Sherill's Sale of Real Property on Foreclosure * j shermoo D Pr o» V.-Bres L H . HAZARD. Cat hi e r BIDING IN YOUI^ V O T E S A ll vote in the Anderson-Drane Piano contest [ should be brought in and placed in the ballot box within a week from the date on which ! they are issued. No votes over a week old will be counted on the weekly prize. It Is Not Too Late To nominate a new candidate— plenty of time to catch up with the leaders 0. C SANFORD, A i t i . Ceshi e. FIRST N A T IO N A L L A N K NOTICE IS H E R EB Y G IVEN that* under and bv virtue o f an execution I and Order of Sale uwued out o f the I Circuit Court o f the State o f Oregon op C O Ç U lL â L ia , O R B G O f i , for the County of Coos on the 3rd day of September, A. I). 11*14» in a certain suit wherein» Robert Dollar Co., a cor­ T r a n w H c t a n G e n e r a l H a n k i n g B u a i n e a t « poration, is plaintiff and against Co- uuille Lumber Co., a corporation, L. C. C a r r .ip o n d .n l, B e r » a f Dl r aet ar ». Reynolds, as Receiver o f the Coquille Lumber Company, a corporation, Farm­ R.O. Dement, A. J. Sherwood, National Bank o f Commerce,New York Cit ers A Merchants Bank, a corporation, I,. Harlocker, 1,. H. Hazard, Crocker Woolworth N ’ l Hank, San Franciscy as Trustee, J. A. Collier, O. J. See lev, (ttaiah Hacker, K. K. Shine First Nationall Bank o f Portland, Portland C. A. Gage, L. J. Simpson, G. W. Beale, L. C. Reynolds, A. B. Daly, A. E. Ellingson, First National Bank of Coos Bay, a corporation, Johnson Lumber Company, a corporation, and Coquille River Electric Company, a cor­ R. 8. K nowlton , President G eo . A . R obinson , Vice-Pres. poration, E. E. Johnson, Alfred John­ R. il. M ast , Cashier. son, R. J. Morris and Frank Morris, defendants, being case No. 3492 of said Court, and commanding me to satisfy the sum o f $17,593.38 with interest thereon at the rate of 8 per cent, per annum from the 11th day of August, 1914, the further sum o f $750.00 attor­ COQUILLE. OREGON neys fee with interest thereon at the rate of 0 per cent, per annum from the 11th day of August, 1914, and the fur­ ther sum of $845.40 with interest there­ Opened fur Bnsines March. 1890 on at the rate o f 6 per cent, per annum from the 11th day of Augugt, 1914, and costs and disbursements taxed at $57.70 CORRESPONDENTS : all of said sums being due the Robert l.add & Tilton Bank, Portland First National Bank, San Francisco Dollar Co. plaintilF; the sum of $5,597.- 50 with interest thereon at the rate of National Park, New York First Trust & Sa-ings, Coos Bay 6 per cent, per annum from the 11th day of August, 1914, and the further sum of $15.00 costs and disbursements, the same being the amounts due J. A. Collier, O. J. Seeley, C. A. Gage, L. J. Simpson, Geo. W. Beale, and L. C. Reynolds, defendants; the sum o f $4,- O LD R E L IA B L E —EQUIPPED W IT H W IRELESS 750.45 with interest at the rate of 8 per ift cent, per annum from the 11th day of August, 1914, the sum o f $200.00 attor­ neys fee with interest at the rate of 0 per cent, per annum from August 11th, 1914, and costs and disbursements taxed A L W A Y S ON T IM E at $ , the same being the amounts due the Johnson Lumber Company, de­ fendant; the sum o f $4,275.56 with in­ S ails fr o m C o o s B a y terest at the rate o f 8 per cent, per an­ A t 12:30 P. M., September 2nd, 7th, 17th, 22nd, 27th. num from August 11th, 1914, the sum o f $200.00 attorneys fees with interest at the rate of 6 per cent, per annum from August 11, 1914, and costs and Phone M ain 18 7 P. L. STERLING. Agent disbursements taxed st -5 . the same being the amounts due the First -n. r r : r 1— - L -$3? • i Æ?- : * Æt iL I National Bank o f Coos Bay, defendants; tin- sum o f $517.84 with interest st tin- rate o f H per cent, per annum from Au­ gust 11th, 1914, and costs and disburse­ ments taxed at $ , the same be­ ing the amounts due R. J. Morris and Frank Morris, defendants; and the sum of $40.05 costs and disbursements due And Anio Line L. C. Reynolds, Receiver, out o f the hereinafter described real property as:.! apply the proceeds of such sale in the I.cavie M\itle Burnt 7 u. ip. following order:- (A ) payment o f Re­ 1 ; « < ceivership charges and expenses, (B Ainve* Roseburg... 5 p.m. payment o f judgment o f plaintiff Rob­ Leaves Roseburg.... 0 a. in. ert Dollar Co., (C pa mi nt o f judg­ ••• — ‘ i £ B b Arr. My I tie Point! y 6 p. m. ment o f defendants J. A. Collier, O. J. Seeley, C. A. Gage, L. J. Simpson, Make r. serval iui.a in advance nt Owl Geo. W. Beale, and L. C. Reynolds, (D ) Drug Store, Marshfield. payment of judgment of Johnson Lum­ ber Company and First National Bank of Coos Bay, which said two judgments shall share in equal proportions, (E ) payment o f judgment of R. J. Morris and Frank Morris, I W IL L , ON S A T ­ hi U R D A Y TH E 17th D AY OF OCTO­ BER, 1914, at the hour of 10:00 o’clock in the forenoon of said day at the front door of the Court House in the City of Coquille, Coos County, Oregon, offer for sale and sell at public auction to the high est and best bidder for cash in hand all of the right, title and interest and es tate which the said defendant Coquille Lumber Company, a corporatian, and all persons claiming under it subsequent to the plaintiff’s mortgage lien in of and to said real property. Said mort gaged premises hereinbefore mentioned The next issue o f the Telephone Directory goes are described in said Execution as fo l­ lows, to-wit: Beginning at a point at to press about October 15, 19L4. Advertising low water mark on the right bank of the Coquille River at the mouth of a space for sale. Make your reservations for smali stream; said point being situated 2370 feet South and 1524 feet West of space in it. For pai’ticular write or call. the quarter section corner on the North boundary line o f Section 1 in Townshii 28 South of Range 13 West o f the Wil- lammette Meridian; thence following Coos B ay Home Telephone Co. said low water line, in a Westerly di­ - Main Office Marshfield, Oregon rection down said stream and down the right bank of said Coquille River a dis­ tance o f 2310 feet, more or less, to the mouth o f the next small stream at point 745 feet South and 2800 feet West of the above described quarter section corner; thence North 70° East 30 feet more or less, .along the center of said small stream to the South boundary of the Coos Bay, Roseburg and Eastern Railroad and Navigation Company’ s Having leased this well-equipped hotel, I propose right o f way; thence following the South boundary of said right of way; to conduct it in such a manner as to merit pat­ in an Easterly direction, a distance of 2015 feet, more less, to the center of a ronage and give satisfaction to [the traveling small stream, thence South 14 West 95 feet, more or less, along the center of public. said small stream to the place of begin­ ning, containing 11 11-100 acres o f la:MI. more or less. Together with the tene­ ments, hereditaments and the appur­ tenances thereunto belonging or in any wise appertaining and also the estate, right title and interest o f the party of the first part of, in and to the same. Said sale being made subject to redemp­ tion in the manner provided by law. Dated this 10th day o f September, 1914. W. W. GAGE, Sheriff of Coos County, Oregon, 8-15-5t Farmers and Merchants Bank 1 H.O, Anderson And P. E. Drane Want Your Trade The Coquille Herald Vi/ants Your | Subscription Good For Good For 2000 PO IN TS 2000 POINTS l W hen used When to n o m in a t e used Candidate to n o m in a t e Candidate r > 1“7 Ik /I T ? l i /I n F7 n t There are m any other valuable I X I I I J V l I I I I V l O 111 I \ ! aw ards besides the T w o B eautiful Pianos Free! C rescent Range AT P. E. DRAINE S U. S. Acid Proof Royal Blue ENAMEL W A R E Clean and Sanitary. Our line includes everything from a water dipper, up. The prices are right and with each piece sold we give 100 Extra Votes We now have a full line of ALLEN & LEWIS’ PREFERRED STOCK I.r VA Canned and package goods. Wishing to supply our customers with the best grocer­ ies obtainable we recently gave the firm an open order to placs on our shelves a com­ i t . . Built in three sizes and in any style to suite the taste or requirement. plete line o f these strictly high-grade goods and believe that we have the only full stock in the county. -:- -> AT ANDERSON’S AT P. E. DRANE’S H. 0. Anderson P. E. Drane Votes will be given on subscriptions paid in, either new or old. 2000 Votes on $1.00 for New 1000 Votes on $1.00 for O ld The Coquille Herald STEAMER BREAKWATER Roseburg M yrtle P oint Stage Carrying Baggage and United Stales Mail J . L . L A IR D , P r o p r ie to r Office L aird's Livery Barn. M \rile Point, P.oih P bnins | Advertising Space! ¡ I I I I ( H O T E U n L der New B M anagem A X ent T E R M. M. YOUNG, Proprietor l E Trespass notices printed on cloth and worded in keeping with law,) or sale at the H erald office. In the Circuit Court of the State of Ore- | gon for Coo. County J ess L u k e , Plaintiff, ) suit in VS - EQUITY FOR N e ttie L u k e . Defendant \ a divorce SUMMONS. I To Nettie Luke, Defendant | In the Name o f the State of Oregon: You are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint filed against you in the above entitled suit on or be­ fore the expiration o f six (6) weeks ; from the date of the first publication of this summons, to wit: on or before ! the 6th day o f October. 1914 and i f you j fail to answer, for want thereof, the plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief demanded in said complaint, to- wit: that the marriage contract exist­ ing between the said plaintiff and the defendant Nettie Luke be wholly dis­ solved and held for naught. This summons is published by virtue o f an order made the 21st Hay of Au­ gust 1914 bv John I’ . Hall, Judge o f the County Court o f the State of Oregon for Coos Countv. directing that said summons be published once a week for six consecutive weeks in the Coquille Herald, a newspaper of general emula­ tion published in Coos County, State of Oregon. Walter Sinclair Attorney for Plaintiff Coquille. Or. Date of first publication Aug 2oth 1914 Date of last publication Oct 6th 1914 8-25-7t a] p |3 $ If 111 a i i i Q i i i i i n Am I My Brother’s Keeper? Yes! You Provided he is addicted to liquor TO VOTE OREGON DRY AV SALEM — Drunk- enness has decreased in ratio of six to on* since the town went dry. I N SALEM —Business is far better than when the town was wet, three leading m er­ chants say. Paid Advertisement by Committee of One Hundred 74S Morgan Building. Portland. Oreu > q H Q] I