Coquille herald. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1905-1917, June 08, 1915, Image 2

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    T h e C o q u ille H e r a ld
p u b l is h e d
Entered as secon I class matter May
at the post office at Coquille,
Oregon, underact o! Congress of March
S, 1879 .
The Social Whirl
Hogwallow News
J fU
J t isn ' t a
8 , 190 "'.
P C . LEVAR, Lessee.
Devoted to the material and social
upbuilding o f the Coquille Valley par­
ticularly and c f Coos County generally.
Subscription, $1.50 per year in advance
Phone Main 381 .
President Wilson has gained one
very important point by his patient
and wise endeavors to avoid mix­
ing in the carnage of murder in
Mexico and in Europe. If be be
finally obliged to shed bis coat and
go to it, he will find this country
solidly behind him.
According to the press dispatches
William J. Bryan bas a good round
of applause coming to him. It is
reported that a serious difference cf
opinion has arisen in the Cabinet
from the determination of Secretary
Bryan that, at the same time that
we are demanding assurances from
Germany regarding American ship­
ping we shall also demand similar
assurances from Great Britian. This
is nothing more than right, and it
would do more to show Germany
that the United States is not trying
to favor her enemies under the
guise of neutrality than anything
the president could say to ber. Good
for Bryan.
It is now discovered, with great
apparent surprise that the prohibi­
tion law which goes into effect the
first of the year contains a provis­
ion that any one having liquor
shipped in must make affidavit that
the booze, whether whiskey, beer
or wiue, is to be used for "sacre-
mental purposes.’ ’ Now isn’t that
a corker? Yet we are sometimes
told that wbat a fine job of lawmak­
ing is done by a legislature in com­
parison with the cruel and ill-con­
sidered .work of "the unthinking
Masses” in direct legislation.
apparently there wasn’t a member
of ’ be last legislature, after all the
excitment and fighting over the
prohibition statute, who knew what
he was voting for, or who after
ward gave it enough consideration
to discover the joker until some
newspaper man saw it.
It is to be hoped that those folks
who have been so anxious for war
with somebody feel better over the
prospects of the first of this week.
The probability ot armed interfer­
ence in Mexico and the possibility
that we can’t keep out of trouble
with Germany without a square
back-down from a positoti assumed
ought to be soothing to the nerves
of the most blood-thirsty newspaper
man. It would be indeed a pleas­
ant diversion to jump into the Eu­
ropean war for the sake of vindicat­
ing those ideas of “ national honor”
which prevail in those sections of
the country where a man vindicates
his "honor” by shooting his enemy
in the back or from ambush, or by
raising a mob of his own retainers
to wipe out an opposition feudist
incautious enough to be caught
The Portland Chamber of Com­
merce must be a brilliant aggrega­
tion of scintillating intellects. It is
now reported that 5000 members
of that body "have enthusiastically
joined in a movement wbich is in­
tended to keep Oregon's atmos­
phere clear of smoke during the
season of 1915.” It is stated that,
"last year thousands of tourists
were disappointed. They came to
Oregon expecting to see the splen­
did scenery so widely advertised,
• nd on their arrival found the brush
heaps on fire trom the Cascsdes to
the Coast Range, the atmosphere
resembling a Sau Francisco fog
These tourists left Oregon in dis
gust.” Now wasn't that a darned
s . a me ? What an inconsiderate lot
of farmers and ranchers and pioneer
settlers they must have over there
in tbe Willamette valley, that they
would intertere with Portland’s
tourist industry by obscuring the
scenery with smoke, merely lor tbe
sake of clearing up their land and
getting moreot it under cultivation.
Port'and ought to have the legis­
lature pass a law making it a crime
or at least a misdemeanor, for a far­
mer to burn his brush iu the sum
mer when passengers on the rail­
roads want to look at the scenery.
Let them burn tbeir brush in the
winter when tbe rain will keep the
isti t a n E a s t m a n
In this city on Tuesday, June 1 ,
occurred the marriage of Ellis Kel­
ley and Miss Ruth Young, Rev
Jubu F. Leggett officiating The
cereiuouy was perform»d iu the M.
W. A. hall in the presence of a large
number of invited guests, the ball
being tastefully decorated iu the
club colors, and all the details of an
elaborate wedding ceremony being
carried out After the ceremony all
repaired to the dining room of the
Baxter hotel, which Las so long been
graced by the presence of the bride,
and here an elaborate repast was
served beneath elaborate and taste­
ful decoratious. Then ensued au ex­
cited bunt for the bride & d I groom,
who bad disappeared but were fin­
ally located at the home of the
groom’s uncle, N. C Kelley, in the
northern part of town. They were
bundled into an auto and taken to
Myrtle Point and registered at a ho­
tel, where they were left in peace
the remaindir of tbe nigbt. Next
day they went to Baudot! to bask in
tbe beams of the honey moon. The
bride is the daughter of \lr, ami
Mrs. M. M Young aud the groom is
son of Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Kelley
Both have hosts of friends to wish
them a long and happy married life.
Wednesday night a shower was
given in honor of the engagement
of Miss Ruth Woodford to Iris El­
rod at the homes of Mrs. L. A Lil-
jeqvist and Miss Clare Sherwood.
The guests met at the Liljeavist
residence where the presents were
given to Miss Woodiord. The din­
ing room was adorned with lovely
flowers. In the center ot the room
was a table covered with beautiful
presents consisting of cut glass, sil­
ver and linen. Above tbe table
was a large iris flower, ot delicate
tinted tissue paper with l o n g
streamers attached. A large cut
glass vase and bowl adorned tbe
center of the table. The vase was
filled with real iris flowers and the
bowl heaped with carnations. A
Cluny lace centerpiece covered the
table on which reposed the beauti-
White carnations and
lilies adorned the living room.
After the presents were given the
party adjourned to the Sherwood
residence where Miss Clare had ar-
smoke trom rising. Of course here
in Coos it doesn’ t make so much
difference, for we have few tourists,
aud some of us even like the smell
of the smoke from btush piles, that
•ndicates more of our fertile acres
coming into use, more happy and
contented caouws giving cream and
more prosperous tanners coming
and spending money with our
merchants and newspaper men.
In fact the Coos countv chamber
of commerce that would try to
keep the farmers from burning
brush at the only time ot year when
it will burn would be considered—
well, you can supply the term for
Was He Confidence Man?
A few weeks ago a man who said
rauged a delightful luncheon. Her
dining room was decorated in pink.
Beautiful pink roses adorned the
room and the table was a mass of
roses. The artistic taste which she
used iu decoratiug the room called
forth many exclamations of delight
from the guests
Dainty place
cards were at each plate, with a
bride’s picture painted in tbe cor­
ner ot each, aud bearing the name
of a guest. Music aud sewing were
the pastimes of the evening Those
present were Mesdames V'. Lamb,
F Slagle, Dr. Endtcott, Calvin Sla­
gle, Fay Jones, M J Hartson, E
E Johnson, B F Lawrence, M. O
Hawkins, B. Folsom, P. Sterling,
C. A Howard, VVm. Candlin, Oli­
ver Sanford, Jane Williams, Wm.
Lyons, J. W. Leneve, J. S. Law­
rence, Chas. Harlocker, Henry Lor­
enz, Ed. Lorenz, Wm Stratton, A.
J. Sherwood and Misses Mary Dav­
enport, Emily Harlocker aud Rtrtb
As the last class pirty of the year,
the Senior class of the Coquille
High School was entertained at the
home of Mr. and Mrs B H. Burns,
Tuesday evening, this also being
Raymond Burns’ birthday. Various
games were played, which together
with music aud conversation provid­
ed the amusement of the evening.
As it is perhaps the last time the
Seniors will meet as a class, much
time was given to recalling incidents
of their school life and talking of
tbe future.
Dainty refreshments
were served and the class also en­
joyed two boxes of delicious candy
wbich had been the present from
Miss Pearl Guinn to the class in
honor of tbeir graduation.
Those present were Jane Lowe,
Geneva Robinson, Edoa Harlocker
Hazel Radabaugb, Horace Rabs-
kopf, Stewart Norton, Raymond
Burns and Roy Avery.
In acceptance of an invitation
from the President of the Senior
class of the Marshfield High School,
the Coquille Senior class motored to
Marshfield Thursday evening and
attended the graduation exercises
at that place. They report having
enjoyed the program very mu'-h, al­
so the ride. Mrs L, W. Turnbull
aud Mr. and Mrs. Jess Hite accom­
panied the class on their trip.
Of Interest to Those *Who
Patronize the Movies
In its “Notes on the Photoplays”
last week the Herald mentioned
"The Christian" and “ Neptune’s
Daughter” as two fine Photoplays
which Mrs. Bledsoe has booked for
production at the Grand.
comes Robt. Marsden, Jr. of Marsh­
field with a grievance because it
was not mentioned that these two
pictures were booked through him.
This is tbe fact and we are glad
that Mr. Marsden has called our at­
tention to it. In order to leave no
chance for other wrong impression,
we wilt state that the other improve­
ment of the service at the Grand
comes from the new bookings made
tbrough Manager B R. Keller, of
(be Orpheum, who recently made a
trjp t0 Seattle and Portland and got
0t)|0 the latest kinks in the picture
ganje He ma(|e arrangements to
bg supplied with tbe great special
features that are meeting with such
success in the large cities, and these
wjn be shown at the Grand here
„ „ j a]s0 at ,be Myrtle Point and
Batu|on picture houses,
his name was Dodge, and who
claimed to be a near relative of the
Dodge who manufactures the Dodge
car, was at this place taking orders
for auto tires and parts. He claim-
ed that the home he represented
sold these goods 15 per cent lower
than they could be purchased else-
where. He got quite a number of
orders, one man making him a cash
pay ment of £ 103 . 04 .
Tbe man
turned up missing all of a sudden,
Next Monday evening "N e p ­
and upon being informed of the tune’s Daughter” will be shown
way be had handled affairs, the This is without doubt a great pro-
Sberiff telegraphed in regard to t b e .ducliot) and wj„ ^ we„ wot(h s„ .
bouse he was supposed to represent mg
He found it to be a bouse of good
On June 14th "The Christian,”
standing but that it had no m in by one of the Vitagraph’s best features,
tbe name of Dodge who wax author­ will be hete; and on the 21st "The
ized to sell their goods.
It waa Lure.”
simply another "skin game” being
— • * •
worked to good advantage
Marriage Licenses
man hasn't been located since he
left here, aDd likely never will he
Ellis L Kelley and Ruth R.
It ia expected that oomp'aints will Y’oung.
he made and officers put on hia
Archie H. Rosa and Esther J.
trail within the next few days.
A description of tbe man aeems
Charley Overseth aud Ida Brams
to be difficult to obtain, as the im­
pression left seems to be only of a
Marshfield to Celebrate
man unusually "smooth One poil t
on which several agree ia that he
John Motley, secretary of the
had "several” fingers missing from .Marshfield Chamber of Commerce,
each hand.
was in the city yesterday. He says
. À ot^afi
Ó f i t isn 7 \i
< /¿negati
J t isn t ^ Sin to y ra p /iic
J / i t is n ’ t ^ 1 a to q r a p flic
J t isn t
DUNK BOTTS, Regular Correspondent
(George Bingham!
fi*to '{/a te
All Rights Reservd
L i e t u s V S7, ou<
The Depily Constable is already
beginning to endorse himselt lor re-
election next year.
The Dog Hill preacher wa? seen
with a new shirt on last Sunday.
He is also thinking about getting a
new sermon
port that the fish had stolen his bait.
The Hogwallow Improvement
Association met at the Postofflce
this week and took on itself to im­
prove the appearance of Yam S ms’
mule be shearing its maue and tail
before the beginning ot the Baptist
Association on Gimlet Creek.
One day this week Atlas Peck
dug up a watch that had been bur­
ied for almost ten years. Atlas was
iu high hopes that it could be start­
ed again, but Dock Hocks, the
blacksmith, looked into it with'bis
spyglass and found that it had got
so far behind that there was no hope
of its ever catching up a ain
Atlas Peck has notified the public
to travel slowly by bis house, as bis
chimney is about ready to fall down.
An all-day singing will be held at
the Dog Hill Church in a few Sun­
days. These singings are a good
thing as. they prevent the singers
trom talking all day.
Poke Eazley, who has in the past
been able to find a listener around
Hogwallow when he sets in to tell
The Cali Ribs Neghboriiood is an
bis troubles, is thinking ot moving
to Tickville, where there are more impoilant section lying several a,iks
to the northwest of Hogwal ow
The Hog Ford preacher has had I The community is traverse»! by tht
the benches in the church white­ Tickville railroad and the Mail at-
washed in order that tbe public may tier, with Gander Creek not lar
be able to look at tbe back of a away. Iu the Call Ribs ueig'tot-
man’s pants and tell whether or not liood reside such esteemed titi eus
as tbe Horse Doctor, tbe Blmd ¡an
he attended church.
and the Tin Peddler, also the I id-
Yam Sims is showing some new
pictures that he has just had made ow.
Farming is not carried on to in>
at Tickville. It is a very goad re­
extent, but nature takes are
semblance of Yam, but there is a
blur on his necktie, Ire having swal­ to provide blackberry patches, ;>et-
lowed just as the camera weut off. simtnon trees, paw-paw bushes md
wild grape vims, while ’ possems,
Miss Flutie Belcher heard some
coons and rabbits abound in sea-on
one disturbing ber chicken roost
Fish in Gander Creek are also o’en-
last Thursday night, but she did not
although some little effort is
get up to go aud see about it as she
required to catch them.
did uot want Sidney Hocks to see
A peculiar geographical f a c t
her with her hair rolled up.
about the Call Ribs Neighborhood
A jaybird is reported to have lit
on a lence near where Miss Rosy is that the gullies are all of natural
growth and are much more thrifty
Mosely was standing the other day.
than if they had been planned by
It is believed that the bird was get­
ting some late ideas from the one man The prevalence of these cul-
: lies serves as a great convenience
on Miss Rosy’s hat.
and saving to the residents, as they
The Postmaster has warned Crick­
can be used for fences to good effrct.
et Hicks that the Government is
! They are less expensive than rail
kicking about his moving from one
fences aud never wear out As the
place to another so much and hav­
gullies grow, tbe houses are moved
ing his mail forwarded They claim
back, thus causing a gradual expan
they lose several cents on every let­
ston o f the entire community.
ter written to Cricket.
O ne o f the historical facts ah iul
Miss Flutie Belcher has broken
I the C a lf Ribs Neighborhood is tnat
htr engagement to one ot the Hen-
Atlas Peck came to the con clu sion
step boys, who lives in the Buzzard
to locate there, but was so h ltd
Knob section. It is said that she
| pressed by the officers that he ci me
was marrying him for his money
on to Hogwallow, where he joined
and th t he weut and spent it Sat­
the church aud is now an esteemed
urday night.
Yam Sims says that the only
Tobe Mosely is one of the strong
thing about fishing that he doesn’t
supporters of the Horse Doctor, hav
like is coming borne without any
ing testified in court last week,
Fit Smith reports that while he while on the witness stand in a bog-
was seining in Gander Creek a few stealing case, that after having taken
days ago he was attacked by’ a very a bottle and a half of horse medi­
large fish It appears that Fit and cine, he swapped horses with a
this same fish bad some previous stranger and got a good watch t<
trouble when Fit circulated the re­ boot.
Mr and Mrs. Campbell, of Ro-e-
rg, who came ¡ d over the Middle
Fork road to Powers to get work,
went out over the Coos Bay rea l
Not many people from Roeebnrg
will hunt wealth at the new town
after they talk with the Campbells.
Arthur Mareen, Mrs Mareen end
children, IV. H. Bunch Mrs. Bunch
and family came home last n ek
from attending camp meeting at
A Start—A Stop
Grants Pass.
Ivan Laird catches the pane- n-
The county court at its recent gers, going and coming.
session let W. E Steinhoff, of Ban-
R A . E aston
don, the contract for grading the
new road around the hill to give an
Miller and the Dog
outlet toward Myrtle Point without
going over tbe present narrow and
(As mid by an eye witness )
crooked route. The contract price
One day last week our city mar h-
is $1900
This project has been all, A. P. Miller, was talking to a
hanging fire for many moons, and group of boys on one of onr at-ecte.
it seems that it will still be delayed A small white canine was sitting >n
for a few more, as a writ of review ,1 its haunches surveying the group.
was filed today on bebalf of tbe "Does that dog belong to any’ of
Mchl heirs, who are not satisbed you boys?" questioned Miller.
with the compensation allowed was informed tbat it did not. "Th -n
them, of $565, and claim that they I'll take it iu tow”, said the "cop.”
were not given the required notice Whereupon began an exciting ebsse
of pending action.
between Miller aud the dog. They
chaaed each other over about hot
East Fork Items
an acre, and finally Miller stopped,
took off bis hat and mopped his
Lonie Howlett, Mrs. Howlett and
forehea 1 with his handkerchief.
cbildren, of Marshfield, went cut
•‘The dog wins", he announced, md
over tbe C oh Bay wagou load to
continue-! on his beat.
Rogeburg to meet Mrs Howlelt's
mother, of Dunsmuir, California.
Have you paid thejprinter.
that the prospects ,.re fine for u good
celebration of tbe coming Fourth of
July in his town. The Fourth coin-
iug on Sunday, Marshfield will cele­
brate on Saturday and Monday
Mr. Motley sa s tbat there will not
be so much money available this
year as last, but by making every
dollar count it is hope 1 to have ful­
ly as good a celebration.
You J i o t e to he i f p - t o - ^ a t e
I I A V I N G bought the'plant of the Co-
* * quille Mill and Mercantile Com­
pany, the undersigned is now prepared
to fill all orders for any kind of
Especial attention will be paid to the
local demand, and every effort will be to supply anything needed at the
sh irtest possible notice.
Your orders
are solicited.
crites in co n d e m n in g the atrocities
o f people on both sides w h o are
The deadly potato blight i? here, hall crazy with fear and hate when
an I unless gome method of control we A m erica n s, look ed at th rou gh
>6 devised, will not only destroy the Germ an eyes, are ca lm ly la tie o in g
-arly potatoes but likewise the late on b lo o d m o n e y .”
ones. Iu case of an epidemic of
this kind, the fruit inspector shall In th e C ir c u it C o u r t o f th e S ta te o f O r e ­
g o n , for C o o s C o u n ty .
employ such means of control ns
senna to tie the moat plausible; W. J . CONIIAD.'
therefore I shall n quire every p. r
sou that h is potato vines, to either A. J. H a c k e t t , R.
spray them with Bordeaux Mixture, E. F a l c o n e r , R. C.
F a i . coner and Us
or cut them, j-ist under the ground know n O w n e r s ,
and burn them.
I will start the
county spray 1 r on Wednesday. All To A. J. Hackett, R E. Falconer, R.
C. Falconer and Unknown Owners
those d-siring work done by th is1 the
above named defendants
sprayer will please be prepared In the Name o f the State o f Oregon;
You are hereby notified that W. J.
when the machine comes. We will Conrad
the holder of Certificate o f De­
begin nt the south end of town and linquency numbered 35 issued on the
6th day o f January, 1909, by the Tax
work north.
Collector o f tiie County o f ( 00 s, State
o f Oregon, for the amount o f Five .'c
Yours very truly
oh nson
Yale Professor Declares
Outcry is Hysterical
31-100 Dollars, the same being the
amount then due and delinquent for tax­
es for the year 1907 together with pen­
alty, interest and costs thereon upon
the real property assessed to you, o f
which you are the owner as appears o f
record, situated in said County and
State, and particularly hounded and de­
scribed as follows, to-w it: Lots 4-5-10-
11-13-13-14-15-16-17 18-19-20-21- 32-33-34
25-26-27 28-29-30-36-37-38-39 & 10 all in
Block 38 in Portland Addition to Ban-
don, Coos ( ounty, Oregon.
You are further notified that said W.
•T. Conrad has paid taxes on said prem­
ises for prior or subsequent years with
the rate o f interest on said amounts as
ollow s:
Y ear's
R e c’ t
No. A m ’ t Int.
1908 Mar. 26, 1909 -14893) $3 36 15
15, 1910 (4.374 i $7 23 15
1911 (32701 $9 78 15
1911 April
1, 1912
(64061 $13 65 15
1913 (6815C $17 01 15
(Continue! from Paget)
ot Hongkong, India and South Af­
rica and would ask hard questions
»bout Ireland. It would order Ser-
via out ot Bulgarian territory. Bel­
gium out of the Congo and France
iut of North Africa
No nation
■ ngaged in this war has cleat) hands.
But in this war itself no one of
them is fighting for any other than
patriotic motives, national detense,
the pressure of feartul necessity and
he clash ot irreconcilable interests
"A s for the atrocities, Belgium,
Servia, East Prussia and Poland
have probably been no more thor«, 1913 Keb'y. 6, 1914 317 $19 32 15
Said A. J. H a c k e t t , R. E. F a l c o ­
mghly desolated than Georgia after n e r . and R C. F a l c »)NER as the own­
•sherman's march to the sea Away ers o f the legal title o f the above des­
cribed property as the same appears o f
Tom ordinary social restraint tnen record, and each o f the other persons
always do such things. It is rate abovo named are hereby further noti­
fied that W. J. Conrad will apply to the
lor a militia company here to have Circuit Court of the County and State
for a decree foreclosing the
field day or a college class to hold lien against
the property above des­
reunion without a certain percent- cribed. and mentioned in said certifi­
cate. And you are hereby summoned to
<ge making beasts of themselves.
appear within sixty days after the first
"While we have no adequate publication o f this summons exclusive
f the day o f said first publication, and
reason for declaring war on Ger­ o defend
this action or pay the amount
many, Germany has sufficient teas-' due as above shown together with costs
and in case o f your
n for disliking us, if it would at all failure to do interest
so. a decree will be ren­
l-ssen our shipmeuts of ammunition d e r'd foreclosing the lien ot said taxes
and costs against the land and premis­
vith which ber sons are being I es
above named.
killed. It is practically impossible | This summons is published by order
the Honorable John S. Coke. Judge
for us to stop shipments now.
We o o f f the
Circuit 1 ourt o f the State o f Or­
ire all, including pro Germans, ! egon for the County o f Coos and said
made and dated this 28th day
profiting by it. It is restoring pjos- • o f April, 1915,
and the date o f the first
perity. It w >uld perhaps tie unfair publication o f this summons is the 11th
o f May, 1915.
to England ami France to stop it j day
All process and papers in this pro­
But let us not send onr ceeding may be served upon the under­
residing within the State o f Ore­
women and children to protect it.. signed
gon. at the address hereafter men­
'live the G»’rm’ n« a cbmre to stop! tioned
J jiis C. K>. m » u
it it they can.
Attorney for the Plaintiff
"Above all, let us not be hypo­ Address Marshfield, Oregon.