Coquille herald. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1905-1917, September 01, 1914, Image 4

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    i -
l. H. HAZARD, Ciahlai
• Reported for The Herald by the Title
Guarantee and Ah iti act Co.
July 29 1914
L. D. kinney for J. S. Coke and J. K
Kolliak to Ella Sullivan contract for
sale lots IT & lo blk 2b Townsite of
Coos liay Plat B Coos County Oregon.
5 >V
R. i.SHINE, V.-PrcB
0. C SANFORD, Aaat. Caaltlat
Tranw acta a Genernl H an k in g Huainea*.
Self* of Dlrootoro.
Phillip Livingstone to Steve Curren
R . 0. Douent, A. J. Sherwood,
National Bank o f Commerce, New York City
w d parcel uf land containing ? 4 acres m L. Harlouker, L. H. Hazard,
Crocker Wqplworth N ’ l Bank, fjan Francise
in tp 28 s r 14 w w m
Gaiah Hacker, R. K. Shiue
First Nutlonall Bank o f Portland, Portland
U. S. o f A. t Peter A. Spani. patent
s e '4 o f sec 32 tp 29 s r 13 w w m con
160 acres
R. 8. K n o w i . t o n , President
O k o . A . R o b i n s o n , Viee-Pres.
K. R. Pounder et ux to C. A, Smith
R. H. M a s t , Cashier.
Timber Company q c d s w '4 o f ne‘ 4 of
sec 36 in tp 30 s r 12 w w m Coos Co.
Albert Seeiig et ux to Lucy Stoltz w
d lot 9 blk 25 Town o f Lakeside Coos
■County Oregon
Merchants Bank
John Obermeier et ux to F Harrison
w d s l.j o f s'.,, o f sw 'y o f n w ^ o f sec 9
tp 24 s r 12 w w m con 10 acres
Op ned for Busines March. 1 8 9 0
July 30 1014
R Quartermass et ux to Mary A
Pierce w d lots 1 and 2 blk 46 Elliott’ s
Add to Coquille City.
C O R K E S P O N D B N TS :
Ladd & Tilton Bank, Portland
National Park, New Y ork
First National Bank, San Francisco
First Trust & Savings, Coos Bay
Wm. McNeil et al to Willamette Pa­
cific Railroad Co w d parcel o f land in
se*4 o f se >4 sec 14 tp 23 s r 13 w w m
L ITT L E Babbitt’s Pure Lye or
Potash and a lot o f water applied to hen
coops, nests and roosts, eradicates vermin.
Used on stable floors, mangers and feeding boxes,
it keeps disease germs away from horses and cattle.
Anna Baker et vir to Willamette Pa­
cific Railroad Co w d parcel o f land in
s e '4 o f nw14 sec 13 tp 23 s r 13 w w m
r »
t m
¡ r e m
Be sure to get Babbitt’ s, the can of a hundred uses.
Highest in Strength, but not in Price. Only 10c.
Buy a dozen cans today.
It is concentrated
Valuable Presents for the Labels.
Write fo r Booklet showing many uses.
B .T . B A B B IT T , r. o. Box 17/6, N E W Y O R K C IT Y
'm .m m tm K
■ >
Sails from Portland at 8 A. M.,
Geo M Champlain to W J Conrad q c
d n>2 o f n w '4 and s w '4 o f n w '4 o f sec
16 tp 29 s r 11 w w m
August 1st, 6th, 11th, 16th, 21st, 26th, 31s:.
Guy C Barnum to Frede Barnum
Cluir w d lots 1 2 3 4 blk 47 1 2 17 18
blk 39 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 blk 39 9 10 11 12 13
14 15 16 blk 28 18 19 20 21 22 blk 21 23
& 24 blk 20 20 21 & 22 blk 15 24 & 25
blk 14 12 13 14 & 15 blk 13 11 12 13 & 14
blk 6 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 & 24 blk 2 4
5 & 6 blk 49 7 8 & 9 blk 50 5 0 7 & 8 blk
52 A 1 2 & 3 blk 54 all in Boise Add to
City o f Marshfield Coos Co
At 12:30 P. M., August 3rd, 8th 13th, 18th, 23rd, 28th.
G o o d For
Good For
2 0 00 POINTS £
When used to nominate y
When used to nominate I
Sails from Coos Bay
! I
r P. . L. o STERLING,
Phone M ain 181
C a n d id a te
It has made no difference whether they were interested at
first or not everybody has to admit that they are hereby in­
terested in some one’s success. W h o is your favorite? Re­
member that; those 50 or 100 votes in your pocket may de­
cide the race. Moral: Cast all your votes for your choice,
in the race for the beautiful Piano. Trade at H. O. Ander­
son’s and P. E. Drane’s and cast your votes. Subscribe for
the Coquille Herald and help your friend.
H. 0. Anderson • • P. E. Drane
Votes will be given on subscriptions paid in, either new or old. f!
Roseburg M yrtle Point Stage
And Auto Line
U 8 o f A to William P Anderson pat­
ent e ‘ .j o f s e '4 o f sec 10 and s 1... o f
swt4 o f sec 11 tp 23 s r 12 w w m con
160 A
I.PAvt e Myrtle Point 7 a. in.
Arrives Roeelmrg,. 5 p .m .
Leaves Roteburg.
(1 n. in.
Arr. Myrtle Point by 5 p. m.
Make net rvations in advance at Ov I
Drug Stoie, Marshfield.
John Beck et ux to W H Abel et al
w d n l. o f nwl-4 s w '4 o f n e '4 o f sec 20
tp 28 s r 10 w w m con 280 acres.
Mrs. Charlotte E. Raab et vir to
Bank o f Oregon o f North Bend B & S
D lots 5 6 7 & 8 blk 8 Townsite * Coos
Bay Plat C
G. G. Shepherd et ux to H. L. Han­
son w d 1 4 acres o f land in secs 32 &
33 in tp 27 s r 11 w w m
Charles W Ashton et ux to Emma
Drane w d 1.11 acres o f land In secs 14
6 23 in tp 28 S r 14 w w m
Carrying Baggage and United Stales Mail
L A IR D ,
P r o p r ie to r
Ollice at L aird’s I.ivery Barn, Myrtle Point, Both Phones
The Coquille Herald
August 1 1914
Annie I. Bash et vir to W. Fred Bal-
mer w d lots 2 A 3 blk 6 West Bandon
Addition to the City o f Bandon
Jos. D. Magee et ux to Oscar Niemi
w d 38 acres o f land in s w '4 o f sw '4 of
sec 9 tp 23 s r 12 w w m
Aksel Lotham to Anna Maki w d
2 and 9 in Blk D o f sub-division o f
1 2 and 3 in blk 9 First Addition to
City o f Marshfield Oregon
J H Bridges et ux b & s deed 16 or 17
acres of land in sec 17 tp 26 s r 12 w w
WhyTiot have an extension telephone installed in
your residence, the price has been reduced to
60 cents per month.
Think o f the un­
necessary steps this will save you.
Coos Bay Home Telephone Co.
Main Office
Marshfield, Oregon
Under New Management
August 3
Judd Belknap to John P Welbes w d
lot 12 in W heeler's subdivision
Dewitt Rogers et ux to H. H. Owen
w d parcel of land in tp 28 s r 14 w w m
The Boy Had to Stop Kicking Champ
Clark’s Dog Around
2000 Votes on $1.30 for New
1000 Votes on $1.00 for O ld
G. G. Shepherd et ux to Verna Han­
sen w d 35 acres o f land in secs 32 & 33
tp 27 s r 11 w w m Oregon
The Coquille
Subscription I
H.O. Anderson
P. E. Drane
Your Trade
« ¥ 4rs-r"|
July 31 1914
CT i 3 as
Hubert E. Thompson to Geo M Cham­
plain q c
n)... o f nw l4 and sw.q o f
nwV4 o f sec 16 tp 29 s r 11 w w m
A s a spraying solution, it kills the scale
and preserves your trees. Many use it
as a hog conditioner.
,o = c i - s s -» ? j j - . f - r : - ! 0 i OrSS ;
Mary A Fewlngs et vir to C A Mel-
l lor deed lots 7 8 9 A 10 blk 4 Sunset
! Park Bandon Beach
Having leased this well-equipped hotel, I propose
to conduct it in such a manner as to merit pat­
ronage and give satisfaction to the traveling
M. M. YOUNG, Proprietor
Reynolds Development Co. to E. W.
t Kaufman s w d lot 12 blk 12 First Ad­
dition to City o f Marshfield Oregon
* $350 in Douglas County Oregon.
Andrew Anderson et ux to Willa­
Archie L. Davis et ux to Felix E.
I Hull w d lot 13 and fractional lot 14 blk mette Pacific R R Co w d parcel o f land
2 Industrial Add to City o f Ban­ in lot 12 sec 33 tp 22 s r 12 w w m Doug­
$10 las Co Oregon
Ray Rudolph Pinkerton to Willamette
Victor Anderson to Howard M. Shaw
w d lots 23 and 24 blk 36 North Bend Pacific R R Co agreement.
| Oregon
Louis Varhaug to L C Oxnevad w d
lot 31 blk 18 Idaho Addition to North'
August 4
Bend Coos Co Oregon.
Abraham Van Zile to Ramona Berg-
! man w d lots 14 & 15 blk 4 Elk Park
Addition to Lakeside Coos Co Oregon Kranick tax deed e,4 o f sej4 sec 20 tp
$25 25 s r 12 w w m
August 6
Abraham Van Zile to Petra Greves w
d lots 8 A 9 blk 5 Elk Park Addition to
Lester M Tozler et ux to W T Tomp­
Lakeside Coos Co Oregon
$25 kins w d lots 29 & 30 blk 8 lots 1 2 3 4
W. R. Whipple trustee* to Michael 5 6 7 8 25 20 27 28 29 30 31 32 blk 9 and
1 lvunkel w d lots 36 37 38 39 & 40 in blk lots 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 blk 5 lot 1 blk 6 all in
1 3 Idaho Addition to North Bend
»10 Tozier Heights Coos Co Oregon.
U S o f A to James J O'Keane patent
Ethel H egliaet vir to Emma R. Sa­
vage w d lot 12 and part o f lot 25 blk 12 lots 3 & 4 and s 4 o f n w '4 o f sec 2 tp27
City o f North Bend
»10 s r 11 w w m con 127.92 A.
U S o f A to Edward L Brown patent
Ross B. Devoe et ux to E. N. Smith
w d lots 13 & 14 blk 8 Smiths First Ad­ lots 1 & 2 and s,q o f n e '( o f sec 2 tp 27
dition to Bandon Oregon
$10 s r 11 w w m con 128.56 A.
August 7
C. E. Edwards et ux to Herman E.
Edwards et al w d parcel o f land in sec
D L Furry to Syver liackey q c d lot
5 t p 2 5 s r l l w w m con 75-100 acres 19 blk 13 City o f North Bend Ore.
more or less
$ 10
Coquille Land Co to Albert Aberson
In the Circuit Court o f the State o f O re­
gon for C oos County
J ess L uke . Plaintiff,
suit in
N ettie L uke , Defendant) A divorce
To Nettie Luke, Defendant
In the Name o f the State of Oregon:
You are hereby required to appear
and answer the complaint filed against
you in the above entitled suit on or be­
fore the expiration o f six (6) weeks
from the date o f the first publication
o f this summons, to-wit: on or before
the 6th day o f October, 1914 and if you
fail to answer, for want thereof, the
plaintiff will apply to the Court for the
relief demanded in said complaint, to-
wit: that the marriage contract exist­
ing between the said plaintiff and the
defendant Nettle Luke be wholly dis­
solved and held for naught.
This summons is published by virtue
o f an order made the 21st day o f Au­
gust 1914 bv John F. Hall, Judge o f the
County Court o f the State o f Oregon
for Coos County, directing that said
summons be published once a week for
Six consecutive weeks in the Coquille
Herald, a newspaper o f general emula­
tion published in Coos County, State o f
Walter Sinclair
Attorney for Plaintiff *
Coquille, Or.
Date of first publication Aug. 25th 1914.
Date o f last publication Oct. 6th 1914.
August 5
et ux w d lot 10 blk 66 Notley’ s Add to
H tve you |aid the printer.
Ashby E. Aistrop to Lizzie R. How­ City o f Coquille.
ard s w d lot 16 blk 2 Sunset Park Ban­
Albert Aberson et ux to David Aber-1
don Beach Coos Co Ore.
$1 son et al w d lot 10 blk 66 N otley’ s Add j
U S o f A to Albert Edson Conklin to Coquille.
»5 I
patent e 1., o f nw ‘ 4 o f sec 15 tp 26 s r
Emerson Ferris et ux to Myrtie B ;
14 w w m con 80 acres.
Pownder w d parcel o f land in sec 36 tp ' Manufacturers o f
Harry G Hoy et ux to L L Gilbert w 27 s r 13 w .
$101 Ih e Celebrated Rergm ann Shoe
d sw l4 o f s e '4 of sec 36 tp 25 s r 12 w
Ora D Gartin et vir to F U Moon w 1 T h e S t r o n g e s t a n d N e * r e a t W a t e r
w m Coos Co Ore.
»10 d lots 7 & 8 blk 7 North Addition to P r o o f s h o e m a d e tor l o g g e r s , m iners
Theo. Herman ShoeMfg.Co.
Kishiae C McDonald to Willamette Town o f Coquille.
• - — -----
Pacific R R Co w d two parcels o f land
Have vou pai I tbe printer
in lots 3 A 11 sec 33 tp 22 s r 12 w w m
p r o s p e c t o r « a n d m il l m e n .
621 Thurm an S treet
P o r t l a n d . O regon ,