Coquille herald. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1905-1917, August 18, 1914, Image 4

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14 Piano Prizes
To be Given Away to Our Customers
And Subscribers.
Two Beautiful Krantz Pianos
Regular Retail Price $350—ABSOLUTELY FREE
A lso W eek ly Aw ards o f Beautiful Silverware
Grand A w a r d s
Weekly Awards
Each of the m erchants in thin
contest will give the following
grand awards :
1st 1 Krantz Piano, mahogany or
oak finish.
2nd 1 certificate of credit good for
one K rantz Piano, when accom­
panied win» the sum of ninety
3rd 1 certificate, a s described
above, when cccompanied with
th e sum of ninety-five dollars
4th 1 certificate,asdecrihed above,
when accompanied with the
sum of one hundred dollars.
5th 1 certificate, a s descril>ed
above, when accompanied with
the sum of one hundred and
five dollars.
6th 1 certificate, a s described
above, when accompanied with
the sum of one hundred and
fifteen dollars
7th 1 certificate, a s described
above, when accompanied with
the sum of one hundred and
twenty-five dollars.
All certificate are good for one
year from date, f. o. b. factory,
and are tranaferfil>le.
Each of the m erchants in this
contest will give the following
weekly aw ard s:
1 26 Piece S* t Silverware.
1 Mission Electric Lamp.
1 Condemeut Set, Nickle Tray.
1 Nickle Casserole.
1 Nickel Plated Percolator.
3 Dozens Teaspoons.
l.j Dozen Orange Spoons.
1 Large Berry Spoon.
I Gravy Ladle.
1 Cold Meat Fork.
1 Sugar c hell and B utter Knife.
6 Se's of l.» Dozen Teaspoons.
Rules of the Contest
RULE 1. The m erchant shall issue
votes as per following schedule,
excepting as hereafter may be
m entioned:
100 for $1.00 on cash sales.
200 for $1.00 in m erchandise paid
with due bills.
300 for $1.00 on paym ent of old ac­
200 for $1.00 on due bills sold.
200 for $¡.00 on bargain and clear­
ance sales.
The Herald gives 2000 votes for
each dollar on new and 1000 votes
for each dollar for renewals or
hack subset iptions.
And votes will be given at the
tim e sales are made only.
In reference to issuing votes on
old accounts, they may be issued
H elp le ssn e ss.
for the paym ent of old accounts,
th a t were incurred prior to this
RU LE 2. Votes will be issued with
a tim e lim it of one week, and m ust
be cast in the ballot box, provided
for th at purpose, before the expir­
ation of the tim e lim it.
casting votes m ake a record for
your owrn guidance.
In order to facilitate voting you
are requested to place your votes
in an envelope and seal it. Please
write the num ber of votes the en­
velope contains and the nam e of
the candidate you desire to vote
for on the outside.
RULE 3. Employees, clerks and rel­
atives of the m erchants and news­
paper cannot participate as candi­
RU LE 4. Merchant« shall in no in­
stance issue votes until such votes
have been properly stamped with
th eir firm name. Custom ers should
refuse them otherw ise.
R U L E 5. The soliciting of votes in
the m erchant’s store, in front of
store or on premises is PR O H IB ­
R U L E 6. A vote th a t is scratched o r •
m arked in any m anner after it
leaves th e m erchant’s hands, shall
be throw n out, provided this de­
facing should appear th a t a figure
had been tam pered w ith.
R U L E 7. Six weeks from the opening
date, candidates will no longer be
entered, unless by special arrange­
m ent w ith the m erchant.
RULE 8. Everydody is invited to
nom inate candidates. All th a t is
necessary is to send in the nam e of
any young lady in the com m unity.
This will entitle her to 2000 nom ­
inating votes and she will be en te r­
ed as a candidate.
RULE 9. Votes are not transferable
alter being cast.
RU LE 10. Votes th a t are not proper­
ly stam ped with the m erch an t’s
signature, or votes with th e tim e
lim it expired, will not be accepted.
R U L E 11. A committee selected by
the m erchants will count th e votes
each week, beginning with the
third week and report the results
to the Herald.
E 0. Anderson • • P. E. Drane
This contest is conducted in connection with this newspaper
and votes will be given on subscriptions paid in;
either new or old ones.
2000 Votes on $1.00 for New
1000 Votes on $1.00 for O ld
Notice to Creditors
W lip
P n A lllllfi U c T o lfl
u U U U ilJ L C X X C l d i l l
11 C
Notice is hereby Riven th a t the un­
dersigned has been appointed adminis­ Are essential to social and business life. You want to know who
tra to r of the estate of Thomas T. ,
Sm ith, deceased, and all persons having the other man is—where he comes from, what he has l>oen doing, who
claims again st the said e state are here- j his friends and associates are.
by required to present them w ith the 1
proper vouchers, within six months
from the date of this notice, to the un­
dersigned adm inistrator a t the law of­
fices of J . J. Stanley, in the City of Co- I
quille, Coos County, Oregon.
D ated July 21, 1914
Is the great medium for introductions. It enables y o u to form-the
W m . O ddy .,
acquaintance of people whom you could meet in no other way. We
A dm inistrator of the E state of
Thomas T. Sm ith, Deceased. will he glad to help you use our columns to extend your acquaintance­
Theo. Berpan ShoeMfe.Co.
M anufacturers of
ship and increase your business. It will pay you
you nre and what you arc doing.
F u ss and
F e a th e rs.
“The Joneses go in for fuss nnd feath­
ers.'* “Yes. Jones gets the fuss nnd
his wife the feathers.” —Town Topic».
The Celebrated tieramann Shoe
The Strongest and Nearest Water
Proof shoe made for loggers, miners
prospectors and mill men.
621 Thurman Street
If you wonld learn the value of mon
ey go and try to borrow' some, for lie
th a t goes a-l>orrowlng goe» »-sorrow,
lu g .-B e n ja m in Franklin.
tell every one who
Good Idea.
W hen they have tb e lr pictures taken
people try to look pleasant. Why not
wear th at look all the tim e? It will
shorten no m an's life!—Knoxville T rib­
Temper, not trouble, m akes the mis­
ery of most men's nnd women's lives.
s a ir S T r G - - o ;
Sails from P o rtla n d at 8 A. M.,
A ugust 1st, 6th, llth , 16th, 21st, 2uth, 31st.
Sails from C oos B ay
A t 12 :30 P. M., August 3rd, 8th 13th, 18th, 23rd, 28th.
v £ t J- - l i-
f ir -
Phone Main 181
r Lt ,TÛ?-
r tl - îî - î L CiJ-a
And Auio Line
Leav* s Myrtle Point 7 a. in.
Arrives R oseburg.......5 p. in.
Leaves Roseburg...... 0 a. m.
Arr. MyitU Point by 5 p. m.
Make n servations in advance a t Ow I
Drug Stole, Marshfield.
Carrying Baggage and United Slates Mail
J. L. LAIRD, Proprietor
Office at L airiT« L iv e r y B a rn, M y r tle P o i n t , Both P h o n e s
9B W B S A S W
S B SB H W H n B E f « B B w
C E N T S }
Why not have an extension telephone installed in
your residence, the price has been reduced to
60 cents per month. Think of the un­
necessary steps this will save you.
C oos B a y H o m e T elep h o n e Co
Marshfield, Ore gon
C a n W e P u ll A n y t h in g ?
Sir Oliver I/alge, the em inent E ng­
lish scientist, said in a lecture once
th a t there is no such thing as pulling.
To speak of a horse pulling a c a rt was.
he said, incorrect. The horse did not
pull the cart. It pushed against its
collar and thereby produced motion in
the cart. Similarly the oarsm an push­
ed the water, and the man draw ing a
handcart had to clasp the handle, and
the driving force w as caused by the
p art which clasped the handle and was
therefore behind it. Even if the cart
w as fastened to the m an’s coat tail he
did not pull it. He pushed against his
J r fexB A B B iTT/
a l u a b le
»v q 3.
v .:-.
Not F o r H er.
‘W hat did you say to him, dad?”
‘I asked him if he could support you
in the style to which you had been ac­
custom ed.”
And he?”
‘He said he could.”
‘If he tries it I ’ll divorce him.” —
Houston Post.
You Can MakeYour House More Attractive
W ith the Handsome B abbitt Premiums
A. T E N -C E N T can of B abbitt's
-tJL pure lye is paid insurance against
dirt o r germ s: guaranteeing clean
sinks, and th o r o u g h ly s w e e t and
sanitary conditions in the home, and
in your barns, kennels or hen houses.
P a id In H is Ow n C o in .
John, did you read about this Den­
ver millionaire giving Ills wife a dia
inond tia ra? ”
I t ’s in all the papers. Why don't
you keep posted on current events?”—
P ittsburgh Post.
If you will w rite w e will send you a
book Absolutely Free telling a hun­
dred uses for Babbitt’s I . y c ; also our
prem ium catalogue il1usfrad n g beau­
tiful and valuable presents exenanged
for coupons.
“ It is a good rule to endeavor hour
by hour and week a fte r week to learn
to work hard. It is not well to take
four m inutes to do w hat we can ac­
complish In three.” —Charles W. Eliot.
F o r C o u n ty S u rv ey o r
I h e re b y a n n o u n c e tuv«e!f an in
d e p e n d e n t c a n d id a te for th e office!
c o u n ty su rv e y o r of C oos C o u n ty , j
O re g o n
l a m a re g u la r g r a d u a t e 1
of th e K a n sa s S la te A g r i c u lt u r a l !
o lle g e , class of 1884
E ngaged
for 14 y e a rs in th e lo ca tio n , con-
u etio n a n d m a in te n a n c e ot r a il­
ro a d s, w ith th e C. B. & Q R y ,
M o. P a c . R v , A T . & S F . R y ,
C . R . I. & P a c . R y ., a n d for to
y e a rs e m p lo y ed in irrig a tio n a n d
m in in g e n g in e e rin g w ork
Am a l­
so a m em ber of th e G reg n S ta te
S o c ie ty of E n g in e e rs .
W ill y o u
s u p p o rt m e at th e polls?
R o s e b u rg M y r t l e Point Stage
Main Office
H a rd W o rk.
been greatly exaggerated.—Times.
- r _>-t-
B edillion G e ts O rd e rs
It E L lle d illio u . o f B a n d o n ,
m a n a g e r o f th e B an d o n W ooleu
M ills a rriv e d in M arshfield on th e
N a n n S m ith a n d left for th e U oquilL
riv er p o rt oti th e 2 o 'c lo c k tra in th is
a fte rn o o n . M r. B e d illio n h a s been
on a n e x te n s iv e e a s te rn a n d s o u th ­
e rn tr ip in the in te re s ts of h is com ­
p a n y , h a v in g se c u re d a v o lu m e of
b u sin e ss sufficient to k e e p th e conip
! a n y o p e ra tin g ste a d ily for a y e ar to
c o m e . D u rin g h is trip , Mr. B edil-
iion v isite d th e m a n u fa c tu rin g c e n ­
te rs o f D etri it, M e m p h is, C h ic a g o ,
I B ra n d lo rd (C a n a d a ). N e w O rle a n s,
S i n A n to n io , E l P a so ,
J u a re z ,
M exico, a n d Y u m a . A riz o n a .
B edillion sa v s th a t n o th in g has
been decided re la tiv e to th e m o v in g
of the co m p a n y a w a y from B an d o n ,
re p o rts ab o u t th e m a tte r h a v in g
: -o -
F irst National Bank, San Francisco
F irst T ru st & Savings, Coos Bay
{6 0
A young woman sat for a crayon
portrait and w as not entirely pleased
w ith the result.
“ It looks like me. of course,” she said
reluctantly to the artist, “and yet I
think there are some things about it
th at ought to be changed.” She sug­
gested th a t the eyes should have more
of an upw ard look, th a t the bracelet
should be a little more prom inent on
her left arm and th a t her gown be a r ­
ranged more artistically on the side.
“T hat would require u great deal of
retouching,” said the artist, “and 1
should have to charge you a t least $15
“Oh, dear!” she exclaimed, som ewhat
peeved. “I shall have to give it up.
F ather wouldn’t stand my ‘retouching'
him to th a t extent.”—Lippincott'».
Merchants Bank
co khkspo n pkn ts
Ladd & Tilton Bank, Portland
N ational Park, New York
It is not enough that we leave our
institutions as our fathers shaped them.
They knew little or nothing of the con­
ditions which we face. Sufficient unto
tlie age Is the work thereof. It is not
the right of any generation to project
its will into the future, but it is the
duty of each generation to a d ju st its
institutions to m eet its own needs.
Men need not w ait until death to
realize m any of their ideals. They can
have things here on earth which their
fath ers associated w ith the millennium.
They need no longer overwork nor go
cold and hungry nor suffer from pesti­
lence or even famine. Machinery has
provided the possibilities of a new life.
W hen all of these possibilities are real­
ized—when no one is overworked, cold
or hungry, w hen all are leading Joyous,
purposeful lives—adjustm ent will he
complete—w elfare will be universal.—
From “Social Sanity,” by Scott Near­
Op ned for Busines March. 1 8 9 0
The greatest m oment in our career Is
when wo aw aken to tlie shining truth
th a t our life, to m ake or m ar, is wholly
in our hands; th a t neither dark destiny
nor grim fate nor the stars nor the de­
crees of the gods nor the m achinations
of men or devils can cheat us of that
greatness of soul and serenity of mind
which are the crown of real success.
The most terrible note in the despair
of the despairing is the sound of help- i
lessness. To feel th a t the universe Is
a huge m achine to grind us a t last to
dust, th at the odds of existence are
against us nnd th a t we are borne down
by the tram p of irresistible forces
this is the salt taste of failure.
But when a man has discovered that
he him self is m aster and th a t no out­
side force can touch his inner trium ph
th a t discovery is as of a new w w ld,
the America of spirit, tlffc opening vista
of lim itless opportunity.—Dr. Frank
C rane in W oman's World.
T h e G ir l and the A rt is t.
Call and see the Beautiful Prizes and Learn Method of Distribution
reg on .
T o E a c h A ge Its P ro b lem s.
The merchants w hose names are given below have inaugu­
rated a contest in which the fortunate candidates w ill be
given valuable prizes each week, w ith grand prizes of pi­
anos like that illustrated here to be awarded at the end of
the contest.
& •
PoBT C A N p, O
H ow K a ffirs W o rk .
R I.SHINE. V .-Pres
W hat “w a k in g like a ni gev" th at
L. H HAZARD, C a sh iti
0. C SANFORD, A»»t.Cashiar
Is. a negro In South A frica—really
means has beeu explained by one who
has m eu liih* woi ('.or. r:e ay« th at tl •
B A N K Is one of tire silliest u n i moal
C 0 9 U I U I 1 B , OREGON.
Inexact ever coined. “A gang of Kuf-
firs." he said, "w ere at work. Tlie>
T r a n s a c t s a G en eral H o n k in g B u s in e s s
were loadin . rails on a true!;, ai d the;
dhl it as though they were burying
their dead. At the head of the gang
Board of Dlrootoro.
walked a scut of chief chanting the
of Com merce,New York Cit
most lugubrious dirge ever beurd. At
L. Karlocker, L. H. Hazard,
t'ro ck cr Woolworth N ’l Bank, San Francisey
a crawling pace he led his men to the
Isaiah Hacker. K. K. Shine F irst Nationall Bank of Portland, Portland
rails. Then came a long pause. This
was to enable the singing head man
to finish tin* first wall. W hen the K af­
firs got tired of waiting they bent
R. H. K n o w l t o n , President
G e o . A. R o b i n s o n , V ice-Pres.
down and picked up the rail, their
R. II. M a s t , C ashier.
movements keeping time w ith the fu­
neral march. W hen a t last the rail
was hoisted on the m en’s shoulders the
singer changed the measure to a chant
of triumph. As a m utter of fact, two
dock laborers could easily have done
all the work th a t was done by these
eight negroes." Indianapolis News.
The Great Soap Maker
BABBITT’S LYE— The Best Herne
Soap Maker
H ig h est in S tre n g th b u t n o t in P rice— 10c
P. O. B ox 1776
N ew Y o rk C ity
Herald Ads Bring Business