Coquille herald. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1905-1917, June 30, 1914, Image 1

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    •¡The Herald, the o ld estab­
lished reliable newspaper of
the Coquille V alley in which
an ‘ ‘ad" always brings results.
V O L. 32,
T he C oquille H erald
C O Q U IL L E , C O O S C O U N T Y , O R E G O N , T U E S D A Y , J U N E 3 o ,
N O . 40
Congress must complete the
Wilson program and give the trust
'legislation to the country. Accord­
Latest «Action Photos of
Eventa of Interest Reported ing to the President big business is
h'. A A. M.—Regular m eetin g of
For The Herald
War Operations In Mexico
. Chadwick Lodge N o . « 8 A. F. & A.
in the same condition as a patient
M.. Ht Masonic Hall, every Haiurday
niirlit in each month on or before tli*
(By J. E. Jones)
full moon.
D. D. Fiaaci, W. M.
a capital operation. He says that
K. 11. M aht . Secretary.
“ g o l d h il l , c o n s o l id a t e d ”
the sooner it is over and ihe patient
K. S.—Regular meeting of Hetilah
to have a long rest, the
There is a gold mine in Noith
. Chapter No. 6, second and fourtn
Friday evenings of each month, in Ma­ Carolina in thesumecounty in which better.
sonic Hall.
Senator Newlands in submitting
Senator Overman lives, and if it is
M aby A. P ierck , W. M.
A nna L awrence Sec.,
true, as the Senator has declared, the report in favor of the Adminis­
T U. O. F.—Coquille Lodge No. 53,1. O. that the tecords of the mine ‘ show tration trade commission, told his
I . O. F., meets every Saturday night that $5,000,000 worth of ore was colleagues in the Senate that the
n Odd Fellows Hall.
taken out of the mine, the Senator country desired such a measure
C. H. C l e a v e s , N. G.
J. 8. L a w r e n c e , Sec.
would indeed have been a very poor He declared: “ Had such a com
a m i e k k b e k a h l o d g e , n o . 20 citizen had he not bought some mission been organized contempo­
1. O. O. F., meet* every »econd and stock in the
Hill Consolidat­ raneously with the Sherman law
fourth Wednesday i.igUts in Odd Fellows
ed.” Senator Clinton of West Vir­ the conflicting questions relative to
H a ll.
E m il y H ekhey , N. G s
A n n ie L a w r e n c e , S e c.
ginia, is also another owner of the trusts, monopolies and unfair com­
All might have gone well petition, would have been as
psO Q U IL L E ENCAMPMENT, No. 25 stock.
I. O. O. F „ meets the firstand third
might have shared thoroughly settled by this time as
Thursday nights in Odd Fellows Hall.
their profits and losses with the i have been questions relating to
J. S. B a r t o n , C. P.
J . S. L a w r e n c e , Sec.
other stock holder, had it not been transportation through the action
jr NIGHTS O F PY TH IAS.— Lycurgus for the fact that their stationary was of the Interstate Commerce Com­
i \ Lodge No. 72, meets Tuesday nights
used— quite by accident, they ex­ mission.” The Senator added that
in W. O. W. Hall.
K. K. W a t s o n , K R. S.
plain, to put out some praiseworthy the changing incumbency of the
O. A. M in t o n y r , C. C.
comment concerning this particular Attorney General’s office has made
p Y T H I A N SISTERS—Justus Tempie gold mine. Thereupon, "tips” are uncertain the attitude of previous
I No. 35, meets first ami Third Mon­
He asserts
said to have been whispered about, administrations.
day nights in VV. 0 . W. Hall.
M bb . G eorge D a v is , M. E. C.
and the stock soared sky-high. that the so-called "inquisitorial
M r s . F red L in e g a r , K. of R
Finally it was published that there methods” of the present bill are not
a little corner in gold mining greatly in excess of those now pos­
O. R. M., meets every Friday night
stock among Senatois and other sessed and for years exercised by
in W. O. VV. Hall.
J. S. B a r t o n , Sachem.
“ The
high public officials. Then it was the Bureau of corporations.
A. P. M il l e r , C. of R.
discovered that (he stationery upon power, of course, must be large,”
W. A. —Regular meetings of Bea-
• ver Camp No. 10.550 in M. W. A. which the mining stock boom was he adds, "but the exercise of power
Hall, Front street, first and third Sat­ exploited contained the names of a will not be against honest ¿business,
urdays in each month.
number of other Senators who enter­ and will be against business outlaws
C. D. H u d so n , Consul.
L l II. I r v in e , Clerk.
tained bitter prejudices against min­ and will be persuasive and correc
N. A.—Regular meeting of Laurel ing enterprises, and two of these tional, rather than punative, so far
------- ... ___ j
. Camp No. 2972 at M. W. A . Hall, were Senators LaFollette and Com­ as well intentioned business is con­
Front street, second and fourth Tues­
mina. Senators Oveiman and Chil­
day nights in each month.
P h o to s c o p y r ig h t, 1914, b y A m e r ic a n P re s s A ss o cia tio n .
M a r y K e r n , Oracle.
ton are high in the esteem of the Newlands, the country is passing
E d n a K e l l e y , Rec.
ARKING time has been the program for the United States forces In
country and the National Capital, through “ a period of depression,
Mexico most of the time o f late, the soldiers speculating a great dfeal
O. W .—Myrtle Camp No. 197,
. meets every Wednesday at 7 :30 and they have started an investiga­
on Just how rapid will be General Villa’s advance on the federal
tion in the Senate which they de­ wide causes, and partly the result of
p . in. at VV. 0 . W. Hall.
forces at Mexico City. The Constitutionalists have made Important
Lee Currie, C. C.
clare will show they have done noth­ necessary readjustment, following advances southward during the last few weeks. In the illustration (at the top)
J ohn L kn ev k , Sec.
shown the advance guard o f Villa’s army entering the city of Saltillo, and
ing improper. Senator Chilton says important economic changes.” He is
the lower photo shows two federal fighters making their escape fro m the
that it "all goes to show what will says that the railroads are being rebels by means o f a railway handcar.
t * meets second and fourth Monday
happen to a Democrat when he gets affected, as are many other classes
nights in VV. 0 . W. Hall.
O ra X . M a u r y , G. N.
to fooling with a gold standard. If of business, “ but it is merely temp­
M a r y A. P ie r c e , Clerk.
he would stick to thè old sixteen to orary.” And that, if you please, is
ARMERS UNION.— Regular meet­ one he would never have anyone practically the view of the Admin
ings second and fourth Saturdays in
question his methods.” In further istration concerning this new legis
each month in VV. O. W. Hall.
F r a n k B u r k h o l d e r , Pres.
explanation it appears that the wis­ lation.
Myrtle Point is making great for boys 16 and under; 50 yard
0 . A. M inton y e , Sec.
dom of Senators does not exempt T H E S E N T IM E N T A L R IC H N E SS OF preparations to entertain the people dash for boys 12 and under; 50 yard
r a t e r n a l a i d No. 39», meets the them from the common fate that
on the Fourth of July, and a large dash for girls 12 and under. Prizes
second and fourth Thursdays each
befalls many men. Senator Chilton
month at VV. O. VV. Hall.
After all the hurly-burly connect­ attendance is confidently expected. from $1 to $2.50.
M r s . C has . E v l a n d , Pres.
adds: ’ T want to say that I will
The men’s races, which will come
ed with the Panama Canal tolls As this is the only celebration on
M rs . L ora H a r r in g t o n , Sec.
yield second place to nobody in
matter, it is somewhat surprising to the river, it will undoubtedly draw between the horse races at the track,
Educational Organizations and Clubs having money invested in gold note the calm that has arrived on from the whole valley, and every­ include 100 and 220 yard dashes,
O Q U I L L E E D U C A T I O N A L mines. I have some in holes in the troubled waters, as the result of body and his folks will be there. 120 and 220 yard hurdle, and a
LEAGUE—Meets monthly at the Washington, in California, in Colo­
oil poured out upon the suiface of Myrtle Point has the reputation of half mile, with prizes from$5 to$i5;
High School Building during the school
year for the purpose oi discussing edu­ rado, in Georgia, in South Carolina, the legislative sea by Senators Nor­ pulling off successiul celebrations, also a fat men’s race for $2.50.
cational topics.
in Virginia, in North Carolina, and
The horse race schedule is as fol­
ris and Simmons.
All of which and this reputation has been hers
L ena A n d e r so n , Pres.
probably in several other states.
I ldna M in a k d , Sec.
goes to prove the statement contain­ since the early days. No one will lows:
All my life I have fostered the idea
Friday, July 3rd, 1914
ed (Jin this correspondence some m;ke a mistake by putting in the
T.r O KEEL KLUB— A business men’ s
No. 1— Trot or Pace, one-half
L v social organization. Hall in Laird’ s that Dossibly I might get out of my weeks ago, to the effect that the day there.
building, Second street.
habit of not having enough to pay
About $250 in prizes has been mile, three-years-old or under, two
Panama Canal tolls question is one
A. J. S h er w oo d , Pies.
my bills by making a strike in a
up for the decorations, parade heats, each heat a race $100.00
F red S l a g l e , S« v .
of wonderful richuess from a senti-
No. 2— Running, three-eighth
sports, and there will
o m m e r c ia l c l u b
l . h .H a z a r d
j mental standpoint, but as a commer­
President; C. A. H o w a r d , Secretary attractive to me, and inasmuch as I
mile, purse $ too.00
cial proposition is of minor impor- be something doing all the time.
have so much money in holes of
No. 3— Running, five-eighth
1 tance. As passed, the Panama tolls In this issue will be found an ad
Transportation Facilities
that kind, I want to go to that kind
purse $125.00
"pRAINS — Leave, south bound 9:00 a. of a hole to get out the money which measure places the ships of all
No. 4— Trot or Pace one-half
L m. and 3:00 p. m. North bound
nations, including our own, upon events. It will be noted that Tom
I bave invested.”
i0:40 a. m. and 4:40 p. m.
! the same basis, and “ saves Uncle T, Bennett, of Marshfield, makes mile (free for all) best two in three,
OATS—Six boats plying on the Co­
Sam’s face" from the charge of his debut as a Fourth of July ora­ purse $150.00
quille river afford ample accommo­
No. 5— Novelty race, one mile,
The tor. He is a native son of Coos
The Secretary of the Treasury in truckling to Great Britain.
dation lor carrying freight and paseen
lor first at % post, $50 for first
gers to Bandon and way points. Boats sists that the new income tax has amendment to the original bill is
leave at 7 :30, 8:30, 9:20 and 9:£,0 a. m.
$ 5 0 for first at % and $75 for
teeth in it and he has an army ot quite as important as the measure,
and at 1:00, 3 :30 and 4 :45 p. m.
dad is one of the most entertaining first at mile $200.00
TAGE—J. L, Laird, proprietor. De­
Saturday, July 4th, 1914
talkers in the country.
parts 5:30 p. m. for Uoseburg via jaws of the law upon the income as follows:
No. 1— Runniug, one-half mile,
Myrtle Point,earning the United Slates
tax dodgers throughout the conntry. j “ Provided, that the passage of
mail and pasengers.
Somebody has been miscalculating this act shall not be construed or houses, prizes of $10 to $20 are of­ purse $10000
OSTOFFICE.—A. F. Linegar, ¡»ost-
For best decorated floats
No. 2— Trot or pace, one-half
m as ter. The mails close as follows: very badly, or there are more poor held as a waiver, or relinquishment
(free for all) 3 heats, every
Myrtle Point 8:40 a. m. and 2:35 p. m. people in the United States than of any rights the United States may
Marshfield 10:15 a. m. and 4:15 p. in.
$5 to $15; for team and buggy, $5; heat a race, purse $225.00
Bandon and way points,7 a m. Norway
No. 3— Running,
mile, purse,
and Aragol2:45 p.m. Eastern mail 4:15 income tax will fail by $21,000,000 Britain, ratified February 21, 1902, lor saddle horse and rider, $2.50,
a. m. Eastern mail arrives 10: p. m.
In the log sawing contest, $15 is $150.00
of providing the revenue expected or the treaty with the Republic of
No. 4— Trot or pace, yi mile, 4
of it by the framers of the new lar- Panama, ratified February 26,1904, offered for double sawing and $10
City and County Officers
iff law. The Treasury Department or otherwise to discriminate in favor for single sawing. For the tug of yeats old or under, two heats,
every heat a race, purse $100.00
"experts” estimated that the taxes of its vessels by exempting the ves- war, $25 is hung up.
No. 5— Merchants’ Derby, one
$24,000,000 more than has been zens from the payment of tolls for race, potato race and 50 yard dash mile, running, purse $200.00
Fraternal and Benevolent Orders
Let Myrtle Point Entertain You
produced. The government "drag-
net" has therefore thus far got little
more than half what it had expect-
ed The Democrats, while patting
themselves on the back because of
their magnificent legislative achieve-
ments of the past year are worrying
Justfce of the Peace
,T, J. Stanley
Constable...........................Ned C. Kelley themselves sick because of the lack
of necessary revenue.
..... A. P. Miller
Oscar Wickham
Water Superintendent S. V. Epperson
W. C. Chase
Fire Clue:
Counellmen —D. D. Fierce, C. T. Skeels
C. I. Kime, G. O. Leach, W. 11. Ly­
on», 0 . C. Sanford. Kcgnlar meetings
first and third Mondaya each month.
County Judge
John T. Hall
Commissioners—W. T. Dement, Geo. J.
James Watson
Sheriff ..............
............ W. W. Gage
T. M. Dimmick
Assessor .........
T. J. Thrift
School Snpt.
Kaymond E. Baker
A. N. Gould
F. E. Wilson
Health Officer
Dr. Walter Culin
The Administration trade com­
mission bill has been presented to
the Senate by Mr. Newlands of Ne-
vada,and President Wilson says that
it and other anti-trust legislation
must be passed at this session of
The President declares
that the worst thing that could hap-
Societies will get the very best
pen to business would be to keep it
guessing as to legislation.
at the office o f Coquille Herald
therefore insists that there must be
3 a no compromise, and that the pie-
passage through said canal, or as
in any way waiving, impairing or
affecting any rights of the United
States under said treaty, or other-
wise with the respect to the sover-
The trial of Larry Miller for com­ District Attorney Liljeqvist, as the
eignty over or the ownership, con-
in the Myrtle Point bank case was a most mysterious one
trol, and management of said canal,
and the regulation of the conditions robbery, which commenced Tues­ and a great part of the evidence
or charges of traffic through the day morning, ended Thursday with ! was most Illusive. The admissions
the conviction of the accused, after of the defendant himself, made to
com a
the jury had been out about four different parties after the robbery,
hours Miller’s attorney made a tormed the bulk of the evidence.
Out of Business
motion for a new trial, which was As these admissions, in several in­
The saloon of fhe North St. Louis taken under advisement by Judge stances had been made to parties
Turnverein baa been discontinued Coke.
who were fellow-boarders at the
because of lack of patrooage and
The great sensation which was county jail during Miller’s deten­
the room will be converted into an half expected did not materialize at tion and who have since been con­
ice cream parlor. It was declared the trial, and the facts as to who victed of serious crime, it was only
that it baa been a losing proposition was implicated with Miller in the the corroborative evidence of other
for some time. The German club robbery are still enveloped in mys­ parties whose word could not be
questioned that gave value to much
saloon, which has been in existence tery.
tuirty-six years,was formerly a chief. The conviction is very properly of the incriminating matter. Mil­
source of funds for the organization. considered a brilliant victory for ler was on the stand for half a day
Miller Convicted of
•¡Job Printing— N ew presses
new material and experienced
workmen. A guarantee that
Herald printing will please
P E R Y E A R $ 1 .5 0
in his own behalf, and those who
heard him say that be was a splen
did witness for himself.
He told a
straight and plausible story, but
made the mistake of denying much
that had been proved beyond con
troversy. The mucb-talked-of per
feet alibi proved in reality to have
so many holes in it that it evi
dently entirely disregarded by the
jury. Frank Vaughn, who was
brought in from the pen by the
prosecution did not make a good
impression, and though hi» u -
mony was important his manner
spoiled its effect. Ferrari also made
a bad impression by balking and
denying everything when first
placed on ibe stand, so that when
he came in the next day to tell the
truth, as he asserted, his testimony
lost much of its force.
Some are hoping that, now that
Miller is convicted, he will do some
more “ talking” and that some clue
may be obtained from him as to the
others engaged in the robbery. The
story is that it was only by the
merest chance he did not open up
before the grand jury and tell the
whole story, and 11 was proved ai
the trial that he made a remark to
that effect to Mr. Devanlt, one ol
the grand jurors, after the occasion
had passed.
In fact, it seems al­
most certain that oue who has talk­
ed so freely, incriminating himself,
is very likely to talk again, now
that he sees that he is the only one,
so far, to suffer for the crime.
the long-deferred sensation may
yet be sprung.
H ad a Kick
H. V. Holverstott, of Fairview,
was a visitor at this office last week
and was somewhat stirred over an
item that appeared iu the Coos Bay
Times of the i6lh, saying that “ H.
Holverstott of Fairview came in to­
day on business,” and gave out a
story touching the mental condition
of J. J. Burns, whose residence the
Times places at Myrtle Point. Mr.
Holverstott says that he has not
been in Marshfield for six months
and his father, H. W . Holverstott
has not been there for a much long­
er time,and he objects to being given
as authority for a story that the
Times evidently picked up on the
street and certainly did nol get
from him. Mr. Burns, whose home
is at Fairview, had a nervous break­
down but is all right again and is
employed on road work by Mr.
Holverstott, who is road supervisor.
Mr. II. was assured that the Times
meaDt no harm to him, as it is a
regular practice of that chaste
family journal to pick up whatever
rumors are current on the street an^
add from its fertile imagination any
little touches like names or particu-
lats that would seem to make it a
“ good item,” this method being
resorted to when it can not get the
straight story Irom the Record of
the day before.
Compiled by State Bureau of
Industries and Statistics
The announcement is made that
by an agreement between the de­
partment of Economics of the State
University and the Central Labor
Council, a campaign will be taken
up to solve the problems of unem­
Bandon fire losses amounting to
$200,000 are to rebuilt.
The Oregon Public Utilities com­
mission authorizes increased tele­
phone rates at Newberg, and in the
Eugene electric power case, sustains
the contention of the Oregon Power
The manufacture of loganberry
juiceand sawdust bricquetsare new
industries being considered in var­
ious parts of the state.
Labor Commissioner Hoff had a
meeting of officials of labor boards
at Portland to consider needed la­
bor legislation
Portland millers are to be allowed
to bid ior army supplies.
Sellwood is to have the first wing
of a large hospital built.
Hood River county will vote on
a $75,000 bond issue for the Colum­
bia highway.
Clackamas county will establish
a sand and gravel plant at New Era.
Maupin is to have a new $15,000
bank building.
The Langreel, Baker county,
sawmill will be located on Burnt
The Stale Grange bulletin says
not one person in a hundred will
pay anything but a land tax if the
$1500 exemption passes.
Albany will have a $50,000
school erected this year.
Eugene is laying 21,600 feet of
water main extensions.
Charles Bordeaux of the Ameri­
can Brewing Co. of Baker has been
looking up a location at Fort
George, B. C.
Marshfield voted $15,000 for a
high school gymnasium.
The Oregon Power Co. has 100
men at work extending its intake
for the Springfield water supply.
Cannery, cannery, is the cry of
the Albany business men.
The Portland Central L a b o r
Council is agitating an initiative bill
to annul the franchises of the Port­
land Gas and Coke company which
the legislature refused to repeal.
Milwaukee will get a one dollar
* as rate ,rom the Portland Gas Co.
Dallas voted fair grounds and
asceptic tank bonds,
Force of laborers doubled on the
Hill terminals at Flavel.
Lane county hop crop this year
will be $350,000.
Albany loganberry drier handled
Portland municipal dock No. 1 8000 pounds a day.
will be enlarged to hold two large
Eola will have a $5000 church.
ships at the same time.
1914 wool crop brought Oregon
• — ■ ■ .
Fruit Selling Agency
Mrs. Hogue will build a $200,-
Portland, Ore.— On Saturday, 000 hotel at Eleventh and Wash­
June 20 , representatives of fruit ington streets, Portland.
growers’ associations at Forest
It is claimed that the $1500 tax
Grove, Dilley, Corvallis, Eugene, exemption for "every
Sutherlin, Yoncalla, Cottage Grove, would allow whole families to take
Dallas, Salem, Browsville, Indepen­ out $1500 apiece and virtually es­
dence, Gresham, Monmouth, New­ tablish the single land tax in Ore­
berg, Springfield and Roseburg at­ gon.
tended a meeting in the Green Par­
Cottage Grove has lowered its
lor of the Portland Commercial school tax 5 yi mills.
Club for the purpose of organizing
By a vote of 12 to 1 Portland vot­
a sub-central branch of the North
ers defeated free text books. The
Pacific Fruit Dristributors, elected
industry of state published text­
one member of the board of mana­
books is to be established next year.
gers for the Spokaoe show and com­
The new quarter ot a million feet
plete the details of a campaign for
marketing the 1914 crop of fruit in a day electric sawmill of the Booth-
Kelly Co at Springfield was given
Western Oregon
Mr. H. C. Sampson, secretary of a trial last week.
the N. P. F. D , who is directing
Under the head of a state indus­
this movement, sail): “ Briefly stat­ trial survey the water power on the
ed, the distributor iD this case will Rogue river is to be investigated
be the farmer himself in the selling with a view to putting the state in­
It is purely co-operative. to the business of generating elec­
The organization will sell on a com­ tric power.
mission of 10 cents per box, which
Astoria is to have the most pow­
is sufficient to pay the expenses of
erful wireless telegraph station.
salaried agents in all parts of the
A franchise has been granted the
world and 67 special representatives.
Through these agents we distribute Pacific Power and Light Co. to
the fruit to all parts of ths world, build 4 miles of street car lines in
keeping market« fully supplied but.Clatsop county running from Asto-
' -1*
never overloaded.”