Coquille herald. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1905-1917, January 19, 1915, Image 1

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    T he C oquille H erald
VOL. 33.
PER YEAR $1.50
NO. 18
If You Have Any News
Get It to the Editor
Fraternal and Bendbolent Order
Events of Interest Reported
K. * A. M.—Regular meeting ol
For The Herald
• Chadwick Lodge No. 88 A. F . & A.
M.. at
Maaonic Hall, every Haiurday
night in each month on or before the
full moon.
D. I). P i u c i , W. M.
K. H . M ast , Secrotary.
0 .
C h aplerN o. il, second and fourtn
Frhlay evetnngs o( eacli uionth, in Ma*
sonie Hall.
M abv A. P ikrck , W. M.
A nna L awkknce Se c.,
T l). O. F .—Coquille Loi)#« No. 53,1. O.
1 . O. F ., mecta every Satunlay mght
n Odd Fellowa Hall.
C. H . C lkavbb , N. O.
J . JL -t.AWKKNCK, Bec.
I. O. O. F .. meeta every second ami
fourth Wednesday nights in Odd Fellows
E mily H h u s k y , N. G,
A nnik L a w k k n c k . S e c .
W I. O. O. F ., meets the firatand third
Thursday nights in Odd Fellows Hall.
J . S. B arton , C. P.
J . S.L awkknck , Sec.
, ,
U Lodge No. 72, meeta Tuesday nights
in \V. O. W. H all.
It. R. W a tso n , K R . S.
O. A. M in t on y b . C. C.
i j YTHIAN SISTER S—Justus Temple
1 No. 35, meets first and Third Mon­
day nights iu W. O. W. Hall.
Mss. G bokok D a v i s , M. E . C.
Mns. F rkd L i . n koak , K. of U
M E N —Coanille Tribe No. 40 , 1 .
R O. R. M„ meets every Friday night
In W. O. W. Hall.
J . S. B arton , Sachem.
A. P . M il i . kk . C. of R.
W. A. -R eg u lar meetings of Bea-
• ver Camp No. 10,550 in M. W . A.
Hall, Front street, first and third Sat­
urdays in each month.
C. D. H u d s o n , onsu 1.
L l H. I rvin k , le rk.
N. A .—Regular meeting of Laurel
. amp No. 2972 at M. W . A . Hall,
Fronti street, second and fourth Tues­
day n Khts in each month.
M ar y K k r n , O racle.
E dna K kl l ky , Ree.
Ñm 197,
O. W .— Myrtle
a meets every Wednesday
p. in. a t W . O. W. Hall.
at / 30
Lee Currie, C. C.
J ohn I. kn kvk , Sec.
'V EN IN G T ID E C IR C LE No. 214,
L meets second and fourth Monday
nights in W. O. W. Hall.
O ka X . M aury , G. N.
M ary A. P ikrck , Clerk.
¿ F a r m e r s u n i o n .— R eg ular
■ • «*
ings second and fourth Saturdays in
each month in W. O. W. Hall.
F ra n k B c r k h o l d k r , Pres.
O. A. M i nto ny b , Sec.
A T E R N A L AID No. 398, meets the
F 'R second
and fourth Thursdays each
month at W. O. W . Hall.
M rs . C h a s . K v l a n d , Pres.
M rs . L ora H akkington , Sec.
Educational Organizations and Clubs
a t)
L EA G U E —Meets monthly at the
High School Building during the school
year lot the purpoae ol discussing edu­
cational topics.
R rna A bu krs on , P ie s .
E on * M i nab u , Sec.
K E E L K LU B—A business men s
K O social
organization. Hall in L a ir d s
building, Second street.
A. J . S h k r w o o d . P .es.
F rkd S l « ulk , rie».
1 it
(By J. E- Jones.)
Fornur President Taft has been
in Washington, and he has told a
Committee of Congress that he. “ is
in a position to s?y what he be-!
He is "dead against” ;
turning the Fiiipiuos loose, and re-I
calls that when P’ -sideul McKinley
sent him to the Isands as Governor I
General that lie told him "we havei
got the bear bj the tail and we
must stay and bold it.” Mr Tail
is of the same opinion still, and be
P h oto by A m erican Presa A ssociation .
quotes some of bis native friends in
the Islands as haring said: "Your
steamers would noi go around Cor­ or of inferior grade when they reach portant legislation now is planned
regidor Island before the throat-cut­ the consumers.
and written in the executive branch
ting would begin.” He added that
of government and forced through
“ I verily believe that to be true.”
Congress partly by the aid of pat-
The most harmless thing the Sen­ ronage ” He expresses the belief
The former President says that 90
per ceut ol tbe people ol the Islands ate can do is to fight with the Pres­ that "Such a procedure is a menace
are unfit for self-government, and ident over jobs. Of course the re­ to popular and representative gov-
that such a policy if put into effect sults may be disappointing to the ernment— it is the beginning of a
would lead to a duplication of what fellows who are not confirmed, but dictatorship.”
is taking place in Mexico today. that is of negligible consequence.
He says it will be thirty years be­ The President is following in the
Even the immigration bill as it
fore the Filipino will he capable of
the Senate exempts the Bel­
assuming their own responsibilities
ing recess appointments, thereby gians and the farmers from that
with reference to government.
keeping some of his friends in office. country can come into the United
The Senate proposes to investigate States, no matter whether qualified
There has been no cessation rf this method ot “ beating them to or not, under tbe general terms ot
discussion in Washington concern­ it.” and a committee has been ap­ the aot, which carries a provision
ing the President's note of protest pointed to look into tbe matter
for literary test. Tbe American
against British interference with
people are sympathetic lor all the
neutral ships and cargoes. Not for
war-stricken people of Europe, but
No doubt the western railroads
a long time has there been any such
their hearts bleed most profusely
display of unanimity in and out of have been greatly encouaged by the for the Belgians— do matter wheth­
Congress as the announcement of success of the eastern roads in get­ er it is neutral or not.
this step by tbe Administratiou has ting an increase in rates, and they
called forth. It has been known have arranged with tbe Interstate
A Pendleton Manufacturer of
for some lime that the work of pre­ Commerce Commission to give them toilet preparations makes a house to
paring diplomatic representations
house canvass to introduce her line,
on this subject was under way, but the matter will be taken up in Chi­ and gives a free treatment at an up-
the strong tone and plain language cago next month. The petition to-date beauty parlor to each pur­
employed have surprised and de­ from the western roads differs from chaser.
lighted—supporters as well as crit­ that of the easterners in that it does
ics of the foreign policy of the A d­ not ask for a horizontal raise, but
ministration. It has come as a increases based upon traffic condi­
great relie: to the members ot Con­ tions and upon the movemen' of in­
gress who have been trying to ex­ dividual classes and commodities.
plain to their indignant constitu­ Tbts is alleged to amount to Irom
ents whose shipments were held up two to three per cent in some cases
or interfered with by Erttish cruis­ to at high as twenty-five per cent
ers why nothing was being done in in other instances. The petitions
response to their complaints. Sen­ will be vigorously contested hy
ator Walsh, of Montana, whose many of the western states.
These railroad rate hearings are
state has been especially hard hit by
beyond the mere fact that
the practical stoppage of the copper
trade with neutral countries, ex­ they are the basis of a readjustment
pressed the prevailing view of Eng of rates, as they demonstrate that
land’s motives when he called at­ there is a proper tribunal lor the
tention to the tact that her course settlement of such matters. Form­
was giving British concerns an ov- erly it was a case of "jockeying”
erwhelming advantage in corapet with legislatures and Congressmen
L . H . H azard
, ,
President; C. A. H o w a r d , Secretary m g for the trad e h eretofore
o m m e r c ia l uluo
in the
bands oi the neutrals.
Congressman Lewis ol Maryland
Transportation Facilities
“jumped into” the parcel post bat
tie just after it had been won by
RAINS—Leave, south botimi 9.00 a.
It was entirely natural that the James L Cowles and other veterans
m. and 3 :00 p
defeat of the piohibition measure in who bad spent a quarter of a cen­
, 1 ) :40 a. m. and 4 ;40 p. m.
t h e House o f Eepreeentatives tury in fighting for the reform, and
»OATS—Six boats plying on the Oo-
13 quille river afTord’ample aeemumo- should be followed by the sugges- shrieked loudly: "See, I did it.”
dation lor carrying freight and
tjQ|] , ba( Qong ress might apply pro­
The strange part of all is that he
uers to Bandoli and way points.
hibition to tbe District ol Columbia. got away with the claim, and a
I eave at 7 :30, 8 :30, 9 :20 and 9 £ 0
and at 1 :00, 3 :30 ami 4 :45 p. nr..
There is an old saying that experi­ whole lot of misguided people have
C*TAGE—J . L. Laird, proprietor. De- ments should first be "tried out on
ever since been calling him tbe
O part« 5 :3 0 p. in. for Kaseburg via
Myrtle Point,carrving the United Slates the dog,” and since the early seven­ "Father oTthe Parcel Post.”
mail and pasengers.
ties Congress has been using the Mr. Lewis declares that "w e are
ryOriTOFFIGE — A. F . Linegar, poet­ District ot Columbia for that pur­
going to keep at this government
i c master. The mails close as follow*: pose. The result is that Washing­
ownership proposition of telegraph
Myrtle Point 8 :4 0 a. m. ami 2:35 p. 1 1 1 .
Marshfield 10:15 ». m. and 4:15 p. ui. ton has become a sort of commer­ and telephone lines the same as we
Bandon and way points,7 a m. Norway cial morgue, and such a thing as
did with tbe parcel post until we
anti A ragolJ:45 p . m . Eastern mail 4:15
public spirit is as scarce as British win ” The whole spirit of modern
a. in. Eastern mail arrives 10: p. ni.
enthusiasm in Berlin. Congress effort in governmental lines is be­
City and County Officers
has provided the most inane excise ing devoted to securing better re­
.............................. A. T. Morrison laws for the District, and it is con
sults from the regulation of tne
R ecorder....................................................J - ». Lawrence
T reasu rer...................................R- H. Mast tinously tearing up the local ma­ domestic affairs of the country, and
City Attorney
L. A. Liljeqvist
chinery of misgovernment so that it is doubtful if there is more than
Engineer ................... f- M. Hall-Lewis
Marshal ...................................A. P. Miller few people will confess that they a corporal’s guard in Congress that
N i g h t Marshal..................Oscar W ick I ihui are actual residents ol Washington,
could be mustered in favor of a
W ater Superintendent S. V. Epperson
, W. 0 . Chase which though a deligbtiul "parlor government plan for telephone lines,
Fire Ohiet..........
Councilmen — D. I). Pierce, L. r. rikeels of the n a tio n ,” does not even per
telegraph lines, clothes lines, rail­
C. I. Kime, G. O. Leach, W . H. Ly-
P erh ap s
ons, O. C. Sanford. Regular meetings m it its citizen s to vote
roads, or any similur proposition.
first and third Mondays each month. tbe people o f the D istrict of C o lu m ­
The federal government as ad
bia m igh t be willing to adopt p ro­
under the last three Ad
Ju stice of the Peace........... J . J . 8tanley
Constable..............................Ned C. Kelley hib ition , and tty it o u t, it they had ministrations is proud of its accom­
an y say in the m atter. B u t th ey |
plishments with reference to regul­
County Judge
John T. Hall h ave no voice in their ow n aflairs, I ating and "busting” the trusts;
Commissioners—W. T. Dement,Geo. J . and tbey d eclate th at C o n g ress has
and the thought of the day is to se-
. Jam es Watson no moral right to apply legislation . cure ,>jr and ,,qaare ,ef?isIati
Clerk .......... -..
W. W. Gage to them that they cannot command reprfssioD when nece„ aty, through
Sheriff........... ..
Treasurer ___
#ucb ageodes „ the In,ersUte Com-
Assessor............ .................... T. J . Thrift for the whole people.
School Supt.
Health Officer
Raymond E . Baker
A. N. Gc tld
K. E . Wilson
Dr. W alter Culin
violation of law declared forfeited,
Appointment of assistant attorney
general to assist the local district
attorney at a salary Sf not over $200
a month is provided, but legislature
may change flat salary to fee sys-
Fines collected under the law go
to the county in which conviction
is obtained
Negligent officials may be re­
moved by civil action.
Private citizens may employ at­
torneys with their own funds to be
recognized as associate counsel in
prosecuting violations
Prosecuting officers are authoriz­
ed to swear witnesses and to make
them sign their testimony. Relusal
of witnesses to be sworn is construed
a misdemeanor subject to fine.
Exact definition of liquor sold
is not required in complaint, and
trial be had as on one count.
State has light ol appeal on legal
Physicians or pharmacists con­
victed more than once of violating
law will have licenses revoked.
Fines become lien on property in
which violation took place.
Copy of internal revenue stamp
prima facie evidtnee of sale.
"It is not enough for a large com­
munity that advertising should be
correctly used to stimulate business
and to promote general prosperity.
The home newspaper is a social and
intellectual thing as well as a med­
ium of busiuess. One cannot serve
the community better than by see­
ing that interesting items get to tbe
editor. Tbe editor is no mind
reader call him up and tell him
To do so is tbe neighborly thing,
the kindly thing— a courtesy not to
tbe publisher alone but to every­
one in tbe district who might he in­
terested in your little item ”
Whenever Eric W. Allen, head of
the department of journalism at the
University of Oregon, speaks tn a
town, he urges the citizens to get
behiod their home paper in both a
business and a news way on the
ground that the newspaper can be
made a wonderful agency for build­
ing up a community," Mr. Allen
means not merely the community
whose business men are prospering,
and whose laborers ate all at work,
but the community that is a teal
social and intellectual center. He
looks to the home paper as tbe most
powerful means within reach of
bringing about this kind ol "suc­
“ If you can once get all your
people into the way of voluntarily
pouring these interesting scraps of
news into the weekly paper, you
will add immensely to the general
friendliness of tbe community," says
Mr, Allen. "Y o u will be helping
to make your town the kind of
place where people want to stay and
to which former residents will want
to come back.
‘ So try to get ideas into tne pa­
per. Write a little for it once in a
while. Don’ t let the editor do all
the thinking for tbe town. If you
T H E h e n DOES H E R p a r t
| merce Commission.
It has been established that the j
e v il po w er of pa tro n a g e
American hen lays $700,000,000
Senator Borah wants direct elec-
worth ot eggs every year, and they tion of all public officials, and in
are nearly all good. But one out of commenting upon the tact that the
every ten is broken in shipment, President appoints officials "by and
and three of the remaining nine are with the advice and consent of the
so badly handled that they are stale Senate,” says that as a result "im-
F b o to v c o p y r ig h t 1914. b y A m e ric a n P re s e A ss o c ia tio n .
publish ideas, you start others to
Proposed Provisions
Expenditures for Labor
thinking, and you raise by just so
of Prohibition Law
by Oregon Fanners
Compiled by State Bureau of
Industries and Statistics
Springfield tax levy reduced 5.4
Eugene improvements for 1914
total $750.000.
The Cottage Grove tax levy is 12
mills less than 1914.
Lane county is promoting the
sugar beet industry.
Irving farmers are boosting tne
sugar beet industry.
baker county mining output for
1914 was $1,500,000.
Prosperity is in the air but it has
not got q o w u to earth.
A. C. Ruby, Portland stock man,
builds $25,000 residence.
Oregon canneries report a good
market lor their prodnets.
Baker— This city spent $200,000
on new buildings to 1914.
Albany— W. B Glafke establishes
a branch wholesale house here.
Condon- Bids are being taken
for a new Congregational church.
Tax reduction in Polk county
amounts to $115,901 below 1914.
Eugene— Socialists are initiating
a bill for a large municipal market.
Richland— Drs. S a n d e r s and
Eastland will build a general hos­
Three new bridges on tbe Col­
umbia highway to Astoria will cost
Canby— Three new residences un­
der construction and three more
The Southern Pacific shops have
re-opened at three places employing
1200 men
Guy Laffollette is the new owner
of the Crook County Journal at
Oregon City— Crown-WilUmette
Paper mills have made places far
33 more men
Central Oregon Irrigationists will
ask the state to appropriate $1,350,-
000 for projects.
Eugene— Lane county tax levy
reduced three mills and $108 399
cut from budget.
Newport— Ed Stocker wiil re­
move a sawmill plant from Philo­
math near this place.
Salem—Seventy men with fam­
ilies have been set to work digging
sewer ditches in North Salem.
The local brick manufacturers at
Eugene won out on the armory con­
tract over convict made brick
The Noith Bend Manufacturing
Co is getting out $15,000 myrtle
wood novelties lor tbe Panama Fair.
Plans are complete for the $100,•
000 hotel to be erected by Mayor
Simpson and associates at North
The program of tbe Multnomah
delegation to cut off a million dol­
lars fixed charges will reduce state
taxes one mill.
much the general level ot intelli­
“ Encourage the home paper to be
a business, social and intellectual
center of the community. It will
One ot the plausible things to
richly repay.”
come before the legislature is a
------- ------------------- -- « > » *—-------------------------
state institution for the care of crip­
The Creed of the Country pled children.
Definition is broad enough to in-
Washington, D. C.— Fifty-three
elude not only familiar varieties of per cent, or 24,229 of the farmers
intoxicating liquors but beer pow- Qf Oregon, employ hired help, and
ders, etc.
their annual expenditure for this
Anything containing more than item is approximately $11,102.000
one-half of 1 per cent ot alcohol in according to a report which has
tended as a beverage is defined as just been issued by the Bureau of
“ intoxicating liquor.”
Census. Ten years ago the 5 early
Rural life is coming into its own
Home manufacture ol wines, cid­ expenditure for labor by farmers of and county life is beginning to be
er or vinegar permitted— but it can­ this state amounted to $4,843,000 appreciated again after several de­
not be sold.
and tbe increase within a decade cades of disfavor and neglect. The
Sale of sacramental wine permit has been 129 per cent. Eighty-two lollowing creed, which is being
ted on order ol clergymen.
per cent ol the amount paid for la­ adopted as the slogan of various
Drug stores cannot sell whiskey bor by Oregon larmets is cash.
boys’ and girls’ clubs throughout
— even on prescription of physician.
For continental United States the the rural section of the United
Licensed physicians may adminis­ yearly labor expenditure is more States, shows that the thought life
ter but not prescribe.
than $651,000.000 and 46 per cent of the countryis being directed in­
Taking of orders forbidden.
of the farmers hire labor There to its natural channels:
Giving away ot liquor, when in are nearly 3,000 000 farmers in the
" I believe that the country which
tended as a law evasion, forbidden, ¡country that employ hired hands
Goa made is more beautiful than
Club locker-room forbidden
_____ -------------
¡the city which man made; that life
Only original consignee may ie
out of doors and in touch with the
ceive liqour from without the state I
earth is the natural life ol man. I
Quantity that may be received at
believe that work is work wherever
The Western Union telegraph
any one time from without the
I find it, but that work with nature
state within four weeks limited to office was opened for .business at
is more inspiring than work with
five gallons spirituous or vinous
liquors and 20 gallons of malt li­ Mapleton Tuesday and now an or-1 ,he most intricate machinery.
dinary message from Eugene to
(fa<lt the dignity of labor de-
only upon what you d0i
No habitual drunkard may im­ that city will cost 25 cents, whereas
port liquor from without the state. it was formerly 95 cents. Messages bn, on bnw you do jt; ,hat oppor.
Places where liquors are manu­ to and from Florence may now be
tut>.4y comes to a boy on the farm
factured, sold or given away be­
come common nuisances. This sec- sent by wire between Eugene and as often as to a boy in tbe city, and
tion covers motorboats and antomo- Mapleton and conveyed by boat on that life is larger and freer and hap­
biles when they are not common the Siuslaw river or repeated over a pier on the farm than in town.”
farmer’s telephone line between
A search and seizure system is Mapleton and Florence. It is prob­
Take your subscriptions for all
a wan ant which
may be r'htai'n
obtained by any citizen able that the W. U. line will soon papers and periodicals to Folsom's
be extended to Florence.— Eugene Confectionery, and save expenre,
from proper authorities.
trouble and risk.
All intoxicating liquors lound iu ; Register.
The resources of Oregon and
Agricultural education are to be ad­
vanced by an O. A. C. college
quartet going east to give concerts.
Grants Pass is pushing for three
new industries in 1915— a beet sug­
ar factory, a custom mill to crush
ore, and a plant to prepare lime
rock for fertilizer.
Oregon Pictures Wanted
University of Oregon— Donations
oi clear-cut photogragbs of natural
scenes in Oregon are wanted by the
geological department o: the State
University. They are to be part of
an exhibit that is being arranged
for the new quarters of tbe Condon
geological museum.
River scenes, mountian views,
pictures showing sea beaches and
cliff, and pictures of waterfalls and
geological formations are especially
desired. Good photographs of min­
ing scenes will also be welcomed.
Where these donations of pictures
are made by professional photogra­
phers, th< exhibit will contain the
name of the donor; and so wiil all
other donations where the giver
makes known the wish.