Coquille herald. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1905-1917, June 30, 1914, Image 2

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Do You Kodak?! M - P -
If not, let us show you how
If you do, let us do your
and Printing
tliey would back him up in his fight
for their good. In tact, the phase
of his character that has done the
most to endear him to the people is
Entered us second clans m atter May his courage and his ability as an
8, 1905. at tlie post office a t Coquille, uncompromising scrapper.
Oregon, under act of Congress oi March
It was Roosevelt who showed
S, 1879.
the politicians that it was possible
I'. C. LEVAR, Lessee.
to stay in public life without cater­
Devoted to the m aterial and social ing to those sinister forces that
upbuilding of the Coquille Valley p a r­ , were doing so much to make
ticularly and of Coos County generally. ; thoughtful people doubt the per­
Subscription, $1.50 per year in advance manence of popular government in
i this country. He has many imita­
Phone Main 381,
tors now— and they are not all in
Those lolks who are finicky about the Republican party. It was Taft’s
the meaning ol words are informed utter failure to follow Roosevelt’s
that we know that word "illusive,” course, and his supine surrender to
used on the first page of this issue the discredited stand-pat and reac­
in reference to the Miller case, tionary forces that made it possible
should be "elusive.” Tbe first is a for Woodrow Wilson to come to
good word, too, but not exactly the front by following tbe trail that
what is meant. But some people had been plainly blazed by Teddy
always get mixed up when they himself. It was the change in pub­
lic sentiment brought abont by The­
try to use that kind of language.
odore Roosevelt that enabled Wil­
liam J. Bryan to emerge from the
Relerring to the throat trouble comparative obscurity to which
that has caused Colonel Roosevelt’s "the interests” had consigned him
physicians to order him to refrain and take his place in one of the
as much as possible from speech­ highest offices in the country. Both
making, an esteemed contemporary Wilson and Bryan are entitled to all
honor for their own coutage and
“ A very timely throat trouble devotion to principle, but those vety
will prevent Teddy from talking qualities would have kept them in
until he sees which way the cat is the background but for the pioneer
going to jump.”
work of Theodore Roosevelt.
The astounding wisdom of this
To intimate, in the face of Roose­
observation is apparent when we velt’s record, that he lacks the cour­
consider that one of the great ob­ age of his convictions, that he is a
jections which the old-timers have truckler or a time-server is — foolish,
always found to Teddy's methods to draw it mildly. Its foolishness
was that he talked too much and will be fully apparent when it is
too plainly; too straight from the seen that, though his physicians
shoulder and with too little minc­ may curtail his public speaking,
ing ol words. When he was in the they will not prevent him from get­
presidential chair he had too little ting what he wants to say into cir­
hesitancy about calling a spade a culation and before the people.
spade or a rich thief a “ malefactor There are people known as news­
of great wealth.”
He was not paper reporter in the Eastern sec­
considerate enough of the feelings tion of this country who will be
ol “ big business ”
He was too glad to catch the slightest whisper
prone to denounce the predatory from the Colonel’s lips and to re­
classes, of whom all his predeces­ port it to their readers. And there
sors had stood in fear. He was the won’t be any waiting on the cat,
pioneer in giving expression from either.
his exalted position to those feel­
ings which had been coming more
F ellow ship M eetings
and more to he the feelings of every
good citizen who was not blinded
The Fellowship Meeting held
by his own little, or big, graft. He
was the first leading politician to Thursday brought out a very small
have the courage to defy "the in- attendance, only about 14 people
terests” aud to have faith enough in being present. Through some mis­
the American people to believe that understanding, the dinner was not
The Coquille Herald
Go the prices at the shoe sale being con­
ducted in the Lyons building, next door
to the Oregon Power Co.
The Stock is Going Fast
There has been a rush of bargain-lovers
since this sale opened, and they have
carried away the goods by the armful.
No sale has failed except through inabili­
ty to fit the customer.
If You Can Find
What you want here we can agree on the
price, for we are determined to close out
these shoes at the earliest possible date.
But don’t put off coming until it is too
. Testor & Skeels.
h h ì m
O f Interest to T hose W ho
Patronize th e M ovies
The Coquille shows have been
doing a good business for the
past few weeks and have shown
some excellent pictures.
Little Bobbie Connelly, who was
shown in two Vitagraphs at the
Scenic last week, is a lemarkable
kid actor, for his age. The Edison
company is also featuring a small
boy in the "A n d y ” pictures who is
a good one.
Manager Hall, of the Grand, has
received remarkable news to the
effect that Mary Fuller has left the
Edison company and joined the
Universal forces, by whom she will
be featured. Miss Fuller has made
a great reputation with the Vita-
graph and Edison companies, but
her later work has not seemed to
this fan to fulfill the promise of her
earlier pictures.
The Kathlyu series of pictures
seems to have good drawing power
and to be very pleasing to those
who like them, as they pull good
houses to the Scenic.
The Scenic has secured the "P er­
ils of Pauline” series, to commence
in the near future. Pearl White,
formerly with Pathe and recently
with the Crystal, one of the hand­
somest and cleverest of the movie
actresses, is featured in a series of
thrilling adventures, supported by
Crane Wilbur and some of the best
of the Pathe players. The pictures
should be well worth seeing.
Florence Lawrence, the old "B io­
graph G irl” and the queen of the
movies, was seen again at the
Grand Sunday evening. She has
lost none of her old cleverness or
charm, and she is fairly well sup­
ported in the Victor pictures.
The coming is announced cf
“ Zingo,” a submarine featuring
Annette Kellerman.
Jas. O ’ Brien, of Coaledo, was ex
»mined last week before Justice
Stanley on tbe charge of hiving
robbed E. Bargeron, tbe Coaledo
store keeper, ot a purse containging
$185 in cash and nearly $300 in
checks, and was held to the next
grand jury, bonds being placed at
$500. According to the testimony,
O’ Brien slept at Barger son’» place
the night of the robbery and was
discovered in Bargeron’* room dur­
ing the night, the purse being
missed in the morning
All had
been driukitig.
As I am over-stocked with clothing and need
the room for fall shipments, I make an offer
■ Here it is - Read! ■
W ith every suit of clothes over
and above $17.50 I am going to
give a $3.00 Lorenz Special
H AT or a pair of $ 4 .0 0 SHOES
Here is your chance to save money and get
ready for the 4th of July. We carry the most
Complete aud Up-to-date Stock of Men’s
Furnishings in town.
A “Terrible S w ed e”
H eld For R obbery
As the Stock Grows Smaller,
Your Dollars Grows Larger
m h h ì ì ì )& j h m
The justly famous “ tall and short
man" got iu their work 8utuul <y
night by holding up three automo­
biles on the road betweeu North
Bend and Empire aud relieving
drivers and parser,gem of their valu­
ables. Something over $50 was the
the sum secured in money aud con­
siderable jewelry wss ills i taken So
far us known only two men were en­
gaged in the hold-up They wore|
musks and seem to have ma le a
clean get-away.
The putties who!
were stood up seem to have lieeu
too badly rattled to give any accu­
rate description of the robin rs. Sher-.
iff Gage and Deputy Clyde Gage j
have spent considerable time on I he
hunt, hut, so far, without result. The |
hold-up took place at the edge of
the green timber west of Bangor,
and the robbers forced ore of the
drivers to bring them a short dis­
tance this way from tbe scene and
there they disappeared most effect­
The placid sum m er-resort atm osphere
of B rew ster valley was greatly a g ita t­
ed for some hours last week by the an­
tics of one M att Hahn, a "terrib le
S w ede,” who has been in this county
since the 8th of June and had worked
in a Sm ith-Pow ers camp long enough
to acquire th e w here-w ithal for the pur­
chase of a quantity of bugjuice. In his
progress along the road he frightened a
num ber of women and spread te rro r
through the neighborhood. Finally a
num ber of the male residents ambushed
him a t the Claud W aters place and
compelled him to surrender a t the point
of several rifles. Though he had been
th rea te n in g to shoot, he was found un-
arm ed. Clyc de Gage w ent and brought
him in on Thursday,
and he is now in
the county jail.
W ants North Side Man
Mayor Morrison has in contem­
plation the appointment of some
man from the north side of tbs city
to fill the existing vacancy on the
council and he is carefully canvass­
ing the situation in order to make a
choice that will be satisfactory ail
around. He considers that the wish
of that part of the city to have some
representation on the council has
reason behind it. and will try to
make a satisfactory appointment
from that part of town.
M arriage L icenses
Harry O. Saindan and Mary L.
M. A. Dano and Mary E. Mahon­
Harry Runn and Hilda JohnsoD.
Jas. L. Ferry, Jr. and Flora M
Robt. E. Taylor and Hazel E.
John O. Lee and Martha Talbot
valley was a cracking good game,
John M artinson (by sheriff) to K ath­
and tbe result was in doubt up to erine Stem m ier, tax deed lots 1 & 2 blk
the first half of tbe niDtb ioning 3 J . H . Roberts add to M yrtle Point.
when the Bay team worked in a
couple of runs, making the score
John G rant et u x to Geo. W. Jam es
three to one in their favor. Coquille
failed to Bcore and the game ended et al, Contracl to sell lots 2, 3, & 6 blk
with applause from the Bay side 49, Nasburg add to M yrtle Point. *2100
U. S. Land Office to Jam es W. Car­
Without doubt the result would m an, R egister’s receipt lot 4, sec 20 twp
have been different but for one de­ 29 s r 12 w w b i .
cision of the umpire which was very
Ju n e 13
palpably a mistake, arising from the
Paris W ard et ux to Aurora W illard
fact that he was too far from the
foul line to see that the ball war deed lots »>, 7, 8, 9, 10, blk 14 Wool­
landed outside. As his decisions en Mill add to i’andon.
had been fair, the Coquille team ac­
B ertha Glazier e t vir to E M. Surface
cepted his view without the great et ux, w ar deed lot 20 blk 10, Edmon-
display of rag chewing that is usual stons add to Marshfield.
on such occasions, although it was
W. W . Endicott e t ux to Chas F.
disastrous to them, displaying a Allen, war deed n o f se1^ sec 9 twp
sportsmanlike spirit that was most 30 s r 13 w w m.
While there was a large attend-,
anee from neither tbe Bay nor Myr- war deed lots 19 & 20, blk 10, Bay Park.
the Poiut, there was a good crowd
at the game, and the people cer­
tainly got their money's worth.
John Johnson to H annah Johnson,
I m
H ighw ay Robbery
Reported for The H erald by the Title
G uarantee and A b stra ct Co.
Ju n e 11
W alter F arrier et ux to R . P. H unt
war deed parcel of land in sec 30 twp
28 8 r 14 w w m.
Ju n e 12
B ay Side W ins
G. A. Hoffman e t ux to F rank A.
The ball game pulled off on the T arran t, war deed lots 9 & 10 blk 14
Coquille grounds Sunday between E dm onstons Second add to Marshfield.
picked nines from the Bay and this
* 0 0 WN! *
The Standard Skin Remedy
R e l i e f for all Skin Troubles
C. J. F U H R M A N , Druggist
served by the ladies of the M. E.
Church, as had been intended, but
was provided by M. M Young ol
the New England house.
smallness cf the attendance caused
a financial defict that was made up
among those present.
C. R Bar-
row delivered his address on “ Can
a Man Photograph His thoughts in
His Body,” showing great familiar­
ity with bis subject, and this was
tollowed by a general discussion
The meeting which was postponed
from June 18th will be held on July
qtb. The dinner will lie served by
the ladies ol the Christian Church.
H. O. Anderson will deliver his ad­
dress on “ Nature’s Safty Value,’’
to a mixed audience of ladies
and gentlemen.
The Herald is
asked to inform the public that
there is no obligation to attend the
dinner on the part of those who
wish to attend tbe meeting and
hear the addiesses and discussion,
as the latter part of the program is
held in an adjoining hall after the
dinner is over.
It was decided at the last meeting
that Mr Barrow should deliver a
part of bis address to a mixed aud­
ience of ladies and gentlemen at
some later date, probably July 23rd.
-------- for I S years--------
war deed parcel of land adjoining blk 21,
Bandon, and in sec 30, tp 28 s r 15 w
w m.
S t a t e o f O h io , c i ty o f T o le d o , l 99
L u c a s C o u n ty .
1 *
F r a n k J . C h e n e y m a k e s o a t h t h a t h e Is
s e n io r p a r t n e r « ( t h e A rm o f F . J . C h e n e y
A C o ., d o in g b u s in e s s in t h e C ity o f T o ­
le d o , C o u n ty a n d S t a t e a f o r e s a i d , a n d
t h a t s a id firm w ill p a y t h e s u m o f O N E
H U N D R E D D O L LA R S fo r each and ev­
e r y c a s e o f C a t a r r h t h a t c a n n o t b e c u re d
b y t h e u s o o f H A L L 'S C A T A R R H C U R E .
S w o r n t o b e f r e m o a n d s u b s c r ib e d in
Tny p r e s e n c e , th i s 6 th d a y o f D e c e m b e r,
A ( S ? il) l i J'
a . W . GLEASON.
N o t a r y F u b lic .
H a ll’s C a t a r r h C ur® is t a k e n i n t e r n a l ly
a n d a c t s d ir e c tly u p o n th o b lo o d a n d m u ­
c o u s s u r f a«
. f th e s y s t e m . S e n d f o r
te s tim o n ia ls , f r >.
F . J . C H E N E Y A C O ., T o le d o , O.
S o ld b y a l l D n n crlsts, 75c.
T a k e B a l l’s Fax., ,y I ’ill* t o r co M tlp aU o n .
Call and be Convinced
Leading Outfitters
Coquille, Oregon
East Fork Items
Mrs. Austin of Biewater Va lay
died Monday, June 22nd, a f t e r •
short sickness. Her body w»s bui-
ied in the Dora burying ground,
large attendanee of neighbors be in j ■
present. She leaves her husband
and seven children in tbe Brewster
Valley home.
Chas Wilson and familv of Doug­
las county were visiting F. A, Ba­
ker and family last week.
L. Olio, Mrs Odn ntnl child b ive
returned from Oklahoma and are
stopping for the present at M. C.
Miller’s. Mr. and Mrs. Olin arc lik
some other people— take a drink
out of the East Fork, go away, then
come bank for another drink
Ivau Laird has bought a seven-
passenger automobile.
Ed Abernethv has a contract from
the county for 100,000 feet of roed
lumber; Frank Young a contract
for about the same amount.
Louie Heller, on Cherry creek,
has bought a new saw.mill aud will
cut out 200,000 feet for the county,
perhaps more.
Charles Heller bought “U n c le
Walt’s” big mare of J. D Laird to
take the place of one of his big team
which died a week ago.
Prarley Crowlv and Fred Baker
have the contract for felling, buck
ing and burking 100.000 feet of tim­
F. A. Baker baa sold his plane to
W. C. Rose of Coquille.
Mr Baker was out to see his fa­
ther, who lives near Junction City,
and looked around for a new bomt;
he expects to move to the vicinity
of Junction City in the near future.
Mr. Baker has a choice lot of
Carnalin roses.
Liat Your Property W ith
P a c ific R ea! E sta te Co.
Farm Lands, Timber Lands, Residence and
Business Property. Houses for Rent
M. M. Young, M anager
F. C. Stone, Secretary
C oquille, O re g o n
We are baking more bread than ever before
Always fresh— Try it and be convinced
C ook Bros.
Myrtle Point
Have you paid the prin'er.
For County Surveyor
I hereby announce myself an in­
dependent candidate for the office
of county surveyor of Coos County,
Oregon I am a regular graduate
of the Kansas State Agricultural
College, class of 1884 Engaged
for 14 years in the location, con­
struction and maintenance o! rail­
roads. with the C. B. & Q. Ry ,
Mo Pae. Rv , A T. & S. F Ry ,
C. R. I. & Pac. Ry., and for 10
years employed in irrigation and
mining engineering work Am al­
so a member ol the Oregon S’ ate
Society of Engineers.
Will you
support me at the polls?
Notice lo Creditors
In the County Court of the State of
Oregon for the County of Coos.
In the Matter of the Estate of Mary
L. Peterson, deceased.
Notice is herebv given that the un­
dersigned has been duly appointed Ex­
ecutor with the will annexed, of the es­
tate of Mary L. Peterson, deceased.
All persons having claims against said
estate are hereby notified to present
the same duly verified as by law re-;
quired, to the undersigned at the law
office of C. R. Barrow, over Geo. A.
Robinson’s store, Coquille. Coos county,
Oregon, within six months from the
date of this notice.
Dated this 30th dav of June, 1914.
Elson M. Peterson.
C. R. Barrow, attorney for Executor.
Y ou Can MakeY our House More Attractive
With the Handsome Babbitt Premiums
TEN -C EN T can cf Babbitt’s
pure lye is paid insurance against
dirt or germs: guaranteeing clean
sinks, and th o ro u g h ly sw eet and
sanitary conditions in tl he n.e, and
in your barns, kennels on hen houses.
If you will write v/e will send you a
book Absolutely Free t .lling a hun­
dred uses for Babbitt’s L jv: eloo cur
premium catalogue i!iv.s tr.-airr • beau­
tiful and valuable presents exchanged
for coupons.
The Great Soap Maker
H - e So?.p Maker
Highest in Strength but uzt in / V i c e — J O c
P. O. Bcra 1776
New York City