Coquille herald. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1905-1917, August 04, 1914, Image 4

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R. E . S H I N E ,
l. H. HAZARD, Cashier
A u t o m o b i l e s a n d H e a v y A u to T r u c k s
M ake R o a d P r o b l e m H a r d e r .
Ever Seen in Coquille
Also Weekly Awards of Beautiful Silverware
C o lo ra d o Go od R o a d s A s s o c ia tio n .
During th e recent convention of ttte
Colorado Good Roads association it
w ent on record as favoring g reater de­
velopment of the sta te highw ays along
the plan mapped out by the state
highway commission and as advocat­
ing a sta te levy of one-half mill for
road building. T here w as considerable
debate on the relative m erits of the
half mill levy and a bond issue of $5.
000.000. The advocates of the form er
succeeded in carrying the convention,
and it is stated th a t steps will be tak
en by the association to initiate a t the
November election a bill to m ake funds
available for 1915.
’¡ If f -
for the paym ent of old accounts,
that were incurred prior to this
RULE 2. Votes will be issued with
a time lim it of one week, and m ust
be cast in the ballot box, provided
for th at purpose, before the ex p ir­
ation of the tim e lim it. Before
casting votes make a record for
your own guidance.
paper cannot p articipate as candi­
RULE 4. M erchants shall in no in­
stance issue votes until such votes
have been properly stam ped with
th eir firm nam e. Custom ers should
refuse them otherw ise.
RU LE 5. T he soliciting of votes in
the m erc h an t’s store, in front of
store or on premises is PR O H IB ­
In order to facilitate voting you
are requested to place your votes
in an envelope and seal it. Please
write the num ber of votes the en­
velope contains and the name of
the candidate yon desire to vote
for on the outside.
R U L E 6. A vote th a t is scratched or
m arked in any m anner after it
leaves th e m erchant’s hands, shall
be throw n out, provided this de"
facing should appear th a t a tigure
had been tam pered with.
RULE 3. Employees, clerks and rel­
atives of the m erchants and news­
RULE 7. Six weeks from the opening
date, candidates will no longer he
entered, unless by special arrange­
m ent w ith the m erchant.
R U L E 8. Everydody is invited to
nom inate candidates. All th a t is
necessary is to send in the nam e of
any young lady in the com m unity.
This will entitle her to 2000 nom ­
inating votes and she will be en te r­
ed as a candidate.
RULE 9. Votes are not transferable
a lte r being cast.
R U L E 10. Votes th a t are not proper­
ly stam ped with the m erc h an t’s
signature, or votes w ith th e tim e
limit, expired, will not be accepted.
RULE 11. A comm ittee selected by
the m erchants will count the votes
each week, beginning with the
third week and report the results
to the Herald.
Call and seethe Beautiful Prizes and Learn Method of Distribution
H. 0. Anderson
P. E. Orane
This contest is conducted in connection with this newspaper
and votes will be given on subscriptions paid in;
either new or old ones.
Theo. Beririiian ShoeM fg.Co.
Sails from Portland at 8 A. M.,
A ugust 1st, 6th, 11th, 16th, 21st, filth, 31st.
Sails from Coos Bay
A t 12:30 P. M., A ugust 3rd, 8th 13th, 18th, 23rd, 28th.
Phone Main 181
The Coquille Herald
c e rt of sale lot 11 blk
Roseburg M yrtle Point Stage
And Auto Line
LeavtB M yrtle Point 7 a. m.
Arrives Rose burg,
5 p .m .
Leaves Rose burg.
6 a. m.
Arr. .Myrth Point by 5 p. m.
E lliotts Add to
Frederik H euperm an, w d portion of
$56,90 n e la of sec 20. tp 26 8 r 12 w w m, $1,0
By v irtue of an execution duly issued
by the Clerk of the Circuit C ourt of thq
County of Coos S ta te of Oregon, dated
the 13th day of June, 1914, in a certain
action in the C ircuit C ourt for said
County and S ta te wherein W alter Sin­
clair as Plaintiff recovered judgem ent
again st The Salmon M ountain Coarse
Gold Mining Company D efendant for
the sum of T hree hundred E]ighty-one
& 00-100 Dollars and costs and disburse­
m ents taxed a t T w enty-three & 00-100
Dollars, on the 9th day of May, 1914,
Notice is hereby given th a t I will on
Saturday the 8th day of A ugust 1914
a t the fro n t door of the County C ourt
House in Coquille in said County, a t
10:00 o'clock in the forenoon of said
day, sell a t public auction to the high­
e st bidder fo r cash, the following de­
scribed property, to-w it:
Commencing a t the Southw est corner
of Section 16, Township 32, South of
Range 12 We3t; thence running South
50 chs: thence W est 30 chs; thence
South 10 chs; thence W est 5 chs; thence
South 20 chs; thence E ast 35 chs; thence
North 29 chs: thence E a st 10 chs;
thence N orth 60 chs; thence W est 10
chs; to the place of beginning. Said
tra c t being known as the Salmon Moun­
tain Placer Claims, containing one hun­
dred sixty acres, more or less, also a
u artz claim commencing a t a post of
he Long Tunnel, or b e tte r known as
the More Tunnel, on the W est end of
Salmon Mountain, and running in a
N ortherly direction 100 fe e t to a fir
tree, m arked (1), which is the supposed
c en ter line of the claim; thence in a
W esterly direction, 300 fe e t to a stake
m arked (2); thence in a Southerly di­
rection, 1500 feet to a Cedar tree
m arked (3); thence in an E asterly di­
rection, 600 fe e t to a fir tre e m arked
(4); thence in a N ortherly direction,
1500 fe et to a stake m arked five; thence
300 fe e t to a stake m arked (1); thence
100 fe et to the place of beginning, and
also a Placer Claim filed upon by Phil­
ip G uthardt, lying N orth of the last de­
scribed claim and also the G uthardt
Q uartz chum on the W est end of Sal­
mon Mountain, described as follows, to-
w it: Beginning a t a p o st a t the mouth
o f Discovery Tunnel, thence running
in a N ortherly direction to a post
m arked N orth centerpost; thence run­
ning in a W esterly direction, 300 feet
to a post marked N. W. C. thence run­
ning in a Southerly direction, 1500 feet
to a post m arked S. W. u. thence run­
ning in an E asterly direction 300 fe e t to
the South C enter S take; thence in an
E asterly direction 300 fe e t to a post
m arked S. E. C. thence in a N ortherly I
direction, 1500 fe et to a post m arked N. I
E. C. thence in a W esterly direction, i
300 fe et to a post m arked N orth Cen- j
S take situated in the Johnson ( ’reek
and Salmon Mountain Mining D istrict,
and being adjacent to and lapping over
the Salmon Mountain Placer Claims as
described in this instrum ent, all in Coos
< ounty, S ta te of Oregon. Taken and
levied upon as the property of the said
defendants or so much thereof as may
be necessary to satisfy the said ju d g ­
m ent in favor of Plaintiff against said
defendants with in te rest thereon, a t
the ra te of 6 per cent per annum from
the 9th day of May, 1914 to gether with
all costs and disbursem ents th a t have
or may accrue.
W. W. G age
Paul Betty to H arry B. Allen, lot 14^
M ary A. Mehl e t al (By M arshall) to
Keported for The Herald by the T itle City of Coquille c ert of sale lot 12 blk in blk 2, Sengstacken’s subdivision oi
G uarantee and A bstract Co.
69 N otleys Add to Coquille City J343.85 “ Block A” of S .ngstacken’8 add to
July 21 1914
Marshfield, Oregon,
M artha T upper (by M arshall' to City
Wm. I.usk e t ux to City of M yrtle
Point r of w deed strip of land in lot 4
sec 11 tp 29 s r 12 w w in
$50 j leys Add to Co,' uille
i343-25 H ansen, w d lo ts , blk 16, Sengstack-
For County Surveyor
e n ’s add to M arshfield,
H. I \ G urnea e t ux to Ella E .G urnea
Albert W. H. Folsom (by m arshall i
W. E. Butler to Lars Petterson, w d
w d lot 1 blk 12 P lat “ A ” division 1
r itX * oi * Coquille, c ert of sale lot 12
I hereby announce myself an in ­
tow nsite of Coos Bay
$10 ( *»lk W$ E lliott’s add to Coquille, $343 06 j lots 22 & 23 of blk 42, tow nsite of East dependent candidate for the office
$10. of coun ty surveyor of Coos County,
E tta Cox e t vir to Schmidt Hanson w 1 C. I - C hapm an (by M arshall) to city Marshfield.
I am a regular graduate
d parcel of land in sw '4 of sec 30 tp 28 1 Copnille, cert of sale parcel adjoining
Machael Kunkle et ux to A. Manacka Oregon
blk 02, E lliott’s add to Coquille, $01.10 j w d lots 30, 31, 32, 33 A 34 Idaho add to of the Kansas State Agricultural
I r 14 W W tn
$10. College, class of 1884
C. L. Chapm an (by M arshall) parcel North Bend, Oreg,
Ju ly 22 1914
for 14 years in the location, cou
H. H. W inter to Mary A. Davenport adjoining blk 02, E llio tt’s add to Co­
M erchant Land Com pany to George
$50.00 I Ayre, w d lot 4 of blk 11, town of South struction and maintenance of rail
w d lots 1 & 2 blk 16 of Steaml>oat Add quille,
roads, with the C. B. & Q. Ry ,
to Town of Yarrow
Jens Hansen e t ux to Lawrence Pe­ j Marshfield,
$10 Mo Pac. R v .. A T . & S F . Rv ,
M anufacturers of
Frances S. Furry to Syver Backey w terson. w «1 lo t8 , blk 10, Sengstacken's
Minnie C. H a m d en et vir to Violet C. R. I. & Pac. R v ., and for 10
The Celebrated Bergmann Shoe d lot 19 in blk 13 City of North Bend add to Marshfield,
L. Loren*, w d 22 acres of land in lot 4. years employed in irrigation and
The Strongest and Nearest Water Oregon
July 23
sec 2, tp 28 * r 13 w
$10. mining engineering work. A m al
P ro o f s h o e m ad e for loggers, m in ers
R. D. Hall to Myrtle Fay Hall q c d
Davi«l K. Johnson et ux to Jo l cO ber-
so a member ol the Oreg n State
prospectors an.' mill men.
S. Society of Engineer*.
interest in all real property situated in meier, w d a«., of s ’« of sw of n w ’4 of
Will you
6'21 T h u r n i a r S tre e t
Coos County Oregon
$10 . sec 9. tp 24 s r 12 w w m ,
$10. Milne, w «1 pnrciil of lami in «re 3*1, tp support me at the polls?
P o r tla n d . O a to o x .
Rose Ann I<eneve to S. E. Henderson
Mary Smedhurg et vir to Lam bertus 28 I r 15 w w m,
Notice is hereby Riven that the un­
dersigned has been appointed adminis­
tra to r of the estato of Thomas T.
Sm ith, deceased, and all persons having
claims against the said e state are here­
by required to present them with the
proper vouchers, within six months
from the date of this notice, to the un­
dersigned adm inistrator a t the law of­
fices of J . J. Stanley, in the City of Co­
quille, Coos County, Oregon.
D ated .July 21, 1914
W m . O ddy .,
A dm inistrator of the E state of
Thomas T. Smith. Deceased.
Notice ol Sheriff’s Sale
Rules of the Contest
Notice to Creditors
(OAT it?'.
Have vou paid the printer.
The merchants whose names are given below have inaugu­
rated a contest in which the fortunate candidates will be
given valuable prizes each week, with grand prizes of pi­
anos like that illustrated here to be awarded at the end of
the contest.
2000 Votes on $1.00 for New
1000 Votes on $1.00 for Old
Merchants Bank
Plan H ig h w ay Im provem ent.
Plans for highway im provem ent in
Cedar Falls, in., in 1914. as suggested
by the Cedar Falls Commercial club,
contem plate the construction of a high
way. entering the city from the north
west, across a long stretch of river
bottom, and the erection of a bridge
across the Cellar river.
LIST PRICE $350.00
RULE 1. The m erchant shall issue
votes as per following schedule,
excepting as hereafter may he
m entioned:
100 for $1.00 on cash sales.
200 for $1.00 in m erchandise paid
with due bills.
300 for $1.00 on paym ent of old ac­
200 for $1.00 on due bills sold.
200 for $1.00 on bargain and clear­
ance sales.
The Herald gives 2000 votes for
each dollar on new and 1000 votes
for each dollar for renewals or
back subset iptions-
And votes will be given a t the
tim e sales are made only.
In reference to issuing votes on
old accounts, they may be issued
V .-P re s
0. C SANF0R0, C i.hl.i
The astonishing results of a census
O P C O Q U H j L a B . o r b g o j n .
taken recently on a secondary thor­
oughfare leading out of London show ­
ed only 3 per cent of horse draw n ve­ T r a r m a c t H H d e n e n t l H a n U i n ^
hicles. The exact count was fifteen
vehicles of the latter class to 500 ve­
Board of Director».
hicles propelled otherw ise than by
horses. H erein lies an explanation of R.C. Dement, A. J. Sherwood,
N ational Bank of Com merce,New York Cit
L. liarlocker, L. H. Haaard,
Crocker W oolworth N ’l Bank, San Eranciscv
the failure of the public authorities
l*aiah Hacker, K. K. Shine. F irst Nutionall Bank of Portland, Portland
generally throughout the world to
m aintain roads and streets in good
A sim ilar exam ple of the extraordi­
nary change th at has occurred in the
R. S. K n o w i . t o n , President
G e o . A. R o b i n s o n , V ice-P res.
use of roads in recent years is th a t of
R. II . M a s t , C ashier.
a furniture m anufacturing concern in
E aston, Pa., which delivers on its own
trucks to New York city instead of
using the already constructed steel
roads—namely, the railroads.
concern uses the ordinary roads. A
considerable tonnage is thus tra n s­
ferred from tiie steel roads specially
constructed to bear it to the country
Op ned for Busines March. 1 8 9 0
road not constructed for any such
weight or friction. It has thus come
to pass th a t the science of engineer­
ing. which was called upon to furnish
Ladd & Tilton Bank, Portland
F irst National Bank, San Francisco
experts to railroad companies, is now
N ational P ark, New York
F irs t T ru st & Savings, Coos Bay
also called upon to furnish experts to
road building authorities.
Voting Contest
A J. S HER W O OD P r . » ,
Make reservations in advance a t ()\> i
Drug Store, Marshfield.
Carrying Baggage and United Stales Mail
J . L. L A IR D , P ro p rie to r
Office at L aird ’ s L iv e r y Barn, Myrtle Point, Both Phones
Why not have an extension telephone installed in
your residence, the price has been reduced to
60 cents per month. Think of the un-
necessary steps this will save you.
[ 3
* ’
Coos B ay Home Telephone Co.
Main Office
Marshfield, Oregon l
H IH m iH I I H W I lim il. - V I ^ V H r H I I I M H I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I i r
J^ Y
V a A lu
LU a
b L l E e . ¿ I p D b . I D b A a D b D b I it I t I
You Can MakeYour House More Attractive
W ith th e Handsom e B abbitt Premiums
yy. T E N -C E N T can of B abbitt's
X I pure lye is paid insurance against
dirt or germ s: guaranteeing clean
sinks, and th o r o u g h ly s w e e t and
sanitary conditions in the home, and
in your barns, kennels or hen houses.
If you will w rite w e will send you a
book Absolutely F ree telling a hun­
dred uses for B abbitt's Lye; also our
prem ium catalogue illustrating beau­
tiful and valuable presents exchanged
for coupons.
The Great Soap Maker
BABBITT’S LYE— The Best Home Soap Maker
H ig h est in S tre n g th b u t n o t in Price — 10c
P. O. Box 1776
New York City
Herald Ads Bring Business