Coquille herald. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1905-1917, November 03, 1914, Image 2

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    R epublican T ic k e t
e le c tio n 1914
For U. S. Senator
German Cutlery
R. A. Booth
For C om «, res«
W. C. Hawley
For Governor
to file to the completion of said con­ A J. SHERWOOD P ro
R. E- Stilb t , V .-P | «
tract may >lo so within two w iek-
0. C SANFORD Alti. Colpiti
H. HA2ARÜ, Ca"u*i
troiu the date of the first publoatiou ,
■ d th is notice, to-wit: from tbe 2 0 th
.uy of October, 1914, in the office j
of the Couutv Clerk
O P c o y U I L a L i H , O R E G O N .
Dated at Coquille, C 'os County,
Oregon, this 20ih day of October, T r a i i n a c t H D G e n e m l B a n k i n g H uitaine® **
liM 4
J ames W atson ,
James Withycombe
l-or Justice of the Suprem e Court
Pocket Knives 50 cents to $2.50
Scissors 75 cents to $2.00
Boys’ Knives 25 cents
£ s« ,
keeps the r ! “
Doctor HS-
certificate which Raymond teceived.
I u g ra d in g these tests, five words
PU B LISH E D EVERY TUESDAY are deducted for each mistake O th ­
E ntered as second class m atter May e r s tu d e n ts have made almost the
8, 1805. a t th e post office a t Coquille, required speed.
The Coquille Herald
Oregon, u n d e ra c t o! Congress of March
I , 1879.
P. C. LEVAR, Lessee.
Devoted to the m aterial and social O f
upbuilding of the Coquille Valley p a r­
ticularly and of Coos County generally.
Subscription, $1.50 per year in advance
P h o n e Main 381.
Considerable consternation an d
discussion was aroused by the word
passed around last week th at it had
been discovered that a co nstitution­
al am en dm en t passed in 19 10 leng­
thened the terms of all ju d g e s elect­
ed th a t year to six years.
T h is
would leave County J u d g e John F.
H all tw o more years in office, and
leave Jam es Watson and J. J. S ta n ­
ley, w ho have been fighting to suc­
ceed h im , pawing an empty void
In W a ts o n 's case, especially, it
would seem to be a disconcerting
jo k e, for he relinquished the no m i­
nation for county clerk, which he
m ight have had without question,
for th a t for judge. It would seem
to be an excellent plan for the vot­
ers to express their preference, just
the same, and then if Ju d g e Hall
should resign, which m ay reason­
ably be expected, the candidate
polling the larger vote today could
be appointed to succeed h im — if
th at w ouldn’t be too reasonable and
common sense a w ay of co n d u ctin g
politics. In the mean time, we may
wonder why some of the s t a te ’s
wise lawyers d i d n ’t discover all
this before.
School Notes
The H igh School gave a Hallow­
e’en party at the school house last
eveniug. The usual ghostiy games
and spooky stories made up the
evening’s entertainm ent.
An election was held in tbs H igh
School last Friday, the stud en ts
voting on the state officers and
some of the measures to be voted on
at the general election, If tbe o u t ­
come of the election iD tbe school
is any forecast of the final result in
the town, Coquille will give good
majorities to Hollister, Chamber-
lain and Dr. Smith, and will go dry
almost unanimously.
The special^ecbool meeting to p ro ­
vide for tbe expenses of the school
far the cu rren t year, will be held
at the school house next Friday
Mr. and Mre. T u r n b u l l |« e n t to
Marshfield Saturday m orning retur-
in g Monday |Mr. T u rnb ull's mother
came in from Portland by boat on
Monday and will make her home
In the weekly spelliug lest in the
H igh School tbe following students
made an hundred per cent: Roy
Avery, Ray Burns, Geneva Robison,
Janey Lowe, E d s a Harlocker, Mar­
ion Scbroeder, Mildred Norton,
Myrtle Neeley, S lvia Neely and
Lucy Petett.
Mrs. Tyrrell s«Dg for the high
school last F iduy afternoon. This
is not the first time Mrs. Tyrrell has
consented to entertain the studeuts
and it is hoped th at it will not be
tbe last.
The advanced typewriting stud
ents have been taking moderate
speed tests for tbe certificate award­
ed by tbe Underwood Typewriter
Company. The first of the stu d ­
ents to win such a certificate was
Raymond Burns who succeedtd in
writing for ten minutes at a speed
of forty-two net words per minute.
F o rty words are required for tbe
Interest t Th . 5 V
Patrnize the M r
T h e six-teel V iiagraph Broadway
S ta r feature picture. “ Captain Al­
v arez,’’ show n at tbe Scenic S a tu r ­
day n ig h t was one of tbe best fea­
tures th a t have been shown here
for a long time, aud the adm irers ol
E d ith Story were glad to see her
again in a big picture, th o u g h M y r­
tle Gonzalez, as ihe com panion, re
ally outsho ne her and made the au
dience wonder why W ain w rig h t
d i d n ’t transfer his affections. Bui
W m . D. T aylor, in the title role,
was the whole thing, and no more
dash in g and fascinating hero ever
rode, fought and laughed his way
th r o u g h A n th o n y Hope or the elder
Dumas. T h e picture was a treat.
T h e “ T re y of H e a rts ’’ series, in
which Cleo Madison has the lead­
ing role seems tc find m any a d m ir­
ers a mon» the patrons of the G ra n d
T h e “ Million Dollar M ystery ” is
keeping up its lick as oue of the
best high-class series yet put out.
Pauline is due at tbe Scenic F r i ­
day evening, and this time she
ju m p s from 1 lighthouse into the
su rf and does other stu n ts th at only
an ex-circus girl like Pearl W hite
j could pull off.
“ Mr. Bingles’ M elodram a” is the
feature for the Scenic Saturday
night. T he leading part is taken
by Jam es Lackeye, who is a “ big­
g e r” man th an Jo h n B u n n y , and
am ong the other V itag rap h h eavy­
weights in the cast are H u g b te
Mack and K ate P rice— not forget­
ting Flora Finch, It is a two-reel
special comedy feature in the Viia-
g ra p h 's best vein
The Modern American
Is one of our most im­
portant and useful indus­
tries. Its business is that
of selling Cleanliness.
The whole family wash­
ing can now be sent to
the Laundry aud handled
by it with perfect satis­
faction. It makes for
domestic tranquility and
the economic betterment
of our social life.
Think of the harmonious
condition of mind of the
whole family when the
worries of Washday are
no longer a part of home
life. A family washing
of four dozen pieces done
Rough Dry f o r one
dollar and twenty cents.
liA F F N D R C D
m it
D I /N V E R . COIyQ
|F o r Attorney General
George M. Brown
For Supi. ol Public Instruction
T R O N G and
c le a n — it w ill
keep your house and
barn sweet and sani­
Every Knife Carries a Guarantee to be Perfect
Henry J. Bean, Lawrence T.
Harris, Thomas McBribe,
Henry L. Benson, Charles
J. A. Churchill
For State E ngineer
John M. Lewis
For Commissioner of Labor
0. P. Hoff
It m eans clean drain
pipes. Unseen filth and
danger leave wherever
it is sprinkled.
For Railroad Com missioner
For Representative 5th Dist.
“ Highest in strength,
b u t n o t in p r ic e ”
W r ite for booklet show ing
th e m a n y u s e s o f B . T.
B a b b itt’s L y e.
V a l u a b l e p r e s e n t s in ex­
ch an g e for Can L a b e ls. A sk
for o u r free P re m iu m C atalog
illu stra tin g h u n d re d s of v a lu ­
able prec^.-.ts exchanged for
Frank J. Miller
For 8 u p t. W ater l)iv. No. I
James T. Chinnock
Charles R. Barrow
For Representative 6th Dist
S. P. Pierce
For Sheriff
Alfred Johnson, Jr.
For County Clerk
Robt. R. Watson
F or County T reasurer
T. M. Dimmick
For County Surveyor
The Best Home Soap Maker
C. S. McCulloch
P. 0. Box 1776 New York City
For County Coroner
Have you paid the printer.
F. E. Wilson
For County Com missioner
Geo. J. Armstrong
------------» «a» »------------
For Commissioner of F ort of Bandon
In the C ounty Court of fhe State of O re ­
gon for Coot County
For Justice of th e Peace
In the M ater of th e E s ta te of T homas
T. Sm ith. Deceased.
For Constable
To W alter R. Sm ith, Alm a B. Kay,
Bonnie F. Sm ith. W arren B. Sm ith,
Lyle C. Sm ith, E zra M. Sm ith, Jo se ­
Publishe 1 under the au th o rity and bv
phine Fletcher, Mina T ucker, Levina
C atherine Stoltz, E dw ard A. Sm ith, the order cf the Co is County Republican
W illiam Thomas Sm ith and Annie L. C entral Com mittee.
(Paid Adv.)
Schneider, and Lizzie Sm ith, and to all
persons in terested in said e state,
Notice of Final Seltlmenl
OF OREGON. You are hereby cited
Notice is hereby given th a t the un­
and required to appear in th e C ounty dersigned has filed in the County C ourt
C ourt of the S ta te of Oregon fo r the for Coos County, Oregon, his final ac­
County of Coos, a t th e C ourt Room count in the m a tte r of th e adm inistra­
thereof, a t Coquille, in said County and tion of the E state of Wm. P a n ter. de­
S ta te , a t ten o’clock A. M. of th a t day, ceased, and said court has set W ednes­
then and th ere to show cause, if any day, th e 25th day of N ovem ber, 1914,
exist, why an order should not be g ra n t­ as the day, and the County C ourt Room
ed for the sale of the real property b e ­ in the County C ourt House a t the city
longing to the said e sta te as praved fo r o f Coquille, Coos County, Oregon, as
in said petition and described as lot two th e place for hearing objections to said
in block th irty in E llio tt’s addition to final account and the se ttle m e n t of said
Coquille City, Coos County, Oregon.
W itness the Hon. John F. Hall, Ju d g e
D ated Oct. 24, 1914
of the County Court of the S ta te of O r­
W. R. PA N T ER ,
egon, for the County of Coos, w ith the
A dm inistrator of the
seal of said C ourt affixed, th is 2nd day
Es+ate of W m. P a n ter,
of N ovem ber 1914.
A tte s t: J ames W atson , Clerk.
By R obert R. W atson,
county court .
D eputy Clerk.
* «•»»
N O T IC E is hereby given that the
Ned C. Kelley
R. S. K nowl TON, P resident
G eo . A R obinson , Vice-Près.
R. II M a st , C ashier.
Merchants Bank
Op ned for Bu s in e s M a rc h .
corrkspondknts :
Ladd & Tilton Hank, Portland
N ational Park, New York
F irs t National B ank, San Francisco
F irst T rust & Savings, Coos Hay
• V
«13 • : -13 %2r
3* & € $ 3
J ames W atson ,
County Clerk.
NO TICE is hereby given th a t J. M.
B arker, contractor, has completed his .
c o n tra ct for the im provem ent of th at
portion of the Lee, Lawhorne, Coos
Bay, Middle Creek County Road, in I
Road D istrict No. 30, betw een Sta. 15
plus 00 and S ta. 42 plus 45 and th a t the j
County Road M aster has filed h isc ertif-
icate of completion approving the work ;
done on such contract and any person,
firm or corporation having objections to j
file to the completion of said co ntract j
may do so w ithin two w eeks from the
d ate o f the first publication of this no­
tice, to-w it: from the 20th day of Oc­
tober, 1914, in the office of the County
tle r k .
D ated a t th e City of Coquille, Coos
County, Oregon, this 20th day of Octo-
ber, 1914.
Sails from Coos Bay
Oct. 3rd, 10 a. m .; loth, 1 p. m .; 17, 8 a. m, :24th, 1 p. m .; 31st,s a. m.
From Portland 8 a. m.
Oct. 6th, n t h , 20th, and 27th.
T ’cke's on sa le at Portland O ily Ticket Office 6th & O ak
.T -i-« ) i
Roseburg Myrtle Point Stage
Atul Aule Line
J ames W atson ,
Lea V«
County Clerk.
A. McNair and C. R. Moore
Walter Sinclair
National Hank of Com m erce,New York City
Crocker W oolworth N ’l Bank, San Francisco
F irst Nationall Hank of Portland, Portland
L. Harlocker, 1.. H. llagar J,
Isaiah Hacker. K. K. Shine.
Notice is hereby given th a t sealed
bids will be received for repairing the
Eastside F erry W harf in Road D istrict
No. 10 according to the plans and speci­
fications on file in the County C lerk’s
office. All repairs to be made and con­
tra c t completed on or before sixty days
from the date of the aw arding of the
The County C ourt reserves the rig h t
to re je ct any and all bids and lo aw ard
the contract to a bidder not the lowest
should they deem it for the best in te r­
est of the County.
AU bids to be filed w ith the County
Clerk on or before the 4th day of No­
vem ber, 1914, a t the hour of 10 o'clock
A. M., on which day such contract shall
be let. A certified check for live per
cent of the am ount of bid to be deposit­
ed w ith the County Clerk w ith bid to be
forfeited to the County in case contract
shall be aw arded and co ntractor shall
fail, neglect or refuse for a period of
te n days a fte r such aw ard is m ade to
e n te r in a co ntract and file his hond to j
ihe satisfaction of the County C ourt as
required by law.
D ated a t the city of Coquille, Coos
County, Oregon, this 19th day of Octo­
ber, 1914.
James Watson
Board o f Olrootora.
H. 0. Dement, A. J. Sh rwo.* l,
Notice to Contractors
For County Judge
The G reat Soap Maker
The Beat Dealers
Handle B A B B IT T ’S L ye
County Clerk
M \ i tie Point N p.
5 p.
L.-ave*. K m elmi g
4 it . M vi tu P o in t by 6 p. in.
A'live-i Ho ht i r.iV
NOTICE U hereby given that A J ,
Counts, contractor, has completed his
co n tract for the im provem ent of th a t
portion of the Bandon South to < uunty
Line County Road in Road D istrict No. :
19, betw een Initial Point and the One i
Mile Post, thereof, and th a t the County
Road M aster has hied his certificate of
completion approving the work done on |
such contract, and any person, firm or
corporation having objections to lile to
the completion of said work may do so
w ithin two weeks from the d ate of the
first publication of this notice, to-w it:
from the 20th day of October, 1914, in
the office of the County Clerk.
D ated a t Coquille, Coos County, O re­
gon. this ‘20th day of October, 1914.
i VUl l«tl-l- III a . vau . ca ’ at ( ■ w I
lb..y >b
Carrying Baggage amt Iniitd States Mail
J. L. LAIRD P ro p rieto r
L ivi't v B a in , Vi . P Ir- l ’< i n i , B oth P h n iu s
J ames W atson ,
County Clerk.
Notice to Creditors
Notice is hereby given th a t the un­
dersigned has been appointed adm inis­
tra to r of the e sta te of Benjam in F.
Sm ith, deceased, and all persons having
claims again st th e said e sta te are h e re ­
by notified th a t th ey are required to
presen t them w ith the proper vouchers •
w ithin six m onths from the date of this |
notice to the undersigned adm inistrator
of said e sta te a t the law offices of J . J.
In th e C iic u it C ourt of tb e S ta te of Band.<n Construction Conopanv, Con­ Stanley, in the City of Coquille, Coos
County, Oregon.
O regon for Coo* C ounty
tractor, has completed Ihe contract
Dated Oct. 13, 1914.
for the improvement of th a t portion
E zra M. S mith ,
Levi G raham , Plaintiff,
suit in
A dm inistrator of the E s­
of the Bandon South to County
te of Benjam in F. Sm ith, 1
Line County Road, in Road District
Lovinia Graham ,
D efendant. J (Sm m ons) No 19, between one mile post and
Notice lo Creditors
To Lovina Graham , the above named F o u r mile post, thereon, and that
the County Road M aster has filed
IN T H E NAM E OF T H E STATE OF his certificate of the completion a p ­
In the Countv C ourt of the S ta te of
proving the work done on such Oregon In and Lor the County of Coos.
You are hereby notified th a t you are
In the M a tte r of th e E sta te of Guy
required to appear and answ er the co ntract a u d any person, firm or C. Barnum, deceased.
com plaint filed against you in the above
Notice is hereby given th a t the under­
entitled su it within six weeks from the
signed Claude N asburg and R. J. Wai-
d ate of the first publicatian of this sum ­
ra th are the duly appointed, qualified
mons, to-w it: W ithin six weeks from
and acting executors of the e state of
the 3rd day of November, 1914, and if
Guy C. Barnum, deceased. All persons
you fail to appear and answ er on or be­
having claim s a g ain st said e sta te arc
fore th e 15th day of Decem ber, 1914,
hereby notified to presen t the same, in 1
th a t date being the last day of the tim e Manufacturers of
w riting, duly verified as by law re ­
prescribed in the order of pnhlication,
quired to the undersigned a t the office j
the plaintiff will tak e judgm ent and de­
of John D. Goss, 1st N ational Bank j
cree a g ain st you for the relief demand­ The S trongest an d N e a re st W ater B ldg., Marshfield, Coos County, Oregon
ed in his complaint, a succinct s ta te ­ Proof shoe made fo r lo ggers, miners w ithin six m onths from the date of this
m ent o f which is as follows:
prospectors an mill men.
For th e dissolution of the m arriage 621 T h ur m a n St r e e t
D ated this 13th day of October, 1914.
co n tract now existing betw een you and
Claud N asburg
P o r t l a n d . O rboon .
the plaintiff, and for his costs and dis­
R. J . W alrath
A gent for C oquil e
bursem ents in this suit.
E xecutors of the E state of
Service of this summons is made by
Guy C. Barnum , deceased
publication th ereo f in pursuance of an
order m ade by the Hon John F. Hall,
County Judge for Coos County, Oregon,
dated the 2nd day of N ovem ber, 1914,
directing th a t service thereof be made
by publication in the Coquille H erald, a
weekly new spaper published in the city
of Coquille, Coos County, Oregon,
once a week for a period of six weeks,
commencing w ith the issue of Novem­
ber 3rd, 1914.
A. J. S herwoop ,
A ttorney for plaintiff.
Heo. Bcnfman ShoeMfg.Co.
The Celebrated dergmann Shoe
Save M o n e y
B uy Y our
T ires o f Us!
HIS garage carries a
of tires- the kind
w ear longest and are
You won’t be bothered
trouble on long runs if you
our experience In tires.
Drop a p o sta l% for our
B etter still, talk tires with
son right off We’ll put y
W e
make a specialty of
A ll sizes.
Best grades.
Lowest list
W e can convince you.
The Public Appreciates
Under New Management
Well Lighted Show Windows
Having leased this well-equipped hotel, I propose
NOTICK is hereby given that J
Q. Leneve, Contractor, has com­
pleted his contract for tbe im prove­
ment of th at portion of the Bear
Creek-Bandon C ounty Road,in It, ad
Districts No 20 and 19, between the
\V. end of B ia r Creek Bridge aud
intersection of old Bandon Road,
thereon, aud th at th« Corn iy Road
M later has filed his ceititieate of
completion app io ving tbe work done
on such conti act and any person,
firm or corporation having objec­
tions lo file to the completion of
said work may do so within two
weeks from the date of the first
publication of this notice to-wit:
from the 20th day of October, 1914,
in tbe office of tbe County Clerk.
Dated at Coquille, Coos County,
Oregon, this 20th day of October,
J ames W atson , County Clerk
The leisure time os your customer* and pros­
pective customers is during the evening.
M. M. YOUNG, Proprietor
They feel grateful to the merchant who
dresses his windows attractively and lights
them properly with Mazda lamps, so the
merchandise displayed can be examined.
People who cannot be attracted during the
day will pause at night to inspect a beauti­
fully illuminated window.
mm w
Advertising Space !
The work the windows do at night counts
big in day-time sales.
Let us render expert assistance.
to conduct it in such a manner as to merit pat­
ronage and give satisfaction to rthe traveling
The next issue of the Telephone Directory goes
to press about October 15, 1914. Advertising
space for sale. Make your reservations for
space in it. For particular write or call.
Phone 71.
C o o s B a y H o m e T ele p h o n e C o
Oregon Power Company
Main Office
MftnliflpM, Oregon