Coquille herald. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1905-1917, July 14, 1914, Image 2

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H. O. Anderson Gives
Good Talk at Meeting
Cooling Wash Stops Thai Itch «“*
The Fellowship meeting, the
T ss— not tn h a lf on hour— not In troubles. W e can £iv© you a good size
tria l bottle of the genuine D. D. Du
third of the series held by the local te n m inute»—-b u t In 6 seconds.
t a few drops of that mild, sooth­ P rescription fo r only 25 cento.
) committee of the Oregon Social H y­ ing, s cooling
w ash, the D. D. D. P re­ Don’t fall to try th is fam ous rem edy
giene Society, last Thursday even- scription, the fam ous cure fo r Eczema, fo r any kind of sum m er akin trouble—»
and the itch is gone. Your burning »kin
| ing brought out a fair attendance, Is Instantly relieved and you have ab­ we know D, D. D. w ill tflve you lnataA l
dinner being served to 46 people. solute protection from all «summer »kin relief.
| M. M. Young, of the New England
Work Done Promptly and Prices Right
C. J. FUH RM AN, druggist
House, was the caterer, which
means that the meal was firstclass.
The address given by H. O. An­
derson was on the subject of “ Na­
ture’s Safety Valve, or how shall
the stored-up energies ot youth
rightly expend themselves " Mr.
Anderson’s talk showed that he had
given research aud earnest thought
And lo! There was a Great Star, Science school to shame. Chicken,
to his subject and to the problem Not the Star of Bethlehem, yet it
salads, vegetables, fruits, jellies,
of obtaining practical results along was an Eastern Star.
A star of aud cakes galore, and that splendid,
the line of the proper direction of Past Matrons. And the Star arose
delicious sherbet,frozen trot flowing,
the superabundant energy of the out of the city yea, a great constel­
for the wine flowed not red within
children aud young people.
lation of her, and she autoeil to the tue cup at this great feast, though
He showed that physical aud south, even unto the palatial resi­ one of the lesser stars tumbled off
mental activity are natural to the dence ol another Star, the home of
bis bench aud another fell off bis
young, and called attention to the ye host aud hostess, Mr. and Mrs.
tendency of even the youngest chil­ W. Laird. Where ye hostess, her­
Of the galaxy of Stars or Greater
use; the progressive in whatever dren to try to “ make something,”
self a Star, was preparing a great Lights preseut, there were our hos­
party we hail as a brother. But we or build something, a tendency that
least more than sufficient unto the tess— Mrs. J. W. Laird, Mesdatnes
a cause greater than any is shown in the activities of all nor­
day thereof. While the other Stars
man and some other progressive mal and healthy boys and girls. individually and collectively buzzed A. J. Sherwood, J. S. Lawrence, L.
Entered as Becontl class matter May preferable to Coli nel Roosevelt.— He showed that in an earlier age, around with a great buzz, but did P. Maury, C. C. Evland, F. S.
Slagle, J. A. Lamb, W. C. Rose,
8, 1905. at the post office at Coquille, The Coquille Sentinel.
life was simpler, when manu little else, that beiug part of the H N. Lorenz, W. H. Lyons, C.
Oregon, under act of Congress of Starch We appreciate the Sentinel's pret­ when
facturing industries were carried on programme.
S, 1879.
I. Kime, F. W. Von Pegert, J. C.
ty acknowledgement that we were in a small way. the children saw
And lo! Later in the day there
P. C. LEVAR, Lessee.
right in saying that Roosevelt was more of the work of their parents arose out ot the self-same city anoth­ Laird, Mrs. S. S. Norton of Red­
ding. California, Mrs. Levi Suyder
far the strongest progressive— for and thus had their thoughts and
and a lesser star.
And there of Portland, Oregon, and Mrs. C.
Devoted to the material and social we meant that he was the strongest energies naturally directed along er
upbuilding of the Coquille Valley par­ with the people, and the Sentinel practical lines. Then he called at­ were several of him. And he seem­ R. Barrow.
ticularly and of Coos County generally. concedes that “ the republican vot­ tention to the fact that with the lat­ ed to be a worshipper at the shrine The lesser lights present,overfed,
Subscription, $1.50 per year in advance ers wanted Teddy.” You bet they
ol the first Star for as said by Mrs. therefort shining dimly, were our
er developments in the industrial Mary A Livermore, his heart was host— Mr. J. W. Laird, Messrs. A.
wanted him. and they want him world and the growing complexity in bis stomach. Aud he autoed
Phone Main 381 ,
till yet, if they could get a chance of our civilization all this is changed, to the south in the wake of the J. Sherwood. J. S L awrence« L . P
Maury, F. S. Slagle, W. C. Rose,
to express themselves.
Neither until now few children in towns other Star, and he halted not, neith­
H. N. Lorenz, W. H. Lyons, C. I
Hadley nor Borah ever had a tithe and cities know anything about the
The proposal of the postoffice of Roosevelt’s strength with the work of their parents aud the par­ er faiuted he by the wayside, and Kime, F. W. You Pegert and C R.
Barrow, and Masters Sheldon and
department to cut off our daily mail people, and if either had been nom­ ents themselves are to a great ex­ he found her.
Soon thereafter he sat himself Lawton Von Pegert.
and send all Coos county mail to inated through the action of the
tent confined to one restricted part down to great feast prepared by the
After dinner a short time spent
and from Portland by steamer, un­ stand-pat reactionaries he would of the work in which they are en­
aforesaid genial and efficient hostess, in social chat, then homeward
less some contractor will carry it have gone down to defeat before
gaged. This has changed the whole around him the lovely and beauti­ bound and the scene was o’er, with
overland at a figure which meets the rejuvenated and unterrified
environment of the young and has ful constellation of other Stars shui- the hope of all for many happy re­
the approval of some puffed-up Democracy. Not only would the
made it necessary that society take ind aud scintillating in all their turns, while in memoy’s golden
beaurocratic chief, is about the cool­ Editor have voted a thousand times
a larger view of its obligation in brilliancy.
casket many pleasant thoughts
est bulldozing proposition that for Roosevelt rather than once for
the matter of their training lor use­
The table was groaning under were gemed and locked for future
ever came down the pike.
If this Taft, but he actually did vote for ful lives
the superabundance of rich food recall to enliven aged reminiscence
be one of the •'economies” of the Roosevelt. We wonder who the
The speaker said that the three
May the Past Matrons and th->
present Democratic administration, editor of the Republican Sentinel elements in the training ot the and delicious delicacies of the sea­
son, prepared by Mrs. J. W. Laird, Stars continue to shine with a
the people would much prefer a voted for.
young were the home, the church the Star hostess whose excellent, strong effulgent light diffusing their
little Republican “ extravagance.”
and the school. Certain training practical cooking and well balanced rays of happiness lar and near.
There may be some reason in dis­
There seems to be a great apathy in the line of morals and deport­ seasoning would put a Domestic
continuing one of the two separate
ment should come in the home.
routes now in use and sending all in Coos county touching the Rose-
the Coos county mail by one route, burg proposition to promote the
to fill, and its work also has been to the effect that it was the sense ot clear land and rights of way
though there is a good chance for building of a railroad from that
broadened by the changes brought the meetiug to encourage the in­ and in leaving fires thus statfed to
argument on that point. But to say
about in the progress of civilization. dividual garden under the direction
that both routes will be discontinued be the opinion as to the chanceB lor
While 200 years ago the appeal ot of the public school,and a committee smoulder in logs and stumps to
unless a contractor is found who success of the present movement,
church was to the older people, was appointed to take charge of the break out later when the inevitable
will carry the mail for less than there is no question but such a road
it should now be directed more to matter, consisting of Prof C. A hot and windy weather arrives. For"
cost does not speak well for either
the young.
He thought that a Howard, chairman, H. O. Anderson est officers announce that etute laws
the intelligence or good intentions both Coos and Douglas counties.
minister of the gospel should now and H W. Young.
regarding buring without permit
of the Department officials.
They It would relieve the latter of the
have a special course of training in
should be able to understand, and grievous burden of high friegbt
and precaution will be enforced
Coquillers at Eugene
easily can see by their own statistics rates on her outgoing products and
and also warn summer camp­
mentioned the Boy Scout move­
that the growth of population and on supplies she must ship in, and
to be extremely careful
ment and said that a minister with
University of Oregon, Eugene,
business in this county is responsi­
special training in the handling of July 13— Coos Bay representatives, with campfires.
ble for the immense increase in the hard times and prosperity for that
It would young people would make an ideal usually numerous and prominent
volume of mail matter, and a four- rich section of Oregon.
Silo Bulletin Out
year-old child should be able to un­ give a big boost to Coos Bay as the leader in the Boy Scout movement. around the campus of the Universi­
He highly commended this move­ ty of Oregon, generally manage to
derstand that this increase must re­ distributing point for a large sec­
It would help ment for the proper direction of the make themselves scarce in Eugene
Construction of silos and silage
sult in an increase in the cost of tion of country.
energies ot the boys and for their in Summer. The theory is tha feeding are the subjects of a new
carriage. Unless they are willing Coquille, because everything that
they do not come up here and au- Extension bulletin issued by the
to acknowledge that their whole tends to build up a great community
ties and quoted the requirements of nex the University of Oregon Sum­
Oregon Agricultural College. The
star route system has broken down, on the Bay must help this valley.
a Scout, viz.: that he must be trust­ mer School because the weather kinds and capacities of silos, meth­
the officials must concede that the Such a road will eventually be built
must be pretty nice down on the ods ol construction in detail, meth­
letting of the contract to the lowest and it will be only one of the radiat­
bidder will bring the price down to ing lines that will center in at the courteous, kind, obedient, cheerful, coast in July and August, and nine ods of filling, kinds of feed lor silage
months is long enough for any man purpose and methods of leed-
a reasonable sum for the service. best harbor on the Pacific coast.
He also quoted the Boy Scout to stay from the Coos Country, any­ iug are some of the more impor­
No one outside of the crazy-house Those who can see nothing in this
oath, which runs as follows: “ On way. The Summer School delega­ tant features fully treated in this
will argue that the government country but trees and grass with an
my honor I will do my best to do tion this year consists of C. T. bulletin.
A particularly interest-
can not “ afford” to pay what the occasional outcropping of coal, are
my duty to God and my country Kronenberg, of Fairview and Gret- jng feature is the chapter on chem­
service is worth. The Herald is in­ overlooking the greatest asset —a
chen Sherwood of Coquille. Both ical changes in silage. Forty-four
clined to think that the Depart­ harbor that will build up in Coos
er people at all times; to keep my­ are taking teachers’ courses, Mr. pages of descriptive and illustrative
ment is acting on the reports and county a great seaport and a city
advice of some “ inspector,” whose where all our butter will be eaten self physically strong, mentally Kronenberg specializing in Higher matter make up the bulletin. It
awake and morally straight.”
Mathematics, and Miss Sherwood will be an invaluable guide to dai­
proper place in the scheme of things and where all our products can find
Turning to the schools, he said in English and Library Methods. rymen and farmers who wish to
is not to be designated here. Fur a market, long after the last sawlog
that the same principles applying The present session of the Summer construct and use silos.
ther, it might not be far off the has disappeared from our hills. The
to the churches would also apply to School has the largest attendance wishing copies may secure them up­
track to opine that if his headquar­ road to Roseburg is directly in line
the schools; that they must keep up in the history of the institution. on application to the Extension
ters are not in Portland there is a with inevitable future development.
with the march of civilization and
Division, O. A. C., Corvallis, Ore­
good string leading from that me­ Whether the time is now ripe for
tropolis of the North-West to some such a project remuins to be seen; must follow the changing require­
point in his internal economy where but those of little faith can at least ments of the times; that at this time
it was necessary for them to teach
The G enuine A rtist.
refrain from knocking.
the motive cells lie.
the various vocations necessary to
“la she really musical?’*
Since the above was in type it is society, and that their work should in Washington for burning slush
“A genuine artist. You should hear
GETS H IS W IRES CROSSED learned that the Roseburg people be laid along the practical line, without permit from a fire warden, her refrain from singing.”—Life.
Refening to what we said last have received positive assurance rather than that of merely theoreti­ damage amounting to perhaps
week about Colonel Roosevelt, the from a source of undoubted relia­ cal book instruction.
East Fork Items
Herald among other things avers bility that a bond issue of $500,000
Coming to a practical suggestion £5000 to logs and logging equip­
. ,
that “ Teddy was far stronger than will insure the building of the road to meet the situation here in Co­ ment in the f».me state through fires
either LaFollette, Hadley or Borah, from that city to Coos Bay, and quille in this year of 1914, Mr. A n­ in slashings, but no lo.s of green fbe njgbt of ^ 4tb in„f Dr
as was incontrovertibly proved by that they have now set their mark derson advocated the inauguration timber, is the Pacific Northwest fall sent „je.Hcjnoe to relieve the
the voice of the people themselves. at halt a million with the best of of gardening work among the chil­
record for June, the first month o f; pain and came out to see him Mon-
If he could not stand against the prospects that they can raise that dren, carried on by the public
the 1914 forest fire season, record- | day or Tuesday. The severe pains
Taft steam roller, neither could one amount.
school. He pointed out that there
are not racking him as they did at
of the others have secured the nom­
is plenty ot vacant land in and | 'DK t*30 bulletins received from first, he will probably be on his
about the city the use of which I several states by the Western For- feet again soon.
Got your wires crossed again. appearing in Everybody’s Maga­ would undoubtedly be given free estry & Conservation Association,
Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Eudicott of
Any one who kept in close touch zine, Barrels and Bottles; the liquor by the owners.
He said that he
All protective agencies were plac- L B,lipa creek moved to Brewstoj
with the reports of the Chicago publication of Indianapolis, says:
had had a talk with County Agri­
“ The cost ot pure whiskey with culturist Smith and that gentleman ed on the alert at the close of June Valley Saturday where they have a
convention two years ago knows
that the Taft men would gladly have
had assured him that he would be by the prospects of a drj-ing iiDer- contract in partnership with Roy
accepted either Hadley or Borah as about seven cents a gallon. In view glad to give all the information and ior wind, but the new forcast ser­ Alford to clear land for J. D. Laird.
Mrs. Ben Swanton and children
a candidate. “ Anything to beat of these facts let us see what be­ assistance in his power to any vice especially for forest fire condi­
of Marshfield who came up to M.
Roosevelt” was their slogan. But comes of the everment that the peo­ young people engaged in the work.
they too preferred to risk a three- ple of our country spend some two He cited the experience ot Portland tions which is supplied by the U. C Miller's last Sunday, went out on
cornered fight and the moral cer­ billions of dollars annually for in the last two years, and said that S. Weather Bureau soon reassured , , be Btnge Wednesday on their way
tainty of the election of a democrat, strong drink. Nine-tenths of the there are now 43 school gardens in them that the threatened high pres­ to her parent's borne at Forest
rather than accept Roosevelt as a outlay is for licenses, excises, im­ that city, 8100 children being inter­ sure in Western Canada h id split Grove. She will spend the summer
candidate, even though it was clear­ posts, taxes and the enormous cost ested in them. In addition, 3500 into two areas and the danger was, there and with her sister at Mt.
Hood. Mr. Swanton came up wilb
ly evident that the republican vot­ of espoinagt and collection, togeth­ children have home gardens, .0001 for ,be ti
the time, averte<
averted. ,. Nevertheless the stage Wednesday and went wilh
ers wanted Teddy. It was a fight er with the various species of graft, of the latter being also interested in 1 for
, ,
, .
them to Roseburg aud returned
to a finish between "Theodore” aud tribute and excessive profit involved the school gardens. He placed the ; »" Patro1 f'" ceB Bro b‘ ,nS
“ Bill;” but while Taft would have in the traffic. Drinkers pay it, matter of instituting such a plan : recruited for the season ai d about Friday.
consented to surrender the field to doubtless, but not for drink. Most heie before the meeting for discus- 2000 men will be on duty io a few
Mrs. Win. Bettys and Mr. Bett\s
another candidate, Roosevelt would of those two billions are blackmail.” sion.
¡days in Oregon, Washington, Idaho were up to see her brother J. D. j
The discussion that followed was nn{, Montnna
About 500 patrol I'airi1
A Friendly Hunch
Anothar thing, Taft deserved all
quite lively and was participated in
, . ,,
! Ira Howe who is with the Nas -1
he got. The man who as a candi­
by Messrs. Thomas, Darling, How- 1 wen "ro employed in es« >
J burg Grocery, Marshfield, came in
date promised the people tariff re­
Our esteemed comtemporary is ard, McCurdy, Kistner, Quick, 1 »he timber owners protective asso- ou the 8tage Thursday form his tri p
vision downward and as president warned that when he clips Sumner Knowlton, Jones, Clause^ Young, ciations, nearly 200 by the stales ito New York, Washington an 1 !
gave them tariff revision upward:! items (or anv o.ther kind) from the Stanley and others. A. J. Sherwood aud Government jointly ontsi le the other Eastern cities.
who got in as the residuary legatee Coos Bay Times it is a whole lot also made a suggestion that any
TheodoreS. Esslon »ml Mr. Sny-
of a progressive president and then safer to give credit. For instance, one interested in the matter of gar­ National Forests, and the others by
proceeded to kick progressive poli­ the late E O. Hall built his stave dens ought to see his daughter the Forest Service within the Na­ «ler drank out of Crater Lake June
cies out into the back yard, got just mill just north of Marshfield and it Emma's strawberry patch. No ob­ tional Forests The British Col- m- 27 th. They were the first men to
what was coming to him. As be­ is there yet, as every one over there jections were found to Mr. Ander­ bia Government Iso has 225 men the water this year and they hsd no
easy task as the trail was blocked
tween the two men we should have knows except the Times. He never son’s suggestion except that some
with snow drifts.
voted for Roosevelt a thousand built a stave mill at Sumner; there thought it not broad enough and
July hazard to guard against
Mrs. Knowlton »nd her girls of
times before we would for Taft never was a stave mill at Sumner; that any plan adopted should cover
other than from campfires, is report the X. T. C- went past Mountain
there never will be a stave mill at a wider field.
For the standpatter we have no Sumner.
i Finally a resolution was adopted ed to lie chiefly in slash burning to Glade, headed upstream.
The Social Whirl
over Pricesj
¡Shoes! Shots!
1200 PAIRS 1
• m u s t GO
The Coquille Herald
A Few Days Left
So don’t put oil* coining any longer or
you will lie too late. We still have
over 1200 pairs of these fine shoes
and every pair must go, so we have
made the prices still lower.
Sale Prices
Reduced 1=2
Just think of it! We are selling these
shoes cheaper than ever before. We
have sold over 3000 pairs of shoes to
people in and around Coquille since
this sale has been open, and we have
yet to hear of a dissatisfied customer.
That’s surely a good advertisement.
Ask anyone who has bought shoes at
our sale and they will tell you they
are not only satisfied but highly
Bring Your Family
it will pay anyone to come from miles
around, we have shoes of every des­
cription for men, women and children
so if you want two, three or four pairs
of shoes for the price of one pair
Walker & Skeels
Lyons Building
Front Street
Next to Oregon Power Company’s Office
| Open
Every Pair is Sold |
Herald Ads Bring Business
A n n ou n cem en t
I l A V I N G leased the plant of the Co-
quille Mill and Mercantile Com­
pany, the undersigned is now prepared
to fill all orders for any kind of
Especial attention will be paid to the
local demand, and every effort will be
made to supply anything needed at the
shortest possible notice.
Your orders
are solicited.