Coquille herald. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1905-1917, September 08, 1914, Image 2

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    Just a Handfull of Films
And your vacation story is told
The Coquille Herald
Entered as second class matter May
8, 1905. at the post office at Coquille,
Oregon, under act of Congress of March
8 , 1879.
P. C. LEVAR, Lessee.
Devoted to the material and social
upbuilding o f the Coquille Valley par­
ticularly and o f Coos County generally.
Subscription, $1.50 per year in advance
Phone Main 381.
T H E OLD CRY OF ’ ‘ W O L F ”
The Herald is in receipt o f a com­
munication from a so-called “ tax
retnrm” association which claims
to have been formed by tbe farmers
of southern Oregon. Its main ob­
ject at present seems to be to fight
the $ 1 5 0 0 tax exemption
poor measure seems to be getting
it from all sides. It is simply won­
derful what large and sympathetic
hearts the large land holders and
capitalists develop about election
time. They are so afraid that the
“ poor man” and laborer is going to
be sent to the poor bouse by some
proposed law. This one is going
to ruin all the larmers, wipe all the
small communities off the map and
break up all the small business men.
The association says:
“ The $1500 Exemption Bill, as
you of course know, is single Tax
in disguise. It simply exempts
personal property and puts the tax
on land. That is something tbe
farmers cannot stand. It this mea­
sure is allowed to become a law it
will not only drive farmers of! the
land bnt will prostrate many of our
smaller communities whose land
cannot stand single tax, break many
small businesses and give the state
such an incipient case of U’Rentitis
that she will be years in recovering
from it.”
There you have it It is “ single
tax in disguise,’ ’ and that settles it
Tbe old "socialistic" bugaboo is
losing its terrors since so many new
schemes that were branded as so­
cialistic are working out well in
Now anything like real
tax reform and simplification of the
tax system is single tax in disguise.
The dire prophecy of disaster given
above has a sort of familiar sound,
though, don’ t you think? A few
days ago, away back in a drawer,
we ran across a bunch of "co p y ”
that had evidently been sent out
“ free’’ to the newspapers some
years ago when the parcel post bill
was pending in congress. It is
amusing to read it now, in the light
of later developments.
For in
stance, take the following:
“ If the Local Rural Parcels Post
bill is passed, the small town will
be eliminated and the farmer will
be materiallv injured; the value of
his property, which depends upon
his proximity to a town and acces­
sibility to the railroad, will be de­
creased. All the money wtll go to
the large cities, which are not in
terested in the welfare of the local
community, and our whole present
system of divelopment will be
changed for the worse.”
The people were not fooled very
much by tire cry ol “ wolf” tn the
case of the parcel post. Will they
be fooled this time?
Some day the real wolf may ap­
pear, and then these great adtnou-
ishers may wish that they had re­
tained some shred'of influence.
the local merchant take larger doses
of his own medicine? How many
grocery stores in Coquiile carry
soap made in Coos county? How
many sell brooms made in Coos
county? How many de lers push the
product of Coos county cigar factor­
ies? In how many of the places where
candy is sold do you find the pro­
duct of the candy factories of Cons
county? It is a poor rule that
doesn’t work both ways, and what
is sauce for the “ ultimate consumer”
ought to be Bauce for tbe dealer.
So far as reported, the Portland
business men who recently looked
over the county made no large con­
tracts for the purchase of Cooe
county products.
Of Interest to Those Who
Patronize the Movies
Now we wish to recommend to
every lover of a good picture the
Vitagraph three-reel feature, “ Lost
in Mid Ocean’ ,’ which will be
shown at the Scenic next Saturday
night. We do not know the story
or the actors who will appear in
this picture, but we do know that
the Vitagraph company actually
sunk a large steamer in making
the film, and they would not have
gone to that expense in getting out
anything but a first-class production.
One of the “ Dolly of the Dailies”
series will be shown at the Scenic
tonight, and Pauline will be here
Thursday evening.
Silo Expert Coming
Some Corn Exhibited
Other Products Wanted
Agriculturalist J. L
Smith has on display in tbe window
of his office here five stalks of corn
Irom one hill which looks as though
' corn could he raised in Ceos county.
The tallest stalk is eleven feet in
I height and the five average leo
! feet. Each stalk but one bears uu
| ear of corn, and one stalk has two
They come from the laim ol C. M.
[ and O H. Aaseu near Arago The
j variety is the Yellow Dent, Minne­
sota No 13 , and Mr Smith says this
is proving the best variety for eu-
silage in this pari of the county.
Minnesota No. 23 and Minnesota
No. 13 are beiug given a thorough
try-out this season
No 23 is early
in maturing but is smaller.
It is
better adopted to a short season and
also gives better results near tbe
coast where tbe ocean breeze is
strong. But in the vicinity of C o­
quille or farther inland the No. 13
is considerably the better.
This has been a poor season for
corn and some very poor crops are
seen. This is due in many cases,
however, to poor seed
Mr Smith
urge» the tanners to pay more at­
tention to their seed and to test it
in all cases.
Mr. Smith is anxious to have the
farmers bring in exhibits to his of­
fice here, so that they may be placed
on display where they will be seen
by others aud especially by visitors
who are interested in tbe agricultur­
al possibilities of tbe Coquille valley.
As an inducement, he offers to the
farmer who will bring in the best
five stalks of corn a year’s subscrip­
tion to Hoard’s Dairyman He also
wants a showing in the line ol dairy
stock, and (or tbe photograph of
the best calf raised this season on
skim milk he will give one year’s
subscription to Hoard’.-. Dairyman.
As Mr. Smith’s office is not open
at all times, the Herald will volun­
teer to take care of any products
brought in during his absence and
turn them over to him upon his re­
He especially invites the farmers
to make use of a number ol the best
standard books on agriculture,
which are kept in his office for their
Coos and Currv county Fair,
Myrtle Point, Sept. 23-24 25-26
Orville Dodge Passes
Orville Dodge, a pioneer, and one
of the best known residents of tbe
Coquille valley, passed away at the
borne of his daughter, Mrs. C. C.
Garter, at Myrtle Point Sunday
morning of last week, at the age of
Mr, Dodge Lad been a resident
of this section since the early days
and for many years was one of the
leading citizens
He bad practiced
law and dipped into journalism, hav­
ing been at one time owner of the
Bulletin, now the Sentinel. He had
some literary ability and at one
time published a “ Pioneer History
of Coos and Curry Counties,’’ which
contains m u c h valuable matter
touching the early settlemet of this
section of tbe state. Of late years
he had been interested in the Salm­
on mountain mines and did much to
call attention to the mineral re-
sourcee of the vicinity. The fui er-
al was held at Myrtle Point Sunday
Prof. W A. Barr, silo expert of
tbe Oregon Agricultural College,
will soon visit this county in con­
nection with tbe extension work of
tbe O. A . C. County Agriculturist
Smith is arianging for four meet­
ings to be held at tbe principal
points in the couuty, and has ar­
ranged bis dates as follows: Marsh­
field Sept. 18; Coquille Sept. 17;
Lower Coquille Sept. 16; Myrtle
Point Sept. 15. All the farmers and
Coos and C irry county Fair,
dairymen should make it a point to
attend these meetings and get tbe Myrtle Point, Sept. 23-24 25-26.
benefit of tbe expert knowledge of
East Fork Items
a specialist on silos.
-— ► «# > «
A family from Ashland, who
have been enjoying a tiip from
home by tbe way of California,
The Hartsou-Lamb party return­ Curry and Coos counties, went out
ed Thursday from their auto trip to over the Coos Bay wagon road
Crater Lake. Besides Mr. and Mrs. Saturday. The team is one of the
Hartson and son Avis aud Mrs. best spans of mares that I ever saw,
he reiused $750 for them thtee
Fred Slagle, tbe Hartson auto years ago and could get $600 for
brought Miss Cary, who accompa­ them now.
nied them from Medtord.
John Clinton and others went
Mr. aud Mrs. Jack Lamb were Mrs out last week with a bunch of sheep
The week be­
L A. Liljeqvist, R. A Johnson and for Taylor Dement
Irving Lamb. Tbe E. E. Johnson fore several head of pure blood Hol­
party, who left here with the others, stein and Durham bulls were
turned back from Medford and ar­ brought in for Mr Dement.
rived some days ago.
Mr. Thcmas bossed a jo b o l plank
The party went out by tbe Mid­ laying which is probably one of the
dle fork route, visited Roseburg, best peices of wotk that was ever
thence to Medford and out to Crut done in road dist No. 12 .
er lake, 86 miles east. On tbe re­
Miss Margaret Nicolai of Port­
turn thev went to Grants Pass, land is the teacher in Dist. No. 32 .
then to Crescent City and up tbe Term o f six months commenced
coast. They were gone from borne Sept. 7 .
eight days and covered about 1000
Mr Crocyley, of Curry county,
miles. Both bad Htudelmker cars father of Pearly and David, has
and Mr. Hartson is enthusiastic been visiting his sons.
over their performance. He says:
Frank Snow and family of Me
‘ If you want to make a long trip
witn certainty and without trouble, Kioley have returned from Califor­
take a Studebakrr.’ ’ He s»ys that .
his only trouble was the giving out j The rain Sunday gave a refresh­
of two tires which he had from last ing dampness to tbe air.
year, while Lamb never bad occasion : Coll Harry got the contracts for
hauling rhe road lumber from Ed
to op«u ltis tool box.
He says that the road from Med - ; Abernethy’s mill.
- - • ' -
ford to the lake is good, but the
*oon«dnsno9 joj bum Ajjmvji s.u«n
•.KjA ‘B js ia a n a a 11«
dust was actually over the running
board ol the auto, tbe travel having •ojqo 'OfHjoj, * 0 3 V •SlBlU
u a fi
been immense. Over 10,000 peo­ p sauu'
ci p o j p u n n i>uO J ojjo A oq i j b r i s j *>
All local merchants will agree ple have regisered at Crater Lake' -M od oAjVRjno s if u| m in ; t p n m o s oabi |
-jpiOM au|op U\ dJlllBU
that it is the proper thing to “ Pat­ this sessou. That little operation J sjoiojadojd
8 u | 18 | ss b pun u o iim jis u o .) o q i dn Su|p|{nq
m a u d jjs l U C j l u d o q i S u |A|3 p u c o s 8a
ronize Home Industry.” The man costs 75 cents, meals are one dollar Aq
-s ip e q i j o u cq jB p u n o j o q i au jA oJ jsa p Aq
who sendii bis good money to Chi­ and other things in proportion. • d jo q i ‘uiaiSAB 'o q i j o so o v jm s s n oom u puu
a q j u o d n A u o o jjp iiu jio c ‘¿ iie t u d )
cago for goods that he could find But the place is well worth visiting. p -u o j o jq uojpri
s\ o a n o q j ji . ’ j u o b . u b h
J uoui
in the local store« is considered As for roads the Middle fork roa I -I boji iB U o u m n s u c o v e u j n b o j ’asrAsjp
f v u o f in jp r a o o ir JhifOq q - u v r o ‘¿ h u j j i b j i
more or less of a traitor to the com | is a boulevard compared with some IROtpam d q j 01 u .u o u q Aiou cuno OAfilsoa
sj o i n o i|XJBi«o s .U^H
muuitv. and we country editors are, they passed over, especially between A Bl ju I o B IJ e l q i PUT?
•SAfltnS S lf 11« U| 9 .m 3 O l 0 iq B
expected to devote considerable Grants Pass and Crescent City. u^^q 88q aru iaps jt iq i esHasjp p a p v a jp
o u o isr.-q it? st a j a q i i iiq i UJ*-q o l pasnaicl
space to pointing out to him the One hill on this route rises 5500 •q HIM ja d e d s jq i j o soapeax © q j,
error of his ways. But why doesn't feet in six miles.
Return From Crater Lake
001 $
‘pJBM aa 001 $
For County Surveyor
________ - C fo
___ r 1 e 1 - 5 _________
yea rs-
1 Will Give $1000
If I Fail to Core
I hereby announce inysell an in
The Standard
Remedy dependent candidate for the office Any C a n c e r or T u m o r. N o knife, no
county surveyor of Coos County, pain, no pay until curad. A n y lum a
Instan t R e l i e f fo r all Skin Troubles j of
l a m a regular graduate in w om an'a braast la c a n c ir if hard;
C. J. F U H R M A N , D ru g g is t
of tbe Kansas State Agricultural it always poisons deep glands under the
arm and kills quickly.
------ | College, class of 1884 Engaged Any tumor, lump, or sore {
gon, at the address hereafter m e n - j for 14 years in tlie location, con
on the Bp, face or body
R e p u b lica n T ic k e t
1 struclion and maintenance ot rail­ long is cancer. An Island ■
B le ctiou 1914
J ohn D. G oss
plant plaster and blood’
roads, with the C. B & Q. Ry . epeciAe
makes the cure. Writ­
J ohn I'. K e n d a l l
absolute guarantee. 120
For U. S. Senator
Attorneys for the Plaintiff
page book sent free. Testimo- ,
C. R I. & Pac. Ry., and for to Dials
Address 1st N at’ l Bank Bldg.,
of lO.OOOcured -s w o rn tot<
R. A. Booth
Marshfield, Oregon.
8-4-6t years employed in irrigation aud j see some; no XK ay swindle, "strictly reliable. "
For Congres«
mining engineering work. Am al- j Adsress old Dr. ft Mrs. Dr. Chiraley & Co. *,? ha
In th e C ircu it C o u rt o f th e S tate o f O r e ­
Valencia St.. San Francisco. Cal. Kindly mail
so a member of the Greg n State 436
g o n f o r C o o s C o u n ty
W. C. Hawley
sKla io someone with cancar IV S. cancer cur,
Society of Engineers.
Will >uu
For Governor
W . J . C o n ra d ,
support me at the polls?
C -os and Ouerv countv Fair,
James Wilhycombe
Myrtle Point Sept. 23-24-25 26.
a n e l in e and
fo r
For Justice of the Supreme Court
all oth er persons o r
p u b l ic a t io n
Albany telephone exchange is ex­
Henry J. Bean, Lawrence T.
L t Grande is planning a two and
$5000 to bring it up to
claim in g any righ t,
fo rec lo su re
Harris, Thomas McBribe,
quater million gallon reservoir.
title, estate, lien o r
Henry L. Benson, Charles
L. Mo Nary
For Attorney General
George M. Brown
For Supt. ot Public Instruction
J. A. Churchill
For State Engineer
John M. Lewis
For Commissioner of Labor
0 . P. Hoff
For Railroad Commissioner
Frank J. Miller
For Supt. Water Div. No. 1
James T. Chinnock
For Representative 5th Dist.
Charles R. Barrow
For Representative 6th Dist.
S. P. Pierce
For County Judge
James Watson
For Sheriff
Alfred Johnson, Jr.
For County Clerk
Robt. R. Watson
For County Treasurer
T. M. Dimmick
For Countv Surveyor
C. S. McCulloch
For County Coroner
F. E. Wilson
For County Commissioner
Geo. J. Armstrong
For Commissioner of Fort of Bandon
A. McNair and C. R. Moore
For Justice of the f’eaoe
Walter Sinclair
For Constable
Ned C. Kelley
I’ ubllslied under tbe authority and'bv
the order of the Coos County Republican
Central Committee.
(Raid Adv.)
In the C iicuit Court of the State of
Oregon for C oos County
W. J. C o n r a d ,
P laintiff
J a m e s H a m il t o n and
L. B. B il l in g s and
all oth er persons or
claim ing any right,
title, estate, lien or
interest in the real
in terest in the real
To J. W. Haneline the above named
In the Name o f the State o f Oregon:
you are hereby notified that W. J.
Conrad the holder of Certificate o f De­
linquency numbered 35 issued on the
27th day o f June, 1912 by the Tax Col­
lector o f the c ounty o f Coos, State o f
Oregon, for the amount o f Fight and
17-llH) Dollars, the same being the
amount then due and delinquent for tax­
es for the year 1909 together with penal­
ty , interest and costs thereon upon the
the real property assessed to you, of
which you are the owner as appear* o f
record, situated in said County and
I State, and particular y bounded and
described as follows, to-wit: South
i Fast Quarter o f the South East Quar-
I ter ( S F 'j S E '„) o f Section Eighteen
(18) Township Twenty Fight (.28) S. j
Range 12 W. Willamette Meridian Coos
i County, Oregon, containing 40 acres \
more or less.
You are further notified that said W. !
J. Conrad has paid taxes on said prem­
ises for prior or subsequent years with
the rate o f interest on said amounts as
Y ear’ s
R ec’ t
No. A m 't int.
1910 June 27, 1912 8916 $5 63 12
7268 43 96 12
1912 May 15, 1913 2636 43 40 12
Said J* W. Haneline as the owner o f
the legal title o f the above described
property as the same appears ot record,
and each o f the other persons above
named are hereby further noti ied that
W. J. Conrad will apply to the ( ircuit
Court o f the County and State afore­
said for a decree foreclosing the lien
1 against the property above described,
and mentioned in said certificate. And
| you are hereby summoned to appear
within sixty days after the first publi­
cation o f this summons exclusive o f the
day o f said first publication, and defend
this action or pay the amount due as
above shown together with costs and
accrued interest and in case o f your
failure to do so, a decree will be ren­
dered foreclosing the lien o f said taxes
i and costs against the land and premises
above named.
This summons is published by order
o f the Honorable Jonn S. Coke, Judge
o f the Circuit Court o f the State o f Or­
egon for the Countv o f Coos, and said
order was made and dated this 3 day o f
August, 1914, and the date o f the first
publication o f this summons is the 4
day o f August, 1914.
All process and papers in this pro­
ceeding may be servea upon the under­
signed residing within the State o f Ore­
gon, at the address hereafter men­
J ohn D. G oss
J ohn C. K endall
Attorneys for the Plaintiff
Address 1st N at’l Hank Bldg,
Marshfield, Coos Co., Ore.
•Too. Nights
Are Com ing
xxBetter Prepare for Themxx
Just what
you Need
It qiues full value
in heat for every
ounce o f fuel that
you put into it
Wedgewood Stoves & Ranges
Made on the Pacific Coast for Coast trade
Perfect bahers and fuel-savers— Fully guaranteed
F o u r D iffe r e n t
F r o m $ 3 2 .0 0 to $ 50.00
1/1/e Furnish the Home Complete
__ I
Salem, Sept. 28—Oct 3, 1914
To James Hamilton and L. B. Billings
the above named defendants
In the Name o f the State o f Oregon:
you are hereby notified that W. J.
Conrad the holder o f Certificate o f De­
linquency numbered 44 issued on the
29tn day o f April, 1913 by the Tax Col­ Offered in Premiums for A g­
lector o f the County o f Coos, State o f
Oregon, for the amount o f Four and ricultural, Livestock, Poultry
3-100 Dollars, the same being the Textile and other exhibits.
amount then due and delinquent for TT
taxes for the year 1909 together with Horse TaCCS, Shooting Toum
penalty, interest and costs thereon up-
. n
> I
on the reai property assessed to you, nament B a n d C o n c e r t s , B o y S
o f which you are the owner as appears P o m n
M o v in g
P t o f lir p «
of record, situated in said County and U a m P>
M 0 V m g
r iC lU T e S ,
state and particularly bounded and de- Children’s Playground, Bee
scribed as follows, to-w it: Beginning on
^ °
the township line 2039.70 feet E. o f the DemOlltratlOnS, Anim al C lT
corner o f Townships 25 and 26, Ranges
12 and 13 run N. 45.5° E. 276.5 feet to cus and other free attractions
left bank o f Catching Slough; run S.
You are invited.
along said slough 75.5° E. 199.8 feet;
run S. 68* E. 129 f e e t ; run S. 53° E
142.8 feet; run W. on township line
621.4 feet to place o f beginning, all in
Sec. 31, T. 25 S. R. 12 West o f Willam­ Send for Premium List and
ette Meridian, Coos County, Oregon,
Entry Blanks.
containing 1.5 acres.
You are further notified that said W. Reduced rates on all railroads
J. Conrad has paid taxes on said prem­
ises for prior or Subsequent years with
For particulars address
the rate o f interest on said amounts as
Salem, Oregon
Y ear’ s
R e c’t A m ’ t
1919 Apr. 29, 1913 9095 $9 97 12
9186 *5 47 12
6165 »3 39 12
8926 $6 28
12 !
"S ch oolin g in youth «houtd invariably be
1907 May 23,
6462 $3 62 12
to prepare a person in the best w ar
Said James Hamilton and I,. B. Bil­ directed
for the best permanent occupation for which
lings as the owners o f the legal title o f he is capable. ' -President C. W Kliot.
the above described property as the
This i< the Mission ol the
same appears o f reconl. and each o f
the other person» above named are
hereby further notified that W.J.Conrad
will apply to the Circuit Court o f the
Forty-sixth School Year Opens
County and State aforesaid for a decree
foreclosing the lien against tht proper­
SE P TE H B E R 18 th, 1914
ty above described, and mentioned in
Write for illustrated too-page Book­
said certificate. And you are hereby
summoned to appear within sixty let. " T he L ife C a r e e r ,” and for Cata­
containing full information.
days after the first publication o f this
summons exclusive o f the day o f said
P e g ree C ou rttt - AGRICULTURE !
first publication, and defend this action Agronomy, Animal Husbandry,Dairy Hus­
or pay the amount due as above shown bandry. Poultry Husbandry, Horticulture.
togetner with costs and accrued inter­ Agriculture for Teachers. FORESTRY.
est and in case o f your failure to do so, L o o g in o E n g in e e r in g , h o m e e c o ­
a decree will be rendered foreclosing n o m ic s : Domestic Science, Domestic Art,
the lien o f said taxes and costs against E n g in e e r in g :
Electrical, Irrigation,
the land and premises above named.
Highway, Mechanical, Chemical, Mining.
This summons is published by order Ceramics. COMMERCE. PHARMACY.
o f the Honorable John S. Coke, Judge I n d u s t r i a l a r t s .
o f the Circuit Court o f the State o f Or­
Vocational CiMrj«-Agriculture, Dairy­
egon for the County o f Coos and said ing, Home Makers’ Course, Industrial
order was made and dated this 3 day o f Arts. Forestry. Business Short Course.
AugUlt, 1914 and the dale o f the first
School o f .Vac«-— Piano. String. Band,
publication o f this summons is the 4 day Voke Culture.
o f August. 1914.
Farmer* Bur:nr«* Courre by Mail Free
All process and papers in this pro­
ceeding may be served upon the under­
Corvallis, Oregon
signed residing within the State o f Ore- (tw 7-15 to M )
and after August 1, 1914 our
office hours will be as follows:
8 A. M. to 12 M. and 1 P. M to 3 P. M.
All our customers are earnestly request­
ed to remember these hours so that
none may lose the Cash Discount on
their bills by presenting them after 3
P. M. on the tenth o f the month.
$ 20 , 000.00
Free Camp Grounds
Oregon Power Company
I lA V I N G leased the plant of the Co-
* * quille Mill and Mercantile Com­
pany, the undersigned is now prepared
to fill all orders for any kind of
Especial attention will be paid to the
local demand, and every effort will be
made to supply anything needed at the
shortest possible notice.
Your orders
are solicited.