IJThe Herald, (he o ld estab­ lished reliable newspaper of the Corjuille Vailey in which an “ ad* always brings results. V O L . 32, T he C oquille H erald C O Q U I L L E , C O O S C O U N T Y , O R E G O N , T U E S D A Y , A U G U S T 4, 1914. N O . 45 that there are certain types CITY DIRECTORY FROM THF NATIONAL CAPITAL I ; ot oression roads that are permanent is er­ “Let Us Talk it Over” Fraternal and Benevolent Orders A F. A A. M.—Regular meeting of . Chadwick Lodge N o . 08 A. F. A A. M.. at Masonic Hall, every Saturday night in each montli on or before til» full moon. D. D. Plane*, W. M. R. H. M a s t . Secretary. roneous.” It is pointed out lhat the Events of Interest Reported only things about the roads that For The Herald may fie considered permanent are “So the People May Know” QJob Printing— N ew presses new material and experienced workmen. A guarantee that Herald printing will please P E R Y E A R $ 1 .5 0 the narrow escape Mr. Baker’s fam­ ily had There wagon was not far from the one which went over the b.iuk, and had the wagon not Compiled by State Bureau of Industries and Statistics cramped it would have crashed into tbe Baker rig and all would have Free factory sites are being offered gone over the bank and the people been killed. The wagon belonging on Coos Bay. Sherwood gets a new bank and to Baker was less than 15 feet from where the other one jumped the hotel building. road. Granite Hill mine in Josephine comity is to be ope ated. STATE INDUSTRIAL REVIEW grading, culverts andbridges, there­ In his talk here, Capt. Davtnny, shapes of their respective heads as fore the Washington authorities representative of the Rivers and is the case with common human FOUND, AN HONEST MAN assert that "the first and last com­ Harbors Congress, threw a nice beings. It will be remembered that K. 8.— Reguiar meeting of Heulali mandment toward road maintenance boquet at the government engineers as long ago as the late seventies the And be was discovered without . Chapter No. 0, second and fourth Friday evenings of eacli month, in Ma­ the aid of Diogenes’ lamp, for he is to keep the surface well drained, and claimed for them the credit of engineers recommended a project sonic Hall. recommending improvement in the for the improvement of tbe Coos discovered himself. The gentle­ W H E N W IL L C ON GRESS ADJOURN M a r y A. P i krck , W . M. A n n a L a wit m o * S e c ., case of harbors which have little ex­ Bay bar and the deepening of the man is no other than Representa­ There is serious talk to the effect Chant of the Buzzards tive Witherspoon of Mississippi, isting commerce but have great channel to a depth of 18 teet. They Union Oil Co. builds a $10,000 O. O. F.—Coqnille I,ost- of intense interest to the American tain the greatest percentage of dry sea lions, a new industry on tbe master. The mails close as follows: and tried to get the horse up, fear­ may be applied as a dry salt to tbe The Capital Citv is quite proud Myrtle Point 8:40 a. m. and 2:35 p. in. people, yet Senator Stone and a matter, while kale and seme of the Oregon coast. ing the anitnrl would not be able to Marsh Held 10:15 a. in. and 4:15 p. in. of the fact that the bird census center of the rosette. It is most Bandon and way points,7 a m. Norway which has been undertaken by the few others, are insisting on main­ roots contain 90 per cent water. arise without struggling over the A test case has been brought in and Aragol2:45 p.in. Eastern mail 4:15 taining the old government policy One ton of corn silage contains as precipice. However, he succeeded often made up iDto a spray by dis Marion county on twelve grounds United Slates government has a . m. Eastern mail arrives 10: p. in. solving about two pounds of the of secrecy in considering treaties. much digestible nutrients as a ton in getting the horse up. It is im­ sulphate in one gallon of water. to test tbe constitutionality of tbe shown that a portion of Washington T H E P R E S ID E N T ’ S H E A L T H and a half of sugar beets, 1.8 tons possible to start a load with two This kills young plants and injures Blue Sky Law. City and County Officers — the Chevy Chase district, is the The bridge across the river at Considerable speculation s u r- rutabagas or carrots, and 2 3 tons of horses on tbe soot, and it was up to the older ones, which are killed M ayor...... .........................A. T. Morrison most thickly populated district for Mr. Endicott to back his load down only by repeated applications. It Salem has heen condemned and the Recorder............................. J. 8. Lawrence birds ia the United States The rounds the health of the President, kale.” Treasurer...............................K. H. Mast the piich or wait until somebody should uot be applied for several two counties and the city will erect City A ttorney.................. L. A. Liljeqvist average was found to be about seven since it has been reported time and Engineer..................... P. M. Hall-Lewis birds per acre It may be surpris­ time again that be has been obliged rid of the evils of the trust and pre­ came along and helped him out days either before or after the lawn a $200,000 structure. Marshal...................................A. P. Miller with a pull. W. R. Scott, general manager of is mowed, since it may kill very Night Msrtbal.............. Oscar WicKhnm ing to learn that timber land sup to rest from his labors on account of serve the economies of consolida­ Shortly W. S. Baker who was young leaves of tbe lawn plants. It 65 on miles of the S. P. system on Water Superintendent 8. V. Flpperson ports a much smaller bird popula­ sickness. As a matter of fact, the tion. One way to accomplish this Fire Chiei...............................W . C. Chase going south with his family of six discolors the lawn, walks, clothing, the Pacific coast, says railroad earn­ Councilmen—D. D. Pierce. C. T. Skeels tion than an equal area of farm land President is a very well man, but is for the state, by virtue ot its po­ C. I. Kime, G. O. Leach, W. H. Ly­ In the bulletin issued by the bird like most men who have spent their lice fower, to compel publicity, reg­ and a wagon,came along and essay­ etc., but does the lawn no perma­ ings will soon be on the upgrade. ons, O. C. Sanford. Regular meetings ed to help Mr. Endicott out of his nent injury, according to tbe manu­ The Coast Bridge Co. of Portland first and third Mondays each month. counters of tbe government nospecial lives in studious pursuits, he is sub- ulate prices, and control the treat­ reference is made to the golf course | j ect to frequent slight indispositions ment of workmen Another meth­ trouble. Leaving bis wagon and facturers of iron sulphate got the bridge at Yamhill for one J. J. Stanley of Chevy Chase, although everyone whjch have never been serious, Justice of the Peace dollar less than the Portland Bridge od is for the masses to take over tbe family at the bottom of the hill, Ned C. Kelley Conceded Fitness. knows that this place is famous for Co., its closest competitor,$4,499. the control of industry and com­ be managed to get his team past "This ‘Gates Ajar' design Is a hand­ Limiting Powers of Truat merce, and distribute the profits the Hill and Murphy wagon and some one." said tbe tombstone man. John T. Hall its country clubs, and ts the spot County Judge A, B. Hammoud of San Francis­ Commissioners —W. T. Dement, Geo. J. where ex President Taft used to among the many,which have hereto­ was about lo bitch on for the pull "It Is Just what I w ant” said tbe co says that ships costing $1000 a Armstrong when the brake on the Hill & Mur­ widow. “ He never shut a door in all take his daily exercise in order that Clerk day to operate will soon be sailing “ Tbe problem for the future is fore been distributed among the few. ........................W . W . G u ge he might keep from weighing hall the regulation, not the destruction We bave many illustrations of tbe phy wagon let loose and the wagon our married life without being told.” — from Astoria and a railroad will be Sheriff Indianapolis Journal. ...............T. M. Dimmick started backward down tbe bill, Assessor.......... built down tbe coast. T. J. Thrift a ton. of the trust,” says Dr. Hector Mac- latter method in European history, gaining fast and it was beyond con­ Itavmond E. Baker School Supt. K E E P T H E ROADS D R A IN E D and a few cases in America that are pherson, of the Oregon Agricultur­ Labor Commissioner Hoff decided Portland meat inspection ordi- A. N. Gould Surveyor trol as soon as it started. Luckily, F. K. Wilson "N o permanent road has ever al College. "The question of the right to the point, one of the best that the bridge crew on the Grants nance has been taken into the courts tbe team bad been detached. When Dr. Walter Culin Health Officer been constructed or ever will be,” statesman who is intelligently soli­ of which is tbe successful struggle Pass railroad could not be employed on ,he ««•»■ «> «hat it discriminates tbe wagon had gone about 20 feet, ........ t 1 . . . _,. I against all small packers in favor of according to road specialists ol the citous for the welfare of our democ­ of the graingrowers ot the Middle over eight hours. The men got , he mea, ,rus, it cramped, and then tbe outfit West with the elevator trust.” United States Department of Agri . . ■ _ , . „ went over tbe bank to the rocks in $3 20 a day and overtime, but were racy is not ’Shall large combina­ Societies will get the very best culture, who amplify the statement stopped by Hoff claiming it was ask9 ^ a)lowrd t0 raj, t tbe river-bed. The wagen and f PRINTING with an appeal for keeping the tions exist?” but rather, ’ In what Trespass notices printed on cloth groceries were a mass of scrap and public work and that an emergency cents per month on account of in- \ form and under what limitations roads in good repair. The ledetal at the office of Coquille Herald and worded in keeping with law, of little value. existed. The time was cut to eight creased expensecaused by minimum officials claim that ’’the general im- 1 shall they exist?’ We want to get for sale at the Herald office. l l ' wage and eight hour law for women. The wonder of it all is considered hours. O I M K R M R W E F F C Kc C I B S P (By J. E. Jones)