T he C oquille H erald VOL. 33, NO. 19 CITY DIRECTORY FROM THF NATIONAL CAPITAL COQUILLE, COOS COUNTY. OREGON, TUESDAY, JANUARY 26. 1915. PER YEAR $1.50 INDUSTRIAL REVIEW punch iuto his Indiana speech that insenate craze for the new and sen even blissiul Washington was start­ sattonal, however, led to an end- ____ led No President has so carefully Fratemai and Benevolent Order less multiplication ot new dances, Events of Interest Reported kept his own council in recent Compiled by State Bureau of with an inevitable result of contu­ K, A A. M. — Regular meeting of For The Herald Industries and Statistics . Chadwick Lodge No. 68 A. F. A A. years, and Mr. Wilson, leeling that sion aDd conflict concerning approv­ M.. at Masonic Hail, every Saiunlay his case had been established, went Official Report of W ater Board Shows That City Has a ed dances And now even tbe danc- , ~ night in each month on or before the (By J. E Jones ) full uioon. I). 1). Piaaca, W. M. abroad, and after defying all critics, iog masters forsee in this tendency P" ,hinK for a ctn* Splendid and Profitable Investment in Munic­ K. ff. M art . Secretary. QUEZON AND HIS RACK let it be understood that he would a certain amount of danger to their ; nery ipal W ater and Electric Plants K. S.—Kegu.ar meeting of Beulah business, and they therefore are Marshfield is to have a new state Commissioner Quezon o f the be the Democratic candidate for 1916 . Chapter No. 6, second and fourth ! ready to call a halt. When the new *)*n'c- Friday evemuga of each month, in Ma­ Philippine Islands, suggests that Democrats in congress declare that j (Fiom Eugene Morning Registet) ; provided, aud, as elsewhere noted, sonic flail. dances first came into fashion they i Baker has organized a county his people be permitted to vote upon the Preaideot has put across some M ahy A. P ikbck , W. M. According to the report of tbe the revenues have lreen ample for were danced mainly by those who humane society, A nna L awkkncb Sec., the question of separation from the “ great stuff,” while the Republicans water board filed with the city coun­ this purpose, which i» indeed grati­ j “ tripped the light fantastic” peril- Baker is shipping point for the United Stales, and be frankly states who have not forgotten the mis­ 0 . O. F .—Coquille Lodge No. 53,1. O cil last night the net earnings ol fying ously near the borderland of respec- warehouse industry, . O. F., meets every Saturday night it as his opinion that the Filipinos chief of the Taft tariff speech at the municipal electric power plant “ The total number ol active ac- j tability That these dances should n Odd Fellows Hall. desire to contiuue under the pro­ Winona, declare that Mr. Wilson Eugene cannery took 2,000,000 C. H. C l k a v k s , N. Q. and lighting system from June 10, couuts on our customers’ ledger con­ invade the domain of the emiuentlv has put his foot as deep in the mud J. 8. I. awhkncb , Sec. tection of the Uuited States, though lbs. fruit from growers. One 1914, to December 10, 1914, am­ tinue to show an active growth. respectable was a foregone conclu­ be positively declaims iu favor of as Taft's was in the mire. $20,000 contract for dyking let at a m if , r e b e k a H l o d g e , No. 20 thing is certain, and that is that the ounted to $7.242 54 The gross Records showing 1671 active ac­ sio n . In all essential particulars I. O. O. F., meets every second and •elf government. Perhaps Mr. Que­ mouth of Wilson river. earnings for that period were $30,- counts as of January 1, 1915. fourth Wednesday nights in Odd Fellows zon is afraid of the Japanese domi­ mild-maunered Woodrow Wilson ' they were the product of the “ high- Hall. E m ily H kkbky , N. O, Reported contract let for railroad 222.47, out of which was paid oper­ “ It will be recalled that belore class under world” of foreign coun- nation, and it has been suggested out-Wilsoned himself in casting dis­ A n n i * L a w b s n c i , S ec. ating expenses and interest on bond­ the municipal utility first entered tbe 1 tries, shorn only of their malodo­ from Salem to Stayton. cretion to the four winds, and in that he wants to take neme an issue /"»O Q U ILLE ENCAMPMENT, No. 25 ed indebtedness to'the amount of commercial field about three years rous associations by being taken up Florence— Shipping moss becom­ V^/ 1. O. O. F., meets the tint and third for his people to vote upon, so that unbosoming himself to the country. Thursday nights in Odd Fellows Hall. Therefore the Indianapolis speech $15,034 73, Io addition the value ago, the citizens of Eugene were by irreproachable social circles in ing a big industry here. be and his lellow politicians who J. 8. B abton , 0 . ? . of the electrical properties was in­ paying a maximum rate of 15c per America. Bandon spent $70,000 for sewer control the situation may be per­ is a record-marker, and should be J. S .L aw hb n cb , Sett. But the transition went on That and street work in 1914. carefully studied by every Ameri­ creased by new construction and ex ­ kilowatt hour for lighting service, petuated. At each session of Con­ i r NIGHTS OF PYTHIAN.—Lycurgus tension to the amount of $7.945.20, and when tbe municipal utility was which come from the social fringe lS . Lodge No. 72, meets Tuesday nights gress Quezon makes a speech, and can voter. Salem is to have a state institu­ which leaves a net balance on hand ready for commercial service, we was appropriated by the socially in W. 0 . W. Hall. tion for crippled children. SUFFRAGE BEFORE CONGRESS he hammers well at the Queen’s K . K . W a t s o n , K R . 8. of $7,242,54 Tbe gross revenue set the maximum rate for lighting daring, and in turn by the dancing O. A. M in t o n y b . C. C. English, considering the fact that One firm has shipped out 90 car­ The suffragists, like some other for the entire year shows a total ol service at 9c per kilowatt hour. public as a whole. The craze ran loads of Hood River apples. J jY T H IA N SISTERS—Justus Temple he was formerly one of the insurrec­ members of society are ever with us its course until the element of ex­ $63.841.68 as against $36,928.73 Effective with tbe issuance of the 1 No. 35, meets first and Third Mon­ tionists. At the time o( the Ameri­ and the “ fair ones” have been im­ for 1913. an increase of $6,912 95 Cottage Grove Manufacturing day nights in W. O. W. Hall. bills September 1, 1914, and cover­ clusiveness ceased to exist. That can occupation Quezon was em Mss. G e ibob D a v i s , M. E. C. pressing themselves upon Washing­ Co. has resumed operations. which nobody had ever danced be­ During the same period the water ing August meter readings, tbe M b s . F bbi > I. in e u a b , K . o f R ployed in a bank, but be left his ton again. President Wilson has fore was irresistibly alluring to those Burns— Tbe J. C. Turney oil well ED MEN— Coauille Tribe No, 46, 1. job to join Aguinaldo, and although given the ladies small comfort, as department’s net earnings amounted water board announced a further near here is down 2130 leet. who wanted new things, and espec­ O. R. M., meets every Friday night he may not be as good a fighter as to $6.404 62 Gross receipts from reduction in lighting rates from 9c he always tells them to take their i n W. O. W. Hall. ially things which were looked upnn Haines—J F. O'Bryant w i l l the water department amounted to maximum per kilowatt hour to 8c J. 8. B a b t o n , Sachem. his chief, be furnished more noise. affairs up with the different states. askance by the conservative. But erect a 60 by ion public ball and A. P. M ii . l k b , C. of R. maximum per kilowatt hour, like­ $ 24 . 4«5 73, out of which was paid He talked as fast as a race hoise, Congress gives inch by inch on the operating expenses and interest on wise power service from 5c per kilo­ that which everybody danced lost theatre. , W. A. ■ — —Regular W. A Kego 1 ar meetings u met i ■ i 8* of OI Bea- * “ »nd the Filipinos sent him to proposition, and the recent develop­ __ L. ver Camp No. 10.550 in M. W . A. bonded indebtedness to the amount watt hour to 4Jic per kilowatt hour. its attraction for the exclusive, ihe The Oregon Mill & Grain Co. at Hall, Front street, first and third Sat­ Washington. He is still talking, ments in the House demonstrate the commonplace, as usual, being unat­ Baker will establish a flouring mill This reduction was made after care­ of $15,983 86, while the system was urdays in each month. and be never fails lo make a good fact that only an overwhelming C. D. H u d so n , onsu 1. tractive. Tbe demand for new at Haines. case for bis people. Should there puDlic sentiment can bring that increased by new construction and ful study ot present aud probable Li. I I . I r v in e , le rk. dances became so insistent that extensions amouuting to $2,027.25, future conditions. There is no Couch and Shattusk schools at N. A.— Regular meeting of Laurel ever be absolute independence in body to vote in favor ot submitting thousands of people who really en­ • amp No. 2972 at M. W . A . Hall, the Islands, Quezon would likely the question of a constitutional leaving a net balance on baud ot question ot a doubt but that turtber Portland put in Fess oil burners to joy dancing were unable to keep up Fronti street, second and fourth Tues­ cost $t6o,ooo. be the first Geo. Washington of the amendment to the states. While day n ghts in each month. with the unceasing inventions. Iu M a r y K e b n , Oracle. establishment. But even that would suffrage has been gaining there is Railroad economies 'compel cut­ Dallas,as in every other communit), E d n a K ei . l e y , Rec. GERMAN CROWN PRINCE AND SON. not be anv too great comfort for a little to indicate that it will carry ting out all advertising folders tor it is a common experience to hear O. W .— Myrtle amp No. _197, Commissioner who has enjoyed the as a uational measure in many years. . m eets every Wednesday at 7:30 conservative dancers express their western states. salubrious climate, a n d wotked One reason for this is that Congress­ p. m. at W. O. W. Hall. Mable— Sawmills here will oper­ disgust that the craze has “ spoiled Lee Currie, C. C. himself into the pleasant wayi of men are perfectly willing to orate J ohn I. r n r v e , S ec. tbe game.” And, because they are ate Feb. 1, with prospects for $2 00 the Capital of the United States in favor of woman’s suffrage, and hopelessly behind the times, if they raise in lumber. VENINGTIDK CIRCLE N o . 214, UNCLE SAM’ LL GET YOU A JOB they “ think it may work fine in meets second and fourth Monday cannot gyrate and wiggle and dip Fort Rock— Cougar Valley is to nights in W . O. W. Hall. Some of the Cabinet officials at somebody else's state,” but they and trot, they have stopped dancing be supplied with telephone service O ra X . M a u r y , G. N. M a r y A. P ie r c e , Clerk. Washington have arrived at the do not at heart welcome it, or any altogether. There is not euough at $15 per share. vitality in any pastime or pursuit ' A K M K U S U N I O N . — Regul ar me e t ­ proper conclusion that in America other reform that has their own fu­ The Multnomah delegation will ings second and fourth Saturdays in there is a job for everybody, and ture in keeping. Equal suffrage which depends upon novelty and ask the legislature fur a $1,000,000 each month in W. O. W. Hall. they have picked out the postmast­ gets too close to the Congressman’s sensationalism to keep it alive, and state highway fund. F r a n k B u r k h o l d e r , Pres. C .'L . M i n , , . n y a, Sec. ers as ike goals. Every man who job to particularly appeal to him. therefore it is not surprising that Siuslaw Port Commission has r a t e r n a l a i d N o . 398, meets the wants a job is supposed to tell the the pendulum is swing back to the authorized sale of $100,000 bonds h o w ' s your h e a l th second and fourth Thursdays each man at the general delivery window old dances. for harbor improvement. month at W. O. W. Hall. Senator Works of California, has The Department of Labor is the V. r s . C h a s . E v i . a n d , Pres. made a notable attack on the Public W hat a Kilowatt is The California-Oregon Power Co. M rs . L ora H ar k in o to n , Hec. real instigator of the plan, but has Health Service, airaiguing it as an- plant that burned at Ashland is be­ Educational Organizations and Clubs been obliged to fall back on the A couple ol weeks ago the Her­ ing rebuilt at a cost of $10,000. Post Office and Agricultural De­ “ autocratic power to restrain and ald published an explanation of O Q l i l I. L K E D U C A T I O N A L imprisou a citizen and prescribe Jacksonville— A placer mine a LEAGUE—Meets monthly at the partments to help it in the execu­ wliat a kilowat is, but as it was quarter ot a mile east, at a depth of High School Building during the school tion of the work, as its own force is and enforce tbe habits of the peo­ couched in rather technical lan­ 43 feet is paninng great quautitief year for the purpose oi discussing edu­ ple.” While attacking the "doctor’s rather insufficient. cational topics. guage we give below another defin- of gold. trust” the Senator prescribes as a K kna A r d k r so n , Pies. Students of the problem do not E dn a M in a k u , Sec. ation which we find in an exchange remedy lor the ills and difficulties Portland mining men will build bank much on the new plan of solu­ aud which makes it as clear us tbe of mankind that everyone lake up O K EEL KLUB—A business men’ s tion and since the percentage of a gold quartz mill on the Deschutes ordinary citizen has any use for. social organization. Hall in Laird s Christian Science. The Senator’s near Terrabonne to be running by population is more than double in building, Second street. Manager McKenna of the Oregon panacea for human ills may not A. J. S h e r w o o d , Pies. May 1st. cities as compared with the rest of Power Co . says that it is a good F rr d S d ao le , 6 e .. appeal to a very large precentage ol _____ of the country, to what it was a Ontario— D. M. Taggart has in­ popular explanation ot this misun­ /C O M M E R C IA L L l.U b L.H H a z a r d f is b . . tbe public, yet there is nothing new vented a single-tree of ten times or­ L/ President; C. A. HowARD.Secrutary quarte. ol a century ago, it is De derstood term: in bis attack upon the American ‘ lieved by those best qualified to An E stern editor explains what dinary strength and will manufac­ Medical Association as a “ powerful Transportation Facilities know that the true relict exists in V \ a kilowat is by saying that after ture same here political organization,’’ and in sup­ ! . . — making a success ot the “ back to Last naif of December west Coast diligent inquiry he finds that a kilo­ RAINS—Leave, south bound 9.00 a. port of this oft-repeated charge is m. and 3:00 p. m. North bound the farm m ov em en t, which was so wat isa kilowat, to which a West­ points shipped 24,000,000 feel of the difficulty experienced in such P h o t o by A m s r l c a n Presa A s s o c i a lio n . 1 0:40 a. nr. and 4:40 p. ni. ______ near and dear to the hearts of poli- ern editor replies by defining a kilo­ lumber to San Francisco. Coos schools of medicine as Homeopathy, y y OATS— Six boats plying on the Co- ticians a few years ago, but which Bay sent 9,000,000 feet. reductions are possible with the wat more fully as follows: D qoille riv e r «(lord ample accoramo- appears to have been abandoned Osteopathy, Eclectics, etc., in fight­ $6,404.62. Now let us enlighten you as to After being closed down for two ing their way into recognition. In Net revenues from both water united support and patronage of all gerTto Viandim'are / way'potms. lion’s because of the difficulties it pre- what a kilowat is. A kilowat is a months, the three shingle mills op­ olden times all roads lead to Rome, and light departments, according to electric consumers. If each two eave at 7 :30, 8 :30, 9 " :20 and 9 :C0 ‘ sented. and today there are plenty of peo­ the report amounted to $13,644,16. customers collectively will unite in measure or weight or a certain erated by the L. B. Menefee Lum­ and at 1:00, 3:30 and 4:45 p. m. THE RING IS STILL THERE ple at the side of each road that The council ordered the report their efforts and secure but one new term by which we can find out how ber Company in tbe Columbia Riv­ A good many politicians have will tell you postively that it is the placed on file for future considera­ customer for the municipality utility much gasoline, to generate a cer­ er district will start up January 18. parts 5:3 0 p. 111 . for K isebnrg yin Myrtle Point,carrving the United Slates been getting a lot of comfort out of sure pathway to health. tion. T h e ovation given Governor during the coming year this condi­ tain amount o f electricity, to load mail and pasengers. the supposed retirement of Colonel The statement shows that the tion can be brought about. an amount o f wire with a certain Withycombe at his inauguration ■nOSTOFFICE.—A. F. Lincgar, post- “ MADE IN AMERICA” cost of the power plant and distribut­ amount of energy sufficient to pro­ will be forgotton compared to the X master. The mails close as follows : Roosevelt who described himself This department has in its files Myrtle Point 8:40 a. m. and 2:35 p. m. recently as the “ privates! kind of a " I pledge myself for the welfare ing system was $317.219.57. while duce a certain amount of heat that one he will receive if he unloads a perhaps a dozen letters of inquiry, Marslilield 10:15 a. in. and 4:15 p. in. Recently it has of my country, while tbe war lasts, the cost of the water plant and filter when forced through a certain kind million dollars a year ofl the tax­ Bandoo and way points,7 a m. Norway private citizen.” received during the past year from and AragolJ :45 p.m. Eastern mail 4:15 been discovered that all that is lack­ to demand and buy, whenever pos­ system was $212,22586, making a of platinum wire that is suspended payers. as many different towns and cities a. m. Eastern mail arrives 10: p. m. ing to make the picture ol Progres- sible, everything made in the U S. grand total of $529,445 43. in a certain shaped glass bottle will in the Northwest seeking informa­ Funds on band in the electrical siveism complete is lor the Colonel A ., and urge my friends to do like­ illuminate 1 certain amount ot C ity and County Officers tion as to Eugene’s successful meth­ department, $33,043 61; in the wat­ to toss off his hat, as it has develop­ w ise” Mayor ............................... A. T. Morrison od of operation and handling of a space in certain buildings as in such The names of wives of Cabinet er department, current, $22,77664. Fort Worth. Texas.— President Chaa. R e c o r d e r ...............................J . K. I-awrence ed that the ring is still where it municipal utility under municipal case made and provided You find S. Barrett of the Farmers' Educational Treasurer......... ...................... R. H. Mast used to be officers, Governors, and prominent cash on hand. $180 42, and bond Aud the intimate out by certain figures in simple pro­ and Co-operative Union of America City Attorney L. A. Liljeqvist ownership. Eugene is gaining a portion. You multiply the gas by has announced the reappointment oC Flnginee- .................... P. M. Hall-Lewis friends of the Colonel in Washing­ public men have been subscribed to funds, $40,999 31, making a grand similar distinction to that which Marshal ................................ A. P. Miller ton declare that there will be three this pledge, and the people of tbe total on hand of $197,799.54. the co n scie n ce o f the proprietor o f! Peter Radford as lecturer o f the Na- Seattle enjoys bv the reason of that Night Marshal.............. Oscar WicKham (After discussing at some length Un,0D dur,n« the comln* y~ r Water Superintendent S. V. Ep|ierson tickets in the field in 1916, and so Uoited States are asked to come to city possessing a successful munici­ the electric ligh t plant, d iv id e this ,lonal Extensive plane have been outlined And the condition of the water system, Fire C h l a c t h e local politician s can »tart figur- tbe support of the principal by the meter on the w all, and add for publicity work throufhout the na- C o u n c ilm e n — D . D . P ierce, C . T. S k e e ls \ , ...........................s pal utility. Municipal ownership whatever you cannot multiply. The tlon to be carried on through Mr. Rad­ C. I. Kime, G. O. Leach, W . H. Ly- m g out w hether this Up is im por- who will dispute but what the contemplated improvements, exten­ is no longer a theory and a far ons, O. C. Sanlord. Regular meetings tant or not. league responsible for this work is sions, etc , the report concludes as answer will come in dollars and ford's department. Thie publicity away dream, but is a practical re­ first and third Mondays each month. work will be modeled on the lines ot pet forming as useful a mission as follows:) cents. Just divide these by the the educational work done In Teiaa THE FIGHT OF THE RAILROADS ality and has developed slowly and Commercial Lighting and Power price you pay per kilowat and mul on the subject o f farm problems. Justice of the Peace.......... J. J. Stanley In former days the railroads the ladies of society who go about System-—Extensions necessary to conservatively into a movement tiply again and find out what a kil­ Constable............. .............Ned C. Kelley fought their battles before legisla­ with their knitting needles and | take care of new business have been ! which is growing throughout the owat is. It is something you can't tures, and their agents wrote out yarn, and boast of their accomplish­ I land with a force similar to other Co-operative thinking is tha blggeet County Judge ................. John T. Hall ments in making socks for soldiers 1 made wherever retu ns have war­ see, that you pay for according to problem that confronts the farmer to­ Commissioners—W. T. Dement, Geo. J. passes that filled many trainloads. great economic movements of the ranted. likewise other equipment Armstrong what someone tells you who don't day. Today the railroads are making a LAYING IT ON TO BRYAN Clerk .............. James Watson in connection therewith has been present time know what he is talking about and Sheriff W. W. Gage vigorous fight but it is to convert It has become wonderfully popn- proves bv a meter that runs by No f»r™er can afford to buy a thing Treasurer ......................T. M. Dimmick the public to their way of thinking. ■ , , . , . he can raise, no matter how cheap It lir to "lay it on to Bryan.” no mat­ Assessor ................................ T. J. Thrift favor. Strange to relate, moreover, guess and by gad and is attached to it Old Dances Coming Back School Supt..............Raymond E. Baker They are spending fortunes in get­ ter wh .1 happens. His friends say Surveyor .................... • A. N. Gould ting their side of the case printed, ____________ the dancing masters are encourag­ the wall by a hired man with ma- that the answer lies in the tact C oron er......... F. E. Wilson chine grease on his nose You Lew A. Cates relieves his leelings Co-operation la the force that keapa and into the hands of the American ing this movement and helping it Health Officer.......... _D r. Walter Cnlin that Bryan stands for prohibition, in the Polk County Observer with along. Everyone who dauced was know just how many kilowats you the wolf from the door. people Cards are all down on the and that tbe liquor interests are tbe following observations, which anxious to learn tne new steps, and have bad, just what they cost table at last, and it is to the public Is your farm declaring dividends, striving to annihilate him through Societies will g e t the very best probably apply to the situation in classes and private pupils gave the apiece, but don’t know how big or are you In the tenant class? that the former autocrats now ap­ cowardly ridicule. they are, what they look like, who Coquille as well as elsewhere: P R IN T IN G peal for a “ square deal.” instructors all tbe work they could made them, what shape they are, A farm la a business establishment, And now it is claimed that the attend to, with remunerative re­ if all are of the same size or how THE PRESIDENT’ S SPEECH at the office of Coquille Herald Try • Herald want ad for any i and should be so operated. old dances are coming back into turns for themselves, ol course. The old they are before they are ripe. President Wilson put so much thing you want to bov or sell. A Municipal Ownership A Success in Eugene O 1 M R M R W E F F C K r S RADFORD REAPPOINTED