•JThe Herald, the old estab­ lished reliable newspaper oi the Coquille Valley in which an “ ad” always brings results. VO L. 32, T he C oquille H erald N O . 50 CITY DIRECTORY FROM THE NATIONAL CAPITAL Fraterna! and Benevolent Orders C O Q U I L L E , C O O S C O U N T Y , O R E G O N , T U E S D A Y , S E P T E M B E R 8, 1914. Newspaper Editor Resigns To Manage Campaign Events of Interest Reported O. C. Leiter, for 10 years editor For The Herald of the Oregonian, has resigned that position to becomo political manag­ ( By J. E. Jones) er for William Hanley, Progressive THH HEROES OF MEXICO candidate for United States senator. K. S.—Regmar meeting of Keulah Undoubtedly the American news­ "I am leuving newspaper work . Chapter No. 0, second and fourth Friday evenings of each month, in Ma­ paper readers have greatly missed and casting my fortune with Mr. sonic Hall. the accounts of w h a t J o h n Hanley”, said Mr. Leiter, “because M a b v A. P i krck , W. M L i n d wa s d o i n g d o w n i n of my personal regard for him. I A nna L awrence Sec., O. O. F.—Coquille Lodge No. 53,1. O. Vera Cruz, but apparently the have formed a strong personal at­ . O. F., meets every Saturday uight sage of Minnesota has dropfied out tachment for Mr. Hanley, and hon­ u Odd Fellows Hall. sight far beyoud the horizon N el­ estly belieye that lie is senatorial C. H. C leaver , N. G. J. 8. L awrence , Sec. son O'Shaughnessy, who was a timber, and if elected will be a cred­ a m i e r k b e k a H l o d g e , No. 20 crony of Huerta’s, and who under it to the state. Mr Hanley intends I. o . O. F., meets every second and very trying circumstances did splen­ to make a vigorous campaign of the fourth Wednesday nights in Odd Fellows did work lor the govenment, has state through the newspapers and Hall. E mily H ersey , N. G, A nnie L awrence , Sec. been pressed into service as an em- by speechmaking in every county ( M1QUILLE ENCAMPMENT, No. 25 ergeny clerk, and the chauces are and I shall have charge of this I. O. 0 . F., meets tlie lirstand third that a little later on will be sent campaign.” riiursday nights inOdd Fellows Hall. J. 8. B arton , 0 . P. back to Mexico City to represent Mr. Leiter has been in the em­ J . 8 .L awrence , See. h is country. President Wilson ploy of the Oregonian for almost 14 n i g h t s o f pythiah .—Lycurgus scolded a little because of some re­ years. Irr*making known Mr. Leit- Lodge No. 72, meets Tuesday nights ported indiscretion of O’Shaugh- er’s resignation, 13. B. Piper, the in W. O. W. Hall. R. R. W atson , K R. 8. nessy during the heights of the managing editor, says: "Mr. Leiter O. A. M intonye . C. C. Mexican trouble, but when the resigns after years of faithful and i y YTHIAN SISTERS—Justus Temple charge de affairs came back and efficient service. The change will 1 No. 35, meets first and Third Mon­ talked it over with bis chief it was probably occur this week. day nights in W. O. W. Hall. Mr. Mss. G eorge D avis , M. E. C. all right, and metaphorically speak- Letter’s resignation is accepted M rs . F red L inroar , K. of R i n g. Woodrow Wilson slapped with regret. He goes with the ED MEN—Coquille Tribe No. 46, 1. O. R. M., meets every Friday night O’Shaughnessy on the back and goodwill of the Oregonian and the i n W. O. W. Hall. told him he had done well. regret of the staff.” J. S. B arton , Sachem. THE LIGHT THAT KILLS A. P. M iller , C. of R. Mr. Leiter has opened headquar­ The city of Washington is a ters for the Hanley campaign at the W. A. —Regular meetings of Rea- . ver Camp No. 10.550 in M. W . A. great place for automobiles. In fact Oregqn Hotel where he will be glad Hall, Front street, first and third Sat­ there are perhaps more of them to see the friends and supporters of urdays in each month. C. D. H i ’ oson , Consul. than iu any other city of its size in Mr. Hanley, and also to have them L l H. I rvine , Clerk. the country. A modern deviee on address him. N. A.— Regular meeting of Laurel the automobile, by which a glaring . Camp No. 2972 at M. W. A . Hall, Prohibition in Congress Front street, second and fourth Tues­ searchlight has been thrown on the day nights iu each month. roadway, has claimed a lot of vic­ M ary K ern , Oracle. Now that the question of prohi­ tims and the result is that in the E dna K elley , Rec. bition seems definitely laid over un­ O. W .— Myrtle Camp No. 197, in the District of Columbia this in­ . meets every Wednesday at 7:30 strument of death has been banish­ til the next session of Congress, p, m. at W. O. W . Hall, ed. OI course the owners of big friends of the measure are speculat­ Lee Currie, C. C. J ohn L enkve , See. automobiles resisted because big ing in regard to the effect the Euro­ headlights indicate that their auto pean war will have upon its fortunes. VENINGT1DK CIRCLE No. 214, By It is entirely possible that if receipts meets second and fourth Monday mobiles cost lots of money. nights in W. O. W. Hall. putting a piece of muslin over the from duties lev ied on imports fall O ra X . M aury , G. N. front of the searblight, or by means off too heavily, special measures M ary A. P ierce , Clerk. of frosting the glass with soap or will be taken to provide revenue, ARMERS UNION.— Regular meet­ ings second and fourth Saturdays in some other substance the glaring and these will almost certainly in­ each month in W. O. W. Hath lights have been brought under volve an increase in the federal tax F ra •{ B urkholder , Pres. on beer and possibly an increase in control. O. A. M intonye , Sec. the tax on liquor all around. Such T H E G E T -R IC H - Q U IC K S r a t e r n a l a i d n o . 398, meets the a step would automatically operate People nowadays are not selling second and fourth Thursdays each as a dampener on the chances of month at W. O. W . Hall. gold bricks as a means to get rich M rs . C has . E vland , Pres. the prohibition amendment. M rs . L ora H arrington , Sec. quick, since the same results appear It is possible that if the House to be obtained by selling plain,com­ Educational Organizations and Clubs mon,ordinary food stuffs. So many Rules Committee meets before the O Q U I L L E E D U C A T I O N A L ways have been found by which adjournment of the present session, LEAGUE—Meets monthly at the it will fix a date in December for High School Building during the school the food market can be manipulated year for the purpose of discussing edu­ that the Washington government consideration of the prohibition cational topics. has found it necessary to increase amendent. A f . & A. M .—Regular meeting oi • Chadwick Lodge No. 08 A. F. A A. M.. at Masonic Hall, every Saturday night in each month on or before the full moon. I). D. P ikhck , W. M. R. H. M a » t . Secretary. THE OPPONENTS OF TAX EXEMPTION ----------- — __________________ The Class of Wealthy Philanthropists W hose Hearts Bleed at Proposed Oppression of Honest Farmer The Oregon City Courier is fight- ing for the adoption of the f t 500 tax exemption measure and other measures, and in its issue of August 13 it fires a broadside at the Non- Partisan League, of Portland, which is fighting against these measures. The Courier publishes a letter which was sent out by the Leagut last June to a selected list of people and corporatious who might be expected to contribute money to the campaign to keep the poor farmer and working mau and small property owner horn being fooled. The letter mentions sever­ al measures besides the exemption proposal which are claimed to he “ single tax” or “ socialist” ; then calls on the recipient to contribute “ $100 or as much more as the work is worth to you,” for the defeat of these measures. The amount of the contribution asked for indicates the class of peo­ ple to whom the letter was sent, and therelore the class of people who aie afraid that they would be hurt if the measures pass. As tor the men who compose the Non- Partisan League and who are so fearful lest people of small resour­ ces will be ruined by lifting some ol the tax burden off their shoulders, here are the names on the letter head of the Non-Partisan League: Everett Ames F. C Knapp A. H. Averill Geo. Lawrence Jr. Arthur Callan Fletcher Linn Henry Corbett Geo. C. Mason J. F. Daly D. A. Patullo A. D. Katz F. H. Ransom James B. Kerr Amedel Smith T. N. Stoppenbach The Courier claim« to have run down all these men and to have found out this: Henry L. Corbett is manager lor the famous Corbett estate in Port­ land. This family owns millions of dollars of the best real estate in Or­ egon, and the heirs put up thous­ ands of dollars to deteat single tax in 1912. It was “ worth” some­ thing to them They have more than made it back in ground rents. Everett Ames is manager of Ames-Harris-Neville C o ., v e r y wealthy in its large land holdings, K en a A nderson , Pies. K una M inaku , Sec. its activities in order that poor and they are dealers in twine, bur­ Oregon “ Unsafe” rO KEEL KLUB—A business men’ s people may be permitted to continue lap, grain bags, teuts, etc. N social organization. Hall in Laird’ s to live. A. H. Averill is president of the building, Second street. The Committee of One Hundred, A. J. S herwood . Pies. Portland Chamber of Commerce THE BAD SPOTS the organization of business men of F eed S laoi . e , Sec. A determined effort has been Oregon fighting for a dry state, has and of the Averill Machinery Co. t OMMERCIAL CLUB L.H.H azahd made to remove the bad spots in Arthur Callan is of the real es­ received a copy of Bonfort’s Wine / President; C. A. H o w a r d , Secretary the river and harbor bill, and to and Spit it Circular, one of the of­ tate firm of Callan & Kaser, and leave the remaining good meat in ficial organs of the liquor dealers, like all land speculators his heart Transportation Facilities RAINS — Leave, Bouth bound 9:00 a. the barrel. The theory is that bad under date ol August io It says: bleeds when be sees the landlords m. and 3:00 p. m. North bound “ spots” may ruin the contents of “ The information received from raise the rent of the workingmen i O :40 a. m. and 4 ;40 p. m. the whole barrel, In the case of the battlegrounds of California, J. F, Daly is president of the T i­ OATS—Six boats plying on the Co­ apples one bad one often spoils all tle & Trust Co., thereto, e very near quille river afford ample accommo­ Oregon, Washington, Colorado and The same princi­ Virginia, where statewide elections to the farmer and day laborer. dation lor carrying freight and paasen the good fruit. gers to Bandon and way points. Boats ple can be applied to pork barrels. t eave at 7 :30, 8 :30, 9 :20 and 9 :S0 a. m. on ihe prohibition question will be This company is another of the Many valuable projects have been and at 1-.00, 3 :30 ami 4 :45 p. nr.; held this Fall, would seem to indi­ Ladd corporations. It is “ worth” TAGE—J. L. Laird, proprietor. De­ tied up in the bill along with bad cate that all save Oregon are reas­ a lot to the Ladd bunch to heat parts 5:30 p. m. for lioseburg via proposals. Obviously the thing to onably safe, altho some doubt is ex­ anything that would reduce the tax Myrtle Point,carrving the United States do is to weed out the bad items. on the little home and add the reduc­ mail and pasengers. pressed in regard to Virginia.” CONGRESS MAV NOT ADJOURN OSTOFFICE.— A. F. Lincgar, post­ The Circular says the National tion to big holdings. A. D. Katz is Oregon manager master. The mails close as follow-!: There is a growing sentiment to organization of liquor dealers should Myrtle Point 8:40 a. m. and 2:35 p. in. far the Mutual Life Insurance Co., the effect that Congress will not ad-' center work on Oregon and Vir­ Marshfield 10:15 a. m. and 4:15 p. in. of New York. Bandon anil way points,7 a m. Norway journ, but instead will take a short ginia and Aragol2:45 p.m. Eastern mail 4:15 James B. Kerr is attorney for the recess after election time Putting F r o m reliable information it a, m. Eastern mail arrives 10: p. in. aside their personal comforts, the would seem that the wet forces Hill lines. The Hill people hold City and County Officers members are inclined to the belief plan to spend about $too.ooo on hundreds or thousands of acres of that it is unwise for Congress to de­ the fight in Oregon this Fall. land in Oregon that increases in Mayor...................... A. T. Morrison finitely adjourn until December, While they hope to win, leaders of value as farmers improve and de- R ecorder...............................................J. 8. Lawrence Treasurer ..........................R. H. Mast while the war situation in Eutope the wet forces in Portland, admit velope the state City Attorney..................................... L. A. Liljeqvisl F. C. Knapp is president of the Engineer....................... P. M. Halt-Lewis remains acute. they expect to see the state go dry, Marshal .............................. A. P. Miller Peninsular Lumber Corporation of Night Marshal............... Oscar WicKham FILIPINOS GETTING THE OFFICES while saloon men frankly are mak­ Water Superintendent .8. V, Epperson The first step toward indepen- I ing preparations to go into other St. Johns. Fire Chie:.............................. W . C, Chase Ameden Smith and George Law­ Councilmen—D. D, Pierce, C. T. Skeels dence iD the Philippines has been lines of business. » ---- ------- rence Jr. are vice presidents of the C. I. Kime, G. O. Leach, W . H. Ly­ the turning over as far as possible : ons, O. C. Santord. Regular meetings Have you paid the printer. Realty Associates Corporation. the machinery of government to the first and third Mondays each month. natives of the island, and it isdoubt- tage have been knocked higher than This is a big Portland land specu­ lating concern. ,Justice of the P eace........ .1. J. Stanley full if any process could have been a kite by the financial stringency Constable....... ................ Ned C. Kelley F. H Ransom is manager and invented that would have brought of the money situation, created by treasurer of the Eastern & Western more protests from American resi- ! County Judge John T. Hall the war There are a number of The leg­ bills before Congress providing for Lumber Co., one of the big timlier Commissioners—W. T. Dement, Geo. J. dents holding the snaps Armstrong and saw mill concerns of Oregon. Clerk James Watson islation in reference to ultimate in­ reduction of postage lates, and these D. A. Patullo is manager of Ihe dependence tor the Philippines has were in anticipation of a large in­ Sh eriff............................................... W. W\ Gage Treasurer..................... T. M. Dimmick grain department of the Balfour received the tentative consent of Assessor .................................T. J. Thrift crease of revenue by reason of the Guthrie Co. School Supt. Raymond E. Baker President Wilson and it is expected parcel post. However, the parcel Surveyor............................... A. N. Gould that it will appear before Congress T. N Stoppenbach has made a C oron er...............................F. E. Wilson post has not been as great a money Of making institution as was expected fortune in land speculation and out Health Officer..............Dr. Walter Culin to he acted upon neit winter. course it is going to mean a big and therefore between foreign wars, of the Pacific Paper Co., and has hght, as there are many viewpoints postal disappointments and other quit the game. concerning what should be our at­ adverse conditions, it will likely be Societies will get the very best Fletcher Linn is another of the titude toward the islanders. PRINTING necessary to put two cent stamps Ladd handy men. PENNY POSTAGE on your letters for a long time to ( George C. Mason is manager of at the office o f Coquille Herald Such issues as that of penny pos- come. this Non Partisan League of Ladd O I M K R M R W E F F C F C r B S P _ corporations and big business He was formerly one of the big chiefs of the Hurley Mason contracting company, that tried so hard to break down the labor unions of Or­ egon. He did not fully succeed, but be showed organized labor how dearly be loved them The farmers and small borne owners among the Herald’s readers can readily imagine how mneb real sympathy they get out of that bunch, and how much the interests of the small taxpayer lies at the heart oi the Non-Partisan League. They can imagine what a strenuous fight the League would put up against the $1500 tax exemption if its effect would be to place a greater burden on the shoulder cf the farm­ ers of the state and lift it from the accumuled wealth of Portland. In connection with the above, the Herald is in receipt of a letter from the Tax Liberatot, a new pub­ lication purporting to emanate from Roseburg. To publish the paper at Roseburg is a big scheme. Many people would look upon it with suspicion of it were published at Portland, but giving it the Roseburg date line will, of course, fool us poor boobs. And those who ar eunfa- miliar with the newspaper business may not understand that the sub­ scription price of 25 cents a year for an eight-page page paper does not indicate a legitimate newspaper enterprise. Few will notice the one- cent stamp on the wrapper and know that it is a dead give-away— that a legitimate newspaper, just starting, nas only to deposit the necessary postage with the postmas­ ter and all in excess of one cent a pound will be refunded after the publication is admitted to the sec­ ond class rate —that it is a dead waste of money to put a one-cent stamp on each paper if application has really been made in a legitimate way. Now, the Tax Liberator is put out to fight the $1500 exemption. In other words it is working hand in glove with the Non-Partisan League. That is why we wish to give one extract from the letter mentioned above. It says: “ The farmers are one class of people who are sharing a larger proportion of the tax burden than they are enti­ tled to. We have got to put less taxes on the farmer and more on the men of wealth; owners of stocks bonds and mortgages and people with large incomes.” Isn't that fine? That ought to catch the horny-handed tons of soil, hadn’t it? And can not you see the m e m b e r s of the Non-Partisan League listed above, and all their friends, putting up $100 apiece, or "as much more as it worth to them," to defeat a measure that will take the burden of taxation off “ men of wealth, owners of stocks, bonds and mortgages and people with large incomes,” and put it on the farmer. The Tax Liberator is the official organ of the Oregou Rational Tax Reform Association, which has an executive committee for each coun­ ty. We note that the committee for Coos county consists of one large stock raiser and land owner; one real estate dealer, well fixed and semi-retired, one capitalist, formerly a sawmill owner; one real farmer who is an old-line stand-pat Republican; and one other party whose occupation we do not know Curiously enough, it appears to have no organization in Douglas county, where its “ organ” is pub­ lished. All this is given for the informa­ tion of Herald readers and for what­ ever assistance it may be to them in considering the proposed tax ex­ emption measure. When so much is made of the fact that the single tax people are behind the measure, if they are, then it may not be a bad idea to consider who is putting up the money for the opposition. Now is the time to subscribe. f l jo b Printing— N ew presses new material and experienced workmen. A guarantee that Herald printing will please P E R Y E A R $ 1 .5 0 The Cheerful Kicker on A Kindling W ood Road STATE INDUSTRIAI REVIEW Compiled by State Bureau of Editor Herald: Industries and Statistics What is to become of the $90, - 1 000, and more, that the Supreme Parma gets an electrified cider Court of the state has decided can mill. he blown in by the several road dis­ Dayton has ordered several miles tricts of Ihe county? What is to be of cement sidwalks. done with it? Who is to get it? Paisley gets a cold storage and If it is to be spent b> contract, is it to be a genuine contract or a fake meat packing plant. contract? On the pretense that) Gresham truit growers send out a work is done“ cheap” are slopes to he carload of pears daily. left in the condition that it is kno Standard Oil Co. is putting in a i r t l i m g plant at Hojid River. will slide iu when winter comes? I Coos Bay pulp mills reopen with think some of the people would be coutract (or 10,000 tons. made wise if they knew how much The lower Columbia salmon pack some gu ding costs a rod after the this year totals $3,328,350. “ slides” are taken care of. Oregon gets $11,000 additional a Is the money to be blown in on year for industral education kindling wood roads? Plank roads The contract for the Hood River are getting to be a back number, highway was let for $58,000, for the plank become kindling wood Wtllamette Valley Southern will in a short time. The best piece of plank road from my place to Co­ reach Molalla by October 1st. First Rogue River pear shipment quille is on Cherry creek mountain for which M. J. Kranlz had the brought growers $1 00 a box net. contract. There is a piece of honest Coos River consolidated district work. The McKinley road district, will erect a $10,000 high school. as a district,has the best plank road. Over $15,000 will be spent in If any one thinks it is because so Pendleton on street improvements. much of it is in the shade, I call Silverton has decided to use oil their attention to the piece of plank­ on a large scale on all its macadam. ing at the "Palmer place,” I have Gathering wild moss is developing never seen a loose plank in that into a big industry in Clatsop Co. piece and the sun has failed to warp Baker Mill & Flour Co. plant the planks out of the gouud. Planks thrown on top of the ground make was s,arted Sept. 1 for the fall run. a poor road. The Fairview district Chas. Hall, Hood River capitalist has some good planking. That dis-1 wants Coos Bay telephoneexchange. tiict is getting wise to another The P. R. L. & P. Co is building thing; making the road wide enough a light and power line to Sandy. so there is a chance for au earth Umatilla County will go it alone road, for summer, along side the building bridges over the John D ay. plank. District No, 12 takes a Yamhill county lets contract for large slice out of the cake when it bridges at Dayton and McMinn­ comes to a kindling wood road, but ville. !he district that can take the bake Forestry officials have appropriat­ shop and all the cooking utensils ed $70,000 to complete McKenzie for a bum job in kindling wood road. roads, is the one that connects with Bandon water bonds sold in Den­ the Fairview district and runs to Coquille. I cannot imagine what ver and construction is to begin Job would have done if he bad bad soon. that road to travel. One of the important things about laying a plank road is to put the plank in the ground so that fhere is a shoulder at each end to keep the plank from slipping and enough dirt thrown on the road to work through and fill up the cracks, then the planks will not turn on edge. The special road tax has been worked into the ground. No mat­ ter how large an assessment roll a road district may have or how sparse the population of that dis­ trict or how small the amount of produce that is hauled over the road a tax can be voted and those who pay the large bulk of the tax are helpless to do but one thing; stand and deliver while the other fellow holds the sack. Take the road district, commencing at the Stemmier place down the East fork and North fork of the Coquille to Myrtle Point. There are good farms all the way down that road, and yet a special tax of ten mills gives them just about $2,000. That road can be made a water grade nearly all the way down if not quite (and why the county court did not pour the money into a well instead of pouring it on top of Cooper mountain is a conundrum to me.) The amount of money that that district receives from the gener­ al fund is not much, is little com­ pared with the work they have to do and the travel over that road. We go over three mountains to get to Coquille on a plank road which the pig taxpayers have built, those re­ siding in the district having paid a small part of it. We go over those three mountains to get to Coquille for the reason that districts down the East fork have not any one in it whom they can rob and they are too poor to rob themselves. My judgement is that it is time to knock ent this special district road tax, and have instead a special county road tax of ten mills and a road district that wants to get a special benefit of the county special tax it would have to vote a special tax in proportion to the amount they recieved from the county special tax. R. A. EASTON Hillsboro Planing Mill Co.incorp- orated and is putting in a large plant. D P. Blue, Grants Pass, reports $40,000 per ton strike on Huogry creek. The first logs in two years have been dumped into the Springfield boom. Eugene Fruitgrowers A is’n has large orders for 1915 loganberry juice. Ashland will celebrate the open­ ing of the Siskyou highway Octo­ ber 15. A twelve foot vein of coal has been struck at Roxy Ann, near Medford. Brown Bros. Lumber Co. mill Cottage Grove resumes operations this week. Fischer Milling Co. at Silverton is making improvements and build­ ing a 450 foot flume. Marshfield Water Co. is putting in a 3,000,000 gallon reservoir and laying a mile of ten inch main to North Bend. The I.ane County fair will urge the use of Oregon made products as the best way to cut out the mail order houses Siuslaw Telephone Co. has been granted a raise of rates by the Pub­ lic Utilities Commission to insure good service and maintain plant. Public Utilities Commission after investigation orders raise of fares on United Railways of abont 100 percent on ground of insufficient revenue. Financing of the big timber hold­ ings on the Nehalem river has been completed and this insures the ex­ tension of the Southern Pacific from Tillamook connecting Astoria. U. S. Dept, ot -Agriculture finds Oregon farm laborers the year around average only 9 hours and 40 minutes per day and get $31 dol­ lars per month with board and $4 1 .50 without. The Attorney-General has decid­ ed that the ruling of the Industrial Welfare Commission applies to the bop industry and women and chil­ dren cannot work more than eight hours per d«y or fifty-four hours per week.