— J. S. B irtou received jr«gt#rd*y a lee Cream ut Folsoui’s Confection­ ery. telegram from the Republican etate Prohibition talks were made at central committee, pre lifting a tbe Methodist church Sunday i ven- sweeping victor* in tud** *4 election, ug by H. O. Auderson, Dr Rich­ for the entire Keputdicuu »late tick­ et. The Democratic pr< diction of mond and J. E tjuick. Get your boy a pair of A. A. Cut­ »weeping victory for the entire ter shoes for the winter at Lyons Sc Democratic ticket seem» to be de­ Jons. layed, as it hue not reached this Hallowe’en pi auks seem to have office. been of a less vicious natuie than usual this Mir, for whi b the young Happiness Follows Sorrow people should receive due apprecia­ Tbe note of sa lutss which sue tion. cttdid the accident of Oct. 2 >rd, The exigence s of politics and when Miss F.Hn» Juanita McDonald football impel us to get this issue lost her left foot by a tra n accident, out earlier tb m usual. We hope was followed on Sunday list by the to be able to settle down to tbe chime of wedding bells, when tbe business of publishing a newspaper voui-g lady was married to Mr. H. for awhile now. P. Walls, cf Modesto, Cal, who As District Attorney Liljeqvist was at had arrived two days before Marshfield Sunday evening, when a may be inferred, this was tbe cul­ prohibition rally was held at tbe mination of a romance which h d Masonic opeta house, aidrtssed by its inception last winter, when Mies Mr. Liljeqvist, Judge Coke aud McDonald spent sev.ral months at It is our duty to warn everybohy about the dan­ Modesto iu the employ of the Stan­ Judge Hall- ger of using an old rag to tie up even a little finger Tbe North Benb Hardor last islaus Laud and Abstract Company, cut. That rag may contain virulent germs which week seut out about 10,000 copies ns a stenographer. Iu the spring will poison the blood and cause tremendous swelling of a big special e litiou, which went She returned to Cuquilie to accept all over this district and was devot-; a position with the Title Guarautee and pains and maybe the loss of your life. ed partly to tbe boosting of Fred aud Abstract Company here, where You will have no danger of blood poisoning if she bad formerly beeu employed, Hobiste. ’s candidacy. you use our antiseptic cotton banda ges and prepa- Alt col 1 weather drinks will be aud Jew, if auy, of, her friends knew tions. of an engagement. ■ On receipt of found at Folsom's Confectionery. County Clerk Watson baa instruct­ tbe uews of tbe accident, Mr. W alls ed all judges aud clerks of election mails hasty arrangements for a brief Come to OUR Drug Store to receive and couut the billots for vacation, and started ut once for county judge, is be lias received uo Coquille, having to do some skil-ful official information to the contr trv scheming to get passage up tbe I coast, as no passtuger boat was Tbe case of tbe State vs.^J. S. j THE REXRLL STORE available. The wedding was a quitt Barton will be heard in tbe Douglas one at tbe home of the bride’s pa­ county circuit couit, commencing on rents, Mr. aud Mis M McDonald, November 9th, and will be before the young lady beiug still unable to P rofession a l C ard s Judge Hamilton The ciso was re­ rise from her bed. * The ceremony mantled for re-trial and a change of was performed by the Rt Rev. W in. Dr. C. IN. ENDIC0TT veLUe was sought and obtained. Horsfall iu the presence of the 1 >ENTF8T The Oregou Power Co. was in family and a few intimate friends. Oiiice over Firet National Hank tumble Saturday through the burn The brute lias s^eut alt of her life Rhone Main 431 ing out of a main bearing on the here having beeu born in this city. genetator. No juice was lortheom- She graduated ft out the public for several hours while Manager j school and afterwards took a course McKenna and his creiv wrestled, iu tbe W’ alker-Bi-bnkn business with the task ot quick repair. colltge at Portlinl titling berstdf County court meets tomorrow. Buster Brown, who is uearly as j foi a stenographer .She lias a host Three Cans Condensed Milk foi well known in tbe Unite 1 States as j of ftiends wbo will be giad to know 25c at Lyons & Jones. Stewart Norton entertainel tbe i John Butmv. was in our city last : of her happiness. The groom bolds High school S' Dior cl-ts-i last Tues- week anl cmdu tel hu advertising! tbe position of a lvei using manager stunt in frout of a First street store, : of the Evening News at Modesto d iy evening tie certainly drew the crowd, ftnd j and bis uppearnuce and uddtess me Two hags \V> nndott Washing I P o w d e r for 25 • i t Lyons ny uh an official plant m akes the c u r 16 nubs from Ucquille, is on a WRITTEN GUARANTY , visit. plank road and milk route, one A Tumor. Lump E. E. JOHNSON I WILL GIVE $1000 Sore on the lip, fa- m onths i nnle from puatoffice and school. C o r a b n o c d e y r 6 and nevt . Money can be made on this place pain s u ntil last, stac< 120-PAGE BOOK by any one who understands F R E E . 10.000 te«t. farming, or it is an excellent buy monials. Writ! to ! as a speculation. Land is going up i nd will never again be so I. CANCER ,, , i heap in Coos county as it is to­ ileep alami, in "in- ¡-it an-I.CILLS QUICKLY day. Terms will be given on part Poor cured at half dee if eanc.-r i- yet »maU of the purchase price if desired. DR. & MRS CHAM E Y l CO ••Strictly Satiable. Sri est Caneci Saacla'ist Mvin« ” Investigate this if you want a farm. AE434 S 436 Vale :1a St. San Francisco. Cal. B. Folsom, Coquiile. 10-20-tf KINDLY MAIL THIS tl n i m o m w ith CANCER Complete House Furnisher J S. L awrence , Scribe. Woman’s Study Club » The Woman’s Study Club met I LUMP IN WOMAN'S BREAST Monday afternoon in the city libra­ ry and passed two hours and a half very pleasantly and profitably. The members paid tin tr compliments to some more of the lubes of ancient LESSEE % V ask y o u r grocer for Swift's “Siluer Leaf Brand. Pure Lard" TAKE NO SUBSTITUTE. . 1 . i : . D IS T R IB U T O R . NONE JUST AS GOOD. N OR TON C O Q U IL L E . O R E G O N 1 \