Coquille herald. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1905-1917, November 10, 1914, Image 3

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    Professional Cards
D kntiht
Office over Fir«t National Bank
Phone Main 431
A ttorney
L aw
First National Bank Building
Kooina 2-3-4
A ttorney at L aw
First National Bank Building
Coquille, Oregon
A ttorney at L aw
Notary Public
A ttornkt an »
C ounsellor at L aw
Office in Robinson Building
A ttorn y at L aw
Office in Richmond-barker bldg
A ttorney an » C ounsellor at L aw
Olfice Phone 335
Residence Phone 346
la w y e r
Ioe Cream at Folaom’s Confection­
Agriculture needs all the great
men it can get.
The Elliott Players drew a good
bouse at the Grand lust nigbt, giv­
ing tbe one-act playlet, “ Pals,'’ oliue boat and that be struck hi.
adapted by Helen Harvey and Ed- head aa he fell, rendering him help-
snn Elliott.
Tbe body waa recovered and
Three Cans Condensed Milk for was to be buried at Bandon.
25c at Lyons k Joues
Dr. Abbott, District Superintend­
E. K Jones, of Marshfield, was ent, will dtdiver a lecture on Crater
Lake, One of the Scenic Wonders of
in tbe city over night on a business the World, at the M. E. Church next
Tuesday evening at 7:30. Admis­
Everett Hatcher, of Fairview, sion free, hut a silver offering will
be taken for the benefit of the Ep-
died last Friday of tuberculosisand worth League. This ia the first of
was burio-t Sunday. He was about a series of lectures to be given un­
80 years of age and leaves a wife der the auspices of tbe Epworth
League this fall and winter.
and child.
Jack Sullivan, dean of the visit­
Get your boy a pair of A. A. Cut­
commercial travelers, is making
ter shoes for the winter at Lyons &
the valley towns Mr. Sullivan has
been coming to Coos for 31 years as
The Scenic announces the George
representative of Cahu, Nickleaburg
Kleine production of "Othello” for
k Co., the San Francisco sboe man­
its Saturday nigbt feature, and this
ufacturers, and be has been for 34
ia said to be a fine production of
years in the employ of that firm,
ShukeBpeare’a immortal drama.
which is one of tbe old and leliable
T. A. Walker will make special houses of the city, and has always
trips to Roaeburg at reasonable enjoyed a good trade here.
Large, high-power auto.
Parties desiring to go call either
7-14-t f
Woman’s Study Club
Kichinond-Barker Building
Coquille, Oregon
A P. Miller, city marshal, has
been making repairs to the railing
of the high bridge on First street
A. A Cutter shoes for Men and
In the County Court of fhe Stateof Ore­ Boys. The Best Winter Bhoe on
gon for Coos County
he market at Lyons k Jones.
In the Mater o f the Estate o f T homas
T. Smith, Deceased.
To Walter R. Smith, Alma B. Kav,
Bonnie P. -Smith, Warren B. Smith,
Lyle C. Smith, Ezra M. Smith, Jose
phine Fletcher, Mina Tucker, Levina
Catherine Stoltz, Edward A. Smith,
William Thomas Smith and Annie L.
Schneider, and Lizzie Smith, and to all
persons interested in said estate,
OF OREGON. You are hereby cited
and required to appear in the County
Court o f the State o f Oregon for the
County o f Coos, at the Court Room
thereof, at Coquille, in said County and
State, at ten o’ clock A. M. o f that day,
then and there to show cause, if any
exist, why an order should not be grant­
ed for the sale o f the real property be­
longing to the said estate as praved for
lid] petition and described as lot two
in said
in block thirty in Elliott’ s addition to
Coquille City, Coos County, Oregon.
Witness the Hon. John F. Hall, Judge
of the County Court o f the State o f Or­
egon, for the County o f Coos, with the
seal of said Court affixed, this 2nd day
of November 1914.
A ttest: J a m e s W a t s o n , Clerk,
B y Robert R. Watson,
D e p u t y Clerk.
--------------------------------- >
Notice to Creditors
E. M. Peterson, one of Riverton’s
prosperous young business men,
was in town on business today. He
reports the mines working more
regularly with the advent of cooler
weither aod the consequent demand
for coal
Special clubbing offer at Folsom’s
until November l(Hb. Now is the
time to arrange for your winter
J. S. Barton informs the Herald
of tbe marriage at Portland of MiBs
W’affe Hoekett, sister of Claude
Hockett, secretary oi the Southern
Oregon Co., to Jay Bowerman, late
acting governor of the state of Ore­
All cold weather drinks will be
found at Folsom's Confectionery.
Just before going to press we
learn of tbe death of Mrs. J. A. Dav­
enport, which occurred at about
2:30 this afternoon. Tbe lady was
advanced in years, and has been
lying at the point of death for
several weeks.
She had been a
resident of this vicinity for some 15
ears and was highly respected.
Notice is hereby given that the un­
dersigned has been appointed adminis­
trator o f the estate o f Benjamin F.
Smith, deceased, and all persons having
claims against the said estate are here­
by notified that they are required to
present them with the proper vouchers,
Wyandott Washing Powder in
within six months from the date o f this
1-2 lb. bags, regular price 25c
notice to the undersigned administrator
o f said estate at the Taw offices o f J. J. now on sale at Lyons & Jones, 2
Stanley, in the City o f Coquille, Coos bags for the price of one.
County, Oregon.
Dated Oct. 13, 1914.
The Marshfield papers announce
E z r a M. S m it h ,
Two bags Wyandott Washing scored had the quaiter not euded
Powder for 25c at Lyons k Jones. at this critical moment, although
As we go to pres-, word cornea of Co<l uille bad tightened up aud held
the drowning of John Anderson,, ,bem in ,be last P'3* or two. The
which occurred at Wedderburn third quarter was uneventful,neither
Tbe nawa came to hia goal being in danger at any time.
sister here, Mrs. Wilson, and the In the tourtb, however. Coquille
report is that the gangplank broke by long end runs and through-tackle
aa be waa going aboard of his gas plays took the ball to Marshfield’s
change in the train schedule to
Administrator o f the Es­
tate o f Benjamin F. Smith, commence next Monday, whereby
tbe morning train will make the
about an hour earlier, and a
Notice to Creditors
trip will be made on Sunday. This
is to bring in tbe Coos Bay mail
Oregon In and For the County o f Coos.
In the Matter o f the Estate o f Guy which is now coming over the
C. Barnum, deceased.
Middle fork route to Myrtle Point.
Notice is hereby given that the under­
signed Claude Nasburg and R. J. Wal-
rath are the duty appointed, qualified
and acting executors o f the estate of
Guy C. Barnum, deceased. All persons
having claims against said estate are
hereby notified to present the same, in
writing, duly verified as by law re­
quired to the undersigned at the office
o f John D. Goss, 1st National Bank
Bldg.. Marshfield, Coos County, O iw otl
within six months from the date o f this
Dated this 13th day o f October, 1914.
Claud Nasburg
R. J. Walrath
Executors o f the Estate of
Guy C. Barnum, deceased.
The Woman's Study Club met
yesterday afternoon in the city li­
brary Mrs. H. W. Young read a
paper on "The Cbolulans," Mrs. R.
S Knowlton one on “ The Otomiee,'
and Mrs. S. V. Epperson one on
“ The Tlascalans.”
On emerging from olden Mexico,
the club enjoyed a cosy lesson in
Domestic Science. Eight new mem­
b e r s were admitted— Mrs. R. S
Knowlton, Mrs. W. H. Lyons, Mrs.
J. L. Smith, Mrs. V. L. Hamil­
ton, Mrs. C. W. Endicott, Mrs. £ .
E. Johnson, Mrs. L. A. Liljiqvist
and Miss Mary L . Levar.
Last Tuesday, in the first game
they have played this season the
lootball team in a hard-fought con­
test with Marshfield at the bay,
held that team for a 0-0 score.
Both teams were exceptionally well
matched as to weight and both
played bard, fast game, consisting
almost entirely o f line bucks and
around end plays.
Drop kicking
was almost impossible owing to the
condition of the grounds, while
punts and forward passes were not
indulged in to any great extent by
either team.
In the first quarter Coquille
seemed to have a trifle the advant­
age and kept tbe ball in their op­
ponents territory most of the time.
In the second Marshfield got busy
and by a series of hard line plunges
and end runs succeeded in carrying
the ball to Coquille’s ten yard line.
It is possible that they might have
RATES: One cent a word, each in­
sertion. No charge less than 15 cents'
Inquire of Ned The Celebrated Bergmann Shoe
9-8-tf The Strongest and Nearest Water
Proof shoe made for loggers, miners
prospectors and mill men.
APARTMENTS—Veudome Lodg­ 621 Thurman Street
ing House. Everything neat and
P o r t l a n d . O higon .
A g e n t lo r Coquille
clean. Your patronage solicited.
H .N L O R E N Z
are 64j4xl75 ft.
C. Kelly.
Ham, per p ou n d ,____________
$ .17
Lard, 5 lbs., $.75, 10 lbs.,______ 1.50
Condensed Milk, 3 cans fo r_____
Tomatoes, 3 cans for %__________
Soap, 6 bars fo r________________
Every thing else in pruprtion. Money
Talks. Come in and see.
The Model Grocery
S. M. Nosier & Co.
as is also the site recently purchas a
by the city for a park
The land
will soon be platted and placed on
the market, and Mr. Walker will
attend to the sales department,
assisted by B. Folsom, the hustliog
real estate man. With the develop­
ment that will come with the ad­
vent of the railroad and the growth
of the city'whicb is sure to result,
this property will become very val­
uable, and when it is placed on tbe
market a safe and profitable invest­
ment will be offered.
^ f e-y»rd line, whe they were held
for downs during the last two min­
utes of the game
The same teams will play on the
Coquille ground at 2 p. m next
* *•* »
Friday, being, in all probability,
From the Fruit Paradise
the only game to be played here
this season. AH business meu here
Peter Axe, the fruit raiser and
have shown their interest in the
game by agreeing to close the places canner of Bridge, returned home to­
of business from 2 p. m. to 3:30 in day after bringing down a load of
order that everyone may attend. pears, which he disposed of in short
There is no doubt but that they order. They were of the Keiffer’s
will be repaid by the quality” o f ! Hybrid VBriet>-’ 1,0,1 Mr’ Axe 8a>’8
football which they will witness.
they Bre tbe fine8t caDDiufi P88™
---------- --------------
that he knows of. A couple that he
Library As’sn Meets
left at the Herald office measured
over 14 inches in circumference and
Last Wednesday evening there weighed nearly two pounds each
was a meeting of tbe Library Asso­ He says that many of these pears
ciation in tbe City Hall, at which have gone to waste this season,
tbe sale of the Library lots on Se- through bis inability to get them to
cond street, opposite the court- market, as be wore his team out
bouse, was thoroughly discussed, bringing in hia peach crop
The upshot of tbe discussion waa brought his peaches to Myrtle Point,
the adoption of a resolution to sell where they were all disposed of on
the lots to S. M. Noaler.
advance orders. His canning oper-
Tbe libraiy will have a monthly ations this season have been con-
income for some time, in conse- fined mainly to tomatoes, of which
quence of this sale, and there are' he has put up between 3000 and
subscriptions besides, yet more 4000 cans which he will put on tbe
money ia needed, and also there is market in the spring. He had a
need of help other than financial, few cans of hia solid pack tomatoes
The Library has made rapid growth with him, and with their handsome
in the short time we have had it, lithographed labels they would look
and it is still growing. It goes well in any company.
without saying that we all want it
Mr Axe says that next season he
to keep on growing. What is a will put on an auto truck and will
town in these times without u libra­ bring fresh fruit and tomatoes into
ry? Then join the Association, and tbe markets of the valley towns,
ask your neighbor to join.
Marshfield and North Bend. His
The Association expressed grati­ experience has convinced him that
tude to Mrs. R. H. Smith for the this is the only way for him to get
collection of first class books she tbe value nut of his crops. As an
hag given as a memorial to her hus­ illustration of the conditions under
which local gardeners and fruit rais
Several gave in their names for era work in disposing of their pro­
the membersnip list and the meeting ducts, he says that before the seas­
was adjourned until further notice. on was fairly on he found it impos­
sible to get more than 40 cents a
Big Deal in Real Estate
box for bis tomatoes from tbe deal
era. He thinks that by making reg­
The most important real estate
ular trips to the towns during tbe
deal that has beed consummated
season he can dispose of his crops
here for some time has just been
to consumers to their mutual ad­
closed. Cbas. Walker has bought
vantage. He has demonstrated that
the stock in the Coquille Land
the country in the vicinity of Bridge
Company which owns the tract of
is an ideal place for such crops as
land east of the city.
Mr. Beale
tomatoes and peaches which require
and L- D. Smith, of Marshfield,
warmth and shelter, and that sec­
each owned half of the stock in the
tion will yet become famous for
company, which is capitalized at
those products.
$ 25 , 000 , and Mr. Smith still retains
his stock. Mr. Beale having moved
Rancher Murdered
to California and having heavy in­
terests there has disposed of his in­
The body of Matthew West, an
vestments here for the sake of con­ eccentric bachelor about 45 years
centrating his resources. Mr. Walk­ of age who resided about nine miles
er, the new owner, has been here south of Bandon, was found in tbe
for several years handling real es­ woods last Saturday by a searching
tate, and having great faith in the party. A bullet bole through the
future of this section, was glad to head and another through the body,
grasp the opportunity for invest­ which gave evidence that the shots
ment in Ihis splendid piece of prop­ had betm fired from some distance,
erty. The tract originally consist­ proved murder beyond a doubt. The
ed of 320 acres and was owned by man had last been seen about the
John Notley, who took it up under 14th of October.. About a week ago
homestead and timber rights. Not- Dave Drew visited the house and
lev’s addition is a part of the tract, found the bouse opeu but West hud
aDd there are 260 acres besides. It evidently been absent for some
is on this land that the Aasen Bros, time. The alarm was given and
are logging, and the removal of the searching parties organized, with
limber is now showing the fine lo­ the result of finding the body aa
cation. The view from the tract is above stated.
Coroner Wilson
magnificent, taking in the town and went to the scene, und the sheriff's
a large area of this beautiful valley. office was also called on to make an
The reservoir and dam ol the city investigation.
-- , <§>«----- —
water works is located on the laud,
In UDion th e r e is s tre n g th and in
c o -o p e r a t io n th ere is p ro fit.
Dr. H. M. Shaw, Eye. Ear, NoBe
and Throut Specialist, of Marshfield, RANCH FOR RENT— Four miles
from Myrtle Point; 200 acres; lota
will be at the Baxter Hotel Wednes­
of pasture; 30 acres under culti­
day, Nov. 18th. Glasses fitted.
vation; 50 acres new land ready
There is a prospect that with tbe
to plow; stocked. Cash rent Dr.
opening of train service on the
Hamilton, Myrtle point.
Willamette Pacific between Eugene
aud tidewater on the Siuslaw the OLD NEWSPAPERS—Cheap at the
Herald office.
Coos Bay mail may be sent by that
route, which will give quicker ser­ WANTED—an energetic young man
of good address to sell our line of
vice between tbe Bay and the rail­
goods on commission basis, in Co­
It would also relieve the
Address Page & Son,
contractor on the Middle fork route
Portland. Oregon.
Trespass notices piloted on cloth of half of bis burden, even though
and worded in keeping with law,
our valley mail were still to come A FEW CHOICE LOTS in Knowl-
or sale at the Herald office.
tons Heights can atill be bought
in that way.
at ten dollars per month. They Manufacturers of
$0000 FOR A FARM—Hers is a
chance for a farmer: A 02-acre
farm; 60 bottom land; 15 acres
under plow and 15 acres more'
slashed ready to burn; good creek IF I FAIL TO CURE any CANCER or TUMOR
I trsat ktlin it NISONS Sip flats w sttaefess ti tarn
of running water on the place.!
Knifeor Pain
Good bouse, insured for $1000;
PAY Until Cured!
fair barn, granaries and all neces­ No
No X Ray or <>•
sary outbuildings. This place is swindle. Aa island
plant makes the cure
16 miles from Coquille, is on a WRITTEN 8UARANTFE'
A TUtnor. Lump
plank road and milk loute, one Sore
on the lip. face
mile from postoffice and school. or body 6 month.-* is
Cancer and never
Money can be mado on this place pains until last stage
by any one who understands 1 120-PAGE
F R E E . 10,000 t-f i-
farming, or it is an excellent buy momals. Writ! tt
as a speculation. Land is going
up and will never again be so
i CANCER and if neglected it always poisons
cheap io Coos county as it is to­ cep glands in <he armpit and KILLS QUICKLY
day. Terms will be given on part Poor cured at half price if cancer is yet small
of tbe purchase price if desired. DR. & MRS. CHAMLEY t C O . & 7 S & 9 S "
'‘Strictly Reliable. Greatest Cancer Specialist Itvlnc"
Investigate this if you want a farm. A E 4 3 4 & 4 3 6 Valencia S t , San Francisco, Cal.
B. Folsom, Coquille.
Gathering Exhibit
J A. Ward, who is gathering the
Following w a s Saturday night's
Coos and Curry exhibit for the count;
Panama-Pacific exposition, was in
town this morning on his return Myrtle Newton
from Curry county, where he has Addie Donaldson
been interviewing the people in re­ Mabel Wilcox
gards to wbat may tie expected Beulab Price
Belva Pingston
from the county.
He finds the
Julia Dondono
sentiment strong in favor ol the Mrs. G. R. Wickham
participation of Cuiry in the exhib­ Mrs. Mary Medlock
it, although conditions just now Mrs P. P. Leatberwood
are not the best for a united effort. Mrs. Pad get
Orace Miller
However, the meeting of tbe Curry
Katherine Teiri;
county court next month is expect­ Mrs. A1 Garten
ed to result in an appropriation for Edith Morgan__
.9 ,3 1 5
the exhibit, and some individuals
will make exhibits on their own Katherine Terris
responsibility, notably the McLeay Mrs. L. A. R obs
interests and the Brookings people.; Mrs. Mabel Samson
Mrs. E. N. Harry
Mr. Ward reports good progress in | Myrtle Newtou
his work here, and he has already ' Verna Phillips
gathered quite a number ol exhibits Mrs. P. A. Breur
He will go to San Francisco at Violet Shuck
once and complete his plans for tbe Lucilla Corbett
Mildred Mast
occupation of the space assigned to Mrs Tibbetts
Coos and Curry, which he says is
ample in size and splendidly located
Our transportation systems are
in the Oregon building. About the the dray carts of agriculture and
first of year |ie will again go down cau be made capable peddlers ot
for the purpose ol installing the ex- j farm products.
True Buys Out Hersey
F. C. True, who sold his interest j
in the Model Giocery some months j
ago to his partner, S. M. Nosier,
has bought tbe stock of notions aud
5 and to cent goods of M. H. Her- J
sey and took possession yesterday.
He is busily engaged in rearrang­
ing the interior sf the store and pre­
paring to open out his stock ol
Christmas goods which he will soon
place on display.
Mr. True is a
pleasant and popular young busi­
ness man, and he will undoubtedly
do a good tr ade in|his new line.
S a n F r a n c is c o
a n d B andon
First-class fare only............. $7.50
Dp freight, per ton................. 3.00
E. & E. T. Kruse
24 California Street, San Francisco
For Reservations
T he Public Appreciates
W e ll Lighted Show W indow s
The leisure time os your customer* and pros­
pective customers is during the evening.
They feel grateful to the merchant who
dresses his windows attractively and lights
them properly with Mazda lamps, so the
merchandise displayed can be examined.
People who cannot be attracted during the
day will pause at night to inspect a beauti­
fully illuminated window.
The work the windows do at night counts
big in day-time sales.
Let us render expert assistance.
Phone 71.
Oregon Power Company
A n n ou n cem en t
II A V IN G leased the plant of the Co-
* * quille Mill and Mercantile Com­
pany, the undersigned is now prepared
to fill all orders for any kind of
Especial attention will be paid to the
local demand, and every effort will be
made to supply anything needed at the
shortest possible notice.
Your orders
are solicited.
Premium Hams and Premium Bacon “ The Last W ord”
when it comes to quality.
Every piece branded. Look
for this brand if you want the best.
A»k Your Dealer
Regular as the Clock
Have you paid the printer.
Think of the harmonious
condition of mind of the
whole family when the
worries of Washday are
no longer a part o f home
life. A family washing
o f four dozen pieces done
Rough Dry f o r o n e
dollar and twenty cents.
Str. Elizabeth
Agents, Coquille, Oregon
The Modern American
Is one of our most im­
portant and useful indus­
tries. Its business is that
o f selling Cleanliness.
The whole family wash­
ing can now be sent to
the Laundry aud handled
by it with perfect satis­
faction. It makes for
domestic tranquility and
the economic betterment
of our social life.
The Piano Conteat
C O Q U IL L E . O R E G O N