Coquille herald. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1905-1917, July 28, 1914, Image 3

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    Economy Jars at Lyons
E. A Folsom has not yet heard
whether he won out in the subscrip­
tion contest for a motor bicycle, car­
ried on by a Salem publication, al­
though it has been nearly t w o
weeks since the contest closed; so
he doesu’t know yet whether be is
afoot or a-cycle back.
</& cvái - J&¿4¿
a n d
1 dyUngjeá c t <Uvn&i\
\a n e¿ Áud/ieJ cfa£P\
'^ f a c ú s f á r
Our rubber goods are the lasting kind.
can chew on our nipples and still they last; the teeth
will not break out of our superb combs; our water
bottles are not rotten when you get them.
If you
have not got a good rubber water-bag and fountain
syringe in your house, get one from us and be ready
at all times when the doctor says “get one.”
Come to OUR Drug Store
Under New Management
Having leased this well-equipped hotel, I propose
to conduct it in such a manner as to merit pat­
ronage and give satisfaction to the traveling
A Gentleman with $200 to invest
can secure a well established, big
paying, permanent business; can lo­
cate at Bandon, Myrtle Point, Co­
quille or Marshfield ami handle Ills
Address A. W. Mills,
Bandon, Ore.
The next thing to receive the at­
tention of tbs city dads should he
the suppression of one or two of
the diabolical noises with which the
automobiles and motorcycles now
unnecessarily afflict tbe ears and
nerves of Coquille’s citizens.
that is no dream.
Judge John F. Hall passed
through from Marshfield Saturday
afternoon on his way to Myrtle
Point, to be present with Grand
Master Galloway at a meeting of
the I. O. O. F. lodge. John F. is
himself in line for the office of
Grand Master next year.
Eleven Bars Crystal While Soap
for 50c at Lyons A Jones.
Baxter Brothers have purchased
the Eagle Saloon at Marshfield aud
will remove their base of operations
to that place. They have disman­
tled their saloon here aud stored
the fixtures. This leaves E. A Bec-
ket holding the fort as the sole rep­
resentative of the liquor interests
Tbe Scenic announces another of
the special feature pictures for Sat­
urday night. It is a five-reel Patbe
comedy drama entitled “ Militant
Suffragette,’ ’ and depicts scenes in
campaign being carried on by Eng­
lish women to force “ the bloody
Britishers” to grant them the suf­
In the line of local news it may
be mentioned that a war cloud has
suddenly arisen in Europe through
tbe quarrel of Austria and Servia,
Lyons <fc Jones carry Economy < in which it is feared that all Europe
Jars, Clamps snd Caps
may he involved. The matter will
Mrs. Bert Folsom returned Sun­ undoubtedly be adjusted without a
day from a week’s visit at Bandon ‘ general war.
Miss Margaret Stambuck, who ! T. A. Walker will make special
has been visiting Miss Mary Levar j trips to Roseburg at reasonable
Large, high-power auto.
for a few days returned to her home j rates.
Parties desiring to go call either
in North Bend yesterday.
Mrs. Tom Boone and Mrs. Cotton
A flurry of excitemeut was caused
of Fairview came to town Monday ;
late Wednesday afternoon by the
with Little Miss Mabel Boone wbo
discovery that the awning at Mil­
is nursing a broken arm as tbs re- :
ler's Bazaar on B street was on fire.
suit ol a recent fall from a horse.
The blaze was extinguished without
Folsom’s Confectionery has the
exclnsive agency in Coquille for! trouble, but in the meautime an
alarm was turned in and the chemi­
Stafford’s Hi-Tone Chocolates.
J. W. Perkins, of Roseburg, and cal engine was brought to the scene
E. M. Andrews, of Medford, who promptly, but the fire was already
are in th* county in the interest of out.
M. M. YOUNG, Proprietor
Professional Cards
D en tist
Office over First National Bank
Phone Main 431
C. C. Evland is at bis old tricks
agaiD, hammering iron.
All warm weather drinks will be
found at Folsom’s Confectionery.
J. E. Norton was an automobile
passenger for Marshfield this morn­
Mr. and Mrs Lark Mast of Mc­
Kinley are business visitors to Co-
quille today.
railroad and oil development, were
Miss Inez Bunch is spending her in the city yerterday in consultation
vacation in California.
with some of the business men.
Simon Erickson, formerly of Ten-
The deer season will open August
RATES: One cent a word, each in­
mile Bud now of Haynes iulet, was 1st and remain open up to aud in- i sertion. No charge less than 15 cents’
a county seat visitor yesterday.
eluding October 31st. Only three j TOBACCO AND CIGAR SALES­
Eleven packages Quaker Corn mule adult deer are permitted t o . MEN—Wanted to advertise. Ex­
Flakes for $1.00 at Lyons A Jones. each hunter during one season. Any , perience unnecessary
monthly and Traveling Expenses.
Miss Nellie J. Barton, of Myrtle mutilation of the carcass so as to
Advertise Smoking, Chewing To­
Point, has been engaged to teach conceal the sex is a violation of law.
bacco, Cigarettes, Cigars.
the Norway school
2c. stamp for full particulars.
Don t get “ crazy with the heat” —
List your property with the Pa­ Go to Folsom’s Confectionery and
York, N. Y.
cific Heal Estate Co., M. M. Young, absorb a cooling drink.
The Seventh Day Adventists will FOR SALE—One of the best farms
A change took place in the own­
ership of tlie Coquille Garage lust
week. C A Hickels bought out his
partner, S L. Bull, who h is been
associated with him for some time.
O. F . ¡Smith, who whs formerly en­
gaged in photography aud taxider­
my here, has bought an interest
with Mr. Nickels, ami the b sines«
will be conducted ns heretofore.
the contracts to the Longston Con­
Leroy Casey Shoots
struction Co., aud theWarren Con­
Himself Through Heart
Leroy Casey, a young man of 23,
committed suicide Friday evening
near Lee by shooting himself
through the heart with a 25 20 car­
bine. The cause of his act was the
fear that a youug lady with whom
he bad been keeping company had
If you want to sen some attrac­ transferred her affections to some
tively aud appropr.aiely packed one else.
goo-la, look at the display of Hi
The young man came here about
L-ne chocolates iu the window of two years ago from Walla Walla,
Folsom’s Confectionery. Tbs goods where his father resides, and had
are made by D. Y. Stafford in been working for Mr. King on the
Marshfield and are first-class. Mr. Winsor & Falkenstein ranch a mile
Folsom has secured the exclusive above the Fox bridge ou tbe north
fork. Revival meetings had been
agency here
Ih e electric pumping plant put in iu progress near by, and it is said
by the Oregon Power Co.for the city that the young lady bad attended
water works is being given a prelim­ in company with another man. On
inary test today. It is not expected j Friday evening Casey had a con­
that tbe water can be forced to tbe versation with her and asked her
reservoir until the pumping ha* if she had gone back on him. She
been continued some time, as tne treated the matter lightly and avoid­
long line of new wooden pipe will ed a direct answer. Then he told
undoubtedly leak considerably until her that if she deserted him he
the water has swelled it to tight would kill himself. She did not
think him in tamest. This was
about 7 :30. Abouf 9 o ’clock, after
Mr. and Mrs. King had retired and
Public Ownership Saves
In State Printing Office Mr King had gone to sleep, Mrs
King heard Casey come into the
tent in which they were all
As an ounce of results is north a
pound of theory, the Herald is glad sleeping, go the corner in which
to give publicity to the short report two guns were kept, and go out
just received from the state printer, again. She arose and went to the
sbowiog the saving to the taxpayer corner, finding that the carbine was
already effected through public missing. She awakened her hus­
ownership of the state printing band, but he thought little of the
matter Then she heard the re­
port of a gun a short distance away.
StBte Printing Department When the people returned trom the
Salem, July 21, 1914 meeting a search was made and
the body was tound lying across
To tbe Taxpayers of Oregon:
The sum of $7,65799 for the the gun. The young man had evi­
quarter ending June 30 last, or dently held the short barrelled car­
$2,552.00 for each month of tbe bine out in Iront of him and pulled
quarter, is the gain due to the pres­ the trigger with bis finger, the bul­
ent State ownership system in the let passing through the heart and
ranging downward.
State Printing Department.
A message was sent to the fath­
Every item of printing has been
carefully computed at the rat a fixed er and he gave instructions to have
by the old law and the difference of the body buried here, stating that
cost under the present law, in your he could not come.
favor, is as shown above.
Have you paid the printer.
These figures are higher than any
estimate or prediction of mine, and
Hurt in Runaway
are a surprise to me.
Detailed records of cost, showing
Robert Blalock, who lives on the
minutely every item of overhead
and general expense, ara nt your Snow place east ol town, w a s
disposal in the State Printing De­ brought in Saturday morning suf­
fering from injuries received when
Tne complete record of gains to his team ran away. The wagon ran
date by virtue of State ownership, over him and he was severely
bruised about the head, shoulders
is as follows:
and wrist, but no bones were brok­
September 8 to Decem­
ber 31. 1913.................$3,257 34 en. His injuries were attended to
by Dr. Richmond and he was taken
January 1 to March 31,
1 9 1 4 ...............
5,41723 back to his home, where he will be
April 1 to June 30, 1914. 7,657.99 laid up for some time.
T o ta l........................ ...$16,332.56
The total amount saved to date
(at the end of 10 months) is nearly
$1000 00 in excess of the initial cost
of the printing plant, although lib­
eral depreciation and interest have
bten regularly charged to the cost
of the public printing.
R. A. H arris , State Printer.
Have vou paid the printer.
Violin Recital Friday
A violin recital will be held at W.
O. W. hall Fridav evening under
the auspices of the Coquille Library
Association. Carl Grissen, the per­
former, is said to be a master of the
violin, having studied under tbe
best foreign masters from the age
of nine.
Mrs. Wm Horsfall, of
Marshfield is the accompanist, and
a rare treat is promised to our lov­
ers of music. The Library Associ­
ation endeavors to bring only tbe
best class of entertainments, and
the public may rest assured that no
disappointment will be felt by those
who attend this recital
The price
of admission will be 35 cents
struction Co., and the whole matter
was then laid 011 the table to he ta­
ken up Monday.
A t l a s t night’s meeting, by a
unanimous vote, the bids were re­
jected and the checks deposited by
the bidders were ordered returned
The reason for this action is given
as the fact that Attorney Liljeqvist,
acting for the city, aid not consider
the contracts and specifications sat­
Tbe Longston Construction Co.
was paid $312 60 from the general
fund and $1216 53 from the special
The printing of the pamphlets
lor the election of August 24th was
awarded to the Herald, while the
Sentinel was given the printing of
tbe ballots.
It was moved and carried that
the pi oper authorities take steps to
compel Martin Ellingson to make
connections for his property with
the First and C street sewer.
A motion that the city engineer
prepare plans aud specifications for
the improvement of portions of
Third, Elliott and Heath streets
failed to carry.
Adjournment was taken till 8 a.
m Friday, when objections, if any,
to the improvement of the intersec­
tion of Front and C streets will be
Absolutely Pure
Girl Leaves Home
A daughter of Sam Stout of the
Fairview neighborhood left home
last week and came to town against
her lather’s wishes. She was taken
in charge by Truant Officer Dun­
ham aud brought before Judge Hall.
The judge gave her some fatherly
advice aud let the matter rest there
for the present in the hope that the
family differences could be adjusted.
A sister of tbe young lady left home
some time ago under similar circum­
stances and was later married here.
------- -—
Mr. Stout blames most of tbe trou­
Returns From Vacation
ble to the interference of outside
parties, and as is usually tbe case,
Edgar McDanials and family re­ there seems to be two sides to the
turned from San Diego Saturday matter.
after having spent five weeks away
from the city. They went down the Free Canadian Homestead
coast through Bandon, Gold Beach,
Why pay $50 to be located? We
Crescent City, Eureka, then across
the mountains to Rod Bluff, then give you full information where the
best lands are iu Western Canada
south to Sacramento, Stockton, San
and British Columbia that are close
Jose, Santa Barbara, Ventura, Los to railroad and town; name of guide
Angeles and San Diego. Returning on the ground; full direction to get
they came over the Shasta route. In maps and platts free; how to get
all 18 daya and nights were spent bomeseekera tickets; everthing you
need to know and locate yourself,
on the road, and they camped out
all for $3.00. Remit amount by P.
every night, and ale their meals over O. order and we will send you the
their own camp fire. They traveled complete information at once. THE
all told 3,400 miles, made 20 miles [CANADIAN HOMESTEAD COM­
to a gallon of gas, and experienced P A N Y , 73 6th ST. PORTLAND,
OREO. For reference, THE FARM
but one accident.— North Bend Har­
Virginia Acid-Proof Enamel Ware to
Now on display in our windows. Outside, blue
shaded into grey—white inside.
Stock is Replete
O. A N D E R S O N
Improvements at Poor Farm
On Saturday Judge Hall visited
the poor farm to oversee the plans
f o r some contemplated improve­
ments in the water system there
A new source of supply will be
found on higher ground and a res­
ervoir will be put in and the water
piped to the buildings under a p es-
sure that will add to the usefulness
of the system and will furnish more
adequate fire protection.
W ill Camp in Curry
Mr. and Mrs. A. J Sherwood and
Joel Boot, one of the industrious hold services at their church Friday
öd the Coquille at tbe cheapest
two young daughters with Mr. and
farmers near Arago, was doing busi­ evening at 8 p. m ; Sabbath School
Mrs. L. A Liljeqvist end daughter,
ness in town Fiiday.
at 10 a. m. Saturday, Preaching ser­ FOR SALE— Cheap, 22 foot gaso­
will spend two or three weeks in sn
line launch, inquire at Herald
Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Savage and vices at 11 a. m. aud 2 p. m., to be
outing in Curry county. They will
little eon left Friday afternoon to conducted by Elder Robert Airey,
camp on the Clark A Dwyer ranch
spend some weeks in the wilds of formerly of this place.
FOR SALE—Ten acre tract, three
on the headwaters of Floras creek,
blocks from court house, 4J acres
Curry county near Eckley.
Truly, great minds run in the
which is said to be in tbe midst of a
In the recall election in Curry same channel, BDd any one who does
fish and game paradise, and we may
den aud pasture. 7-room house
county Judge Wood, the present in­ not believe tbie can find proof by
aud good outbuildings. Half on
expect some tall stories when they
cumbent won out over his opponent comparing part of the Herald’s ac­
time, if desired. Reason for sell­
get back— from tbe legal lights of
ing, old age of owner. Apply to
count of the disaster to the Queen
by more than two to one.
the party.
Matt Kerregan.
7-14 16tp
Ice Cream at Folsom’s Confection­ on the bar, with that of the Bsndon
Recorder. The Recorder man knows FOR SALE— Good five-passenger
A Nice Pet
touring car. Kime A Von Peg-
Rev. W. F. McDermott returned good stuff when be Bers it, all right.
7 14-3t
Mrs. Mary Nosier has secured a
J. L. LairO’s Marshfield-Roseburg
last week from attendance on the
pet and has him securely Incar­
General Synod of the Presbyterian auto atage is now making regular A SNAP FOR A HOME— Good lot
Had Big Cargo
In a glass jar.
It is a beau­
Church at Eugene.
cottage and enough lumber to
tiful brown hairy tarantula, about
O.A.Mintonye brought a new Ford
build addition all for $325. Will
two inches from tip tc. tip. He un
car home last week from Marshfield ing at 6:15 and lands passengers in
take labor for large part, or pacity lumber schooner plying be­
arrived in a bunch ol
monthly payments Coquille Real tween Bandon and California points
and seems to find bis «ay around in
bananas, and Mrs. Nosier found
it like a veteran ■
him wandering arouud on the floor
Fourteen Bars Sail Soap for 50c ROOMS AND HOUSEKEEPING carrjing what is said to be the rec­
of her sewing room hunting for a
APARTMENTS—Vendome Lodg­ ord cargo from this port. The load
quire of Geo. T. Monlton, Ageut at Lyons A Jones, the store that
Note: the Herald
ing House. Everything neat and comprised 525,000 feet of lumber warm place.
saves you money.
for the Hammock Shingle Co.
clean. Your patronage solicited. from the Johnson mill, and 10,000 stands ready to be corrected as to
Mrs L. A Liljeqvist has the
shipped by George Laffaw for F. L. the sex of the new arrival.
thanks of the Herald family for a
Botsford.— Bandon World.
mesa of beautiful trout, the proof
City Council
FOR SA L E —Some good residence
of Mi. Liljeqvist’a skill as an ama­
properties near business center;
Marriage Licenses
teur Isaac W alton.
The city council held a called
half down, bnlance on terms; $600
and up.
Charles Snedden, of Marshfield,
„ _
, .
_ „ ,
[m eetingF ridayeveningfortbepur-
M. Fensler and Agnes C. Kulzer.
. . .
was a county seat visitor Friday.
pose of considering and reconsider-
Mr. Snedden is an old member of
FOR SALE— Forty acres of good
land. Price $3000. If you want vens‘
tbs Order of Odd Fellows, hiving
the improvement ot a portion ol
something choice this is it.
Walter J. Sabin and Velma Klep- Third, Elliott and Henry streets
joined in; 1867 and be was feeling
quire of, or address, with stamp
By a unanimous vote it was deter-
highly pleased at the honors accord­
for reply, R. A. Easton, Mountain
ed him at Matshfield on the recent
mined to reconsider the actiou taken
Olade, Sitkum P. O., Coos Co.
visit of the Grand Master.
at a previous meeting in awarding
List Your Property With
Pacific Real Estate Co.
Farm Lands, Timber Lands, Residence and
Business Property, Houses for Rent
M. M. Young, Manager
F. C. Stone, Secretary
Coquille, Oregon
Swift’s Premium Bacon,
Swift’s Premium Hams, Swift’s Silver Leaf Lard
At All Grocers
C O Q U IL L E , O R E G O N
The one casting the largest number of votes
this week will recieve a set of Wm. Rodgers
Tea spoons, the second highest, a handsome
Next Saturday is bargain day, and we will
give double votes for all cash purchases on
this day. Come in and you will see some
real bargains.
Next week we will give first and second
prize for the ones selling the largest amount
of trading books.
The Model Grocery
S. M. Nosier & Co.