HEAL ESTATE TKANSFEKS THURSDAY .John K Campbell et ux to Mr« L K Redorted for The Herald by the Title Coon w d 8 acres in e>, of net» ot n r '. Guarantee and A bstract t o . j sl„. :16 , wp gg , M ,'X ) 1 C i I ,. . . . v- il- il c h It I» i-iu iu i iu n o i u r c .v n e e w »I d C II Smith to Horace Allies w I t Hark low et ux to Nellie Hess, » , .. , ..................... . „ . r w w PROM PTLY at the stroke *Ea T 0f 1 0 o’clock Thursday night, Dec. 24th Coquille’s greatest whirlwind holiday sale comes to an end. Never before have such values been offered. Two Big Stores Selling at Cost and Below Cut Glass Stationery Toilet Sets Manicure Sets Brass Goods Leather Goods Hand Painted China Baby Sets Alarm Clocks Electrical Goods Japanese Teakwood Fancy Sewing Trays Combs and Brush Sets Fancy Woven Baskets Pipes Cigars Candy Soaps Perfumes Toilet Water Toilet Articles Watches Hand Bags Pocket Knives Fountian Pens Thermos Bottles Christmas Cards Christmas Letters Powder. Regular O 1 pound size—for C _ STEAMER BREAKWATER EXTRA: with w - h every Ra* purchase ‘ree of soap amounting to 25 cents or more in the Main Store R J Montgomery et u x to C oob C o w d strip of land 20 ft wide in tp 29 s r 11 w $1 A L Nosier et ux et al to Coos Co w <1 strip 20 ft wide in tp 29 s r 11 w w m $1 Adolph Haberly e t ux to Louise A. H aberly, w <1 lot 3 1 2 3 4 and 5 blk 10 Highland Park Addition to City of Bandon $1.00 Electric Flat Irons The gift electrical is the gift practical. It is the kind of a remembrance that will be highly prized this Christmas and give pleasure for many years to come. Look at those reduced prices on stand­ ard make electric irons, each of nation­ wide fame: Xmas Regular Price Price Hotpoint Iron General Electric $2 50 S3.50 2.50 3.50 Shop Now, Buy Electrical Gifts, Inex­ pensive, Charming, Practical See Them A t Oregon Power Co. Coquille, Oregon A d m ir e d Her Washiuton’s former illustrious i;1 citizen, Colonel Theodore Roosevelt: has stirred up something of a muss at the seat of government by declar­ ing that President Wilson really did make war on Mexico through T'clce's on «alert Portland City Ticket Office 6 t h & Oak St. P. L. STERLING, Agent Phone Mam 181 -2- •J' --- 7 j n Jr.^Tsr£ri:c *Cr ^ - 0 ^ H O T E L a.r H A X T E R Under New Management Having leased this well-equipped hotel, I propose to conduct it in such a manner as to merit pat­ ronage and give satisfaction to the traveling public. M. M. YOUNG, Proprietor J . s . Lyons et ux to F. E. Nelson, w >° lIie “ » * W l)olil Y " f ll,t' Pr,-'’i' d e l4 of lots 5 and 0 and w ‘._» of w # of dent an d S e c re ta ry B ry a n . The lots 7 and 8 , E llio tt’s Add to C oquille; ! u su a l an sw er lias been fo rth co m in g %% of *e ,l 4 sec 1 twp 29 s r 13 w NV M, from D em o cratic so u rces, in v iti.ig 8 WL 4 of 8 wf 4 of sec 6 twp 59 8 r 12 w W the Colonel to "shut up *’ Ocourse M lots 15 and 16 blk 8 Bay Park, M arsh­ $ 1000.00 he will do it. field Isaac M Nichols et ux to Gottfried F V elter w d of sw j* of sec 14 twp 29 P o ri bind Seim -W rk lv .1 iK b all 8 r 13 w W M $400.00 and C< q u i'le Ht- a r|, both for $2 00 j E F Swearengin et ux to F 0 W arren a '< ar iu a Iv itt-r, ¡ A TELEPHONE FOR XMAS i What will a housewife appreciate more as a Christmas gift than a telephone? She and all the family will be truly thankful for it every day in the year. Ask the local office for rates to you. 3 Coos and C urry Telephone Co. 1 Do Your S h o p p in g E a r ly You CanMakeYour House More Attractive With the Handsome Babbitt Premiums Ju d g m e n t. She— Oh. Kred, dear, you are so no ble. so generous, so handsome, so chlv atrous. so much the superior o( every man 1 meet, I can't help loving you. Now. what can you see In plain little me to adm ire? He—Oh, I^don't know, dear, hilt you certainly have very good Judgment.—London Tlt-Bita. A TEN -CEN T can of Babbitt's pure lye is paid insurance against dirt or germs: guaranteeing clean sinks, and th o ro u g h ly sw e e t and sanitary conditions in the home, and in your barns, kennels or hen houses. XX. She Knew . The teacher had given the claas a talk on household pests. "W hat, now. is the greatest foe the housewife has?” he asked. Up went one little hand. “All right. Mary, w hat la It?” “A husband." came the quick reply.— Philadelphia I-edgei. A w a y F ro m '/ ft o cc u p y in g \fe ra C in z , and he a t-. J . Baumgartner et nx to Rina»d C. Hayes, w d all of blk 10 in Boise Addi- . Icm pts t«> f>ruve th at m uch of the tion to Marsh field. Oregon $10.00 | ch ao tic co n d itio n in M exico is due During the stock show, at Port­ land the Oregon State Butter and Cheese Makers' Association held its annual meeting, lasting tour days, at the close ol wliich O B Neptune, of Albany, was chosen president for the coming year. The dairy pro­ ducts exhibited were of unusually fiue quality, A. A Oswald, of the Hazelwood Creamery Company be­ ing awarded the first prize for creamery butter, second prize going to Samuel Olsen of the Jensen Creamery Company. H . From Portland 8 a. m. December 15th, 22nd, and 28th YOU MEXICO Butter Prizes Wonderful Bargains in Dec. llt h . 7 p. m .; 19lh, 11 a. m ; 2ttth. 2:30 p. in. England’s reason for reltt'-ing was that men above this age wete ficlit- in the German army. oh ! 1 _ Sails from Coo* Bay (Continue-1 from paue 1) FU MUHIN'S PHARMACY—FUHRMAN’S ANNEX ELECTRICAL OP C O Q U I l l l l l . ORUOON. Roseburg Myrtle Point Stage $1 A beautiful Japanese doll and a bottle of perfume given free with each pur­ chase of no less than $1 in main store SHOP NOW BUY GIFTS d Farmers and Merchants Bank $10 F R E E IN M A IN S T O R E FCTRA. 25c Tooth Brush and 25c Rexall or Lilly’s Tooth Paite O Q worth 50c—all for B A A N M K l / lot 4. blk 4. Fisher's add lo tu city o< lot* ’6 a,u l 28 in blk 28 “av T 1 r a rk a ' i i n 0ro; actH a G en eral H a n k in g H uainesb gun $10.00 llandon, Coos Comity Oreg. $300. Henry Suderinan to Marie Chapman Bandon Heights Lund Co to E M B e l l i e f O lre elers. C a rre s ,e .ie e ti Randlem an, w d swt 4 of a w * of swt 4 * / ' 4 34 a‘ re" ° ‘ land in ,w '> 29 a » 14 * r , U\ A t»k»rwo.,d, National Bank of Commerce, New York City of D » ^ , sec 29, tp 2g a r 14 w w m. $10 " M * 1000 j R l ! *• D: H*rIuok«r, L. H. lUzurd, Crocker Woolworth N’l Bank, San Francisco , Oscar v...... Hendrickson .j „ , , , es , 1. Elliert , Dyer et nx to Chris Kasimis- Latah Hacker. ILK. Shine F irst Nationall Bank of Portland, Portland et . ux . to Jam ... . sell, w d 49,i acres ol and m h k 20, ro ster, w d parcel ol land in sec 30, tp 1 $ 1.00 28 a r 14 w w in lot 5, blk 11 , VYoobland Bandoli. Fanny E Dyer to Ell>ort Dyer b and s add to city of Bandon; e l0 of n w ^ , sec 5, tp 29 a r 14 w w a». $310. dd, parcel of land in blk 2 Bandon lot» 3 and 4 blk 2 $25.00 C F Greve et ux to Elizabeth Thom, Fanny E D jer to Elbert Dyer lots 4 w d lot 13, blk 4, town of Lakeside, Coo« County, Oreg. $ 10 . and 5 blk 13 lots 1 2 7 8 blk 15 anti lots • to start that bank account. 4 and 5 blk 10 parcel in blk 15 2 7 and I C F Greve et ux to Berneice Moore Why put the m atter off and ... A . j . . Oreg. 11 in Bifhdon and parcel in twp 28 s r • w d lot 10 12, blk . 4, town of Lakeside, misB the many advantages an lo w \\ ,il $25 'X) account with this bank insures. George W Leslie to ’ X l.ttie B Shaw ’. Kr," ’ k A r l ux to U o y '' J | Come in to day and make your ad *-'or*,'n w 'f lo^S in blk 2 Sw eeney’s ? w d lot 5, blk 28, E B Dean & Co's ______ first deposit and g et a check $ 1.00 to town of Marshfield, Coo* Co Oreg, 10. j ir8t to Bandon book the use of which may M H Tuttle et ux to Eva L Mercer w Frank Sanborn et ux to Edward \Yr of the nw *4 of lot 4 sec 13 twp 29 s save you untold annoyance and Sullivan et al, w d ne l4 of sw> 4 , w of d $750.00 n w o f e e ^ , & \v'.> of hw '4 of ne1^, sec r 14 w W M considerable money. Begin 8 , tp 25 « r 12 w w ni. $10. Southern Oregon Co et al to J Ed the New Y ear right by open­ A E Seaman et ux to W T Ramsey, s Johnson w d lot 2 blk 23 Perbam Park ing an account now with the $10.00 w d lots 3 & 4, blk 23, Brown’s add to Add to Marshfield M yrtle Po:nt $10 J B McFall et ux to 1 S Wolcott v\ d $10.00 Jam es L Foster et ux to Oscar Hen­ ot 2 blk 4 Tozier’s Heights drickson w d 8 *._» of ne *4 of sec 35 tp 20 Mertle I Hunter et vir to Ira G Pit I- « r 25 « r 25 w w in $10 rick w d lots 20 ami 23 blk Spokane John E Paulson et ux to Noah Neece Add North Bend $1 'Ml w d lots 9 10 11 14 sec 6 lot 1 sec 7 tp 25 Amanda J S n id e r et vir to Melbourne 8 r 10 w W Bezanson w d 85-100 acres fi lot l | Henry F McCracken et ux to Charles Hec 5 |wp 27 8 r 14 w W M $ 100 . 0 0 ! C McCracken et ux w d l acre of land And Auto Line Alfred F lan dersetux to C lara Tliomp- I in tp 29 b r 12 w w m $300 son w d lots 33 34 and of lot 35 in j '¿SIN W illiam O Day to Elizabeth Day w d blk 27 Portland add to Bandon $10.00 Lcavts Myrtle Point 8 p. in. lot 12 in blk 5 Riverside add to Bandon Arrives Roeehuiy,. 5 p .m . Feo W Beale et ux to C lara Tliom p-j $1 Leaves Ropeburg...... 6 a. in. son w d tracts 1 and 3 Beale-McDonald John W Motley et ux et al to Dennis \rr. Myrtle Point by 6 p. m. $ 10.00 McCarthy q c d n l2 of n ej 4 sw 1^ of neb. subdivisions Make r< st rvutione in advance at Owl & n ir ^ of seF 4 sec 21 tp 26 s-r 11 w4500 Annie W ebster to Alma W ebster 0 Drug Stoie, Marshfield. Henry H Fletcher et ux to Dennis D lots and blks in Nasburg’s add to $1 00 McCarthy q c d n l2 of ne l4 hw '4 of n e »4 Mars) i field Carrying Baggage and United Stales Mail n w ^ of s e ^ sec 21 tp 20 s r 11 w $1500 Charles J Furhop et al to Christian J . L . L A I R D , P r o p r ie to r Joseph Richards et ux to Frank H Peterson et al w d 5 acres 1 .ml off of e Office at I, u r n ’ s ¡.¡v e r y B arn , M v rile P o in t, Both Ph on es Ackley et al w d e1., of sw l4 eec 11 jin tp nide of h \ v ’ 4 of n\v '4 ol 20 twp 23 h r 26 i r 13 v w m except 7 A $10 \»j w W M $ 10.00 i Frank II Ackley to Freeland II Dress­ L J Simpson et ux, C M B\ ler et ux j er et al q c d bw ‘/4 of swV 4 A se l4 of to Ole Severson w d lots 2 and 3 b;k 1, 1 OLD RELIA BLE-EQ U IPPED WITH W IRELESS Bwt£ sec 11 tp 26 s r 13 w except 11 56 Lakeside $10 00 A $10 Marshfield Land Co to Jam es Forty w d blk 51 in First add to Bay Park FROM THE NATIONAL CAPITAL ALW AYS OH TIME M ary II Wad man to Coos Co w <1 paper r-port recently published that strip 20 feet wide in tp 29 s r 11 w w m And Thousands of Other Articles all on Sale EXTRA* large ^ree Chamois with can of Talcum I T iC I T r E T l M o l Tv? N A A rT 1 ' l I U N.T N A A L I { f 1 » other A regular 50 cent pair of scissors given free with each purchase of no less than $1.00 in Funrman’s Annex. , 100$ R. E SHINE. V.-Pres. 0. C. SANFORD, Asst. Cashier NOW IS THE TIME POSITIVELY THE END F R E E IN A N N EX A. J. SHERWOOD. PRES. L H HAZARD. Cashier V^jai Stop ! Don't LJL Burn Your If you will write w e will send you a book Absolutely Free telling a hun­ dred uses for Babbitt’s L ye; also our premium catalogue illustrating beau­ tiful and valuable presents exchanged for coupons. Hom e. “n e Is one of these near vegetar Ians." "W hat Is a near vegetarian?” “He never eats meat except when he Is Invited out."—Pittsburgh Press. F o r c e o f H a b it . B. T. BABBITT “Why did she w ant to set her hus band's w ill aside?" "Merely because It was her bus band's and she bad got in the habit of setting It aside.”—Houston Post The Great Soap M a k e r BABBITT’S LYE— The Best Home So?.p Maker Highest in Strength but not n i P r.ce — /Oc P. O. Box 1776 New York City We must not take the faults of our youth Into onr old age. for old age b ring, with It It» own defects.— Goethe THE BEST GROCERS HANDLE BABBITTS LYE OME autoiHts batter the life oat of a car by useless »peed, un­ wise driving and constant neg­ lect of little things. Don't you do It. Let ur overbnul your engine and put everything In tiptop running »luipe for the busy season strain. Then take good care of your car. This la sound advice. Isn't It? S Let us overhaul your car now. Expert mechanics to do the work. Prices low. Care­ ful and efficient service. KIME I & VON P E G E R T j