Coquille herald. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1905-1917, April 14, 1914, Image 2

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    Nineteen T housand
In the United States now handle the A. D.
Remedies, and Toilet Articles which are
prepared from the best formulas known to
the members of the American Druggists’
Syndicate. This means that the remedies
are the best known to medical science.
There is an A. D. S. Remedy for your
trouble, and you can find it at
The Cciquille Herald
The Social Whirl
After a time the door was opened,
An Egg Roast Ends
1 aud the groom invited ub nil “ to
in a Big Charivari | come iu,” and as one of our crowd
On Saturday, Apr. 11, a jolly crowd
of about twenty took their b .skrts of
eggs, several loaves of b ead and a
box of sandwiches, and Him te l for
Mr. Newton’s sand bar, where a
great egg roast was to t ike pi ice
When a part of the crowd re .chod
Mr. Ben Knife’s those tbut had al­
ready gathered there informed them
that Clarence Williams and his
bride had returned on the eveni-g
boat, that the plan had b*en changed
aud that we were to go ou down
there and chaiivari them. Then Wb
gathered at Mr Newton’s, and pro­
ceeded from there 111 the N wtoii
buys’ launch. Ou reaching the Wi ­
liam« home we gnthered in the shad­
ow of the friendly trees, for “ The
Moon had bis eyes on us.” One
member of our party was to have
taken Iva Williams up to the egg
roast, so he went up to Ihe house
for her; but once outside of the
house, she was informed of Ihe fun
on hand, and she entered into the
s| ort of the evening with the rest of
us. We waited some time for things
to quiet down iu the house befoiu
beginning our noise with the buck­
ets, pars and cans we had secured
But, as fate would have it, Claience
had a sick cow in the field, an 1 a ter
about twenty-five or thirty rnmutes
ha aud his two smaller brothers
started out with a lantern lo «• e
about her. Tbe crowd saw the lan­
tern eomiug, but thinking it would
surely stop, they did uot hide, until
it was too late to run, for the lan­
tern was coming straight towaad ns.
and all that was lef for the ebariv.
uriers was to crowd near the feuce
aud let them pass; but wh n nearly
past, Clareuce saw them He imme­
diately began talking to his broth­
ers about the ’sick cow, but iu a very-
few minutes we saw the lantern g o ­
ing hu.riedly toward tbe bouse.
Clarence afterwards told us that he
told his wife and mother that we
were out under the trees, and then
they began preparing for us
Williams gathered iu all her wash
tubs, buckets and pans that she
didu’t want banged to pieces
length, about 10:30, all was quiet in
the house. Then we slipped up, and
a “ terrible blasting noise” was sent
up ou tbe clear, calm depths of the
lovely night. \Ye kept up our nois-
for 80.m 6 time, and "believe me, we
made some noise for h «mail crowd.”
said “ yes ’lis free for «11”, we a I
went iu and offered our cougratu a-
tions to the Newly-Weds, after
which a bounteous Teat was given
by the liridc ami gro nil, cinsi-ting
of candy, nuts aud cigars, (of which
we each took one for a souvenir )
The time w « n very pleasantly passed
in chatting, until about eleven
o’clock, when we decided t go - ut
snd ro ist our eggs A big tire w«a
built, and the egg roast was great
“ Some” ate eggs on toast, and oth­
ers took scrambled eggs straight I
verilv In lieve that another such a
good time a« we h ut has i.ot Inen
witnessed since ‘ t .0 days of forty-
nine.” About mi ll iglit tbe 1 gg roast
was broken up, an i we, rllei Hiving
our adieus, took cur leave, det Idling
it a tine time.
The chaiivari crowd was chapei-
oned by Mrs. Bella K n ife , who found
it veiy difficult to lie everywhere «1
Those priseut were Mrs.
Knife, Fill, Myrt e and 1) ootliv
Newton, Mrs E In 1 ¡bdiis-u , It tv
Piukatqn, H .zel Ritabaugh, Cam.
Bartholomew, Iva Willi mis, Mr. « d
Mrs. Clarence Williams. Mi« Wit
llama and chil l - en, Me-si s. Jim Run­
ison Lor. d Young. Rude, Georgt.
Charley and Art Newton, Gilbert
Pinkston and B aine BedingficM.
One Who Took an Active Part
ment under Bref Taft’s administra­
tion, which necessiated tbs immedi­
PUBLISHED EVERY TUESDAY ate employment of Dearly fifty more
Entered as second class matter May clerks and ia now culling for fifty
8, 1905. at the poet office at Coquille,
Oregon, underact of Congress of March more ami which haa got thing« in­
to such a hopeless muddle that no
S. 187».
treasury official, high or low, know«
P. C. LEVAR, Lessee.
just how thing« slan t; dial i« so
Devoted to the material and social hopelessly nnl'UHiriesslike that a
upbuilding o f the Coquille Valley par­
ticularly and o f Coos County generally. case of u f, rged piper is not de­
Subscription, $1.50 per year in advance tected until Nome three month« af­
ter the paper is started through the
Phone Main 354.
It is i sported that the society wo­
The Herald has dealings with a
men of Washington, I), C., are try­ large corporation which ha« in use
M. W. A. Entertain
ing to find some relief from the bur some sort of “ ayeteui” under whicL
den of returning formal society! the signatures of five different . ffi-
If so, w h o k i l l e d h e r ?
\ iVas J e n n i e B r i c e m u r d e r e d ?
The Modern Woodmen of Ameri
One woman reports that on oials of the company are required
ca entertained their friends at tin \
} /Vhat d i d " H o r n " m e a n ? A l s o s tr a n g e m a r k o n t h e b o d y ?
her first day “ at home” she eivedrec ou the warrant for the paymeni of
M. W. A. hall ou Frvnt street last I
rooo calls, and on every Wednesday a monthly bill amountiug to $1.5(1.
Saturday evening
Parlor gam. s j
since has received from 300 to 000 , It takes three m mths to pass the
were pluyed and the crowd was re J
and she poiuts out the physical im­ bill to paymeut, and if it doesn't
galed with some fine singing. To
possibility of returning them all cost them $150 more to get ready
ward midnight the tables were set j
“ Society” is great medicine, isn’ t to pay it, then we miss our guess.
up aud del-clous refreshments were |
We speak of the “ leisure
Oh. yes, We are a subscriber to
served. As the hour of one ap­
class,” but it would seem that the ! “ System” since you ask, hut we are
proached the party prepared to leave 1
"leisure class” work harder than not boosting it today.
of their own accord all expressing
anybody, and wear themselves out
their enjoyment of the evening amt
in activities that are entirely useless
of the intention of meeting again at
P R E S B Y T E R I A N t'U l'R C H .
and senseless, being also bored to
Portland Telegram
the uext affair
Services Suudu -it 11a. m * -d
death in the process. Why women
In political circles there is some
7:30 p. ra.
want to take a hand in public af­ curiosity over the question whether
Tbe N. T. C. club was entertained
Su n d ay Schoo', it 10 u .n i.
fairs wheu they confess themselves one politician cau make another
last Friday uigbt by Miss Winnie
stumped by conditions for which bis residuary legatee and make it
Curry at her residence iu the north
M. L Church
they alone are responsible, is some­ stick
end. All members were present ex­
Will Dr. Smith, upon whom
Sunday- school at to a. in
times hard to understand.
Still, if Governor West has willed the guber­
Preaching at 11 a tn.and 7:30 p. in
cept one and a most enjoyable even­
Prayer meeting Thursdays at
they would swap some problems natorial mantle shall fall, get the
ing was spent at games, fun and
7:30 p in. C H. B r y a n . Pistor
with the men perhaps both might whole of West’s strength or only
needle work.
And have the shoes. Now it’ s up to you if you want to save money
be benefited
Very likely they part of it? And where will West’s
in buying bhoes for yourself or family for spring, summer or winter.
Christian Science Society
could point out a way of settling enemies g o — will they soak the Doc­ this couutrv. It seems that he hid
We have shoes o f every description and it will pay anyone to buy
At Christian Church
Corner Third an I I4a:l streets.
questions that have beeu puzzling
shipped on the Baiubridge under
enough for a y »ar or longer because never again will you have
Services nt 11 a m next Sunday
ns, while the men folks could tor just as blithely as they would the name of Chas. Star, and this
the opportunity to buy shoes such as our stock consists o f at such
Next Sunday’s sermons at the subject lesson sermon, ‘ D it-bine
ridicously low prices
straighten out this calling business have soaked West had they had the prevented the news of his dtath
in short order. Let the dear creat­ chance?
from at once reaching bis people. 1 church of Clmst will be on the fol- of Atonement.”
Sunday S ch ool 10 a. rn
ures establish a clearing house in
This situation is an interesting After his burial the body waB dis­ I lowing subjects:
11 A. M. “Gladstone’s favorite
Wednesday e ve n in g uiie*iug S: Ml
each city, all the same banks, and
one. Practically it amounts to this,
That’ s what our stock consist o f; over 3,500 pairs of fine shoes—no
each send down a clothes basket
was made by his uncle, who had tbe 1 Scripturo.”
old stock but shoes that were bought within the last year and over
8 P. M Evening “ Is ibero a com­
full of calling cards every morning that West claims the right to dic­ remains then buried in his family-
$1500 worth o f new spring styles just received—do you realize what
^ E. Church South
an opportunity you have to get stocked up on shoes for a year or more?
to the clearing house, with a state tate bis own successor and to bar lot. One mean« of identification was mon ground upon which Piotestauls
Sunday school at 10. a ra.
merit showing to whom calls were from the race other Democrats who the fact that he bad a star tattooed may unite wiitiont the sactifice of
Preaching Sunday 11 a. m. and
The clearing house could aspire to the nomination.
Colonel on one arm and a rose on the cdher. principle”?
This will be a fair and generous
strike the balances, and a daily
Epwoith League at 6:45 p ra j
Bob Miller declines to be barred. No money was fouud on the body discussion of the great question that
And come while we have all the different styles. It wont take long
settlement of balances would clear
when discovered, but he had placed
Prayer meeting Wed. 7:30 a ra
for these shoes to go, and the first come the first served.
We can
each lady’s record and leave her So does former District Attorney $’20 in the hands of a friend a few is engaging the attention of all re
Choir practice Thurs. 7:30 a. m. J
fit you now but we can’ t say that later on.
time to do something useful, or at
days before, which he never called
A. T h o m a s , Pastor.
I Come aud study the question with
least amusing.
of The Dalles.
Everyone of the for.
three is hotfoot, after the nomina­
Whether vou buy or not we are proud o f these shoes and feel pleased
Services first, and third Sundays
tion as though nothiug had happen
Kirkpatrick Will Sustained University Lecturer
to show them to anyone, whether they buy or not, and every custo-
buying a pah of «hoes during this saie will not only go away sat-
Writing to the Portland Telegram ed, aud it is uot improbable that one
Sunday school
siied but highly pleased. If not, we are here to make good, and
Comes to Coos County every Sunday at 10 a. m.
on the subject of “ efficiency s; s- or the olber of them may win,
Judge Hall rendered a decision
those who think they are dissatisfied are welcome to return the shoes
Monday in the Kirkpatrick will case
and get their money back.
You are hrsnUly w >U ,n .
terns” and report«, a craze for which
Eugene. April 9 —Dr. James H
which was tried before him in March.
seems to be making quite a sweep
Gilbert, professor of economics in
C H U R C H O F C H R IS T .
His decree sustains tbe will of Mrs.
of the business world, John McNul­
the University of Oregon, will make
school at 10 a m.
To fit shoes and satisfy customers, will lie at your service. We have
ty strikes an iconod istin chord.
her relatives and gave her property
Christian Endeavor at 7:00 p. 111.
engaged the service« o f Mr. Paul S k id s during this sale so that
uext week, speaking at Marshfield
Lei us not be at all disheartened
One paragraph of his communica­
to the nurse, Mrs. B. F. .''ewnian,
everyone visiting our store will feel that there is a man handling the
Prayer meeting at 7:30 p.m. each
on Monday, April 13; North Bend,
i( we find ourselves wearing out.
goods who knows every shoe in stock and knows the business from
who took care of her during her l ist
tion runs a« follows:
Tuesday, April 14; Bandoti, Wed­ Wednesd iv.
for to wear out is but one of the
Efficiency systems and reports
nesday, April 15;Coquille Thursday,
natural processes of life. Only let
siderable interest among the pe- pi«
are devices a lopled to cover ineffi­
April 16, and Myrtle Point, Friday, p. m.
us make sure that we are wearing
You are cordially invited tu «1.
ciency in the higher places. Men
April 17. Dr. Gilberts lectures will
out over some hing that is worth
divided for and against the contest­
reach positions which they are not
be ou "Education and Public Opin­ these servici s
while.— Phillips Brooks.
A daughter, Mrs. E lith
formed by natural ability or initia­
T. R. M cDonald. Minis -
ion” and “ Democracy and Great
Brandt, brought the contest on her
tive to fill. It is then necessary to
harness subordinates with efficiency
In his address ou “ Education and
S u cce s s o r to S k ce ls & S on
Apostolic Faith
G en era l M erch a n d ise
and was represented by A J, Sher­
Good Pictures
systems iu order to try and make
The meeting« at th- Apostolic
Public Opioi in," Dr. Gilbert will
wood and L A Liljeqvist.
J. i
Coquille, Oregon
the business run itself automatically
show the necessity of education in Faith Mission, ever Anderson's S-.c-,
; Stanley, who prepared tbe will fo-
Napoleon never had such a system;
moulding public opinion, since pub­ ornl Hat d Store are as follows:
Two fine pictures have been
the testatrix, defended it for the
he didu't need it.
W iishiugton
shown here within the past week. benificiary. He was also assisted by lic opinion rules in a democratic or­ Tuesday, Thurs lay and S ilut ay-
= = \ &
never had one n r has any great
der of government. He will show- nights at 8 o’clock ami Sunday
leader ever adopted any other effi | The Vitagrapb comedy, “ Wild Ani­ Mr. Barrow. The actual trial of the how education guarantees the com­ morniDg at 11 oclock nu.l Sunday
cieney system than their own good mals at Large,” at the Scenic, was a case used up tbe greater part of a munity against impulsiveness and
ability, leadership, judgement of scream besides being an interesting week and the attorneys afterward its consequences; bow education
men and of work, and enthusiasm exhibition of the animals. The feat­ filed written briefs. It is not known acts as a check on hasty acd unwise
■JdiuostltuJ, u o js o g —,,-Jipuio
whether or not tbe contestant« wiM
to fire their subordinates
im poqsnqBjsa-aj aAuq p|tio.u R .
ure, “ Arizona," shown at the Grand, \ appeal.
It is not Tu' said that “ efficiency-
That education cultivates the
is highly spoken of, and Manager
social instinct of unselfishness will axuq Jtiql PltlOM aonajajjip IBq.YV-.
systems” are without their uses,
Hall saw to it that the reels were
„ moq) a ' lid otu
also be oi-cusse<1 Dr. Gilbert will
but they can not t«ke the place of
run in the right order.
explain how learning makes the ya| puu qsBO aqj am ua.ypt aAliq |q“ ;ra
ability and good business manage­
os quiqr r.uop | ;qdtunu,.
I hereby announce myself as a community broader-miuded aud less 3H
if youi power is electricity supplied by the
ment. They are only tools for the
Ralph Shelley’s Death
candidate for the democratic nomi­ selfish. He will point out that ed- j
„ nqq jo pii|q X joa S 1 IJ 4
Power Company.
hau l of the master woikraau, and
nation for county treasurer and if iicalion cultivates honor, partieu'ar- yBqi :sjqap Jtio.y’ p|Ud aptui JI 10 .Í o^„
if be have uot the ability to use
Electric motors cost less per unit of energy
-aouvAauQ |B3y v
them to advantage they will not received some further particulars of my term of office, perform my dut­ commeicial relation with each other
require but a fration of the space requir­
In bis address od the theme
save him
the death of thoir son, Ralph Shel­ ies in compliance with the laws re
ed by other units.
lating to such office aud will con­ “ Democracy aDd Great Fortunes,”
These remarks are called forth by ley, which occurred at Aberdeen, duct it as tconotnically as possible. Dr. Gilbert will take up the modern j
Maintenance and up-keep on motors are
the flood of articles which are now Wash. The young tnan was found My policy is economy consistent tendencies toward the accumulation
of large fortunes in the hands of aj
filling the magazines anil other pub­ dead on the bed in bis room at a with good service.
He will show the danger of 1
4 14 2 t
M H H ersey
With Central fetation electric service your
lications, and the numberless adver­ lodging house, with a pistol grasped
in his hands. At first there was
this tendency to a democratic gov­
tisements of "systems” aud appli­
can enlarge indefitely—adding motors
doubt whether it was a case of sui- Educational League Banquet ernment, siuce the basis of demoo- j
ances for making a business self­ cida or murder, hut the boy's unde,
This company is always ready to
racy is the“equality of opportunity.” I
running If the ordiuary merchant Ed Shelley, of Aberd-en, now wiifes
The annual bnDquet of the Edu­ He will advocate a national inherit­
serve your power requirements.
or nranufactuiur would believe all that it was clearly an accident. cational League which ha« been ance tax aid the adjustment of
Central station service is elastic. It isadapt-
fhe glittering promises held out to Ralph Shelley left home to go to postponed from time to time, will { duties on imports, as poss'ble means
sea while his parents wire living ou
of reinedviug present conditions.
every power need, great or small.
As to
Room and Board per week
purchasers of these systems aud ap­
Coos Bay, about five years ago. hi- giv. n next Fiiday evming at the
The lecture st Marshfield will be
Room per night
25c and 50c
economy, telephone 71 and let us show you
pliances, he would be in the bank­ Since thst time they bsve heard W O. W Hall. Tbs meraliers of delivered under the Woman's ( ’ I b
Meal Ticket, 21 meals
rupt cour
before he knew it, from him occasionally, the last letter Ihe League and their invited guests of that cit ; at North Bend under Sunday Dinner
how much Central Station service will save you.
through buying things to make him having been received on February are looking forward to an enjoyable the auspices of the high school; at
2. This was writteu from New Zea­
Bandon the lecture will he given in
occision On account of the ban­
land, when he expected Ids ship, the
ti e libran ; at Coquille Dr. Gilbert
And the most of them will turn
Baiubridge, 10 set sail for tbe Sound, quet, ths regu'ar April meeting of will deliver his address at Ihe court
out like the improved system in­ h rum his Utter, his family expected the League has been postponed to bouse and at Myrtle Point before
stalled iu the l\ ¡5. Treasury Depart- a visit from him on his le u rn to April 24
the public school.
itead o u r n e v ' seria l a n d s o lv e th e se m ysi teries
Commencing this week .
Don’t m ss the first chapters.'
Largest Stock of Shoes in Coquille
W e M ean Business
Latest Styles, Best Qualities
Be an Early Bird
Everyone W elcom e
H Clerks W h o K now How
P. E. D R A N E
3 0 GEEEE3C:
Growth of Business W ill
Cause no Power problem