Coquille herald. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1905-1917, June 02, 1914, Image 1

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    T he C oquille H erald
flT h e Herald, ihe o ld estab­
lished reliable newspaper of
the Coquille Valley in which
an “ ad" always brings results.
V O L . 32.
C O Q U I L L E , C O O S C O U N T Y , O R E G O N , T U E S D A Y , J U N E 2, 1914.
N O . 36
Fraternal and B enevolent Orders
A nna L awkknck Se c.,
T O. O. F'.—coquille Ltalge No. 6 3 ,1. 0 .
. O. F., meets , very Saturday night
n Odd Fellows Hail.
C. H, C l k a v k s , N. G.
J. S. L awkknck , Sec.
No. 20
f. O. O. F.. meets every second and
fourth Wednesday nights in Odd Fellows
E mily H kksky , N. G,
a m ie
lodge ,
A nnik L awkknck , Sec.
V r I. 0 . O. F., meetBthe firstand third
Thursday nights In Odd F'ellows Hall.
J. S. B a k t o n , 0 . ’ .
J . S .L awkknck , Sec.
n i g h t s o f p y t h i a s . — Lycurgus
Lodge No. 72, meets Tuesday nights
in W. o . W. Hall.
R. R. W atson , K R. S.
O. A . M intonyb , C. C.
n Y T H lA N SISTER&-Justus Tempie
I No. 35, meets first and Third Mon­
day nights in W. 0 . W. Hall.
Mss. G kokok D a v is , M. E. C.
M ks . F kkd L inkuar , K. of R
MEN— Coquille Tribe No. 46, 1.
O. R. M., meets every Friday nigiit
in W. 0 . W. Hall.
J. S. B arton , Sachem.
A. P. M illkr , C. of R.
W. A. — Regular meetings of Bea-
• ver Camp No. 10.550 in M. W . A.
Hall, Front street, first and third Sat­
urdays in each month.
C. D. H udson , Consul.
Li. H . I rvink , Clerk.
N. A,—Regular meeting of Laurel
. Camp No. 2972 at M. W . A . Hall,
Front street, second and fourth Tues­
day nights in each month.
M ary K krn , Oracle.
E dna K kllky , Rec.
i r O.
W .— Myrtle Camp No.
v \ . meets every Wednesday at 7 :30
m i. at W . O. W . Hall.
Lae Currie, C. C.
J ohn L knkve , Sec.
C t meets second and fourth Monday
lights in W . O. W. Hall.
O ba X . M a u r y , G . N.
M aby A. P ikrck , Clerk.
ARM ERS UNION.— Regular meet­
ings second snd fourth Saturdays in
¡ach month in W. O. W. Hall.
F rank K ukkiiolukr , Pres.
0 . A . M intonyb , Sec.
n R A T E R N A L AID No. 398, meets the
C second and fourth Thursdays eacli
lonth at W. O. W. Hall.
M rs . C h a s . E v l a n d , Pres.
M rs . L ora H arrington , Sec.
Educational Organizations and Clubs
-Z LEAGUE—Meets monthly at the
iigh School Building during the school
ear for the purpose oi discussing edu-
ational topics.
K kna A kdrkson , P ie s.
E dna M in a k o , Sec.
i KEEL KLUB—A business men’s
Bocial organization. Hall in Caird’ s
ling, Second street.
A. J. S herwood , Pies.
F kkd S la u ls , Sec.
COMMERCIAL C L U b J. E. N orion
J President; J. C. S a vaus . Secretary
Transportation fa cilities
RAINS— Leave, south hound 9:00 a.
m. and 3:00 p. m. North bound
9:40 a. m. and 4:40 p. m.
O A T S— Six boats plying on the Co­
quille river afford ample accoromo-
atioii lor carrying freight and pnsaen
era to Bandon and way points. Boats
> h ve at 7 :30, 8 :30, 9 :20 and 9 :C0 a. m.
nd at 1 :00, 3 :30 and 4 :4o p. n..
TAGE—J. L. Laird, proprietor. De­
parts 5 :3 0 p. m. for Koaeburg via
Myrtle Point,carrving the United Slates
mail and pasengera.
TJOSTOFFICE.—A. F. Linegar, posl-
I muster. The mails close as follows:
Myrtle Point 8:40 a. m. and 2:35 p. m.
Marshfield 10:15 a. in. ami 4:15 p. in.
Bandon an<l way points, Norway ami
Arago 12:45 p. m. Eastern mail 4:45
a. in. Eastern mail arrives 10: a. m.
C ity and County O fficers
A. T. Morrison
............ J. H. Lawrence
...................R. H. Mast
............ L. A. Liljeqvist
......... P. M. Hall-Lewis
........... C. A. Evernden
Night Marshal..................... John Hurley
Water Superintendent ... 8 . V. Epperson
Fire Chie;....................... W a lte r Oerding
Councilinen—D. D. Pierce, C. T. Skeels
W. C. Laird, O. O. Leach, W . H. Ly­
ons, Leo J. Cary. Regular meetings
first and third Mondays each month.
P E R Y E A R $ 1 .5 0
R egulations for Carrying
cream peppermints, as candies vary
“ Bill- Hayward Talks
Out New Net Weight Law in size, ai d this would not be a
About Running the 220
sta'ement of the actual quantity of
Compiled by State Bureau of
Events of Interest Reported It is not because they belong to
The regulations for Ihe carrying candy in the p u kage.
The athlete who tries the 220-yatd
different parlies, but just simply
Industries and Statistics
For The Herald
because they do not like one anoth­ dash without a bedy development
K. A A. M.—Regular meeting of
• Chadwick Lodge No. 68 A. F. A A.
M.. st Masonic Hall, every Saturday
night in each month on or hefore the
(By J. E. Jones)
full moon.
D. D. I’ irkck , W. M.
R. H. M a st , Secretary.
E. —Regular meeting of Ileulah
Ralph H. Camerno. of Phoeoix,
. Chapter No. 6, second and fourth
Friday evenings of eacli month, in Ma­ Arizona, is in Washington, noil he
sonic Hall
has unfolded ihe greatest plan ever
M aky A. P iekck , W. M.
among Badgers.
<JJob Printing— N ew presses
new material and experienetd
workmen. A guarantee that
Herald printing will please
equal to his lrg development is like law,” which compels manufactur­
a beautiful engine with a poor boil­ ers to make a clear statement ol the
er, according to William Hayward, weight, volume, or contents of their
veteran track trainer of the state packages oi lood, were signed May
11 by the Secretaries of the Treasu­
“ Notice the weak man when he ry, Agriculture, and Commerce.
begins to run a 220,’ ’says Hayward These regulations apply to foods
“ First his head begius to go back shipped in interstate commerce or
on his shoulders, then his body sold in the District of Columbia or
gets a backward lean,and finally his the Territories The regulations as
legs begin to fan tbe air as if they signed become effective at once, al­
were runuiug away from bis body. though the law, passed March 3,
All good form in running is lost 1913, as an amendment to the lood
for tbe simple reason that the back, and drugs act, defers the exacting
shoulders and muscles of tbe abdo­ penalties for violations until Sep­
men cannot stand the strain when tember 3, 1914.
The regulations, in general, re­
called upon to respond
A great
many of our young men pay too quire that the manufacturer of foods
much attention to the development shall plainly mark all packages,
of the legs and point with pride to bottles, or other containers holding
the beautifully rounded muscles. more than 2 ounces avoirdupois, or
Consider this: How far could a more than 1 fluid ounce, to show
strongly built, beautiful engine go the net weight or volume of the
The measure must be
with a poor boilei ? It slauds to contents.
reason that it would uot go for any stated in avoirdupois pouuds and
great amount of time with the small ounces, United States gallons,
aiuouut of steam tbe boiler could quarts, pints, or fluid ounces, Uuit-
The Administration leaders have produce. Our bodies are the same; ed States standard bushels, half
not weakened in their demand for
adjournment of Congress shortly
after the first of July. The convic­
James Gordon Bennett, Famous
tion in the United State Senate,
that the only direct track to legisla
Owner of New York Herald
tion is through long drawn out dis­
cussions before committees and the
Senate itself, has been shocked,
and some of the solons are rather
resentful of a plan which boiled
down simplv means that the Senate
must be rushed. The theory of the
Administration men is that with the
carrying out ol the proposed legis­
lative program the case of the Dem­
ocratic party can be put up to the
voters ol the country in midsummer
According to the Wilson idea, the
voters will be obliged to do justice
to the Administration and therefore
return a Democratic Congress. Of
course the Republican and Progres­
sives figure it out altogether differ­
ently— but you must remember that
they are the minority in Washing­
ton, and have to be satisfied with
the leavings.
In many instances
this comfort has been disturbed by
the noise of the steam roller.
er, that Senators Ashurst ol Arizo­
na and Bristow of Kansas “ come
together” so frequently-
was making a plea for an appropri­
ation lor exterminating the prairie
dogs a few days ago, when Bristow
suggested that the Arizona solon
was prompted by a desire to secure
jobs for his constituents Tbereup
on Ashurst used such forcible lang­
uage as to stretch the dignity of
the Senate
Some months ago
Senator Ashurst had occasion to
criticise Bristow, and the latter
stirred up a tempestuous sea of
trouble by calling attention to the
large number of telegrams Ashurst
had sent at government expense.
This caused an inquiry into the
use of the telegraph service by Sen
ators. and the disclosures were so
astonishing that it was found neces­
sary to put an outside limit on the
amount any Senator might have
charged to the government.
proposed to reclaim any section ol
the country—for Citm ion is going
to do nothing less than harness the
power of the Grand Canyon of Col­
orado: and he has a hydro electric
developement project which in com­
parison makes the Niagara Falls
and Keokuk Dam developement.s
look like children’s ships in a mud
Mr. Cameion is the man who
built the Bright Angel trail on the
rim of the Grand Canyon, aud peo­
ple said it was ‘ ‘Cameron’s folly.”
But that was years ago before the
hundreds of thousands of tourists
got their first real thrills in life ent­
ering Arizona by this only passage
way from the north down what has
become the most famous scenic
route in the world. When the peo­
ple of Arizona tired of promises of
statehood, and wanted "the goods
delivered.” they sent Ralph Cam
eron to Congress. He stayed here
three years, and at the end of that
time he went back home— but not
to the home that had been the "Ter­
ritory of Arizona,” but to the “ State
ol Arizona,“ which he had promis­
ed he would secure "or never again
ask for political office.”
Thirity-two years ago Cameron
quit clerking in Hovey’s store in
Boston, and went to Arizona; where
he became one of the first of the
sheriffs who have furnished the in­
spiration which present-day moving
picture men thrive upon The dif­
ference between the real and the
play-house kind is that Ralph
Cameron is one of the men who
went out single-handed and alone
and actually trailed one of the most
desparate murderers ever known to
the southwest for thiee weeks
through cactus and sage brush, into
no man’s land, captured and shack­
led the "Terror of .Arizona” and
brought him home for trial.
The Interior Department have
been expecting Cameron to show
up, and it is a good sign that this
As great as is the power of Niag­
branch of our government has a ara Falls as a water power proposi­
welcome on the doormat for live tion, the scenic greatness of Niaga­
wire who like Mr. Cameron are ra surpasses its commercial value.
putting the best brain, brawn, in­ For years there has been a battle
telligence and money in the country between the government and those
back of reclaiming the southwest who would carry off the "whole
for people who want homes and are j works” if they were permitted to
willing to work for them.
do so, in order to run electro chem-
1 he Grand Canvon hydro-electric i cal interests One of the best au­
development project has been Ralph thorities in tbe country has declared
Cameron’s dream for seventeen I that the water now thundering
years It means (hat nearly $50,- [ over Niagara represents the equi­
000.000 will be expended, and that valent of 1,000,000 toDS of coal
200,000 horse power will be secured. | a week, and in a years time one-
This wondrous power will be dis -1 tenth of the entire consump­
tribuied over 2,500,000 acres of tion of coal of tht United btates.
land, and will reclaim most of it, as This authority does not enthuse over
it has been established that there is the conservation of scenery.
an abundance of underlying water, says the government policy at N i­
and this water will be pumped for agara is nothing short of criminal
irrigation purposes and for mining waste. Tbe United States govern­
projects, whose difficulties have ment has been quite ready to "split
been iu the lack of power and water the ^jfference” with the men who
The Roosevelt Dam reclaims 250- want the water power rf Niagara,
000 acres— one tenth of the Grand but Uncle Sam is wise enough to
Canyon project. The best engineers know that unless he holds on tight
in the United States have O K ’d that the water power interests will
the new project and it seems as­ be very likely to shoot everything
that looks like scenic beauty over
disappearing commercial w a t e r
Wisconsin has just discovered wheels.
the fact that it has lost its constitu­ D E N IE S W ITH D R A W A L OF PATRO ­
tion—that is to say, the original
Constitution was sent to Washing­
There are a few Democrats who
ton when it was adopted in 1848, jumped over the traces of Adminis­
aud no one discovered until recent­ tration policies, and among these
ly that it was missing.
The Wis­ was Senator Ransdell of Louisiana,
Justice of the Peace.......... J. J. Stanley
have who left President Wilson on the
Constable........................... Ned C. Kelley
been searched with the result that I tariff bill on account of fiee sugar.
County Judge
John T. Hall only a copy of the document, which For many weeks a report has been
Commissioners—W. T. Dement, Geo. J.
is at Madison has been brought to going around that the President
Clerk ..........................
James Watson light
Senator LaFollette has pur withheld patronage from the Louisi­
S h eriff........... ........................ W. W’ . Gsge
Treasurer______ ______T. M. Gimmick ■ sued the search through the State ana Senator in consequence of his
Assessor ____ ___ __ ...._____T. J. Thrift Department at Washington, the revolt. Ransdell says there is not
School Supt..............Raymond E. Baker
Surveyor __ ____
A. N. Gould Congressional Library and the Sen­ a word ol truth in the yarn, and
Coroner .......................
F. E. Wilson ate and House files, but has been since Louisiana people are back at
Health Officer............. Dr. Walter Culm
unsuccessful, and it is now believed the hem of the Presidential garment
! that the document found its way they no doubt find comfort while al­
a* into the files of one of the Congres­ laying the feats ol Senator Walsh
Societies will get the very best
sional Committees and probably ol Montana, O ’Gorman of New
was destroyed more than half a York and other Democrats who de­
at the office o f Coquille Herald
century ago.
Perhaps after a!', clare that consistency makes it ne
„ Continued on second page
the Constitution is not important
AMKft GORDON BENNETT, the famous yewspaiier owner, whose re-
ported critical Ulnoes at Suez was denied by him, much to the relief of
his friends, w as born In New York In 1841. He became managing editor
o f the New York Herald, founded by bla father, In 1866. When his father
died In 1872 he assumed full control. He soon established the Paris edition
o f his paper and spent most o f his time In the American colony In Paris and
In traveling. He never married. Hla many renowned newspaper enterprises,
such as sending Stanley to Africa after Livingstone, earned for him much
feme as a resourceful newspaper publisher.
we are no stronger than our weakest bushels, pecks, quarts, pints, or
part and the muscles of the upper half pints. The contents by a like
parts are the boilers which furnish method may be expressed in terms
the energy to carry those of the of metric weight or measure. The
lower part,the legs,over the ground. volume of liquids must be computed
"T o develop the weaker paits at 68 degrees F.
The quantity stated on the con­
then shall be our aim and, after all,
It is very simple. Lie on the back tainer must represent the actual
and raise the legs slowly, allowing quantity of lood exclusive of wrap­
the feet to descend to starting point pings and container.
In general, solids must be stated
gradually each time. This will tense
the muscles of tbe abdomen. Then in terms of weight and liquids in
after several performances of leg- terms of volume, except that where
raising, remain in the same position there is a definite trade custom oth­
and slowly raise the body without erwise any marking ol the package
lifting the feet from the ground or in terms that are generally under­
floor; when a siting position has stood to express definite quantities
been reached do the same thing over will be permitted. The quantity of
again until tired.
viscous or semisolid food or of m ix­
“ The next exercise is that of tures of solids and liquids may be
Lie on your stcmach, stated either by weight or measure,
extend the feet and legs as straight but the statement must clearly in­
out as possible and then raise tbe dicate whether the quantity is ex­
head and legs at the same time un­ pressed in terms of weight or mea
til you pivot upon the stomach. sure.
This is a very healthy form of ex­
In the case of certain articles tbe
ercise and one much used.
contents may he stated by numeri­
“ Bag-punching, boxing, c 1 n b- cal couut, provided such numerical
swinging and deep breathing not count gives accurate information as
only develop the muscles referred to the quantity ol food in the pack­
to. but develop the heart and lungs. age. Under this requirement it
These exetcises should be made a ( would not be enough to state that a
package of candy contained 24
patt ol the everyday training."
statement of minimum volume or
weight, as "Minimum weight, 12
ounces’ ’ ; "Minimum volume, 1 gal­
lon” ; "Not less lhau 4 ounces."
In such cases the amount stated
must approximate the actual quan­
tity will be permitted.
Tbe statement of weight or mea­
sure must be marked in terms of
the laigest uuit contained in the
package; (or example, if the pack­
age contains a pound and a fraction
tbe contents must be expressed in
terms of pounds and tractions
thereof, or pounds and ounces, aud
not merely in ounces
U. O. Graduating Class
Will Number Nearly 130
U. of Oregon, Eugenp, May 25 .
A senior class of 130 comes up for
graduation tests in tbe final examin­
ations beginning June 6.
mencement exercises for those who
are successful will begin June 11
snd will be concluded tbe night of
June 17 . Commencement week
program will be as follows:
J udb 14 — Bsccalaureate sermon
by Rev. F. Loveland, Portland.
June 15 — Field day in the after-
noon; school of music recital in the
June 1 C— Meeting of state associ­
ation of alumnae and business meet­
ing of alumni in the forenoon; pres­
ident's reception in the afternoon;
Failing-Beekman oratorical contest
m the evening.
Juue 17 — Commencement exer­
cises at 10 a. m.; alumni banquet,
1 p. m.; alumni ball, 9 p. m. The
commencement address will be giv­
en by Dr. Molvin A. Brannon, the
new presidi nt of the University of
Idaho. Ground is to be broken by
Governor West for the new class
room and administration building
The Coos Bay port commission
has cloved a coutiact to complete
the 300 foot channel into that harbor.
The first of the Astoria San Fran­
cisco line of Hill steamers will be
laumbed July ist at the Cramp
shipyuul iu Philadelphia
The Eugene cannery is running
on strawberries and gooseberries.
The Willamette Pacific grade be­
tween Lakeside and Winchester is
being thrown up by a sixty-ton
M. E. Miller, one ol the candi­
dates lor Labor Commissioner,
made bis campaign with pictures of
factory buildings in fnll operation.
The Washington minimum wage
and eight hour law for women does
not apply to the fruit industry ai it
does in Oregon.
A cannery and evaporator are to
be elected at Alvadore.
The H. M. Byllesby Co. will take
up community advertising of tbe
Pacific Co st in connection with
each ot thei 34 plants.
North Bend is goiug after a mu­
nicipal water supply.
Salem has raised funds for the
annual Cherry Fair to be held
about tbe end of June.
The Susanvllle mining claims in
the Greenhorn district cf Grant
county are making a good showing
as producers.
A movement has been started in
Lincoln county to establish a mini­
mum wage of $60. per month for
The Pacific Northwest sent out
$3,069,635 fruit shipments in 1913.
Tbe Catholic cathedral to be
erected in east Portland will cost,
building and grounds, $1,006,000.
The Knights ol Columbus will erect
— ----------- ---- » « > » --------
a club building to cost $100,000.
Once a Coquille Teacher
M D. Hammill of Albany is
J. J. Stanley hands in the clip­ planning a 100 room hotel at Ban­
ping given below. The T .P. Brine- don.
gar referred to taught in the Co­
A $52,000 armory is being plann­
quille school in 1889 , the other two ed for Eugene.
teachers beiug Mr. Stanley and
Coquille river coal mines are
Miss Clinton, now Mrs. Burkholder. making large shipments to San
The two men had been school mates Francisco.
in their younger days and have kept
SpringfieTd is to have fountains
iu touch with each other since then. on the principal streets.
Wood block pavements made
Friday evening of last week Mr.
from sawmill butts is a new indus­
T. P. Brinegnr, the well known min­
try proposed in Lane county.
ing operator, returned from tbe Ala­
Construction of the loug trestles
mos district of Sonora, where be has
tbe line between Siuslaw and
valuable mining interests in the vi­
cinity of El l ’romoutorio. Mr. Brin- Marshfield has begun.
Work begins in June on the
egar was at his camp several weeks,
attending to work wliieb h • had or­ Sutberliii, Coos Bay and Eastern
dered started before he went there railroad.
from Nogales, in March; aod during
Tom Richardson, the Portland
his stay he made several visits at Commercial club booster, estimates
Oregon has lost 20,000 people on
Mr. Brioegar reports that tbe Al­ account ot women not making it
amos district is quiet, and that work pleasant tor newcomers.
is going on in some of the mines.
E- M. Andrews and associates
In the agricultural districts there will expend $100,000 boring test
lias been little if any interruption wells lor oil in the Coos Bay coal
in cultivation, aud good crops were fields.
raised last year with every prospect
The Forestry department will
for a goodly yield the present sea­ construct a bridge across the Breit-
son. Tbe same condition is reported enbtush between Detroit and Ni­
in Sinaloa. All the necessaries of agara.
life are very cheap, and as every
J. A. McEachren A Co., Seattle,
thing purchased is bought with con
have the contract for constructing
stitutionalist money, which is ex­
the first unit of the Astoria public
changeable for gold at four to one,
docks, to cost $135,715.
the coat of operation is much lower
Tbe Portland port commission
than ever before in many years, all
orderered a new tug and de­
who can are taking advantage of
the cheapness aud doing all the creed that all dredging shall be thir­
work possible on their mining prop­ ty feet deep in front of private docks.
The new Meier A Frank building
erties. The difficulty of getting
powder acts as a handicap. None is at Portland is to cost $1,250,000.
imported without permission of tbe The steel superstructure is to be
authorities, am) that is difficult to fabricated at Portland.
secure. All imported goods are very
The new high school at McMin-
high, and becoming scarce, as tbe ville will cost $30,000.
merchants have permitted their
The order of St Francis will erect
stock to tun down.
a $40.000 hospital at Klamath
Tbe destitution reported does not Falls. That city will get a munici­
exist in the parts of tbe country vis­ pal building to cost $40,000.
ited by Mr. Brinegar, but be under­
Hillsboro will erect at once a Car­
stood that in some of the mountain negie library building
camps, distant from tbe agricultural
Flle9 Greatest Germ Carriers.
valleys, supplies have run low and
destitution exists
The moaqulto Implant* the Kenn o f
Coming out Mr Brinegar met a malaria, and flip* carry the norm* of
number of Americsns going into tuberculoeta a* well a* other disease«,
Sinaloa and the Alamos district,with »uch a* typhoid «nd diphtheria.
Don’t watt until the warm weather
a view to resume work upon their to kill the fly.
8wat him now before the holdover»
mining propeitiea.— Tbe (Nogales,
Atiz ) Oasis, Saturday, April 25 , 1914 I h ^ z r l n t o n m n a r n t *