie A. bound to settle difficulties. Tho first of last week l ’ uul Ford Take the Cadillac auto line when Robertson. met with a mishap on the Marsh you go to