Coquille herald. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1905-1917, April 07, 1914, Image 4

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Praise Curry County Roads
E very Part of the A rt of
l a u n d e r i n g
Last W ednesday ev en in g in com ­
pany w ith Mart Sberrard ,
T ow er and A. J M arsh, we en joyed
an autom obile ride ou t to Sixes and
It was a beautiful warm
even in g without even a tou h of
winter air to su g gest wraps, an l but
for a few extra bum ps in the road
there was nothing to distinguish the
ride from a midsummer even t. And
the tw o gentlem en from U oos were
loud in their praise o f these roads;
that the humps were ns n oth in g in
com parison with what they have in
the roads o f their hom e cou n ty hut
very few o f which an auto can now
travel over.
They estim ated that
C urry county is gettin g from tw o to
fo u r times as much results as C oos
in proportion to the m oney being
exp tn ded on their roads
A utom ohiling over ou r roads in
March w ould have been ou t o f the
question altogether not many years
a go, and that it can be d on e in
northern Curry now is du e largely
to the efficiency o f road supervisors
A J. Marsh an l A. H. B oice — P o r t
O rfor t Tribune.
Has Had Our Careful
It is our business, so it
is necessary that we use
the very best smd latest
methods to '.urn out the
best work possible
Our service is at your command.
If von are not already a customer
we would Ito glad to add you to
our host of satisfied patrons.
Str. Elizabeth t POLITICAL
Regular as the Clock
S a n F ran cisco
a n d B andon
• f »_• O O O ' O < * < * < * • < * < + < * •
For Joint Representative
First-class fare only.............. $7.50
Up freight, per ton
..... 3.00
The u ndersigned announces his
can didacy fo r the R-qiubbean nom ­
ination fo r j lint representative from
(Loos and C urry counties to the
I state legisla tu re, and re s p e ctfjlly
I solicits the su p p ort o f the R en u b li-
can voters o f the two co u u iiis .
nom inated and elected he intends to
con d u ct the affairs c f his office to
the liest o f his ability in a straight-
| forw ard business way and on the
liDes o f soun d and w el.-proved prin
eiples, represen ting the best in ter­
ests o f his constituents as faithfully
as he has his ow n, an I d ep en d in g on
1 actual perform ance* for their ap-
I proval.
F. J. L onev .
E . & E. T . K r u s e
24 California Street, San Francisco
For Reservations
Agenta, Coquille, Oregon
V ER 65 Y E A R S '
For Sheriff
D e s ig n s
C o p y r ig h t s A c .
A n v on e sending a sketch and description may
qulohiy uncertain ou r opinion free w hether an
lu vei.tlon Is proba b ly patentublo. Conmiunlca*
tlmiH trictlyconfidential. HANDBOOK on Putenta
Bent n ee. O ldest agency for securing patents.
I'm.-uta taken) through Bluitu A Co. receiv e
1 tiotlce, w ith ou t charge, iu t oe
I h ereb y announce m yself as a
candidate fo r the nomination of sh er­
iff on the D em ocra tic ticket at the
primary election . I f elected I prom ­
ise to co n d u ct the office in an econ
oroical manner, with the assurance
that all interests and in divid u a ls
will be a ccord ed fair treatment.
Scientific American.
A h andsom ely Illustrated weekly. I.arrest cir­
culation o f any scientific Journal. Term s, f J a
year: fou r m onths, f L Bold by all newsdealers.
M B UfiN
& Co.364B oad“a»New York
ranch Office. 625 F St.. W ashington, D. C.
T aylor S iolin
T IIK IIIA M O S ' t I .• \M*.
I .m ile * ! A h It y o u r f
For County Clerk
u i/A A
J )
R'l Lon \ /
> ;f f. r
< hi-pho».tor's Bln i.'v.)
M arshfield, O re., Mar 17,1914
As a R epu b lica n , I hereby place
m yself as candidate for n om in ation
at the prim aries to be held May
SOIDBV DRUGGISTv rii'.WKfJP 15 th for the office o f C ou n ty Clerk
I f I am nom inated aud elected I
w ill d u rin g my term o f office per­
form all the requirem ents and duties
prom ptly, e x p ed itiou sly ,
w ithout
prejudice, and as e co n o m ica lly as is
M anufacturers^
consistent wi h g ood service.
B e­
The Celebrated Cera m an n Shoe liev in g that I can save m on ey for
T h e S trongest and N earest W ater
the tax payer, and m ake som e for
P ro o f shoe made for lo g g e r s , miners
m yselt,
prosp ectors and m ill men.
" I want y o u r v o t e ,”
621 Thurm an Street
K. E. A l l e n .
P ortlan d
O beo O n ,
k IM Ils in K f d an I :
I boxes, sealed with Blue
I T a k e no other. Buy o f ' m r *
P n n l l l . Ask for CU i I . - ’ It’H
IMAMON D It HA M » P I L L * . r < r * 5
years known as Best, Safe: t. Always Reliable
ITieo. Berpiin ShoeMfg.Co.
at the rate o f 6 per cent. |*>r annum
from the 7th day or January, 1914 until
paid together with the costs and dis­
I h ereb y an n ou n ce m yself us a bursements o f said suit taxed at Eigh­
ca n didate for C ou nty Ju d ge o f C oos ty-tw o and 50-100 Dollars and costs and
\ expenses o f said execution. 1 will on
cou n ty, O re g o n , on the D em ocratic Saturday, the 25th day o f April, 1911, at
ticket for the com in g primary eU c- the hour o f 10 o ’ clock A. M. o f said (lay
I favor perm anent highw ays at the front door o f the County Court
and the d evelopm en t of the w on d er­ House in Coquille, Coos County, Oregon,
sell at public auction to the highest bid­
ful wealth o f C o o s cou nty con sistent der for cash in hand on the day o f sale,
with econ om ica l and ju d iciou s ex all the right, title, Interest and estate
pen titu re o f the taxpayers’ m >ney. which said defendants Mary E. Sibel,
J. A. Ward and Minnies. Ward wife
J J. S t a n l e y ,
o f the said J. A. Ward and all persons
C oquille, O regon.
claiming under them subsequent to the
Plaintiff’s Mortgage Lien in, o f and to
said real property.
Said Mortgaged
remises hereinbefore mentioned are
escribed in said execution as follows,
to-w it: The South-east quarter o f the
I a n n ou n ce my self a ca n didal for North-east quarter, and the North half
State R epresen tative
C oos o f the North-east quarter o f Section 19,
C ou n ty su b ject to the w ill o f the Township 25, South of Range 12 West
o f the Willamette Meridian, Coos Coun­
D em ocratic yoters at the prim ar­ ty, Oregon, containin'.: 120 acres o f
ies May 15.
W ill
work fo r a land more or less. Said sale being made
b elter system o f Road Law s to e n ­ subject to redemption in the manner
able the p eop le to get O regon out ; provided by law.
Dated this 13th day o f March, 1914.
o f the m ud.
W. W. G ai .E,
:i-2!-5t Sheriff o f Coos County, Oregon.
A. T. M o r r is o n
To the Democratic Voter*
Restoration to Entry of Lands
in National
Notice is hereby given that the lands
described below, embracing 380 acres,
within the Umpqua & Siskiyou Nation-
al Forest, Oregon, will be subject to
settlement and entry under the provis­
ions o f the homestead laws o f the L' nited
States and the act o f June H , 1906 ( 34
Stat., 233), at the United States land
office at Roaeburg, Oregon, on May 14,
1914. Any settler who was actually and
in good faith claiming any o f said lands
agricultural purposes prior to Janu­
For Sheriff
ary 1,1906, has not abandoned same,
has a preference right to make a home­
I hereby ann oun ce m yself as a can stead entry for the lands actually occu­
Said lands were listed upon the
did ate for the office o f Sheriff o f !
applications o f the persons mentioned
C oos C ounty, su b ject to the nation I below, who have a preference right
o f the R epu blican electors at the I subject to the prior right o f any such
primaries May 15th,
I f elected, I settler, provided such settler or appli­
hereby p led ge m y self to a pol cy o f cant is qualified to make homestead en­
try and the preference right is exer­
rigid law en forcem en t, w ith ou t fear, cised prior to May 14, 1914, on which
favor, preju d ice o r partiality, and date the lands will be subject to settle­
shall, du rin g my in cu m ben cy, c o n ­ ment and entry by any qualified[person.
duct said office iu a business like The lands are as follows: The Eri NW
' 4 ', the N 1 j N E li S W 'j Sec. 30, T. 28
and econom ical manner.
S., R. 10 W ., W. M- 100 acres, listed
A l f r e d J o h n s o n J r .
upon application o f James I. Spring-
stead, R. F. D. No. 1, Box 118, Rose-
burg, Oregon; List 6-1143. The Sri N
E 'j, the Sri N ri N E'J Sec. 6 , T. 30 S.
It. 13 W ., 120 acres, application o f Wil­
liam G. Whabrey, Myrtle Point, Ore­
I hereby an n ou n ce m yself ns n gon; List 6-1146. The SE 4 Sec. 30, T.
ca n didate for the nom ination of It* p- 28 S., R. 10 W ., 160 acres, application
resentative on the D em ocratic ticket o f Carl Vogel, Box 227, Coquille, O reg­
on; List 6-1161.
February 28, 1914,
for C oos County, to be subm itted to C. M. B r u c e , Assistant Commissioner
the vote o f the p eop le at the prim a­ o f the General Land Office.
ry election on M ay 15, 1914
If nom inated and elected, I will
Notice of Final Settlement
atiide by statem ent N u m b er O n e; I
Notice is hereby given that the under­
will favor quarterly paym ent o f tax­
es. I w ill favor the abolishm ent (if signed administratrix de bonis non has
filed her final account with the County
unnecessary com m issions that niusl Court o f Coos County, Oregon, and the
he su p p orted by the taxpayers. I Judge o f said Court as appointed Mon­
am in favor o f g o o d roads every­ day, June 1st, 1914, at 111:00 O ’clock A.
where. I am op p osed to unjust tax­ M. at the Court House at Coquille City,
Coos County, Oregon, as the time and
ation and ex cfssiv e taxation.
place for the hearing o f objections to
J. T om H al l .
said final account and the settlement
Dated this 25th day o f March, 1014.
Sheriffs Sale of Real Property on Foreclosure
M argaret E. M oody .
Administratrix de bonis non
o f the estate o f Samuel H
Notice is hereby given, That by vir­
. King, deceased.
tue o f an execution duly issued out o f 3-31-5t
the Circuit Court o f the State o f Ore­
gon, for the County o f Coos, and to me
Notice of Final Account
directed on the 24th day o f February,
1914 upon a judgment and decree duly
Notice is hereby given that the under
rendered, entered o f record and docket­
ed in and by said Court on the 7th day signed has filed her final account in the
o f January, 1914 in a certain suit then matter o f the estate o f James L.
in said Court pending, wherein William Thompson, deceased, and the county
Grimes was plaintiff and Mary E Sibel, court o f Coos County, Oregon, has set
J A. Ward and Minnie S. Ward, w ife Wednesday, the 8 th day o f April, 1914,
o f said J. A. Ward and Millicoma D e­ at 10:00 A. M. as the time, and the
velopment Company, a corporation, and county court room in the Court House
J. A. Munday were defendants in fa ­ at Coquille, Oregon, as the place for
vor o f plaintiff and against said defend­ hearing objections to said final account
ants by which execution I am com ­ and for the settlement o f said estate.
Dated this 10th day o f March, 1914.
manded to sell the property in said e x­
L ula E tta T hom pson ,
ecution and hereinafter described to
Administratrix o f the estate
pay the sum due the plaintiff o f Three
o f James L. Thompson, de-
Thousand Six Hundred Eighty-four
and 00-100 Dollars, with interest there- 3-10-5t
I h ereby ann oun ce m yself ns a
candidate for the nom ination o f
C ounty Clerk on the R epu blican
ticket o f C oos C o., to be subm itted
to the vote o f the p eop le at the p ri­
mary election May 15lh.
F. D. K bese .
Reported for The Herald by the Title
Guarantee and Abstract Co.
U. S. ol A. to Jules Zbinden patent
se1^ , sei' 8 twp 28 b r 10 w v m
C O Ç U IU U B ,
OR E O O *.
T r a n n a c t H « G e n e r a l B a n k i n g B u s in e s s «
U. 8 . A. to Arnold Albert Zbinden
patent sw1^, sec 8 twp 28 a r 10 w w m
Hilma F. Ahlquist et vir to E. M.
Smith agreement lots 0 <& 10 blk 10
Bunker Hill Add to Marshfield
0. C SANFORD, Asst. Cishier
B s a r d of Directors.
R. O. Dement,
A. J. Sherwood,
N ational Bank o Commerce, New York C •
L . II. Hazard, ] Orooker Wool worth N’ IBank, San Fraud
R. E. Shine. Flrtit Nat’) Bank of Portland, Portland,
L. Harlocksr,
Inaiah Hack«*r.
March 19 1914
Dell Rhodes et ux to G. W. Kaufman
war deed lot 1 blk 40 West Bandon
$ 10.00
R. 8 . K nowlton , President
G eo . A. R obinson , Vice-Pres.
R. H. M a st , Cashier.
J. L. Knight et ux to E. N. Rmit i
war deed timber on e % of e l.J sec 3*1,
i\ % of n w j{ & s ’ a of nwj^. sec 35 two
29 s r 13 w w m. $10.00
Opened for Busines March. 1 8 9 0
Henry Franklin McCracken et ux to
F. M. Arnold war deed 1 acre in sec 16
twp 29 s r 12 w w in $100.00
L. Pewtherer et al to Pacific Coast
Elevator Co. Sheriff’ s Deed w)^ of ne1^
& e lo o f nwj^, sec 20, twp 25 s r 12 w
w m $1600.00
Merta L. Mehl et vir to G, T. Tread-
gold et ux war deed lot 2 blk 5 Band« n
$ 10.00
Merchants Bank
J. L. Knignt et ux to E. N. Smith
war deed wV, of set* sec 34 twp 29 s r
13 w w in lot 2 sec 3 twp 30 s r 13 w w
in $ 10.00
Ladd & Tilton Hank, Portland
National Park, New York
First National Rank, San Francisco
First Trust & Sa-'ings, Coos Hay
ear ( e r r .
March 20 1914
Caroline E. Bedillion et vir to W . F.
McGill wai deed
of lot 89 Bandon
Cemetery. $5.50
Sails from Portland at 8 P. M.,
Every Tuesday
Lillie C. Jones et vir to Kruse Shin­
gle Co. B. & 8 . Deed Red cedar timber
on eb. of rw ^ J;
of sel4' sec 4 twp 28
a r 13 w w m $500.00
Sails from Coos Bay
April 4th, 11:00 p. m .; 11th 10 a. m .: 18th 1:00 p. m. ; 25th 10:00 a. m.
April 30th, 1:00 p. m.
John W. McClellan et al to Jeanette
Graham et al, B & S Deed % interest
in swj^ of n w ^ & sw1^, sec 14; s e ^ of
ne,1-^ & s e *4 , sec 15; sej^ of nwV£, ne1^
of e\vb|, ob» sec 22 ; n % of nw 14 , & lot
4, sec 23, twp 30 s r 15 w w m,
W. L. K0LM Agent
Phone M ain 181
O - i l r ; :Or - Q
■ f
) ^ - ¡ 1 % -C.~
Fred V ca Pegert
March 21 , 1914
C. A. Smith Timber Co. to Pill-bury
Lumber Co. q c deed se l4 of sw 1 ^ , ehj
of sel 4 , no l4
se '4 sec 16, twp 31 s r 12
w w in, $ 1 .
C. I. Kime
Proceedings in Estate of Arthur W.
Hurd deed, lot-* 31 32, b!k 4 4, North
W. F. Jewett et ux !o W . F. Jewett
Investment Co. war deed 30.71 a. r -s in
sec 26, twp 25 s r 13 w w in, $L.
G e n e r a l ‘ • l.i -c n i .hing
Wagon Making.
Work, Pattern Making anp
Casting, Automobile Work,
T. C. Macy to Eflfe A. Macy, war
deed lots 6 & 7, blk 6 , Azalia Park add
to Bandon, $10.
Thos. Langlois et ux to H. C. Dipple,
war deed lots 5, 6 & 7, blk 1, L.tnglois
First add to Bandon, $10.
March 23, 1914.
Geo. VV. Magill et ux to Alice Sturte-
vant, war deed parcel of land in sec 16,
twp 29 s t 12 w w m, $1100.
Keystone Company to J. M. Gurney,
Release of lease s l.j of n e l f , n w ^ of se
ne,^ of swj^, sec 3, twp 30 s r 10 w
w r .
Roseburg Myrtle Point Stage
And Auto Line
Leaves Myrtle Point 5 a .m .
Arrives Roseburg, next day
Leaves Roseburg...... 6 p. m.
Arr. Myrtle Point by 10 p. m.
Richard Bock to R. A. Bock, war deed,
lot 4, blk 35, North Bend. $10.
Make reservations in advance at Owl
Drug Store, Marshfield.
J. W. Briggs et ux to G. E. Brewer, q
c deed, parcel of land in sec 36, twp 27
5 r 13 w w in, $1.
John Holm et ux to Jennie L. Lan-
drith, war dee 1, part of lot 1, blk 4,
South Marshfield, $10.
Reynolds Development Company to
A. Ernest Forslund, s war deed, lot 4,
blk 18, First add to Marshfield, $300.
Reynolds Development Co. to A. Fir-
nest Forslund, s war deed lot 3, blk 18,
First add to Marshfield, $300.
Carrying Baggage and United Stales Mail
J . L. L A I R D , P r o p r ie to r
O ffice at L a ir d ’ s L iv e ry Barn, M y rlle P o in t, Both P h ones
L. R. French et ux to David E. John­
son, war deed swj£ of n w ^ , sec 9, twp
24 s r 12 w w m, $10.
U. S. to Calvin M. Warner, patent iot
9, sec 28, twp 29 a r 12 w w in.
O’ Connell Estate to Bennett True
Co-, war deed 4.06 acres in secs 32 <& 33,
twp 25 8 r 11 w w m, $10.
Bennett Tru«t Co., to O’ Connell Es­
tate, war deed, 3.31 acres in sec 33, twp
25 s r w w m, 10.
It ( SHINE. V.-Prce.
I. H. HA2ARD, C o d io
G. E. Brewer et ux to K. E. Baker, q
c deed parcel of land in cec 36, twp 27,
8 r 13 w w m, $1.
Mary E. Krick et vir to S. A. Yoak-
am, war deed 12.1 acres in sec 28, twp
25 u r 12 w w m, $10.
Wiliammette Pacific Railroad Co. to
Mary A. Pomeroy et al, right of-way in
secs 15 & 22, twp 24 s r 13 w w m, $10.
J H E citie 3 that attempted to secure a better telephone service by
introducing a competing telephone system are beginning to realize
the folly o f their course. The opinion prevailed some years ago that
two telephone Companies would reduce the price and give better ser­
vice, but it has been learned by experience that it not only doubles
the expense to the people, but it is an awful nuisance. In some cities
these duplicate companies secure franchises under the name o f co­
operative companies, when a number o f people organized and secured
privileges under certain representations. They were encouraged in
their efforts and the public is today paying the price o f its folly with
an unsatisfactory double system, no one being equipped “ telephonic-
ally” without paying for both systems, those not having two being at
the disadvantage o f not being able to to talk to those who are on the
the other line.
Coos B a y H om e T elephone Co
Main Office
Marshfield, Ongon
March 24,1914.
W . B. Meyerp to W. P. Grandy. war
deed lots 2, 3, 4, sec 3, twp 30 s r 12 w
w m 8 \ v )£ of aw ^, sec 34, twp 29s r 12
vv w in, $600.
Myra Clausen to A. E. Seaman, war
deed e 1-3 of lots 1, 2 A 3, blk 9, South
Marshfield, $10.
W . U. Douglas et ux to Annie Smith,
q c deed 1 6 interest in lots 6 to 35, blk
62, Railroad add to Marshfield, $ 10 .
LITTLE Babbitt’s P ure Lye or
J. E. West et ux to Bert Rush, war
deed lot 8 , blk 19. Lakeside, $10.
Potash and a lot o f water applied to hen
coops, nests and roosts, eradicates vermin.
Used on stable floors, mangers and feeding boxes,
it keeps disease germs away from horses and cattle.
Oac.*r A. Bergstram et ux to A. A.
Miller et ux, war deed lot 1 sec 1, twp
30 8 r 15 w w m, lot 9 3 & 4, sec 6 , twp
30 s r 14 w w m, $10.
As a spraying solution, it kills the scale
a n d preserves y o u r trees. M any use it
as a hog conditioner.
Be sure to get Babbitt’ s, the can of a hundred uses.
Highest in Strength, but not in Price. Only 10c.
Buy a dozen cans today.
It is concentrated
Valuable Presents for the Labels.
Write for Booklet showing many uses.
B .T . B A B B IT T ,
p . o
. b 0 * i 776 ,
Minerva C. Whipple to Wm. Dolan
et a), war deed lots 14, 15, 16 & 17, blk
40, Western add to North Bend. $10.
Joseph A. Habourek to Gertrude
Kabourek, war deed nw >4 and iw l4 of
nwl4, sec 28, twp 28 s r 14 w w m, ex*
cept 5 acres, $150.
W . Glenn Louckfl et ux to W. Biese ke
war deed parcel of land in sec 20 , twp
28 6 r 14 vv w ni $250.00
U. S. of A. to John I). Butler patent,
se l4 of sek»» sec 12 twp 30 s r 15 w vv m
R. E. Shine et ux to Roman Catholic
Diocese of Oregon deed parcel of land
in blk 35, Elliotts Add to Coquille $10.
G e t j o u r b u tter w rapper* at the
( H erald office.
If you are to hit what you aim at.
People should know what you have
to offer and we have the means of
=— ~ ~ telling them.
An Ad. from you in this paper will reach
buyers who buy, isn't that sufficient ?