Mrs. T. N. Boone, of Fairview, came to town Friday afternoon seek- Now is the time to suoscri'ie .TW O ___________ Piano Bargains The Turkey* Came Down A. J. SH“ '¡OOD PRES. ______ W. C. Loin] will build a rive-room L H. HAZARD, Casket .. . . . in « .o rd ea l aid for her 12 year-old Times were lively ir, front of the bungalow on Heury ntreet. h .v.n « , ou Claude, who had fractured au Lyon . & Joue. .tore la.t Wednee conc.uded to .till hi. home #riu ^y falnun froiu a horse The day afternoon, wtieu the di.tnbu R. £ SHINE, V.-Pres. 0. C. SANFORD, Asst G s W FIRST N A T IO N A L B A N K in Ooquille. ; boy’s 8-yesr-old «ister suffered a like «¡on o f prizes aud Thanksgiving tur op COQUILbB, o p a a o i*. Au be Itacket store the clock ticks; misfortune from the same cause dur- ke>s t" ok Rl,c* . Large numbers of wo don’t . , envelopes containing tickets culling I'ra im a c ts a G e n e ra l B a n k in g Bu ain ear , ««** ,be • u“ “ ir for prizes from the store were show Having two pianos left from our stock they will Mrs Bert. Dimmick started Tburs- —— * ------ ered down from the roof to the be offered at special low prices as follows: » • • i t of Directors. day for Brookings, where she was to j Birthday Party waitiog crowd, aud the small boy K. C. Dement, A. J. Sherwood, National Bank of Commerce, New York City join her huslianJ, who is uow em- — was in his element. At 2 3 and 4 L. Harluokor, L. I I . Hazard, Crocker Woolworth N ’l Bank, San Francisco ploye I there The Methodist parsonage was the o’clock turkeys were .«u t down lor Isaiah Hacker, li.K . hhiue. First Nationall Bank of Portland, Portland ______ J m ______lllM Friday any one who could catch them. Of scene of _______ a merry gathering (USED) Ur. H M. Shaw of Marshfield, Bf|fcrnooni when Mias Louise Bryar 15® three sent down, Charley Oerd- eve, ear, nose and throat specialist celebrut - - ................................... - — -- d her fouiteentb birthday ' nf> captured * - two, Gene Nosier one will he at Baxter Hotel Friday Dec, with a "clipping party,” the guests »nd Laos Leneve a haudful of tail I OLD RELIABLE—EQUIPPED WITH WIRELESS 18th, 1