Coquille herald. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1905-1917, August 11, 1914, Image 2

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    Just a Handfull of Films
fi t*
dibit Ujpr i .
p leu m on ia ,
East Fork Items
And your vacation story is told
The Coquille Herald
j not already done so. T o au un-
ipiejudiced observer it l o o k s as
th ou g h William were fix iu g up an
Entered aa second class matter May la w fu l d ru b b in g tor him self.
8, 1905. at the post office at Coquille,
There seems to be a conflict of
Oregon, underact of Congress of March
among the wise ones as to
S, 1879.
P. C. LEVAR, Lessee.
Devoted to the material and social
upbuilding o f the Coquille Valley par­
ticularly and o f Coos County generally.
Subscription, $1.50 per year in advance
Phone Main 381.
For many years we have had it
dinned into our ears that the way to
avoid war was to be prepared for it.
This bit of alleged wisdom may as
well be now consigned to the scrap
heap, where a lot o f other popular
fallacies ought to be quietly repos­
ing. The people ol the European
countries have been groaning tor a
generation under almost insufler-
abl: and constantly increasing bur­
dens, on the theory that each coun­
try must be "prepared” by having
a military establishment able to
cope with those of any other two
countries. The mathematical idiocy
of this proposition never seems to
have occurred to the “ statesmen"
who have been guiding the destin­
ies of the great powets. Now the
fundamental (heoty on which they
have been attempting the impossi­
ble has received a body blow. All
Europe is ablaze with the fites of a
war that would never have started
but for the fact that the nations in­
volved were "prepared.” The little
quarrel between Austria and Servia
would have been adjusted without
a general war if the other powers
had not been in a state of perfect
"preparedness.” Servia would not
have been so uncompromisingly in­
solent to Austria if she had not felt
the “ prepared” power of the Rus­
sian bear behind her. It being un­
derstood that Russia would support
Servia, Austria would not have so
hastily commenced a war on Servia
If she had not been assured o f the
aimed support of the most thor­
oughly “ prepared” war lord on the
Had the Kaiser n o t
been "prepared” with the greatest
war machine of all time, he would
not have giveu Austria such an as­
surance And there you have It.
Does any one suppose that the
greatest war ot all history, the war
which the world has been dreading
for a generation, would have started
and been in full swing on a week's
warning if the powers had not felt
that they weie “ prepared?”
As for the progress of the war to
date, it is a matter of guess work.
A strict censorship on all the cables
lets through only what the heads of
government are willing we should
know. It may be said, however,
that all the news we have had has
come from other than German sour­
ces and it may be that the German
side of the stoi> would sound some­
what differently. But it seems cer­
tain that the Germans have re­
ceived an unexpected check in lit­
tle Belgium
This would seem to
be only poetic justice. lor the kais­
er’s violation of Belgium's neutral­
ity and bis making war on that
country has every appearance of
wanton, overbearing brutality. It
is hard to understand what William
has in mind
He can not be insane
enough to suppose that he can
whip the world, yet he seems bent
on forcing even countries t h a t
would be glad to remain neutral to
take active part against him
war on Belgium is an instance, and
it appears that if Italy persists in
her intention to remain neutral he
will declare war on her, if he has
the effect we will feel in this coun­
try, some asserting that the war
means prosperity for us It may be
that it will cause activity and prof­
its for a while in certain lines, but
the idea that the destruction ot mil­
lions in property and the lives of
thousands of able-bodied men, with
the impoverishment of millions of
people to whom we want to sell
goods in the future, can result in
benefit to us is founded on as great
unreason as that other theory that
"the way to avoid war is to be pre­
pared for it.” ____________
City Council
around AguesH has been called upon
to fight a bad forest fire that is rag­
ing on Lawson creek.
Saturday night at Pitasant Hill
hall an entertainment and basket
social was held for the benefit of
the family of Harry Slagle.
benefit was planned before Mr,
Slagle's death One hundred dollars
plus were takeu in.
As last Saturday was the tirat day
of the open hunting season, this
town was almost depopulated of its
male inhabitants who went to the
woods the evening before in old* r
to get the first “ w ick" at a fat buck
as soon as the season opened. From
Fifty head of hogs were driven Saturday noon until Sunday evening
the fat bucks came into town until
out of Brewster valley last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Cliutou, former about sixteen in all could be counted.
residents of the North Fork, who
Notice to Contractors
now have a place near Oreswell,
were visiting relatives in Coos, went
Notice is hereby given that sealed
out over the old Coos Bay wagon bids will be received for the improve­
o f that part of the County Road
road last week.
Theadon Easton sent home the
rattles from two rattle snakes that he
killed in Eastern Oregon.
Judging from the talk of the
people the writer h s beard express
themselves, there is a universal
prayer that Germany will get the
camus licked out of her, and the
"divine right of kings" knneke 1 to
Maybe the Sugar Trust got Ger­
many to declare war against the
world in order to put more juice in
their “ melon.” When the fruit sea­
son and “ war” come at the same
time the Sugar Trusts have it com­
ing their way.
At the council meeting last even­
ing the bill of the Oregon Power
Co. for the motor-driven pump in­
stalled at the water works was or­
dered paid, amounting to $ 700 ; al­
so some smaller bills of the same
company for lamp renewals, extra
work and street lighting for July,
the last item amounting to $ 155.40
The bid o f the Longston Con­
struction Co. for the improvement
of the intersection of Front and C
streets, for $550 was accepted.
A resolution was passed for the
purchase from the Coquille Land
Co. of about 6 acres o f laud in the
vicinity of the reservoir for $ 1000 ,
provided the owuers would take
water warrants.
Fred Weaver aud others of Marsh­
field have been camping on the
East Fork
Marriage Licenses
Ben R Cooley and Josephine V.
Cooling Wash Stops That Itch
accrued interest and in case o f your
failure to do tai. a decree will be ren­
dered foreclosing the lien o f said tax* s
and costs against the land and premises
()u Saturday ive n iu ,' CN ir De-
above named,
This summons is published by order
rid ing p r e t t y I *Bt, tryiug
T « » —-n o t In h i ’ f an hou r— n o t in troubles. We can give you a good slr.e
f e n m inutes— b u t in 5 seconds.
tria l b o ttle o f the gen u in e D. D. 1>* I o f the Honorable John S. Coke, Judge
to head nome c n » » , «L e u he ca ugbt
Just a fe w d rop s of that m ild, s o o th ­ P re s crip tio n f o r o n ly 25 cents,
o f the i ireuit Court o f the State o f Or­
g , c o o lin g w ash, the L>. D. D. P re-
egon for the > ounty o f Coos, uml said
a i l o h* a line nu er Ins chin, w a in
D on’ t fa ll to try this fa m o u s remedy
ccrlp tlo n , the fam ou s euro f o r E csem a,
was mede an I dated this 3 day o f
the Itch Is gone. Y ou r b u rn in g skin
thrown tiom his horse an I hurt Ilia and
August, 1914, ami the dkte of the urst
Is In sta n tly relieved rn d you have a b ­ w o know D , D . D . w ill g iv e y o u in s ta n l
publication o f this summons is the I
arm quite ha llv. Dr. Stem m ier » a s so lu te protection fro m all sum m er skin re lie f.
day o f August, 1914.
C. J. F U H R M A N , D ru g g ist
called amt he Was cel n o d h me.
All process and papers in this pro-
feeding may be served upon the under­
Mrs Ora Baker «ml In tie* lU u g b -
signed residing within the State o f Ore­
ler eaiue up from Bamloo Friday to automobiles filled with hunters aud tion o f the County Court as required by gon, at the address hereafter men­
pleasure seekers pass through towu law.
visit with frirUila here.
J o h n D. G o s s
Dated at the City o f Coquille, Coos
now-a-days people wonder why the
J o h n C. K e n d a l l
Dr. L. G JnbtiHOu returneil F ri-j
County, Oregon, this8thduy o f August,
Attorneys for the l'laintiff
days aie so quiet
A. D. 1914.
| day from Portland.
Address 1st N at’ ! Bank Bldg,
J am es W atson ,
Every able bodied ciliz n in and
Marshfield, Coos Co., Ore.
County Clerk.
J am es W
atson ,
County Clerk.
Frunk Howe who is in the Marsh­
field post office was an up passenger
on the stage Sunduy. His clothes
were of the vacation kind.
(From the Port Orford Tribune)
the special road proceedings and special
tax for the years 1911, 1912 and 1913
and the plans and specifications on file
in the office o f the County Clerk. All
contracts to be completed before the
15th day o f October, 1914.
The County Court reserves the right
to reject any and all bids and to award
the contract to a bidder not the lowest
should they deem it for the best inter­
est ot the County.
All bids to be filed with the County
Clerk on or before the 28th day o f
August, A. D. 1914, at the hour o f ten
o ’clock A- M., on which day such con
tract shall be let. A certified check
for five (5) per cent o f the amount o f
bid to be deposited with the County
Clerk with bid to be forfeited to ‘ he
County in case contract shall be award­
ed and the contractor shall fail, neglect
or refuse for a period o f ten days after
such award is made to enter into a con­
tract and file his bond to the satisfac­
tion o f the County Court as required by
Dated at the City o f Coquille, Coos
County, Oregon, this 8th day o f August,
A. D. 1914.
The mail from Port Orford North
is now being carried by Mr. David­
Elmer L. Hopper and Lizzie R. son in an auto stage.
It is reported that there is a case
J. W. Hunt and Gertrude Arms
or two of diphtheria in W. U. Coy’s
Harvey P. Gurnea and Alice E. family at Euchre creek
J am es W atson ,
County Clerk.
Mrs. M. R. Smith and daughter,
Henry C. Miller and Florence
Mrs. Dungan and Mrs. Yoakum
Notice to Contractors
came down from Marshfield Mon­
Dennis M. Hull and Gertrude A.
day and will remain until after the
Notice is hereby given that sealed
bids will be received for the improve­
Notice is hereby given that sealed
bids will be received for the uu-
ptovement of that purt of the Coun­
ty Road in Road District No. 12,
according to the special road pro­
ceedings and special tax for the years
1911, 1912 aud 1913 ami the plans
and specifications ou file in ihe of­
fice of the County Clerk. Al) c >n-
Irncls to be completed before the
15th day of October, 1914.
The County Court reserves rite
right to reject any anil all bids nud
to award the contract to a bidder
not the lowest should tin y deem it
for the b»st iut* rest of the. County
All bids to be filed with the Coun­
ty Clerk on or hefi te the 28th d *y
of August, A 1) 1914, at tbs hour
of ten o’clock A. M , on which day
such contract shall be let A certi­
fied check for five (5) per cent of
the amount of the bid to be depos­
ited with the County Clerk with bid
to be forfeited to the County in case
contract X>ball be awarded aud the
contractor shall fail, negbet or re
fuse for a period of ten days after
such award is made to enter into a
contract and file his bond to 'lie
satisfaction of the County Court h s
required by law.
Dated at the City of Coquille,
Coos County, Oregon, this Hth day
i f August, A D. 1914
ment o f that part o f the County Road
D e n m a rk 's F la g.
Hans Adolpbeen, who is making in Road District No. 19, according to
The oldest national Bag In the world
the special road proceedings and special
Is that of Deumark. which dates from regulat trips between Bandon and tax for the years 1911, 191! ana 1913
1210 .
Port Orford, left here for Rosehurg and the plans and specifications on file
the office o f the County Clerk. All
one forenoon, ami returned the in
contracts to be completed before the
next morning in time to resume his 15th day o f October, 1914.
How’s This?
The County Court reserves the right
We offer One Hundred Dollars R&- regular trips, making the quickest
to reject any and all bids and to award
ward for any case o f Catarrh that
contract to a bidder not the lowest
cannot be cured by Hall’s Catarrh
should they deem it for the best inter­
Frands Nordhurg. who is mining est o f the Countv.
F. J. CTIENEY & CO.. T oledo. O.
All bids to be filed with the County
W e, the undersigned, h a ve know n F. J. on the Harris beach about a mile
Clerk on or before the 28th day o f
Cheney for the last 15 years, and believe
August, A. D. 1914, at the hour o f ten
him p erfectly honorablo In all business
transactions and financially able to carry
cellent wages and has enough pay o ’ clock A. M., on which day such con­
out any obligations m ade by his firm.
tract shall be let. A certified check
dirt in sight to last him all summer for five (5) per cent o f the amount of
Toledo, O.
The heavy surf of last wint- r w isned bid to be deposited with the County
H all’s Catarrh Cure is tak en Internally,
Clerk with bid to be forfeited to the
acting directly upon th e blood and m u­ out an old drift p:le and left this County in ease contract shall he award­
cous .surfaces o f the system . Testim onials
ed and the Contractor shall fail, neglect
sont free, p rice 75 cen ts per bottle. Sold deposit exposed
by nil D ruggists.
or refuse for a period o f ten days after
Take U all’H Family Pills fo r constipation.
A larg, 7 passenger automobile, such award is made to enter into a con­
tract and file his bond to the satisfac­
with five passengers, ran onto the tion o f the County Court as required by
Myrtle Point Pointers
ferry at Gold Beach last Friday and law.
Dated at the City o f Coquille, Coos
the driver in attempting to put on Countv, Oregon, this 8th day o f August,
Mr and Mrs. Win. Carbin had an
D. 1914.
the brake threw the clutch into
provement of that part of the Coun­
ty Road in Road District No. 6 ac­
cording to the special road proceed­
ings and special tax for the ye rs
1911, 1912 1913 and the ‘plans
ami specifications on file in the o f­
fice of the County Cierk A!I con­
tracts to be completed before the
15th day of October, 1914
The County Court reserves the
right to reject any aud all bids and
to award the contract to a bidder
not the lowest should they deem it
lor the best interest c.t the Couuty
All bids to be filed with the
County Clerk ou or before tbe 28th
day of August, A D 1914, at the
hour of ten o'clock A. M„ on which
day such contract shall be let. A
certified check for five (5) per cent
of the amount of the bid to be de­
posited with the County ierk with
bid lo be forfeited to.the County in
case coi.tract shall be awarded and
the contractor shall fail, neglect or
refuse for a period of ten days after
such award is made to enter into a
contract and file his bond to the
satisfaction of the County Court as
required bv law.
Dated at the city of Coquille,
Coo* County, Oregon, this 8 th day
of August, A D, 1914
J am es W
W. J. C onrad ,
J o h n C. K e n d a l l
Attorneys for the Plaintiff
Address 1st N at’ l Bank Bldg.,
Marshfield, Oregon.
Every Part oi the Art of
J a m e s H a m il t o n and
L B. B il l i n g s and
all other persons or
claiming any right,
title, estate, lien or
interest in the real
To James Hamilton and L. B. Billings
the above named defendants
In the Name o f th*1 State o f Oregon:
you are hereby notified that VV. J.
Conrad the holder o f Certificate o f De­
linquency numbered 44 issued on the
29th day o f April, 1913 by the Tax Col­
lector o f the County o f Coos, State of
Oregon, for the amount of Four and
3-100 Dollars, the same being the
amount then due and delinquent for
taxes for the year 1009 together with
penalty, interest and costs thereon up­
on the real property assessed to you,
o f which you are the owner as appears
o f record, situated in said County and
State, and particularly bounded and de­
scribed as follows, to-wit: Beginning on
the township line 2039.70 feet E. o f the
corner o f Townships 2.5 and 26, Ranges
12 and 13 run N. 45.5° E. 276.5 feet to
left bank o f Catching Slough; run S.
along said slough 75 5° E. 199 8 feet;
run S. 68° E. 129 feet ; run S. 53° E
142.8 feet; run W. on township line
621.4 feet to place o f beginning, all in
Sec. 31, T. 25 S. It. 12 West of Willam­
ette Meridian, Coos County, Oregon,
containing 1.5 acres.
You are further notified that said W
J. Conrad has paid taxes on said prem­
ises for prior or subsequent years with
the rate o f interest on said amounts as
Y ear’ s
R ec't Ain't
1910 Apr. 29, 1913 9095 |9 97 12
918« ♦ 5 47 12
6165 *3 39 12
8926 $6 28 12
1907 May 23,
6462 $3 62 12
Said James Har
lings as the owners o f the legal title of
the above described property as the
same appears o f record, and each of
the other persons above named are
hereby further notified that W. J.Conrad
will apply to the Circuit Court o f the
County and State aforesaid for a decree
foreclosing the lien against the proper­
ty aboye described, and mentioned in
said certificate. And you are hereby
summoned to appear within sixty
days after the first publication o f this
summons exclusive o f the day o f said
first publication, and defend this action
has had Our Careful
It is our business, so it
is necessary that we use
the very best and latest
methods to turn out the
best work possible
Our service is at your command.
If you urt* not already a customer
we would be glad to add you to
our host of satisfied patrons.
Str. Elizabeth
Regular as the Clock
San Francisco
and Bandon
First-class fare only.............
Up freight, per ton
E. & E. T. Kruse
2 4 C a lifo rn ia S treet, San F ra n cis co
F o r R eserv a tion s
A g e n ts , C o qu ille, O r e g o n
and after August 1, 1914 our
office hours will be as follows:
8 A. M. to 12 M. and 1 P. M to 3 P. M.
All our customers are earnestly request­
ed to remember these hours so that
none may lose the Cash Discount on
their bills by presenting them after 3
P. M. on the tenth of the month.
atson ,
County Clerk.
In the C ircu it C o u rt o f fh e State o f O r e ­
g o n f o r C o o s C o u n ty
W. J. C o n r a d ,
J. W. H aneline and
all other persons or
claiming any right,
title, estate, lien or
interest in the real
In the Ciicuit Court of the State of
Oregon for Coo » County
in Road District No. 30, according to
the special road proceedings and special
tax for the years 1911, 1912 and 1913
and the plans and specifications on file
in the office o f the bounty Clerk. All
contracts to be completed before the
15th day o f October. 1914.
The County Court reserves the right
to reject any and all bids and to award
the contract to a bidder not the lowest
should they deem it for the best inter­
est o f the County.
AH bids to be filed with the County
Clerk on or before the 28th day o f
August, A. D. 1914, at the hour o f ten
o ’ clock A. M., on which day such con­
tract shall be let. A certified check for
five (5) per cent of the amount o f bid
to be deposited with the County Clerk
with bid to be forfc ited to the County
in case contract shall be awarded and
J ames W atson ,
the contractor shall fail, neglect or re­
fuse for a period o f ten days after such
County C b r k
award is made to enter into a contract
and file his bond to the satisfaction o f
Notice to Contractors
the County Court as required by law.
Dated at the City of Coquille, Coos
County, Oregon, this 8th day o f August,
Notice is hereby given that sealed
A. D. 1914.
b'.ds will be received fur the im­
Louis Hazzard and family arrived
Notice to Coolractors
Saturday p. in to stay over Sunday
Notice is hereby given that sealed
by the river amon the mountains.
will be received for the improve­
Several auto loads made a shorier bids
ment o f that part o f the County Road
District No. 26, according to
Steve Minard went out on the
stage Friday.
It is reported he
has gone to Salem to marry Mrs.
Clara Bunch formerly of Dora and
that he does not intend to come
Notice to Contractors
pay thi
together with costs and accrued inter­
est and in case of your failure to do so,
a decree will tie rendered foreclosing
the lien o f said taxes and costs against
the land and premises alaive named.
This summons is published by order
o f the Honorable John S. Coke. Judge
o f the i ireuit i ourt o f the ¡¿late o f Or­
egon for the County o f Coos and said
order was made and dated this 3 day o f
August, 1911 und the date o f the first
publication o f this summons is the 4 day
o f August, 1914.
All process und papers in this pro­
ceeding may be served upon the under­
signed residing within the State o f Ore­
gon, at the address hereafter men­
J o h n D. G o s s
To J. W. Haneline the above named
In the Name o f the Si ate o f Oregon:
you are hereby notified that W. J.
Conrad the holder of Certificate o f De- j
linnuency numbered 35 issued on the |
27th day of June, 1912 by the Tax Col-1
lector o f the i ounty o f Coos. State of
Oregon, for the amount o f Eight and
17-100 Dollars, the same being the
amount then due and delinquent for tax­
es for the year 1909 together with penal­
ty, interest and costs thereon upon the
the real property assessed to you, of
which you are the owner as appears of
record, situated in said County and
State, and particular y bounded and
described as follows, to-wit: South
addition to their family of a daugh­
J am es W atson ,
East Quarter o f the South East Quar­
low gear instead with the result
County Clerk.
ter on the 6 th Mr. and Mrs. Phelps
ter (SEV4' S E ‘ 4) o f Section Eighteen
that the heavy car kept on going
(18) Township Twenty Eight (28) S.
also had a daughter on the same
Range 12 W . Willamette Meridian Coos
am) plunged into the river in some
County, Oregon, containing 40 acres
three or four feet of water. The car
more or less.
Mrs. Al Crouch of Coquille spent
You are further notified that said W.
stayed right side up and no one was
bids will be received for the improve­ J. Conrad has paid taxes on said prem­
Wednesday in town visiting with
injured. A team pulled the machine ment o f that part o f the County Road ises for prior or subsequent years with
out of the river, and it required s in Road District No. 17, according to the rate o f interest on said amounts as
Dr. Slemnoler’s youngest boy has day of drying things before the the special road proceedings and special follows:
tax lor the years 1911, 1912 and 191."
been very ill but is doing well now. engine would run again.
Rec’ t
This is and the plans and specifications on file Year’ s Date
No. A m t int.
Dr. Horsfall came up from Marsh­ the second auto that has gone off in the office of the County Clerk. All Tax
contracts to be completed before the 1910 June 27, 1912 8916 $5 63 12
field Tuesday to see the child, re­ the ferry scow into the river this 15th day o f October. 1914.
7258 »3 96 12
The County Court reserves the right I 1912 May 15, 1913 2636 »3 40 12
turning the same night
summer, but in each instance it was to reject any and all bids and to award
Said J ’ W. Haneline as the owner o f
Tbos. Guerin took his wife snd the drivers and not the ferryman's the contract to a bidder not the lowest the legal title o f the above described
should they deem it for the best inter­ property as the same appears ot record,
her two co sins,from Oakland Calif., fault.
and each o f the other persons above
est o f the County.
All bids to be 'tiled with the County named are hereby further noti ied that
the Misses McGraw, to Port Orford
Mrs. Mary A. Divelbi>s, a r*si- Clerk
on or before the 28th day of W. J. Conrad wiil apply to the t ireuit
ou Tuesday to attend the agate car­ dent of Curry county for over 35 August. A. D. 1914, at the hour o f ten Court o f the County and State afore­
o ’clock A. M., on which day such con­ said for a decree to r tfio iin f the lien
nival. They returned Sunday.
yean,died at th*- borne of her daugh­ tract shall be let. A certified check for | against the property above described,
Mrs Ben McMullen ami her friend ter Mrs Emma Browne at Alameda, | five (5) ner cent o f the amount o f the and mentioned in said certificate. And
bid to tie deposited with the County j you ar* hereby summoned to appear
from Rosehurg, Miss Louis, left for Cal., on Thursday, July 30, 1014.
I Clerk with bid to be forfeited to the within sixty days after the first publi-
Port Orford the 3rd.
| County in case contract shall be award­ i cation o f this summons exclusive o f the
ed and the contractor shall fail, neglect day o f said first publication, and defend
Max Dement lost two fine horses
(Gold Beach Globe)
; or refuse for a period o f ten days after this action or pay the amount due as
this week at his ranch near Rural, \ If there isn’t from three to five . such award is made to enter into a con above shown together with costs and
Oregon Power Company
I f AVING leased the plant of the Co-
quille Mill and Mercantile Com­
pany, the undersigned is now prepared
to fill all orders for any kind of
Especial attention will be paid to the
local demand, and every effort will be
made to supply anything needed at the
shortest possible notice.
Your orders
are solicited.