Coquille herald. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1905-1917, April 13, 1915, Image 1

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T he coquille H erald
VOL. 33,
NO. 30
Fratemai and Benevolent Order
t', A A. M.— Regular meeting ol
. Chadwick Lodge No. 68 A. F. A A.
M.. at Masonic Hall, every Saturday
night in each month on or before the
full moon.
U. It. P ikkck , W. M.
K. H. M akt , Secretary.
S.—Reguiar meeting of Ueulali
O K. . Chapter
No. 6, second and fourth
Friday evenings of each month, in Ma­
Event* of Interest Reported
For The Herald
(By J. K. Joues.)
"N E W S”
Edwin Emerson, a war corres­
pondent who has bad as great an
expeiience as any living writer,’‘•has
O. O. F.—Coquille Lodge No. 53,1. O.
• O. F., meet« every Saturday night returned to Washington after spend­
n Odd Fellows Hall.
ing five months in the European
H. B. M oore , N. G.
countries. Oue of the stories he
J . S . LA W R E N C E , S e c .
relates is that he succeeded in get­
AM1F. R K B E K a H LODGE, No. 20
I. O. O. F., meets every second and ting over seventy five dispatches
fourth Wednesday nights in Odd Fellows
sent out of Germany and other
E l i > a A nokrnon , N. G,
countiies in the war zone. These
A n n ii L awkkncr , Sec.
dispatches were relayed, sent to
( M tQUILLE K N C AM l’ .VIENT, No. 25
V> I. O. O. F., meets the first and third England, where the censor killed
Thursday nights in Odd Fellows Hall.
all but four of them, and these were
J. S. B arton , O. I'.
garbled so as to be unrecognizable
J. S.L awkkncb , Sec.
TT NIGHTS OF PYT H IA N .—Lycurgus before they reached New York.
1 \ Lodge No. 72, meets Tuceday nights Eraersbn made seven copies of ev
in W. U. W. Hall.
erything he wrote, and mailed these
R. R. W atson , K R. S.
O. A. M intonyr . C. C.
stories in seven different directions,
i ) Y T H lA N SISTERS—JustuB Temple and some of his work finally reached
l No. 35, meetr first and Third Mon­ his New York newspaper. He pos­
day nights iu W. O. W. Hall.
Mas. G kouge D a v i s , M. E. C. itively states that all war news iu
M rs . F hkd L ink oar , K. of R
the way of dispatches is to be dis­
ED M EN— Coquille Tribe No, 46, 1. counted, and related bow the fall of
O. R. M., meets every Friday night
Liege was concealed from the pub­
i n W. O. W. Hall.
J. S. B arton , Sachem.
lic for eleven days, during which
A. P. M ill e r , C. of R.
time stories of victories by the al­
W. A. -Regular meetings of Bea-
• ver Camp No. 10.550 in M. W. A. lies were being eagerly devoured by
uewspaper readers. Emerson is one
Hall, Front street, first and third Sat­
urdays in each month.
of the best authorities on news of
C. D. H udson , Consul.
this kind in the world— and be says
y. H. I rvink , Clerk.
N. A.—Regular meeting of Laurel that he fouud it impossible to get
t amp No. 2972 at M. W. A . Hall, his material across.
He concluded
Front, street, second and fourth Tues­
articles, such
day n ghts in each month.
M arv K e rn , Oracle.
as appear iu magazines, or as feat­
L aura B ran don , Rec.
ure articles and which have been
O. W .—Myrtle amp No. 197. written without any attempt to hast­
• meets every Wednesday at 7 :30
en publication, constitute the only
p. m. at W. O. W. Hall.
Lee Currie, C. C.
authentic "war news” that is being
J ohn I. knkvk , Sec.
printed. He gives his own experi­
meets Becond and fourth Monday ences as proving that the cable and
nights in W. 0. W. Hall.
wireless dispatches were all doctored
A nnie B urkhoi . dkh , G.N.
the ceusors, aud maintains that
M ary A. P ikkcr , Clerk.
practically no dependence is to be
'ARM ERH UNION.— Regular meet­
ings second and fourth Saturdays in placed in any of that clays of "news"
each month in W. O. W. Hall.
which appears on the front pages ol
F r a n k B u rkh old er , Pres.
daily newspapers. "Y ou must wait
O. A. M intonyr , Sec.
until the war is over, and then some
t t R ATE U NAL AID No. 398, uieets the
1 second and fourth Thursdays each historian will write the story of
month at W. O. W . Hall.
what happened,” concludes Mr,
M rs . C hah . E vi . a n d , Pres.
M rs . L ora H arrington , Sec. Emerson,
sonic Hall.
M ary A. P ierce , W. M.
A nna L awrence Sec.,
Educational Organizations and Cluls
O M AN ’S Study C lub.-M eets 2:30
p. in. at city library every second
and fourth Monday.
H arr iet A. L onoston , Pres.
Senator Walsh has been obeying
the orders of the Senate in making
a searching investigation for the
lobby that defeated the shipping
bill, but withaut results. It is very
easy to cry "lobby” wheu legisla­
tion gets into trouble, or becomes
unpopular, aod this is the second
time this excuse has been put for­
ward during the present adminis­
tration. Senator Walsh’s investi­
gation appears, however, to have
proven that the shipping bill was
defeated by public sentiment, since
it has been detetmined that the best
part of the public press aud a large
part of the Senate, irrespective of
party, opposed the legislation for
the simple reason that it was nLt re­
garded as being to the best interests
of the countiy. The bill might have
gotten by had H not been regarded
as a stepping stone to government
F rances E . E pperson , Sec.
LEAG UE— Meets monthly at the
High School Building during the school
year lor the pur|H>se 01 discussing edu­
cational topics.
B irdie S keei . s , Pies.
E ona H aklockkk , Sec.
O K E E L K LU B —A business men’s
social organization. Hall in Laird’ s
building, Second street.
L J. C a r y , Pres.
W, C. E ndicott , Sec.
o m m e r c i a l c l u b — i . r o J.
C ary
President; L. H. HAZARD.Secrctary
■Transportation Facilities
p R A lN S — Leave, south bound 8.10 a.
L in. and 2:40 p. m. North bsund
9:26 a. m. and 4:26 p. m.
»OATS—Six boats plying on the Co-
) quille river afford ample accommo-
tion lor carrying freight and psssen
rs to Bandon and way points. Boats
ive at 7:30, 8 :30, 9 :20 anil 9 :C0 a. m.
d at 1:00, 3 :30 and 4 :45 p. m.
L. Laird, proprietor.
parts 5:30 p. m. for Kjecburg
Myrtle Point,carrving the United Slates
mail and pasengere.
F. Linegar, post­
master. The mails close as follows:
Myrtle Point 7:40 a. m. 5:20, 2:35
Marshfield 9:06 a. m. and 4:15 p. in.
Bandon, way points, 8:45 a m. Norway
and Aragol2:55 p.m. Eastern mail 5:20
p. m. Eastern mail arrives 7 :30 a. in.
City and Countv Officers
.............. A. T. Morrison
..............J. K. Lawrence
................... H. H. Mast
....... P. M. Hall-Lewis
Engineer ..........
A. P. Miller
Oscar Wickham
Water Superintendent . 8 . V’ . Epperson
Councilmen—Jesse Byers, C. T. Skeels
C. I. Kime, Ned C.Kelley, W. H. Ly­
ons, O. C. Sanford. Regular meetings
first and third Mondays each month.
Justice of the Peace.........J. J. Stanley
Constable....... ..............Ned C. Kelley
Commissioners —W. T. Dement, Geo. J.
....... .................Robt. Watson
....... Allred John-on, Jr.
..............T. M. Dimmick
T. J. Thrift
Raymond E. Baker
School Supt. ...
C. F. McCnllock
F. E. Wilson
Dr. Walter Gulin
Health Officer
Newspaper readers found it inter­
esting when they were told that oue
of the laculty of the bureau of mines
had discovered a process by which
"independent refiners can increase
their output 200 per cent ” Howev­
er it appears that the Standard
Oil Company had been using a
similar method for years, and
have spent great sums ot mon­
ey in developing their piocesses.
T h e "government invention” is
like most of such claims inasmuch
as nothing is suggested except a
sort ol subterfuge by which the in­
dependent oil companies might es­
cape prosecution for inlriugiug on
the methods of the Standard.
“ Do you know that a manufact­
urer in Burlington, Iowa, can ship
his goods to New York, load them
on a steamer, and send them around
to San Francisco by way of the
Panama Canal, at a cheaper rate
than t would cost to ship direct by-
rail,” was the double-barreled infor­
mation given to a newspaper man
by an official a few days ago. Yet it
is true,and the illustration serves to
a) iu a clear, understandable man­
PER Y E A R $1.50
Prolessor H. D. Scudder, Soil Spe­
C. T. Robinson Admires
The Demon of Want,
Oregon Experiment Station,
Woe and Poverty
Califonfia Road Work
Corvallis, Ore.
Compiled by State Bureau of
Last Wednesday C. T. Robinson, By S. W. Inglish, Fire Prevention DIRECTIONS FOR SOIL SAMPLING.
Industries and Statistics
1st. Take samples from an open
Some of these "exses” in politics of Fish Trap, returned from Los
Angeles after a seven week’s stay
held aud avoid paths, gopher holes,
are quite delightful. For instance
“ Everything for factories and
at that place, where he took his
etc , from which modified and not
as a " e x ," Mr. Taft is dearly be­
typical samples are likely to be ob­ payrolls” — slogao of Eugene Com­
loved by Democrats, Republicans
mercial Club.
aud Bull Moose. Ex-Senator Root cancer was removed and Mrs Rob­
Wallowa will vote on building a
inson accompanied her husband
Select an average spot,
also seems in a fair way to over­
pull up plants growing on it, brush city hall.
come the prejudices against him,
aside half decayed vegetable matter,
I- C. Gates will erect a business
and bis talk along the lines that the to sympathetic people Oregon
and bore or dig a vertical hole to building iu Veneta.
business meu should wake up aud has the world beat, and that he
where the soil changes color or tex­
An addition 25 by 62 feet is to t»e
exercise their lights in politics, has can’t express bis gratitude to his
ture, or if no change is seen, to a Built to the Christian cbutch in
struck a popular cord. Politics is
depth ol eight inches. Get samples Marshfield.
becoming more aud more a respect­ sympathy during his wife’s illness,
to this depth from several places in
able undertaking, and the men
The Pocific Telephohe Co. has
the field, mix these samples well on
with clean shirts, clean hands and
Tbert is no poetry in a fire that
adde4 44,yog sl*tjon* during tbe
a piece of cloth of stout paper (avoid past year.
clean purposes are making their can’ t say too much in praise for destroys. There is no warmth of
jute bagging), dry this mixed sam­
way to the places which were form­
good cheer in a blazing house. Duly
The Portland Gas Co shows in­
ple, put a quart in a ckan canvas
erly controlled by ward-heelers aud is put on a road iu California misery and want and woo can echo
creased earnings over 1913 of only
bag or box and label carefully.
political spoilsmen. All of which you can see where the road is bene­ from homes destroyed, from busi­
This sample represents the surface
demonstrates the correctness of the
ness houses wrecked from savings
Attorney General Brown bolds
old darkie's comment "dat de worl’ also says that this wotk will stand vanished via the fire route.
3rd. In the same manner get an that jitney busses are common car­
do move,” and is piogressing on
And fires are the fruits of human
average ol the subsoil, taken below riers.
cent ol the toad work in this county
the way.
acts of commission and omissioo.
Albany— The city council is plan­
within a few days after the road They do Dot start of their own ac­ the surface sample, to the depth of
approximately three leet. Place in ning on paving twelve blocks on
has been improved and a certain
They must always have a
three streets.
President Wilsou aud former amount of travel has goue over it,
separate bag and label.
human being for a parlnePf
President Talt participated in the you can’t tell that it has ever been
4th. Dig or bore to the depth of
Ryan & Allen, owning sawmills
This being the case, why not cul-1
laying ot the cornerstone of the worked upon And yet the people
six feet, and if hard pan or other at Hession, Wash , and Sheridan,
tivste a little foresight? Why Dot
great Red Cross Building, to be are taxed for this kind of roads aud
peculiarity in structure is noted Ore , have taken over the plant at
keep your premises clear of trash,
erected at the c'ost of $800,000. A have to pay for them. Now, why
send sample, properly labeled. If Sara, Wash.
of litter, of waste and such things
great many years ago Clara Barton can’t we build just as good roads
solid rock is found, state at what
Clackamas county improvements
that are excellent fire food?
conceived the idea of organized re­ as California? Everybody knows
average depth and send small sam­ in sight total $771,000.
M hen properly curbed and cir­
lief work, and corps of nurses and that there has been enough money
ple of same:
Wasco county is building a large
cumscribed, a cheering fire is a thing
attendants on the battlefields. The expended on the roads between
5th. Send “ Description of Laud”
industrial barn on its poor farm.
that makes a most excellent servant,
work she started became world-wide here and the Douglas county line to
by mail, giving as complete a histo­
contributing greatly to the comforts
The "morals court” once voted
and is helping to lesson the horrors enable us to have a good concrete
ry of the field as possible, name of
of man. But to k< ep tire a servant
is sought to be revived at
of the present great war in Europe road all the way. And as it is we
nearest town, probable selliug price
requires constant and unceasing
A northern woman, Miss Mabel haven’t even a hard surface road
of the ltud, elevation above nearest
vigil. While a good servant it is a
Portland— The new Couch school
Boardman, is iu charge of this great there. Where have the thousands
river, direction and grade of slopes,
most exacting master!
Red Cioss work, and it has become of dollars gone to that have been
drainage, how long cropped, by has a roof-garden and swimming
Are you doing jour full share
a sort of semi official organization. spent on these roads? The biggest
what crops or fruits, what yields, tank.
toward preventing fires? If you are
The new building is in Marble Row, part of it has beeu washed down
Medford— A fund ol $1000 has
whether fertilizers have been ap­
you merit the thanks of your neigh-1
located near the White House, and over the hillsides and caved iDto
plied, and any peculiarities which been raised to operate cannery.
hors. Every time a house is de-1
half ol the expense for its construc­ the gullies.
And why is this? stroyed your neighbors must staod j m .y have a bearing on tbe agricul­
The Department of Public Works
tion was provided by the govern­ Just simply because the proper
tural qualities of tbe soil.
at Portland has stopped all laying
their full part of tbe fire insurance!
ment, and the remaining half by method required to build good roads
6th. State the Township, Range of “ asphaltic concrete pavement”
you may collect.
private subscriptions.
and Section Number of the land until it can be tested.
hasn't been adopted.
We have
from which tbe samples were taken.
just as many natural resources to
Delinquent Parents
7th. Do not fail to label samples will build a concrete business house.
work on in this state as California
With the business of the govern­
carefully, placing name of sender
has so why can’t we have just as
Roseburg— Tbe postoffice moves
ment ever increasing, the Agricul­
Euripides tells us that the gods
on each sample wrapper.
good a state as theirs? We have,
into a new $10.000 building.
visit the sins of the fathers upon the \
tural Department is more than keep­
only it isn’t developed; and a good
children, which is a bit rough on |
ing pace with the other Depart­
Silverton Appeal: "W e need in­
More Baseball Dope
way to start to develop it is to build
the offspring There may be more’
ments. The heads of the Agricul­
stitutions to employ laborers we al­
good roads.
justice iu a recently-enacted New
An interesting letter received by ready have a great deal more than
tural Department are urging still
Jersey law which visits the sins of| Harry Oerding from a Yoncalla we need more laborers.”
greater attention to the business
Pleased With Exhibit
the children on the parents.
In ball player:
side of farming, although it is gen­
Methodists of Bay Park, (Coos
erally admitted that the farmer is
C. A. Corbit, our local taxider­ Trenton a mother and father have
Bay,) will build a $1000 chapel.
paying more attention to the busi­ mist, returned last Friday from the been indicted because their progeny ^ear friend
Roseburg gave a banquet to a
I will write you a few lines in re­
ness end of the farm than ever be­ ’Frisen Fair, where he has been for were guilty of criminal offenses.
man who proposes to
fore Farmers 00 longer regard the past mouth putting in bis ex­ New Jersey believes in bolding the ply to a ball game
build a railroad to bis timt>er on the
I would like to know how far it
the Department of Agriculture as hibit of Oregon bi ds and animals. parents responsible for tbe evil
North Umpqua and start a sawmill.
a thing apart from the practical He has hie exhibit on the second deeds of their children; it is a wise, was from there to the next town
Albany— Union Furniture plant
We would also like to play your
aspects ol their work, and they re­ floor of the Oregon building and it sane and necessary law.
to A. C. Girard, Montesano,
alize that sound and practical ad­ is attracting considerable attention.
A stream of miserable children te. m if we come down
vice is to be had from the experts. The exhibit occupies about a thou­ flows th ough our juvenile courts
Organized labor threatens to de­
So far, however, the Department sand square feet of floor space. Mr. on the way to the reform school, thire
We will be down about the last feat $1.250,000 road bond issue at
has confined itself largely to the de­ Corbit says that all the exhibits aré tbe city prison and the state peni­
tails o f cultivation, ciop rotation not arranged in the building yet, tentiary. In 99 cases out of 100 of May. We will play you going Portland unless the county agrees
and other rather isolated activities and that while the fair is good that these unfortunates are the offspring and coming for our expenses from to do all work at $3 per day of
eight hours.
of the farm. The Secretary and it will be a great deal better in an­ of delinquents, men and women Marshfield and back. Address
Salem— $15 per ton will be paid
Assistant Secretary believe it is time other mouth from now. He states who have no conception of the du­
by the State Prison board lor flax
for the Department to go more ex­ that the Coos-Curry county exhibits ties and no realization of tbe holi­
Back from Idaho
tensively into the business side of are attracting more attention than ness ol parenthood.
As soon as
farming, and they would have the any other county’s exhibits in the possible they rid themselves of the
Grants Pass— R. E. Smith will
Sam Stout, of Fairview, returned
Department not only advise the building, and tbnt the people of responsibility of caring for their
erect $6500 residence.
last week, alter a three weeks’ ab­
farmer about the production of a Coos aud Curry cao rest assured young, who are turned into tbe
Linn county will build $20,000
sence at Palmer, Idaho, where he
single crop, but they would have that they will get their money’s streets, hungry, lawless and preda­
went to see his daughter Cbelsia, wood and steel bridge across San-
experts correlate the various phases worth out of their exhibits and that ceous, Sooner or later these un­
who was quite ill. He found her tiam.
ol farm work and help outline a they will get more advertising dur­ happy little wretches become wards
Aurora will open bids April 5,
much improved, and she accompa­
program for the entire season jon a ing the Fair fban they would get of the state, which diligently aud
nied him back as far as Roseburg, lor concrete jail building.
farm. The Secretaries contend ibat any other way in ten years.
frequently unsuccessfully tries with
where she will remain lor some
Salem—Thro. Roth will erect a
--------------------- -
research work by the Department
tbe whip of reformation to cure the
time. Mr. Stout says that he found three-story mercantile building of
experts should be given publicity
faults which would have yielded to
Quartette Entertains
conditions in Idaho rather flourish­ brick.
at all stages of the process rather
tbe gentle suasion of parental in­
ing and the climate ideal; especially
Astoria— 35 new homes building
Without doubt the best enter­ struction.
than keep their findings to them­
for any one afflicted with rheuma­ on Young’s Bay side.
selves until every phase of the work tainment of its kind ever enjoyed by
New Jersey’s enactment declar­
tism, as he is
has beeu completed Surely, such a Creswell audience was the Uni­ ing that her citizens shall be held
Oswego— Portland banker will
practical effort to combine the work versity of Oregon Glee Club quar­ responsible for the conduct of their Sectary Daniels Saves Million erect a $30,000 home near here.
of the Department with the farmers’ tette at the Etna opera bouse last children is worth noting.
Salem— hospital association will
problems and experiences is apt to Friday night. It is not often that a
If the offenses of the children
The office ol Secretary of the Na- erect $25,000 addition.
have a wholesome economic effect. town the size of t’resewell has the were visited where they belong, | Vy Daniels reports a saving of about
Lebanon— Edwin Myers will erect
opportunity of listening to musicians there would be no need for future $t ,103,766 in the cost of special $3000 bungalow.
with the ability the members of this generations of children to pay for treatment of steel and other struc-
The state will spend half a mil­
There are a good many reasons
quartette possess. Every number the sins of their parents.— Home tura] material for the battleships
lion dollars on new buildiDgs this
why the members ol the Federal
on the program showed the singers and Farm Magazine.
Arizona and California. The tota- year. Another half million public
Trade Commission are proceeding
to be artists and the audience show­
ot special treatment steel money will be spent ou office fix­
with delioeralion. Chairman Jos­
Soil Testing
ed their appreciation by liberal ap­
the California was 9 , 9 4 7 , tures, school furniture etc. The
eph E. Davies and bis associates on
plause. The singing of Mr. Lyman,
000 pounds. If that amount had Pacific Coast Manufacturer is lead­
the Commission are determined to
TLe office of the County Agricul-
tenor, and Mr. Gillette, baritone,
been purchased at the price, 12.68 ing a fight in the state press to have
consider carefully each and every
showed wonderful range and true tutist is not equipped with a chemi­ cents per pound, paid for the New
all this money spent ou Oregon
move in the hope of bringing about ^
tone, and the siDging of the other cal laboratory for making a com­ York’s material when there was no
building materials and Oregon man­
the best results from the very be- j
two members was equally pleasing. plete analysis of soils, but if you competition, it would have cost
ginning As evidence along that,
— Creewell Chronicle, March 11,
$1,261,279. The actual cost for the
line the Commission has deferred
J. S Winters, builder of Pendle­
California material was $625,774,
the selectipn of a permanent secre- 1
This quartette will be at the Scen­ ling, end then send or bring tbe showing a reduction in cost of $635- ton Hotel is low bidder on Pendle­
tary until organization is more ad- \
ton Federal building.
ic April 15th, under the auspices of samples to J. L. Smith, County A g ­ 505 -
vanced. Iu the meantime Frank
Lane county board substitutes
the Coquille Library Association.
Jones is acting as temporary secre- 1
range to have them tested free of
New Bridge-Work started Mon- cow show for Eugenics exhibition.
tary. He has been the private sec- j Slate Highway commission have j charge for you by the Chemistry j ay on uig ditch from Dry Gulch,
Eugene— Geo. Dorriss has let
retary ol Commissioner Davies for decided to build the mile of road at Dept. at the Agricultural College,
contract to erect brick business
some time past, and since Mr. Jones Mitchell Point, Hood River, to cost and the results of the test will be
The Dalles— Electric line planned building.
mailed of you.
UP Mill Creek to tap timber belt.
has a habit of rendering satisfac­ $50,000.
Pendleton is starting to raise
tory service, the commissioners are
If you wish, you may send your
portlam, Semi- Weekly Journal $100,000 for hard surface road to
Crown paper mill, Oregon City,
stiil less inclined to be hasty in the shut down since Oct r, 1914, starts samples, prepaid, direct to the KDd Coquille Herald, both for $2.00 ¡Cold Springs. Much more "bard
surface” talk than formerly.
• Chemistry I)ept., O. A. C., or to a year in advance.
selection of a permanent secretary. this week with 57 to 100 men.