NOTES ON THE PHOTOPLAYS Republican Ticket Of Interest to Those Who Patronize the Movies E o r U . 8. Senator “ A Million Bid,” shown at the Scenic Fridat night was all that the advace notices gave us miaou to expect, and those who took the Herald's advice saw a powerful and absorbing drama in which the in- tense interest was sustained ined lo the very las'. The scenery was fine and the collision scene was one of the most realistic ever shown on the screen. Anita Stewart was good all the way through and toward the last was postively great. Her act­ ing before the closed door held tne audience breathless, and the unap­ preciative who usually giggle at a strong scene were mercifully quiet. Harry Morey did not have quite so good a part as in “ Tbe Wreck,” but his work was above criticism. Julia Swayne Gordon, as the moth­ er, had a chance to show her power, and she never tails. "The Perils of Pauline" series is a welcome Telief from some of the serial work that has been and is be­ ing worked off on the confiding public. When one realizes that it is not to be taken too seriously, so that he can appreciate the comedy, he finds it altogether delightful. The quality of the acting by Pearl White, Crane Wilbur, Paul Panzer and others make the picture a treat, and every one who has seen the old pirate will hope that he escaped drowning and may get back into the story. He is too good to lose. It is with regret that one chron­ icles the fact that Mary Fuller seems to have lost her grip altogether. Her "Dolly of the Dailies” series, the second of which was shown at the Scenic Sunday night is not a thing to take the world by storm The much heralded fact that she has "left Edison” ptobably meaus, if the truth were known, that she simply lost her job. Now she will be featured by some minor company on the strength of the reputation she made when she was doing real acting. "Goodness Gracious,” the three- reel Vitapraph comedy feature which is being advertised by the Scenic for Saturday night is another picture that the Herald wishes to recommend in the highest terms to anyone who has faith in the judg­ ment of tbe marine reporter who gets up these notes. Those who enjoy Sidney Drew’s high-class comedy will find it a genuine treat. Both picture houses are making a strong effort to show the best features at popular prices, ana the Ccquille public can have no com­ plaints to make on that score. They should apprecite the fact that these special pictures are being shown heie for less money than in any other town in the county. W. C. Hawley E lection 1914 R. A. Booth For Cougresii A n d y o u r v a c a t i o n s t o r y is t o l d NO WORK NO BOTHER KNOWLTON'S DRUG STORE The Coquille Herald For < iovernor James Withycombe For .Justice of the Supremo Court D. D. E>. — /or 13 pea r*— The Standard Shin Remedy Instant Relief Skin Troubles The G uarantied Remedy Henry J. Bean, Lawrence T. C . J . F U H R M A N , D O S T . Harris, Thomas McBribe, Henry L. Benson, Charles The Blue Sky law is beiug at­ tacked iu a new suit by W. B. Mc­ L. McNary For Attorney General George M. Brown For Supt. of Public Instruction J. A. Churchill For State Engineer John M. Lewis For Commissioner of Labor O. P. Hoff For Railroad Commissioner Frank J. Miller For Bopt. Water Div. No. 1 James T. Chinnock accrued interest and in case o f your failure to do so, a decree will be ren dered foreclosing the lien o f said taxes .. . . 1 1 .. ■ A. A .L .. . . ,1 » v M . k M t . , . . . , and costs against the land . . and premises above named. This I his summons is published by order o f the Honorable John S. Coke, Judge o f the Circuit Court o f the State of Or­ egon for the County o f Coos, and said order was made and dated this 3 day o f August, 1914, and the date o f the first publication o f this summons is the 4 day o f August, 1914. All process and papers in this pro­ ceeding may be served upon the under­ signed residing within the State o f Ore­ gon, at the address hereafter men­ tioned. J ohn D. G oss J ohn C. K endall or pay the amount due as above ahown together with cost" and accrued inter- est and in cuse o f your failure to do so, .. av ail L .i . I I I Jl 1 V , 111 < 1 I C O , , l i . O l • > > V a decree « will be rendered foreclosing the lien o f said taxes and costs against _ the land and premises aliove named This summons is published by order of the Honorable John S. Coke, Judge o f the Circuit Court o f the Slate o f Or­ egon for the County o f Coos and said order was made and dated this 3 day of August, 1914 and the date o f the first publication o f this summons is the 4 day o f August, 1914. All process and papers in this pro­ ceeding limy he served upon the under­ signed residing within the State o f Ore­ gon, at the address hereafter men­ tioned, J ohn D. G oss J ohn c . K endall Attorneys for the Plaintiff Attorneys for the Plaintiff Address 1st Nat’ l liank Bldg, Marshfield, Coos Co., Ore. 8-4-6t Address 1st N at’ l Bank Bldg., Marshfield, Oregon. 8-4-6t Kinney of Portland on the ground of depriving the citizens of property without due process of law and dele­ In the C licuit Court of tbe State ot gates arbitrary power to the com­ Oregon for C oos County missioner. W . J. C o n r a d , Every Part of the Art of Plaintiff Have vou paid the printer. vs. J ames H amilton and l . b . In the Circuit Court of the State of Ore­ gon for Coo« County J ess L u k e . Plaintiff, vs SU IT IN E q U IT Y FO R A D IV O R CE !» N ettie L uke , Defendant t) SUMMONS. To Nettie Luke, Defendant In the Name o f the State o f Oregon: You are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint filed against you in the above entitled suit on or be­ fore the expiration o f six (fi) weeks from the date o f the first publication o f this summons, to-wit: on or before the 6th day o f October, 1914 and if you fail to answer, for want thereof, the plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief demanded in said complaint, to- w it: that the marriage contract exist­ ing between the said plaintiff and the defendant Nettie Luke be wholly dis­ solved and held for naught. This summons is published by virtue o f an order made the ’¿1st day o f Au­ gust 1914 bv John F. Hall, Judge o f the County Court o f the State o f Oregon fo r Coos County, directing that said summons he published once a week for six consecutive weeks in the Coquille Herald, a newspaper o f general emula­ tion published in Coos County, State of Oregon. Walter Sinclair Attorney for Plaintiff Coquille, Or. Date o f first publication Aug. doth 1914 Date o f last publication Oct. 6th 1914. B il u n g s and all other persons or parties unknown, > claiming any right, title, estate, lien or interest in the real estate described herein, for L A U N D E R I NO publication in foreclosure Has had Our Careful Attention summons OF tax lien Defendants. To James Hamilton and L. B. Billings the above named defendants It is our business, so it I 11 the Name o f the State o f Oregon: you are hereby notified that W. J. is necessary that we use Conrad the holder o f Certificate o f De­ the very best and latest linquency numbered 44 issued on the 29th day o f April, 1913 by the Tax Col­ methods to turn out the lector o f the County o f Coos, State o f Oregon, for the amount o f Four and best work possible 3-160 Dollars, the same being the amount then due and delinquent for taxes for the year 1909 together with penalty, interest and costs thereon up­ on the real property assessed to you, <»f which you are the owner as appears o f record, situated in said County and Our service is at your command. State, and particularly bounded and de­ If you are not already a customer scribed as tollows, to-wit: Beginning on we would lie glad to add you to the township line 2039.70 feet E. of the our host of satisfied patrons. corner o f Townships 25 and 26. Ranges 12 and 13 run N. 45.5* E. 276.5 feet to left bank o f Catching Slough; run S. along said slough 75.5' E. 199 8 feet; run S. 68 E. 129 fe e t: run S. 53' E 112.8 feet: run W. on township line 621.4 feet to place o f beginning, all in Sec. 31, T. 25 S. R. 12 West of Willam­ ette Meridian, Coos County, Oregon, containing 1.5 acreB. You are further notified that said W J. Conrad has paid taxes on said prem­ ises for prior or subsequent years with the rate o f interest on said amounts as follows: Tax Rate Regular as the Clock Y ear’s Date R ec’t A in’ t of Tax Paid No. int. 1916 Apr. 29, 1913 9095 49 97 12 1911 9186 $5 47 12 1912 6165 $3 39 12 1968 8926 $6 28 12 1967 May 23, “ 6462 $3 62 12 *7.50 First-class fare only. Said James Hamilton and L. B. Kil­ lings as the owners o f the legal title of Up freight, per ton ... H.Ö0 the above described property as the same appears o f record, and each of the other persons above named are E. & E. T. Kruse hereby further notified that W.J.Conrad will apply to the Circuit Court o f the 24 California Street, San Francisco County and State aforesaid for a decree foreclosing the lien against the proper­ ty above described, and mentioned in For Reservations said certificate. And you are hereby summoned to appear within sixty J. E. NORTON days after the first publication o f th is! Agents, Coquille, Oregon summons exclusive o f the day o f said first publication, and defend this action down in their pockets to mike up For Representative 5th Diet. ._________ 2 ------------------------- the deficit caused by the loss of Charles R. Barrow PUBLISHED EVERY TUESDAY saloon liceuses the "dry” people For Representative fitti Diet Entered as second class matter May would lose their enthusiasm has 8, 1905. at the post office at Coquille, been proved a fallacy. They have S. P. Pierce Oregon, underact of Congress of March faced the music and raised the limit 8 , 1879. For County Judge ot taxation to allow the council to James Watson P. C. LEVAR, Lessee. make both ends meet. No matter For Sheriff what the individual opinion may be Devoted to the material and social Alfred Johnson, Jr. upbuilding o f the Coquille Valley par­ as to the wisdom of trying to make ticularly and o f Coos County generally. a dry spot amidst a prevailing wet­ For County Clerk Subscription, $1.50 per year in advance ness, no one can say that the peo­ Robt. R. Watson ple of this town are not willing to Phone Main 381 . For County Treasurer assume the responsibility and ex­ T. M. Dimmick Whtn the matter of the establish­ pense. A spirit ol that kind will For County Surveyor ment of the Port of Bandon was be­ sometimes accomplish wonders. C. S. McCulloch fore the people the Coquille papers The visit ol tbe Portland business did all they could for the measure, For County Coroner considering it a good thing lor the men to this section should result in F. E. Wilson whole river. One of the arguments considerable good to this country. For County Commissioner 8-S6-7t used here against the scheme was The surprise and delight which Geo. J. Armstrong that Bandon would "hog” all the they may express at finding a really Notice to Contractors For Commissioner of Port of Bandon benefits and Coquille would be put­ civilized community down here on A. McNair and C. R. Moore Notice is hereby given that sealed ting up its money for the privilege the coast, where they have always ot holding the sack. The Herald supposed there were only a few bids will tie received for the in, For Justice of the Peace provemeut of that part of the Coun­ deprecated any such spirit of petty scattered settlements ol struggling Walter Sinclair ty Road in Road District No. (1 ac­ jealousy and did not care if Bandon pioneers will be gratifying in the For Constable cording to the special road proceed­ would reap the greater benefits, extreme; but the thing that may ings and special tax for the years Ned C. Kelley count is that they may find some which she naturally would; Coquille 1911 , 1912 and 1913 and the plans Published under the authority and bv would come in for its share We line of Coos county products that tbe order of theCoos County Republican and specifications on file iu the of fice of tbe County Clerk AH con­ Central Committee. (Paid Adv.) were willing to believe that the well Portland can buy. Trade is more tracts to be completed before tb« known “ Bandon spirit” would not or less a matter of reciprocity, and 15 th day of October, 1911 go to the extent of even trying to so long as San Francisco buys prac­ Myrtle Point Pointers The County Court reserves the corner all the good things that tically all our products and furnish­ right to reject any and nil bids and come down the water pike; that she es all the ontside capital that is used Mrs. Eva Jenkins, wife of Ed­ to award the contract to a btddei would be willing to leave a lew in the development of our industries, ward Jenkins, passed into the fu­ not the lowest should they deem it lor the best interest of the Couuty ctumbs for Coquille. Later devel­ Coos merchants are likely to have a ture life some time in the night be­ Ail bids to be filed with the kindly feeling toward San Francisco opments, however tend to indicate tween Wednesday and Tuhureday. County Clerk on or before the 28 th that the Herald was mistaken in Its wholesalers and jobbers. In a spirit Wednesday night she went to sleep day of August, A D 1914 , at the estimate of the Bandon nerve, and o f neighborliness, however, w e and never awakeued. She had ap­ hour of ten o’clock A. M„ on which that if Coquille gets anything out of should welcome the Portland dele­ pendicitis and but slight hopes day such contract shall he let. A certified check for five ( 5 ) per cent the port commission it will be gates and make them feel at home. were entertained of her recovery of the amount of the bid to be de­ against the strenuous opposition of Such visits are altogether good as a from the first. On the 21 st the re­ posited with the County ' Jerk with our sister by the sea. This awaken­ matter ot friendly sociability, and mains were taken to Enchanted bid to be forfeited to the County in ing has come by the process which in a spirit of hospitality our people Prairie for burial beside her parents case contract shall he awarded and is usually efficacious in bringing a can well afford to forget the busi­ and other relatives. She leaves a the contractor shall fail, npglect or refuse for a period of ten days after ness side of it and exert themselves man out of his slumber— a good husband and other relatives to such award is made to enter into a solid heel coming down on the toes. to make pleasant the stay of the mourn her loss. contract and file his bond to the In the suit now pending in the very welcome visitors. Dr. J. L. Mason took his depart­ satisfaction of tbe Couuty Court as supreme court, tbe printing of vol­ ure for Gold Bluff Saturday on a required by law. Dated at the city of Coquille, uminous transcripts of testimony Missionary Association of business trip. He will be gone Coo-i County, Oregon, this 8th day and ol briefs is involved. As Dis­ about a week. the Churches of Christ of August, A D, 1914 trict Attorney Liljeqvist is conduct­ A Bum Job J am es W atson , Mrs. J. L Mason accompanied ing one side ot the case, it would County Clerk. The Coos County C h r i s t i a n Mrs. Shelly, ou Saturday for a The pamphlets containing the naturally be most convenient for Missiouary Association of the week,s visit with that lady at North In the Circuit Court o f fhe State of Ore­ him to have bis brief printed here Churches of Christ was held at Myr­ measures to be voted on at the gen­ gon for Coos County Mrs Shelly has been stay­ eral election this fall have been re­ Bend. tle Point, Aug. i8. 19 and 20. The where he can read the proof and Not ing here for some time and is now W. J. C onrad , convention was attended by 65 del­ ceived from the Secretary. oversee the wo'-k, and as Coquille egates from the various churches of going into the subject matter of Plaintiff, returning to her home. is in the distiict there seems no the county vs. SUM M ONS The reports of the tbe pamphlet, tbe Herald would Mrs. F. E Sou'hmaid got ser­ J. W. H aneline and FO R good reason why Coquille printers churches show that the growth of like to remark that it is about the all other persons or P U B L IC A TIO N iously kicked by n cow on Friday, bummest job of printing and bind­ the church has been larger this year should not have the work. This, parties unknown, IN C F. ing that ever came under our ob­ her limb being very much bruised claiming any right, F O R E C L O SU R E however does not seem in accord than any previous year. title, estate, lien or OF Swanker, state corr. secy, of the servation. It would he a disgrace L nd alnjo8t U8ele^, «Itho no hone 8 with the “ Bandon spirit,” and as churches of O r e g o n , and J. C to any country job omce in tbe interest in the real T A X LIE N estate described the suit is a “ friendly” one the Ghormley, from India, added much state. If the record of economy were broken. herein, Chester Lee left on Sunday morn­ Bandon influence appears to be to the interest of tbe convention. that is being made by the office un­ Defendants strong enough to pull all port busi­ Mr. Ghormly gave his sterioptican der state ownership is achieved by ing via auto for Roseburg, going To J. W. Haneline the above named turning out that kind of work, from there to Portland where he defendant ness in which there is any money lecture on the missionary work in In the Name o f the State o f Oregon: Siate Printer Hurris would better the tar East will meet his wife He will prob­ into the maw of the city by the you are hereby notified that W. J. Each department of tbe church consider the point made, and go to Conrad the holder of Certificate o f De­ ably he gone all winter. sea. Mr. Liljeqvist’s transcript of had a place on the program and doing some real printing linquency numbered 35 issued on the ------ • — - testimony has been printed at Ban- splendid help was given by workers Dive Raokliff left Suuday to visit 27tn day o f June, 1912 by the Tax Col­ lector o f the i ounty o f ( ’ 00 s, State o f East Fork Items dou by the Western World, in of these departments. The reports his parents at Florence. Oregon, for the amount o f Eight and of the various churches are as lot which the general impression is that 17-100 Dollars, the same being the OBSERVER lows: North Bend, Mrs Samuel amount then due and delinquent for tax­ John Porter and Rufus Howe G. T. Treadgold is a stockholder. Gregg, pastor, church organized es for the year 1909 together with penal­ Now is the time to subscribe. Now the plan is to force the print­ Nov. 3, 1913, present membership have quit the st»ge line, they were ty, interest anil costs thereon upon the on the job a long time and were the real property assessed to you, o f ing of Mr.Liljeqvist’s brief also into 45, building dedicated costing faithful and accommodating dtivers which you are the owner as appears o f S t250, Bible school has 52 members. the favored office, much to the in­ record, situated in said County and Kreuson and Bridges are driving State, and particular y bounded and convenience of the p:osecuting at­ Marshfield church, Samuel Gregg, the stage from Sitkum to Sumner described as follows, to-wit: South "Schooling in youth should Invariably b« pastor, members, 104, additions torney and agaiust his protest. The to prepare a person iu the best w av East Quarter o f the South East Quar­ Mr. Thomas is in poor health hut directed during the year 59, Bible school 106 for the best perm anent occupation for which ter (S E '4 S E '4) o f Section Eighteen Herald considers this what may enrolled, average attendance. 83 be keeps working becau-e he won’t he is c a p a b le .'--P re sid e n tC . W. Kliot. (18) Township Twenty Eight (28) S. be poetically called a rank piece of per cent, C. W. B M , 47 members. give up. This is the Mission of the Range 12 W . Willamette Meridian Coos County, Oregon, containing 40 acres Lee Mast and son Milford and business. On all considerations of Coquille, T. B McDonald, pastor, more or less. fairnessjand businessconvenience the 135 members. 65 additions during Archie Shepard were camping Sit. You are further notified that said W. urday and Sunday on tbe Eart fork the year, average attendance in the J. Conrad has paid taxes on said prem­ Forty-sixth School Veer Opens brief should be printed in Coquille. ises for prior or subsequent years with Several weeks ago Charles Shep­ Bible school 90, Christian Endeav­ The Herald is not obessed with tbe or, 30, C. W. B M. 47 members. herd had a cow die from eating S E P T E riB E R 18th, 1914 the rate o f interest on said amounts as Write for illustrated too page B ook­ follows: desire to do the printing itself— it Myrtle Point, E. E- Coulter, pastor, giant powder that bad been lift on Tax Rate let. " T he 1 ife CAREER,” and for Cata could with some qualms ot envy, 82 members, 48 additions during the roud aide ne ar the place his cons log containing full information. Y ear’ s Date R ec't of Tax Paid No. A m 't int. aee the job go to our bated rival up the year, 130 members enrolled in traveled, by those who were work­ Degree C o u r te s - A O R IC U L T U R l : 1910 June 27, 1912 8916 $5 63 12 the street— but the job should be the Bible school, Christian Endeav­ ing on the public road, I learned of Agronomy, Animal Husbandry,DalryHus- 1911 7388 »3 96 12 or 20 members, C. W. B. M. 11 this a few days ago and what puz­ bandrv. Poultry Husbandry. Horticulture. 1912 May 15. 1913 2636 *3 40 12 done here. If tbe Treadgold in­ members. Circle Girls, 12 members zles me is why a report of it was Agriculture for Teachers. FO R ESTRY, Said J ' W. Haneline as the owner of fluence proves strong enongb lo I Bridge, E. E. Coulter, pastor. 36 not made to the County court. And L o g g in g E n g i n e e r i n g . H o m e E c o ­ the legal title o f the above described n o m ic s : Domestic Science, Domestic Art, poll this first little port "benefit” members, 3 additions, Bible school Mr. Shepherd paid for the cow; the ENGINEERING: Electrical, Irrigation, property as the same appears ot record, and each o f the other persons above 140 enrolled, Circle Girls, 9 mem- cow was owned by Walter Laird. Highway, Me hankal, Chemical, Mining. named are hereby further noti ied that all to Bandon, it will leave an e x ­ Ceramics. COM M ERCE. PHARM ACY. Shephetdhas Laird's place based I n d u s t r ia l a r t s . W. J. Conrad will apply to the t ircuit ceedingly bad taste in the mouth of iters. Court o f the County and State afore- I The following officers were elect­ and has to make good the stock, eo For a/ional ( oarivi-Agriculture, Dairy­ said for a decree foreclosing the lien I at least one Coquille newspaper. ed for the coming year: president, there is just one thiD g for the County ing. Home Makers’ Course, Industrial against the property above described, C. A. Sehlbrrde, Marshfield, vice to do — pay for the cow, for that is Arts, Forestry, Business Short Course. and mentioned in said certificate. And ' S ih n j/ o f M usic —Plano, String, Band, president, Cal. Ray, Myrtle Point, nothing more than any road super- you are hereby summoned to appear | We take off our dicer to the peo-1 Voice Culture. within sixty days after the first publi­ Mrs. Edith Connor, North viaor or any member of the County pie of Coquille. They have stood I cation o f this summons exclusive o f the Farmer* Bunn«*« Conrre by Mail Free tieas, Mrs Anna Colvin, court would expect if poison were day o f said first publication, and defend A.Klreaa T H E R E G ISTR A R , by their guns. The expectation I Coquille, supt of circles Mis ss Lou left on the road side and eaten by this action or pay the amount due as I (tw MS la (MU C o rv a llis Oregon that when it came to a test of going Hooton, Bridge. \ their cow. a b o v e shown together with costs and COQUILLE LAUNDRY & ICE CO. Str. Elizabeth San Francisco a n d Bandon 3C3E NOTICE oN, and after August 1, 1914 our office hours will be as follows: 8 A. M. to 12 M. and 1 P. M to 3 P. M. All our customers are earnestly request­ ed to remember these hours so that none may lose the Cash Discount on their bills by presenting them after 3 P. M. on the tenth of the month. Oregon Power Company J % Announcement THE LIFE CAREER I I A V I N G leased the plant of the Co- quille Mill and Mercantile Com­ pany, the undersigned is now prepared to fill all orders for any kind of LUMBER Especial attention will be paid to the local demand, and every effort will be made to supply anything needed at the shortest possible notice. Your orders are solicited. E. E. JOHNSON LESSEE