The Unarmed Ranchman A. J. SHERWOOD. PRES. L. H. HAZARD. C ati.*. Expert A w - er from the motor depends upon the W h a t are th e advantages and dis position of a dog clutch. When the a d v antages of th e v alv e in th e head car goes over u rough spot with the m otor? clutch out there is a tendency for the The chief advantage claimed for the drive shaft to revolve at an unequal valve in the head motor Is that, for a rate of speed, due to the inequalities given size, it has more power than an of the road, with the result that the L head or T head, because of the fact Idle pinion Is alternately throwyi back­ that larger valves may be used and ward and forward against the bevel the combustion chamber given a more gear, with which It meshes, thus mak­ spherical shape. There are a number ing a rattle. There is always a certain of manufacturing advantages, one **f amount of back lash in these gears, which Is that the entire combustion and the amount of noise will naturally chamber may be machined ami given i depend upon the extent of this play. high polish, thus preventing, to a great There Is nothing serious about this, as extent, the accumulation of carbon. the noise occurs only at rare intervals, The loss o f heat through the cylin and then is not the indication of trou­ der walls of a motor depends to a great ble. extent upon the surface of the wall and in a properly designed valve in the W ill you kin d ly tell me how to bend head motor this wall area Is small, the gasoline and oth er tu b e lines in compared with that of another tyjH? of short arcs w irh o u t the pipe fla tte n in g ? motor of the same size. This reduc­ Copper tubing of small diameter can tion of w’all area is obtained because be readily bent Into short curves by of the absence of valve pockets. melting rosin and pouring it into the The main disadvantage of the valve tube. When this becomes cold it solidi­ iu the head motor, especially one using ties within the tube, aud the tubing valve cages, is that the valve seats can can be bent like a piece of solid cop­ not be cooled as effectively as If th * per. After the desired bend «has been sent were a part of tbe casting. This obtained the rosin can be run out by is true In the cage construction, be heating the tube with a blow torch. cause the heat, in order to get from Another method sometimes used is to the vatve sent to the water jackt . fill tlie tube with sand, but the rosin must overcome the resistance of the method gives the better results. Joint between tbe cage and tbe cylin cfer casting. This tack of cooling would W h y has a ro ta ry valve engine five not materially affect the Inlet valves, or seven cylind ers instead of fo u r, six ns they are kept comparatively cool by or eigh t? the Incoming gas, but It would mean The odd number of cylinders gives u more valve grinding in the case of the more even torque in a rotary cylinder exhaust valves. engine Questions of balance make an even number of cylinders preferable in Is it possible to m a in ta in pressure in the conventional type of motor. a rea r fu e l ta n k w h en th e ta n k cap is C orrespon den t* National Bank o f Commerce,New York Cify ( ’rocker Wool worth N ’ l Bank, San Francisco First National! Bank o f Portland, Portland MONEY Is useless money. ing put it to work for you as you worked for it Will Do It For You! OET Y O U R Butter W rappers A T TH E and your money will at once begin earning interest for you and will keep at the task 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and 52 weeks in the year. Do it today. Farmers and Merchants Bank Roseburg Myrtle Point Stage And Auto Une I.ctiv* s Myrtle Point H p. m. A i m e s Kofceburg,.. 5 p .m . Leaves Koteburg...... G a. m. An. Myit»« P o in tly O p. in. Make r< h rvalioi.s in advance at Owl Drug Stole, Marshfield. C arrying B aggage and United S tates Mail LAIRD, P ro p rie to r J. L . Office at !.nird's L iv e r y limn. M yrtle 1’. int, Itoili Phones T STf r t kj-t: Ù . nt-'j-t rrtt it — rt a ' 4ç£-.*r OLD R E L IA B L E — EQUIPPED W I T H WIRELESS STEAMER BREAKWATER 9 li! 6 A L W A Y S ON TIM E Sails fr o m C o o s B ay Every Sunday at 8 a. m. F ro m P o rtla n d 8 a. m. Every Thursday at 8 a. m. Tickets on sale at Portland City 1 icket Office 6th & Oak St. P. L. STERLING Agent g pi,one Main 181 --O: -O - - 17 ::r S j 4 4- '.">• 4E%=3-J| m issing? Is it possible to s ta rt th e m otor in « c ar when the self s ta rte r fa ils to w o rk and the c rank is missing? When the starter fails and the hand crunk is not available the best method of starting the motor is to jack up one of the rear w heels so that It will turn without touching the ground. Then pluce the gear shift lever In high, and a few turns of the uplifted wheel will start the motor. Flace the gear shift lever iu neutral before lettiug down the jacked up w’ beel or you will have a runaway on your hands, or at least the motor will stall, aud you will have all your work to do over again. Prop­ erly done the entire operation takes only a few moments. W h a t ars the com m on causes fo r a m otor missing fire? Missing tire may be caused by an overrick or too lean mixture, by poor valve adjustment, inaccurate valve or Ignition timing, leaks around tbe spark plugs, cylinder plugs, manifolds, etc., loose Ignition wires? weak magneto magnets, water lu fuel, faulty spark plugs or those with poorly adjusted electrodes, carbon deposit* in the cyl­ inders and overloading. In cases of this sort take an old in ner tube, cut out a piece about eight or ten inches long, tie one end tightly, so as to be air tight, then insert the tied end into the tank. Next remove the valve connection from the pump, in Bert the hose in tlie open end of th? tube and pump until the tube con pletely fills the hole in the tank. The i tie the outer end securely. This con trlvauce will hold several pounds pres sure in the tank and will last for soui time. Is th re e -e ig h th s of an inch too much play in th e w ris t pin bushing? Three-eighths of an inch is entlrel. too much play for the wrist pin bush ing. assuming that up and down pin - Is meant There should be so little play that it cannot be felt by a move­ ment of the w’rist pin. Can I s ilv e rize glass reflectors? so, w h a t are th e in g red ie n ts and w h a t proportions are th e y used? B la c k s m ith in g W AGONS AND B U G G IE iS R E P A IR E D Garage and Machine Shop A l l Kinds ot Castings Repaired by Oxy-acetylene Welding k T m E & VON PEGERT C . W . G A R D N E R , M A N A O K tl H O M E P IIO N E 4 (1 3 If in An amateur can silverize reflectors, but it is very difficult to make a good job of i t The method by which this work has been carried out is as fol­ lows: First fasten to a block of w’ood the finest possible grade of emery cloth. With this the reflector Is W h en I th ro ttle m y c a r down on high gear it begins to ju m p and je r k as smoothed down to a fine finish. It is next necessary to have a melting pot though the clutch w ere slip pin g. T h e clutch is all rig h t, ho w ever. W h a t can nnd a thermometer which is capable be the trouble? of measuring more than 212 degree». The Jumping and Jerking action Is Two ounces of lead, two ounces of tin probably due to the motor missing fire, and four ounces o f chemically pure caused either by poor Ignition or faulty bismuth are melted together. Eight carburetion at low engine speeds. Mix­ ounces of mercury are added at 212 tures may be too lean or too rich, there degrees F. and mixed with the melted may be leaks in the Intake manifold, mixture. This is opplled while warn or the spark plug points may be too with a smooth camel’s hair brush. far apart or too near together. Look at them first and see that they are W h ic h w ill give th e b e tte r results, spaced a thirty-second of an Inch apart 60 or 74 te st gasoline? Then Roe that your vibrators are ad­ As between GO and 74 test gasoline, justed. I f the trouble Is still In evi­ the GO test fuel lias been found to give dence your magneto magnets may be the best results as far ns mileage 1 » kcak and reqifire recharging. concerned. The gasoline which we got nowadays Is much heavier than that W h a t is th a d v a n ta g e or d is a d v a n ­ on the mnrkct, say, five or ten yean tage of th e c a n tile v e r spring in regard ago. _____ HOTEL BAXTER U n d e r N ew M a n a g e m e n t Having leased this well-equipped hotel, I propose to conduct it in such a manner as to merit pat­ ronage and give satisfaction to the traveling public. M . M . Y O U N G , P r o p r ie t o r LONG DISTANCE TELEPHONE SERVICE IMPROVED By ii..stalling a day Morse code telegraph operator at Marshfield our long distance lines have been relieved o f much telegraph business. It makes possible a quicker and better long distance conversation service between CoqUille and Bandon and Coos Bay points. to the th re e -q u a rte r e llip tic ? The main advantage of the cantilever spring over the three-quarter elliptic Is that It will give the same carrying capacity with the proper flexibility with considerably less weight. Anoth­ er advantage lies In Its slow period of vibration and the ability to eliminate rebound to a great extent. The weight of a cantilever Is nearly nil unsprung weight. In the disadvantages the principal one Is that n stiff frame is necessary aud that a roll is given to the body when the ear turns a corner. CHICHESTER S PILLS I III M A M O V I* ItH A M » . A. 1 I < M , \ » k y o u r l l r n v f l i i i fo r A \ D ia m o n d T t r a n < I / ^ \ \ I ’ ll!« in K«-d and Hold mecilllc\^X/ I bo».- . sealed with Blue RtU*m. T a k e do other. Huy o f y o u r v Ask f r« lll-< |i> rt.TFR S H i \ M O N D H R A .N il 1*11,1.4, for « 3 yeaf . k nown as Best, Safest, Always Reliai ia SOID BY DRUGGISTS tVERYWHERE H e r a l d O ffice __________________________ Open a savings account with this bank C an an e xp e rt gain any advan ta g e by changing fro m a u to m a tic to hand control in a b a tte ry ig n itio n system ? A skilled driver might get hotter re­ sults with a ha ml control of the spsirk than could he obtained with the automatic type of Ignition control for the reason that grade climbing can be accomplished much easier and ti e loads of the motor considered. In oth­ er w’ords, the driver can shift his spark to suit road and motor condi­ tions nnd thus get the highest efficien­ cy at all times. Coos and Curry Telephone Co. INTRODUCTIONS A re essential to social and business life. Have you paid the Printer? POLK’ S« O REG O N and W A S H IN G T O N Business Directory D irectory o f each City, Tow n end V illa ge, g iv in g descriptive sketch of each place, location, population, tele­ graph. shipping and banking point; also Classified D irectory, compiled b y business and profession R. L P O I.K * CO., S E A T T L E a Y o u want to know who the other man is— where he comes from , what he has been doing, who his friends and associates are. The Herald Want Ads. I f you have any cash that isn't work­ • THE NEWSPAPER Is the great medium fo r introductions. It enables you to form the acquaintance o f people whom you could meet in no other wav. We will be glad to help you use our columns to extend your acquaintance­ ship and increase your business. you are and what you are doing. It will pay you to tell every one who