<5JThe Herald, the old estab­ lished reliable newspaper of the Cotjuille V a lle y in which an “ ad” always brings results. V O L . 32, NO. T he C oquille H erald C O Q U IL L E , 41 CITYD1 RECTORY FROM THF NATIONAL CAPITAL Fraternal and Benevolent Orders F. 4 A. M.—Regular meeting ol . Chadwick Lodge No. 08 A. F. A A. M.. at Masonic Hall, every Saturday nuiht in each montli on or liefore the full moon. D. D. P ikiu - k , W. M. K. H. Masr. Secretary. A S.—Regular meet inn of Beulah O F, . Chapter No. 0, second and fourtn Events of Interest Reported For The Herald (By J. E. Jones) S W E L T E R IN G A N D S T A T E S M A N S H IP COOS Ç O U N TY , tives of these bodies. Representa­ tives of public lands interests ol the west have also been looked upon with favor in Washington. The people who are most apt to be ac­ cused of lobbying are those who represent manufacturing and com­ mercial enterprises, and there bas been some resentment expressed in regard to this by some of the people who have been fighting for what they believe to be the rights of man­ ufacturing and industrial interests. One manufacturer has complained that "W hen we send representa- lives lo the Capital lo keep us ad- . r vised upon our own matters, and present our views in relation thereto, we are accused of keeping a secret and dangerous, if not a cor­ rupt, lobby.” This charge has drawn a response from the President, who was the original discover of the “ insidious Obstreperous politicians have Friilay evenings of each month, in Ma­ given up all hope ol adjourning sonic Hall. ... Congress, and it is «aid that the M a b y A. P ik u c k , W. M. A nna L awrence Se c., Democratic leadeis are agreed with i o . o . F.—OaqstUa Lodga No.63, 1 . o. President Wilson ' ’.at the anti trust 1 . O. F., meet« every Saturilay night legislation tuust be on the statute n Odd Fellows Hall. hooks before the final curtain is C. H. C l ba v k b , N. G. . J. 8 . LAWRENCE, Sec. rung down on the present session. AM IK R E B E K a H LODGE, No. 20 Iu Boston, a favorite "humorist" I. (J. ( F..-meets every second and has remarked that "when the days fourth Wednesday nights in Odd Fellows begin to shorten the heat begins to Hall. E mily H e re by , N. G, A nnie L a wre nc e , Sec. hotten." In support of the New /"•O Q O ILLB ENCAM PM ENT. N o . 25 England rbymster it is observed I. O. O. F., meets the first and third that since the twenty-second of June Thursday nights in Odd Fellows Hall. J. S. B a r t o n , 0. P . the weather has been so hot in the J. S . L a w k k n c b , Sec. National Capital that the pavements ■ i r NIGHTS OF P YT I1 IA S .—Lycurgus have furnished an elasticity that Iobl,y-’ He “ *• that he beI,eveS l\ . Lodge No. 72, meets Tuesday nights ought to make the ad-wri ters for tbat tbe rea* reP,esentat' ves °f all in W. O. W. Hall. _ „ interests have a perfect right to K. K . W a tso n , K R . S. O ’Sullivan’s rubber heels green with O. A . M i nt ony k , C . C . j make their case known at the Na- euvy, because of their lack of pow _ | ticnal Capital, but he draws the line i n Y T H IA N SISTERS—Justus Temple er ot description. The geueral no­ 1 No. 35, meets first and Third Mon­ upon that class ot representatives tion that a Senator or a Represent day nights iu W. O. W. Hall. M rs . G kukgk D a v i s , M . E . C . ative is a big fat man who finds it who send out form letters and get M rs . F red L inkoah , K. of R • perspiring . - people necessary to mop . his r r to sign them up” all over ED M E N — Cooullle Trihe No. 46, 1. , ,, , • c tbe country, and fire them in upon ’ K O. R. M., meets every Friday night countenance with a handkerchief, . . . . . t . the Capital When the parcel post in W. O. W. Hall. about the size of a pillow-case, is a v r r J. S. B a r t o n , Sachem. ..... c . , , . . .. , . , I was before Congress there were little far ietched— but the fats and [ s A. P. M illkr , C. of R. hundreds of thousands of such com- tbe leans who are saving the coun- | W. A. -Regular meetings of Bea- . a • . , . • ., munications, both lor and against ** • ver Camp No. 10.550 in M. W . A. try actually do nourish best in the j _____ Hall, Front s tr e e t , first and third Sat­ shade. Most of them are apt to be 1 the measure. urdays in each month. ! P R E S ID E N T P R E A C H E S P R O S P E R IT Y discovered arrayed in light flannel C. D. H ud son , Consul. President Wilson appears to be L l H. I bv in k , Clerk. or duck suits, and the negligee cos- N. A.— Regular meeting of Laurel tume is completed with tailored silk ; lbe Pr*nc'Pa* prosperity booster, , , . . . and it does not make much diner- . Camp No. 2972 at M. W. A . Hall, . . . and white shoes The net re- Front street, Becond and fourth Tues­ shirts . .... ... . , ence what sort of stories are told suit is that iu Washington people ; day nights in each month. M a r y K e r n , Ora cle . , . about hard-tunes, he insists that appear much as they do in the trop-1 E dna K k u . e y , Rec. . ,, . r /, ’ the golden age of prosperity is just lcs. The older members of Congress “ ” * 1 * O. W .— Myrtle Camp No. 197. , . , . ... ahead. The President has turned • meets every Wednesday at 7:30 have spent their summers at the , ... ., down suggestions that Congress ad- p. in. at W. O. W. Hall. Capital for six years, and with the i . * Lee Currie, C. C. . . . ... .. . ... journ until the trust bills are coin- heat to goad them, even the bellig- J J ohn L e n k ve , Sec. . , . .. . . -Ipleted. After these bills are out of erents have giveu up the ghost of r . , . , the way there will be adjournment 1 ’ VK N IN G TID E C IR C LE No. 214, d “ ” ‘ I I , meets second and fourth Monday resistance, and surrendered to the wishes of the Administration. In 3,1 Peace- ^ nights in W. O. W. Hall. O r a X. M a u r y , G. N. fact, a good many of the mighty so- M a r y A . P ie r c e , C le r k . Potato Industry lons aie in an almost comatose cod 'A R M E R S U N IO N .— Regular meet­ dition, and are quite willing to put Under the Probe ings second ami fourth Saturdays in through almost any kind ot anti­ eacli month in W. O. W. Hall. F rank B ur kh ol d er , Pres. trust bills, providing they can has­ j University of Oregon, Eugene,— O. A. M inton yk , Sec. ten the return to their own baliwicks “ What’s the matter with tbe potato?” is one of the first questions attacked r a t e r n a l a i d n o . 398, meets the and give their attention to their po­ second and fourth Thursdays each I litical fences, which in many cases by tbe Department of Industrial month at W. O. W. Hall. Survey in the new School of Com­ M rs . C i ia s . E v l a n d , Pres. are badly out of repair. Last year M rs . L ora H arrington , Sec. merce and Administration at the Congress bad a continuous perfor­ Educational Organizations and Clubs mance, and there was no vacation, University of Oregon. The director , , ’ ! of the survey, Hon. H. B. Miller, is ■” ’ o q i T i l l h e d u c a t i o n a l and as the time approaches when LE AG U E —Meets monthly at the the frost will be on the pumpkin | collecting a vast amount of data on High School Building during the school year for the purpose ol discussing edu- and the fodder in the shock, swelt- the e08t of Production, transporta- , t tion cost, middleman’s profits, price cational topics. eriog statesmen hope to forswear . . . R e n a A n d e r s o n , Pies. to consumer, quality of product, head-achy politics, and renew their E d n a M i n a k o , Sec. shipping conditions aDd facts and T ’-O K E E L KI.UB— A business men’s friendly relations with old cronies figures tending to show the prob­ ■TV social organization. Hall in Laird’ s and neighbors. It is a queer sort able effect on the potato industry building, Second street. of a statesman that is not ready to A. J. S herwood . Pies. of the recent removal of the protec­ F red S l a g l e , Sec. say “ amen" to the demand of the tive tariff. o m m e r c ia l c l u e l . i i . H a z a r d country that Congress adjourn. “ Sometimes the potato dealer has President; C. A. HowARD.Secretary L I V E S T O C K ON T H E R A N G E S a fair general knowledge of his par­ Transportation Facilities The forest service makes the sate- ticular phase of tbe potato business 'R A IN S —Leave, south bound 9:00 a. ment that at least one-twentieth of but this knowlege is not at tbe ser­ m. and 3:00 p. m. North bound tbe stock bred on the open ranges vice of ei.her the producer or tbe »0:40 a. m. and 4:40 p. m. of tbe west dies before it reaches consumer,’’ says director Miller. {O A TS—Six boats plying on the Co- The waste in western "We are collecting this material for t quille river afford ample accommo­ market age. dation lor carrying freight and p.asen live stock bred on the open rauge is the general good of all concerned, gers to Randou and way points. Boats leave at 7:30, 8:30, 9:20 and 9:S0 a. m. is said to add millions of dollars to There is not in existence, anywhere and at 1:00, 3 :30 and 4 :45 p. m.________ the people’s meat bills, and gives a comprehensive analysis of tbe TAG E—J. L. Laird, proprietor. De­ one more cause for the high cost of potato industry, such as we are parts 5:30 p. ni. for Loseburg via Exposure is the principal ■ working out. Who knows what Myrtle Point,carrying the United Slates living. mail and pasengers. __ cause assigned for the large death i will be the effect of the recent re­ It is quite inter-1 moval of the tariff? Who knows i j OSTOFFICE.—A. F. Lincgar. jiost- rate among stock 1 master. The mails close as follows: estiog to note that the development just how many potatoes Japan Myrtle Point 8:40 a. m. and 2:35 p. m. Marshfield 10:15 a. in. and 4:15 p. in. of the west has not materially re- ’ »'ill be shipping to our shores in Bandon and way points,7 a m. Norway duced the number of animals which one year or two? What potato and Aragol2:45 p.m. Eastern mail 4:15 prey upon domestic live stock, and grower really knows with what cou- a. m. Eastern mail arrives 10: p. m. the forest service estimates that sev- ditioos he is competing? Thick of eral million dollars worth of stock the advantage to him of .being able C ity and County O fficers Mayor............................. A. T. Morrison is killed annually by wild beasts, to figure the exact cost of plowing, Recorder.........................J. 8. Lawrence However, during the past eight j of fertilizing, of planting, of culti- Treasurer...........................R. H. Mast years forest officers have killed over j vating, of shipping, of marketing City Attorney L. A. Liljeqvist Engineer.................... P. M. Hall-Lewis 35 ooo predatory animals, consist- his products and of knowing how Marshal.............................. A. I*. Miller Night Marshal............. Oscar WicKham ing of coyotes, wolves, hears, moun- these costs run in other producing Water Superintendent S. V. Epperson tain lions, etc. Another phase districts. Now, he doesn’t even Fire Chie,...........................W. C. Chase of foiestry is contained in a com- j knon what his handicap is. or if be Conncilmen —D. D, Pierce, C. T. Skeels C. I. Kime, G. O. Leach, W. H. Ly­ nrunication from an Arizona Indian has any. ons, O. C. Sanford. Regular meetings first and third Mondavs each month. chief, read in tbe Senate a few days | “ The purpose of our Industrial ago, in which the claim was made Survey Department is to eliminate Justice of the Peace .1. J. Stanley that the national forests were al- guessing so far as possible from one Constable ....................Ned C. Kelley ready overcrowded with stock. The industry after another in Oregon, Indian further went on to say that and to give that foundation of fact County Judge John T. Hall Commissioners—W. T. Dement, Geo. J. his people could not compete with which will make Oregon investments Armstrong the white man as stock-raisers, and HU<1 profitable and bring pros- C lerk .............................. James Watson j 8 • Sheriff ........................... W. W. Gsge made a plea for money appropria- Perit-' Treasurer..................... T. M. Dimmick lions instead of continued allot- . „ _ _ „ Assessor .........................T. J. Thrift I . . . AH For a Dollar School Sujit. Raymond E. Baker | ments of live slock M OREGON, TU ESD AY, JU LY 7, M W P h o to s o f y a c h t s by A m e r ic a n P r e s s A s s o c ia tio n . HE Shamrock IV. Is a very capable craft, according to Impartial experts who have Inspected her, and there Is no doubt that she will prove a d an gerou s Cactor In the forthcoming races for the America’s cup. The ilnes of the challenger have caused considerable comment. She Is a combination of a scow design end a deep keel boat, with a flattened cut water Intended to evade certain provisions in the rules irovernlnx the cup contests. The Illustration shows the Shamrock IV.. at the recent launching. At the lower .left hand corner Is the America’s cup. At the lower right hand corner Is tbe Resolute, the prospective defender, built by members of the New York Xacht club. T Getting Closer to the People How One Home Merchant ------ Put Outside Competitor Frank L. Burkholder, general “On the Run.” superintendent of the Southern -------- Pacific lines id Oregon,-is a young This is no theory framed up in man who was promoted from dis­ some city guy’s office. Here is trict engineer to his present promi­ something that actually happened. nent position. In his recent tour That is, here is how one merchant over the lines in Oregon he empha­ put his out-of-town competitor on sized the fact tbat he and his asso­ the run. ciates in charge of tbe Southern It happened in a country town Pacific properties were anxious to in Ohio. Two carloads of goods— get close to tbe people aDd do the staple necessities oflife— wire stand­ things the people most wanted dooe. ing on the side track. They had He says “ Had railroad officials felt been shipped in from Dayton to fill this way 25 years ago when Vander­ a demand, supplied by an outside bilt uttered his much quoted words, salesman who had happened to be ’ the people be d----- d,’ much of the in town with the proper bunco to unfriendly legislation of which tbe "get away with the orders,” — and railroads now complain would never that, too, at prices a shade higher have been enacted. Tbe railroads (plus the freight) than the local and other big corporations have merchants’ quotations on the same themselves to blame for tbe position articles delivered at the customer’s the public has taken and for much door. This struck me as rather of the antagonism that exists. While amazing and I thereupon investi­ government control is perfectly gated the cause of the unfortunate proper, it has during its experiment­ situation. al stages gone to such an extent Dropping into the leading grocery that money to be used in construc­ store of the town, I inquired why tion work is hard to get. Unfriend­ they didn’t stop this intrusion into ly legislation and too much regula­ their trade. "H ow are you going tion has cut down earnings to such to stop it," growled the "boss.” a point tbat it is hard to secure "Advertise!” I retorted. "Adver- money to make necessary repairs. r . „ , tise?” replied the grocer, "why, I ’m I believe the tide is slowly turning ,.. . . , . , , , i one of the best customers our local and that the people, from whom paper has. I think I ’ve had some­ the railroads must get money to thing in every week for nigh on pay the interest on its loan, will in twenty years, but I don’t see as I a few years be willing that the rail­ realize any difference My name is roads make a fair profit to be turn­ ; known anywhere within trading ed into reasonable dividends and distance ot here anyhow.” Then I into construction work. It is now I lit into him, "Now, my friend, tbat time for cooperation. Only in this | is just it. Your name is known way can the railroads prosper and well enough But how about your bring prosperity to those depend­ goods? You know there is advertis­ ent upon them.” ing and then there is advertising. One kind spreads your name all Mineral in Washington over everything until your goods are hidden behind your uame. The output of the gold, silver, There is no use of your paying the copper, and lead mitiesin Washing­ local paper for telling the peo­ ton in 1913, according to C. N. ple what your name is. What you Gerry, of the United States Geologi- want to do is to stimulate an inter­ Survey, was valued at $1,053,135, est in your goods. Put out a ‘ Lead­ compared with $1,120,214 in 1912. er’ every week. Make the price on The decrease was due to lower met­ one particular commodity so attract­ al prices and a smaller production ive that it will draw customers into of silver and copper. The gold out­ your store. Once in, they will see put has a value of $696,275; the something else they need, won’t production of silver decreased from they? 413.538 ounces in 1912 to 331,239 Surveyor........................................A. N. Gould "Feature your ‘Leader’ in the lo­ Coroner F. E. Wilson W H O ’ S WHO IN LO B B Y I S T S Mrs. E. E.Teichgraeber.a d e l i g b t - ounces in 1913 The copper pro­ Health Officer Dr. Walter Culin A number of organizations in fu] matron of Emporia, her ebarm- duction likewise decreased from cal paper in a different setting. Be Wathington have no other excuse little daughter, Laura, and inter­ 1,086,010 pounds iu ig t 2 to 954,081 sure now. Make it different. You ior existence than to secure favor- rating young son, Oscar, paid their | pounds in 1913. Lead production know, the people never think of Societies will get the very best able legislation. Among these are ,,nlU8! * th* «epubliean office increased from 127 387 pounds in looking for your old Ad, and they , . on Wednesday morning to pay 191210202487 pounds in 1913- P R IN T IN G couldn't find it if they did. It is tbe labor and agricultural organiza-, subscription more than a year There were productive properties at the office o f Coquille Herald tions Yet no one has ever ques- j iD advance.— Iota, Kansas, Repub- of which 12 were placers and 45 obscured by its uniformity and ut­ terly buried in a crowded mass of lode mines. tioned the rights of the represent#-1lican. F F C C I Bc S o'her matter of identical type and general appearance. And t h e n what’s'the use. Tne people already know your name. Therefore, just for a trial of six weeks, buy tour times the space. Leave a good va­ cant margin around yourself just for accentuation, tbat is, just to make em see you. Aud obove all things, give prominence 10 the A R T IC L E aud the SPECIA L PRICE. Make it appeal to tbe shopper’s frenzy for bargains, and they will come with a rush. Never mind your name. They won’t miss your store. Here’s why: This same special ’leader’ will monopolize your whole front window. They can’t get by with­ out noticiug that your store looks different. "N ext week focus your forces ou some other special LEADER, and so ou for six weeks ” SEQUEL: He did just as I told him. Other live merchants did likewise. CONSEQUENCE: Not another cat load of foreign goods has been shipped into that town since! "N u f said.” — Ex. Y E A R $ 1 .5 0 STATE INDUSTRIAL REVIEW Compiled by State Bureau of Industries and Statistics Huntington is building a munici­ pal ball. Hubbard has an artificial ice factory. Brooks shipped a carload of lo­ ganberries a day. Eugene may get a box and egg crate factory. Geo. Schoppert will build a cheese factory near Dotph. Hood River will vote on $75,000 road bond issue July 15. Molíala will get a $10,000 water system pumped from well. Independence merchants demand establishment of a cannery. A new creamery will be built at Hood River on the water front. Contract has been let fot the new $2o,oor Grande Ronde hospital. The State Mining Bureau is to investigate the Lake county salt beds. Subscription Laws R R PER 1914. The Shamrock IV., America’s Cup and Yacht Resolute •JJob Printing— N e w presses new material and experienced workmen. A guarantee that Herald printing w ill please The East Oregon Lumber Co. will build a 120,000 mill at Enter­ Mf-st readers of newspap rs aDd prise m a n y publishers are Dot familiar Laureljurst, suburb of Portland, with the laws guveroing Rubscrip- will have a new $16,000 catholic tions. Here are the decisions of the church. United States court ou the subject. T. B. Breck ot Vineland, N. J. They will be interesting to publish­ will establish a grape juice factory ers and many will undoubtedly be in Oregon. glad of the opportunity to priDt The Towsend Creamery Co. has them for the benefit of delinquent opened its new plant at Portland subscribers. “Subscribers who do not give ex­ costing $130,000. Ashland voted $175,000 bonds to press notice to the contrary are con- aideied as wishing to renew their pipe mineral water into city and build a sanatarium. subscriptions. “If the subscribers order a dis­ The Port of Umpqua will enjarge continuance of their publication the its boundaries in order to make publisher may continue to send needed improvements. them until all dues are paid. Henry Albers of the Albers Mill­ “ If the subscriber refuses to take ing Co. will tour South Africa for periodicals from the post office to extensions of business. which they are directed he is respon­ The Oregon Industry League has sible until he has settled his bill and been formed to boost Oregon facto- ordered the paper discontinued. tories and institutions. “If subscribers move to other pla The Georgianna, a new Colum­ ces without informing tbe publisher bia river steamer, bas been launched and the papers are sent to the form­ at the Supple shipyard. Portland. er address, the subscriber is held The complaint against the Cot­ responsible. tage Grove Electric Co. has been “The courts have held that refus­ ing to take periodicals from the post dismissed by the Railroad Commis­ office or removing and leaving them sion. uncalled for is prims facie evidence of intention to defraud. “If subscribers pay in advance, they are bound to give Dotice at the end of the time if they do not wish to continue taking it, otherwise the subscriber is responsible until ex­ press notice with pay ment of all arrearage is sent to the publisher.” — | Marshfield Evening Record. Look Out, Mr. Poisoner It seems that the dog poisoner has been perniciously active over on the Bay and the Record calls attention to those provisions of the law which impose heavy penalties for that sort of thing. Two sec­ tions of Lord’s Oregon Laws are given as follows: Sec. 1969. If any person shall maliciously or wantonly kill,wound, disfigure, or injure any animal tbe property of another or shall willful­ ly administer any poison to any such animal, or shall maliciously expose any poison with intent that the same shall be taken by any such animal, or shall maliciously or wantonly in any manner or by any means, not otherwise particularly specified in this chapter, destroy, or injure any personal property of another, such persons upon con­ viction thereof shall be punished by imprisonment in the penitentiary not less than six months nor more than three years, or by imprison­ ment in the countv jail not less than three months nor more 'ban one year, or by a fine of not less thin $50 nor more than $1000 Sec. 1970 If any person shall put out or place any poison where the same is liable to be eaten by any horse, cattle, sheep, hogs or other domestic animal of value, the property of another, with intent to poison such animal, such persons upon conviction thereof, shall be punished by imprisonment in the penitentiary not less than one or more than five years.or by imprison­ ment in the county jail not less than three or more than 12 months, or by fine of not less than $100 or more than $moo. Portland business men will sub­ mit a bill to amend the constitution to make Single Tax impossible in Oregon. Salmon Mountain Mining Co., Curry County, has uncovered a ledge that assays as high as $30,000 per ton. Engineer Galvani of the Pacific Light and Power Co. will begin work at once on the new streetcar lines in Astoria. Portland designs to span the rail­ road shops at Holgate Avenue with a viaduct costing $t 10,000, tailroads to pay one halt. Albany has let the construction of ninth street to the Asphalt Ma­ chinery Co. of Seattle, as part of the Pacific Highway. Oregon Manufacturers Associa­ tion will ask for a law to give home industries a five per cent preferen­ tial in public bids. Another tax commission is to be created to revise the Oregon taxa­ tion system after studying the tax laws of all countries. The Oregon Power Co. will sup­ ply the Booth-Kelly sawmill com­ pany at Springfield with 2,000 horsepower of current. The Workingmen’s Compensa­ tion Commission has appointed a chief medical expert and bought a skeleton for its main medical office. The State University School of Commerce just created will under­ take a study of markets and indus­ tries and development of electric plants. During the past week final obsta­ cles to conveying the locks and can­ al at Oregon City have been re­ moved, tbe Portland General Elec­ tric Co conceding states paramount right to water. The Crescent Manufacturing Co. ot Seattle is contesting the validity of the Oregon Pure Food law against which many hotel and busi­ ness men are protesting. The law is taken into the federal courts.