r ^JThe Herald, the old estab­ lished reliable newspaper of the Cotjuille Valley in which an “ ad” always brings results V O L . 32, T he C oquille H erald N O . 39 CITYDIRECTORY ¡FROM THE NATIONAL CAPITAL C O Q U IL L E , C O O S C O U N T Y . O R E G O N , T U E S D A Y , J U N E 23, "»• 1914. COLONEL WILL TAKE ACTIVE PART t jjo b Printing— N ew pres;?* new material and experienced workmen. A guarantee tl.^t Herald printing will please P E K Y E A R $ 1 .5 0 ni rogen b.-ils of Chile to ihehydro- 1 ek-tlic plants of Norway, and he Fraternal and Benevolent Orders believes that Oregon is in a condi- The older politicians purport to Events of Interest Reported lion to get a large ’ share of ibe Compiled by State Bureau of K. & A. M.—Regular meeting ol see something of a similarity in the For The Herald . Cliailwick Lodge No. 6« A. F. & A. Industries and Statistics ! profits of this movement. conditions surrouudiug President W ill W ork in Coming Campaign for Adoption of Progres­ M.. at Masonic Hall, every Ha'unlay The other line u < investigation nitrht in each month on or before tlm sive Principles to Secure Distribution of Prosperity Wilson with those which brought (By J. E Jones) full moon. I>. D. P ikimk , W. M. The Oregon Public Utilities com­ consists of the collection of exact I so much trouble to Grover Cleve­ R. II. M a s t , Secretary. and to Get Some Prosperity (o Distribute ‘ fin ish e d a b r o a d ” facts and figures from all places mission has fixed standards of qual­ land, and Senator Vardanian of E, s.—Regular meeting ol Keulali the world over where electric pow ity in water, gas, light, heat, and A few years ago much stress was Mississippi iu his speech upon tne . Chanter No. ti, second and fourth Colonel Roosevelt will return “ The truth simply is that the er is applied to the purpose of agri­ telephone service. Effect of order Friday eve n in gs of each month, in Ma­ Uid upon that class of education ,-anal questioUi suggested that the from Europe on June 24th. Im­ only wise and sane propositions, sonic Hull. „ not yet known which was finished abroad, but President has heard too much flat mediately upon his return he will the only propositions which repre­ culture. The following data iu re M a r y A. Piiacx, \V. M. A nna L awkbnuic i-ee., ga;dtothe utilization ot electric July 1st, the new Woikiugmen’s abtoad app a.s to have been tery atjd too ijtt]e advice This is a take up actively the political situa­ sent a constructive governmental I ü . O. F .—Coquille Lodge No. 5 3 ,1 .0 . moved from E' rope to the United condition lrlle to every President. tion and will take the laigest part progressiveism and the resolute pur­ power in Idaho, for the purpose of Compensation Act goes into effect 1 . O. F., meets every Saturday eight States It is shown by offi ial fig- The majority of public men who possible throughout the campaign pose to secure good results instead irrigating, heating, lighting power and this is tbe last date ou which U Odd Fellows Hall. and domestic purposes, and in Italy manufacturers and emplovers can ures that the United S •'«.s fur- ; vis,jt the White House are seeking C. H. C l r a v k h , N. Ci. Iu a statement issued upon leav­ of fine phrases, weie the principles J. S. L ahrkncr , Sec. nished only 351 Modems lor Ger-1 favorSj aud adopt the address of ing New York, Colonel Roosevelt enunciated in the Progressive plat­ its successful application to plowing give notice of not comiog under tbe a m i e r j ? j man “ finishing schools” and other courliers when Mr Cleveland was calls attention to the fact that bis form in connection with the Trusts and other heavy farm work, are provisions of the act. I. O. O. K., meets every second and given out by the Honorable H. B. Big strike rep-red at High fourth Wednesday night» in Odd Fellow» educational institutions in > 9 > 2 -j President, he came to Washington chief duty in the campaign will be avd the Tariff alike. Miller, director of the department. Grade mine, near New Pine Creek. Hall. E mii . y It husky , N. G, Of these 328 were from northern as a stranger to the national leaders in that State, but at the same time "Our policies would have secured A knik L a w kk n cb , Sec. In the Minidoka Fede al recla­ states and twenty-three from south-;of his party. Therefore he en- he will exert himself to the utmost the passing around o( prosperity Work will start soon on tbe Car­ mation project, of Idaho, 47,700 /"■'OQUILUS ENCAMPMENT, No. 25 ern states. I he number of foreign Jeavored to “ make baste slowly” to help the fight that the Progres­ and also the existence of a sufficient negie library at Marshfield. I. O. O. F., meet» the first and tliird students enrolled at 275 American jn the matter of appointments, just sive party is waging throughout amount of prosperity to be passed acres ot the land is irrigated by Thursday night» inOdd Fellows Hall. In asking Tor paving bids, Alba­ pumping water to it, the pow J . S. B a r t o n , 0 . universities, colleges and techuio- as President Wilson has done; with the country. He lays emphasis up­ around. ny bars bids on concrete paving. J . S .L aw kknck , S ec. er that is used in the pumping logical schools in the year 1913 not the result that a good many of the Throughout tbe country all lean on the lailure of the Democratic Klamath Falls is now after the J 7 NIGHTS OF PY TH IAS.—Lycurgua only reached the surprising total of having been secured in connection patronage-hunting Congressmen promises regarding the tariff and do to emphasize these facts will be IN. Lodge No. 72, meet» Tuesday night» with the main work of the project. Bandon woolen mills with a free 4,222, but this was au actual in­ held fast to executive favor. Cleve­ in W. O. W. Hall. the tiusts and calls attention to tbe done. R. K. W atson , K R. S. As the period when pumping for site. crease of 577 over 1911. Travelers land and Wilson are alike in one "But I believe that this fall my Progressive principles as the only O. A. M in t o n y r , 0 . C. The Gleason yards at Cottage irrigating is limited, the Depart­ upon the boats going to. or comiug respecti in that neither is regarded program which can insure prosperi­ chief duty lies right here in tbe P Y T H IA N SISTERS—Justus Tempie Grove will burn a half million brick. ment finds itself with a great sur­ 1 No. 35, meet» first and Third Mon­ from South America, are impressed as verv amiabie when llnder criti- ty and the passing of it around. State of New York. I doubt plus of energy for the most of the The new power plaut for Canby day nights iu W. O. W. Hall. witb the number ol young men , cism Mr. Wilson has exercised the Tbe statement in full says: whether there is a State in the Un­ Mi-a. G b . ikuk D a v i s , M. E. C. year. To market this, low rates and Clackamas county is being whose mission to tbe United Stales !same sort ol influeuce nver Demo- M rs . F ukd L ineoar , K. of K “ Since my return Irom South ion that shows more conclusively have been made throughout the ad rushed. coucerus the matter of their educa-j crat;c ieaders Gf ( b j s day as Mr. America I have received hundreds than this State the dreadful evil of I ) KD MEN—Coauille Tribe No, 46, 1 Lafayette will install a $15,000 IN O. R. M., meets every Friday night tion. These young men after grad- j Cleveland did over those of his time, of telegrams and letters from all ov­ the two-boss system in political life. jaeeut district, the purpose being to make the bye uses take care of a water plant. Hall. in W. O. W. uation, have proven their benefit to j aud it may be that the beginning er the country requesting state­ The people of this state, the hon­ J. S. B arton , S ac hem . the foreign trade of the United 10f open crriticristri bas been marked ments from me on tbe political situ­ est people, the good citizens who part of the expenses incurred in A. P. M ii . lkr , C. of R. St Johns is providing a stieet Slates through the demand tbe> ; by the attitude 0f Speaker Champ ation. It has been utterly impos­ wish clean and efficient government erecting the power plant and thus tor an outlet for the Western Coop­ W. A. —Regular meetings of Bea­ effect a saving in tbe cost ofirrigat ver Camp No. 10.550 in M. \V. A. have created for the American arti -1 Clark and Leader 0 scar Under_ erage Co., (hat employs 200 men. sible to reply to these communica no matter what their party affilia­ ing the lands. Hull, Front street, first and third Sat­ cles to which they have become ac wood, who have been the first to tions, first, because of lack of time, tions may be, are growing bitterly urdays in each month. All the principal streets of Hepp- Irrigating begins »bout April cusiomed, and iu their business and indulge in anything like plain talk C. D. H udson , Consul. and, second, because it must be* indignant with a system which pro­ ner art to be oiled. L l H. I rvin e , Clerk. t, and is entirely finished by Octo- official lile they quite universally to their chief. -■ remembered that I have been out of vides lor the see saw of the Murphy Andrew Kennedy is putting in ■ ber 31. During the earlier and N. A.— Regular meeting ol Laurel specify American equipment lor for­ the country for nearly eight months and Barnes machines in the govern­ m r . b r y a n ’ s a m b it io n s . Camp No. 2972 at M. W. A . Hall, machinery and a plaut to manu­ latter parts of this season the use is eign enterprises. Front street, second and fourth Tues­ Secretary Bryau recently revealed and have been home only ten days ment of this State facture coal brickets on Coos Bay. light The project being in an ag day nightB in each month. There are 1700 foreign students “ There is not a State in which M a r y K e rn , Oracle. bis early ambitions, and disclosed and therefore have not been able to ricultural region, there are no man­ The skyscraper limit has been enrolled in the under graduate and E dna K e l l e y , Rec. acquire the necessary information the evils of bi-partisan boss rule ate ufacturing interests ot moment to raised at Portland from 160 feet to graduate and classes of arts and sci­ during an address, proof that be that will enable me to respond in­ more concretely illustrated than O. W .— Myrtle Camp. N o . 197. has gone far afield from what he an­ help in consumption of power. The 200 feet. ifieets every Wednesday at 7 :30 ences in the United States. The telligently to many of the enquiries right here. Under such rule it is Department has been compelled to in. at W. O. W. Hall. next largest number is in courses ticipated wjuld be his life work. The McKensie river hatchery is absolutely impossible to get decent made of me. Lee Currie, C. C. Mr. Bryan says: “ I commenced distribute the energy throughout to be increased in capacity to 2,000- in engineering, 801. Medicine fol­ J ohn L kn evk , Sec. It is "When I return from abroad, I and effective government. the rural section and to urban com­ 000 fish annually. lows with 339; 303 in dentistry, with a desire to be a Baptist preach­ er. Before I was six years old I shall at once take up actively the impossible to secure fair treatment munities, for the use of lighting, VENINGTIDE CIRCLE No. 214, 275 in pgriculture, and 256 in the­ Warrenton, Clatsop and West meets second and fourth Monday wanted to be a farmer and raise political situation It goes without for tbe honest business man, for the for domestic purposes, aud for heat ology. nights in W. O. W. Hall. Side towns are to have telephones. honest wage worker or lor the hon saying that I intend, to the utmost pumpkins My father was a judge, O ra X . M a u r y , G. N. ing residences. Canada sent 653 students; China, M a r y A. P ierce , Clerk. Hood River Royal Anne cherries of my ability, to do all that I can est farmer. For heating, a rate of $1 a kilo 594; Japan, 336; Mexico, 223; Great and I remember the old courthouse all sold at The Dalles at five cents, “ From the Canals and Highways for the principles for which I have watt month bas been adopted dur­ Britian and Irelaud, 212; Cuba, where I used to listen to cases. This I* mgs Recoin! am. fourth Saturdays iu contended aud lor the men through­ downwards each branch of the Seaside will have a 200,000 per ambition guided me through my ing the winter period. This figure *09; India. 162; Finland, 124; Ger­ each month in W. O. W. Hall. out the country who have stood so Government has been adminstered day shingle mill. boyhood and college days ” Fol­ F r a n k B u r k h o l d e r , Pres. has been found sufficiently low to many, 122. Every Latiu-American O. A. M i n t o n y e , Sec. valiantly in the fight that the Pro­ primarily with a view to the politi­ lowing along the events of his ear­ Engineers are working on a $350- induce a large number ol residences country except French Guiana has cal advantage, and often with a ’ RATKRNAL AID No. 398, meets the representatives in this group of for­ lier life, Mr. Bryan says that he gressive Party is waging and has and many public buildings to adopt 000 foothills ditch to irrigate 8000 view to the personal enrichment, of waged for these principles. second and fourth Thursdays eacli electric heating. It is estimated acres et Medford, to be completed eign students. The numbers range “ got into politics by accident and month at W. O. W . Hall. different political leaders. No ad­ “ There is widespread apprehen­ stayed there by design.” He says M rs . C hah . E v l a n d , Pres. that tbe rate makes the cost ofbeat- by 1915. from two in the case ol Uraguay M rs . L ora H arrington , Sec. sion among our people. The pinch vantage whatever to the people at ing appreciably less than the cost The campaign for a two-mill lim­ aod Paraguay through 43 for Ar­ that when he was first nominated of poverty is felt in many a house­ large can possibly come by keeping of heating by means of coal in that it on state taxes will be made by Educational Organizations and Clubs gentina, 113 for Brazil, to the Mex­ for Congress that there was no thought that he would be elected. hold. We cannot ignore the condi­ this system and substituting under­ district. the taxpayers direct in the Willam­ O Q U I L L E E D U C A T I O N A L ican total of 223. His comment was to the effect «that tions which have brought about bosses of Mr. Barnes for under-bos­ LEAGUE—Meets monthly at the ette valley. Except for this heating rate, the MAV MODIFY T A R I F F High School Building during the school "circumstances rule our lives.” Mr. this state of tbiDgs. The cost of ses of Mr. Murphy as the benefici­ charge made for electricity furnish­ Sheepmen in Umatilla county year for the purpose ol discussing edu­ There is a growing impression in Bryan says he has gotten along so living has not been reduced. Not aries of the system I believe the ed by the Government is said to be are selling off their flocks unable to cational topics. hKNA AKDERSON, PieS. well informed circles here that the far in his languages that he is able the slightest progress has been made time has come to clean house in sufficient to pay operation expenses compete with free wool. E d n a M i n a k o , Sec. tariff plans of the Administration as to dreatn in Spanish. Incidentally in solving the trust question. It New York. Brick manufacture is being es­ r O KEEL KLUB—A business men's “ And I believe that all right- of the plant, or that is, the propor­ the Secretary has practically com­ has been shown that the reduction A. social organisation. Hall in Laird’ s embodied in the Underwood bill tionate share, and a fair proportion tablished at Sisters. will be modified in one important pleted arrangements for an active ol the tariff in r.o shape or way minded people ought to act togeth­ of the maintenance and some pro­ building, Second street. A. J. S h e r w o o d . Pies. Mosier wants a fruit cannery. particular at least. The rumored season on the Chautauqua platform. helps towards this solution The er without regard to their ordinary fit besides The Government tries F red S lagle , h e . . party differences in a determined economic conditions are such that New school houses are going to change is one that can be made HOPE FOR CO N SERV ATI O N BI LLS o m m e r c ia l c l u e l . h . H az a rd business is in jeopardy and that the effort to accomplish this task and to do no retailing, the purpose be be built in Lane county, cost $60,- very easily it the President aud President; C. A. H ow a rd , Secretary There is a hopeful prospect thJt small business man, tbe farmer and to destroy the malign and baleful ing to sell to companies or groups 000. Congress are so minded for it will the five conservation bills, includ­ the industrial wage-worker are Ml influence of both the Barnes ma­ of farmers. Transportation Facilities consist merely in eliminating the Willamette Pacific tracks are to The consumers take current for ing the radium measure and the suffering because of these condi­ chine and the Murphy maebiue in RAINS—Leave, south bound MiOO a. proviso at the end ol Schedule E reach tidewater by October 1st. In beating, lighting, flatirons and Alaskan coal lands measure, will be tions m. and 3:00 p. m. Í this State ” which declares that after May 1. i O :40 r . m. and 4:40 p. m. power. The flatiron rate is 50 all 1500 men are employed. passed at this session of Congress. 1916, sugar shall be admitted duty Douglas couuty will finish plank­ The OATS—Six boats plying on the Co- Secretary of the Interior Lane and most good. This is not to be con­ cents per month per iron Prizes for Stock quille river afford ample accommo­ free. Two factors are said to be in­ ing the road over Camas mountain. first 25 hours for lighting is 7 cents fused with the old fashioned “ boost­ dation lor carrying freight and paseen fluential in inducing the Democrat­ Representative Henry, chairman of per kilowatt hour, and 6 # for the Bandon will erect a municipal gers to Bandon and way points. Boats the House Rules Committee, have It is, in In order to stimulate interest ing” or "exploiting ” leave at 7 :30, 8 :30, 9 :20 and 9 :i0 a. m. ic leaders to look favorably upon dock. next 25 hours. The power rate been in consultation with President among stock breeders in Oregon, stead, scientific preparation for a and at 1:00, 3:30 and 4:45 p. nr,. this course. The first is the con­ Wilson, and have urged that the tbe Oregon Exposition Commission campaign of development which varies according to consumption Ashland has voted $175,000 TAGE—J. L. Laird, proprietor. De­ sideration that the revenue of near­ It a customer takes 5 kilowatts bonds to develop mineral springs conservation measures be added to announces that $10,000 will be set consists of deeds, not of words parts 5:30 p. m. for Kaseburg via Myrtle Point, carrving the United Slates ly $40,000,000 from sugar, always the House program. The people ol Even this early in the survey as his peak load, and his total use and baths on a large scale. aside as prizes for the best stock mail and pasengers. the best revenue producer of the public lands states have long pa­ from this state exhibited at San there have appeared some giant is 2500 kilowatt hours in one month Governor West announces that OSTOFFICE.—A. F. Linegar, post­ tariff list, will be needed to help tiently waited for the government Francisco next year. It is hoped possibilities, growing out of the his hours use per month is 500. 2000 aerqg of tbe Tutnaio project is master. The mails close as follows: fill the growing gap between gov­ to act lavorably upon their meas­ that on completion of the budget it fact that a wealth of cheap water with this basis, the rate is figured ready for settlers at forty dollars Myrtle Point 8:40 a. m. and 2:35 p. in. Marshfield 10:15 a. m. and 4:15 p. m. ernment income and expenditure. ures, and it may be that the next per acre. will be possible to increase this sum power is available in this valley. out. Bandon and way points,7 a m. Norway The second is the result of investi­ Recent reports indicate that in Democratic caucus will decide to and Aragol2:45 p.m. Eastern mail 4:15 Investigation ol this point is now to $ 15,000 This will be in addtion H C. Sampson of the North Pa­ gations which the Department of a. in. Eastern mail arrives 10: p. in. put these measures up to Congress. to the $ 175 ;OCX) which will be dis­ taking two interesting developments. Italy plowing is being successfully cific Fruit Distributors Association Commerce has made into conditions An in* says the Panama canal will bring tributed in livestock prizes by the One involves the best means of ap­ done by electric energy HOW T H E W ORL D “ DO M O V E ” in the Louisiana sugar fields and City and County Officers stance given is that at Reggio Emi­ large shipments of German beer and plying surplus power to agticulture, which are now being extended to It is not many years since the authorities of tbe exposition. Mayor..................................A. T. Morrison lia, where 741 acres were plowed, a problem most pertinent to this the vessels will take fruit tonnage It is report­ last international yacht race was R ecorder.............................J. 8. Lawrence the sugar beet slates Giving, Treasurer............... ................ R. H. Mast ed that tbe figures collected by the held, but at that time it was not fertile region, and another is the the use and loss of electricity in the back w'th them. Some people give according to their City Attorney....................L. A. Liljeqviet work aggregating 35,100 kilowatt The Oregon grain crops are esti­ Engineer....................... F. M. Hall-Lewis government experts show that the necessary for the Department of means and some according to their possibility of creating an entire new Marshal...................................A. P. Miller home sugar industry will be badly Commerce of the United States to meanness —Chicago News industry which, in itself, would hours. The plowing is done to a mated at 69.024,000 bushels by the Night Marshal............... Oscar Wickham justify the erection of vast hydro- depth of 14 to 16 inches, the pur­ Department ol Agriculture. Water Superintendent s. V. Epperson crippled by free admission of for­ make the regulations that have been Fire Chie:...............................W. C. Chase eign sugar. While the President is issued for the coming races These eletric plants. The industry which pose being to raise unused soil to The University Survey Lumber shipments out of Colum­ Councilmen—D. D. Pierce, C. T. Skeels is under consideration is the manu­ the region of root action. At Gazza bia river ports aggregated 6,118,000 C. I. Kime,