■■■ DO YOUR SHOPPING EARLY PIANO GONTEST We Have Our Stock on Display Now and Invite Your Inspection 0 Leather Goods, Smokers’ Sets Parisian Ivory, Manicure Artcles KNOWLTON’S DRUG STORE --------------------------------------------- PUBLISHED EVERY TUESDAY Entered as second class matter May 8, 1905. at the post office a t Coquille, Oregon, underact ol Congress of March 8, 1879. ¡established rates. What is fair for the one is fair lor the other capital, combining and bargaining collectivel) , cannot just­ ly deny the same privilege to labor. That is the way enlightened em­ ployers look at it alter many years ol experience. P. C. LEVAR, Lessee. Devoted to the material and social But there is more tllan mere hon upbuilding of the Coquille Valley par- or and justice in their attitude ticularly and cf Coos County generally. The average employer has observed Subscription, $1.50 per year in advance (Gold Beach Globe) Mrs. Samuel Powell last Friday closed a very successful nine months’ term of school in the Ferry District. County Surveyor Caugbell started to survey out the propi sed be U “ r- h»» re enjoy the advantages of pooling to a11'1 "'»* Or their labor and selling it at uniform '■ good enough for him rates just as the owners of the; A scarcity of bay exists at Port plants themselves pool their capita! , Oi ford and several teams are not and assume the right of buying la-1 working that would otherwise be bor or selling their own product a t ! doing so Tue Rustler brought s CLOSES AT All votes must be in at that or they cannot be counted. Candidates and their friends will please bear this in mind. Every one will be treated alike and the contest will postively close at the hour named. mundson and Sarah Wickham will ap­ ply to the Circuit Court of the County and State aforesaid for a decree fore­ closing the lien against the property- above described. and mentioned in said certificate. And you are hereby sum­ moned to appear within sixty days alter the first publication of this summons exclusive of the day of said first publi­ cation, and defend this action or pay the amount due as above shown togeth­ er with costs Hnd accrued inteest and in case of your failure to do so, a de­ cree will be rendered foreclosing the lien of said taxes and costs agaidst the land and premises above named. This summons is published by order of the Honorable John S. Coke. Judge of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Coos and said order was made and dated this 18th day of December. 1914, and the date of the first publication of this summons is the 22na day of December, 1914. All process and papers in this pro­ ceeding may be served upon the under­ signed residing within the State of 1 Oregon, at the address hereafter men­ tioned. L. A. L1IJEQVIST. Attorney for the Plaintiff. I Address Coquille, Oregon. 12-22-7t Theo. BerjrmaDShoeMfg.Co. Incorporated Manufacturers of The Celebrated Berqmann Shoe The Strongest and Nearest Water Pr >of shoe made for loggers, miners prospectors and mill men. 6 2 1 Thurman Street P o r t l a n d . O hfoox . A gent for Coquille H.N LO R E N Z Oregon Power Company. D O N T FORGET V Special Christmas Prices^S^ Wednesday and Thursday Reg. Price Special BRASS JARDINIERS ___$3.00 . . . . $2.00 “ “ 2.50 1.75 “ “ 1.85 1.25 BRASS CANDLESTICK 1.90 1.20 PIPE STAND 1.00 .75 PIPE STAND AND TRAY 1.50 1.00 TEA BALL TEA POTS 1.25 .95 “ “ “ “ 1.05 1.25 PERCOLATORS ______ 4.25 . . . . . 3.40 “ 4.50 3.50 “ 4.75___________ 3.60 “ 6.00 4.25 “ 0.25 4.25 6qt STEW KETTLE_____1,75. . . . 1.35 8qt STEW KETTLE 2.10 1.65 ROUND ROASTER_____1.85 1.50 9pc COMBINATION SET 2.25 1.75 For C h r i s t m a s We have a nice line of staple goods suitable for gifts and don^ up in Christmas Packages Smoking Jackets, Sus­ penders, Handkerchiefs, Supporters and other use­ fu l articles. Navajo Robes, with cords and trimmings complete — fine for bath robes. You will not know real petticoat com­ fort until you have wer? I WlosriTP:.' ■ the kind that fits without pucker or wrinkle, and will never bind or sag. Needs no alteration. This is because of the patented elastic waistband and side gussets. W e have KLOSFIT PETTIC O A TS in all the popular shades. Messaline and Silk Jersey at $5.00 upward, or in Cotton $1.50 upward. Call and See 3 0 0 0 VOTES On the dollar on all above goods R O S E ’ S C a s h S t o r e JUST RECEIVED A shipment of Viator Talking Machines and Records. WILUAMJDN Make your Christmas selection 1 0 ,0 0 0 East Fork Items time set for the inauguration of the Thursday Mr. Benham and three newly elected judges, Jan 4, 1915. boys drove 34 hogs from Brewster valley to Sumner. Geo. King bought C A P IT A L FA V O R S UNIONISM them. To Our Customers:- We take this opportunity to thank you for your patronage during the year 1914. We extend to you our sincere thanks for your cooperation which has assisted us so much in serving you, and hope to merit the continuance of you patronage during the New Year. We also extend to you our best wishes for the New Year, and trust that success and prosperity will be yours, Sincerely, 5 P. N. SHARP THURSDAY DEC. 24 O The Coquille Herald r THE few belts on her last trip, but not enough to materially relieve the situation An effort is being made io get a considerable shipment di- | rect from the city. I d appreciation of his ability aa a football player and of his valuable assistance to their team the student; body of the Oregon Agricultural ■ College has presented Floyd Hunt- ley of Gold Beach with a beautiful sweater. Nat Boatwright, of Bandon, has ' been in this neighborhood for sev­ eral days inspecting railroad ties i }~| H U T * HAFFNERCD ENGRAVEIW-PR1NT&RS Bu K are D E N SAMS V E lt. COLO Extra Votes IMPORTANT On the Dollar o; n i cr»i ON Blue Enamel Ware Until the close of the Piano Contest we will give 10.000 Extra Votes on the dollar on each Cash purchase in' Blue Enamel Ware. Large assortment of useful uten­ sils to select from. ■f % Tracy, deceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN: That the undersigned John D. Goss, has been appointed administrator of the estate of James Tracy, Deceased, and all cred­ itors of said estate are hereby notified to present their claims to me at my office in the First National Bank Building, Marshfield, < oos ( ounty, Oregon within six months from the date hereof. Said claims so presented shall be in writing, duly itemized, and verified as by law required. J ohn I). Goss Administrator. Date of first publics ion: November 24,1914. Date of last publication: December 22, 1914. ll-24-5t Sheriff s Sale of Real Property on Foreclosure EVENTS In the County Court of the State ofO re- gon for Coo* County A T In the Matter of the Estate of Thomas I ' T. Smith, Deceased. CITATION To Walter R. Smith, Alma B. Kay, W INTER SHOkT COURSE—JAN. 4-30 j 1 Bonnie F. Smith, Warren B. Smith, Agriculture, including Agronomy, Lyle C. Smith, Ezra M. Smith, Jose­ Animal Husbandry, Dairying, Horti­ phine Fletcher, Tucker, Levina culture, Poultry Husbandry, Insects, Catherine Stoltz, Mina Edward A. Smith, Plant and Animal Diseases, Cream­ William Thomas Smith and Annie L. ery Management, Marketing, etc. i Schneider, and Lizzie Smith, to all home Economics, including Cook­ | persons interested in said and estate, ing, Home Nursing, Sanitation, Sew­ G r e e t i n g : ing Dressmaking and Millinery. THE NAME OF THE STATE Commerce, including Business Man­ OF IN OREGON. You are hereby cited agement, Rural Economics, Business and required to appear in the i ounty Law, Office Training. Farm Account­ | Court of the State of Oregon the ing, etc. Engineering, including County of Coos, at the Court for Room Shopwork and Roadbuilding. I ',““" 9 “> cuu», » me u iu n noom FARMERS WEEK_FEBRUARY 1-6 thereof, at Coquille, in said County and on the 23rd day of December, A general clearing house session of State, 1914, at ten o’clock A. M. of that day, six days for ttie exchange of dynamic | then and to show cause, if any ideas on the most pressing problems exist, why there an order should not be grant­ of the times. Lectures by leading ed for the sale of the real property be- authorities. State conferences. | longing to the said estate as praved for EXTENSION SERVICE in said and described as lot two Offers lectures, movable schools, In­ I in block petition in Elliott’s addition to stitutes and numerous correspondence Coquille thirty City, Coos County, Oregon. '-our^eS on request. the Hon. John F Hall, Judge MUSIC: Piano, String, Band, Voice. of Witness the County Court of the State of Or­ for the County of Coos, with the No tuition. Reduced rites on all rail­ egon, seal of said Court affixed, this 21st day roads. I nr further inf tma Ion address, of November 1914. The Oregon Agricultural Collage, Attest: J a m e s W atson , Clerk, (tn 12-1 to 1-1) COKVALLLS. OREGON se al of By Robert R. Watson, county COURT Deputy Clerk. Notice to Creditors Str. Elizabeth THE HE RA L D W ILL GIVE 10,000 Votes each dollar received on sub­ O d Notice is hereby given that the under­ signed has, by order of the County Court for Coos County, Oregon, been duly appointed administrator of the es­ Regular as the Clock tate of Alfred M. West, deceased, and that all persons having claims against said estate are hereby notified that they are required to present the same, duly verified, with the propervouchers. to the undersigned at the office of A. J. Sherwood, in < oquille, Coos County, First-class fare onlv............... $7.00 Oregon, within six months from the Up freight, per ton 3.00 date of this notice. Dated this 8th day of December, 1914. i J o h n 'H. W est , Administrator of the Es j E . & E . T. Kruse tate of Alfred M. West. [ 24 California Street, San Francisco 18-8-.it Deceased. San F rancisco and Bandon Notice to Creditors scription, new or old until the close Oregon In the County ”0014 of the State of in and fur the County of Coos. In the matter of the estate of Jamea of the contest. For Reservation* J. E. NORTON Agent, Coquille, Oregon