Coquille herald. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1905-1917, March 09, 1915, Image 1

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    T he C oquille H erald
VOL. 33,
NO. 25
Fraternal and Benevolent Order
these methods should be resurrected
for use in present day political al-
Events of Interest Reported
For The Herald
In a tlw days more, with good
M.. at Masonic Hall, every Saturday
luck, Congress will finish its work
night in each month on or before the
(By J. E. Jones )
full moon.
1). 1). P u ses, W. M.
and its members will likely go home.
K. H. M aht , Secretary.
t h e t r a d e c o m m is s io n
Noue of the members want to see
8.—lteguiar meeting of llculah
Tne foimaiion ol the Federal Washington again until next De­
Ü E.
• Chapter No. ii, second and fourth
Friday evening« of each uioiitfi, in Ma­ trade commission is almost a reality cember and the country agrees
sonic Hall.
and within a short time the Bureau that it will be to the geueral welfare
M a KY A. P iebck , W. M.
ot Corporations will pass out ol ex ­ if their persoual welfare and com­
A n n a L awkknck Sec.,
istence, and a new Commission, fort is gratified.
t). O. F . —Coquillc Lodge No. 53,1. O.
with its broader powers, will seek FREE SUGAR IS HURTING INDUSTRY
. O. F., meet« every Saturday night
to put the finishing touches ou bad
n Odd Fellows Hall.
The domestic sugar producers of
H. B. M o ob e . N. G.
trusts and cotruption that may re­ the country, these including cane
J. 8. I.A WHENCE, Sec.
main in big business. Honorable
AVUK R E B E K a H LODGE, N o . 20 Joseph E Davies, who has beeu at and sugar beet growers, emphatic­
ally urged that only unusal con­
1. O. O. F., meet« every second and
fourth Wednesday nights in Odd Fellows the head of the Bureau of Corpora­
ditions imposed by the war, have
E lla A nokkson , N. G,
tions will bead the new Commis­
A n n ie L a w r e n c e , Sec.
oeen responsible for keeping many
sion. The powers of the new Com
of them from the wall. Porto Rico
/■ aOtiCILl.K ENCAMPMENT, No. 26 mission have purposely been made
and Hawaii are largely dependent
V_2 1. O. O. F., meets the first and third
very broad, and the purpose is to
Thursday nights in Odd Fellows Hall.
tor their prosperity upon their sugar
J. 8. B a r t o n , C. ? .
“ find out” about persons, bauks,
ciops, and the sugar beet growers
J . s . L aw hence . Sec.
corporations or common carriers
t /N I G H T S OF P Y T H IA S —Lycuigns that are not doing business accord­ of the United States insist that their
I \ Lodge No. 72, meets Tuesday nights
large lactories will have smokeless
ing to the best interests of the coun­
in W. O. W. flail.
unless the tree sugar pro­
U. R . W a t s o n , K R. 8,
try. The trade commission will
O. A. M in t o n y r , C. C.
visions of the Underwood tariff law
also make in vestigations concerning
The governor of Porto
SISTERS—Justus Temple the organization, practices and man­ is repealed
No. 35, meets first and Third Mon­
Rico, an appointee of President
agement of corporations, and their
day nights in VV. O. W. flail.
Wilson, in his annual report, recent­
M ss. G k ikue D a v is , M. E. C.
relations, as well as the relations of
M b s . F re d L in k u a r , K. o f R
ly given out, says:
their officers, to other corporations.
13 ED MEN—Coquille Tribe No, 4(1, 1.
"In external commerce there has
i V O. R. M., meets every Friday night Mr. Davies has made a splendid
a decrease in the total value of
I n W. O. W. Hall.
record as the commissioner of the
exports ot $6,000,803 from the fig­
J. S. B a r t o n , Sachem.
A. P. M il l e r , C. of R.
ures ot the past year, this having
the opportunities afforded by an en­
W. \ -R egular meetings of l!ea-
amounted to $6,378,823. This de­
• ver Camp No. 10.550 in M. W . A. largement of his powers, there
Hall, Front street, first and third Sat­ seems every reason why the country crease in value of sugar exports was
urdays in each month.
produced by a sharp decliue, both
should look for many beneficial re­
C . I). H u d so n , C odhu I.
in quantity, which was about 62,000
L. H. I r v in e , Clerk.
sults in the business world. Better
O N. A .—Regular meeting of Laurel methods should also follow from the tons less than last year, and iu
IV . amp No. 2972 at M. W. A . Hall,
price, which was $6 43 per ton less
Front, street, second and fourtli Tues­ new work to be uudeitaken by this
the year previous.
day n gfita in each month,
branch of the Federal government.
M a r y K e r n , Oracle.
Outside of sugar there was a
L au r a B r a n d o n , Rec.
ture has been in the way ot stimulat­ slight increase of about $378,000 in
O. W .— Myrtle amp No. 197,
value of exports. F 5xports to the
. meets every Wednesday at 7:30 ing the interests of the tanner, may
p. in, at W. O. W . Hall.
be expected in the way of benefits United Stales reflected quite ac­
Lee Currie, C. C.
to trade and commerce through the curately the decline in sugar, falling
J ohn L en kv e , Sec.
o f f $6,115,443.
The total exports
VENINGTIDE CIRCLE No. 214, new Commission. At the same
meets second ami fourtli Monday time great results are promised for
“ The dread of the possible results
nights in W. O. W. Hall,
A nnie B u r k h o l d e r , G.N. labor since a Depaitmentof govern­
M a r y A. P ie r c e , Clerk.
ment is devoted to this field of ac­ uf the tree sugar provisions that is
Aud the’ Children’s Bureau impending under the present tariff
ERS UNION.— Regular meet­ tivity
ings second and fourth Saturdays in has already given concrete examples law has tended to check progress
each month in W. O. W. Hall.
usefulness to intani lite. aud development in other lines of
F r a n k B u r k h o l d e r , Pres. of its
O. A. M in to n y k , Sec.
Wherever the government has start­ business interwoven with this indus­
try; but the situation has demon­
AID N o . 398, meets the ed out in earnest to bring out bet­
second and fourtli Thursdays each ter methods of control it usually has strated the general soundness of
month at W. O. W . Hall.
succeeded, aud “ trade” is to be con­ 1 be actual business ol the island,
M r s . C h a s . E v l a n d , P res.
M rs . L o r a H a r r in g t o n , S ee.
gratulated that it has a new institu­ for while progress has been checked,
tion at Washington looking alter ouly a few over extended and badly
Educational Organizations and Clubs
managed enterprises have actually
its affairs.
come to grief ”
t'. A A. M.—Kegular meeting oi
. Chadwick Lodge No. (18 A. F. & A.
LEAGUE— Meets monthly at the
High School Building during llie school
year foi the purpose oi discussing edu­
cational topics.
B 1KD1E S k kk ls , l ’ tes.
E d n a H a r i . ock er , S ec.
KEEL KLUB—A busineso m e n ’ s
K O social
organization. Hall in L a ir d 's
building, Second street.
L J. C a r y , Pres
W. C. K ndicott , Sec.
President; L. II. II ZA
L ko J. C a r y
ku ,,Secretary
Transportation Facilities
p R A IN S — Leave, south hound 8.10 a.
L m. ami 2:40 i>. in. North bound
9:20 a. m. and 4:20 p. in.
OATS—Six bouts plying on the Co-
quille river afford ample aecoramo-
dation lor carrying freight and p.,aeen
gers to Bandon and way points. Boats
eave at 7 :30, 8 :30, 9 :20 and 9 :C0 a. m.
and at 1 :00, 3 :30 anil 4 :43 p. ir.
AGE—J. L. Laird, proprietor.
S r parts
5:30 p. ni. for Lose burg
Myrtle Point, cnrrving the United States
mail and pasengers.
When Mark Hanna advocated a
ship subsidy as the best method of
building up the merchant marine,
he was denounced by Congress aud
the country. His plan was viewed
by many as an attempt to loot the
treasury. The Democrats took up
the cry and condemned ship sub­
sidies iu* their party platforms.
President Wilson has attempted to
build up the merchant marine by a
new process. As a result he has
brought upon himself a bitter fight.
Nevertheless, there is a sentiment,
that has been em phasized by de
velopments during the war, in favor
of an American merchant marine
that will equal the best iu Eutope.
It seems certain that private Ameri
can capital will not engage in this
line ol commerce until more favora­
ble laws are enacted by the federal
President Wilson’s
X master. The mails close as follows
Myrtle Point 7 :40 a.m . 5:20, 2:36 p.m . Iship bill
m ay be a dead
one, as is
q w a y : n t . m8 -45‘a m ' N o ^ I Maimed, but the Americans have
aud ,\ragol2:55 p.m. Eastern mail 5:20 awakened to the need ot activity by
p. m. Eastern mail arrives 7 :30 a. m. the United Stales in controlling its
foreign shippiug. Therefore, legis­
City and Countv Officers
lation to make belter conditions tor
.... A. T. Morrison
....J. 8. Lawrence American boats upon the high seas,
R ecorder......
.......... U. H. Mast is certain to become a prominent
,.P. M. Hall-Lewis
A. P. Miller factor in the legislative calendars of
Oscar WicKhani ihe lutuie
Night Marshal
Water Superintendent ,8. V. Epperson
F ir e Oliie l...........
W . C . C h a se F A C T IO N A L
Councilmen—Jesse Byers, C. T. .Skeels
C. I. Kinie, Ned C.Kelley, W . H. Ly­
ons, O. C. Sanford. Regular meetings
first and third Mondays each month.
Justice of the Peace........ J. J. Stanley
Constable......... ................. Ned C. Kelley
County Judge ...............James Watson
Commissioners—W. T. Dement, Geo. J.
Robt, Watson
............... Alfred Johnson. Jr.
Treasurer..........................T. M. Dimmick
Assessor .................................T. J, Thrift
School Supt.
Raymond E. Baker
C. F. McCullock
F» E. Wilson
Health O fficer..............l)r. Walter Culin
Societies will get the very best
PR 1 N T I N G
at the office of Coquille Herald
It is claimed that about a dozen
rich Republicans have gotten to­
gether on a plan in Washington to
"make money talk” in advancing
the ideas of “ conservative Republi­
cans ” If reports are to be credited
a number ol rich men have subscrib­
ed several thousand dollars, and the
hat will be passed till it is filled in
order that there may be plenty of
money with which to “ cut loose ”
The officials of the party organiza-
tion are not in any way identified
with the movement, and are under­
stood to be opposed to any such
; method of conducting the affairs of
the party. Most people suppose
that such schemes were out of date,
and it is rather surprising that
s m, C. H. Barrow, Oeo. Maudigo
and Fred .Slagle, the hostess.
Those being absent were Meadames
A. J. Sherwood and Jim Laird.
They transacted business of the Or­
der aud then the rest of the after­
Hugh McLain Criticises Oregon Exhibit and Attitude of
noon was given over to faneywork.
State Manager, but Says Myrtle W o od
At five o’clock a delightful chicken
Draws the Crowd
dinner was served. Violets were
used in decorating the tables. An
(Marshfield Evening Record)
county myrtle. He found J. A. enjoyable time was had by all pres­
Hugh McLain, who is home from Ward bad his coal fireplace ready. ent.
San Francisco, is a pretty thorough­ His forest scene, including Coos
W e May Learn from Holland
ly disappointed man over the show­ Bay, was in the second story, where
ing the great state ol Otegoti made there is a big balcony. Twenty of
We can learn much from the dairy
at the opening ot the Panama ex­ the forty bit» urns in the balcony
methods used in Holland. That
Mr. McLain states with­ were supplied with ferns from Coos
little country is often called the
out reservation, the only exhibit county by J. A Ward, aud the
cows’ paradise and it deserves the
that had made any showiug was others are empty. The unfilled
name. There is little grain farm­
Irom Coos county, and something ones will bi used tor further ship­
ing or mixed husbandry there and
Irom the W llametle valley. None ments of ferns.
almost no stock except dairy cattle.
of the Oregon state managers could
L J- Simpson was iu the build­ Dairying is the principal occupa­
tell him whether there were any ing when Mr. McLain was there
other exhibits coming from Oregou aud went to the High Commission­
The land is worth from $500 to
counties or uot. The slate has prac­ er and offered to fill every empty
$1000 an acre, yet the Hollanders
tically nothing. Mr. McLain siys urn with Coos Bay rhododendrons,
pay rents and interests on the in­
there is nobody in authority except ship them to Sau Francisco il the
vestments by producing butter and
Mr Clark, state commissioner, and state would pay for the drayage be­
cheese, which they place in the
he seems self-satisfied aud the aides tween the exposition grounds and
European markets in successful
can get nothing done without con­ the waterlront. The offer was re­
competition with that produced in
sulting him.
fused. This scheme may be carried America on land of scarcely compar­
There are a number of concessions out yet, for Mr. Simpson is expeot- able value.
The secret is efficient cows, excel­
lent cate, co-operation and superior
of butter and cheese
Exquisite Alcove In Court of the Four Seasons quality
On a 60-aqre farm iu Holland the
at World’s Greatest Exposition
livestock usually consist of about
22 cows, 9 heifers, 40 sheep, 15 pigs
and one or two horses. About 24
acres is meadow and ihe rest past­
ure, as dairyiug is on a strictly grass
basis. Few fields are larger lhau
five acres, and the cows are fre­
quently changed Irom one pasture
to another, so the grass may be re­
Ouly a lew choice bulls are kept
for sires and the greatest care is ex­
ercised in selecting females The
cows are selected by a three-fold
method: Fi st in the sire; second
in the young calf, judged largely by
the milking qualities of the mother;
and, lastly, the greatest of all tests
is applied, perlotmance at pail. Not
till the cow answers this satisfactori­
ly is she accorded a permanent place
in the dairy.
Mr. Kuperas, a leading Friesland
dairyman, has an exceptionally fine
herd of red and white Holstein-Frie-
sians and keeps a careful record ol
each cow b\ testing the milk every
two weeks. The average yield of
30 of his best cows for one year was
Senator Fall of New Mexico has
11,275 pounds of milk aud 394
made a notable speech denouncing
pounds ol butter fat. The average
Villa and other Mexican leaders,
lactation period was 306 days and
and he has suggested a plan of in-
no cow was milked more than one
terveution to be joined in by all the
year. In Friesland there are 3200
A. B. 0 . powers, meaning Argen­
testing associations of 12 mem­
tine, Brazil and Chile in conjunc
bers each.
tion with the United States. The
overshadowing effect of the Eu­
The Winter grain ration consists
ropean war has diverted attention
almost entirely ol oil cake, led only
from the condition of anarchy that
to the heavy milkers in quantities ol
exists iu Mexico, and even the pro­
from two to four pounds a day.
test of the Spanish government to
The principal feed, however, is hay,
the neutral nations of the world
each cow receiving 30 pounds daily.
against conditions in Mexico, has
It takes the great capacity of these
ONTHS In udvauee o i Its opening the Panama-Pacific International Ex­
failed to attract any attention
position at Sau Francisco was 95 per cent completed. The photograph cows to handle such a large quantity
Mexico City has been captured and
above shows a stately alcove in the Court of the Four Seasons, of which of roughage.
recaptured by different forces many , Henry Bacon, designer of the Lincoln memorial at I’ otomac Park, Washington.
A cow staDle in America is usual
D. C., Is the architect In each of the four corners o f the court are niches con­
times during the last six months. taining fountains uud symbolizing the seasons—spring, summer, autumn and ly an untidy, uninviting and in
There seems to be no hope of the w i n t e r . __________________________________________________________________ many cases absolutely filthy place
restoration of peace in Mexico, and ,
wheie, to the disgrace of civiliza­
the business of Uncle Sam has been in the place, but, according to Mr. ed home soon and may arrange it tion, human food is produced In
chiefly devoted to the piano! “ watch-; McLain, these are uot representing on his own responsibility. Such a Holland a cow stable is as clean and
fill waiting," which was first in­ Oregon. There is a cider booth showing would be an immense ad carefully cared for as any room in
vented to apply to Mexico, but where Oregou cider is sold, but, on vertisemeut tor the flora ol this dis­ the house.
which has been enlarged, so as to inquiry, the people who sel­ trict, as the shrubs could be taken
In the Province of Friesland most
cover all the greater foolish nations ling the product could not say shortly before ready to bloom aud of the butter and cheese is made in
where il came from and did no-
that are at war.
factories, practically all of which are
where the cider was manu­ they came out.
w o r k m a n ’ s
c o m pen sa tio n
When the commer­
Mr. McLain has in his pocket an
factured. Mr. McLain suspects they
cial starter is used in ripening the
Twenty-three states now have
are using acid-made cider and pas­ account of the opening written by
cream, immense numbers of bacteria,
workmen’s compensation laws, and
Miss Muntoe who was entertained
sing it off as an Oregon product.
capable of producing an agreeable
results of the agitation are shown
There is another concession sel- ( in Marshfield while enroute to the flavor, are introduced; the growth
throughout the nation. This sub­
exposition. It shows a long dis­
of the undesirable is checked and
ject was first brought to the atten­ ling porcelain plates with a picture
course on the preserves from the
many of the unpleasant flavors al­
tion of Congress less than a dozen
Willamette valley, but Coos Bay is
ready produced are covered up, to
years ago, and was called “ radical These, Mr. McLain believes, are
not even mentioned in the article.
to speak, either wholly or in part
and dangerous.” Now it isconsid-! not adding anything to the real
The story came in Friday’» Oregon­
ered so sane that even New York. purpose of the state exhibit.
The cost of these commercial pro­
Illinois, California, Oregon, Wash-1 While he found the interior of
is so small, and the method of
Mr. McLain found there is a lack
ington, Michigan and Ohio, with the building with scarcely nothing of native wood exhibits for this sec­ u»ing them is so simple in compari­
their great cities, where employers at all to show, he did find the state tion of the state and is going to son with the benefits to be derived,
always balk at reform, have adopt­ booth which was manufactured Irom remedy it promptly.
that their more general use is to be
ed workmen’s compensation laws, j Coos and Curry myrtle attracting
recommended. The initial cost of
practically all the attention of sight­
f a t h b r ’ s job
a starter is about 50 cents, and by
P. W . M. Entertained
Sons do not usually follow their seers There w as untold interest in
careful handling, it can he propa­
father’s occupations. There are no the wood which the North Bend
Friday afternoou Mrs. Fred Sla­ gated for an indefinite period.
census statistics on this point but, Manulat luring company had pre­ gle was the hostess at a party giv­
Pure culture starters are put up
in a certain instance a record was pared for the booth. This is sup­ en in honor of the P. W. M. of by the manufacturers in two forms;
made among 3663 college young posed to be a central information the Eastern »Star. Those present j powder and liqued. They can be
men. It was found that approxi­ bureau, but there was no informa­ were Mes latnes C. Evland, W. C,
procured through any drug store
mately sevfuty-five per cent of the tion to be obtained. Mr McLain at
Hose, J. A. Lamb, Chas. Kiroe, L or creamery supply house.
young men had selected avocations 1
aud professions different from those ! once ordered big placards which P. Maurey, Henry Lorenz, J H.
Have y o u ( a i d t h e p r in t e r .
ot their fathers.
state the booth is made from Coos Lawrence, William Lyons, Bert Fol-
PER YEAR $1.60
Compiled by State Bureau of
Industries and Statistics
Harrisburg is to have a new city
Fairview will have
Marshfield is to have a conserva­
tory of music.
Hubbard— building a new high­
way to the west.
Marshfield is to have a 50 by 140
roller skating rink.
Portland— Imperial Hotel dining
room to be enlarged.
Highway h'otL Cold Beach to
Grants Pass is projected.
Albany— The flying squadron is
boosting for the cannery.
Bourne—development work in
the mines is being pushed.
Hill line will operate gas electric
cars on Portland-Rainier line.
D. J. Riley, of Dallas, is building
a movie theatre 50 by 100 feet.
Canning jack rabbits is proposed
for an eastern Oregon industry.
The legislature was treated to ci­
der made at the Talent creamery.
Rogue River Public Service Cor­
poration asks franchise at Florence.
Roseburg— The Oregon Copper
Co. will work mines in Cow Creek
Celebration of establishing new
Hill steamer line to Frisco at Flavel
Mar. 16.
E. Jerome, of Portland, is pro­
moting a railroad from Prineville to
Tillamook’s 1914 cheese product
was 3.608,843 pounds, gain 186,712
over 1913.
The Buck box factory, of Eugene,
has received a carload of steel for
egg crates.
Jim Blaine and Greenback mines
in Josephine County are working
Doubling the coyote bounty is to
solve the unemployed problems in
Eastern Oregon.
Medford fruit and produce associ­
ation will haul and pack all pro­
ducts for members.
Legislature estimated to have re­
duced appropriations $700,000 to
$2 ,000,000 below 1913.
Portland will build a $100,000
dam for storage reservoir at the
head works on Bull Run.
R. C. Rasmussen conducting
creamery at The Dalles lor 3 years,
opens creamery at Pendleton.
Washington solons wiped out its
luxurious tax commission, but Or­
egon believes in keeping bets.
Large shipments of burlap are
entering free of duty at Portland—
means cheaper sacks for farmers.
The Pacific Power & Light Co.,
operating in Oregon and Washing­
ton shows a gain in net earnings.
Legislature created five new jud­
icial districts, costing $10,000 a year
each and Governor Withycombe
vetoed three
U. ofO. has put one over O. A.
C- It claims 2000 students enrolled
in all departments, as against 1524
at Corvallis.
The Emerson Hardwood Co., of
Portlaud, is receiving cargoes of
logs from the Orient, for manufact­
ure into finishing materials.
------------- • -------------
The Boat Swamped
Dot Medlock, Foster Byther arid
Eimer Briner took a swim in the
Coquille river last Sunday, when the
boat they were rowing, swamped
about a half a mile above town.
Fortunately the boya could swim,
and what might have been a trage­
dy, was turned into a joke. The
boys BtateJ that *be water is fine
and that they really enjoyed their
Can’t U*e Fire Arm »
A bill was passed at the recent
Legislature forbidding boys under
1(5 years of age to bunt with guns.
This is a good thing as a hunter ia
not Bafe in the woods any mote
when there are boys all the way
from eight to 16 years of age armed
with twenty-two rifles, and shooting
at most any object they see.