/ T he C oquille H erald VOL. 33, NO. 31 COQUILLE, COOS COUNTY, OREGON, TUESDAY, APRIL 20, 1915. PER YEAR $1.5(1 It takes a lot of CITY DIRECTORY FROM TH t NATIONAL C A P IT A L'"” money to carry on a campaign of MAYOR SAYS “CLEAN UP” Fraternal and Benevolent Order | ------------ this sort, but the organization is A F . & A. M.—Ueaulur meeting of Event« of Interest Reported hacked by great wealth, hence the Some “Straight From the Shoulder” Talk from City’» Chief / a . Chadwick Did««' . No. «8 A. F. A A For The Herald M.. ul Masonic Hull, every Saiurday ‘sledding’ is comparatively easy for Executive—Public Meeting Called night in each month on or before the full moon. 1). I). IT khck , W. M. R. if. Secretary. (By J. E. Jones.) those in charge of the headquarters. Old time Wisconsiuiles predict that Senator Bourne’s bureau will come in time to be known as the ‘ Kiev , emit Story League,” with all the opprobrium that attached to their institution, which scandalized Bad ger State politics. they can not even be regarded as remedies. A “ cheriy balsam", for example, lor the ‘ ‘cure" of ’ ’consumption" and “ hemorrhage of the lungs", which it was represented would Corvallis women will build « "strike at the very root of the dis­ ease" was found on analysis to be clubhouse. Marcóla —Fisher sawmill runniug nothing but a solution in water and alcohol of opium, sugar, beuzalde- on full time. byde, inorganic salts and coloring Springfield proposing matter. It contained no cherry high school. bark or balsam. Slayton voted $15,000 bonds for A more elaborate "cure” consist­ a high school. ed of five different preparations Heppner— new Star theatre near­ i which the credulous patient was to ly completed. take separately. These were first, North Bend will operate a muni­ the midicine proper, the essential cipal warehouse. ingredients oi which were found to Eugene — Omar Gulliou to build t,e mo,i’hiue. cinnamic acid and ar- -» sente— not a very safe mixture to $3000 bitefc slot,. Central Point Packing Co. will take habitually; second, a tonic which was supposed to contain iron improve its plant. but did not; third, a ‘ ‘cough mix­ Malheur county lets contract for ture’’ made up of alcohol, chloro­ $23,000 steel bridge. form, and codeine which is a deriv­ Bay City— Tillamook Bay Fish ative of opium or morphine; lourtb, Co. will build cannery. a mixture which contained some Corvallis women r.using funds to quinine, and a solution of water build a new club house. and alcohol; and fiiftb, codeine tab­ Algona and Long Lake sawmills lets Even the strongest constitu- open employing 225 men. tiou could hardly stand «prolonged Willamette Valley editors meet course of such a treatment, at Springfield. April 241b. such prepar- Albany—Tom Ferrell will erect “ ions considerable ingenuity is fre- seven one-story brick stores. STATE INDUSTRIAL RLVIEW Compiled by State Bureau of Industrie« and Statistic« A National “Clean Up and Paint Up” campaign with headquarters at St. Louis, Mo., is arousing enthusiasm O from Ocean to Ocean along the line of sanitation and cleanliness. Hundreds of cities are taking up the slogan A L bee. . a union partisan;. On several occasions and going to work with a vim. Lodge No. 53,1. O meets every Saturday night during the past two years President Coos County expects to receive a great many visitors I n D. . O. Odd O. K., F.—Coquille GRAND ARMY ENCAMPMENT Fellows Hall. Wilsou and ex-President Talt have If. N. in the next year or so as a result of our advertising at the J. H. I, Sec. appeared on the same platform at Plans for proper reception and Exposition in San Francisco. Let us “dress up” for the public gatherings, and social vis­ entert inment of veterans at th . j i i i k kkb kka H lodge , ao M ami 1. O. O. F., meets every second and its have also been enjoyed by them coming annual encampment of the occasion, and extend a hearty welcome to those that come fourth Wednesday nights in Odd Fellows at the White House. The Presi­ Grand Army ot the Republic, to he our way. What is it you show the visitor when he comes? Hall. N. ti, dent has also en'ertaiued cx-Presi- held in Washington next Septem­ Certainly r o t the rubbish pile, or the unpainted or in need Roosevelt, although the latter ber, are working out siiislactorily. r'OQUILLK KNCAMFMENT, No. 25 dent of paint buildings. Yet that is exactly what he sees first, I. O. O. F„ meets the Urständ third has spent only a few hours in The various committees are meeting of all. And first impressions are the ones that “stick.” Thursday nights inOdd Fellows Hall. Washington since President Wilson with encouragement, and there is J . 8. B akton , C. ?. took up his residence ai the White every reason to believe that their Let us put the County Seat in the lead in Coos County on J . 8 .L awkenck . Sec. fondest hopes for success will be the “Clean up” and “Paint up” line. A clean town and J A-NIGHTS OF PYTHIA«.—Lycurgus House. l v Lodge No. 72. meets Tuesday nights Several days ago newspaper men realized. President Wilson and a sanitary town is a better one to live in. in W. O. W. Hall. sought the views of President Wil Secretary of War Garrison are R. R. W , K R. S. Second Street Parkings are a disgrace. Every visitor son relative to criticism of the pres­ among the prominent persons who O. A . M . C. Ü. to the Court House passes along that street. Let us get pYTHlAN SISTERS—Justus Temple ent administration by the two liv­ already have signified their willing­ l No. 35, meets first and Third Mon­ ing ex-Presideuts, and the Presi­ ness to serve on the honorary com­ busy and make these parkings beauty spots. The park­ day nights in W. O. W. Hall. Mis. G kihuk D , M. E. C. dent said that he thought the for­ mittee to welcome the veterans to ways on C street can be made bright and sightly at small Mas. F L , K. of R mer occupants of the Executive of­ the Capital. cost. Every citizen should get the spirit of beautifying, MEN—Coauille Trilie No. 4(1, 1. fice had a tight to criticise the Ad­ EASTER MONDAY AT T H E W H ITE not only these places, but every home in the City. With R ED O. R. M., meets every Friday night ministration if they so desired, and HOUSE i n W. O. W. Hall. the completion of our water system we will have plenty of It is estimated that ten thousand Mr. Wilson added that he might , Sachem. J. 8. B water. Start a lawn, plant flowers. Get rid of the old In lhe ma,keli,>g ot A. P M . , C. of R. want to do likewise after leaving people passed into the White House useless sheds and out houses. “Clean up,” “Paint up,” A. —Regular meetings of Bea- M W. presidency. All these things grounds on Easter Monday. Near . ver Camp No. 10.560 in M. W. A. the Hall, Front street, first and third Sat­ go to show that men with big minds ly all of these were children, who “Sow and Plant.” Get rid of that Grouch and act as pects"is’ to^rsuadl °,he p.“ « “ Empire— T. H. Barry has resum­ urdays in each month. take an altogether different view of went with their baskets and lunches if you were glad the Almighty had permitted you to cast that he is receiving, at a compara- ed the canuittg of crabs here. C. D. H , Consul. life and public questions from those and with lull supplies of Easter your lot in so favored a place as your own Home Town. It lively low pi ice, the individual at L. II. I , Clerk. An Albany man is to be superin­ ing of Lsurel kind of people who carry the idea eggs. The pretty custom of rolling is too late to do much in the way of planting this spring, of a trained specialist. For tendent of the state flax plant. eggs and playing special games has that they are always right, and that R .1 amp No. second 2972 at M. W. A. Hall, Fronti and fourtli Tues­ those who bold contrary views are come down from early days of the but let us clean and paint and prepare to sow and plant ,bls PurPose' *ymtom blanks are Portland has public improvements employed. These contain a num­ of $6,065,900 extent scheduled. day n gilts in each month. republic. It is the one day in the next fall. always wrong M K , Oracle. ber of questions about the patient’s L B , Rec. Burns— new metallic toll tele­ We need an organization to carry out our work. NAVY RECRUITS COME FROM SMALL year when the children take charge symptoms, the number varying from O. W.—Myrtle amp No. 197, phone line g o in g íd to Riverton. of the White House grounds, and We need to enlist every man, woman and child in Co­ a dozen or so to as many as 70 or TOWNS every Wednesday at 7:30 W • p. meets Irom the happiuess they display one Baker— John Waterman will er­ m. at W. O. W. Hall. According to the Secretary ol the quille in this campaign. A meeting is called at the City 80. The patient is led to believe ect brick block Lee Currie, C. C. might he tempted to believe that on at Center and First. that the intormation which he fur­ Navy the greater portion of recruits J I. , Sec. this particular day the couutry is Hall April 28th, 8 p. m. to organize for a year’s campaign Portland Gas Co. officials have in the navy are from the smaller nishes in reply to these questions, of “Cleaning up,” “Painting up,” “Sowingand Planting.” will be carefully considered before gone east to get money for exten­ pVENlNGTIDE CIRCLE No. 214, JLrf meets second anil fourth Monday towns in the interior ol the country. in their keeping. A. T. MORRISON, Mayor. BRYAN A SENATOR? nights in W. O. W.’ Hall. The seaboard cities do not furnish any medicine is prescribed for him, sions. A B , G.N. Washington has lent a listening though every physician knows that any considerable number of “ Jack- Lebanon paper mill bas been M A. P , C l e rk . ear to the talk that Secretary Bryan City Planning is Said an accurate diagnosis cannot pos­ merged w i t h Crown-Willamette PARMER8 UNION.—Regular meet- ies” for Uncle Sam. It is the old will be a candidate foF United States More Heavy Fines For Deer Slayers to Lower Death Rates sibly be made this way. As a mat­ group. U ings second and fourth Saturdays in story wherein “ distance lends en­ Senator to succeed Mr. Hitchcock M ast , REALLY BIG MEN K. S.—Regutar meeting of Beulah . Chapter No. tt, second and fourtn It is must refreshing to note that Friday evenings of each month, in Ma­ really big men, in intellect, do not sonic Hall. M akv A. P ikkck , W. M. follow the lines drawn by extreme nna avyuknik H. M i i o k k . G. AWHENCE, no . K l u a A n d eh k o n , • A nnie L aw ren ce , Sec. atso n intonyk kkd avis inkuah arton ili kr udson rvink Bt re e t, ar y aura ern randon ohn rnkve nnie ar y u rkh old er ikhck each month in W. O. W. Hall. F rank B urkholder , Pres. O. A. M intonyk , Sec. pRATEUNAL AID No. 398, meets the 1 second and fourth Thursdays each month at W. O. W, Hall. M rs . C h a s . E v l a n d , Pres. M rs . L ora H arrington , Sec. Educational Organizations and Clubs OMAN’S Study Club. —Meets 2:30 p. m. at city library every second W and fourth Monday. A. L onuhton , Pres. E. E pp erson , Sec. O Q U IL L E E D U C A T I O N A L C LEAGUE—Meets monthly at the High School Building during the school year for the purpose ot discussing edu­ cational topics. B irdie S ke e l s , Pies. H arriet F rances E dna H akl ock ek , Sec. KEEL KLUB—A business men's K O social organisation. Hall in Laird's building, Second street. L J. C a r y , Pres. W. C. K ndicott , Sec. OMMERCIAL CLUB— L eo J. C a r y C President; L. H. H azard , Secretary • Transportation Facilities chantment,” and perhaps if more of the young men from states like Illinois, Iowa, Missouri and Minne­ sota knew what they were under­ taking. the per cenlage from those localities would drop off, as it has in coastwise places. of Nebraska. The two men absolute­ Last Wednesday Jack Wayne and ly refuse to track together in the Chas. Murphy, both ofBridge, were Nebraska political harness, and the fined $100 each, and the costs of the Peerless One, who has always been prosecution for hunting deer out of happiest when following the role of season. The costs amount to $35 an advocate, may find the Senate or $40 apiece The case was tried the place to satisfy his longing to before Justice J. J. Stanley. Upon DEW EY IS T H E ONLY ADMIRAL talk. However, Mr. Hitchcock is In view of quiet attempts to re­ a sterling fighter and if be and request of the defendants a part of the fines, $60 in each case was sus­ place Admiral Dewey in some o f ; Bryan measure their strength in pended on a plea of better behavior his work, and to "clip the wings” I Nebraska it will be one of the pret- in the future. Mr. Thomas, the of the old hero, it is coinlorting to j , lest fights ever pulled off anywhere, deputy State Game warden who ar­ be assured that “ there is but one i p r o s p e r i t y b o o s t e r s i n w a s h - rested the men, says that he had an Admiral in the navy.” This re- in g t o n awful time in getting the friends of minder coming from the highest Hard hick stories, tales of the un­ the two men to confess any know­ created authority means that Dew- employed, and the fafty-seven var- ledge of the matter. They had to ey stands in no danger of being ieties of reasons advanced to ex­ be subpoenaed before the Justice side-tracked or supplanted. Dewey ! piajn poor business have hertofore Court before they would divulve a is hale and hearty, and puts in reg- been popular. But now the Presi- thing that they knew in regard to ular time at the Navy Department, j dent and some of bis Cabinet have the deer slayers Mr. Thomas says where he is immensely popular. arrived at the conclusion there will that the fine imposed on the two APPROVE SECRETARY DANIELS ; be no more hard times. The Admin- men is the stiffesl one that has ever The people as a whole certainly - istration stands sponsor for the be- been put over since he has held will applaud the attitude ol Secre- Bef that the low point has passed, down the game warden job. He retary of the Navy Daniels in his and (hat a continuing improvement says that these are the kind of fines decision that every possible eflort j ’n business may be expected, that get results, as a man that is on­ must be made to raise the submar- j r a t io n a l p o s t a g e r a t e s ly fined a few dollars for violating ine, F-4 While there is not the j Everybody has known for twenty the law is very likely to repeat the slightest hope of finding alive any | Sve years that it ought to be done, offense at the earliest opportunity, cf the victims at this late day, there ; But it has remained till now for the but if a heavy fine is imposed on may be a chance of the bodies be- j Pos,al authorities to arrange for the him, that he will not be so will­ ing recovered to be claimed by rel- j *wo cent letter rates to South ing to violate the law the second alives and friends, thus assuag ng America. Several countries have time, and that he will stop and to some extent the grief of those already arranged cheaper rates with think before doing so. He also who were near aud dear to the tin- ! HS> and ifis expected that all South says that it teaches others a lesson fortunate men who tost their lives and Central America will soon be who won’t take a chance with the The administration is also putting on the two cent basis law when they are liable to lace a south bound 8:10 a. I 'RAINS—Leave, in. and 2:40 p. m. North bound 9 :26 a. m. and 4:20 p. m. boats plying on the Co­ B OATS—Six quille river afford ample accommo­ dation lor carrying freight and paasen gers to Bandon and way points. Boats eave at 7 :30, 8 :30, 9:20 and 9 :50 a. m. and at 1:00, 3 :30 and 4 :43 p. m. CTAOE—J. L. Laird, proprietor. De- O parts 5:30 p. m. for Koaeburg via Myrtle Point,carrving the United Slates mail and pasengers. F. Linegar, post­ P OSTOFFICE.—A. master. Tlte mails close aB follows: Myrtle Point 7 :40 a. m. 6:20, 2:36 p.m. Marshfield 9:00 a. in. and 4:15 p. in. Bandon, way points, 8:46 a m. Norway and Aragolz:55 p.m. Eastern mail 5:20 fof,h ¡,s best effor)s to recover the p. m. Eastern mail arrives 7 :30 a. m. To Save Expense heavy fine if they are caught. L. submarine, and it is hoped the A. Liljeqvist did not spare the vio­ City and County Officers cause of the tragedy at Honolulu District Attorney L- A. Liljeqvist lators and the game warden says Mayor ........................... A. T. Morrison harbor may be discovered and that that he sure did go for them in Recorder ........................ J. 8. Lawrence steps may be taken to avoid a rep­ and Deputy Sheriff W. C. Laird prand old style. came to Coos Bay today from the Treasurer..............................R. H. Mast etition of a similar accident. Engineer..................... P. M. Hall-Lewis There can be no excuses given county seat and will be here until Marshal ............................ A. P. Miller G ETTIN G UNCLE SAM MAD some time tomorrow, perhaps lon- by any of the employees of the dif­ Night Marshal........ Oscar WicKhain Water Superintendent 8. V. Epperson The intererference with the rights ! ger. Their errand is an unusual ferent logging camps, in regard to Fire Cliiet................ W. C. Chase Councilmen- Jesse Byers, C. T. Skeels of American shippers has been "ril- j one, and takes the form of a prelim­ not being able to procure a hunting C. I. Kime, Ned C.Kelley, W. H. Ly­ ing” Uncle Sam, and the renewal inary skirmish among grand jury license. Mr. Thomas has appoint­ ons, O. C. Sanford. Regular meetings first and third Mundays each month. of protests has served to let the Eu- I witnesses to consult and learn from ed the time keeper at Camp 5 on Justice of the Peace ... .T. J. Stanley ropean war lords know our opin- . them whether their evidence is such the South Fork, Gus Brown the Constable..................... Ned C. Kelley ions. But while we have been it would warrant taking them head man at Powers Camps on the County Judge James Watson making known our indignation, to the county seat to testily be- South Fork, and W. A . Rosselle of Commissioners—W. T. Dement, Geo. I. still there is an absolute absence of foie the grand jury. The inno­ Bridge, and has given them all Armstrong to issue receipts for hunt­ Clerk Rold. Watson desire in the Capital towards any vation is probably along the recent authority policy of retrenchment adopted. If ing and fishing licenses. It is an Sheriff ................ Alfred Johnson. Jr. thing that looks like fighting Treasurer....... . ........T. M. Dimmick matter for any one in those lo­ Assessor ............ T. J. Thrift ELEVENTH FLOOR ORGANIZATION witnesses have been named and easy calities to purenase their licenses, recommended in criminal affairs Raymond E. Baker School Supt. Surveyor............. ...... C. F. McCnllock The new and unofficial publicity who have no knowledge of matters and they can't get cround it any Coroner............... ............F. E. Wilson organization in Washington, to in which they are expected to give longer by saying that they were Health Officer.... ....Dr. Walter Culin which reference has recently been evidence, it appears as well it should working and had no time to come made, is increasing its force for the be known before they are taken to to the county seat after licenses, Societies will get the very best purpose of sending out larger quan- Coquille at the expense of the coun- Mr Thomas is getting to be quite a . . , ty. Messrs. Liljeqvist and Laird I terrot to deer slayers and when he P R IN T I N G lines ol matter in the hope of con- have bu. ine„ both in Mar,hfield goes out a.ter any violator of the at the office of Coquille Herald vincing voters that the republican and Jiortb Bend.— Marshfield Rec- game laws ht usually brings in his | party should be returned to power ord. man. • ter of fact none is attempted and Klamath Fails kicks at buying The death rate in any Oregon the degree of attention which these r o a d machinery of mail order city can he made lower if a city individual reports receive can be houses. planning scheme is carried out ac- measured by the fact that cases Bank deposits declined since Jan. cording to Ellis F. Lawrance, direc- have come under the observation oi I. $408,249 and for past year $7,- tor of the school oi architecture of the department in which mail order 204,957- the University. concerns doing a business of tbis Waldport— Frank M. Roberts "City planning means more than kind have received as many as has established the Weekly Wald­ mere beautification. It means parks 4000 letters a day. * port Watchman. and playgrounds for the children, After the patient has submitted North jetty at the mouth ot Col­ sunlight and purer air,garden room, his ‘‘diagnosis report’’ he is urged good sanitation, pure water, and to purchase a supply of the medi- umbia will receive $1,500,000 dur­ buildings that will not have to he cine. If he does so, he is then urg- ing the next 15 months. Employes of Portland Railway torn down when the city gets lar- ed to purchase more. If he states ger,” says Mr. Lawrence. “ The that he has experienced no benefic- Light & Power Co. voluntarily re­ town should begin to plan when it ial effects he is told that be has not fused to unionize or go on strike. is small." taken enough, and this process is Multnomah grange fights demand Several Oregon cities have caught': bke 10 con,inue until the limits ot of Portland Labor Council for three the city planning idea. Grants Pass credulity have been reached. If on dollars for eight hour day ¿on road is one. Mr. Lawrence cites the the 0,her hand. he decides at the construction. following example of the benefit of beginning not to purchase the raedi- April 19 the O & C land grant citv planning to community health: jcine it is likely to be offered him at case to settle title to 2,373,000 acres A large English soap concern tnov- j successively lower prices until he of railroad land was heard in Wash­ ed its plant from Liverpool to a sub- is “ last induced to believe that he ington, D C. urban location, upon which it pro-: cannot afford to ignore such a bar­ The Workingmens’ Compensa­ ceeded_to eiect model houses for its gain. This is carried on to such an tion Commission grants employers employes and to develop an envir­ extent that a “ treatment,” the orig­ a ten per cent reduction on July 1st onment calculated to set up a max­ inal price of which is $25, may be on insurance rates. imum ot efficiency in the workmen offered at the end ol six months lor Oregon City— contract has been and their families. After a few %i 50. signed for $286,765 pipeline 25 As a matter of fact the successful years a survey was made of the miles long to fork ot Clackamas children in me district of Liver­ treatment of tuberculosis requires River for water supply. pool from which the plant had much more than the mere giving of That auto truck line between moved and of the children in the medicine and, moreover, what will Baker and the valleys of Eagle and help one case will not necessarily planned factory city. The children Pine is now a certainty. The cars under 14 years of age in the latter help another. Claims that are ab- averaged i4pouttds heavier than the solutely unwarranted are no longer are on the w»y from the factory and corresponding children in Liverpool permitted on the labels of medicines will be put into commission on their shipped in interstate commerce, but arrival. and s'A inches taller. When the owner of a patented the wording may be such as to con­ vey a missleading impression with­ pavement offers the use ot the patent out the use of absolute statements. for a reasonable royalty to all bid­ Thus these preparations continue ders, a contract let for paving is le­ to find a sale despite tbc fact that a gal, according to an opinion of the Washington, D. C .— After inves­ little trouble on the part of the Supreme Court. tigating under the Food and Drugs prospective purchaser will reveal jump, hurdles, high jump, pole Act a large number of preparations their worthlessness. vault, shot put aDd throwing the advertised as consumption cures, discus. Prevention and treatment the Department of Agriculture has of injuries are also dealt with. not been able to discover any that! ‘‘Generally the boy between 14 can in any sense be regarded at and 16 years is apt to overdo him- Directions for school track ath­ “ cures” for tuberculosis. Some1 contain drugs that may at times af- letes who have not the advantage eelf and should be watohed very ford some temporary relief from the professional coaches are being carefully,” eay Coach Hayward, " I distressing symptoms ot the disease, iaaued by William L. Hayward, have often seen boys with natural but tbis is all Since the passage track coach of the I nivarBity of athletio ability Blay on th« track all of federal legislation prohibiting the Oregon? and will he sent free day and challenge everyone wbo shipment in interstate commerce o t ! upon request. The instructions ar« 1 eame along just to show off Need- medicinal preparations for which intended to enable any bov or 1 leee to say, these boys did Dot last long as as athletes. fa]se and fraudulent claims are1 are 1 Jountf man who wishes to excel in in ! long Their nerroua j mitje ,bere baJ been a marke(i ten. 1 a certain event to learn the form for systems were torn down faster than ' preparations ' the event without the aid of a coach. I nature could ................. build them up. u' ULy ,u , . K The events covered are: sprints, “ My advice to all boys wbo have "remedies instead of "cures” or 220 yard run, 440 -yard run, 880 -' track aspiration« is to make haste “ infallible cures” as they used to be called. In many cases, however. yard run, mile run, running broad * very slowly." 'Consumption “Cures” That Are Worthless Young Athletes Warned Of Danger of Hurrying