Coquille herald. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1905-1917, August 18, 1914, Image 1

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    Q The Herald, the old estab­
lished reliable newspaper of
the Coquille Valley in which
an “ ad" always brings results
VOL. 32,
T he C oquille H erald
NO. 47
the railways west of the Mississippi
are bemg prepared for sub-
Fratem al and Benevolent Orders
mission to the Interstate Commerce
Eventa of Interest Reported Commission
& A. M.— Regular meeting of
For The Herald
Chadwick Lodge No. 08 A. F. & A.
Managers ol the western lines,
M.. at Musonic Hall, every Saiurday
according to the best information
main in each month on or belore the
( By J. E Jones)
full moon.
D. D. P ie r c e , W. M.
in official circles, are piepared to
K . I t . M a s t , S e cre ta ry .
T H E D I F F E R E N C E IN W H O S E OX is contend that they need more rev­
K. S.—Reguiar meeting of lieulah
enue to meet the increasing ex
. Chapter No. tl, second ami foartn
Many people who cannot under- penses ol operation and to point out
Frulay evenings of each month, in Ma­
sonic Hall.
stand the war enthusiasm in the | that their lines are in even greater
M a r y A. P ikkck , W. M
different European countries ought j need of relief than the eastern lines
A nna L aw ren c e 8 e c .,
to refresh their memories tegarding ! because of necessarily longer hauls
t). O. F .—Coquille Lodge No. 5 3 ,1 .0 .
. O. F., meets every ¡Saturday night their own war of “ watolilul waiting and less density of population,
■i Odd Fellows Hall.
lime.’’ Very letently the United
States was ablaze with enthusiasm
J. 8. L awrence , 8ec.
for war, and the government held it
Araon« ,he "mortuary tables”
a m i e r e b e k a H l o d g e , No. 20
On a former duS cu< by Representative Fowler
X. o . O. F., meets every second and off with difficulty.
fourth Wednesday nights in Odd Fellows occasion, President McKinley stood of in,no,s m the suPPort of ,he be‘
E m ily H kkshy , N. G,
as a check to this same war spirit,!llef ,Lat “ ,he automobile is a device
A n n ie L a w b b n c e , S ec.
/'aO Q U IL l.E ENCAMPMENT, No. 25 and only let loose the guns of of lhe i,evil>” be ,bowed ,hat l 6 ‘ 5
I. O. O. K., meets the lirstand third battle when our justification to take Pereons "^re killed by automobiles
Tliursday nights in Odd Fellows Hall.
up arms aga'nst the enemy had
,be year l 9l3 and b-733 injured,
J. 8. B a k to n , 0 . ? .
been fully established
Americans ^ be number °f deaths occuring
J . 8 . L aw kkn ce , 8ec.
who are wondering whether Europe ! ^rom automobile^ is greater than
n i g h t s o f p y t i i i a - l —Lycurgus
Lotlge No. 72, meets Tuesday nights has gone crazy should recall their lhose ' “ “ Ring from explosions,
in W. O. W. Hall.
own e,cited mental condition when i elec.trici.,y : li*htDin*- eIevators and
R . R. W a t s o n , K R. 8 .
O. A. M in t o n y b . C. O.
lhe question of war or peace con asphyxiation.
i j YTIUAN SISTERS—Justus Temple fronted the United Stales
1 No. 35, meets firBt and Third Mon­
day nights iu W. O. W. Hall.
Mss. G bohge D a v i s , M. E. C.
Mas. F kkd L in e o a b , K . o f R
Art appears to be slow moving,
Contracts have been assigned for j Particularly if the experience of the
three new dreadnaughts for the K°ver"nient with the contractor of
| >KD MEN— Coquille Tribe No, 46, 1.
These new 'he Grant Memorial is a fail illus-
1V O. R. M., meets every Friday night United States Navy
in W. O. W. Hall.
instruments of warfare will be forty -1 trat*on- Although the time has
J. 8. B a b t o n , Sachem.
one feet longer and of 4500 tons lonR «'nee expired when this me
A. P. M i l l b k , C. ol R.
greater displacement than any now mor'a* sbou'd be complétée, the
W. A. -R egu lar meetings of Bea-
It|sculptor has asked for and received
. ver Camp No. 10.550 in M. W . A. in the United Slates service.
Hall, Front street, first and third Sat­ may be that before Europe gels j a three year’s extension, in which
urdays in each month.
through that the question of what ,0 conlPIete ‘ b* memorial that
C. D. H u d so n , Consul.
U H. IavtNK, Clerk.
country has the greatest navy will stands near ,he Capitolin Wash-
N. A .— Regular meeting ol Laurel be settled, as our chances for first ing>on- This work was authorized
. Camp No. 2972 at M. W. A . Hall,
About the ln I 9 ° I-
Front street, second and fourth Tues­ place are very good.
day nights iu each month.
same time that the contracts were
M ab y K kk n , Oracle.
let for the new dreadnaughts, Metal Production in Oregon
E dn a K k llky , R e c .
Major General Leonaad Wood sub­
W .—Myrtle Camp No. 197
The mine output of gold, silver,
at 7:30 mitted his annual report to the Sec­
. meets every Wednesday
copper and lead in Oregon in 1913,
p. ui. at W. O. W. Hall.
retary of war
It shows that the
Lee Currie, C. C.
according to Charles G. Yale, of
actual strength of the army is 4,'306
J ohn L knkvk , See.
the United States Geological Sur-
officers and 80,000 enlisted men
vey, was valued at $1,746,402,com­
1 L meets second and fourth Monday scattered over the world.
pared with 8849,886 in 1912, an in­
nights in W . O. W. Hall.
General declares that to maintain
crease of more than 100 per cent,
O ka X . M a u r y , G. N.
the force in the United States for
M a r y A . I’ ikrck , C lerk .
with the exception of copper all
even a small expedition in police
these metals showed an increase in
'A R M E R S UNION.— Regular meet­
ings second and fourth Saturdays in work of the Department that it is in output.
each month in W. O. W. Hall.
vitally important that the regular
The gold yield for 1913 was $1,-
F r a n k B u r k h o l d e r , Prea.
army be substantially increased.
O. A. M in t o n y b , Sec.
727,710, of which $1,177,082 was
T h e r e c la m a t io n fun d
derived from deep mines ahd $450,
'R A TE R N A L AID No. 398, meets the
second and fourth Thursdays each
A fund of about $80,000,000 has 628 from placers of various kinds,
month at W. O. W. Hall.
been accumulated through the sale The yield of silver aggregated 179,-
Mas. C i i a s a E v l a n d , Pres.
M rs . L ora H a r r in g t o n , Sec, ot public lauds which under the old 036 fine ounces, valued at $108,139
Educational Organizations and Clubs law is in the hands of the Interior an increase of 121,955 ounces and
Department for expenditure in ! $72,034 in value over that of 1912.
LEAGUE— Meets monthly at the reclamation projects without Con­ The mine production of copper in
High School Building during the school gressional limitations.
Congress 1913 was 43,330 pounds, valued at
year for the purpose ol discussing edu­
recently became somewhat jealous $6,176, a decrease of 217,099
cational topics.
h E N * A n d e r s o n , Pres.
of this method of expenditure, and pounds In quantity and $36,255 in
E d n a taiN A B o , Sec.
the House provided that all expen­ value from that of 1911.
O K EEL KLUB—A business nien’ B ditures iu future should be limited
In 1913 Oregon produced 87,507
social organization. Hall in Laird’ s
to appropriations made from the pounds of lead, valued at $3,837,
building. Second street.
A. J. S h e r w o o d , Pies.
reclamation funds by Congress, compared with 38.317 pounds, val-
F r b d S l a g l e , S p ».
Representatives from public lands tied at $1,769,4m 1912.
o m m e r c ia l c l u b
l . i i . hazard
There were fewer mines in opera­
President; C. A. HowARD.Secrutary states have vigorously opposed such
a change, but the powerful Demo­ tion in 1913 than the year before,
Transportation Facilities
cratic leader Underwood with his but the tonnage from deep mines
RAINS—Leave, south hound 9.00 a. southern Democrats, are having was materially enlarged, and the
m. and 3:00 p. m. F
their own way.
placer mines including one new
i0:40 a. m. and 4:40 p. m.
property, made a record
OATS— Six boats plying on the Co­
quille river afford ample accorcmo-
The probabilities are that the
— -«■ «»*■«------------
dalion lor carrying freight and p-seen
gers to Bandoti and way points. Boats United States will carry out the
More Careful
leave at 7 ¡30, 8 :30,9:20 ami 9:!10 a. m.
plan suggested by the Secretary of
amt at 1:00, 3 :30 ami 4 :45 p. m.
the Navy and establish naval lines
Pacific coast pedesterians, auto­
TAGE—J. L. Laird, proprietor. De­
parts 5:3 0 p. m. lor lioscburg via to carry mails, passengers, and mobile drivers and team drivers ex­
Myrtle Point, carrying the United Slates freight to South America
Several ercise more care this year, though
mail ami pasengers.
weeks ago Senator Weeks intro­ there is still plenty of room for im­
OSTOFFICE.— A. F. Lincgar. post­
duced a bill to this effect, and it has provement. The fact is shown in
master. The mails close as follows:
Myrtle Point 8:40 a. m. and 2:35 p. m. recently passed the Senate
figures gathered by the Southern
By Ben H. L m pm in , in The Gold Hill News
G R A N T , T H A T W H E N T H E S U M M ON S C O M E ,
L I E S TO F U T I L E C U R S E S D U M B —
d ie
The grated door shall outward swing once more,
And I shall cross the checkered- twilight of my cell,
With hollow footfalls on the iron floor
A mockery of farewell,
Yon narrow trail, where hopeless feet have trod
From cot to narrow wall, and back again.
There Soriow paced beneath the writhing rod,
And cried aloud in pain.
There on the promenade of sleepless pain,
First learned I-knew the preachings of remorse —
And backward looked upon myself again,
As one looks on a corse.
I saw the simple flowers of childhood strown
By sunless alleys in the city slums;
Each tender impulse trampled and o’erthrown —
The tutorage of bums.
A harlotry that waited not for night
Was mother to the pallid, puny child—
Where Sin was Virtue, Madness was Delight,
And shameful Sorrow smiled!
I saw the years go by jn carnival
Of sodden days and nights of lecherous fire,
Where the poor painted Madame was "la belle” —
And love was lewd desire.
I know what sickened madness surged about,
What flames writhed ’round the leering soul, that time
The thin trembling needled arm grew stout . . .
For larger crime.
They call it Crime who paw the tomes of Law,
Clime for the noose and twirling foot and tree;
Let call it what they will, cant each wise saw--
It is release to me!
While gain is oozed from out the hauuts of shame,
Is crushed from livid flesh and rotting bone,
Say what they will— I expiate the blame—
But sinned not all alone.
This is the latest kindness that you bring
To me, my Masters of the Purple Gown—
Leave to seek peace upon the swaying string—
Leave to lie down.
So grant that this first manliness be mine.
My brow becalm and heart be high;
As one for whom his star at length does shine—
When I go forth to die!
Marshfield 10:15 a. m. and 4:15 p. in.
Bandoo and way points.7 a m. Norway
and Aragol2:45 p.m. Eastern mail 4:15
a. m. Eastern mail arrives 10: p. m.
Pacific Company in connection with
campaign for the conservation of
Sanawiched in among the news
on the back pages has appeared the human life and the prevention of
decision of the Interstate Commerce accidents. In this connection, ob­
City and County O fficers
Commission iu reference to the ap­ servation tests were made in widely
Mayor...................................................X . T. Morrison
plication of the eastern railroads for separated localities in August, Sep­
R ecorder...............................................J. 8. Lawrence
Treasurer.............................. R. H. Mast
a five per cent increase in freight tember and October, 1913
City Attorney ...............L. A. Liljeqvist
To find out just what effect its
Engineer........................1*. M. Hall-Lewis rates. The application was made
Marshal...................................A. P. Miller by the railroads four years ago, and safety first campaign is having, the
Night Marshal................Oscar Wicaham
Southern Pacific in June of this
Water Superintendent . 8. V. Epperson the decision is in effect a denial of
Eire Chiet.........................
W . C. Chase the petition of the roads, although year made similar observations, at
Councilmen —D. D. Pierce, C. T. Skeels
the same crossings where the check
C. I. Kirne, G. O. Leach, W . H. Ly­ permission for increased rates cn
ons, O. C. Sanford. Regular meetings some commodities in parts of the 1 was made lasj year, and also at
first and third Mondays each month.
territory involved have been grant additional crossings The compar-
In New England in the trunk at've statement of the result of the
Justice of the Peace....
J. J. Stanley ed
Constable........................... Ned C. Kelley line territory everything has been two checks shows encouraging re­
It is estimated that the sults.
County Judge
. John T, Hall
Taking automobile and team dri­
will amount to one
Commissioners—W . T. Dement, Geo. J.
and one-half per cent, adding about vers and pedesterians together, the
C lerk ...................................James Watson
improvement of 26 percent more
W . W. Gage $15,000,000 to the annual freight
Treasurer......................T. M. Dimmick
revenues of the eastern railroads looking both ways, and 6 per cent
Assessor ................................. T. J. Thrift
looking one way is shown.
School S u p t............ Raymond E. Baker The poor old railroads may not
The Southern Pacific’s chief sug­
Surveyor...................................A . N. Goa Id have gotten what they deserved in
Coroner.................................F. E. Wilson
to those crossing railroad
Health Officer
Dr. Walter Colin
country so long that no branch of *rack® '5 to **°Pi look and listen be-
the government appears to be fore crossing. Were every one to
courageous enough to stand up for heed this, company officials say,
practically every crossing accident
would be prevented
Increase in freight rates on all
- - • - .
Have you paid the printer.
PER YEAR $1.50
ure or repairs of arms for use on
land and sea,
Conditional List Made Up
Compiled by State Bureau of
The following will be treated
conditional contraband of war:
Industries and Statistics
1 Foodstuffs
2 Forage and grain suitable for
The Dalles will install four drink
feeding animals.
ing fountains.
3 Clothing fabrics for clothing
The Weinhardt Astoria hotel will
and boots and shoes for use in war add a fifth story.
4 Gold and silver in coin or
Contract has been let for a bank
bullion and paper money.
building at Mosier.
5 Vehicles of all kinds available
Pendleton has immediate need
for use in war and their component
for fifty new houseB.
F)ugene Odd Fellows will erect a
6 Vessels, crafts and boats of all
kinds, floating docks, parts of docks $20,000 lodge building.
Hops are expected to go to 50
and their component parts.
7 Railway material, both fixed cents as result of the war.
and rolling stock and materials for
G. D. Fell of Pendleton is build*
telegraphs, wireless telegraphs and ing a large cleaning plant.
The Perry Veneer plant at Ban-
8 Fuel and lubricants.
don has resumed operations.
9 Powder and explosives not es­
Cooper & Hemenway erect a two
pecially prepared for use in war.
story brick at Cottage Grove.
10 Barbed wire and implements
Plans have been completed for a
for fixing and cutting same.
11 Horseshoes and shoeing ma $25,000 high school at Rainer.
Owing to German war salmon
pickling at Astoria has ceased.
12 Harness and saddlery.
Geo. Melvin Miller will erect a
13 Field glasses, telescopes, chro­
nometers and all kinds of uautical $25,000 hotel building at Florence.
B. M. Lombard will add two
docks at Portland costing $70,000.
Five Special Sermons.
Peter Loggie, North Bend, is
There being only five more Sun­ planning a $45,000 brick apartment.
Contract has been let for the Cap­
days in the present conference year,
the Rev. Arthur Thomas of the M. ital highway in Washington county.
E. Church, South will preach five
Portland water service will be ex­
special sermons on the following tended in Irvington at cost of $125,-
subjects: Sunday Aug. 16, "T h e 000.
Christian Home” ; Sunday Aug. 23,
The Public Service Co. of Tilla­
"Strong Womanhood” ; Sunday mook is installing a 12,000 gallon
Aug. 30, “ Love Your Enemies
oil tank.
Sunday Sept. 6, “ The Worlds Bid
During the present year more
For A Man” ; Sunday Sept, 13
than 100 new houses will go up ln
"The Phases Ot A Great Man’s
W. M. Penrod will establish a
The sermon on "The Christian
industry at Maberv on Mt.
Home” will be of especial interest
to parents, to teachers, to reformers,
Steel rails for the Willamette
and to all who in any way seek to
better the conditirns under which Valley Southern 'are arriving by
mankind labors today.
The ser­ bo«t at Portland.
The steamer Bandon has made
mon on "Strong Womanhood” will
set forth the high honor in which the fifth trip out of Toledo with
the virtuous woman has been held 750,000 feet of lumber.
from the very beginning of the
Federal and state officials are
world until the present day, and urging a large expenditure for ex-
will show the tremenduous power termination of rats in Oregon.
a virtuous woman exerts for good
Bids have been taken for a 150
in the world. Mothers who have
foot steel bridge across the John
daughters to rear should not fail to
Day river, eight miles above Day-
hear this sermon, and young women
and girls who desire to make the
The Corvallis & Eastern is being
most of life cannot fail to be profited
from Albany to Hoover
by it. At this time when Europe
talk of extension east­
seems to be on the eve of wbat
promises to be the greatest war that ward.
The Base Line road is to be
the world has ever known, the ser­
with Warrenite from Port­
mon on "Love Your Enemies” will
certainly not be out of place. There land to Sandy at 88 cents per square
would be no quarrels, no feuds, no yard.
Oregon City will expend $600 on
wars, if individuals, families and
natious would deal with each other fountains, teeding racks and hitch­
on the plane of the Christian ideals, ing posts for horses to draw coun­
and the Christian ideals a re fo t im­ try trade
possible of realization, even on this
John Shaliinger of North Bend
mundane sphere.
who will test the state butter law that
think that the age has passed when provides for only 16 and 32 ounce
the world needs real men should packages.
hear the sermon on "The World’s
Telephone rates have been ad­
Bid For A Man.” In the history vanced at Newport on basis of
of our own country God raised up reveuues sufficient to maintain im­
a Washington to deliver the early proved service,
colonies from the tyranny of Eng­
Eugene building permits for July
land; in 1861 He brought forward a
totaled $190,920, largest for three
Lincoln to give freedom to five
years in any one month. Included
million slaves and to guide earth’s
$100,000 high school.
greatest uation through the most
The Portland Railway Light &
trying period of its history; and
who knows but that the Lord of Power Co. has established an ag­
nations has placed Woodrow Wilson ricultural department in charge of
at the helm of the old "ship of state’’ H. E. Cross at Gresham.
fljo b Printing— N ew presses
new material and experienced
workmen. A guarantee that
Herald printing will please
Tw o W om en Drowned
Great Britian Defines
Bathing in the Rogue
Contraband of W ar
(Gold Beach Globe)
Great Britian’s contraband of war
One of the saddest affairs that proclamation places arms, ammuni
has been our lot to chronicle, hap- lion and all distinctly military sup-
pened at Agness last ¡Sunday about plies on the list of “ absolute” con-
two oclock in the afteinoon when traband and designates tood, grain,
Mrs. Helen Scanlon and Miss Mar- money, horses and general supplies
tha Rilea were drowned in Rogue as "conditional” contraband.
River, just below the mouth ml the
Everything under the latter head
Illinois river.
A party of ladies becomes subject to seizure wheu
consisting of Mrs. Geo W. Rilea intended for the use of a power
and two daughters Miss Clara aud with which Great Britian is at war.
Martha, Mrs. Helm and daughter
The proclamation follows the usu-
Genevieve, arid Mrs. Helen Scanlon, al lines and those issued by other
went to the river to go in bathing, powers involved in war probably
The party was bathing on bedrock will be virtually identical.
which led into deep water, similar
Absolute List Compiled
to going down stair steps.
It names the following as absolute
Scanlon waded out to her neck and contraband:
called to the others to come where
1 Arms of all kinds, including
she was the water waa fine.
Miss arms for sporting purposes and their
Rilea started out and Mrs. Scanlon distinctive component parts.
suddenly went out of Bight, came
2 Projectiles, charges, and cart-
up and called for help. Miss Rilea
riges of all kinds and their distinc­
went to her assistance and got hold
tive parts.
of Mrs. Scanlon as she came up the
3 Powder and explosives, espec­
second time, and both went out of
prepared for war.
sight. Mrs. Scanlon came up for
4 Guns, mountings, limber box­
the third time but sank before help
could, reach her, but Miss Rilea es, limbers, military wagons, field
never catne up at all and when her forges and their distintive compon­
body was recovered blood was run­ ent parts.
ning from the nose and mouth. It is
5 Clothing and equipment of a
the opinion of those who were pre­ distinctively military character.
sent that Miss Rilea’s death was due
6 All kinds ot harness of a dis-
to a ruptured blood vessel, together , tinctively military character
with a weak heart, more than being
7 Saddle, pack and draft ani­
in the water.
mals suitable for use in war.
Miss Helm and Miss Clara Rilea
8 Articles of camp equipment
were both almost drowned in trying
and the distintive component parts.
to rescue those that were. Miss
9 Armor plates.
Helm was unconscious for some
ro Warships including boats and
time when rescued herself. The
distinctive parts of such a
girls body was taken from the rivt-r
about 2 oclock, the body of Mrs. nature that they can only be used
Scanlon was not recovered unti on a vessel of war.
Hopyards are offered twice as
that, through him, He might guide
this befuddled old world into some many pickers as heretofore so early
haven of universal peace?
The in the season in spite of the cam­
world still needs Men. The sermon paign urging people not to pick
on "The Phases of a Great Man’s hops.
State Prison Supt. Lawson is
Life” will be given for the benefit
of the young men and young putting in a rock crushing plant
women of our schools, especially near the Feeble Minded Institution
those of the High School, and the to be worked with convict labor and
parents of the students ha»e a spe­ supply material for state and coun­
cial invitation to be present at that ty highways on a large scale.
Prof. Young of the department of
Special music, both vocal and in­ economics of the state university
strumental, will be an attractive has been in conference with Father
feature of all of these services. “ The O’ Hara and other labor leaders to
Friendly Church" extends to every frame a program for the unem­
one a most earnest invitation to ployed.
ti Aeroplanes, airships, balloon)
just before dark that evening. It
come and hear these special sermons
was found about one half mile below and air crafts of all kinds and their and enjoy the good music. In order
The Corporations department of
where the accident happened
combonent parts, together with ac- to keep the subjects and the date of the state government for the first
Mrs. Scanlon was a widow leaving j cessories and articles recognizable each in mind, cut out this an year of its existence ending July 30
three sons, about thirteen, seventeen ,
... . ,,
nouncement, and paste it np where
and twenty years respectively Mi« for USe 10 connec" 0n wi,h ball° ° ns you can see it every time yon sit produced $310,613. Expenses $24,-
Rilea was the second daughter of j and a'r cra*,S-
down to eat a meal, and Don't For­ , 436. Commissioner Watson thinks
he can handle the business hereafter
vlr. and Mrs. Geo W. Rilea and was 1 12 Implements and apparatus de-1 get to Come.
i for $17,000 a year.
about sixteen years of age.
signed exclusively for the maoufact-
“ The Friendly Church.”