Nineteen T housand Druggists In the United States now handle the A. D. Remedies, and Toilet Articles which are prepared from the best formulas known to the members of the American Druggists' Syndicate. This means that the remedies are the best known to medical science. There is an A. D. S. Remedy for your trouble, and you can find it at KNOWLTONS DRUG STORE of a week at the State Fair. A'o ng with these prize winners should be PUBLISHED EVERY TUESDAY sent the best possible school exhibit Entered an second class matter May that Coos County eau produc . 8 , 1005. at the post ollice at Coquille, A club was organized at the Ray Oregon, underact of Congress of March School on Monday with the follow­ 8 , 1879. ing < fficers: President, Stephen P. C. LEVAR, Lessee. E pp s; Vice-President, Myrtle New­ Devoted to the material and social ton; Secretaiy, Fred Wiiner; Treas upbuilding of the Coquille Valley par­ urer Dorothy Newton; Ti idler in ticularly and of Coos County generally. Subscription, $1.50 per year in advance R ¡y School, Miss Hazel Mathews T h ree club; have been formed in P h on e Main 354. th e Marshfield schools, three at Reports are very encouraging in N orth B od <1 and several in couutry the matter of securing a Coos C oun­ districts. Yesterday Supt. Baker aod Mr. ty building at the Panama Pacific fair. The feeling for it is strong all | H arrin g to n visited the Myrtle Point over the county and there is no schools and two clubs were o rg an ­ doubt that the required funds can ized there. In the work of org iniz itio i S up t be raised The only thing that may lmve a deterrent effect on the co­ Baker and Supervisor Golden are operation of the different parts of being assisted by In d u s trial State the counlv is the unaccountable Field Worker L P. H irr in g to n , ■ . | tendency of some of the papers in who was here lust year ou the same this valley to take every o p portu ne j work, and who remains in Coos ty to Blir u p jealousy, suspicion and County two weeks this time. This general ill-feeling toward the Coos work will result, in much iuterest Bay Bection. This is a th in g that iu agriculture on the part t.f school childreu. o u g h t to he eat down on hard. * *•» • T h e C o q u ille H e r a ld C h ild re n ’s Industrial C lubs O rg an ized H e re O ld e st V o ter a L ad y W e believe Southwest Coquille precinct has the oldest lemale voter in the couuty. Elizabeth T u rn e r, m other of Mrs. H . W. D u n h a m , registered recently and gave her age as ninety, an d her native state as Ohio. NOTES ON THE PHOTOPLAYS Of W. F. Miller has (Le th i ' of CURRY COUNTY CULUNCS % CLOSING OUT O F (From the Port Orford Tribune) □BE Shoes “ir Shoes MF! IfiE P a tro n iz e th e M ovies T hose old admirers of Florence Lawrence who raav have allowed their hearts to wandei d u rin g her long absence from the pictures had a chance to rcuew their allegieuce last week, when she appeared in “ T h e S p en der,’’ a two-reel Victor film. T h is is the first lime she has been seeu in the pictures here lor considerably over a year,an d it was good to see her again. T h e picture was the best dram a of the in d e p e n ­ dent brand that has been here lor so m etim e.T h e story was' diffeieut.” well c-nceived and well acted. T he support was good, and the actor who played the title role was e x ­ tremely good iu it. But the in ter est of this fan, at least centered in the leading lady Florence L aw ­ rence is absolute queen of the screen. O thers may touch her, each at some different point, but for all-arouud perfection Flo has them all beaten to a frazzle. As the "B io g rap h G irl,” some six years ago, she c a p ­ tured the American public and when she went to the independents she left sincere m o u rn eis behind her am ong the patrons of the li­ censed shows. Iu the tall ot t g t 2 she retired from the pictures, but after a year of private life the lure of the screen proved too strong for her and she came back last fall, to the Victor company. She has prov­ ed that a player can "co m e b a c k ,” tor she has taken her old place with the public. In spite ot the num ber of talented an d ch a rm in g ladies th at have invaded the field the last few years, Florence L aw rence sul- fered no dim m ing of her radiance, and her admirers have hut to see her once to re tu rn to their alleg- ience. E iB E 6* the Herald foe expediting the de- I livery of a package for which we In te re e t to T h o se W h o j were very much in a hurry. Largest Stock of Shoes in Coquille The Cooley case was postponed from the April term of Circuit C ourt to the A ugust terra. O. P. Haageusen has coine down from Langlois to Sixes river, an I is p u ttin g the Inman saw mill in shape at the latter place to commence op­ erations about the first of the month. r a } $5000 STOCK OF SHOES We Mean Business m uH JI u j I i W e reg ret to say th at the pros­ By MARY ROBERTS RINEHART pects of a wharf being built at this plane in the near future aro not Copyright, 1913, by the Bobbs-Merrill Company very encouraging, and it is p ssible th at a wire will be p u t in to handle SYNOPSIS Jennie Brice ami her husband, Ladley, the shipping. quarrel. She disappears from Mrs. P it­ Cbas. Forty, who wa» severely in­ m an's boarding house during a P ittsburgh ju red ten days ago by being thrown flood. Mrs. Pitman tells Holcombe, an am­ from a young horse, continues to ateur detec live, that she believes Lad- improve slowly although still con­ has killed Jennie Brice. CHAPTER III. fined to his bed and unable to move SAT th ere, w ith a c ro w d of one of his legs th a t was injured iu ch ild reu p ad d lin g ou a r a f t his hip joiut The bruise around o u tsid e th e w indow , au d his groin was so had that mortifica­ Molly M aguire, u e x t door, tion was fe .red until the last day r | h au lin g th e lu o ru iu g ’s m ilk up In a two, when danger from it ^ ,18 p ail tu steu e d to a rope, h er d o o rw ay being too n a rro w to a d m it th e m ilk ­ pnssed. m an s boat, a u d 1 told nim th e w hole m (Gold Beach Globe.) Several days ago the little three year old girl of Mr. and Mrs. Frauk P a r k e r fell off a high porch and sustained a bad fracture of its collar bone, besides other minor injuries D octor Dunlap bus bei n taking care of the child which is reported as doing well I t was rumored here some time ago th at Peterson from Coos Bay would agaiu engage in fishing heri ; and th at parties from G ran ts Pass with A. Aubery at the head of the enterprise would pack salmon at the Bagnell ferry; but as yet neither of the parties h ive made a ap p ear­ ance an 1 all thus engaged nre sel - K e ep T h a t O ld H e n ing their fish to the W e d d e rb u m N ay nay M irauda do not fret aud T ra d in g Co A co-operative cheese factory is ja w around an d scold, for these old h e n s of yours my pet, shall none ot again being talked of in this vicin­ them be sold. F o r they have served ity Which should meet with the us well and good, th r o u g h many a hearty approval of ev*ry cue. The trying stage, an d it is only fair that venture could be launched now with we should protect them in their age. a very nominal co 3 t, ns R. L Mac It may be true as some folks state leay has offered room in one end c.f iu figgers now and then, that incu the caunery for the factory and will bators incubate, much better than supply all necessaiy power, steam, the hen. T h ey stand upon their s tu r­ etc, for tho purpose. sto ry . •‘Ilu m p h !” he ex claim ed , w h en I L id tiuished. ‘‘l t ’a cu rio u s, b u t—yo,u ca n ’t p ro v e a m u rd e r u n less y ou ca n p ro ­ d u c e a body.” “ W hen th e riv e r goes d o w n wo’ll fiud th e body,” said l, sh iv e rin g . “I t ’s in th e p a rlo r.” “T h en w hy d o e s n 't h e try to g et aw ay?” • l i e is read y to g o now . H e only w en t back w h en y o u r b o at cam e i n ” Mr. H olcom be ra n to th e d o o r, Hinging it open, p eered in to th e lov, er hall. H e w a s tQO late. H is b o at w as gone, tu b o f liver, ¡die o f w ooden p la t­ te rs an d all! W e h u rrie d to th e room th e L ad ley s h ad occupied. I t *Tns em p ty . F ro m th e w indow , a s w e looacd o u t, we could see th e boat, alm o st a sq u a re aw ay . I t had sto p p ed w h ere, th e street b ein g higher, a d o o rstep rose ab o v e th e liood. On th e ste p w a s s it­ tin g a fo rlo rn yellow puppy. As we sta re d Mr. L adley sto p p ed th e boat, looked back a t us, b en t over, p laced a piece of liv er on a p la tte r an d reach ed It o v er to th e dog. T hen, risin g in th e boat, he bow ed, w ith his h a t o ver his h e a rt. In o u r d irectio n , s a t d o w n calm ly a n d row ed a ro u n d th e c o m e r o u t of sig h t. Mr. H olco m b e w as in a fren z y of rage. H e ju m p ed u p an d dow n, s h a k ­ ing his fist o u t o f th e w indow a f te r th e re tre a tin g boat. l i e ra n d o w n th e sta irc a se , on ly to com e back a n d look o u t th e w indow ag ain . T h e police b o at w as not In sig h t, h u t th e M ag u ire ch il­ d ren had w orked th e ir r a f t a ro u n d to th e s tre e t a n d w ere u n d er th e w in ­ dow. H e leaned o u t a n d called to them : “ A q u a r te r each, boys,” he said , “if you’ll ta k e m e on th a t r a f t to th e n earest p a v e m e n t” “ Money first.” said th e o ld est boy, holding his cap. B ut Mr. H olcom be did n o t w a i t H e sw u n g o u t o v er th e w indow sill, hold­ ing by bis hands, an d lit fa irly in th e r e n te r of th e r a f t And have the shoes. Now it’s up to you if you want to save money in buying shoes for yourself or family for spring, summer or winter. We have shoes of every description and it will pay anyone to buy shoes enough for a year or longer because never again will you have the opportunity to buy shoes such as our stock consists of at such ridicously low prices. Latest Styles, Best Qualities T hat’s what our stock consist of; over 3,500 pairs of fine shoes—no old stock but shoes that were bought within the last year and over $lfi00 worth of new spring stylos Just reetivad do you veoUao what an opportunity you have to get stocked up on shoes for a ye ar or more? Be an Early Bird And corrfe while we have all the different styles. It wont take long for these shoes to go, and the first come the first served. We can fit you now hut we can’t say that later on. Everyone Welcome Whether you buy or not we are proud of these shoes and feel pleased to show them to anyone, whether they buy or not, and every custo- imer buying a pair of shoes during this sale will not only go away sat- slied but highly pleased. If not, we are here to make good, and those who think they are dissatisfied are welcome to return the shoes and get their money back. Cerks Who Know How To fit sho<*s and satisfy customers, will he ‘it your service. We have engaged the services of Mr. Paul Skeels during this sale so that everyone visiting our store will feel that there is a man handling the goods who knows every shoe in stock and knows the business from P. E. DRANE Su esso r to Skeels & Son „J S k e e ls ’ G eneral M erchandise Old S ta n d C oquille, O re g o n ¿EHiECEE^EUE: □BIT = 2 0 Growth of Business W ü T ^ Cause no Power p ohlem if yuur power is electricity supplied by the Oregon Power Company. Electric motors cost less per unit of energy and require but a fration of the space requir­ ed by other units. Maintainance and up-keep on motors are negligible. With Central Station electric service your business can enlarge indefitely—adding motors as needed. This company is always ready to serve your power requirements. Central station service is elastic. It is adapt- to every power need, great or small. As to economy, telephone 71 and let us show you how much Central Station service will save you. L P . Harringtou,field worker for the industrial fairs sent out by tb. state d epartm ent of education, visit­ ed the Coquille school yesterday or­ ganizing two clubs among the pupils The merabe s of the clubs will each work along the line of one of the F o r Social H y g ien e club projects outlined by the state dy legs, and do their work its true, department and prepare an exhibit (Curry County Leader.) J. B. C. Oakes, representative and one ot them will hatch more eggs for the county fair uext fall. and field secretary of the Oregon The other day while being assis * th an tw enty hens can do, in w eather The first of the clubs organized ed th ro u g h one of the rooms at his Social H yg ien e Society, was in town cold or w eather hot, right on the job in the Coquille schools included members of the seventh and eighth last week and on F rid ay evening it sticks, its alw ays Jo h n n y ou the home, Mr. U pton sufferd a fall, in­ grades. The officers elected aret met with a local committee at J u s ­ spot, delivering the chicks; it never ju r in g his hip more or less painful­ President, Leslie Schroeder, Vice-, tice Stanley’s offices and arranged has to leave the nest, to get its giz­ ly. H e thinks the jar of his fall r a t ­ President Marc Sullivan, Secretary, a program for n e x t S aturday night, zard filled, and gossip round like all tled tho ty pe’s in the cases of the Elsa Peoples, Treasurer, Irene Kime. at which time Dr. Calvin S. White, possessed, till all the eggs are chilled. L eader office across the way. The second club is made up of state health officer, will he present It tends to business every hour, in The horse belonging to J, R. (Continued on last page) members of the fourth, fifth and and address a meeting ot men only w eather foul or lair, and it is get­ F o ster was drow ned last week while sixth grades. T h e officers are, at the court house at 8 P. M 1 T he ting right in flower, with people attem pting to cross Flores Creek. deed nel4 of lot ¡3 sec 13 twp 29 u r 14 $10 A n d while it may be The horse having two sacks of po­ w w m. President, Camilla Lorenz, Vice- | lull program of the meeting will he everyw here. M. S. Crossen et ux to W. H. Morgan found on the front page o. this is­ wise to get, a hatch machine ou legs, President, Charles Walker, Secre-j tatoes tied to his back was u.iable q c deed lot 24 blk 28 North Bend. $10 tary, Pauline Chase, T reasurer,, sue. An endeavor will also be made no in cu b ato r’s made you bet, that to battle with the swift curret t Notice of Final Settlement Henry Wyburn to John P. Hayts Noviu Landreth. Mr Ila n in g t o u to h av e a m eeting lor women d u r ­ first cau lay th e eggs. A ud so Mir­ wi ich carried him u n d e r a pile of bond for deed lot 1 net£ of ne^t see. 18 Notice is hereby given that the under­ visited the school garden and ex­ ing the alternoon of the same day. anda do not weep, and fret around drift wood and into deep water, twp 32 s r 11 w A lot 4 sec 12 A lot 1 sec signed administratrix de bonis non has ---------- ---------------- 13 twp 32 s r 12 w w m. $‘*000 and stew, for its a cinch th at we will where he drowned. filed her final account with the County pressed himself as greatly pleased PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. A. E. Simpson et ux to Thos. B. Lane Court of Coos County, Oregon, and the keep a yellow hen or tw o.— T h e O s­ S ay s It’s a F a k e with the work being done. Judge of said Court as appointed Mon­ I Services Sunday at 11 a. m and et ux war deed lot 6 , blk 0 Barrow A ceola, Neb. Record. day, June 1st, 1914, a t 10:00 O'clock A. County Superintendent U E Strang add to Coquille, $10 M. a t the Court House at Coquille City, 7:30 p. m. Baker hi lieveH in agricultural and IV. G. Cadhy, of the T raders’ Ex­ S unday School at 10 a m. Coos County, Oregon, as the time and April 9 M ore T im es “ A c c u ra c y ” place for the hearing of objections to industrial work for boys and girls change, Bandon, writes "o the H er­ State of Oregon to Mary E. Mahoney said final account and the settlem ent Reported for The Herald by the Title and with the view to making this ald to the effect that the ad which M. E. Church b A s deed sw% of eeV4, sec 4 twy 23 s thereof. Guarantee and A bstract Co. R eferring to last week’s article, Dated this 25th day of March, 1014. practical work efficient he is having has been run n in g in this paper of­ r 12 w w m. $350 S u n d ay school at to a. m. which corrected a statem ent made M a r g a r e t E. M oody Preaehiug at n a ra.and 7:30 p.m . hoys' and girls’ clubs formed in tLe fering “fi Per Cent L o a n s ’’ is a fake. Win. T. Warner et ux to C. A. Smith April 3, Administratrix de bonis non in the Coos Bay Times regard in g Prayer m eeting T h u rs d a y s at Timber Co q c deed right of way over of the estate of Samuel H. schools of the county. Work of He iucloses a letter which be sent Mary A. C. Dean et vir to Logan Prosecuting Attorney Liljt-q vist’s Stump, war deed lots 0, 7, 8 , 27 A 28, blk land in twp 20 a r 12 w w m. King, deceased. 7:30 p m. 0 H. B r y a n , Pastor. $1 3-31-5t this kind is state wide and Coos is to the parties,which run s as follows: work in tbe Barton appeal ca*e, 36, Portland add to Bandon, $1 Joseph L Laird et ux to Mena , a already g ettin g in line with the Bandon, Oregon, April 3, 1914 Notice of Final Settlement Christian Science Society and motioning tbe pernicious activ­ Henry Sengstacken Co. to Albert W. Woodenware Co. war deed b \\}4 of s t 1^ other progressive counties of the Commonwealth Loan A Securities Co A w l2 of eej '4 of 8 w‘^ sec 34 twp 29 s r Corn -r T h ird «n I H 1 I si p * ts. ity of parties who had appealed to Hegemeister, war deed lot 12, blk 2, Notice is hereby given that Margaret State by having these clubs formed. Denver, Colo. ■Services at 11 a m uext Sunday the governor without informing Sengstacken’s add to Marshfield, $925. 11 w A lots 2 A 4 sec 3 A lot 1 sec 4 twp E. Moody, admi listratrix of the estate The County has appropriated $500 D e a r Sirs; 28 b r 11 w w m. $10 of Thomas A. King, deceased, has filed subject lesson sermon, ‘ P ro b a te n W ill of Joseph Frizzell, deed, 200 themselves as to what they were Mabel C. Getty et vir to Bennet Tr iat her final account with the County A fter D eath.” this year to the County School Fair Your ad misrepresents your talking about, Mr. Liljeqvist has acres in Coos county; also 1 lot in Pros­ Co b A 8 deed Interest in property of Court of Coos County, Oregon, and the Sunday School 10 a. m. and the hoys and girls are going to way of doing business. I sent you per. Judge of said Court has appointed received an apology from the partv Wednesday evening m eeting S :• »0 Julia F. (Jetty Estate. $10 Monday, June 1st, 1914, a t 10:00 oclock make a showing this year that may $2 00 as a deposit of good faith that April 6 , who wrote to tbe governor. Knut Knudson et al to Anton Knut­ a m. at the Court House a t Coquille be a surprise to the people of the I w a n te d to borrow $200 00 on real Frank A. Urwan et ux to Alphonse son q c deed lots 6 , 7, 8 , 19 A 20, blk 2 City, Coos County, Oregon, as the time M. E. Church South With its custo nary inaccuracy, and place for the hearing of objections County. estate securities. The later plan Pierre, war deed lot 4 A se l4 of 8 w ' 4 A Flagstaff. S u n d ay school at 10 . «. in. $1 to said final account and settlement 1 the Times made the statement lust | a 1 « of 8 e l4, sec 18, twp. 26 s r 10 w m. The State offers ten capital prizes, seut me from Dallas to deposit $2 (»0 Preaching S u n d ay 11 a. m. and Melvin Hansen et ux to E. W.Fenton thereof. week th at tbe bearing of the case $100 T -io Dated this 16 day of April, 1914. (ten trips to the 1’ in ima-Pacific per month don't suit me, so you war deed lot 4 block 6 A lot 15 blk 1 in the Supreme Court would beh eld M a r g a r e t E. M oody Frank A. Tran et ux to H. H. Lehm­ Barton’s add to Bandon. E p w o ith L eague at 6:45 p tn. Exposition nt S m Francisco) to the wiil please return me my $2 00 or I $10 Administratrix of the estate -som etim e next month, whereas it kuhl. war dead, lois 1, 2, A, 3, blk 1, P ray er meeting Wed. 7:30 a. m. 4-14-4t of Thomas A. King, deceased. ten hoys and girls who win in the will be compelled to take it up with Alford Johnson Lumber Co. et. ux to $10 Choir practice T h u rs. 7:30 a. m, was heard last Wednesday and tbe Riverside add to Bandon. Robert Dollar Lumber Co. assigment of ten leading projects, v z: the postal department. W. Lawrence et ux to R. W. Henne- contract for timber stumpage. G e t y o ur b u tte r wrapper» at the A . T h o m a s , Pastor. I case was argued for tbe state by 1 Corn Growing. Respectfully, Herald office. Attorney General Crawford, as Mr. man, war deed eeT^ of ee1^, sec 17, tw p Caroline M. Myers et ux to C. P« art 2 Potato Growmg. W. G. Cad by. ST. JA M U S E P IS C O P A L . 25 s r 12 w w m. $10 Liljeqwat was in attendan ce on tho et al war deed parcel of land in sec 36 Services first and third Sundays 3 Girls' Canning and I reserving. On the hack of the above is the Roman Catholic Church to Leo J. twp 27 s r 13 w w m, being in north end Circuit C ourt here. On being Cary et ux, war deed lot 9, V>lk 48, of City of Coquille. of each month. Sunday schoo 4 Girls' Cooking and Baking. following typewritten notation: $460 called down the Times then cor­ Elliotts add to Coquille. $10 every Sunday at 10 a. m. 5 Boys’ and Girls’ Poultry Rais- “The C S L. Co. of Dallas has April 10 rected itself, b u t not, satisfied with April 7 You are hraitlly w *1« hi . been taken over by the U S Bank­ in g . E. C. Britton et ux to Sarah A Far in that, it, as usual drew on its ferti’e i Home Mortgage Co. to Bennet Trust CHURCH OF CHRIST. ruptcy Court and Lloyd B. Smith war deed 1.55 acres in sec 36, twp 28 s r j 6 G irls’ Sewing. imagination aud stated that Lilje Co. e v i l , All of lot 1 & part of lot 2, 13 w w m. $50 j Bible school at 10 a m. 7 Boys' Pig E n d i n g Contest. appoint! d Trustco and Receiver. qv .st'seored Barton heavily” in blk P, Western add to Marshfield. Christian E n deavo r at 7:00 p. m. A. H. McKay et ux to Sarah Farrin S Boys' aud Girls’ Uur lening You may address your communica­ the b ief. As all who hav r e a l G. Lee et ux to D. N. Raymond, war | war deed lots 4 A 5 blk 4 plat A Bangor' Prayer m eeting at 7:30 p.m . each tions to him at 203 Sam Houston Contest. Wednesday. the brief know, this was pure in. deed ne l4 cf lot 4, and 13,Twp 29 s r 14 $ io ; Life Bldg., Dallas. Texas ” w w m. 9 Dairy H erd-R ecord K eeping. P reaching at 11:00 a. ra. aod 8 : 00 . ventiou of the Times. While *b» Luther P. Chandler to C. L. Smith et ! Mr. Cadhy adds th a t he haB re­ Herbet Brown et al to Etta Cox, q c al q c deed se )4 of se l4 sec 20 twp 25 s r p. m. 10 Manual Arts (Construction of brief is considered by competent Yon are cordially invited to all useful or model articles of wood, ported them to the P. O Depart­ judges as tnakiug a surprisingly deed. Parcel of land in sec 36, twp 28 12 w w m. $1 i Room and Board per week 16 0q these services a r 14 w w m. $1 ment. The Herald reg rets th at one melal or concrete.) State of Oregon to Willamette Pacific I strung presentation of the state's Room per night 25c and 50c T. It McDonald, Minis' er J. Osborn et ux to Emma Buchanan, R. R. Co. q c deed lot 3 blk 5 N< rth The boys and girls must win at of its advertisers should piove to he ca«o, there is noth in g th at could Meal Ticket, 21 meals 45.00 w ar deed ne l4 lot 13 sec 12 twp 29 s r I Marshfield. $1 , Sunday Dinner Apostolic Faith 35c the State Fair in order to secure the unreliable. It is impossible to al­ be considered as a ’'scoring” of tbe 14 w w m. $75 E, \ \ Smith et ux to E. J. Michael T i e meetings at tin Apostolic prize trip to the exposition. The ways gu ard against such things, appellant. It is a powerful anil April 8 war deed lots 1, 2, 3, A 4 Blk 7 Smiths F iith Mi-sion, over Anders n's S* e- County offeree two free trips to the hut if any one who lias unsatisfac­ straight-forward argum ent, back d $io J. R. Ben«on et ux to Philip Alford 1st :idd to Bandon. ond H a*d Store a-e as f o 'b w s : Salem fair to two club members who tory dealings iu such cases will le by a long array of decisions, but et ux war deed e 1* of ne1* A sw of T in -d a y , T h ursday ai-d S atu rd ay Hugh Leneve to D.iisv Rand leu* an nig hts at 8 o'clock »1 d v uoday $10 w a r -leed lot 11, blk 2, W aterman's win in the project work. These us know we will he glad to give the does not descend to abuse or net* sec 9 twp 28 I r 10 w w m. Innager i ''scoring’’ of tb e defen l a n t morning at 11 neb ck an I S un day U. la>e et ux to John Onborn. war 1 Park Fishers a 1*1 to Bandon. $12i> two y o u n g people will b etak e u care facts. OREGON POWER CO. UNDAY SEBVICES IN r CO PLEE CHURCHES REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS THE Tuttle House J FRANK i HOFFMAN