Ice Cream at Folsom’s Confection­ ! vvoik in the Law Department, visit to San Francisco, and the pa­ j While an undergraduate here, trons of that theater will now no ery . tice a great improvement in the The wills of the ue i O Id Felt' ws King was identified with debating matter ol comtort. and was a u u m lier ol the Executive building on Sicoud street are i ow Conut ee ot the Stud in li, dv The The vaudeville sketch put on at lining under the manipulate ■■ of a following is a list ol Coos s'udtuts 11be Giand last night by the Elliott at the institution: Dal M King players was very amusing. Edsou c r e w of brick i u h s o u s . and K McCIuskey, ol Myille Point; Elliott played the part of the Eng­ One of the school board informs Gretchen Sherwood, oi Coquille; lishman with great fidelity, and the Herald th eeu McDonald’s left leg was run over Peter Loggie, of North Bcud wus working up a plan tor giving a play between knee and ankle by the iu town y.ster,lay. Mr Loggie is wilh local laleDt has completed his wheels of a logging train, almost good Republican, but be is boosting arrangements, and r-hersals ar_- completely severing the bmb and now under way. The play to be a ia:m.di:Te amputation the Coos comity candidate, Fred given is Jim Corbett s famous play u, necessary. It seems that Miss Mc­ Hollister, for congress. ot “ Pals,” an up to-date story of Donald, who is a stenographer, had Mr and Mrs. Cljss. Baxter, came college lile at Harvard. This will just come from the creamery and be produced under Mr. Elliott’s was walking back to town beside ovir from Mtishlield yesterday, direction at the Grand November ihe irain which was coming iu to accompanied l> Miss Eva Schroeder 5th. The cast includes Miss Ruth By some means her who had visited them over Sunday Young, Earl Leslie, Roy Avery, the depot. clothing was caught and she was %yl Charley reports things livi ly iu Jack Weber and Leland Jackson, drawn toward the track, with the besides the members d the E'liott • e-xilt given * She was taken to Dr. Marshfield. When slight pains or aches overtake you, do Players, who are .themselves now All cold weather drinks will lie local people but who have had long Colin's office and rhe limb was am- not wait for them to develop into annoying chronic 1 uta'.ed as soon as help could be se­ found at Folsom’s Confectionery. experience iu the ever popular cured. Dr. Culin later reports that rheumatism, which may cripple you for life, but A S' cial dance wssgiveu Widnes Margaret lies company The ad­ tile patient is doing finely The come straight to us and get some medicine to relieve day evening us a farewell party lor mission has been fixed at 25 and young lady di» ’ayed a gieai deal 50 cents you. If you have already neglected yourself too of nerve and did not lose conscious­ Clay Ktiowltoo, who was leaving for ness at the time ol the accident. long, the sooner you come, the better. Rheumatism San Francisc • to take a course iu a The Spaulding Logging Co , at While the accident is bad enough it business college. requires treatment, not only for the painful joints and Salem is considering putting in a is very fortúnale that it was no J. P. Michele, of the the (). P piper an I pulp mill. worse, as the girl's life might easily muscles, but for your whole system. have been lost. Co. office, Started for his home iu We don’t keep you waiting forever for your Lampa and Lower River Oregon City last night in answer to prescriptions. To Play Football Nov. 3 a cal', announcing ilie sud new of With all the logging camps on I the death ot a sister Come to O U R Drug Store The local football te m. which the river closed down, save one, Pearlay Lund is helping iu the there is but little business ot traffic was organized some time ago, has > Kuowltou Drug Store lor a few on the river About all the work made arrangements to play its first 'lays, as the departure of Clay being done is general farm work game with the Marshfield high THE R E X B LL STORE school team, at Marshfield ou elec­ Knowltod leaves Owen aloue iu the and tie making The teams are evenly Ed Gillsspie will move, in a short tion day. store until the return of his father, time, from Lampa to the Pendellon matched, as to weight and it is re­ the date of which is still uncertain. ranch in the Fat l'ilk country, ported that the Marshfield team is a fast bunch, and everything goes Wyandott Washing Powder in which he has leased. P ro fe ssio n a l C a rd s Ar­ ¡3 1-2 lb. bags, regular pi ice 25« Will Forbes who uow lives on the to indicate a splendid game. : now on sale at Lyons A Jones, 2 Carey ranch says that he will move rangements also have been made to Dr. C. W. ENDICOTT play at Marshfield Thanksgiving j bags for the price of one. to Coquille soon. D e n t is t .fay, but no games have been defin­ The City Bakery bus leased the Miss Rena Danielson will start itely decided upon to be pulled off Office over First National Bank Phone Main 431 west half of the W. C. Laird build- for Washington by next boat She on the local grounds, although it is . lug, and cuipenters have been at intends to spend the winter there probable that sne'n games will be School is progressing nicely with played before the season is over. j work fixing it up for occupaucy, an attendance ot about 30 while Mr. Laiid has been selling off Last Friday morning while doing Chapter of Accidents j his stock of furniture. The bakery some carpenter work iu a barn near Three Cana Coudenstd Milk for ; will be moved to the new location his home near Lampa, Mr A Bean G A Rienke, who has been 25c at Lyon» & Jones by Nov. 1st, anil Cook brothers fainted and tell eight feet from a working in the local mill for about From the a month, suffered a peculiar acci­ Rev. T. B. McDouald i» reported will then have a fine location for ladder to the ground. fall he recieved serious brusises and dent Monday morning, by which quite severely ill. their increasing business. was hurt to such an extent that The Baxter hotel now has a con­ With its new coat of whits, the Dr. Mann ol Bandon left orders for his leg was broken He had picked rip a heavy slab and pitched it out crete bulkhead to hold up the ter­ Coos county court house now [»re­ him to remain in bed lor several ot the way, when his leg gave way Are yon better off now than you were race around the front. sents a very attractive appearance days. under him, and it was found that under the Republican administration? the smaller bone was brokeu near SHINGLES FOR SALE — En iu its settiug of green. Some folks To secure a site for a city ball the ankle Rienke is a large and Are you satisfied? quire of Geo T. Moulton, Ageut are now saying that a nice green Eugene will vacate the old high powerful man and his muscles evi­ for the Hammock Shingle (Jo. lattice io hide the big wood pile If you believe in the principles of the dently put too much strain on the The new opera chairs for the would be an improvement in appear­ site and build two new schools. Republican Party, if you are convinced bone as hé twisted his leg in throw­ that these principles are the best for the Grand theater have arrived and are ances, besides shutting off a disturb­ ing the heavy slab He had re­ To Provide for the Farmers ing sight from those of us who have ceived a severe blow in the same country, then prove it. by voting for being placed today. spot from a piccaroon a short time your standard bearer, Robert A. Booth, Two bags Wyandott Washing to buy our woo l by the load. S. M. Nosier has purchased the ago, and the bone may have been Republican candidate for the United Powder for 25c at Lyons & Jones. The Republican county central wo library lots, and the long-need­ slightly fractured. {States Senate. Rov Lawhorne wus over from committee has arrunged for a series ed hitebiug rack for the larmers Mr. Lee, of Jolmson’s mill, who will be established thereon as an at­ You know that under Republican Marshfield Saturday anil painted a of rallies to be held this week, open­ tachment of the Model Grocery. works on the section, is laid up presidents the people of the United large sign on the west side of ing at North Bend last evening. Work will be commenced at once with a strained and bruised arm. Drane’s grocery. L A. Pinkston is nursing an arm, The speakers scheduled to appear as soon as the details of the change States have good times. Sample ballots for next Tuesday’s are Chas I Reigard, C. B. Zeek, C. of ownership have been attended broken last week. You know that under Democratic A child at Henryville, aged about to. Hitching racks will be put up presidents you have Democratic times. election are already to he hud at A. Selilbrede and I. S. Smith, und and a watering trough provided, five years, required Dr. Richmond's the itinerary reads, Marshfield to­ the Clerk’s office. Their size is 18 Remember the prosperity under Mc­ ancWt is likely that sheds will also night, Baudon Wedne-day, Myrtle be erected tor shelter during the attention, having cut its foot severe­ by 24 inches Kinley, Roosevelt and Taft. ly ou the bottom, cutting away PointThursday and Coquille Friday, winter. This will turnish a con­ nearly the whole ball of the loot. T. A. Walker will make special The issue in this campaign is not venience for the farmers that they trips to Roseburg nt reasonable closing the campaign here. Much sickness from measles and one of personality. It is not one of will undoubtedly appreciate, and other ailments is reported, the fam­ rates Large, high-power auto. non-partisanship. It is a question of the enterprise of S. M. Nosier & Co. ilies of J. B. Pointer, John Hickbara Parties desiring to go call either Coos Students at U. of O. whether you prefer prosperi’y under will be rewarded by tile increased and Joe Peart being among the phone. 7-14-tf Republican administration. sufferers. University of Oregon, Eugene— business lrom the country. The school board of this district Do you have enough work? Are your met last Wednesday and decided to The registration at the state univer­ At the Shows wages good? Is your business what call an election November Gth for sity this year has reached 740 or a gain of 5P over last year’s enroll­ you want it to be? the purpose of levying a tax for ment. Coos county is accredited Some excellent p'etures have[ If you are satisfied with present con­ school purposes. with nine studeuts among whom is been shown here during the past j dition«, well and good; if you believe A. A Cutter shoes for Meu and Gretchen Sherwood of Coquille. week, among the best being tire in­ that the present situation is better than Boys. The Best Winter shoe oo Dal M. King of Myrtle Point, who stallments of “The Perils of Paul- j graduated last year, has returned ine” and “ The Milliou Dollar Mys­ under McKinley, Roosevelt and Taft, he market at Lyons A Jones. :o college to take post graduate tery,” at the Scenic and Grand res- [ you know what to do. The bazaar held by the M. E. pectively. Each ol these is a spleu- I The way to help bring prosperity is to did series, with a good story and an : Ladies’ Aid last Saturday was a help elect a Republican Senate. The | all star cast, put on by a first-class great success. A .rent array of [company. The Herald would ;ug- epublican candidate in Oregon is R. beautiful and useful articles was j gest that the managers arrange A. Booth. RA TES: One cent a word, each in­ their dates so that the pictures will displayed anil sold, and lunches sertion. No charge less than 15 cents' were served until the provisions not be here on the same nights, as This is a Republican year | gave out About $70 00 was realized all patrons who admire good pict­ } OLD NEWSPAPERS-Cheap at the ures would like to see them both, I for the church. Herald office. IL L undoubtedly is like but not on the same uight Vote the ticket straight Special »tubbing ofTerat Folsom’s your father and all other At the Scenic Saturday will be A FEW CHOICE LOTS in Knowl- normal men—he probably Now is the I Paid advertisement, Republican State until November lOih seen the Vitagrapb Broadway Star tons Heights can still be bought will want a mild stimulant occa­ Central Committee. Imperial Hotel, time to ariange for your winter sionally. at ten dollars per month They teature, "Captain Alvarez,” in six resting. Portland, Oregon.) Don’t start your married life are 04j£xl75 (t. Inquire of Ned reels. This picture was produced by being p ru d is h . B e e r is C. Kelly. * 9-8-tf in California, Edith Storey and oth­ healthful and refreshing, and he er Vitagraph stars being sent across will drink it moderately, for ROOMS AND HOUSEKEEPING the continent to rake part in it, and he knows the meaning of True Temperance. Don’t toll him he APARTMENTS—Veudome Lodg­ is guaranteed to be a thriller. can't drink i t —he broad-minded ing House. Everything neat and Mrs. Bledsoe has received the and meet him half way. You’ll c!ran. Your patronage solicited. lot of new opera chairs which she have your ice eream soda fre­ W E CLEGHORN AND WIFE, ordered for the Grand on her recent quently ami Will will have hi« beer. tf FUHRMAN’S PHARMACY W HY YOU SHOULD VOTE FOR BOOTH REPUBLICAN Candidate For United States MERELY M ENTIONED S e n a to r WANT COLUMN We Are Distributors For Men's and Boys' Furnishings and Clothing Underwear, Shirts, Sweaters, Gloves, Suspenders, Sox, Neckwear etc. W e have the combination Raincoat and Overcoat, which is very popular and greatly in demand in this climate. W e are display­ ing a fine lot Men,? Suits. W atch our Windows PURSLEY’S — THE HABERDASHERY FOR CONGRESS FRED HOLLISTER For a radical change in the home­ stead laws, favoring the settler and of­ fering inducements to the prospective settler. * (Under the present law it is almost an impossiblity to prove up on your homestead.) The buildihg of a merchant marine that will be a world power iu com­ merce. The opening up for settlement of a large amount of the present foiest reserves. Oregon was made for Oregonians, and its reserves should be utilized for the direct benefit of its people. MORE BUSINESS AND LESS POLITICS A COAST MAN FOR A COAST COUNTRY $ .17 Ham, per pound,______ 1.50 Lard, 5 lbs., $.75, 10 lbs., .25 Condensed Milk, 3 cans for .25 Tomatoes, 3 cans for .25 Soap, 6 bars f o r ______ Every thing else in proportion. Money Talks. Come in and see. : The Model Grocery S. M. Nosier & Co. Str. Elizabeth Regular ns the Clock San Francisco and Bandon First-class (arc only Up freight, pe r ton $7.50 Ü .0 U E. & E. T . Kruse 2 4 California Street, San Francisco For Reservation* J. E. NORTON Agents, Coquille, Oregon E. D. U L R IC H , Chamber of Commerce, Portland. Oregon The Piano Contest people can get tbeir minds off from next Tuesday’s election long enough to vote in a piano contest. Following w,is Srturday night’s count: AT DRANE’S Mabel Wilcox 212,655 200,355 Myrtle Newton 175,770 A'Idie Donaldson Beulah Price 171,060 Belvu Pingston 124,410 119,935 Jul.a Dondono 69,755 Mi8. Mart Medlock 66,170 Mrs. Pad get 64,640 Mrs. G. R. Wicknam 55,175 Mrs P. P. Leatherwood 35,065 Katherine Terri- 26,465 Grace Miller 24,255 Mrs. A1 Garten 9,315 Edith Morgan 2,685 Iuu Harmon AT ANDERSON’S 54,720 Mrs. L. A. Ross 50,775 Katherine Terris 49,995 Mrs. Mabel Samson Myrtle Newton Verua Phillips Mauley T. Bartholomew am) Mrs. P. A Breur Vio'i t Shuck Vienna B. Keruell. Jas. L. Boyd and Irma J. John­ Mildred Mast Lucdla Corbett son. Seth S. Johnson and Hallie Ellis. Mrs libbetts 27,385 26,356 20,990 20,790 12,400 11,135 6,875 % A n nouncem ent IJA V IN G leased the plant of the Co- * * quille Mill and Mercantile Com­ pany, the undersigned is now prepared to fill all orders for any kind of L U M B E R Especial attention will be paid to the local demand, and every effort will be made to supply anything needed at the shortest possible notice. Your orders are solicited. DO YOU KNOW ? W E A R E SELLING Try « Herald want ad for any­ thing you want to buy or sell. Marriage Licenses I’ll Tell You This, Too, My Daughter Your father and I soon will have our twenty-fifth wedding anniversary. In all those years he has drunk his beer whenever he wanted it. Look at him to­ day-strong, robust, alert, no finer man on earth. Never once have I denied him the privilege o f drinking moderately. I know the moderation with whieh he (banks does him a world of good. In fart, I enjoy seeing him safeguard his health. It's when you seek to deprive a man of his liberty that he rebels. Let W ill drink Deer when he wants it, for he’s too good a man to go beyond the bounds of moderation. You'll find that a little beer will increase his stork of cheerfulness. C h o o se th e home of mirth and happiness, my dear, rather than the house o f trouble and dissention. ~~C Advertisem ent At the council meeting last even­ ing an ordinance was passed levy­ ing an assessment on the property henefilted by the improvement of i 1 he in erseclion of Fn nr and C streets, and ordering that the assess­ ments be collected Permission was gr illed to Mrs. P'rank Leslie to conduct a kinder­ garten in the room designated as lire major’s office, in I lie 1 iiy ball. The report ol »lie light committee j was acrepied and four lights were ordered placed, as follows: On Eiont street opposite the Laundry; at the corner of Second and Mvr le; cu B street beyond the academy, and at the corner ol Sec- on, j and Coulter. For immediate and complete improve- ! Mabel Wilcox again can-e to the ment oi all Coast harbors, and water­ frout in the Drane contest last week ways of Oregon. | and took the prize of a tricolator, For Federal appropriations to be used ! while Vlrs Mrs L. A Ross piled up in building good roads, waterways and the greatest number of votes at harbors. Such appropriations to b e « 1 Anderson's, taking the the prize commensurate in amount and to be and also taking the lead over all of based upon the valuation of govern­ | the younger ladies ment properties in Oregon. The ptize this week will be a but­ (.The government now owns almost; ter knife, sugar spoon and set of one-half of this state and we receive j teaspoons, all of Roge g silver plate, nothing from this property.) am) it will be interesting to see if W $0000 FOR A FARVI —Here is a chance for a fanner. A (¡2-acre farm; GO bottom land; 15 acres under plow auil 15 acres more slashed ready to burn; good creek of tunuing w»ter on Ihe place. Good nouse, insured for $1000; fair barn, granaries and all neces sary outbuildings. This place is 10 miles from Coquille, is on a plank road and milk route, one mile from postoffice and school. Money can be made on this place by any one who understands farming, or it is an excellent buy as a apeculation. Land is going up and will never again he so cheap in Cues county as it is to­ day. Terms will be given on part of ihe purchase price if desired. Investigate this if you want a farm. B. Folsom, Coquille. 10-20-lf City Council E. E. JOHNSON LESSEE t f %■ ASK YOUR GROCER FOR Swift's “Siluer Leaf Brand. Pure Lard’’ TAKE NO SUBSTITUTE. NONE JUST AS GOOD. T. E . N O R T O N DISTRIBUTOR. COQUILLE, OREGON