f ----------- -- 18671014 -- L. A. Liljeqvist returned from A1 Hite was up from Bandon, j the Bay this morning. Monday, on business. Save money by buying your Gar­ Pat KacklifT of Myrtle Point was Get your hutti r wrappers at the den Seeds in bulk, instead of small in town today on business. Herald office. > packets, at Knowlton's Drug Store. The school district Boundary Geo. LairJ, of Bandon, was in Judge E. D. Sperry was down Board meets here tomorrow. town last Tuesday. town today and wavs he is recover Doru Harrison, of Myrtle Point, F. L. Greenougb, of Bandou, was ing from the illness that has had him in its grip for some time. was in town last Saturday. in town on business Saturday. TO BEAUTY_ Is the glistening white­ ness of well-kept teeth The first episode of the new serial H. H. Hammond was over from picture, “The Exploits of Elaine," the Bay on business, last Friday. in which Pearl White plays a lead Win. Thomas is again seen on the Home-mand taffies, brittles etc. ling part, will be shown st the streets ofour rity after a loug illness. at Folsom’s Confectionery. Always Graud tomorrow night. F. P. Herman, of Myrtle Point, fresh. Try them Rose’s Cash Store just received was down last Friday, to settle his C H. Dungan, of Marshfield, was their first abipment of Spring goods, taxes. greeting his friends in town Satur­ costume crepe, lace crepe, rice cloth, W. H. Scbroeder, and son Earl day. and audubron novelty Also a nice took a joy ride to Norway in their L. Moon, proprietor of the L ou ­ line of Spring gingbams. car today. vre restaurant, went to Marshfield Morris Wilser.wbo returned from Dr. Sol Eodicott, of Bandon, was last Wednesday on busiosss. California recently was accompanied a business visitor in this place one The brothers in­ Onion Sets, ibe best that can be by bis brother. day last week grown, 10 cents a pound. tend to opeu up a paint shop and Knowltoo’s Drug Store also a tailor shop in this city in the Magnetos and generators repair­ ed, bought and sold. Kime & Von Claude Ford returned Saturday near future. Pegert garage. tf to Beaver Hill, where be will com­ Geo E. Chamberlain, a new ar­ Rev. and Mrs. C. H. Bryan went plete paintiug the new school house. rival but not the senator, will open to Bandon yesterday afternoon for Frank Thrift was seen purchasing a confectionery stand next door to a few day's visit. a wedding ring today. Now what the Grand theater, where a room Choice Onion Sets 10 cents per pound at Kuowlt- n's Drug Store. Rexall ANTISEPTIC TOOTH POWDER will rem ove the tartar from your teeth and make them white and antiseptically clean T h e use of this daintily per­ fumed p ow d er will E lim inate D isease B reed in g G e r m s ,S tr e n g th e n the gum s an d m ak e th e m outh and b rea th s w e e t a n d clea n . M oney back i f not satisfa ctory 25c a can Sold only by us F U H R M A N ’ S PHARMACY T h e R exa ll S tore P rolessional Cards Dr. C. W. ENDICOTT D entist Office over First National Dank Phone Main 431 A ttorney and C ounsellor at L aw Office in Robinson Building W. C. CHASE at L aw Office in Rielimond-Barker Bldg C. R. BARROW A ttorney a n o O ocnskm . or at L aw Office Phone 335 Residence Phone 346 J. J. STANLEY LAW YE R Richinond-Barker Building Coquille, Oregon A. J. SHERWOOD A ttorney at L aw First National Bank Building » Rooms 2-3-4 L J. LILJEQI/IST A ttorney at L aw First National Bank Building Coquille, Oregon WALTER SINCLAIR A ttorney at L aw Notary Public Sweet’s high-grade chocolates ! and box candy at Folsom’s Confec­ tionery only. Many salmou-berry bushes sre in full bloom. This is a good inelica- I tion that Spring is close at hand. E. D. SPERRY A ttorney Sumner’s Orchestra went to Bea­ do you suppose he intends to do ver Hill Saturday night to play for with it? ! a dance at that place. The G. A. R. and W. R. C. are Louise Mansell returned Friday holding their reunion today, the from Hnseburg, where she was a Myrtle Poiut members being the | witness in the Barton trial. guests of the Coquille organization. Coquille Theo. BcrgmaD ShoeMfg.Co. Incorporated M anufacturers o f The Celebrated Berqmann Shoe The Strongest and Nearest Water Pr iof shoe made for loggers, miners prospectors an'' mill men. 621 Thurman Street P o r t l a n d , O reoon . A g e n t tor C oqu ille H.N. L O R E N Z 1 W ill Give $ 10 0 0 I f I F a il to Cure ANY CANCER OR TUM OR I TREAT. N O K N ir C . N O P AIN . N O PAY U N T IL C U R E D ANY LUMP In WOMAN'S BREAST Is CANCER if h a rd ; it always poisons deep glands in the arm pit ami kills — q u ickly. A ny tu m or,1 lump, or sore on the lip, face or body long is cancer. An Island plant plaster and blood specific make the cures. WRITTEN GUARANTEE. 120-page book sent fret*. Testimonial» of 10.0HO cured — see or write to «nine. — -.. — . H. J. Mohr, of Marshfield, who Dispatcher of our local rail­ road, is the proud father of a baby boy. j is the of the lungs caused WANT COLUMN The pussy willows on display in Our great success Is In our teaching, ethical advertising and finding cancers while smell. L> nevt’ v confeelicnery window liv­ RATES: One cent a word, each in­ Mints 0M Or. A Mrs. Or. Chamley A Co. for Book Registered M. I>. In California 25 rears. ed through the year 1914. They sertion. No charge less than 15 cents' 4 3 4 I 4 3 6 Valencia S t, Sen Frandeco, Cel. K IN D LY M A IL T H IS to someone with CAN CER . p o T iv s T OREGON and W ASH INGTON Business Directory A D ir e c t o r y o f e a c h C it y , Town and V illa g e , g iv in g d e s c r ip t iv e s k e t c h o f e a c h p la c e , lo c a t io n , p o p u la t io n , t e le ­ g r a p h . s h ip p in g a n d b a n k in g point; also C la s sifie d D ir e c t o r y , compiled by b u sin e ss a n d p r o fe s s io n K. I. P O L K A CO., AEATTLE were picked on Feb. 1, 1914, and SHOE REPAIRING—Done prompt­ h u e never been removed from the ly and done right. Prices r ason- vase. able— C. H. Dondono, at the the ferry. 2-23-tf Last Saturday several members of the Coquille Rod and Gun Club FOR SALE—Seven-year old mare were engaged in breaking blue- and two-year old colt. Ernest 2 9-3tp rocks. with the object of getting Plep their eves in trim for the big shoot FINE RANCH FOR RENT— With in March. Sam Sherwood had high 18 cows, all kinds of farming im­ I gun, makiDg 22 cut of a possible 25. plements. $800 per year cash rent. Pacific Real Estate Co 2-9-4tp [ p a p e r I I NOW. In order to clear our shelves we are offering 20, 30 and 40 cent Wall Paper at I J 10 C E N T S P E R R O L L At Anderson’s L Complete House Furnisher Lairc: Building I By far the worst defeat they have suffered this season was the recep­ tion of tbe local high school basket ball team when they went to Ban­ don last Saturday night The boys played hard aud made a splendid, though unsuccessful, effort to over­ come the handicap of poor lights and a slippery floor. The score was 33 to i t . The Steamer Dis­ patch ran aa exclusion for tbe game, and a large number of fans accompanied the team from here. Many of these stayed over and spent Sunday on Ibe teach. Next Friday tbe boys meet Myr­ tle Point here in their last game for tbe season. This will undoubtedly be one of the most interesting games played here this year. Coquille lost at Myrtle Point in the first game of the season but the boys have improved wonderfully. It is also understood that Myrtle Point bas also had some valuable addi­ tions to tbeir team Last Thursday the local Inde­ pendents defeated an Independent Bandon team by better than a 5 to i score, the final count being 57 to 11. This team has put up some of the best basket ball ever seen in the county, in the games they have played this season, and in the one Thursday their team-work was ex ­ ceptionally fine while the entire team showed great skill iu basket shooting. These teams play at Bandon in the near future and if it is possible fpr a visiting team to play there without falling victim to the smooth floor and lack of light, then the boys from here should win as they out class tbe Bandon team from start to finish. Tbe arrangement of the fittings of tbe new post office seems well adspteil to tbe convenience of the postmaster aud his assistants; but, 1 am in the market for Cbitbam unfortunately, that of tbe patrons Bark,Butchers’ and Farmers’ Hides, must have been entirely lost sight Wool, Pelts and Furs. of by the designer. G eo . T. M oulton Captain Hark Dunham is sending R. H. Southstone, accompanied a copy of last week’s Herald to the by bis wife and child, visited with Customs officers at Portland with a friends in Bandon the first of the note telling them that the article week and returned home Wednes­ thereto voices his sentiments re­ day. garding their letter to him, and sug­ Rev. ( ’. A. Bryan returned Satur­ gesting that if they waDt to bear day from North Bend, where he had from him again they inclose a stump been aesisting at revival meetings for reply. in the Methodist church during the School City Council week. Chat,. Page, of Bandon,* accom­ panied by bis wife and child, were I Coquille visitors on Thursday of last week. C A Machon bas added a roomy C. A. Gage, last Friday, roved the w oods with tw o big bloodhounds magazine rack to the equipment of I in search of varmintB, but he was bis news stand, which furnishes a convenience for tue buyers,as well ae unsuccessfu Knowlton’s Drug Stare carries a boosting the sales. full line of Garden and Field Seeds, William Meeker, a well-known | also tbe best Onion Sets at 10 cents old resident of this rity has just re­ per pound. turned from an extended stay in Dr. Hamilton of this city, who re­ California He expects to return moved f f c i . Croy’s arm at the Mer­ to the South in a few days. cy Hospital last week, reports his Large supply of Garden Seeds patient improving. both in packets ami in bulk at Knowlton’s Drug Store M. G. Puhi, of Bandon, came to (bis city last Tuesday to have Dr. Hsrry Folsom, traveling sales­ Richmond remove a cancer from his man for Tillman A Bendell, has just leturned from a trip down the coast lip. Prosecutiug Attorney L. A. Lil- ] as far as Gold Beach. He reports jequist returned Saturday from ‘ imes down the coast as being fairly Roseburg. He came by way of good. Mapleton. Miss Beulah Price returned Fri­ Representative O. R . Barrow re­ day from a visit to Daniels creek, turned the first of the week from where she will commence teaching Salem, where he has been uttending school March 15th in the district located about four miles from Coos the Legislature. It is both cheaper and better to River. buy your Garden Seed iu bulk. W . C. Laird went to the Bay Knowlton’e Drug Store yesterday to take the Mapleton It is reported by farmers on the stage line. He is going after Pent- river, that since the season bas land,who is wanted for his evidence closed for ducks they actually roost in the Russell murder case and who in their back yards. is being held for the arrival of the Mr. Liaird expected to get E. E. Johnson, of this city, bas officer. received word from bis sister at San back next Monday. Rafel, which reports his father to Thursday evening G e o r g e P. be slightly improved. Goodman had the misfortune to Jap Yoakam made a business split bis band open with an axe, trip to Mirtle Point Monday. This while cutting kiudlings. Geoige bas is bis first appearance for a week as only bten married a short time snd has evidently not become s cus- be h.is beeu sick4vitb lagrippe. Mrs Leon Gregory died at her tomed to a husband’s duties about Lome in the Fat Elk distiict Sat­ tbs house, one of which is to see urday night. It is reported (hat that hie wife cuts the kindlings. bt inorrhage her death. has been fitted up for him in tbe Traiu building FOR S A L E — Fresh milch cows, 31 head mohair goats, good ranch team, barber chair. Hill & Mur­ phy. If OLD NEWSPAPERS -Cheap at the Herald office. At its meeting last Thursday even­ ing, tbe city council opened tbe bids for $17,000 water bonds, snd found an offer from Wright A Co , of Denver, offering par and accrued interest and a preraiuu of $220.50, and one from the Lumbermen's Trust Co., of Portland, off: ring par and accrued interest and a premium of $234.25. The latter bidders were vouched for by L H Hazard, of the First National bank as a re­ liable concern, and their bid was ac­ cepted. Chairman Lyons, of the Street Committee, reported that tbe First street property owners had definite­ ly refused the so-called compromise offered bv the council aud had made a counter propoaition which invol­ ves the completion of the improve­ ment of the street with a four-inch concrete top. Mr. Lyons Baid that still another proposition was in pro­ cess of being worked out. No ac­ tion was taken. At the regular monthly meeting last evening nothing was done but to pay tbe usual batch of bills and chew tbe rag over pending and im­ pending problems. Adjournment was taken to Thurs­ day evening, when tbe necessary preliminaries to tbe city election on May 10th will be attended to. The proposed charter amendment which is mpessary for the validation of a bond issue such as has beeu banging fire for eometime will then be sub­ mitted to a popular vote. Ladies’ Aid Supper The George Washington chicken snpper given by the Ladies’ Aid of the Methodist church last Tuesday evening, while not so well attended as could have been wished, was I bur oughly enjoyed by those who were fortunate enough to be there. Dec­ orations of flags >md greens gave tbe oomfortable, well-lighted room a festive appearance. Little huckle­ berry trees, bung with candied cher­ ries, and standing in mounds of green moss on which lay a lit­ tle hatchet, formed the ceDter pieces for the attractively laid ta­ bles. Tbe menu was all that could be desired: Chicken, creamed pota­ toes, pickles, jellies, canned peaches, cake and coffee formed only part of the repast; and everything was de­ licious, sod in abundance. Won't Quit Smoking M. G. Pohl, one of the first set­ $6000 FOR A FARM— Here is a chance for a farmer; A 62-acre j tlers in this valley, who is now liv­ farm; 60 bottom land; 15 acres ing near Bandon. was in town Sat­ under plow and 15 acres more urday. He is taking treatment for slashed ready to burn; good creek a cancer which has developed on of running wster on tbe place. ; his lower lip. When asked if it Good house, and all necessary were a tobacco cancer, due to smok­ outbuildings. 16 miles from ing, be intimated that it made no Coquille, on plank road, mile particular diflerence, as he did not from postoffice andschool. Terms propose to quit smoking, which had on part if desired. Investigate been a comfort for many years and this if you want s farm. B. Fol­ was one of the hoax gar dan, the farm, the orchard, the poultrym.n tod the A reliable u d tale «aide to your purcKwm end a refer «-nee bool whit ____ thould be in tbe head, of every powmt A rk for catalog No. PO R TLA N D SEED C O . rORTlAND,ORE-T||>Dt Str. Elizabeth Regular aa the Clock San Francisco a n d Bandon Can Catch “Shiners” A sportsman of this city was in­ formed by Mr. Cattron, the U. S. District Inspector of Oregon, that it was not unlawful to catch the small fish called shiners, which abound in this river. Mr. Cattron is supposed to be good authority on any game laws of this state. He said that there was absolutely no law prohibiting tbe catching of these fish. Kenneth Lawrence is up Imm Pr spur, and -.lavs that the Pros per mill has shut down, o w in g to the fact that it h-s such a large sup­ ply o f lumber on b and that they have to watt until the steamer Elizabeth cotnes iu and takes it o ff tbeir bands, thus making room for the next shipment they intend saw­ ing Coquille is Best Morris Wisler, who accompanied Dr. Pettet on his tour of California last summer, returned here last Thursday. He came by the way of Gardiner and report« this place a regular gold mine alongside of tbe towns in the valley. He says that in some places the people are on the verge of starvation and that there are hundreds of idle men every­ where. have so much faith in Its curative pow­ ers that they offer One Hundred Dollars for any ease that It falls to cure. Send for list of testimonials. Address F. J. CHENEY A CO., Toledo, Ohio. Bold by nil Druggists, The. ! Take Hall's Family Pills for constipation. The Coquille Valley Creamery has just received a complete cheese- ■ making outfit. If tbe prices war- ] rant it this year, they will make cheese. T. B. Klock, of Seattle, who was recently in town says that he thinks that tbe price on cheese will be high enough so that this creamery can sell it to good advan­ tage. Mr. Klock bandlea all tbe butter and cheese that is shipped from the creameries on the river ami on tbe bay side. During the month of January the Coquille Creamery paid three and a half cents more for butter fat than waa paid in Humboldt County dur- tbat month Under the new tax law passed by tbe last legislature one half the tax can be paid by April first and tbe other balf by October firrt without any interest or penalty being added On any tax not paid by April first there will be added one per cent per month interest until Sept. first when they become delinquent and penalty added. • • • Have von paid the printer. M U SIC --------- C. A Corbit, our well-known lo­ cal taxidermist, expects to leave to­ day on the Nann Smith tor San Francisco, where he is taking a fine lot o f specimens ol Oregon’s game birds and animals. He is to have ------------------- ■---- bis exhibit in tbe Oregon building Deadtneu, tbe trapper, is reported on tbe fair grounds. Among the to have caught four wildcats od animals there are four deer, two Cunningham creek lately. bear and a large number of squir­ rels of different varieties. He also $100 Reward. $100 bas a large assortment ol birds, con­ The readers of this paper will bs to learn that there is at least one sisting of ducks, geese, eagles and1 8 leased readed disease that science has been to cure In all its stages. and that is all upland birds, Mr Corbtt recent­ able Catarrh. Hall s Catarrh Cure Is the only cure now known to the medical ly moved his stock to the old New j positive fraternity. Catarrh being a constitutional disease, requires a constitutional treat­ England building on tbe corner of ment. Hall’s Catarrh Cure Is taken in­ ternally, acting directly upon the blood Second and Hall streets. His wife and mucous surfaces i f the system, there­ destroying the foundation of the dis­ will look after the business during by ease. and giving the patient strength by building up the constitution and assisting bis absence. nature In doing its work. The proprietors New Tax Law of First-class fare only Up freight, per ton $7.50 3.00 E. & E. T. Kruse 24 California Street, San Francisco For Reservations J. E. NORTON A g e n t, C o q u ille , O r e g o n Closed Temporarily Will Have Exhibit Cheese Outfit Received L a r g e Assortment £ WILLIAMJÖN HAFFNERCD ENGKAVERSTRINTERS SCAVJUÏíá ___ D E N V E R . C Q I /Q Every Housewife Is Entitled To H ave The Heauy and Disagreeable Burden o f the Family Washing Made as Light as Possible. Our Service W ill D o The Trick COQUILLE LAUNDRY &ICE CO. The N e w Shoe Styles Z A r e Truly Feminine 6» ^ m. •» ^ ®- N ever h a v e w o m e n ’s s h o e s played a m ore important part in correct toilette than during the com in g Fall and W inter Seasons. A s is usual, ou r stock com prises all o f the accepted m od es for formal an d informal wear. Their elegan ce o f curve and contour is restrained by g o o d form — refined b y g o o d taste. D evoid o f all exaggeration, I U tz &D unn C o ~ •• ( m * "* \ footwear fa Women m ake their a p p eal to every w om an w h o appreciates g o o d form , g o o d and unusual w earing qualities. ** Y o u o w e it t o yourself and to you r p o ck e tb o o k to exam ine these splen- d id n ew m od els before m aking you r selection. •» store. Y o u are alw ays assured o f courteous treatment and expert fitting at o i r ^ ^ ^ " 9 l L Y O N S & JO N E S ; — --------------- -• Iiiiiiiiiiiim iitiu m iu u tiiu