Coquille herald. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1905-1917, September 22, 1914, Image 2

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Republican Ticket
For U. 8. Penator
For Congress
Salem, SepL 28-Oct 3, 1914
Election 1914
R. A. Booth
W. C. Hawley
For Governor
James Withycombe
A Failure Stop Him
of education that a child is en­
T h e C o q u iile H e r a l d sort
titled to. It will be a hard matter
Offered in Premiums for Ag- j
For Justice of the Supremo Court
Livestock, Poultry
Henry J. Bean, Lawrence T. «cultural,
other exhibits. !
Harris, Thomas McBribe, Horse races, Shooting
Henry L. Benson, Charles nament Band Concerts, Tourn-
L. McNary
For Attorney General
Children’s Playground, Bee
George M. Brown
Demontrations, Animal Cir­
For Supt. of Public Instruction
and other free attractions
J. A. Churchill
TL 'i are invited.
For State Engineer
Free Camp Grounds
John M. Lewis
Send for Premium List and
For Commissioner of Labor
Entry Blanks.
0. P. Hoff
Reduced rates on all railroads
For Railroad Commissioner
Frank J. Miller
For particulars address
For Supt. W ater Div. No. 1
James T. Chinnock
Salem, Oregon
The reason the Courier asks voters
to give Congressman Hawley’s place to
Fred Hollister of Coos County, is be­
cause Mr, Hawlev is not making good—
the same reason the Courier would let
For Representative 5th Dist.
go of an incompetent printers and put
Charles R. Barrow
another man in his place.
Representative 6th Diet.
There isn’t an individual or news­
paper in this district th at can ask for
S. P. Pierce
Mr. Hawley’s return to congress on his
For County Judge
record—for his record won’t bear the
James Watson
During his past fouryears in congress
For Sheriff
he has not passed a bill—except private
Alfred Johnson, Jr.
pension bills.
This of itself would not be anything
For County Clerk
against him perhaps, but during his
R. Watson
term in congress he has come down the
line with the big interests and stand­
For County Treasurer
patters on about everything they have
T. M. Dimmick
tried to jimmy through the national
For County Surveyor
legislatu re-and this office has his roll
call record to prove it.
S. McCulloch
He has been the handy man to the
For County Coroner
big bunch to such an extent th at such
F. E. Wilson
periodicals as L aF ollett’s magazine
has held him up to the view of the
County Commissioner
people as a “ Me, too,” congressman.
Geo. J. Armstrong
H eretofore the Dem ocrats have nom­
inated a weak brother to run against For Commissioner of Port of Bandon
Mr. Hawley, and made his return easy. A. McNair and C. R. Moore
Whether this was m isfortune or in­
tent doesn’t m atter now.
For Justice of the Peace
But this year Mr. Hawley has a live
Walter Sinclair
one for an opponent—a man running
For Constable
against him who is going to beat him
Ned C. Kelley
Fred H ollister of Coos Bay is every Published under the authority and by
ounce a h ustler and doer.
the order of the Coos County Republican
He is a progressive from the ground Central
(Paid Adv.)
up, a progressive for progressive Ore­
gon. He believes this district has been Coos and Curry couDty Fair,
overlooked in the W ashington shuffle, Myrtle Point, Sept. 23-24 25 26.
and he wants a new deal.
He believes th at a congressman who
For County Surveyor
has served eight years and had 170 of
his 175 bills killed, must have been
asleep a t the switch.
I hereby announce myself an in­
It is certain th at Mr. Hawley has dependent candidate for the office
always been lame so fa r as Oregon of county surveyor of Coos County,
has been concerned.
Oregon. I am a regular graduate
Supposed to be representing this of the Kansas State Agricultural
state, a state which emphatically w ent College, class of 1884 Engaged
on record for reduced tariff duties, Mr. for 14 years in the location, con­
Hawley took the stump in M assachu­ struction and maintenance ot rail­
setts advocating a repeal of the present roads, with the C. B. & Q. Ry.,
tariff laws and a return to protection Mo. Pac. Ry., A T. & S. F. Ry.,
C. R. I. & Pac. Ry., and for 10
There are no reasons for returning years employed in irrigation and
Mr. Hawley, and there are the best of mining engineering work. Am al­
reasons for electing Mr. H ollister and so a membet ol the Oregon State
having this state represented by a man Society of Engineers. Will you
who represents the people.
support me at the polls?
I t ’s a joke, a burlesque for progress­
ive Oregon, to return this Disciple of
Joe Cannon.
We have tim ber to beat him and we Coos and Curry county Fair,
will have correct representation in Mr. Myrtle Point, Sept. 23-24 25-26.
East Fork Items
If voters of Clackamas county will
use their heads and forget party, Mr.
Hawley will be a once-waser Novem­ Ed Abernethy has finished cut­
ber 3, and we will have a congressman ting the road lumber for which he
in W ashington who will not have to had a contract for 100,000 feet, and
think whether he is representing Mass­ the mill has closed down for a
achusetts or Oregon.— Oregon City while.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Lapp, of
for even a well child to grow graud
and good out of a consciousness of
surrounding physical ills ”
Again a very considerable per­
centage of intelligent people will
consider that argument to be sound
psychology. Too constant contem­
P. C. LEVAR, Lessee.
plation of the thing that is evil
Devoted to the m aterial and social must have its effect on the mind
upbuilding of the Coquiile Valley par­ That is the gist of the argument.
ticularly and of Co s County generally. All this is aside from the profes­
Subscription, $1.50 per year in advance sional bureaucracy which, it is con­
tended, compulsory medical exam
Phone Main 381,
ation in the schools seeks to impose.
It Is at least a presentation of the
If the Progress ives of this neck of matter
that ought not to have been
the woods are nol all dead obes they denied
by the authorities who per­
should remember that they have a mitted the advocates of complusion
candidate on the county ticket in to present what they had to say as
the person of E B. Curtis, ot North fully as they liked.
Bend, who is running for County There is much sound sense in the
Commissioner. While the Herald argument the ‘‘teaching of fear."
is not a believer in party partisan­ There is entirely too much talk of
ship in county affairs, still it would ‘‘germs.” There is no question
seem that the party candidate is at that people who never heard ol
least entitled to consideration, and “germs” are much healthier than
if he is one of the best men in the those who live in constant terror
field be should not be ignored. of the little wigglers. It is bad
While the Herald can not speak enough to have the civilized world
from personal acquaintance, all ac­ full of grown germ cranks, without
counts agree that Mr. Curtis is in training the children to stand in
every way qualified to make a good mortal fear of everything that
commissioner; that he is a good comes to them in its natural state,
business man and a good citizen, of without being “sterilized.” That
strict integrity and of modern and there are disease germs all about us
progressive ideas, ^t is also point­ from the cradle to the grave is prob­
ed out that he is the only candidate ably true and has been true for
from the Bay side who has a chance thousands of years, but no person
to become a member of the county who uses common sense In his man­
court, and it is only a matter of jus­ ner of living and takes care of his
tice that the Bay should be repre­ digestion has any reason to be
sented. His support from that side alarmed. Nature is able to cope
of the divide will be heavy, and the with natural conditions if we give
people of this side should not at­ her half a chance, aud there is no
tempt to shut that part of the coun­ more pitiable object in the world
than a person obsessed with the
ty out altogether.
"germ” mania.
Attend the Fair
Strong opposition has arisen to
the plan of the Federal Board of With the prospect of good weath
the United States Public Health the Coos and Curry county fair
Service to enforce compulsory med­ er,
which opens at Myrtle Point tomor­
ical examination in the public row
have a good attendance.
schools. The medical Freedom There should
be something well worth
magazine has an article voicing this seeing will
day, besides the excel­
opposition, and commenting on this lent race every
which is assured.
the Portland Telegram says, in Every effort has been
made by the
the best
It is not feasible here to review fair yet held, and considerable
all the various objections to tjj ey has been spent on needed mon­
compulsory policy that are advanced
in this article; but it is a matter of provements on the grounds since
intimate individual and household last year, and $noo is offered in
interest that some of them should premiums on county exhibits. Ev­
be presented for consideration.
Marshfield, who have been in west­
Touching school sanitation, the erybody should take intetest in this M ore Business A nd Less Politics
ountry ern Washington for a while and at
argument begins with the statement local fair and give it every encour­ A C oast M an For A C oast Paid C Adv.
his mother’s at Corvallis, added to
in substance, that knowledge of ma­ agement possible, and it can be
their pleasure trip by hiking in from
teria medica is not essential to se made oue of the best events of the
cure sanitary conditions in the kind in the stale Without public Have you paid the printer.
school room any more than it Is es­ interest no fair can be made a suc­
Mr. and Mrs. Baradinia who are
sential to secure those conditions in cess, no matter how much money
at Messers Thomas and
Young Gets Verdict
the home, and that the services of is spent on it. Let every one who
came up the coast from
a trained physician are no more re­ can possibly do so plan to spend at
in their touring car. a
quired for the one purpose than for least one day at this local exposi­
135 inch wheel base.
Young against Frank Burkholder, They know some
the other. In the common mind, tion.
of the road is not
gave Mr. Young a verdict for $75.
the truth of >t hits home so hard
The case arose from a real estate a road on which to do speeding.
as to uy chance for argu­
E. Marcy has enlarged his
Marshfield's Weekly Item deal made by Burkholder after his silo, K. ready
lor his corn crop of
sale of the Pacific Real Fatale Co.
Touching je terrible menace ot
germs, an the manner in which The regular Saturday night rob­ to Young, and was appealed from about ten acres.
the sh do.v of it is thrown upon the bery at Marahtield was by George Justice court, where the decision
School News
child m jd, the Medical Freedom Francis, who entered the Owl saloon went in favor of the defendant.
argu::: :at makes the point cf over- and took about |8.00 in cash. He
Next Friday is children’s day at
emp’.; sis. It objects to the trans­ was picked up and was brought
For Panama Exhibit
The county fair and a large number
formation of the delightful fairy over yesterday by Marshal Carter to
story with its sprites and gnomes, answer to the grand jury. Francis A meeting of the executive com- of pupils from the Coquiile schools
its giants and dwarfs, its enchanted is a new arrival from the interior,
on the Panama-Pacific exhibit are planning to send in exhibits.
sons and daughters of kings and and he recently served a 60 day to tnitte
made by Coos county next A meeting of the Coos County
queens, and all its enchanting ne­ term in the county jail at Roseberg Tear was
held here last Thursday, High School Association has been
cromancy of dell and glade and for­ for entering a drug store at Oak­ all the towns
for Saturday Oct .3 at Coquiile
est deep, into an ugly tale o' bacter­ land and committing some theft. represented. of the county being called
will be elected fo>- the year
ial fairies that swarm upon us in
ball and basket ball sched­
trillions aud quintillions, threaten­
be made out. Supt. H
ing disease and disaster in the air
Bandon has been presi­
we breathe, the water we drink,{the (From the Port Orford Tribune) J. A. Ward, of Marshfield, was en­ dent of the of association
during the
food we eat, the clothing we wear The Port Orford Bchnol will start gaged to work for two months col­ past year.
and everything we touch. There Monday, October 5th, with Prof. lecting the exhibit.
The typewriting course is proving
are many, very many of us, who on
Robinson as principal and J. O. Stemmier reported that the popular
this year. Four
will hold that in all wholesome con -1 F. Miss H. Bernice
court would appropriate machines again
Chandler as assistant. county
science the objection is well taken
$1000 this year for the exhibit and
Going a step further the argu-1 Mrs. McLellan left Port Orford the
Miss Anderson is again in charge
ment proceeds to deprecate the in- j the latter part of last week for being in accordance with the under­ of her room after an absence of one
tluence of the constant teaching of Marshfield, wh re Bbe goes to be at standing already arrived at.
week on account of illness.
fear. In that connection we quote the
The teachers, old and new, all
bedside of her daughter, Miss given full authority to make arrange­ greatly
this one pertinent paragraph:
appreciated the delightful
"The best hope of health ts to
ments for space in the Oregon build­ reception given them by the Educa­
think health, aud that suggests the eration for appendicitis
ing and for the plan of the exhibit. tional League last Friday evening
Entered as eecon I class m atter May
8, 1005. at the post office at Coquiile,
Oregon, underact o'. Congress of March
8 , 1879.
• •m * m
$ 20,000.00 I
Tho Herald's clubbing offer of I
four magazines at an extra cost of
'25 cents for one year is proving a
Coos and Curry county Fair, •
Myrtle Point, Sept. 23-24-25-26.
3rd A N N U A L
Coos=Curry Fair
$1600 in Purses for Races
and Other Events
New Buildings, Stock Barn and
Exhibit Hall
$1100 in Premiums for County
$500 for School Childern’s Industrial Fair
Coquiile Valley Day, - Sept. 24
School Childern’s Day, Sept. 25
Coos Bay Day, - - - Sept. 26
■■ — .........— .
It, has been brought to my attention that the Anti-Saloon League, fol­
lowing the same tactics it has followed in every campaign heretofore, is
trying to besmirch this organization and to carry on a vicious campaign of
untruths. No name seems to be too good to be dragged into the mud by
them. I have reliable information that a statem ent has been made to the
Anti-Saloon League and to the Committee of One Hundred by Mrs. Cora
C. T albott, form er secretary of the Taxpayers’ and W age-E arners’ League,
th at ahe was brought into this work by me under the im pression that it
was a W om en's Suffrage movement, and her duties would be those of a
physician while I made speeches throughout the state. I also understand
th at Mrs. T albott makes the statem ent that funds have been collected with­
out authority, and in some way the Brewers’ Association has been collect­
ing these funds. These two statem ents are absolutely untrue. The collec­
tion of funds was authorized by me as president, and the secretary was
ordered to have a letter sent out in connection with this work. I under­
stand that Mrs. Talbott, in this purported letter, in the hands of the Anti-
Saloon League and the Com m ittee of One Hundred, states that she ob­
jected to the raising of funds under her signature as secretary. H ow did
the good lady think the work of this league was to be carried on? W hy did
th e think Mr. Bortzm eyer, cashier of the Scandinavian-American Bank, was
appointed treasurer of this league? Did she think we would ask the brew­
ers to put up the money surreptitiously? If so, she reckoned w ithout her
host. I have always fought in the open, and now, in my 80th year, and
probably in my last campaign, I do not intend to change the principles I
have always fought for, nor depart from my honesty of purpose in advo­
cacy of equal rights for all the people—by no means excluding women, for
whose interests I have spent my life to obtain the ballot. My chief con­
cern in their behalf has always been to secure for them their economic in­
dependence, as m arried m others within the home, which alone will enable
any woman to quit the business of marrying inebriates or raising drunkards.
The moneys collected a rt in the hands of Treasurer Bortzm eyer, and
all those who have donated have received a letter acknowledging receipt
theropf. Any one so desiring may inquire from our treasurer as to w hether
the money has been put in his hands, and I am quite sure he will advise
them of receipt of their donation. If there is any one who has paid their
money into this organization under misapprehension as donation for carry­
ing on this work, this league will be only too glad to refund it.
It is indeed strange that Mrs. Talbott thought this was a Suffrage m ove­
m ent when she went to the Portland Hotel, engaged the dining-room for
our first luncheon for organization and arranged for the payment of this
luncheon, and went so far as to get speakers to express their views against
The real break between Mrs. T albott and myself was caused when I
found out that she had gone to the Brewers’ Association and told them she
could be of good service to them in connection with this league, and asked
and received a salary from the Brewers’ Association on the ground that she
was putting in her time and needed the money. Oil the 26th of August a
m eeting was held between Mrs. T albott and myself for the purpose of get­
ting m atters straightened out before starting the general organization. At
this m eeting a statem ent was signed by myself as president and Mrs. T al­
bott as secretary that the two letters sent out by myself, as well as the let­
ter sent out by the publicity departm ent, were approved. This statem ent
ended with the sentence: "A lter discussing generally the affairs of the
league, the officer^ ratified all work that had been done up to date by the
publicity bureau and officer^ of the association.”
I have lived in this state for 60 years, during all of which time I have
toiled and worked for the people of my state, and I am willing to leave it to
the public to decide as to w hether I would lend myself in any way to any v
organization or any act that could be construed as anything but honorable.
Every one in this state knows Mrs. Duniway and her family. I wish further
to say that, if the occasion arises and I deem it necessary to go further into
this m atter, I will be glad to publish some additional facts in these same
papers not necessary to publish now, and will meet the conditions as they
arise. If the Anti-Sa3oon League, by its paid foreign agitators or Commit­
tee of One H undfed, think they can becloud this issue by trying to drag into
the mud my name or others, they are very much mistaken. I expect to
carry tlfis work on to the conclusion of this campaign, and then allow ttr*
people to judge as to whether we will control our own affairs in the Sta$$
of Oregon or allov* the paid agitators of the East to show us what to dot
(S,aned) Abigail Scott Duniway
♦ Paid
A d v ertisem en t
Taxpayers^ and^
W age
E arn er« ’ L eague of