Souvenir From T George Washington's Estate 8 L A U G H T E R OF T H E INNO- CENT8. Com pau W atcb Chaim: Made from the bean of the Kentucky Coffee Tree. This tree was presented by Thomas Jefferson and planted by General Lafayette, and is still living and flourishing at Mount Vernon, Postpaid 75 cents. Souvenirs from W ood on t h e E s t a t Hatchet, 50 cents; gavel, suitable for Lodges, 75 cents; match holder, 50 cents; pin tray, 30 cents. Each ar­ ticle stamped with a picture of Mount Vernon Mansion. Any article sent post paid. M O U N T VERNON, THE HOME OF W A S H IN G T O N , is the name o f a beautiful new book, made in Colonial Colors, and indorsed by the best au­ thorities. It contains 33 illustrations. It is a story o f atrip to Washington’s old home, to your shrine—i f you love your country. Makes a fine souvenir, g ift book, or addition to the choice things of the home library. $1 post­ paid—and if you are not satisfied with it, send it back within ten days, and your money will be returned. Send one dollar for a plant from the green houses on the Wash­ ington Estate Write us about Mount Vernon Souvenir Spoons and plates l ! V j |> * * i. y l't •> < l, • J’ ; • J £ . • ► ► > l £ HE little poem beginning B a b y >by. H e r e 's a fly , showe the spirit with which the house fly used to be regarded and even appreciated as a do* mestic ornament and baby’s plaything. They did not realize that baby’a lift lay with the filthy insect who “ tickled baby’s no6c” and who was most prob- ably just from tome consump- tive’a or typhoid patient’s sick- room or from a neighboring stable. As soon as the fly has emerg- ed from the shell it is ready for its deadly work. It starts out from the stable or the garbage can in search of more filthy food. Around it flies from one insanitary place to another. It enters the sickroom and gath- ers there tho death dealing bac- teria. It gets typhoid germs on its legs and flies away to some table and wipes them off on the food. It gathers tuberculosis germs and crawls into the sug- ar and over the butter and often ends by tumbling into the milk. It is hard enough for grown persons to fight off the contami- nating flies, but helpless babies are wholly at the mercy of their worst foe. The flies swarm about them, sottle down on their faces, walk over their nursing bottles and leave only when driven away by the baby's res- cuer. Flies Breed In Filth. Mf F « t first you don’t succeed swat. J swat again!” A mild winter and spring pre­ sage the early arrival of our bitterest enemies — flies — in vastly increased numbers. Immediate, well directed ef W e Guarantee Every Article Just as forts must be put forth if the threat Stated Above ening dangers are to be minimized The time to fight flies is before they become files—wlien lu the egg or when they are maggots. The problem of elimination of flies is one of elimination of filth. No filth, no flies. OVER 66 YEARS* Flies breed in filth, piny on filth, eat ENCE filth and distribute filth—the filthiest kind of filth too. I f we do away with the breeding places of flies there will be no files. Therefore the way to swat flics now is to clean up the fly breeding filth. Clean up, keep clean and see that T rade M arks D esigns your neighbors keep likewise, and you C o p y r ig h t s A c . will have few, if any, files to contend A n yon e sending n sketch and description may quickly ascertain our opinion free whether an with. Of course have your swatter _______ invention is probably patent alile, Coin numi ca- ready for the first arrivals. ♦tone etrtef ly confidential. HANDBOOK on Patents u S. PRESS ASSOCIATION Bond Building Washington, D. C. Scientific American. out free. Oldest agency fo r seem lug patents. Patents taken through Munti & Co. receive »ptcial notice, w ithout c harge, lu the handsomely Illustrated weekly. T.nrgest cir­ ulation o f any sclent Ilio Journal. Terms. |3 a ear; fo u r r m o n th s .il. Sold by an all newsoeaiers. newsdealers. »nr; fou months, f i . sum HUNN&Co.3648"*d**’’New York Branch Office. 626 F S t- Washington. D. C. W IL I/ IA M J O N HAFFNLRCD EN G R A V ER S -P R IN TER S P JB -N V B R . CO LO His Advico. A young genjus named McCarthy went to Commodore Vanderbilt and gave him a suggestion whit h led the commodore to organize all the little railroads between New York and Chi cago into one. Before McCarthy went to Vanderbilt he went to a friend for advice. Here is wliat his friend toicl him about the commodore: "Don’t let him scare ye. lie ’s as full of (lower as a turbine. Has a good deal o’ whir in him. Likes resistance; so does every great force. He’s fought n thousand difficulties. lie ’ll take you for another an’ pitch into ye, like as not. Don't let him scare ye. If he Jumps on yc. Jump on him. He’ll en­ joy it nn* beg hi to respect ye. It's like puttin’ a belt on the turbine. You’ll take off a bit of bis power and ease him down.” ! An Army Campaign j tions provide. Some of them had lost A. J. SHERWOOD, PR,S. R E. SHINE, V .-P r« whatever beauty they may have once L H. HAZAP'1, Casi*. 0. C SANFORD, Cashier possessed. But the face at the coach window! The colouel had seen nothing like It since he had been promoted and order­ o p C O e U I l i l i B , O R E Q O fi. ed to this frontier post Its owner had evidently Just arrived, for ou the rack T r a n n a c t a a G e n e r a l B a n k i n g B u s l n e s e In the rear wuis u trunk big enough the colouel thought, to fill au army Btird of Directors Correspondents wugou without auy other baggage. The commandant went on to his office, K.C Dement, A. J. Sherwood, National Bank o f Commerce,New York City One evening at a theater Lord Blar- It Was (Manned and Exe* • sat down at bis desk and went to work L. Harlooker, L. H. Hazard, ' Crocker Woolworth N ’ l Bank, San Francisco ueynton, chatting with au American Isaiah Hacker, R. K. Shin. First Nationall Bank of Portland, Portland cuted by Women ; looking over u bundle ef requisitions friend who was spending a great deal left by the quartermaster for his ap­ of time and money on his lorushlp, see­ proval. But somehow that mild face ing Mrs. Ilarkaway in one of the at the coach wludow. wearing the By P. A. MITCHEL boxes, asked who she wus and when pleased look of one visiting new und told said: attractive scenes, got between the man "She’s the most beautiful woman I ’ve Colonel Fdgur Gurrison was a sol­ and the requisitions. He turned down seen iu New York, and there’s uo wom­ dier from the crown of his head to one for repairs on tho guardhouse, an in Fugland who can compare with the sole of Ills feet. He considered hiss which were badly needed, and approv­ Is useless money. I f you her.” profession tho noblest of all and con­ ed one for laundry implements with­ Such u remark made by a member tended that nothing should be permit­ out noticing that had It not been for an have any cash that isn't work­ of the Lomlou smart set was bound to ted to creep into the army to destroy overplus of married soldiers at the ing put it to work for you as He looked with con­ post the present supply would have be repeated from mouth to mouth. In its efficiency. you worked for it Open a been ample. cern upon the many weddings that a twinkling it permeated the social Be It remembered that Colouel Gar­ suvings account with this bank circle, the members of which were at were taking place among the officers rison wus forty two years old, a perlou once agog to see a woman whom Lord and declared that unless the matrimo­ nnd your money will at once when a man feels that he has passed Blarneyston pronounced more beauti­ nial -fever were checked the army begin earning interest for you beyond the time when he has any would become useless except for show ful than any woman in England. The attraction for young girls; that he hud and will keep at the task 34 first Sunday after the encomium had purposes. “ What is a soldier intended for?” bo seen no woman for more thau a year spread in society the church where hours a day, 7 days a week Mrs. Harkaway worshiped was over- j would say. "T o be killed. He is paid except those attached to the post he and 52 weeks in the year. Do commanded, none of whom was eithei to bold himself in readiness by the flowing with strangers who went there government for that especial purpose. young or beautiful. When, therefore, it today. to see her. Then, too, women and children are en­ the next day be passed Mrs. MacCal- Of course his lordship’s remark reach­ cumbrances to an army even in peace­ lum sitting ou her porch iu front of her ed Mrs. Harkaway. It was her husband ful garrison life. An officer is ordered quarters with the girl he had seen at who told her, and be was proud to be from one post to another. What does the coach window he stopped to pass the husband of the most beautiful wo­ this Involve? The transfer of gun and a few compliments. Mrs. MacCallum man in New York or London. caisson, of sword and bayonet? No. introduced Miss Madeline Badger, her Mrs. Harkaway belonged to that The bulk o f the impedimenta is women niece, who had come to make her a class of New Yorkers who years agone and children.” brief visit. were social leaders, but who now oc­ A number of officers’ wives were ac­ " I fear, colonel,” said the lady, “ that cupy back seats, the front seats being customed to gather mornings on the you are such a devotee to bachelov taken up by the commercial multimil­ porch o f the quarters pertaining to one habits that we shall see nothing of lionaire aristocracy of America. Why i of them, when, seated in rocking chairs, you while my niece is here; otherwiso not use Lord Blameystou’s encomium j they sewed, chatted and rocked. One I should hope to have you aid in enter And Auio Line to regain the position occupied by her j morning the colonel, whoso remarks tabling her.” ancestors? True, the ancestors of pres- j upon matrimony in the army had been Leave Myrtle Point on arrival of " I assure you, madam, with several ent day leaders bad some of them sold 1 repeated by the husband of one of beat from Bandon. Auto to Rock youngsters having nothing to do but meat and vegetables to Mrs. Harka- j Cieik and from Camus; only 14 them to his wife the night before, au occasional tour of duty the young way’s forefathers, to say nothing of mil«*.“ of staging. Arrives at Rose- passed this "rocking chair brigade,” as lady will not need the attention of an one who had cooked the said meat and burg 7:30 p. in. connecting with he had dubbed them. He took off bis vegetables in her grandfather’s kitch- k old fellow’ like me.” north bound train. Arrive Myrtle forage cap w ith a flourish and smiled en. But times were changed. Present Miss Madeline Badger made no re­ Point 4 i»- m. benignly on them—for it is a matter of % day aristocrats had assumed the lead­ ply to this whatever in words, but sat Make r> nervations in advance at Owl fact that a man who inveighs against ership by virtue of their enormous looking at the colonel with admiring Drug Stole, Marshfield. the softer sex is especially deferential . wealth, and It was impossible to dis­ to them—and passed over the parade ! eyes. One would have thought she All Damage audit’d Fare From Myrtle Paint $7.00 lodge them. Possibly they would take was looking at an Apollo. There Is with a strut intended to show them In a woman whom an English peer had that If he had the power he would j something very attractive to a middle pronounced the most beautiful in New aged man in an admiring gaze from a banish every one of them. York or London. Office at I.aird’s S;ag B,irn, Myrtle Point, Both Phones Forthwith the rocking chair brigade young girl who has uot yet learned to After a consultation between Mr. and resolved themselves into a council of | keep her admiration to herself. The Mrs Harkaway II was decided by the war to consider the most advantageous j colonel was much affected, and as In* husband that the w ife’s chance for so­ walked aw ay, feeling that those mil l cial prominence should be made avail­ method of making the colonel eat bis i eyes wTcre following, lie felt more OU) RELIABLE—EQUIPPED WITH WIRELESS able. Certain relatives of Mrs. Ilark­ words. But, first and foremost, every | proud of himself than ever before i i away who bad married Into multi­ rocker was pledged not to reveal to her 1 bis life. But probably, lie though1, husband any plan that might be de­ millionaire families were found to in­ when tlie youngsters appeared they troduce her, and she was launched into would be turned in another direction. society simply on the fact that Lord Mrs. MacCallum decided to give i A L W A Y S ON T IM E Blarneyston in order to compliment the dance for her niece, and great prepa­ city of tlie man who was dining and rations were making therefor. wining him had said that she was the ft ‘‘Colonel Garrison.” she said. "1 ai i Every Sunday at 9 a. m. most beautiful woman in New York or in trouble about the matter of openin c London. the ball. I assigned Mr. Twining t > The Harka ways had misgivings Every Thursday at 8 a. m. «11 open it with the guest of honor, my about entering the golden circle on a niece, and she has refused him for a beggarly Income of $10.000. They fig­ first partner.” ured. however, that Mrs. Harka way’s P. L. STERLING Agent Phone Main 181 i!i “ What’s the matter with Twining?" beauty, certified to by a British peer, asked the colonel. would be considered a quid pro quo ll^r -Tr S -- ■? ' - -- p -T-T: O - : - r *3 t * ;Tc aid “ Nothing. Madeline has no objec­ for what they would receive and that tion to him whatever. But she coi - they would not be required to give en­ siders that since the ball is given for tertainments In tills they were cor­ her it Is her right to open it with tho rect. The difficulty in the multimillion commandant.” nlre set is to get persons to attend en­ “ What! Does she wish to open it tertainments. But there was one thing, with me?” however, on which their calculations were in error. They thought that Mrs. “ She declares that she will open it Harkaway would be able to provide with no one else.” herself with costumes our of her hus­ “ My dear madam, please tell your band's income, leaving enough for theii niece that I shall be charmed to open other expenditures. the ball with her.” Possibly bad Mrs. Harkaway been The colonel dancing with Miss Made­ admitted to the golden circle on any line Badger tvas surely an interesting other plea than Lord Blarneyston’s ex­ sight. To be preferred to young men pressed opinion of her beauty a few who had been recent girl killers at thousands dollars a year for costumes West Point was a triumph that he had would have sufficed But society ex­ supposed impossible for a man of his pected the most beautiful woman to age. Jupiter leading Terpsichore in the wear the most beautiful costumes. Be­ dance could not have appeared more sides, Mrs Harkaway received the godly. Nor was the first dance all. concentrated gaze of society not be­ When it was over Miss Badger led the cause she owned the highest bred dog commandant to a window seat where in the universe, but because of Lord she sat and chatted with him, and Blarneyston’s remark. For this rea­ cided upon. And before going further since none of ids inferior officers would son her costumes were of supreme im­ I would say that the softer sex has been venture to take her away from him portance. They would attract far more much maligned as to the keeping of a and she made no excuse to leave him attention than her beauty Therefore secret, for of the eight ladies who com­ he was forced whether or not to stay they must not only be superb, but in posed the brigade not one was found where he was till the man who hail great variety. to betray the camp, though It must be been assigned to her for the n e x t dance Not only did Mrs. Harka way’s ward­ admitted that each and every one con­ approached. robes cost a gioat deal of money, but fessed afterward to her husband that Mrs. MacCallum had seen to it that at least one trip abroad a year was it almost killed her to keep ‘‘mum.” the colonel was down oil Miss Badgers necessary to procure them Then much Tlie ladies having kept the secret, card for a number o f dances, and when Having leased this well-equipped hotel, I propose more jewelry than she possessed was far be it from the narrator of this sto­ the function was over he went to bis Indispensable. Indeed, the ITarknways ry to give it away. Suffice It to say quarters, his bead wiiirling as his heels to conduct it in such a manner as to merit pat­ •had not even prepared for the wife’s that on the very morning that the colo­ had whirled during the evening. The ronage and give satisfaction to the traveling entry into society before they saw that nel shrugged his shoulders at the rock­ major’s wife had gained a victory In within a short time that which pro­ ing chair brigade and showed bis back the very beginning o f the enmpngin. public. duced their Income would melt away to tlifcm, never turning till be bad dis­ Miss Badger Instead o f making a like ice under the rays of the sun. appeared within the portals of his of­ short visit made a long one. But she Nevertheless the preparations were fice, a plan of attack was decided upon, made short work of the colonel. Those made. to be executed by Mrs. Major MacCal- who were in the secret that she was At the first function attended by lum, the ranking lady of tlie post, tlie being used to put him hors de combat In his fight against w omen In the army Mrs. Harkaway she found herself the commandant being n bachelor. did not dream but that she w’ould cynosure of all eyes. “ That’s the wo­ How'ever, before the campaign was man that Lord Blarneyston said was Inaugurated there was a long period throw him over In the end for oue of the most beautiful in New York oi Lon­ of watchful waiting, during which the the younger officers, any one o f w’ bom don,” said everybody to everybody else. ladies of the post smiled on the colo­ would have been glad to get her. She stood In one position while a nel. the colonel became more and more Those unadvised wondered what It all Because the new directory is being published this month. Your throng of persons passed her ogling careless in the expression of bis array* meant. name should be in it. Don’ t you know that a business man can­ Every one knows that in the choice her as they would n freak in n dime matrimonial opinions and the leaks not be considered in business unless he is available for instantan­ of a mate a man is subject to influence, museum. eous communication with the 3000 telephones in Coos county. A through the married officers widened. telephone in the home is a convenience and comfort which every Tt happened that Lord Blarneyston As the ocean wave tosses its head most and wliat he will do may be foretold wife and mother deserves. was still in New York and was at this defiantly before breaking, so did the from those influences. As for a wo­ assembly. A lady to whom be was colonel, ignorant of the impression he men, in the matter of her choice si e The Telephone I>irectory reaches more people than any other resembles n crab. No one can tell talking called nls attention to Mrs. was creating, air his opinions that the ! advertising medium and it is used by them many times every whether she will go forward or back­ day. Advertising in the directory will build your business. Harkaway, remarking that she had noblest work of God is n soldier—ex­ ward or sidewise. Miss Badger In the been told she was the most beautiful cept one encumbered with a family, Call Chief Operator for Information and Rates end astonished those who had put her woman In New York or London when It is Ills bounden duty to resign forward to sting tlie colonel by sudden ” 1 eawn’t agree with that,” said his 1 and give wav lu the line of promotion. Coos and Curry Telephone Co. ly announcing her engagement to him. lordship. "1 think Mrs Monkerencb One morning the colonel while cross­ The conspirators bullded better then far more beautiful." ing the parade to bis office saw the they knew. The remark was overheard, and Mrs i post carryall drawn by a pair of mules Colonel Garrison In speaking of wom­ Hnrkaway*s beauty was blighted. She go by. At the window appeared the en in the army has all the enthusiasm was dropped from society, fortunately | face of a girl about eighteen years of of « new douvert. in time to save her husband’s fortune, i age. Whether this lady was fair or “ Why, my dear fellow,” he will say She resumed her normal position, but not makes i > difference In this story. to a brother officer, “ wliat would be­ somehow the spell of happiness that She was young. Every other woman come o f tlie discipline necessary to the pervade«! the Harkaway family was at the post had reached middle age, army were It not for the softening In­ broken There has never since been and all had borne their husbands fluence of women? There would be the same contentment. more children than the army regula­ perpetual mutiny.” Asst. F I R S T N A T IO N A L B A N K IDLE MONEY Farmers Merchants Bank and Roseburg Myrtle Point Stage •J. L. LAIRD, Proprietor STEAMER BREAKWATER Sails from Coos Bay Î From Portland 8 a. m. Tickefs on sale at Portland City 1 icket Office 6th & Oak St. n n B i a c k s m i t h i n g * i Wagon and Buggy Making W e Lave a Full Stock of Wagon and Buggy Woods KIME & VON SELL THAT OLD Automobile That old watch Photograph out lit of which you are tired Your cat, dog or slioat That old wagon, horse or cow Churn, wheelbarrow, tools for which you have uo use The unused shed that ought to be torn down The lot that you don’t need The Herald Want Ads. Will Do It For You! ardner, Mgr. PEGERT Phones: Home 463; Farmers H O T E Under L New B M anagement AXTER M. M. YOUNG, Proprietor Do It Now! What? Order a Telephone. Why? ■ I I I î INTRODUCTIONS Are essential to social and business life. You want to know who the other man is—where he comes from, what he has been doing, who his friends and associates are. GET Y O U R Butter Wrappers A T THE H erald O ffic e POLK'S' CHICHESTER S PILLS i III: D IA M O N D U R A N I*. A ( / / A N. U {.* X — *1 1.* i .II< a 1 Auk you r UruairUt for A \ « M olioR-Irm iMamond Tlrand/^VX *’ HU in R«*d »n.l Gold r ie ta llic ^ ^ V ’ sealed with Ulne Rtl>bon. \ / T a k e no ««h e r. Rny o f ro n r v 1»--Mgflnt. A » H n r € III.r r t Y :!i.T E B i IM NM OND U R A N I» IMLI.H, for « 5 ye'.I. Known as Best, Safest, Always KelUi ie SOLD BY DRUGGISTS EVERYWHERE Have you paid the Printer? O REG O N an d W A S H IN G T O N Business Directory A D ir e c to r y o f each C ity , T o w n and V illa g e , g iv in g d e s c rip tiv e sk e tc h j f each p la ce, lo ca tio n , p o p u la tio n , te le ­ g ra p h . s h ip p in g and b a n k in g p o in t; n )M C la ssified D ire c to ry , c o m p ile d b y uslncas a n d profession- r . l . r o n e * co.. nkattm c THE NEWSPAPER Is the great medium for introductions. It enables you to form the acquaintance of people whom you could meet in no other way. We wiil be glad to help you use our columns to extend your acquaintance­ ship and increase your business. It will pay you to tell every one who you are and what you are doing.