Coquille herald. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1905-1917, April 06, 1915, Image 3

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    A Shining Light in
A well kept household
needs a bottle of furni­
ture polish as well as a
Furniture Polish will not
only brighten chairs and
other ordinary furniture
but will polish and re­
vive pianos, violins and
in f a c t any polished
wood will benefit by its
Two Siktes
2 0 c and 3 5 c
The Rexall Store
Proiessional Cards
D e n tist
Office over First National Bank
I’ bune Main 431
A ttoknkv an d
C ounsellor at L aw
Office in Kobinaoti Building
A ttorney
L aw
Office in Kichmond-Barker Bldg
A ttorney
an d
C ounbelloh
L aw
Office Phone 335
Residence Phone 346
Kicbmoml-Barker Building
Coquille, Oregon
A ttornky
L aw
First National Bank Building
Rooms 2-3-4
A tto rn e y
L aw
First National Bank Building
Coquille, Oregon
A tto rn e y
Notary Public
L aw
A ll
at M achon’s
Str. Elizabeth
Regular as the Clock
S a n F r a n c is c o
a n d B andon
First-class fare or................ $7.60
Up freight, per ton............... *L 00
E. & E. T. Kruse
2 4 California Street, San Francisco
For Reservations
Agent, Coquille, Oregon
U I W ILL GIVE $1000
If I FAIL ti CURE iiy CANCER ir TUMOR I tnat
Mrs. W. O. Braudon returned
W M H >le of Marshfield waa iu'
Ssturday fruiu Kansas wbein abe
town on business yesterday.
bua been ut ibe be lai 'e of ber
C. R. Bairuw «an in Ml rile Point .W in and Alb-ri Betty* of Fair- motber wlio i- etili quii* ili.
view were in town yesterday.
Tbe aulire Sub manne C oli o.ei
Home maud taffies, bi itile* etc
Dari.I Crowley o f Middle ere k
at Folsom’s Confictionery
Always ib eC h a'iu today sii I re eived ibe
«■a io town Saturday.
fresh. Try them
baaa boru wbicb tbey pntt-ii ieed a
Jap Yoakaiu made a business trip
J. E Norton waa iu U.udon ou Baudou, t ir lb>- I o n i , a *ub*i'iipiioi
to Myrtle Point Monday.
pepar wna oiiioilated unioni; Ibi
buaiuesa the first o f lael weak.
Rev. Horafall of Baudou wu* n
Ouion Seta, >be be*t that cau be
Coquille visitor Saturday.
grown, 10 ceut* a pound.
Knowlton’a Drug Store
F. J. Fesnay, the Bandou attor­
Whitt our esteem**) contemporary
ney, was in towu Saturday.
Choice Onion Seta 10 cents per calls a “ typographical error” made
tbe Herald give the cost of the
pound at Knowlton's Drug Store.
M i.. P .t R ckleff, of Norway, w m drain pip. a. 4 1 9 cent*
iu the city yeeteiday.
j aD ¡n°b, which would make it rather
M '. s M r a t w i M i W j . t s s j
The Telephone Deal
Last Tuesday, loo late foi the
Herald, tbe news was given out o(
, he C 0MummMjOn ol a deal that
jjad ^ eD ¡n progress for some time
Iri. Elrod was over from tbe Bay ! •I PeD,iT' ’ Thtt fi# ure ehould ** \ by which the Farmers Telephone
yesterday— on business -certaiuly. j * 1-2 cent* “ ,o o t
j Company bought tbe lines ol tbe
Wanted - — Cbitb*“
Cbitbam B*rk
Bark 1915 Coos aud Curr>' Telephone (Jo. cen-
Oweu llacklefT of Myrtle
f Call
full ran
n d ra tia
I .
od n
or r a address.
tering at Myrtle Point.and a switch-
waa in Coquille Su y, o d an auto
Geo. T. Moulton,
ing anangement was tn ie ie d into
Coquille, Oregon.
for Coquille
Heretofore tbe two
Sweet’s high-grade chocolates
The plat of tbe new addition to
sod box candy at Folsom’a Confec­ be put on tbe market by tbe C~- systems have been entirely inde­
pendent of each other, and the sub-
tionery only.
quille Land Company baa been pre- ! . .
srnbers on each sy.-dem wrere tneom-
George Bryant and wife are again n
psred by (Surveyor Gould aud w ill’
tar aa those on the
in cur midst after quite an extended be filed witbiu tbe next few days.
Tbe M E. Sunday school will be
Now the two exchanges at Myr­
J L. Barker aud son "D oc” were held aa usual next Sunday morning, tle Point will be consolidated by
in from Fairview today in tbe latter’» ' but there will be no other services the Farmers line.
Tbe Coquille
new Ford.
! io tbe eburob on that day aa tbe exchanges of tbe two systems will
J. C. Schaeffer, of tbm place, was P“ »lor “ nd ml,nT of ,he niembe™ be connected by wire, and those on
a Bandon visitor on Woduesday of exPeot to attend the Epwortb either liue can be connected with
last week
League Convention wbich will be those on the other lor a switching
T . i held io Myrtle Point from Friday to charge ot io cents.
Parties on
Mrs. Ann* Wilcox and Mrs. L. A. _
Sunday inclusive.
eitber line here can be connected
Lawboru were in town from Mc­
Mrs J. A. Boone, of Marshfield, with tbe Myrtle Point exchange
Kinley last Thursday.
who bae been quite seriously ill for without a switching charge.
County Agriculturist Smith went
a Dumber of weeks, is improving
This will be a great improvement
over to tbe Bay yesterday to visit
rapidly and her sister, Mrs. Boyd, in the service for all concerned, as
Coos river and Kentuck inlet
who has been oaring for ber, took communicating from one line to tbe
It is both cheaper and better to passage on tbe Elder last Thursday
other, even with a small charge will
buy your Garden Seed io bulk.
for ber home io Portland.
be better than no communication at
Knowlton’s Drug Store
all. And both lines will have ac­
C. E. Scbroeder, of Arago, waa in
both in packets SDd in bulk at
cess to tbe long distance lines.
town yesterday and went from herp
Knowlton’s Drug Store
to Bandon on a business trip tbe
Doing Road Work
Tbe Lorenz building on B street
same day.
recently vacated by Mre. Mary Nos­
Fred Baker, supervisor of road
Fred Slagle left to-day for Med­ ier is beiDg lowered, and a new
ford, aa bia wife’s father is not ex­ foundation and floor and a plate district No. 12, was in town last
pected to live. Mrs. Slagle left last glass front will be put in.
It will week. He says that be bas been
week for Medford.
be occupied ae a billiard ball by C. working on what has been called
Johu Shea, a wool buyer for Wm. A. Macbon. Thus an old wooden tbe "gold brick” road. This is a
Biown Si Co. of Salem, is in tba landmark of 30 years ago will be road about five miles long running
country, looking for wool aud mo­ preserved on one of our principal up the east fork from tbe Coos Bay
wagon road at tbe Howe place. It
hair, arriving today.
business streets.
is for the accomodation of seven set­
I am in tbe market for Cbitbam
From data furnished to the news­
tlers who have taken up land and
Bark.Butchers’ and Farmers’ Hides, papers by tbe Roeeburg land office
moved their families onto it and
Wool, Pelts aud Fura.
it appears that there are still 15,704
who needed tbe road for an outlet.
G e o . T. M o u lto n
acres of land in Coos county open
About three miles ol the road has
A resident of tbe Arago commun­ to settlement, of wbicb all but
now been graded
Mr. Baker is
ity informs tbe Herald that tbe ao- 360 acres is surveyed BDd open to
goinir to work on tbe old road in
cial mentioned in tbe Herald last entry. Iu addition to this there ire
Brewster valley, where tIre road has
week as haviog been beld at Nor­ in the forest reserves 101,330 acres,
been relocated to put it above high
way was really beld at Arago.
of which 77,810 acres are surveyed
water and give a better grade
Cbas. Lorenz and wife, of Ban­ aod 23,460 unsurveyed.
distance ot about 150 rods i.« to be
don, who are well known at this
graded and planked with lumber
$100 Reward, $100
place, are tbe proud psrente of a 10 T h e reader«
o f this paper w ill
be from Ed Abernelhy’s sawmill.
to learn that there is a t least one
pound daughter, boru at Bandon on leased
readed disease that science has been says that tbe road into Brewster
able to cure in all its stages, and that is
March 29.
Catarrh. H a ll's C atarrh Cure Is the only valley will be ready tor autos with
p ositive cu re now know n to the m edical
John F Leggett will p each at Fraternity. C atarrh being a constitutional a few davs of sunshine.
disease, requires a con stitu tional treat­
Riverton Monday April 12th on ment. H a ll’s C atarrh Cure is taken in­
ternally, actin g d irectly upon the blood
the Subject “ Brother*” and Tues­ and m ucous su rfa ces o f the system , there­ Live Cat and Dead Panther
b y destroying the foun dation o f the dis­
day April 12lh on tbe subject "The ease. and giv in g the patient strength by
building up the con stitu tion and assisting
An unusual sight is to be seeu in
Only Firm Foundation.”
nature in doing its w ork. T he proprietors
have so m uch fa ith in its cu rative pow ­ tbe show window at tbe Bandon
Save money by buying your Gar­ ers that they offer One H undred Dollars
There is a large pxuther
fo r any case that it fa ils to cu re. Send Bakery.
den Seed« in bulk, instead of small f o r list o f t e s t im o n ia ls .__ ___ . , AV1
Address F. J. CHENEY A CO., Toledo, Ohio. mounted in a cioucbiug attitude, in
packets, at Koowlton’s Drug Store.
Sold by all Druggists, 75c.
Taks Hall’s Family Pills for constlpstlon.
tbe window, aod every day a large
Earle Cbiebolm of Marshfield was
cat that i* kept in tbe bakery, is to
in towD yesterday. He baa just re­
be Been slumbering peacefully be­
turned from a two weeks' visit to
tween tbe panther’s fore legs or
the 'Frisco fair.
RATES: One cent a word, each in­ aga nat its body. No matter how
Wil'iatn Hall, husband of tbo sertion. No charge leas than 15 cents' many aoft cushions are placed for
chief Coo* and Curry County Tele
tbe cat’s benefit it doesn’ t pay tbe
FOR SALE—a water-power mill,
phone operator here, waa in town
located on tbe Middle Fork, 3 slightest attention to them, but
for a brief visit with bis wife and
miles above Bridge
Inquire of when tbe time approacbet for its
Culver Bros , Bridge, Ore.
child last week. He left for Seattle
nap it settles down for its sleep in
4-6-10p perfect contentment lying for hours
H M Shaw M. D. Ere, Ear, Nose DRY WOOD FOR SALE—io any on the bard floor, by tbe mounted
quantity and of any length. Phone specimen. It makes an odd and an
and Throat epeciahat of Marabliel I,
your orders to No. 54L or call od attractive picture, aa tbe panther in
Oregon will be at Baxter Hotel,
W. G Brandon.
Coquille Thursday,April 22nd. 462t
its croucbing position, showing its
fangs looks as though it were
Judge C"ke went to Bandon tbe SECONDHAND TYPE W RITE R
Pittsburg Visible; does first-class guarding its young kitten from
first of laat week on business. He
work. For sale cheap. Inquire
returned Io Mersbfield tbe follow­
at Herald office.
ing day, aod on Friday left again
Good Pamphlet
for Gold Beach, where be will bold PHONOGRAPH R E C O R D S ^ 7 or
exchange, Victor and Columbia,
in good order. Inquire at Ibis
That tbe folder recently issued
If A. P. Miller bad bad bis atop
by tbe Commercial Club ia good ad-
walcb iu bis band Sunday be could
have swelled tbe city treasury a few
dollars, fur two autoa certainly broke
tbe apeed limit, racing almost tbe
entire length of Fiont strret.
Kuowitou'a Drug Blare carries a
full liDe of Garden and Field Seeds,
also tbe best Onion Seta at 1(1 cents
per pouud.
Laat Friday, at Bandon, Mr and
Mia. Sieve Galiier announced the
r n 'u b m o'tintd
engagement of tboir daughter E*-
t No t XITTtN
X -R a y or ether
na to Ralph Dipple, of Bandon.
An Island
plant makes the cures
Mias Galiier is w< II known at this
Tirnot, i p o«
tOKC on the lip. fare
place ami tbe anm uncement cornea
or body long is CANCER
aa something of a surp ise to b> r
CURED. Write to Rome
manv friends
a n y L U M P in
La-t Tbnrsdav ai Bandon, when
it waa high tide fl-h pole« could be
a-en protruding from store doors
mm OM Dr. I Mrs. Or. Cbisliy t Co.
anil window fronts
And tbe fiaher-
4 3 4 0 4 3 6 Valsad a St, Saa Frandtea, Cat
at that. It
is pretty soft when a man can run
Try a Herald want ad for any his business and catch a mesa of
fish st tbe same time
thing you want to buy or sell.
baton It POISONS Map gland« it itn cm U k m
bn-imaa mou of tbi- place f r tbe
purchase price of i In iui.ti uinei I
S k i n S u f f e r e r s - R e a d ! E very
W s w ant all akin aufferera w ho have
T he effeot o f D. D. D. Is to soothe In­
suffered fo r »m any years the tortures o f stantly, as soon as ap p lied ; then It pene­
disease and w h o have »o u g h t m edical aid
trates the pores, d e stro y s and throw s
In vain, to read this.
W e, as old established d ru g gists o f o ff all disease germ s and leaves the
th is com m u n ity, w ish to recom m end to skin clea n and healthy.
W e a re so confident o f th e m arvelou s
you a p rod u ct that has given m any re­
lie f and m ay m ean the end o f you r p ow er o f D. D. D. that w e h a ve taken
T he p ro d u ct is a mild, sim ple a d va n ta ge o f the m a n u fa ctu re rs gu ar­
wash, not a paten t m edicine con cocted o f
va riou s w o rth le ss drugs, but a scientific antee, t o o ffe r you a fu ll-s iz e b o ttle on
com pound m ade o f w ell know n antiseptic trial. Y o u a re to ju d g e the m erits o f
I t is m ade in the D.D.D. the rem edy In you r own particular case.
la boratories o f C h ica go and is ca lled the I f it d oesn ’ t help yon, It c o s ts you
D.D.D. Prescription for Eczema.
T hi* Is a d o c t o r 's special prescription
— one th a t h a s effected m any w on d erfu l I D. D. D. Soap Is made o f the same
J healing Ingredients. A sk us about 1L
J. F U H R M A N , Druggist
School News
Is Entitled
T o H ave
I he Heavy and Dlsagreeuble
Burden of the Family Washing
Made as Light as Possible.
Ed Meade Happy
W ill D o
The Trick
A contest for the selection of rep-
resentativea to tbe Cons County
Declamatory Oratorical Contest was
belli laat Friday with tbe result that
Myrtle Cunuiugbnm and Merton
Tyrrell were selected to uphold the
honors of the local school. The con-
testauts for declamatory honors were
Myrlle Cunningham and O l i v e
Howey, while Ibe orators were Ben
Hersey, Merton Tyrrell and Julian
Leslie. The judge» were Rev. Wal-
beck, M. O. Hawkins and Uev. Leg-
gett The county contest will be
held at North Bend on the evening
of April 16.
K. H. Meade was in town yester-
day on bis way back to Marshfield
from a visit to his ranch east ol tow n
He looks and leels belter than when
he went to the Bay, and reports
himself as enjoying life on Central
avenue aud doing a nice little busi-
ness. He is receiving mosl eneour-
aging reports on the preliminary
work for tbe marketing of his book,
"Doubling Back,” the letter given
on the front page in this issue being
A Double-Ended Joke
only one of the many received. He
is h'ghly pleased with his treatment
Perhaps tbe best double-action
at the hands of Paul Elder & Co ,
April joke pulled off here is given
of San Francisco, who are getting
to the Herald in strict confidence,
Arrangements for the publishing uut b>s book and to whom he first
so we can not reveal the identity of
of the Annual are progressing in applied on the recommendation of
any of the parties. A young mar­
fine ahsp aod tbe business manager tbe Herald editor, who was well ac-
ried couple who recently arrived
is busy soliciting ads.
quainted with the high standing
here at tbe groom’s borne town,
At a recerit meeting of the senioi and artistic productions ol that great
where he has accepted a position in
class, Ilev. C.H . Bryan was selected firm.
one of the drug stores, have been
to deliver the baccalaureate aer
looking for a house but have not
Work on Building
mou. Tbia service will be held in
i found one to their taste.
At tbe
tbe Methodist Church South on
east end of tbe First street bridge is
C. A. Machou has rented tbe
Sunday evening. May 23.
a very attractive little bungalow,
Lorenz building recently occupied
The fourth annual Gold Medal
completed last year by one ot our
by Mrs Mary Nosier. It is being
Declamatory contest will be beld
solid hardware merchants. He is
remodeled and is going to be low­
about May 21. Aa in past years,
a bachelor and asserts that he built
ered aud a 10 toot addition built ou
three gold medals will lie awarded
the bouse only tor bis own us«; at
the rear. Mr. Macbon will have
and pupils from tbe fifth grade
any rate be makes bis bachelor
a branch bouse in it and carry
through tbe high school will take
quarters there. On April first tbe
line of cigars, besides having card .
■. . • ■
part Tbe fourth grade will fur- 1 , ,
bride and her sister-in-law were in­
tables and a couple of pool tables.
nisb tbe musical part of tbe program
formed that tbe bungalow was for
V . R. Wilson has moved his stock
One of tbs interesting feature. of out of (be buiiding to the vacan, rent and belonged to tbe hardware
merchant, and tbey bad better get
commencement week will be an en­
room in the post office building,
the key and look at it.
So they
tertainment consisting of two abort
while the remodeling is being done
went to tbe store aod briefly in­
plays, one given by tbe public
formed tbe h. m. that tbey would
apaaking class and the other by
Another Chicken Nugget
like to get the key to bis house. As
tbe German students. The latter,
though given in German, will be so
Quite a large gold nugget was he evinced some surprise tbey in­
baudled aa to be intelligible to an discovered in a chicken gizzard by formed him that tbey wanted to get
English speaking audience and will j \y. Leueve, last Sunday while into tbe house and look it over.
tie exceedingly bumoroua
dressing tbe fowl for EuHter diuner. Tbe h m. is one of the most cour­
# ’
It " as one belonging to the Lenevee teous and accomodating ot men, so
Made Him Believe It
nnd which waa raised by- them, and be bauded over tbe key, but re­
as it hns been on their place since marked that as be was baching there
One of the April fool jokes that it was a fonall cbick it goes to show aloue they would not find things iti
was s p r u n g in Bandou caused a that tbe gold was picked up by tbe very good order, Then the girls
good deal of excitement
One of chicken on the hill somewhere in "smelled a mouse,” and asked,
Bandon’s temperate young men was Leneve’s yard. The nugget is about “ Why, isn’ t tbe bouse for rent?”
treated to oue glass of beer and waa half ns 1 rge as a good sized pea “ Ob no,” said the h. m , " I don’ t
Confusion on
shored around on the sidewalk till a,ld seertis to be composed of pure want to rent it.”
both sides, and explanations.
he gave tbe impression to ‘the cop” : ®’<’ '
of being drunk. Tbe whole thing
was a “ frame up,” but it looked
real to tbe riBuapecting fellow when
bis friends all assured him that be
was druuk snd the city marshal
took him into tow and lodged him
in tbe city jail, where be was left
for Beveral hours till one of bis
frieuds, who was also in on the joke
bailed him out. The funD.v part of
it was that upou being released be
at once b fl for tbe Bay, still under
tbe impression that be would have
to stand trial upon bis return to
Premium Hams and Premium Bacon “ The Last W ord”
when it comes to quality. Every piece branded. Look
for this brand if you want the best.
A sk Your Dealer
C O Q U IL L E . O R E G O N
*F H 3 !rS a L & 9
Guilty aa Charged
Parties wbo ride in automobiles j
may as well understand that, since
the distressing accident at Pony j
8x10, $7.50; 9 1-2x12, $8.50; 12x14, $11.50
Slough bridge in wbich several men
14x16, $14.75
lost their lives, it is a settled princi­
ple of morals that when more than
two men are gathered together in
an automobile tbey are drunk. It
Clover Leaf $4; Baby Brand $8.50; Admiral $9.25
makes no difference if they have
GRASS CATCHERS, will fit any Lawn Mower $1.50
keen doiug nothing more iDtoiicat-
ing than eating an apple; they aie
WINDOW SHADES, cut any length.
drunk. No proof is required, and
FOR RENT OR SALE— 3 acres of vertiring ia abowD by a letter re­ any assertion to tbe contrary ia a
land, house and barn; plenty of ceived by Cbas Walker from a
very poor sort of jok e; they are
fruit and berries
Wm. Chandler, friend in California.
A paper con­
drunk and that settles it.
Myrtle Point.
3 30 3tp
taining tbe subject matter of tbe
I Complete House Furnisher
Laird Building M
FIRSTCLASS Ruusbout automo­ pamphlet waa sent by Mr. Walker
bile for sale cheap
Address 245,
Herald office.
3-16-3t ia one thing that I would like to Hay:
Raymond Jeub and Logan Kay I ” ■
Th6 paper that I got a week or two
LOST—Small, round lavellier, blue ago giving the value of different have bargained with the Coquille
bird in center, pearls on wings, lands and what tbey raise and bow
finder please leave at Herald of­ much tbey produce of different Land Co. tor two Iota on Grand
View Terr ce in Coquille Heights
things to the acre, waa one of the
beat ads for your county I ever saw and will iooii the con-
SHOE REPAIRING—Done prompt­ in any paper; and that ia the opin- struction o f t w o » U n ­
ly and done right. Pricee r ason-
ion of others that I have ahown it low* , to coat abolit 91700 MM'h. Mr
able— C. H Dondono, at the
to. I only wiab that I could h a v e Ku> b ni1 n t’**1 >u* (•• un ) antral
the ferry.
had that paper when I was living
Ili* Ir \\ ¡i I i»»
WOl’ l ■tltrl til*- \ • 1« li
L.a'ge Stock of Eastern MarL-’e
FINE RANCH FOR RENT— With among farmers, but I wi 1 alw i\s
]8 cows, all kind» of farming im- keep it so that I can show it to -n til* i OSMI ?4| Ix.lltrr» »• <1 I'llll 'MB.
a id Granite in finished form rea iv
p ’ement*,
J8II0 per year cash one wbo ia looking for a place to W in k * 1 1 udì i” <••■ MS M t
for your inspection. A ll kinds of
I tíIi g o r.t * e |»l t « l ui» «
rent. Pacific Real Estate Co
c-m ;tery work. Designs to please
! this we k. » lio a a tbe fumín
a.i tastes, and prices to suit all
Marriage Licenses
! of b e d e d f u r Ibe |;r<tp«*tty
FOR S A L E — Fresh milch cow», 31
picket books.
Easy terms given
i ne* ndditiou bus t it n at \
bead mohair goats, good ranch
if desired.
team, barber chair. Hill & Mur­
♦bis vicinity N»,d ih»j tw o |i
“ 'd *” Oii be followed hv otb<
Jan L Pvburn and Sadie
OLD NEWSPAPERS- -Cheap at tbe ton
Have vou paid the prin(er.
Horald office
I T. G Barker and Su Ashton,
H. O
Marble & Granite
JAS . H O G A N , Proprietor