Every Part of the Art of LAUNDERING F1H ST N A T I O N A L B A N K Has Had Our Careful Attention It is our business, so it is necessary that we use the very best and latest methods to turn out the best work possible Our service i- at your command. If you are not already a customer we would be glad to add you to our host of satisfied patrons. Copyright, 1913 by Bobbv-M errill Company S Y N O P S IS Jennie B rice and h er husband, L a d le y , qu arrel. She d isa pp ea rs fr o m Mrs. P i t ­ m an ’s bo a rd in g house d u rin g a P ittsb u rg h flood. Mrs. Pitman tells Holcombe, an am ateur detect ive, that she believes Lad- ley has killed Jennie Brice. H o lcom b e finds in c rim in a tin g evid en ce In L a d le y ’s room. A n o n y x clock is m iss­ ing. Mrs. Pitm a n s k n ife has been stolen and broken. M rs. Pitm a n reca lls th a t H o w e ll, a im­ porter, w a s w ith J en n ie B ric e and L a d le y sh o rtly b efo re Jen nie d isapp eared L a d le y is arrested, bu t as no uody nua been fo u n d h e is re lea sed fo r la ck o f e v i­ dence. COQUILLE LAUMIKV ILICE CO. Str. Elizabeth Regular as the Clock San Francisco a n d Bandon First-class lare only Up freight, per Ion $7.50 3.00 E. & E. T. Kruse 24 California Street, San Francisco For Reservation. J. E. NORTON H o lcom b e believes L a d le y is gu ilty. L a d le y retu rns to M rs P itm a n 's H o l­ com be w atches him th rou gh th e ceiling. CHAPTER VII. H A T was Friday afternoon. All that evening and most of Saturday and Sunday Mr. Holcombe sat on the floor with his eye to the reflecting mirror and his notebook beside him. 1 have It before me. On the first page is the “ dog meat— $2“ entry. On the next, the descrip­ tion of w hat occurred on Sunday night. March 4, and Monday morning, the 5th. Following that came a sketch, made with a carbon sheet of the torn paper found behind the washstand: ing. He thought the body was that of Jennie Brice, but the head was gone. He wag much depressed and did not immediately go back to the periscope. I asked if the head had been cut off or taken off by a steamer. lie was afraid the latter, as a hand was gone too. It was about II o'clock that night that the doorbell rang. It was Mr. Graves, with a small man behind him. 1 kuew the man. He lived in a shanty boat not far from my house, a curious affair with shelves full of dishes and tinware. In the spring he would be towed up the Monongahela a hundred miles or so and float down, tying up at different landings and selling his wares. Timothy Sen ft was his name. We called him Tim. Mr. Graves motioned me to be quiet. Both of us knew that behind the par­ lor door Ladley was probably listening. “ Sorry to get you up, Mrs. Pitman," said Mr. Graves, “ but this man says he has bought beer here today. That won’t do, Mrs. Pitman.” “ Beer! I haven’t such a thing in the house. Come in and look!” I snapped. And the two of them went back to the kitchen. “ Now," said Mr. Graves when I had shut the door, “ where’s the dog’s meat man*/" “ Upstairs.” “ Bring him quietly." I called Mr. Holcombe, and he came eagerly, notebook and all. “ Ah!" he said when he saw Tim. “ So you’ve turned up!" “ Yes, sir." “ It seems, Mr. Dog’s—Mr. Holcombe," said Mr. Graves, "that you are right— partly anyhow. Tim here did help a man with a boat that night"— "Threw him a rope, sir," Tim broke in. "H e ’d got out in the current, and what with the ice and Ills not know­ ing much about a boat he’d have kept on to New Orleans if I hadn’t caught floor. him—or kingdom come." “ Exactly. And what time did you say this was?" “ Between 3 and 4 last Sunday night —or Monday morning. He said he And then came the entries for Fri­ day, Saturday and Suuday. Friday evening: 0:30—Eating hearty supper. 7— Lights cigarette und paces OVER 65 YEARS' EXPERIENCE Notice that when Mrs. P. knocks he goes to desk and pretends to be writ­ ing. 8— Is examining book. Looks like a railway guide. 8 :30-It is a steamship guide. 8:45—Tailor’s boy brings box. Gives ' I HADE IVIAnna boy 50 cents. Query: Where does he D e s ig n s get money now that J. B. is gone? C o p y r ig h t s 4 c . A nyone «ending n "ketch and description may U—1 T ries on new suit (brown). quickly ascertain our opinion free whether an 0:30—Has been spending u quarter of Invention Is probably piitentuhle. Communie», th in s strictly confidential. HANDBOOK on Patents an hour on his knees looking behind sent free, oldest »money for securing patents. Patents taken through Munu & Co. receive furniture and examining baseboard. tprciul notice, without clmrco, in tho 10— lie has the key to the onyx clock. Has hidden it twice—once up the chim­ A handsomely llluNtrafed weekly. I.nrcest clr- ney flue, once behind baseboard. culatlnn o f any sciontlllo Journal. Terms, f.'l a 10:15—He has Just thrown key or ; fou r months, f l . tiolUbyall newsdealers. similar small article outside window into yard. » Office, (i?5 F 8t., WashlUKton, D. C. 11— Has gone to bed. Light burning. Shall sleep here on floor. 11:30— He cannot sleep. Is up walk­ ing the floor and smoking. 2 a. m.—Saturday. Disturbance be­ low. He had nightmare and was call­ Incorporated ing “Jennie!" He got up, took a drink Manufacturers of and is now reading. The Celebrated Berqm ann Shoe 8 a. in.—Must have slept. He is sbav The Strongest and Nearest Water ing. Pr >of shoe made for loggers, miners 12 in.—Nothing this morning. He wrote for four hours, sometimes read prospectors and mill men. Ing aloud what he had written. 621 Thurman Street 2 p. m. —lie has u visitor, a man P o r t l a n d O heo O n , Cannot hear all—word now and then “ Llewellyn is the very man." “ Devil a risk." “ W e’ll see you through." “ Lost the slip." “ Didn’t go to the ho­ tel. She went to a private bouse.’ y—- THE DIA.MONO It HA NO. a “ Eliza Shaeffer." Who went to a privute house? Jen nie Brice? _________ ________ — . . o r y o u r l»rucirl*t. A k for f i l l I.C IIK n .T E K « 2:30—Cannot hear. Are whispering. D I A M O N D I t l t A N O 1*11.1», for « 5 years known as licit, Safest, Always Kdial to The visitor has given Ladley roll of “T h r e w h i m a r o p e , sir, SOLO BY DRUGGISTS LVtKYWNLRE bills. couldn’t sleep and went out in a boat, 4—Followed the visitor, a tali man meaning to keep in close to shore. But with a pointed beard. He went to the he got drawn out in the current." Libelty theater. Found It was Bron­ “ Where did yon see him first?" S p e c ia l H o s ie ry O ffe r son, business manager there. Who “ By the Ninth street bridge." Guaranteed W ear-E ver hosiery For is Llewellyn, and who is Eliza Shaef- “ Did you hail him?" Men And W om en fer? “ He saw my light and hailed me. I Ladies' Special Offer 4:15—Had Mrs. P. bring telephone was making fast to a coal barge after For Limited Time Only— book; six Llewellyns in tbe book; no one of my ropes had busted." Six pair of our finest .'55c value ladies’ | Eliza Shaeffer. Ladley appears more “ You threw the line to him there?” guaranteed hose in black, tan or white ; cheerful since Bronson’s visit. He has “ No, sir. He tried to work in to colors with written guarantee, for $1.00 bought all the eveuiug papers and is shore. I ran along River avenue to and 10c for postage, etc. searehiug for something. Has not below the Sixth street bridge. He got SPE C IAL OFFER FOR MEN pretty close in there, and 1 threw him fotiud it. For a limited time only,six pairs of our 7—Ate well. Have asked Mrs. P. to a rope. He whs about done up.” finest 3f>C value Guaranteeded Hose any “ Would you know him again?" color with written guarantee and a pair take my place here while I interview "Yes, sir. He gave me $5 and said o f our well known Men’s Paradise Gar­ the n I x Llewellyns. He didn’ t 11 —Mrs. P. reports a quiet evening. to say nothing about it. ters for one dollar, and 10c for postage, etc. He read and smoked. Has gone to want anybody to know he had beeu such a fool.*’ You know these hose; they stood the bed. Light burning. Saw five Llew They took him quiet*?* upstairs then test when all others failed. They give el Iy ns. None of therr knew Bronson real foot comfort, they have no seams and let him look through the pen- to rip. They never become loose and or Ladley. Sixth—a lawyer—out at re­ scope. He identified Mr. Ladley abso­ baggy a.s the shape is knit in, not pres­ vival meeting. Went to the church and lutely. sed in. Thev are Guaranteed for fine­ walked home with him. lie knows When Tim and Mr. Graves had gone ness, for style, for superiority of mater­ something. Acknowledged he knew ial and workmanship, absolutely stain­ Bronson. Had met Ladley. Did uot Mr. Holcombe and 1 were left alone In the kitchen. Mr. Holcombe leaned less and to wear six months without believe Mrs. Ladley dead. Regretted over and patted Peter as he lay in his holes, or a new pair free. Don’t delay send in your order before I had not beeu to the meeting. Good basket. sermon. Asked me for a dollar for offer expires. Give correct size. “ W e’ve got him, old boy,” he said. “The chain is just about complete. Wear - Ever Hosiery Company missions. 0 a. in.—Sunday. Ladley in bad He’ ll never kick you again." Dayton, Ohio shape. Apparently been drinking all But Mr. Holcombe was wrong—not night. Cannot eat. Sent out early for about kicking Peter, although I don't papers and has searched them all. believe Mr Ladley ever did that again, Found entry on second page, stared at but in thinking we had him. A U T O M O B IL E T IR E S it, then flung the paper away. Have I washed that next morning, Mon AT FACTORY PRICES sent for same paper. day. but all the time I was rubbing 10 a. m. — Paper says. "Body of wo­ and starching and hanging out my S A V E FKOM 30 to 00 I1 ’ER CENT man washed ashore yesterday at Se- mind was with Jennie Brice. The wlckley. Much mutilated by flood sight of Molly Maguire next door at Tire Tube debris.” Ladley in bed, staring at ceil­ the window rubbing and brushing at 29x3 » 7.20 $1.65 ing. Wonder if he sees tube? He is the fur coat only made things worse. 7.30 30x3 1.95 ghastly. At noon when the Maguire young­ 30x3 L, 10. HO 2.80 That is the last entry In the note­ sters came home from school I bribed 11.90 32x3 S, 2.95 book for that day. Mr. Holcombe call Tommy, the youngest, into tbe kitchen IL’ .IO 34x3’ , 3.00 ed uie In great excitement shortly after with the promise of a doughnut. 82x4 1.3.70 33x4 14.80 3 50 10 and showed me the Item. Neither "I see your mother has a new fur Ii; go 34x4 3.60 of us doubted for a moment that It coat." I sal id, with the plate of dough 80x4 17.85 3.90 was Jennie Brice who had been found. nuts just beyond his reach. 35x4'„ 19.75 4.85 “ Yes’m." He started for 8e wick ley that same 36x4*2 19.86 4.90 afternoon, and he probably communi­ “ She didn't buy It?" 21.50 37x4‘ a 5.10 cated with the police before he left, “ She didn't buy It. Say, Mrs. Pit­ 37x6 24 90 5.90 A ll other sizes in stock. Non-Skid for once or twice 1 saw Mr. Graves, man. gimme that doughnut." “ Oh, so the coat washed in!" tires 15 per cent additional . reti tubes the detective, sauntering past the 15 per cent above gray. All new, bouse. “ No'm. Pap found it down by the clean, fre*h, guarnnterd tires. Best Mr. Ladley ate no dinner. He went point on a cake of ice. He thought it standard and independent makes. Buy out at 4. and 1 had Mr. Reynolds fol­ was n dog, and rowed out for it " direct from us anti save money. 6 per low him. But they wore both back In Well, 1 hadn't wanted the coat, as cent discount if payment in full accom­ panies each order. C. O. I). on 10 per a half hour. Mr. Reynolds reported f;,r as that goes; I ’d managed well cent deposit. Allowing examination. that Mr. Ladley had bought some head (enough without furs for twenty years ache tablets and some bromide pow or more. But it was a satisfaction to 'Fire Factories Sales Co. ders to make him sleep know that it had not floated Into Mrs. j Dept. A Dayton, Ohio Mr. Holcombe came back that even Maguire’s kitchen and spreadJRself at Agents, Coquille, Oregon P atents Scientific American. $ Co.364 Br°ad*a>- New York Thr0.topailfc.%C0. CHICHESTER S PILLS R. E.SHINE, V. I n ing. But she sat up in bed suddenly A J. SHERWOOD Pr«» and looked at me with her clear, child­ 0. C SANFORD, As»t. Cashiar i.ft. HAZM D, Caahlsr ish eyes. “ 1 don't want him to like me,” she dashed. “ 1—1 want him to hate me.” “Tut. tut! You want nothing of the op C O Q U I l i U H , O R E G O P . sort.” “ Mrs. Pitman,” she said, “ l sent foi T r a n s a c t a a G e n e r a l H a n k i n g B u s l n e « * . you because I’m nearly crazy. Mr | ----------------------------------- Howell was a friend of that woman B a a r d s i D i r e c t o r » Correspondent» Ho has acted like a maniac since sin disappeared He doesn’t come to set R .O . Dement, A . J. Sherwood, National Bank o Commerce, New York Cl ' her feet, as oue may say. However, me. he has given up his work on tin L . Harlocker, L . H . Hazard, ; Crocker W oolworth N ’ lBank, San Franc» I that was not the question ufter all. paper, und I saw him today on tin Itiaiah Hack« . R . F.. Shine. First N a t’l Bank of Portland, Portland. : The real issue was that If it was street—he looks like a ghost” I Jennie Brice’s coat and was fouud That put me to thinking. across the river ou a cake of ice, then “ He might have been a friend," 1 one of two things was certain: Either admitted, “ although us far as 1 know R. s. K n o w lt o n , President G eo . A . R obinso n , Vice-Pres. Jennie Brice’s body wrapped in the he was never at the house but once, R. H. M a s t , Cashier. coat had been thrown into the water and then he saw both o f them." out in the current, or she herself, hop­ “ When was that?” “ Sunday morning, the day before she ing to incriminate her husband, had disappeared They were arguing some flung her coat into the river. I told Mr. Holcombe, and he inter­ thing ” viewed Joe Maguire that afternoon. (To be continued next week ) The upshot of it was that Tommy had — . — - C O Q U IL L E . O R E G O N been correctly informed. Joe had wit­ Notice of Final Settlement nesses who had lined up to see him rescue a dog, and had beheld his re­ O p> ned fo r B o s m e s M a r c h . 1 8 9 0 Notice is hereby given that the under turn in triumph with a wet and soggy signed Administrator o f the estate ot fur coat At 3 o'clock Mrs. Maguire, David J. Lowe, sr. deceased has filed C O R R E S PO N D E N TS : Instructed by Mr. Graves, brought the his final report with the County Court coat to me for identification, turniug it of Coos County State o f Oregon, and Ladd & Tilton Hank, Portland First National Bank, San Francisco about for my inspection, but refusing that the judge thereof has set Monday National Park, New York First Trust & Savings, Coos Bay the 6th day o f July at the County Court to take her hands off it. room in the Court House Building a* “ I f her husband says to mo that he Coquilie City Coos County Oregon, at wants it back, well and good,” she said, j the hourof ten o’clock A M. of said day “ but 1 don’t give it up to nobody but 1 as the time and place for the hearing J* ts « X » « -ö-KS-ör c * r.k ■& tï him/ Some folks I know o f would be of objections thereto and of the settle­ glad enough to have it." ment thereof. Now all persons having OLD R E L IA B L E —E Q UIPPED W IT H W IRELESS 0 I was certain it was Jeunie Brice’s 1 objections to said final report and thi 4V coat, but the maker’s name had been settlement thereof are hereby notified ripped out. With Molly holding one to appear and file the same on said date 0 arm and I the other we took it to Mr. and at said time. Dated this 9th day of May 1914. A L W A Y S ON T IM E Ladle.v’s door and knocked. He opened F r a n k L. L o w e , it, grumbling. Administrator o f the estate Sail* from Portland at 8 A . M., “ I have asked you not to interrupt o f D av id J. L owe Sr. deceased. me,” he said, with his pen in his hand. I 5-12-5t May 3rd 8th 13th 18th 23nl 28ili His eyes fell ou the coat. “ What’s that?” he asked, changing color. ‘ in t h e c o u n t y c o u r t o f t h e Sails from Coos Bay “ I think it’s Mrs. Ludley’s fur coat,” STA TE OF OREGON IN AND FOR T H E C O UNTY OF 1 said. Mi v 5.1 p.m.; 10,11 a m.; 15,1 p.m.; 20,9:30 a.m.;25,10 a.m ;30,1 p.m. COOS. 4 He stood there looking at it and tV. L. K0LM, Agent Phone M ain 181 thinking. Then: “ It can’t be hers,” he !h / h Fs!stM*r I No-ncs of P r iv a t e said. "She wore hers when she went m .h ? w / - s '_ S a le of Martha J. Nos- P oT iT R r eal away." ter, Deceased. ESTATE “ Perhaps she dropped it in the Notice is hereby given that under and water.” S O O O s « îiX S C C œ t N O C O O O O O d O lie looked at me and smiled. “ And by virtue o f authority given me, by an order of the County Court for Coos why would she do that?” he asked jrL Fred V o i Pegert County, Oregon, duly made and entered mockingly. "W as it out o f fashion?” of record in the Probate Journal o f said “ That’s Mrs. Ladley’s coat,” I per­ Court on the 5th day of May, 1014, 1 sisted, but Molly Maguire jerked it shall from and after the 10th day or from me and started away. He stood June, 1914, offer for sale and sell at there looking at me and smiling in his* private sale, the following described nasty way. real estate belonging to the estate of “ This excitement is telling on you, Martha J. No3ler, deceased, to-wit: a 6-10 interest in the N W 4 of the S E ’ .i, Mrs. Pitman,” he said coolly. “ You’re too emotional for detective work.” and Lots 6 and 7 in Section 7 Township 28 South of Range 13 West of the* W il­ \ M n c h in u ^ ! i i » j> Then he went in and shut the door. lamette Meridian in Coos County, When I went downstairs Molly Ma­ Oregon. f G e n e r a l ; -lacksmithing. guire was waiting in the kitchen and Also Lot 3 in Block 3 in the Town of r Wagon Making, Machine had the audacity to ask me if I Riverton, Coos County, Oregon, as per w Work, Pattern Making. nm T. . fi thought the cqat needed a new lining! plat thereof on file and of record in tlv It was on Monday evening that the office o f the County Clerk of said Cooi ► C O Q U I L L E , OREGON strangest event in years happened to County. That the terms o f said sale shall be me. i went to my sister’s house! And >00 the fact that I was admitted at a side for cash or credit, to-wit: either al entrance made it even stranger. It cash, or one-half cash at time of sal* and one-half in not more than one o’ happened this way: Supper was over, and I was cleaning or two years time, with interest at no' less than 6 per cent per annum, interest up, when an automobile came to the payable semi-annually. door, it was Alma’s car. The cbuuf- That any offers for same may be pre­ feur gave me a note: sented at the office of Geo. P. Topping And Auto Line D ea r M rs. P it m a n —I am not a t a ll w ell at Bandon, Oregon, or sent there b^ and v e r y anxious. W ill you com e to 3ee mail. m e a t once? M y m o th er is ou t to dinner, This notice is published in the Co Leavt b Myrtle Point 5 a. in. and I am alone. T h e c a r w ill b rin g you. quille Herald for four successive week: C o rd ia lly . L ID A H A R V E Y . Arrives Roseburg, next day or five times, the first May 12, 1914 I put on my best dress at once and Leaves Roeeburg...... 6 p. m. and^he last June 9, 1914, by order got into tho limousine. H alf the the Hon. John F. Hall, County Judge, Arr. Myrtle Point by 10 p. in. neighborhood was out watching. I as above mentioned. Make reservations in advance at Ov\ 1 leaned back in the upholstered seat, Dated this 12th day o f May, 1914. Drug Store, Marshfield. fairly quivering with excitement. This FLORENCE U R Q U H AR T, was Alma’s car; that was Alma’s card Executrix of the estate and last Wil case; the little clock had her mono­ and Testament of Martha J. Nosier, Carrying Baggage- and United States Mail deceased. gram on it. Even the flowers in the J. L. LAIRD, Proprietor flower holder, yellow tulips, reminded GEO. P. TOPPING, Attorney for Estate. 6-12-51 me o f Alma, a trifle showy, but good to Office at .Laird’s Livery Barn, M yrtle Point, Bolli Phones look at. And 1 was going to her house. I was not taken to the main en­ Iii the Cii cuit Court of the State o* Oregon in and for Coos County trance, but to a side door. The queer dreamlike feeling was still there. In Robert Dollar, Trustee, ] Plaintiff, I S U IT IN this back hall, relegated from the more vs. I E Q U ITY conspicuous part of the house, there Seeley-Anderson Log- - were even pieces of furniture from the ging Company, a cor- NOTICE TO old home, and my father’s picture in an poration, and E. O. CREDITORS oval gilt frame hung over my head. I Clinton, Defendants. had not seen a picture o f him for twen­ Notice is hereby given that all per­ ty years. I went over and touched it sons having claims against the Seeley- Why not have an extension telephone installed in Anderson Logging Company are here­ gently. by required to present same to the your residence, the price has been reduced to “ Father, father!” 1 said. Circuit Court o f Coos County, Oregon, Under It was the tall hall chair that 1 duly verified, and with all proper and 60 cents per month. Think o f the un­ had climbed over as a child and had necessary vouchers and proof to satisfy stood on many times to see myself in said court of the validity o f said claims, necessary steps this will save you. the mirror above The chair was newly within six weeks from the date of this finished and looked the better for its notice. That this notice is published by the Coos B a y Hom e Telephone Co. ago. I glanced in the old glass. The Main Office Marshfield, Oregon chair had stood time better than I. I order of the Circuit Court for Coos was n middle aged woman, lined with County, Oregon, which said order is dated the 12th day o f May, 1914. poverty and care, shabby, prematurely Dated this 12th day o f May, 1914. gray, a little hard. J had thought my R. S T A N L E Y DOLLAR. father an old man when that picture Receiver of Seeley-Anderson Logging was taken, and now 1 was even older. Company. 5-12 Add to Coos Bay $10.00 “ Father!" I whispered again and fell Ewnyl Smith to I I . S. Bushnell q c to crying in the dimly lighted hall. deed s w ^ of n e^ s% of nwhV 3c n w14 Lida sent for me at once. 1 had only Reported for The Herald by the Title of seT^ sec 3 tp 30 a r 13 w w m $250.00 time to dry my eyes and straighten my Guarantee and Abstract Co. April 30 hat Had 1 met Alma on the stairs I would have passed her without a word. Margaret B. Wade et vir to Patrick Kirby, q c deed lots 6 & 7, blk 8, Azalea 8he would not have known me. But I April 23 1914 saw no one. A. H. McKay et ux to Baxter Robin- Para add to Bandon, $1. >LW AYS BEGINS a SMALL LUMP LIKE Lida was in bed. She was lying THIS and ALWAYS P O I S O N S DEEP GLANDS j son q c deed 0.22 acres in Koos Bay Geo. H. Rockwell et ux to S. C. Rock­ there with a rose shaded lamp beside IN THE ARMPIT AND K I L L S Q U I C K L Y i Fiat E. *10.00 well q c d lots 1 i^ sec 20 tp ou a little stand at her elbow. She s w d nVa of nwl4, sw1^ of nw & nv\ % 28 8 r 14 w w m $10.00 sat up when l went in and had a maid Wilbur C. Rockwell et ux to S. C. : of sw1^ sec 15 Jc se1^ of sec lfi tp 23 piaee a chair for me beside the bed. Rockwell q c deed same as above $10.00 She looked very rhildish with her hair IF I FAIL TO CURE any CANCER or T U M O R a r 12 w *1 00 in a braid on the pillow, and her slim I TREAT BEFORE ii Poisons Bone or Deep Glands S. C. Rockwell et al to Robert B* April 24 1914 young arms and throat bare. H. H. Klahn et ux to Francia V. Young war deed lot 20 blk 21 Woolen No KNIFE or PAIN “ I ’m so glad you came!” she said, Klahn war deed parcel of land near blk Mill Add to Bandon $10.00 and would not t*e satisfied until the No Pay Until Curad| May 1 1914 N o X Ray or other 18 North Bend *10 00 light was just l ight for my eyes and swindle. An island Joseph Wortndle et ux to Paul B. plant makes tho cure Phillip A Alford et n r to J. R. Ben­ my coat unfastened and thrown open. Hoi s war deed lots 19 3c 20 bik 9 Graves GUARANTEE. son war deed 10 07 acres in se}^ sec 35 Add to Marshfield $10.00 *Tm not really ill," she informed me. ABSOLUTE A n y TUMOR, LUMP orf “ I T n - l’m just tired and uervous, and Sore on the lip,, face tp 27 s r 13 w w m $10.00 | C. E Nile-» et ux to brank Adams or body long is Cancer —and unhappy, Mrs. Pitman.” It Never Pains until last Southern Oregon Co to Richard Ja­ war deed lot 5 blk 2 Supplemental Plat “ 1 am sorry," l said. I wanted to a t age. 120 PAGE BOOK of Academy Add to Coquilie $---- cobson war deed lot 1 blk 23 Perham free; testimonials of lean over and pat her hand, to draw eent thousands cured at home May 2 1914 Park Add to Marshfield $10.00 f l K I T K T O HOME the covers aromal her and mother her Ge ». E. Glanzer et al to J. O. Stem- Southern Oregon Co. et al to Julius a little—I had had no one to mother ANY LUMP IN WOMAN'S BREAST ler sheriff’s deed swhj of nwl.£ n}.j ol for so long—but 1 could not. She Is C A N C E R . W e refuse thousands D yin g* Hagquist war deed lot 4 blk 23 Perham swl4 3c nu t4 0f 1*14 9ec 2 tp 29 s r 10 w Cams Too Late. W e have cured 10,000 in 20 yra* would have thought it queer and pre­ Fark Add to Marsh field $10 00 ! w in 1624.00 sumptuous—or no, not that. She was Address DR. & MRS. DR. CHAMLEY & CO. K. G. Flanagan et ux to Win. Archer Southern Oregon Co. et al to John too sweet to have thought that. A 436 VALENCIA ST., SIN FRANCISCO, C U Backman et al war deed lots 5 3c fi blk b 3c s deed lots 13 14 15 3c 16 blk 6 Bunk­ er Hill Add to Marshfield $100 00 “ Mrs. Pitman,’* she said suddenly, KINDLY MAIL (his to some one with CANCER 23 Perham Park A« i to Marshfield $10 •“who was this Jennie Brice?" May 4 .914 J. D. Fine nt ux to Webster L. Smith “ She was an actress. She and her A. G. Hetman et nx to Eva M. Her- et al war deed lot 12 blk 3 Portlawn husband lived at my house.” | man war deed lot 9 blk 12 Woodland to I Bandon $75.00 “ Was she—was she beautiful?" Add to North Bend $10 00 “ Well," l said slowly. “ I never OREGON and WASHINGTON Geo. Heath to F. G. Stewart war Arthur E. Meree et ux to L. A. Rob­ deed lots 2 15 and 16 blk 7 Central thought of that She was handsome, erts war deed lot 9 »Ik 3 South Bandon Piace Add to Coos Bay $10 00 in a large way.” $250.00 V. S. of A. to Abraham June’s patent “ Was she young?" A D irectory o f each City, Tow n and V illa ge, g iv in g descriptive sketch o f Lizzie G. Howard et vir to Fluella ne1^ of ne>4 sec 19 tp 29 s r 13 w w m “ Yes. Twenty eight or so." each place, location, population, tele­ Proceedings in estate of Thos. Jo- Turner war deed lots 11 to W blk 1 “ That isn't very young," she said, graph. shipping and banking point; hannesen deed. looking reliev'd. “ But 1 don’t think Flagstaff $10.C0 Classified Directory, com piled by Andrew logman et nx to Wm. Hag- »aetneas and p rofession mpn like very young women. Do you?" Jacob M. B akeef ux to J. T. McGuire uuist et ai war deed pari of lot 10 blk 9 h. L I’ OIJK * CO., S E A T T L E . “ 1 know one who duos,” 1 said, smil­ et al war deed lota 1 3c 2 blk 2 Spokane First Add to Marshfield $10.00 Farmers and Merchants Bank s STEAMER BREAKWATER I J î KIMn & VON PEGERT GARAGE \ Roseburg Myrtle Point Stage I I I I I 60 C E N T S REAL ESTATE IN WOMAN'S BREAST I WILL GIVE $1000 P O LK ’S Business D irectory TRANSFERS i i i i i