Coquille herald. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1905-1917, November 03, 1914, Image 3

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J. S. B irtou received jr«gt#rd*y a
lee Cream ut Folsoui’s Confection­
telegram from the Republican etate
Prohibition talks were made at central committee, pre lifting a
tbe Methodist church Sunday i ven- sweeping victor* in tud** *4 election,
ug by H. O. Auderson, Dr Rich­ for the entire Keputdicuu »late tick­
et. The Democratic pr< diction of
mond and J. E tjuick.
Get your boy a pair of A. A. Cut­ »weeping victory for the entire
ter shoes for the winter at Lyons Sc Democratic ticket seem» to be de­
layed, as it hue not reached this
Hallowe’en pi auks seem to have office.
been of a less vicious natuie than
usual this Mir, for whi b the young Happiness Follows Sorrow
people should receive due apprecia­
Tbe note of sa lutss which sue
cttdid the accident of Oct. 2 >rd,
The exigence s of politics and when Miss F.Hn» Juanita McDonald
football impel us to get this issue lost her left foot by a tra n accident,
out earlier tb m usual.
We hope was followed on Sunday list by the
to be able to settle down to tbe chime of wedding bells, when tbe
business of publishing a newspaper voui-g lady was married to Mr. H.
for awhile now.
P. Walls, cf Modesto, Cal, who
District Attorney Liljeqvist was at had arrived two days before
Marshfield Sunday evening, when a may be inferred, this was tbe cul­
prohibition rally was held at tbe mination of a romance which h d
Masonic opeta house, aidrtssed by its inception last winter, when Mies
Mr. Liljeqvist, Judge Coke aud McDonald spent sev.ral months at
It is our duty to warn everybohy about the dan­
Modesto iu the employ of the Stan­
Judge Hall-
ger of using an old rag to tie up even a little finger
Tbe North Benb Hardor last islaus Laud and Abstract Company,
cut. That rag may contain virulent germs which
week seut out about 10,000 copies ns a stenographer. Iu the spring
will poison the blood and cause tremendous swelling
of a big special e litiou, which went She returned to Cuquilie to accept
all over this district and was devot-; a position with the Title Guarautee
and pains and maybe the loss of your life.
ed partly to tbe boosting of Fred aud Abstract Company here, where
You will have no danger of blood poisoning if
she bad formerly beeu employed,
Hobiste. ’s candidacy.
you use our antiseptic cotton banda ges and prepa-
Alt col 1 weather drinks will be aud Jew, if auy, of, her friends knew
of an engagement. ■ On receipt of
found at Folsom's Confectionery.
County Clerk Watson baa instruct­ tbe uews of tbe accident, Mr. W alls
all judges aud clerks of election mails hasty arrangements for a brief
Come to OUR Drug Store
to receive and couut the billots for vacation, and started ut once for
county judge, is be lias received uo Coquille, having to do some skil-ful
official information to the contr trv scheming to get passage up tbe
I coast, as no passtuger boat was
Tbe case of tbe State vs.^J. S. j
available. The wedding was a quitt
Barton will be heard in tbe Douglas
one at tbe home of the bride’s pa­
county circuit couit, commencing on
rents, Mr. aud Mis M McDonald,
November 9th, and will be before
the young lady beiug still unable to
P rofession a l C ard s
Judge Hamilton The ciso was re­
rise from her bed. * The ceremony
mantled for re-trial and a change of
was performed by the Rt Rev. W in.
veLUe was sought and obtained.
iu the presence of the
The Oregou Power Co. was in family and a few intimate friends.
Oiiice over Firet National Hank
tumble Saturday through the burn The brute lias s^eut alt of her life
Rhone Main 431
ing out of a main bearing on the here having beeu born in this city.
genetator. No juice was lortheom- She graduated ft out the public
for several hours while Manager j school and afterwards took a course
McKenna and his creiv wrestled, iu
tbe W’ alker-Bi-bnkn business
with the task ot quick repair.
colltge at Portlinl titling berstdf
County court meets tomorrow.
Buster Brown, who is uearly as j foi a stenographer .She lias a host
Three Cans Condensed Milk foi
well known in tbe Unite 1 States as j of ftiends wbo will be giad to know
25c at Lyons & Jones.
Stewart Norton entertainel tbe i John Butmv. was in our city last : of her happiness. The groom bolds
High school S' Dior cl-ts-i last Tues- week anl cmdu tel hu advertising! tbe position of a lvei using manager
stunt in frout of a First street store, : of the Evening News at Modesto
d iy evening
tie certainly drew the crowd, ftnd j and bis uppearnuce and uddtess me
Two hags \V> nndott Washing I
P o w d e r for 25 • i t Lyons <k Jones, j all tbe children in towu seemed to all tbe credentials needed to estib
lish bis staruliug a& a blight and
The polling places today ate the be there.
Wyandott Washing Powder in \ successful young man. The duties
same as thos- for the piimary elec
3 f-2 lb. bags, regulnr price 25c of his position call him h -me at once
now on bale at Lyons & Jones, 2 and he will go by the tirst steamer,
Mrs Jack Juz» is enjoying a visit bags for tbe price of one.
to be followed by bis bride as so o d
from her brother, Brucs Johnson, of
Miss Vivian Haynes, who has as she is able to travel.
Healdsburg, Cal.
treattd the C'oquille people to such
For immediate ami complete improve­
T. A. Walker will make special excellent violin music during her
“Chums” Thursday
ment of all Coast harbors, anil water­
trips to Roseburg at reasonable stay here, stated Wednesday for he r j
ways of Oregon.
Large, high-power auto. botn6 in Eugene, accompanied by
For Federal appropriations to be used rates.
Rehearsals for tbe play of“ chunis,’
in building good roads, waterways and Parties desiring to go call either her sister, Miss Winnie.
which is to be put on by local tal
Such appropriations to be
ent under the direction of Edson
commensurate in amount and to be
Elliott at the Grand next Thursday
The Educational League has post­
based upon the valuation if govern­
evening are going on faithfully, and
poned its uext meeting from Nov with LOCAL. APPLICATIONS, as they
ment properties in Oregon.
the piavera are well pleased with
cannot reach the seat o f the disease. Ca­
iTbe government now owns almost 6th to Nov. 13th.
tarrh is a blood or constitutional disease, the progress being made.
F U H R M A N ’S P H A R M A C Y
one-half of this state and we receive
nothing from this property.)
For a radical change in the home­
stead laws, favoring the settler and of­
fering inducements to the prospective
(Under the present law it is almost
an impossiblity to prove up on your
The huiidihg of a merchant marine
that will lie a world [lower in cora-
The opening.up for settlement of a
ja-ge amount of the present foiest
Oregon was made for Oregonians,
and its rescrvis should lie utilised for
the direct benefit of its people.
Paid advertisement)
and in order to cure it you must take in­
ternal pTiedios. Hall’s Catarrh Cure is
taken internally, and acts directly upon
the blood and mucous surfaces. Hall’s
Catarrh Cure is not a quack medicine. It
was prescribed by one of the best phy­
in this country for years and is
A. A Cutter shoes for Men and sicians
o regular proscription. It is composed of
Boy8 The Best Winter shoe on j the best tonics known, combined with th ;
best Mood purifiers, acting directly on the
he market at Lyons A Jonet.
mucous surfaces. The perfect combina­
tion of the two ingredients Is what pro­
The Record reports that the \V. j duces such wonderful results in curing
catarrh. Send for testimonials, free.
R. Foote ranch has been bought F. J. CHENEY & CO.. Props.. Toledo. O.
by P. N. Thurston, of thit city who ; Sold by Druggists, price 75c.
The rear and side walls of the
Old Fellow's building ar up to the
second story and rising rapidly.
Take Hall's Family Pills for constipation.
will soon occupy the pfUce.
The Elliott players returned yes­
terday from Marshfield, where they
filled an engagement of two tights
RATES: One cent a word, each in­
at the R< yal theater.
sertion. No charge less than 15 cents’
Special clubbing ufferat F. Isom’s
until November 10th. Now is the OLD NEWSPAPERS— Cheap at the
Herald office.
time to arrange for your winter
WANTED -an energetic voting man [
of good address to sell our line of !
Miss Beulah Price spent several
goods on commission basis, in Co-
! days at Baodon last we k and inci-
Address Page A Son,
1 dentally secured a lot of votes in
Portland. Oregon.
the piano contest in which she is
one of the leaders, by interviewing A FEW < H ( 'll T. LOTS in Knowl-
tons Heights can still be bought
Herald subscribers.
at ten dollars per month They
are 61 ' j i l 7 5 ft. Inquire of Ned
C. Kelly.
Ham, per pound,
Lard, 5 lbs., $.75, 10 lbs.,
Condensed Milk, 3 cans for
Tomatoes, 3 cans for
Soap, 6 bars fo r ..
Every thing else in pr oprtion.
Talks. Come in and see.
$ .17
The Mod e Gr<jcery
S. M. Nosier & Co.
APART MEN IS —Vendome Lodg­
ing House. Everything mat and i
clean. Your patronage solicited. !
ing is the cast of jhar iters an t
Jim Graham | The ) L. Jackson
Ned Bromley / Chums t Earl Leslie
Gabe t iggius
___ Jack W ebber
Geòrgie Wall
Roy Avery
Martin Underwood
Edson Elliot
Dora Wiusloc
louella South-tone
Kate Blakemore. .Miss Violet Robbins
Miss Roth Young
Miss Tuttle
Miss Hellen Harvey
Act I The Obums Apirtments
(In tbe evening alter the game)
Act II In the Adirondack Mts.
Str. Elizabeth
Regular as the Clock
San Francisco
and Bandon
First-class faro only
Up freight, per ton
E. & E. T . Kruse
24 California Street, San Francisco
For Rofervations
Agents, Coquille, Oregon
Christmas is Coming
Buy Your Christmas Presents Now
while you can get useful and
appropriate gifts at
Wholesale Cost
Furniture, Pianos, Bedding, Stoves, Silverware
Cut Glass, Crockery, Graniteware
and Tinware at our
Closing Out Sale
(The quairel)
i Mexico, and there are olhers yet to her place at the head of the list.
This week, Mr. Drane offers »10
Act III Miss Winston’s Home
| come
There were lots of interest­
(A happy ending)
ing people down there, doing all worth of granite ware, to be chosen
In addition to the play tbe usual sorts of interestiug tilings, long be­ at the regular prices from the large
run of pictures will be shown. Also fore the so-called civilized world assortment on haud, including tea
first class music by the Gram! the- knew of their existence; and somt kettles, coffee pots, water pails, pre­
uter orchestra, and last but not there be to this day who haven’ t serve kettles, sauce pans, Austrian
kettles, stew pans, dish pans, cereal
least good comfortable seats for j heard of them
everybody to sit in.
All for the
First on the program came a pa­ cookers, stock pots, pudding pans,
price of 25 cents and 50 cents. Re­ per on "T h e Land"— in o t h e r milk pans, wash b-isius, Windsor
served seats on sale at Knowlton's words, a general description o f dippers, mixing bowls and chamber
Drug Store.
Remember this is a Mexico— written by Mrs. H O. pails.
Mr. Anderson gives a set of silver
treat in tbe amusement line you Anderson
She being absent, on
can’t afford to miss.
account oi illness in her family, her spoons.
There sre still s number of the
paper was read by the secretary.
Playing Football at the Bay Mrs. R. B_. Rogers read a paper on candidates who are ignoring the ex­
"T h e Mayas.” Mrs, J S Lawrence cellent chance to get votes by doing
The local football team left this one on "T h e Micboacans,” and Mrs. a little subscription work for tbe
morning for Marshfield where tl ev W. L Kistner one on "The Chichi- Herald, and these are missing it, for
are scheduled to play the high mecs".and “ The Acolhuans,” oth­ all tbe leaders owe their position to
school team of that place this after­ erwise called the "Tczcucans.” a great degree to votes earned from
noon. The teams have both receiv­ Alter general discussion and a hriel the Herald, and there is a big field
ed spleudid coaching; Niles wbo business meeting.
Mrs. H. W . still open.
has been coaching tbe Bay team Voting conducted the lesson on Do­
Following Siturday night’s
and Dr Hamilton who has had mestic Science, assisted by Miss count:
charge of the team here, being both Marian Young. A p per on Do­
old players and men who under mestic Science, by Mrs, J. L. Smith, Mabel W ilcox ...................... 220,430
stand the finer points of the game, qfas read by the latter. Mrs. Smith Myrtle Newtou____________ 210,355
am) an exc Ueut exhibition is ex­ and Miss Young were tendered a Beulah Price_____________ 205,495
Addie Donaldson_________ 175,770
vote of thanks.
Belva Pingaton___________ 128,220
Niles gives tbe following as the
The next meeting will be on Julia Dondono___________..125,385
Marshfield line-up: Lyons, center; November 9.
Mrs. G. R. Wickuam_______ 104,365
McDuffee and LaChapelle, guards;
Mrs. Mary Medlock________ 83,895
Lost Last Wednesday
Mrs. Padget________________ 66,170
Hunter and Dresser tackles; Bur­
Mrs P. P. Leatherwood____ 66,135
rows and Hackman, ends; Chapman,
Fish basket, with pair shoee in­ Katherine Terris____________ 35,065
quarter; .Seamau, full; McDonald
side, between Frank Burkholder's Grace Miller ______________ 30,540
and Back, half bucks.
residence an i J. C. Watson’s farm. Mrs A1 Garten_____________ 24,255
Coquille’s line-up is: E Leslie, Finder will please return to Geo. Edith Morgan __
Ina Harmon
fullback; Kern, left half; Mast, T. Moulton
right half; Walker, quarter; Shelly
The Piano Contest
or l’ike, center; Haskins or Price,
Mrs. L. A. Ross___________ 81,700
Katherine Terris_______
right guard; Donaldson or Kelly,
A new weekly prize winner ap­ Mrs. Mabel Samson_________51,475
left guard; Avery, right takle; Gil­
liam, b ft tackle; Duuham, tight end; peared at Drnue’s Saturday night, Mrs. E N. Harry___ . . 44,605
and Mrs. G. R. Wickham walked off Myrtle Newton__________
K. Leslie, left end.
with an assortment of silverware
Mrs. P. A. Breur.. _ . ._i.26.035
Meade in Marshfied
; Violet Shuck______________ 20,790
Anderson’s, Mrs. L. A. Ross again Lucilla Corbett_____________12,685
E. H. Meade is now a resident of took the prize, distancing all of her Mildred Mast_______________ 12,430
Marshfield, having made arrange­ younger competitors and retaining Mrs ’iibbetts________________ 6,875
ments to open a cigar aud confec­
tionery store there. It will be lo­
cated in the new theater building
which is nearing completion for G
J, Lemaneki, to be run as a picture
and vaudeville bouse.
The build­
ing will be ready for occupancy
early next month, and iu the mean­
time M Meade is enjoying himself
in the company of bis many old
friends in Marshfield. It is under­
stood that the Flks are assisting
him in his arrangements for going
iut-i business; and with their patron­
age and that of hi« other frien■'»
old and new, with the excellent lo­
cation, be is assured of a nice trade.
I f AVING leased the plant of the Co-
* * quille Mill and Mercantile Com­
pany, the undersigned is now prepared
to fill all orders for any kind of
Especial attention will be paid to the
local demand, and every effort will be
made to supply anything needed at the
shortest possible notice.
Your orders
are solicited.
Marriage Licenses
Henry Cancas and Augusra Lake.
John T. Coy and Mary Alice
! Coach
O. R Bownun and Celida Auder-
i son.
Hugh Porter Walls and Edna J.
»6000 FOR A FARM Here is a
chance for a fatmer: A 62-acre |
Take Notice
farm; 60 bottom land; 15 acres j
under plow and 15 acres more , IF I FAIL TO CURE any CANCER or TUMOR
All G-1<1 F p II owh , Kuc«mprmnt
slashed ready to bum; good creek I tnat Mfire it PIISWS dll» | M l i n t 'K h s tl I n i member« an Ì itebekab* are request­
of running water on the place. '
ed to be pie-eul ftt I O. O. F. hall
Without KnifeorPair:
G od uouse, insured tor »1000;
Tuesday ev*Diii#, November 10th,
No PAY Until Cure; (
fair barn, granaries and all neces­ N o X R a y o r othc
to me* t Grand Patriarch Geo. W.
A n isian«
sary outbuildings. This place is swindle.
Wright w h o will |>ny uh an official
plant m akes the c u r
16 nubs from Ucquille, is on a WRITTEN GUARANTY ,
plank road and milk route, one A Tumor. Lump
Sore on the lip, fa-
m onths i
nnle from puatoffice and school. C o r a b n o c d e y r 6 and
nevt .
Money can be made on this place pain s u ntil last, stac<
by any one who understands F R E E . 10.000 te«t.
farming, or it is an excellent buy monials. Writ! to !
as a speculation. Land is going
up i nd will never again be so
,, ,
i heap in Coos county as it is to­ ileep alami, in "in-
day. Terms will be given on part Poor cured at half dee if eanc.-r i- yet »maU
of the purchase price if desired. DR. & MRS CHAM E Y l CO
••Strictly Satiable. Sri est Caneci Saacla'ist Mvin« ”
Investigate this if you want a farm. AE434 S 436 Vale :1a St. San Francisco. Cal.
B. Folsom, Coquiile.
KINDLY MAIL THIS tl n i m o m w ith CANCER
Complete House
J S. L awrence , Scribe.
Woman’s Study Club
The Woman’s Study Club met
afternoon in the city libra­
ry and passed two hours and a half
very pleasantly and profitably. The
members paid tin tr compliments to
some more of the lubes of ancient
V ask y o u r grocer for
Swift's “Siluer Leaf Brand. Pure Lard"
. 1 . i : .
C O Q U IL L E . O R E G O N